Rules for choosing French bulldog puppies, questions to the breeder, pedigree and documents

Having decided to buy puppies of this breed, you first need to answer the question: will you be able to devote enough time and attention to the dog? French bulldog puppies - compact, friendly, cute - cannot do without a person, they need company and a teacher. When choosing a French bulldog, you need to pay attention to its character, origin and health.

Where to buy?

Buying a French bulldog today is quite easy. This breed is widespread; puppies are sold both secondhand and in kennels and dog clubs. In the first case, you can take a risk and trust a private person, especially if you want to save money. If you plan to participate in dog shows and breeding, it is better to contact an official breeder.

You need to pay attention to advertisements: if the nursery reports that there are always puppies in stock, this should alert you. Bitches give birth no more than twice a year, most likely an advertisement from a reseller.

Before buying puppies, you need to visit the kennel or the owner and inspect the litter yourself.
Breeders must answer all questions, provide documents, and talk about the conditions under which the dog is kept.

In addition to the droppings, it is also necessary to inspect the French Bulldog's habitat.

It should be clean, dry, light. Responsible owners monitor the condition of the enclosures and ensure compliance with feeding conditions. How puppies are kept will say a lot about their health. You need to pay the breeders only after a puppy has been selected from the litter, and all documents have been shown, checked and completed.

Not all puppies in a litter will be of the same quality. Some correspond more to the breed standards, others less so, so you should not believe that only champions are born from champions.

How to register a pedigree for a dog brought from abroad

In order for a dog brought from abroad to be registered in the RKF system, it is necessary to contact the kennel club with an export pedigree and a certificate of ownership or other title document. After submitting all the necessary documents, the dog owner will receive a Certificate of Registration of a foreign dog with the Verkhovna Rada.

If you encounter any difficulties in the process of registering your pedigree, you can write to us at [email protected] with a detailed description of the problem.

NB! Before applying, be sure to read the full text of the RKF Regulations on breeding work , it contains comprehensive information.


How to choose newborns?

When choosing a small puppy, you need to pay attention to its behavior, health status, and before that decide what gender and class of dog you need.


The price of a puppy directly depends on the class to which it belongs. You can buy a French bulldog exclusively for your home, or you can buy a high-breed dog for participation in exhibitions or a bitch for further breeding. Among French bulldogs there are three classes:

  1. Pet is great. These are individuals that in appearance and character correspond to the breed, but have a number of disadvantages, which does not give them the opportunity to participate in exhibitions and breeding. For example, incorrect bite, faulty color or coat quality. Essentially, they are just pets. Puppies of this class cost less than others - 200 - 350 dollars.
  2. Brid is great. These are dogs that meet the standards and can be exhibited, but due to some features in their appearance will not receive high marks. This mainly includes females, as this class is used for breeding. Such French bulldogs can produce a litter of future champions. They cost 400 – 1200 dollars.
  3. Show - class or top - show - class. These are the best representatives of the breed. They have excellent breed characteristics. They are capable of winning championship titles at exhibitions, they are the elite, and therefore cost more than others - from $1,200 and above.

In newborn puppies, it can be difficult to assess class membership. Some standard qualities appear later in life.


Having decided on the breed, you need to choose the gender. On average, bulldogs live up to 12 years, and are full members of the family. Therefore, the issue of gender is key for the future owner. When choosing between a boy and a girl, you need to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sexes. They are as follows:

  1. Males are more powerful and larger than females. Girls of this breed are compact and short.
  2. Males are leaders, females are more affectionate, more helpful, and easier to train.
  3. Males can mark territory, females go into heat once every six months, hence the hassle with pregnancy, childbirth, and the process of feeding puppies.
  4. Females are more expensive than males because they are more profitable to breed.

Due to their structure, French bulldogs often experience difficulties during childbirth: puppies are born with large heads and require a caesarean section.

We look at behavior

Having arrived to inspect the litter, you need to devote some time to this process.
Let the puppies get used to you, let the bitch calm down, then you can calmly monitor the behavior of the babies.

The puppies will behave differently: some will sit quietly or sleep, some will play, others will hide behind their mother or, conversely, go to meet the guest. Here it is important to trust your intuition and emotions, since the dog’s character will appear almost immediately.

