Important rules for choosing a collar and muzzle for a Dachshund: reviews and price

Choosing a muzzle is always a big problem for the owner. Which is better? How not to make a mistake with the size? Which muzzle will be more comfortable for a dog? All these questions require an answer and, as a rule, quite urgently. Otherwise, a muzzle that doesn’t fit, at best, will have to be given to friends, and at worst, sent to the trash heap.

In this article, we tried to collect general recommendations for choosing not only the size, but also the type of muzzle suitable for the specific breed of dog and the situation in which it will be used.

Dog muzzle size table by breed how to measure

Please take just 3 minutes to measure your dog's muzzle and select a muzzle that your pet will feel comfortable wearing.
To do this, you will need a flexible measuring tape, a pen and a piece of paper where you can write down the measurement results.

Before starting measurements, we advise you to draw a table, the form of which is given below:

SizeMeasurement result
No. 1: Muzzle length.
No. 2: Muzzle circumference
No. 3: Length to the back of the head.
No. 4: Neck circumference.
No. 5: Width of the muzzle.
No. 6: Muzzle height.

No. 1: Muzzle length.

No. 2: Muzzle circumference

No. 3: Length to the back of the head.

No. 4: Neck circumference.

No. 5: Width of the muzzle.

No. 6: Muzzle height.

Now you can proceed directly to taking measurements.

  1. Muzzle length - the distance from the tip of the nose to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle (approximately at the eye line), in centimeters
  2. Muzzle circumference - the circumference of the muzzle at its widest point (at the transition from the forehead to the muzzle, at a distance of 1.2.5 cm below the eye line) with the mouth closed, in centimeters
  3. Length to the back of the head - the distance from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle (eye line) to the back of the dog’s head, in centimeters
  4. Neck circumference - the circumference of the neck behind the ears, in centimeters
  5. Muzzle width - the width of the muzzle at the widest part, in centimeters
  6. Muzzle height - muzzle height is measured with the mouth closed at the highest point of the muzzle, in centimeters
  7. Test yourself: 2*width of the muzzle + 2*height of the muzzle greater than or equal to the girth of the muzzle

Please note that if your dog is not an adult, he will grow and over time you will need to fit a new muzzle.

Even if your dog is good-natured and easy-going, there are many situations when you cannot do without a muzzle. A muzzle is a must for walking dogs, for transportation by public transport, for visiting a veterinarian. In addition, a muzzle can provide safety to the dog itself by preventing the dog from picking up trash from the ground.

The most important requirement for a muzzle is that the dog must be able to open its mouth slightly to cool the body, since heat exchange in dogs occurs through the tongue and oral cavity. Therefore, the main rule when choosing a muzzle is to pay attention to its shape: the muzzle should have the shape of a cylinder.

If reliable fastening of the muzzle is required, a design with an additional forehead strap is needed. The length and degree of tightening of the forehead strap should be such that the upper front part of the muzzle cannot be pushed down under the nostrils.

The muzzle should not fit tightly around the dog's muzzle: it should not put pressure on the bridge of the nose, rub under the eyes, and should not touch the nose - this is very painful. There should be a finger space between the nose and the muzzle.

To determine the size of the muzzle, you need to measure the circumference of the dog's muzzle 1-1.5 cm from the eyes and add 1.5 - 3 cm for the freedom of fit.

Choosing a view

To choose a muzzle for your dog, you will need to solve one more issue - decide on the variety (model). There are quite a lot of them now, and each has its own pros and cons. Let's look at this in more detail.

Metal mesh

It looks like a rigid basket made of metal rods with a fastening strap.


  • does not interfere with the dog's breathing,
  • you can drink without taking off,
  • one of the most durable options,
  • practically does not wear out.


  • the heaviest of all muzzles,
  • not suitable for winter - your nose or tongue may freeze to the grill.

This model is well suited for large fighting and hunting dogs.

Open leather

It is a basket made of thin strips of leather or faux leather, fastened together with rivets.


  • breathable,
  • universal,
  • quite comfortable
  • reliable,
  • weighs less than metal.


  • doesn't keep its shape
  • wears out (stretches and frays) over time.

Here it is worth emphasizing one more drawback that does not relate to this variety entirely, but is characteristic of individual models. The fact is that the cheapest leatherette muzzles can have a strong odor and contain dyes. All this sometimes causes allergies. In addition, you should always pay attention to the quality of the rivets to avoid injury.

Otherwise, an open leather muzzle is the most versatile and convenient option for almost all breeds.

Closed (blind) leather

The design is similar to the previous model, but is made of wide stripes and often has a flat front.


