Nicknames for Alabai girls and boys: interesting names for dogs with meaning and translation, hundreds of ideas on how to name a dog

What kind of pets are suitable for Kazakh nicknames? If the kennel, the dog breed is somehow connected with this country. An excellent choice if the owner himself is from Kazakhstan, if he admires the culture and history of this people. You can settle on a Kazakh nickname if you want to choose a unique, unique or truly rare and “unused” name for your pet.

Her name is Aida:

How to name?

A dog as large and powerful as Alabai also needs an appropriate name: beautiful and strong. Usually dogs of this breed are called either by nicknames of Turkic origin, or by the names of gods, heroes and characters of various books and films. And often these dogs are given nicknames such as Buran, Typhoon, Thunderstorm, Blizzard, that is, they are named after one or another natural weather phenomenon.

And, of course, the nickname Alabaya must meet the general requirements for all nicknames without exception: that is, it must be relatively short, sonorous and easy to pronounce . In addition, the name should be liked not only by the owner, but also by his pet.

But there is no need to give a dog a human name that is common in your region, or a name taken from the religious lexicon, especially since there are already plenty of beautiful nicknames.

Let's look at how to name a boy and a girl puppy:

Geographic nicknames

If you are looking for interesting and original names for your pets, take a look at the euphonious names of cities:

  • Abay;
  • Akkol;
  • Aksai;
  • Aksu;
  • Aktau;
  • Aktobe;
  • Alga;
  • Alma-Ata;
  • Arys;
  • Nur-Sultan;
  • Ayagoz;
  • Baikonur;
  • Balkhash;
  • Esik;
  • Yesil;
  • Zhanatas;
  • Zharkent;
  • Jam;
  • Zaysan;
  • Karaganda;
  • Karatau;
  • Kaskelen;
  • Kentau;
  • Kostanay;

Husky Aktobe:

  • Lenger;
  • Mamlyutka;
  • Ridder;
  • Saran;
  • Families;
  • Stepnyak;
  • Talgar;
  • Taraz;
  • Tekeli;
  • Temir;
  • Tobyl;
  • Usharal;
  • Ushtobe;
  • Khromtau;
  • Shardara;
  • Shalkar;
  • Shu;
  • Emba.

German Shepherd Tekeli:

You can also pay attention to the names of Kazakhstani villages:

  • Aksu;
  • Arshaly;
  • Bestobe;
  • Shantobe;
  • Makat;
  • Ulba;
  • Chagan;
  • Derkul;
  • Aktas;
  • Aktau;
  • Atasu;
  • Gulshat;
  • Zhairem;
  • Nura;
  • Sayak;
  • Topar;
  • Shahan.
  • Cachar;
  • Aiteke-Bi;
  • Belkol;
  • Aksu;
  • Akzhal;
  • Bokeh;
  • Yespe.

Snow-white Aksu:

Film industry influence

As a separate group, we’ll look at examples from cinema that allow you to choose a cool name without straining yourself.

If the owner complies with all the rules for choosing a nickname, then this option has the right to exist. For Alabais, the names of the main characters of action films are suitable. A pet named Bruce or Schwartz is simply obliged to demonstrate its guard skills. If we take fantasy creatures as a basis, then the main thing is not to overuse too complex options. Even an ordinary person cannot pronounce them. If the name doesn’t work the first time, then take pity on the animal and abandon the original idea.

Alabai's charisma allows him to choose a nickname in honor of brave movie characters

Warriors' names. Let's return to the previous point. If real historical figures are not attractive, and the theme with the heroes of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome seems hackneyed, then take the characters from your favorite TV series. As for superheroes, Alabai is the No. 1 defender. The image of a superhero suits this kind dog perfectly, ready to protect his family members even under the threat of his own death.

When choosing the name of a movie character, approach the matter responsibly and do not offend your pet by drawing an analogy with narrow-minded and unlucky characters. Remember that the prototype should be someone who deserves respect.

Suitable names

Alabais are dogs with a strong character and a big soul, deserving special names. The most popular nickname options are divided into 4 large groups:

  • nicknames with meaning in the Turkic language;
  • names of gods and heroes of the epic;
  • nicknames based on the names of natural objects;
  • names denoting the color of the animal.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.


Shepherd dogs, which received the beautiful name “alabai,” are the national treasure of the peoples living in Central Asia. The Turkic language, unusual for Russian perception, is native to dogs, fits perfectly into their appearance and focuses on the main character traits.

