How to properly pet your dog so that he likes it

A loving owner takes every opportunity to cuddle and pet his dog. Few people think that such actions may not please their four-legged friend. But in reality this is so, often the pet simply obeys and tolerates it because it is devoted to its owner.


How to properly pet your dog so that he likes it

A loving owner takes every opportunity to cuddle and pet his dog.
Few people think that such actions may not please their four-legged friend. But in reality this is so, often the pet simply obeys and tolerates it because it is devoted to its owner. Photo:

Why you shouldn't pet dogs

In order for the pleasure of communication to fall to the animal’s share, you need to know how to touch, which parts of the dog’s body are better not to touch at all. Everyone likes caresses, but not every movement of a person’s hands evokes enthusiastic sensations.

Unknowingly, it is much more likely to cause discomfort to your pet. A strange dog may even bite a caressing hand, unable to tolerate the familiar violation of personal space.

And your pets may not like touch if they:

  • They're scary.
  • They cause pain.
  • They happen at the wrong time.
  • Does not match the surrounding environment.
  • They're just unpleasant.

Please take off your down jacket

Yes, a little costume for your pet looks very cute, but you shouldn’t buy it, much less put it on your dog, just because of this. The only excuse for dressing up dogs is that they have short hair or are small in stature and the temperature outside is quite cold. The truth is that these animals do not need additional clothing beyond their “natural” ones.

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How not to pet your pets

Each pet has an individual character. For some, close contact with the owner is constantly necessary, as proof of a person’s love. Others are self-sufficient and value the boundaries of personal space most of all.

But even for the friendliest animals there are certain prohibitions on:

  1. Patting. Many people demonstrate their affection for an animal in this way. But sharp claps and pats are most often perceived by them as punishment, frightening and even painful movements.
  2. Embrace. The vast majority of dogs do not like to be cuddled and hugged. Touching the back for them means a demonstration of strength, unacceptable disrespect and submission. The same applies to touching the withers. They just endure it without getting any pleasure at all.
  3. Stroking the head is also not welcomed by all animals. There dogs have too thin skin, full of nerve endings. Touching her often brings discomfort. And for puppies of breeds with erect ears, even more so, stroking in this area is prohibited until the cartilage gets stronger. Otherwise, the ears will droop, like those of a mongrel mixed breed. Adult pets sometimes mistake being touched on the head as a threat.

Belly and other restricted areas

Many people consider it an invitation for a belly rub if the dog falls on his back, rocks, and spreads his paws. In fact, such poses demonstrate unconditional trust in the person, and not a desire for pleasure. The pet will tolerate belly rubs, which he really doesn’t like at all.


Dogs' attitude towards them is the same as towards intrusion into their personal space. In the lower abdomen, there are also too many sensitive endings that lie directly under the skin. Therefore, the dog’s sensations will be rather unpleasant. Only light scratching with nails in the upper third of the abdomen is acceptable. And only when she herself lay down on her back.

Other undesirable areas for your pet:

  • Edge of the chin. Numerous vibrissae grow in this area - hypersensitive and very delicate hairs. Their irritation can even lead to an outburst of aggression in the dog.
  • The back of the body, including the tail and legs. Touching the back in the tail area is especially annoying.
  • You should not only stroke your paws, but also not touch them at all. Animals cannot stand this.
  • Genital area. The pleasure of such actions should not be taken into account, as it will result in excessive stimulation and unwanted behavior.

Where can you pet dogs?

Over a long time spent together, you can well study the character and preferences of your pet, simply by carefully observing his reaction. If you really like caresses, it’s easy to notice by the satisfied expression of her muzzle and by the fact that she herself tries to get closer and puts herself under her arms.

Techniques from which your four-legged friend clearly enjoys:

  • Scratching and light stroking between and behind the ears.
  • Between the eyes and on the sides of the muzzle, but without touching the whiskers.
  • Stroking on the sides, chest and neck.
  • Scratching under the chin.

Perhaps each dog has some other special, unique places for pleasant touches. Some are thrilled with the pleasure of ironing the sides, others allow you to touch only the head and scratch the neck. Some individuals like to have their belly caressed. But all movements should be smooth, full of tenderness and love.


It is best to approach the dog for affection a little from the side, and at the same time address it in a calm voice. And watch how your pet responds to every touch. If he doesn’t like petting, he will most likely sit with his eyes down, his ears drooping. Or showing signs of impatience. In such cases, it is better to stop stroking.

If you stroke forcibly, it destroys the established contact with the owner and the dog’s trust in him. In the future, the pet may simply avoid such close communication.



Any creature feels more confident when it knows what awaits it tomorrow and the near future. At first it is difficult for a pet to figure out what will happen today or tomorrow, but when they get used to the times of feeding, walking and training, then any failure in time will be accompanied by their barking, digging and other destructive behavior. This is why they need to be fed and exercised at the same time of day every day.

In what situations is it better not to pet your dog?