  • extremely reliable


  • difficult to choose the right size,
  • makes it difficult to breathe
  • hard,
  • wears out under the influence of saliva and sun.

This muzzle can only be recommended for large, aggressive dogs, since it simply does not give them the opportunity to bite, but it is best to use it only for short walks or transportation, since it does not allow the dog to breathe normally.


Muzzles made of nylon slings can have different designs and can be a full-fledged “basket” of strips with rivets (analogous to an open leather one) or a simple loop with an open front part that allows you to close the dog’s mouth (pictured above).


  • comfortable,
  • the size is easily adjustable,
  • wear-resistant,
  • washable
  • easy to put on and take off.
  • quite reliable
  • cheap.


  • does not allow you to breathe fully (open your mouth slightly),
  • does not prevent the picking up of objects and food from the ground,
  • Protects against strong bites, but allows you to bite with your front teeth.

The above disadvantages apply only to loop muzzles. They are best used only in emergency cases - short trips and visits to the vet. They are not suitable for long walks, since the dog cannot open its mouth slightly and breathe fully. But nylon mesh muzzles can be safely recommended to most owners, since they are the most affordable and easy to care for.


It is analogous to a metal mesh, but made of plastic.


  • does not interfere with breathing,
  • the dog can drink directly from the muzzle,
  • easy,
  • does not compress the mouth and nose,
  • easy to clean.


  • not very reliable
  • may burst in the cold.

A plastic basket muzzle is quite convenient to use, but is absolutely not suitable for large breeds due to lack of strength.

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Please take just 3 minutes to measure your dog's face and select a muzzle that your pet will feel comfortable wearing.

To do this, you will need a flexible measuring tape, a pen and a piece of paper where you can write down the measurement results.

Before starting measurements, we advise you to draw a table, the form of which is given below:

SizeMeasurement result
No. 1: Muzzle length.
No. 2: Muzzle circumference
No. 3: Length to the back of the head.
No. 4: Neck circumference.
No. 5: Width of the muzzle.
No. 6: Muzzle height.

No. 1: Muzzle length.

No. 2: Muzzle circumference

No. 3: Length to the back of the head.

No. 4: Neck circumference.

No. 5: Width of the muzzle.

No. 6: Muzzle height.

Now you can proceed directly to taking measurements.

  1. Muzzle length - the distance from the tip of the nose to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle (approximately at the eye line), in centimeters
  2. Muzzle circumference - the circumference of the muzzle at its widest point (at the transition from the forehead to the muzzle, at a distance of 1.2.5 cm below the eye line) with the mouth closed, in centimeters
  3. Length to the back of the head - the distance from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle (eye line) to the back of the dog’s head, in centimeters
  4. Neck circumference - the circumference of the neck behind the ears, in centimeters
  5. Muzzle width - the width of the muzzle at the widest part, in centimeters
  6. Muzzle height - muzzle height is measured with the mouth closed at the highest point of the muzzle, in centimeters
  7. Test yourself: 2*width of the muzzle + 2*height of the muzzle greater than or equal to the girth of the muzzle

Please note that if your dog is not an adult, he will grow and over time you will need to fit a new muzzle.

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***The product pictured may differ slightly from the actual item in stock.

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Dachshund house

This breed is a burrowing breed, so its representatives simply love to sleep in a confined small space. Your pet will be very comfortable in the house, she will feel safe. This makes her look like a cat. Thanks to its small size, it is really possible to get by with a cat house, but if you wish, it is possible to purchase a special one.

Making the house yourself is also allowed, but it is necessary that the covers be removed, this will make them easier to wash and maintain hygiene and cleanliness. Take natural fabrics, cotton or linen is suitable in summer, and wool in winter, it will be warmer. Pets may have an allergic reaction to synthetics. Be sure to place a small mattress inside and check regularly to make sure it is not torn. Most often they are stuffed with foam rubber, but there are also mattresses with buckwheat husks - they do not harbor fleas.

Place your pet's housing away from windows and balcony doors, or better yet, on a stand to avoid drafts. If you make the device yourself, you can choose the shape and color so that it becomes a real decoration! Before you start, it is important to make a drawing, purchase suitable materials and make sure that they are non-toxic and harmless.


The beagle has a lot of reasons and reasons to “yell and shout.” These are peaks of emotions: joy, fear, anxiety, melancholy. And the desire to attract attention, to get involved in a game, to go for a walk. And a request for help: perhaps the dog injured himself and fell ill. In any case, the first reaction to the negative behavior of a pet should be the desire to understand the cause of the excessive noise, and not scolding or trying to punish the animal. If the reason for “orating” is not health complications, you should move on to education and training.