Alabai boy can be named so that the name emphasizes his character and becomes

Nicknames for Alabai boys should emphasize the courage and courage of pets capable of overcoming wild boars and ferocious bears:

  • Adalat - justice;
  • Arhat – most worthy;
  • Abzel – magnificent;
  • Aydin - lunar;
  • Abray – honor;
  • Akim - master;
  • Azamat - well done;
  • Alibet - power;
  • Agalak – power;
  • Aikol – noble;
  • Azat – independent;
  • Aygyt – courage;
  • Bereke - luck;
  • Batyr - hero;
  • Bek is the ruler;
  • Bulat - steel blade;
  • Baluan is the main wrestler competing for first prize;
  • Vazisht – lightning flame;
  • Vayu - deity of the winds;
  • Vakhram - sacred fire;
  • Viraj – shining;
  • Gaba – big;
  • Gado is a powerful wizard;
  • Demir – iron;
  • Darman - strength;
  • Duman – happy;
  • Jirish - lord of the mountain;
  • Yenish – victory;
  • Jasur – brave;
  • Zurek – heart;
  • Zangar – huge;
  • Zor – powerful;
  • Ilnur – light ray;
  • Kalem – future;
  • Kamal – fortress;
  • Kiran is a dark-skinned kid;
  • Kubat – power;
  • Mard – brave;
  • Miyat – support;
  • Magadal - delight;
  • Nuker is a fighter;
  • Palvon - hero;
  • Polast – steel;
  • Rishi - sage;
  • Rahat – calmness;
  • Saodat - fortune;
  • Sardar - leader;
  • Sultan - ruler;
  • Simurgh is the king of all birds;
  • Sagat – healthy;
  • Tupan - hurricane;
  • Urtok – friend;
  • Farish – forest guardian spirit;
  • Khan - ruler;
  • Chama – power;
  • Emir - ruler;
  • Emil – reliable protection;
  • Eren is a hero;
  • Yuvash – calm;
  • Yaran is a comrade.

The nickname of an Alabai girl should emphasize her grace and femininity.
Nicknames for Alabai girls emphasize the beauty of the pets and their more docile disposition, but are not inferior in stateliness and reliability:

  • Asha – the law of world harmony;
  • Arassa – pure;
  • Apsara – nymph;
  • Akhtar - comet;
  • Ai – moon;
  • Aybet is a beauty;
  • Alada - care;
  • Bilbil - nightingale;
  • Byagul - rose;
  • Veda – knowledge;
  • Vepa – loyalty;
  • Vala - dragon;
  • Gurur – pride;
  • Gala – fortress;
  • Gulek – scarlet poppy;
  • Gaya – rock;
  • Devi – goddess;
  • Danara - talisman;
  • Jita – song;
  • Dana – knowledgeable;
  • Juhi – jasmine flower;
  • Zhendem – reasonable;
  • Kanimet – good luck;
  • Kecha - night;
  • Kelin - bride;
  • Lola – tulip;
  • Nezi – tender;
  • Oisha – lunar;
  • Orzu is a dream;
  • Oila – thinking;
  • Rabiga – affectionate;
  • Razia – beloved;
  • Tara – peace;
  • Ushas – morning star;
  • Uzra – faithful beloved;
  • Eneke – wet nurse;
  • Yuni – spring;
  • Yulduz – star;
  • Yasna – reverence.

IMPORTANT! When trying to choose an unusual nickname, always refer to the translation. Otherwise, the unfortunate dog may become a “fool” (“akmak”), and the beautiful pet will have a “scandalous reputation” (“zhadal”).

Divine and heroic

You can come up with a nickname based on the venerable age of the aboriginal breed, which is more than 4 thousand years. Use mythical tales that provide a wide range of possible names.

Alabai is a perfect nickname for a boy, meaning the name of a formidable Greek deity

Names for Alabai boys, referring to deities and legendary heroes, make it possible to emphasize the greatness of large and intelligent animals:

  • Ares;
  • Achilles;
  • Barys;
  • Boreas;
  • Hephaestus;
  • Hector;
  • Helios;
  • Hespei;
  • Hermes;
  • Deimos;
  • Diomedes;
  • Zeus;
  • Kubar;
  • Mars;
  • Neptune;
  • Nereus;
  • Orpheus;
  • Pluto;
  • Peleus;
  • Perseus;
  • Proteus;
  • Paris;
  • Plutos;
  • Spartacus;
  • Tangra;
  • Triton;
  • Uranus;
  • Phobos;
  • Khursa;
  • Caesar;
  • Ether;
  • Erlik;
  • Eurus;
  • Jupiter;
  • Jason.

