If you already have a dog and are adopting another one (including from a shelter)

When it comes to purchasing another pet, you need to be guided by common sense, not emotions.

This is exactly the advice given to WikiPet readers by Olga Krasovskaya, dog handler, trainer, head coach of the Belarusian agility team, judge and coach in canine freestyle, owner of four dogs - Chinese Crested Asya (Tutsi Assol), smooth fox terrier Rebecca, wire fox terrier Khomsa and Russian toy Bir -Byr.

In the photo: four dogs of Olga Krasovskaya

When you get a second dog, you need to initially pay maximum attention to both pets.

In my practice, I often encounter problems that arise when a second pet appears in the home. Of course, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have two or more dogs. Only the approach to their upbringing must be adequate.

Without a doubt, dogs learn a lot from each other

. But, unfortunately, primarily bad. For example, often the owner cannot cope with their barking. And they also “goad each other” and turn each other on.

I often hear the following argument: get a second dog so that the first one doesn’t get bored. I can't agree with him. When a dog lives alone, it is groomed and cherished, pampered. And you don’t need to share the owner’s attention, food or toys with anyone. So having a second pet is always stressful for the first one.


Of course, there are breeds that get along better with other animals

. I'll name them offhand: Welsh Corgi, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Golden Retriever. The characters of dogs of these breeds are calm and balanced. Although jealousy towards the owner is still present. But serious conflicts, as a rule, do not arise.

If we talk about the interests of the second dog that appears in the house, then she is much luckier. She immediately learns dog language, all the signs of communication and reconciliation.

In any case, when deciding to get a second pet, a person must understand the full extent of his responsibility.

Initially, the owner must make some effort and spend some time

to establish friendly relations between dogs. It is possible to consult with a dog trainer in advance in order to properly plan the arrival of a second dog in the house, or even arrange for assistance in introducing your dog to the puppy. If everything is done correctly right away, then the pets will be able to calmly coexist together or even become friends in the future.

Are the owners ready?

Before deciding to take the important step of getting a second pet, owners need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the decision they are making. Another favorite in the house is, of course, a joy for every family member. But at the same time there is additional responsibility.

Purchasing and preparing food, walks, labor costs for care and haircuts, veterinary services - expenses, both financial and time, double.

Additionally, you need to take into account that if one dog behaves calmly in the house, then the behavior of the pair can be strikingly different. Animals can jump more, frolic, play with each other, and bark. It is advisable to take this factor into account when getting a second dog.

Is it always better to get a second dog of the same breed as the first?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. For example, I currently have four dogs - all of different breeds. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breeds


I will share my experience. Dogs have been living with me since 1980, since I moved away from my parents and started living on my own. Of the last four, the first to appear was the Chinese Crested Asya. I adopted her literally the day after the previous dog died. I just can’t imagine my home without these funny tails. I took her at random, without really thinking about who she was. And my “Chinese” turned out to be a capricious lady. No, she's wonderful, but very demanding. And our life positions do not coincide on many issues. For example, she likes to walk only in good weather, when the sun is shining, to run on a perfectly flat lawn, and so that the grass is soft and evenly mowed, and so that ants don’t crawl and flies don’t fly... When everything goes well, she runs with pleasure , and jumps. I wanted to have a more active and less demanding dog. I wanted to play sports with her.

Soon I got Rebecca, a smooth fox terrier. I took her when she was very young – a month-old puppy. She immediately settled into the new place and began to establish her own order. When I saw the Chinese woman, the first thing I did was grab onto her forelock. Naturally, Her Chinese Majesty was horrified. Before this, she considered herself inviolable, almost a sacred animal. And then some little thing allows itself to do who knows what. And she began to express her dissatisfaction. Their conflicts continued for quite a long time. A particularly difficult period was adolescence: Rebecca grew up, and Asya became less tolerant of aggression. She constantly provoked fights. Each of them was looking for its place in the sun. Surprisingly, Rebecca, despite her temper, was always very delicate. Not once after the fights did the Chinese woman have any serious injuries, at most - scratches. Maybe because Rebecca came to us so little, or maybe this is her individual characteristic, but she is very soft for all her sharpness and playfulness.