It is best to pay attention to puppies that are immediately drawn to a new person. This could be a sign of great friendship in the future. In addition, such puppies have a stable psyche and curiosity, which indicates their good health. The puppy should not be scared, panic, or whine. If the dog sniffed the newcomer, got used to him, and began to play, then you can watch him more closely and, making sure that he is healthy, acquire one.

Choosing a healthy puppy

What to pay attention to after the first step in choosing a puppy is taken. On the condition of the coat, eyes, ears. There is no need to be shy about examining your future pet thoroughly and in detail. Healthy puppies should have:

  1. Smooth and shiny coat.
  2. There is a small layer of fat on the abdomen.
  3. The abdomen should not be swollen or very hard.
  4. There should be no redness or rashes on the skin.
  5. The eyes should be the same color, they are clear, there is no pus or discharge.
  6. The ears are clean, without discharge or unpleasant odor.
  7. The oral cavity is pink, without ulcers, and not very pale.
  8. The physique is harmonious, developed according to age.
  9. The paws are strong, not crooked.
  10. The nose feels wet and cold to the touch.
  11. Claws without cracks or jagged edges.
  12. Paw pads without damage.
  13. There is no redness or dirt on the anus;
  14. The teeth are white, without blemishes.

Healthy puppies are usually active and cheerful. Weight should be appropriate for age. If you buy a dog under two months old, “dangling” ears are allowed; they should stand up at an older age. Below in the photo you can see the growth of the puppies monthly.


1 month.

2 months.

3 months.

4 months.

8 months.

1 year.

What age is best to adopt a dog?

You can buy a dog at an early age - even up to one and a half months old, puppies are ready to be separated from their mother. During this period, they will cost less, since the breeder spends less on maintenance, but you need to remember that this is risky: pets are susceptible to diseases, they need to be closely monitored, protected from external influences until the necessary vaccination is carried out. One and a half month old French bulldogs are vaccinated, the puppies already know how to eat on their own, they are adapted to moving and are ready to socialize in a new family.

But determining the character of a dog at this age is not so easy. Therefore, to be on the safe side, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises (the dog is hyperactive or, conversely, lazy and melancholy), you can choose an older individual. At the age of six months, French bulldogs have already formed in appearance and show character. Many experienced dog breeders recommend purchasing just such puppies for the first time.

You can ask an honest question to the breeder, why the pets “stayed too long” to such an age, whether there is a defect. A responsible owner will tell you in detail about the qualities of the dogs.

If the buyer is well versed in the breed standard, he can buy a puppy between 1.5 and 3 months old. If the future owner is a beginner, then it is better to take the dog for at least six months.

Questions for the breeder

Before you are finally sure of your choice and pay the breeder, he needs to ask a few questions about care, heredity, and nursery. What exactly is worth asking:

  1. Who are the puppy's parents? You need to examine all their documents, awards, find out whether they participated in exhibitions, what kind of litter they had, whether they are both healthy, whether they can count on a good genotype and high-quality offspring.
  2. What health problems did your parents have? French bulldogs have several hereditary diseases that could be passed on to the puppy.
  3. What club do your parents belong to? Membership in a major organization guarantees the quality of the breed.
  4. What vaccinations did the puppy have and which ones are yet to be done?
  5. What skills does the puppy have?
  6. Does the breeder plan to participate in the fate of the puppy - help with breeding, exhibition activities, etc.?

Pedigree of Chihuahua


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So, for those who think that a pedigree is just an unnecessary piece of paper: you are sorely mistaken. A pedigree is a document indicating that the dog is purebred and that it was born from exactly the parents stated in the pedigree. The seller can swear by his mother or Motherland that the parents of the puppies are Yorkies, or Toys, or Chihuahuas, but without a properly documented pedigree, all these are just words. Many people often write statements like “we don’t need a super-titled dog with a pedigree” in advertisements for buying a puppy, which is also very naive. Pedigree in itself does not mean any title or “superness” of the purchased puppy. No titles or medals are attached to the pedigree by default; Moreover, it is very unlikely that in our market or on a local bulletin board someone will offer you a “super-titled” dog, simply for the reason that there are few of them in our country. Especially when we are talking about a puppy who has not yet had time to attend exhibitions.