The name of the Greek goddess will go well with the beautiful and stern girl of Alabai.
By analogy with a dog, you can name a bitch who shows no less strength and devotion:

  • Artish;
  • Athena;
  • Venus;
  • Vesta;
  • Hera;
  • Grace;
  • Diana;
  • Dike;
  • Demeter;
  • Ishtar;
  • Iris;
  • Isis;
  • Calypso;
  • Cybele;
  • Minerva;
  • Moira;
  • Nika;
  • Nyukta;
  • Rhea;
  • Samar;
  • Selena;
  • Theia;
  • Umay;
  • Themis;
  • Phoebe;
  • Ceres;
  • Shakti;
  • Eirene;
  • Juno.

Alabai can be given nicknames denoting royal status. Try naming your pet:

  • Caliph;
  • Viscount;
  • Count;
  • Baron;
  • Shah;
  • Shogun;
  • Pasha;
  • Raja;
  • Khan;
  • Prince;
  • Don;
  • Sheikh;
  • Emir.

IMPORTANT! Do not use names with strongly negative connotations. The famous deities Apata, Thanatos and Eris, which literally mean deception, death and discord, do not bode well.

Alabai's stature and proud posture allows him to bear regal names


You can come up with a nickname based on geographical objects. Open a map of Central Asia in front of you and choose simple and sonorous names for any objects that catch your eye. Remember that they should not cause problems with memory and perception in your pet.

After a short course in geography, naming a boy an Alabai is not so difficult:

  • Yenisei;
  • Khiva;
  • Baikal;
  • Nucas;
  • Tobol;
  • Suzak;
  • Naryn;
  • Shayan;
  • Alai;
  • Kamyr;
  • Danube;
  • Chagan;
  • Termez;
  • Taspan;
  • Aral;
  • Chimgan;
  • Altai;
  • Barkhan;
  • Nurata;
  • Cairo;
  • Amur;
  • Samun;
  • Pamir;
  • Ural;
  • Irtysh;
  • Rome;
  • Khiva;
  • Baghdad;
  • Yashlyk.


A nickname based on the dog’s color features will sound no less beautiful. Central Asian Shepherds are famous for their varied color palette, so there is always room to roam.

You can choose your Alabai puppy’s nickname based on the color of its coat.

A nickname for an Alabai boy, chosen according to the color and color of his fur coat, may sound like this:

  • white – Zhubar, White, Ak, Ravshan, Shiro, Gar, Barfi;
  • black – Kymir, Black, Torik, Kuro, Tara;
  • yellow – Zard, Gold, Amber;
  • motley - Saras;
  • gray - Gray, Chal;
  • red – Byshtai, Chipar;
  • spotted – Nokot, Ala;
  • brown – Gonur.

Please note that the nickname for an Alabai girl does not have to differ from the male version. In Turkic languages ​​there is no strict division by gender, so the listed options are equivalent for both pets.

In addition to color associations, use similarities with animals. The black pet can be called Bran, hinting at its resemblance to a raven wing. A dog with white fur would be given the name Ayik, indicating a direct relationship with the polar bear.

Arabic names for large dogs

And if you have a large dog, this section of the article is just for you!

Arabic names for large dogs: males

  • Abbas
  • Adham
  • AFIL
  • Aladino
  • In the middle
  • Ayham
  • Badi
  • Baraka
  • Essam
  • Fadil
  • Fauzi
  • Gaith
  • Ibrahim
  • Jabalah
  • Jaul
  • Kamal
  • Khalid
  • Mahjoub

Arabic names for large dogs: females

  • Layla
  • Malak
  • Nabiha
  • Nahid
  • Nasila
  • Nur
  • Raissa
  • Wound
  • Sabba
  • Sanobar
  • Selima
  • Kishmish
  • Suraya
  • Taslimah
  • Yasira
  • Yasmin
  • Sarin
  • Zaida

A selection of the best names for dog boys

To find the best name for a boy dog, just look through the selection alphabetically. You can select several options and consult with loved ones to make the final choice.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “A”?

Some beautiful nicknames came from abroad:

  • Archie, Adrian, Isaac, Ivanhoe and Ison.
  • Alexius, Alvin, Alfred and Andrzej.