Raincoat for dachshund

Representatives of this breed do not need clothing: if you walk with him for a long time and often, they develop excellent immunity, and in the future, hardening does not allow them to get sick. If you want to decorate your pet, sew him a blanket; other clothes will do harm. For example, overalls spoil your posture and disrupt your gait and are harmful to your fur.

To read: Character of the Thai cat, features of the breed, varieties of colors

The dog will need a raincoat if you plan to go on long hikes with it or take it out into nature. In this case, it is worth using it if it rains for a long time and for many days. This will protect the animal from colds and keep its fur clean. A raincoat is sold in pet stores; it is easy to sew it yourself from waterproof fabric. If you need to insulate it, make a lining from padding polyester. You can purchase special boots and a hood to go with it.

Caring for the Cane Corso: maintenance features and the need for vaccinations

If a Cane Corso appears in the house, it must be cared for taking into account the specific characteristics of the animal.
This breed is unpretentious, but this does not mean that its maintenance can be treated negligently.

She is able to live in the courtyard of a private house (street conditions) and in an apartment (home conditions), effectively performing the main task - security and protection.

However, in order for the dog to be healthy and develop normally, certain rules must be followed.

The best plastic muzzles

This is one of the most popular types of muzzles. They are light and well ventilated, inexpensive, and easy to care for. The product is not adjustable, so it is not suitable for every dog ​​due to its standard sizes. For a wide-faced dog, plastic may be uncomfortable. Such muzzles are secured with a latch.

Plastic muzzle No. 2 PetTails



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The popular muzzle made of durable plastic is attached to synthetic bright ribbons that are visible even at dusk. Thanks to this, walking the dog in the dark becomes less of a problem.

The genuine leather insert provides the dog with comfort and prevents chafing. The fastening strap is adjustable in length, and the fastex lock securely fixes the accessory on the dog’s head. The product is very easy to clean.


  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Light weight;
  • No unpleasant odor;
  • Affordable price.


  • Fixing tapes are too long.

The product is available in seven sizes and is adjusted to fit the circumference of the muzzle.

Hunter Plastic Muzzle



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

A lightweight and reliable accessory in which your dog can bark, breathe freely and even take a treat. Nylon straps are adjustable. They are strong and do not rub the dog’s face. The plastic does not deform or crack during winter walks. Thanks to the large size range, you can choose a model for any dog.


  • Smooth adjustment;
  • Nose padding;
  • Ease of use;
  • Reliable fixation.


  • There are roughness in the soldering areas - not critical.

The Hunter Plastic Muzzle is a practical walking option that is easy to keep clean.


17 Best Vitamins for Dogs

Features of care

Cane Corso dogs are quite unpretentious and do not require overly burdensome maintenance.

However, certain care rules must still be followed.:

  • Conditions of detention . An animal can live outdoors in winter, but only if its habitat is insulated, in a house or apartment. It is important for him to have his own place and clearly limited territory, because... The dog has a very developed protective instinct, and without limiting the area, it can spread the concept of “its own territory” over a large area, not allowing strangers into it. It is completely unacceptable to keep a Cane Corso on a chain; she is a freedom-loving animal. Dog puppies should be kept in a warm room.
  • Bathing . A healthy Cane Corso does not emit unpleasant odors, and therefore there is no need for frequent bathing. It is enough to carry it out 2 times a year using a special shampoo. After a walk in inclement weather, it is enough to wash your paws and belly, and also wipe your body. The dog's fur does not collect dirt and dust.
  • Nail cutting . Excessively long nails disturb the dog and can disrupt the stately gait. You can determine the time of haircut by the clicking sound that appears when the dog walks on the floor. This is done using special cutters - trimmers. You can only cut off the tip of the claws, 3-5 mm long. If blood vessels are accidentally damaged during the procedure, it is necessary to immediately stop the bleeding and treat with iodine.
  • Ear care . The ears must be inspected regularly to prevent plugs from forming. Cleaning is carried out at least once a week. To do this, use a dry cotton swab, and you should not deepen it too much. If there is ear discharge or an odor, you should visit a veterinarian.
  • Taking care of your teeth . With proper nutrition, dental problems usually do not arise. However, to prevent tartar, it is recommended to give your pet special preventative chewing bones. The Cane Corso drools regardless of whether the Cane Corso is hungry or not.
  • Physical exercise . The Cane Corso is an active dog with well-developed muscles. She needs an active lifestyle, which requires long walks (at least 2 hours a day). Active games help, especially with other dogs.
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