Rebecca is also very caring. He worries when one of the dogs is sick. Tries not to make noise, not to disturb, walks on tiptoes. I’m surprised myself, where does this come from? From afar, she will sniff her sick friend, lick her, and move aside so as not to disturb her.

The third we got was Bir-Byr, a Russian toy, and the fourth was Khomsa, a wire-haired fox terrier. The adaptation of these dogs was easy. It was difficult for Asya to accept only Rebecca and stop being the only spoiled darling. Sometimes she, of course, restores order. But this is not direct aggression. And so that the younger ones don’t forget who’s boss in the house. In general, Rebecca is the leader in the pack. She keeps order.

Place and territory

Large numbers of dogs living together require more space. Each pet should have its own separate place where it can be alone, lie down, rest and recover.

In a small, cramped apartment, two animals can simply become cramped and uncomfortable. This negatively affects the emotional and physical state of the animal. The dog may develop medical conditions and may also experience behavioral problems such as barking, anxiety, or aggression.

The breed of dogs that are planned to be kept together is important. Representatives of one breed (for example, hounds) are quite tolerant of crowded conditions, while others (huskies, huskies, etc.) find it more difficult to get along in a pack. This is determined by the origin of the dog and its formed habits.

Many people, out of good intentions, rescuing dogs from the street, do not take into account the space factor and place them in a cramped room or enclosure with other animals. Having crossed a certain line, animals become so cramped and uncomfortable in their area of ​​residence that illnesses arise - physical and psychological.

When you decide to have a second animal in your home, make sure that your four-legged friends have enough space to feel happy!

Forewarned is protected

Before getting a second dog, you need to read and find out as much information as possible

about the peculiarities of interaction between dogs of certain breeds. There cannot be any unnecessary information in this matter.

Many people don't understand why their dogs are constantly fighting. I often come across cases where even dogs of opposite sexes are placed in different rooms and are not allowed to interact. As a result, people's lives turn into a nightmare. And you really can’t do it without the help of a dog handler.

You need to understand that fox terriers, American bulldogs, huskies, and some others have quite tough games. For example, they like to bite you on the side, speed up, and kick you in the stomach with your head. Many people mistake this behavior for aggression, panic and isolate the dogs from each other.

Such games sometimes look like a fight to an unprepared viewer. It is best to distract and calm the dogs with something. If you start to separate them (and at this time they have a high degree of excitement), then your active actions will provoke them even more. It's like leash syndrome, where a dog behaves more aggressively on a leash than without it. So it is here: push-backs are encouragement for more active actions.

Similar problems are more often encountered by those who have two male dogs.

They need to either be neutered, or take dogs of different sexes, or two females. But this is not a panacea. Sometimes both opposite-sex and neutered dogs fight.

It’s a good option for a puppy from his litter to remain in the family. With an adult dog, they initially develop rules of behavior and habits.

Undoubtedly, dogs of different sexes get along best

, but problems arise with them consistently twice a year. During heat, the female dog must be removed if she is not spayed.

If you already have a dog and are adopting another one (including from a shelter)

When you get a second (or even a third, fourth...) dog, you need to be sure that your dogs will accept it. It is irresponsible and cruel to take a dog from a shelter or from the street in order to make it even more miserable. It is irresponsible and cruel to ruin the lives of dogs you have already adopted before.

There are many families where dogs fiercely hate each other, fight at every opportunity, and sometimes even kill each other. People in such families constantly remember which door can be opened, and which door must be constantly locked, in what order the dogs can be taken out... No one sets a goal for themselves with this life with many prohibitions and bloody fights that happen due to oversight get another dog.

