Fox Terrier dog. Description, features, maintenance, care and price of the Fox Terrier breed

Origin story

The Fox Terrier dog breed was finally formed at the end of the 19th century. Beagles, bulldogs, greyhounds and black and tan terriers were used to create this type of dog.

In 1876, the breed standard was described in detail in Great Britain and the first Fox Terrier breeders club was created. In 1885, the Fox Terrier was recognized by the American Kennel Club. The first fox terrier exhibition took place in 1891 in Germany.

The English king Edward the Seventh, together with his wife, was engaged in breeding fox terriers. This contributed to the growing popularity of hunting dogs among the population. A large number of kennels, clubs and cynological associations have appeared in the UK. These organizations united people who knew everything about the fox terrier. In the 20th century, active export of animals began to Austria, Germany, Russia and other countries. The Fox Terrier gained international fame and became a popular companion dog.

basic information

Breed name:Fox terrier
Country of origin:Great Britain
Time of origin of the breed:end of the 18th century
Weight:6 – 8 kg
Height (height at withers):35 – 40 cm
Lifespan:12 – 14 years old
ICF classification:Group 3, Section 1, Number 12/169
Price of puppies:120 – 1100 $
The most popular nicknames:list of names for fox terrier


Fox Terriers have a cheerful, courageous and optimistic character. They are very sociable and persistent. Dogs love walking, running and outdoor games. Animals do not show aggression towards the owner and his loved ones. They get along well with children. They are suspicious of strangers and may bark loudly or attack. The Fox Terrier will not be stopped by the large size and formidable appearance of the enemy. This animal knows no fear.

Try not to leave your fox terrier alone in the apartment. He will definitely look for “entertainment” for himself. Damaged furniture, torn pillows and broken dishes await you.


The historical purpose of the fox terrier is burrow hunting, but they also know how to pick up a scent and are able to track down an animal. The small size of an adult dog and a short and smooth coat help this breed follow a fox into a hole and fight right in its den.

The smooth-haired fox often displays good guarding qualities, and the hunting spirit, combined with courage, makes the dogs faithful protectors. A good sense of smell and attentiveness allows you to quickly notice an approaching stranger or aggressive animal.

The modern Smooth Fox Terrier serves more as a companion for an active person. Such a dog can be brought into a family with growing children for joint games as a cheerful, loving pet. Active, intelligent dogs perform well in sports when patience and discipline can be developed in them.


The dog is easy to train due to its natural intelligence, agility and endurance. Timely training allows you to take control of the energetic character of the fox terrier. Otherwise, he will constantly bark at passers-by and chase cars or the postman.

Fox Terrier training begins at an early age

First, the puppy needs to be toilet trained. The latrine should be as far as possible from the dog bowl. The toilet can be covered with old newspapers or special filler. If you see that the little fox terrier has begun to sniff and circle in place, then you need to take him to the toilet.

When the puppy recovers, he should be praised and given a treat. Reinforcement must be used until the dog becomes accustomed to using the toilet. When the fox terrier grows up, it needs to be taken outside. It is better to take walks immediately after feeding. Do not bring your fox terrier home until he has recovered. Dogs do not immediately get used to a leash and collar. If your dog chews on the leash, distract him from this process with a treat.

General training course

OKD involves mastering five commands (“sit”, “lie down”, “near”, “stand” and “to me”). They become comfortable under the influence of positive food reinforcement. Develop a training plan based on your dog's temperament and age. Take breaks from classes periodically, as the animal needs proper rest.

Maintenance and care

Fox Terriers require regular grooming. Once a month, your dog needs to clean dirt from its ears with a cotton swab. The Fox Terrier's teeth need to be brushed with a special paste. If tartar forms, you should urgently go to the veterinarian. The animal's claws are trimmed with a nail clipper 3-4 times a month. After a walk, the fox terrier's paws should be washed with warm water and lubricated with a special lotion. Once a week, the dog should be washed in a warm shower using shampoo.

A dog's coat requires special care. It is recommended to pluck and comb hair 2-3 times a year. Trimming a fox terrier is a rather complex and responsible procedure, the implementation of which is best entrusted to a professional master.

You cannot shave the hair of a Wire Fox Terrier! Grooming your Fox Terrier can lead to the development of eczema and other skin conditions. After several inept grooming procedures, the dog's bright color will become dull and unattractive.

Reproduction and lifespan

Receiving offspring from your pets must be approached responsibly and carefully. Mating, pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for puppies require not only moral and physical strength from the owner, but also material costs.

Fox terriers are ready for mating at eight months. But this does not mean that a fertilized bitch will bear and give birth to full-fledged puppies without causing damage to her health. Final development in animals is completed by one and a half to two years. The third heat is considered the right time for mating.