A pedigree is simply a “birth certificate,” like a birth certificate for children. Many people proudly indicate in advertisements that the puppies have passports - meaning veterinary passports with vaccination marks, which have nothing to do with the breed. All dogs, including mongrel dogs, must have passports. Of course, when a person consciously adopts a mongrel dog or a mixed breed, there can be no talk of pedigree. And in general, having a mongrel dog is not a shame. It is a shame to deceive buyers by selling a mongrel dog or a crossbreed as a purebred puppy. It is stupid to allow yourself to be deceived when you have the opportunity to find information and make an informed choice. That is why, if you want to adopt a dog of a certain breed, it is better to buy it through a club (and through a club with a good reputation, which is part of an international organization), so that later you will not be surprised that your Yorkie grew into a schnauzer. I don't remember which site.


Upon purchase, the following documents are issued:

  1. “Puppy metric” or “puppy card”. It indicates: breed, nickname, color, date of birth, brand, number of the mating act, information about the parents indicating nicknames, titles, pedigree numbers and owners. In the “puppy owner” column, enter the buyer’s details and address. The metric has a number and is certified by the signature of the chairman and the seal of the club or nursery indicating his address and telephone number.
  2. Contract of sale. If it is not drawn up, then the puppy’s metric has the force of this document, and then the pedigree.
  3. If you plan to participate in exhibitions or transport, you must have an International Veterinary Passport, which contains information about vaccinations performed.
  4. If the puppy is exported abroad, you need permission from the Russian Canine Federation, addressed to the customs authorities, as well as a veterinary certificate.

The pedigree is issued based on metrics after purchase. It indicates the dog's ancestors for at least three generations.

How to get a pedigree if there is no puppy metric

In this case, you can make a “zero” (register) pedigree, i.e. certificate of registration of the dog in the Verkhovna Rada of the Russian Federation without information about parents and ancestors, with the date of birth January 1 and the year of birth indicated in the veterinary passport, with the stamp “Without the right of breeding use.”

  1. undergo an examination at any zootechnical event of the RKF for compliance with the standard of a recognized FCI or RKF breed and receive a conclusion on compliance with the breed standard with an exterior grade of at least “good”. The dog's compliance with the breed standard must be established by at least one RKF-FCI judge certified for the given breed, attaching a detailed description of the dog on a special form (form 11). The description form must be accompanied by color photographs of the dog standing (in profile) and the dog's head (frontal view). The judge must sign the back of the photographs, indicate the date of the examination and the assessment;
  2. go to the nearest kennel club;
  3. pay a target contribution to the club;
  4. provide the club with a conclusion on compliance with the breed standard and sign consent to the processing of personal data;
  5. come to the club at the appointed time for the finished RKF pedigree.

Pedigree database Ingrus

There is an electronic unified pedigree database in which you can find out information about the dog’s ancestors and the titles of relatives by the puppy’s name.
The only condition is that they must be entered into this system by the breeder.

To find the necessary information on French bulldogs, you need to open Ingrus on the Internet at, select the “search for dog” column, then enter the known data and get information about ancestors up to the eighth generation. This is convenient because the owner can see not only information about titles and names, but also see what the puppy’s parents and great-grandparents looked like in order to get an idea of ​​its future appearance.

Chihuahua dog breed

These tiny babies have a whole army of fans. The Chihuahua dog is friendly, active and very attached to its owner. The babies are very smart and easy to train. According to the standard, the weight of a Chihuahua should not exceed 3 kg. These are long-lived dogs; they will delight their owners with their presence for 14-18 years.

Now the market is oversaturated with Chihuahuas, and dozens of offers are published daily on any virtual bulletin board. But how to choose a purebred individual? Here the Ingrus database of Chihuahua pedigrees will come to the owner’s aid. On the website you can find out about the puppy’s ancestors and information about the baby himself.

All colors are allowed in the breed except merle. In this case, the dog has a marbled coat color. A dog with a merle color will be disqualified from the show, so its owners will not be allowed to breed. The fight against this coat color in the breed is because it is associated with genetic problems in Chihuahuas. Puppies with a merle coat color are often born with deformities and die in infancy.

Chihuahua dogs can have both long and short hair. Due to its small size, this breed is not recommended for families with preschool children. Veterinarians recommend feeding your Chihuahua high-quality dry food. If your dog's eyes start to run, this could be a symptom of a food allergy.

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