When getting another dog, people either don’t think about what it will lead to, or they dream about how their dogs will be friends and how wonderful their common life will be. If dogs accept each other, then their lives actually become happier, because dogs are pack animals. They live better in company and stay cheerful and healthy longer.

Here's a summary of what you need to know when choosing another dog to accompany your pet.


The more dogs, the more space they need. But the dogs are distributed unevenly among the rooms; they all want to be closer to the owner, entertainment, bowls, and access to the garden. It is at these “vital points” that conflicts between dogs occur.

I strongly recommend not having more than three dogs in one apartment. If you live in a village and spend a lot of time outside, then perhaps (but not always) more dogs will live happily together.

Overcrowding of dogs in one apartment leads to the dogs experiencing distress, they develop various diseases (cystitis, gastritis, allergies) and behavioral problems (marking in the house, excessive barking, aggression towards people and dogs). People who save animals often want to take one more and another... But, having crossed a certain point, they no longer save animals, but cause them suffering.

Origin of the dog

Some dogs easily get along in close quarters, others are extremely sensitive to violation of individual distance. It depends on habit - in what environment the dog grew up, and even more on its origin. More wild dogs, in whose veins the blood of primitive breeds flows (huskies, huskies) are more demanding, it is more difficult for them to get along in a group. More infantile ones, as well as the descendants of hounds bred for hunting in large packs, can tolerate greater crowding.


The minimum age difference between dogs should be 2 years. Better is more. 5 years is best.

Puppy to adult dog

It is always easier for an adult dog to accept a puppy into the home - this corresponds to natural behavior for dogs, when young ones can move from pack to pack. However, if the age difference between the dogs is less than 2 years, then problems in their relationship are likely to arise as soon as the younger one reaches puberty. How often can you hear: “They played so well for the first six months, but now they hate each other, as if they were complete strangers.”

Dog size

If dogs are approximately in the same weight category (+-5 kg), then they are unlikely to kill each other, even if they fight. They are unlikely to hurt each other during games. And their needs for activity, as well as potential companions, are similar. This makes them easier to care for.

But very often people get a small dog in addition to a big one and vice versa. If a small dog gets a big one, and the big one gets a puppy, then this is the most encouraging union. If a small dog is not just small, but tiny, then the owners need to carefully protect it from the games of a large canine teenager. At the same time, small dogs often become much noisier and demonstratively aggressive towards larger dogs. They are not truly aggressive, but they have to scream loudly so that they do not get injured by accident or get attention (from the owner or the second dog).

If the large dog is already an adult, make sure in advance that he interacts well with small dogs. Some large dogs perceive small ones as not dogs, but some other type of animal, such as a cat or squirrel. They hunt and kill. Moreover, this does not always look like a constant hunt. It’s just that at some moments, when a small dog starts to run away, the big one “wedges” and kills it with a specific bite on the back or head.

If you take a small dog in addition to a large dog, then the previous paragraph also applies to you. Your large dog should be reliable around small dogs.


Dogs of different sexes get along better together, but there are many exceptions to this rule. In addition, by separating dogs in the first year or two of their existence together, you risk that when they meet, you will have to go through all the difficulties of getting to know each other again, and this time it may not succeed (because now both dogs feel like masters in their home and know each other's weaknesses). And if the dogs are of different sexes, then at least during the bitch’s heat you will have to separate them. In addition, castration can change the balance of power.


When consulting with owners whose dogs are constantly in conflict, I get tired of repeating: “Don’t provoke competition between dogs! Don’t punish one in the presence of the other, don’t let them eat from the same bowl, don’t let them chew on antlers or play with toys in the same room, don’t force them to be too close to each other, don’t lead them on the same track.” When dogs have a good relationship, they may feel uncomfortable, but not hurt each other. But when dogs already have conflicts, such actions of the owners become an insurmountable obstacle to the dogs’ friendship.