To find a pair, contact the nursery. Here they will select a suitable dog and give valuable recommendations on proper breeding and care of offspring.

Before mating, the dogs are taken to a veterinary clinic, where they will be treated for fleas and ticks, and a medicine for helminths will be recommended. They are also examined for viral infections. At the next visit, they will receive the necessary vaccinations so that the future parents are healthy at the time of mating.

When they meet on the territory of a male dog, the dogs get to know each other and play together. Optimal conditions are created for the couple. Animals are more active in the morning before the first feeding, when there are no strangers in the room.

Pregnancy lasts 50–60 days. The bitch becomes not as active and energetic as before. She needs peace, long sleep. For the full development of embryos, special vitamins are purchased, a complete balanced diet is organized, and children are protected from excessive attention. The number and duration of walks remains the same as before pregnancy.

Shortly before giving birth, the dog becomes restless, runs around the apartment, looks for secluded places, scratches its sleeping place, and whines. The owner needs to prepare clean bedding of such size that the dog can stretch out on it. Help with normal births involves adopting puppies. They clean the airways with gauze swabs and apply them to the mother's nipple.

Fox Terrier puppy

A Fox Terrier litter contains from one to eight puppies. There are no exact statistics. The number of offspring depends on weight, age and number of births. Firstborns more often give birth to one to three, middle-aged females - from three to five puppies. At a week of age, the veterinarian docks the tails and removes the fifth toes on the hind legs.

After two weeks, the offspring's eyes open. From this moment on, conformation puppies are fed from a saucer. If the bitch does not have enough milk, then the puppies are artificially fed with infant formula using a bottle and pacifier from the first day.

The bitch's milk disappears after a month and a half. By this time, the puppies are completely self-feeding.

You can feed your dog both natural food and special food.

It is advisable to include the following products in the fox terrier's diet:

  • Boiled meat (lamb, chicken, veal).
  • Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice).
  • Carrots and pumpkin.
  • Boiled fish without bones.
  • A small amount of fruit.
  • Lactic acid products (ryazhenka, kefir, Varenets).

You can add a small amount of vegetable oil to the finished portion of food. When choosing dry food, you should take into account the health and age of the dog. Make sure your pet always has access to clean water.


Fox terriers are fed both self-prepared or raw foods, as well as dry store-bought food.

The diet includes:

  • boiled and raw beef, lamb, turkey, offal;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables, chopped fruits;
  • cereal porridges except pea, semolina and pearl barley;
  • boiled sea fish with previously removed bones.

Dogs starting from 10 months of age eat twice a day. The daily food intake includes 70% animal food and 30% plant food. Fruits and vegetables are included in the diet to replenish vitamins and minerals in the body. These same products, together with cereals, are a source of fiber that supports normal digestion and regular bowel movements.

To prevent excess weight gain, Fox Terriers are given fasting days on low-calorie vegetables and crackers. If it is not recommended to leave food remains in a visible place, then fresh water should be available at all times.

Before switching to dry food, consult the veterinarian observing the dog. The doctor will give advice on choosing a brand based on weight and health. To prevent your pet from later refusing ready-made food that is balanced in terms of the content of all necessary substances, you should not give it natural products at the same time.

The puppy food set includes:

  • chopped raw meat in its pure form, boiled - as an additive to porridge;
  • milk, cottage cheese, boiled yolk;
  • cereal porridges, usually oatmeal;
  • grated vegetables.

From three months, sinewy bones, sold in a pet store, are introduced into the diet. Boiled liver is given from six months. It would be a good idea to purchase a complex of vitamins, and your veterinarian will help you choose them.

Two-month-old puppies eat often (6 times) and little by little. As they grow, the number of feedings is reduced, increasing the portions. So for a six-month-old puppy three meals a day are enough, and from 9-10 months - two times.

You should not offer your dog food made from semi-finished products or meat and sausage products. These products contain large amounts of salt, synthetic preservatives, dyes, and flavor enhancers.


Fox Terriers are susceptible to a number of dangerous diseases. The greatest threat is posed by epilepsy, the development of which is determined by genetic factors. The disease requires long-term treatment, which does not always end successfully.

Some fox terriers have serious problems with the musculoskeletal system. We are talking about myasthenia gravis and Perthes disease. To eliminate these pathologies, surgical intervention is required. An unhealthy diet often leads to the development of diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases. Some dogs develop deafness as they age. This illness may be the result of improper care or injury.

Fox Terriers often suffer from cataracts. At the initial stage of development of the disease, the animal experiences clouding of the eyes and slight disorientation in space. The amount of secretions that accumulate inside the eyelids also increases. The development of cataracts can lead to complete loss of vision. The dog must receive help from a veterinarian in a timely manner.

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability (a definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)
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