When the dog is sleeping. Dogs, like humans, have two stages of sleep: slow-wave sleep and fast-wave sleep. When sleep is in the slow phase, the dog wakes up from any rustle, and it does not bother him. But if you wake your dog while he is in REM sleep, he will wake up disoriented and scared. In this state, dogs behave aggressively.

When the dog follows commands . During training, the dog focuses on commands. Because of the stroking, her attention is scattered, and she has to try harder. Moreover, if the dog does not like touching, it dodges. This is even more labor-intensive than just enduring it.

When the dog is anxious . For example, a dog is alarmed by a guest or it has noticed a dangerous relative. At this moment, the dog is trying to control the situation, and stroking distracts it, and the dog becomes nervous.

When the dog is carried away . While the dog is communicating with a friend or toying with a new toy, it forgets about its owner. Unexpected stroking will scare her. A cowardly dog ​​may bite.

When the dog eats . When eating, the dog wants to have fun and not be touched. Therefore, it is better to wait and pet her afterwards. Some pets regard stroking as an attempt to take away food - a defensive reaction is activated, and the dog may begin to growl.

be happy

Your happiness is important to your dog. Selfless love is the trait that stands out most in a dog, and as a result, they can be extremely sensitive to your emotions. They can read emotions very well, so you shouldn't be surprised if your pet acts differently when you come home after a bad day at work. Try to put your mood in order, take a break. Try not to offend your pet, because in his eyes you are an incomprehensible ideal and best friend.

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Errors in hand position and posture

How the dog will react to touch depends on the position of the hands and posture: whether it will be happy or angry, ask for more or leave.

Reach your hand to your head. The hand hangs over the dog, and it becomes scared.

❌ Bend over the dog. She doesn’t understand that it’s easier to reach her this way, but she sees a giant with huge hands in front of her and feels threatened, even if the owner smiles. That's how dogs are designed, there's nothing you can do about it.

When a dog is petted this way, it does not enjoy it. After some time, she will begin to avoid contact with the person who touches her like that.

Clothes with a familiar smell

Did you know that there is no scent in the world that a dog loves more than your own? Numerous dog owners talk about this. They told of cases when their pets brought their worn T-shirt into the room with visiting guests. That's why it's always a good idea to leave your pets with your shirt if you're leaving them in a kennel for a while or in another situation that might make them anxious.

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How to tell if your dog doesn't like being stroked

Before or after touching, the dog gives a signal that it does not want petting now or that it did not like the way it was petted.

Moves away or turns away. When a dog moves away, dodges or turns its head, it shows even before stroking that it didn’t like something.

Playing the fool . After stroking the dog fools around, and the person thinks that he likes it. In fact, the dog avoids touch and does everything to avoid being petted.

Licking his nose . A dog gives this signal when it is uncomfortable or afraid of something. Licking her nose, she tries to calm down and reassure her owner.

Biting or growling . Showing aggression is the most obvious sign of discomfort. Before this, the dog could have given another signal, but since it was not responded to, it moved on to a more noticeable one.

Alternate praise and severity

Dogs want to know what is expected of them and what they can expect from you. The rules you set in your home should be clear and the signals clear when it comes to dealing with conflict situations. Mixed signals can confuse your pets. For example, if you don't want your dog to jump on you, make sure you never pet him while he's doing it. The animal needs a sequence of actions to reinforce the reaction.

❌ Which parts of the body should you not touch?

The dog's face, ears and paws are often stroked. In reality, these are inappropriate places and the dog becomes nervous when touched.

Don't touch your ears . Ears pinned to the head are a sign of fear or stress. When we pet a dog's ears, we press down on them, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Don't touch the face . Dogs have whiskers on their cheeks, near the eyebrows and on the lower jaw. These are small, hard whiskers that help the dog navigate in space, determine the strength of the wind and study objects without touching them. The whiskers are sensitive, and dogs do not like to have their faces stroked.

Don't touch the paws . Many dogs have sore paws: due to stress, inappropriate equipment or injury. Therefore, it is unpleasant for them to have their paws touched or scratched. Especially the pads are ticklish.

It is better not to touch an unfamiliar dog at all. It is unknown what hurts her, what she likes, and what irritates her. It's just dangerous. She can still tolerate improper stroking from her own man, but she will get it from a stranger.

How to pet: a zoopsychologist tells and shows

A dog is calmer when it knows a person's intentions. Therefore, first offer her your hand and invite her to smell it.

If the dog does not leave or show aggression, pet a safe area: the body, side, neck or chest. It’s better to stroke with the back of your hand - this way you won’t grab her, she understands this and feels safe.

Be equal to the dog: sit on the floor, squat or stand, but do not bend over. And avoid frontal contact - this is a threat to the dog. It is better to be a little to the side so that the dog can see you with peripheral vision. This way she will be calmer.

Leaders become

Dogs are usually not born leaders and, as a rule, do not want to be responsible, so they look at the behavior of their owners and wait until they create all the conditions for them to have an optimal and comfortable life. Failure to do this, not to establish rules of behavior and not to create positive feedback with the pet means that sooner or later we will discover serious behavioral problems in our “companions”.

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