People often do this unconsciously. They agree with the animal psychologist about feeding from the same bowl, but immediately provoke competition for the sofa or toy. Competition is also inherent in human nature. Many cultures encourage, even intentionally, competition between children and even within families between siblings. If you had (and still have) difficult relationships with brothers or sisters, think carefully about whether your dogs will turn out to be “mirrors” of your subconscious?


Dog relationships can, to some extent, be calculated like a mathematical equation.

Let's say the dog's age is a certain score. And your goal is for the difference between dogs to be 2 or more. For example, you have two dogs, 3 and 5 years old.

“Wildness” increases the score by 1. Infantility – lowers the score by one. So, if your younger dog is a Husky descendant and your older dog is a Labrador Retriever descendant, then your dogs have the same score of 4. They are more likely to fight.

A male has a plus one point, a female has a minus one. So if the younger dog is a descendant of a husky - a male, and the older dog is a descendant of a Labrador - a female, then your younger dog has 5 points, and the older one - 3. Maybe fights can still be avoided?

Castration lowers the score by another one. If you castrate a younger dog from a male husky, you will move his score to 4, and again the likelihood of fighting increases.

Anyone born in a given place always feels more confident here - add 2 points to him. Those who were born in another place but arrived earlier also have an advantage over those who came here later. Add 1 point to the person you brought in first.

Chronic illness or disability may lower a dog's score by 1-2 points.

By calculating the equation this way, you can predict the likelihood of fights.

  • With the same scores, the likelihood of fights will be very high and behavior correction will be very ineffective.
  • If the difference in points is equal to 2, behavior correction can be successful, but you need to be very attentive to the space - fights can only be avoided if it is properly organized.
  • If the difference is 3 or more points, even if there is a conflict between the dogs, correct behavior correction will bring success and the dogs can become friends.
  • Please take seriously the choice of another dog in addition to the ones you currently have. Remember, “you are responsible for those whom you have tamed,” that is, for those who already live with you - already tamed - in the first place.

    On the website of the “School of Applied Ethology” a section “Shelter Dog” was specially created. In it you can find answers to many questions regarding shelter dogs and their further adaptation in the home.

How true is the belief that dogs have more fun together?

If the dogs’ adaptation was successful, then, of course, they are not so bored when they are alone at home. But again, it all depends on the breed. There are breeds that do not really like communicating with their own kind.

And in order for pets to be friends, it is desirable that they be approximately the same size

. For example, my Foxes find a common language with each other remarkably well. And the Chinese woman is friends with Toy. They usually play 2x2. Although there are exceptions here too. Large and calm dogs often get along well with their smaller counterparts. Everything is very individual.

And they help each other raise puppies. Right now we have children from the tough Foxy Homsy. The birth was difficult, I had to have a caesarean section. While mom was under anesthesia, Rebecca licked the puppies. And I didn't have to massage them, Rebecca did everything for her friend.


You should not get a second dog until the youngest is 2-3 years old - primarily because of the issues of education described above, and also - no matter how hard it is to think about it - it is more difficult to cope with the departure of four-legged friends one after another, and even if The younger dog is also at an advanced age; he will “give up” faster after the loss of his older friend.

You should also not get a puppy when the first dog is already very old: the baby will bother the older one, irritate and anger her, while she needs rest and peace. In addition, you will spend a lot of time with the puppy - and this is jealousy, which is also difficult for an old dog. Of course, everything will be somewhat different if you take not just a baby, but an already grown-up puppy, to an older dog, try not to let the younger one bring the old-timer down, and also pay the same attention to the first dog as to the newcomer.

But this does not mean that if the first dog is already an adult, then you are late in getting a second dog - far from it. If the dog is mature (for different breeds these are different numbers: for large breeds - up to 5-6 years, for medium ones - up to 8-9, for small ones even more) and is not burdened with strong signs of aging - on the contrary, gray hair has just begun to appear - youthful the creature often returns the former youth to such a dog: the excitement in games returns and the dog simply gains a second youth.

what else

The question often arises: what is the main difference between keeping one dog and two? There is nothing global - more money is spent (feed, etc.), and in general that’s all. Owners of two dogs often say that the main difference is that they are twice as happy. Well, it also needs to be said that dogs have more fun together - if they didn’t run into each other during a walk, then instead of getting bored or annoying the owner, they can play with each other (similarly, when the owners are not at home).

(c) Alena Artamonova specially for alartlain.net, reprinting is prohibited


  1. You cannot have more than two dogs, as they can form a pack , which can end badly.
  2. Teach your dogs commands . Dogs that have been disciplined since childhood bring less damage to their owners.
  3. When teaching dogs to certain routines, it is important to maintain patience , without which there will be no result.
  4. If a person lives alone and often goes on business trips, he must think in advance what to do with the animals : take them with him, leave them with friends, or place them in a hotel.
  5. You need to love your pets no matter what.

Love of solitude

If your pet tries in every possible way to demonstrate to you his negative attitude towards other dogs, be careful. The appearance of a second dog will be a real stress for your pet. There is another form of behavior: the dog is absolutely indifferent and not aggressive towards other dogs, but he prefers to communicate with them for a short time, simply turns around and goes into the far corner. You can buy a second dog, but with approximately the same character (that is, not very active), then, most likely, they will get along.

Tail of two dogs

Before you adopt a new four-legged friend, think about whether you are ready to bear all the time and money spent on caring for him. Think twice before having two. But in any case, you will succeed if you treat your pets as individuals, train them properly and spend time with them in the company of other people and other dogs. If you follow these tips, you can create lifelong affection for your dogs and lay the foundation that will help them settle into happy, well-established lives as new members of your family. Who knows, you might even become the next expert in training two puppies at once and people will start asking you for help!

How to make the most intelligent choice?

All dogs have an individual character . The pet should be friendly to strangers, and then communication and life together will be easy. It is advisable to find out all the character traits from the previous owner.

It is not recommended to have pets of the same age. They require a lot of attention, and at the same time. The owner will not have time to devote enough time to each animal. As a result, education will go wrong.

The best option is a difference of 4-6 years . The new dog will feel authority in front of the older one.

Females conflict much less often than males, for whom it is important to defend their territory. However, the best option is a heterosexual neighborhood. It is necessary to think about castration and sterilization in advance if breeding is not planned.

Sociable dog

Your dog's temperament is a very important factor, so pay special attention to it. How does your pet behave during a walk? Does he enjoy interacting with his fellow humans and does this all the time? This means you can get a second dog with the same character. Record the time how long your dog can communicate with friends, how quickly he gets tired. Do not doubt the correctness of your intention to buy another dog if he keeps turning his head and trying to find someone like him. An indicator can also be a lack of aggressiveness and control over one's territory (for example, a house or a bowl of food).

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Your wish

It is worth immediately reminding that you are dealing with an animal, not a person. Therefore, looking for friends and companions for him is the last thing you need to think about. Your pet perceives you and your household members as a pack (and most importantly, as a leader). There is no need to take care that he is not bored. If you just want to adopt a second dog and are aware of this (it requires additional care), there are no obstacles to this. Start with the fact that this is your desire and pleasure, and not care and indulgence for the pet that already lives with you.

Useful tips

Therefore, before getting a second dog, it is better to discuss with its owner or the owner of the kennel the possibility of returning it in case of problems with adaptation.

IMPORTANT! If you choose a second dog from the shelter, you can take the first dog with you so that it can take part in the selection.

It is better to pay attention in advance to your dog’s predisposition to other animals. That is, observe which dogs yours treats favorably, with whom she likes to play and communicate. Perhaps it will be a certain breed, or dogs of a certain size, or age. There are many options. Also, pay attention to how your dog reacts to the presence of other pets in his home.

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