Some owners will like simple names for male dogs, such as Alyoshka, Almaz or Apricot.

Nicknames starting with "B"

A black puppy can be called Black: Pixabay
What names exist for male dogs starting with the letter “B”? For black dogs, the ideal name is Black, which means 'black' in English. Fighting dogs are called Butch, Boss, Bulat or Baskerville.

The funny name Boniface is suitable for a medium-sized dog. Nicknames such as Bolivar, Brownie, Bruce, Boomer or Buffalo also sound beautiful.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “B”?

There are many dog ​​names for this letter, including for boys:

  • Watson, Walter, Valet.
  • Volt, Wulf, Vesuvius.
  • Vitamin, Wind, Giant.


What names for male dogs begin with the letter “G”? The watchdog can be called Midshipman, Hercules or Thunder. For a small puppy, the name Gnome, Gucci, is suitable. The name Count and Duke sounds beautiful and noble.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “D”?

The most popular boy dog ​​names begin with this letter: Jack, Jim, Dick, Julbars, Jackson. Many people like the funny name Dobby, like the house elf from the Harry Potter film series.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “F”?

You can choose a short name from the French name book, for example Jean, Jacques, Joseph, Julien. A small dog with dark fur can be called a Beetle, and a representative of an elite breed can be called a Pearl.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “I”?

Consider status and interesting names, such as Emperor. It's perfect for a big dog. Emerald, Eli, Raisin, Iggy, Ideal, Impulse, Ildar, Ginger are also popular.

Nickname for a puppy starting with the letter “K”

A puppy's name can be playful: Pixabay
What are some names for male dogs that start with the letter "K"? The nicknames Cairo, Colt, Centaur and Kazbek sound expressive. You can call the dog King, Coconut, Kefir or Cupcake, making fun of the puppy’s character and appearance. You can often find male dogs named Casper, Cooper, Quentin or Cloud.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “L”?

There are many popular dog names for this letter:

  • Leo, Lucas, Lord.
  • Lime, Lotus, Lux.

Nicknames starting with "M"

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “M”? You can consider the following options: Magician, Moor, Michael, Baby, Monarch, Maestro, Maurice, Martin, Milos.

Names for boy dogs starting with “N”

What names are there for male dogs starting with the letter “N”? Options could be: Nick or Nikki, Norris, Noor, Nord, Knox, Nolan, Nelson, Neptune, Newton, Nathan or Neuron.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “O”?

There are several unusual and beautiful names for this letter: Austin, Onyx, Walnut, Orpheus or Oliver. Some owners like Ozzie and Oswald.

Nicknames starting with the letter "P"

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “P”? Popular names may include Poof, Pierrot, Puffy, Pierce, Pythagoras, Papyrus, Pathos or Pixel. The name Peach or Patisson sounds funny.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “R”?

Dogs are good at remembering names starting with “R”, so the dogs are called Roy, Rocky, Richard, Richmon or Raphael. The names Ralph, Ramon and Richie sound beautiful.

Nicknames starting with "S"

What names for male dogs start with the letter “S”? You can name male puppies named Simon, Spike, Skye, Stuart or Sawyer. The nicknames Sting, Semur and Senator sound good. Many people like unusual nicknames such as Satyr, Seraphim and Savva.

What are some boy dog ​​names that start with "T"?

A service breed dog can be called Tyson: Pixabay
There are several beautiful names for male dogs: Tyson (for fighting and service breeds), Texas, Topaz, Typhoon. Tomato, Fat Man and Tinder sound funny.

Names for boy dogs starting with "F"

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “F”? Most owners will like the fun selection: Funtik, Wrapper, Date, Focus. But there are also serious options: Pharaoh, Phoenix, Ferdinand.

What names for male dogs begin with the letter “H”?

There are many nicknames for this letter, but the most striking ones are: Charlie, Churchill, Chuck, Cheeseburger, Chandler and Genghis. They are more difficult to shorten, but the dog will quickly get used to the hissing sounds in the name.

Gastronomic nicknames

Kazakh traditional cuisine features a range of delicious and varied dishes. If your pet loves to eat, you can choose one of the following names:

  • Et - meat, meat dish.
  • Beshbarmak - meat cooked in Kazakh style.
  • Kuyrdak - fried liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, cooked with potatoes.
  • Kespe - noodles.
  • Sorpa - meat broths.
  • Sirne is fried lamb with potatoes and onions, cooked in a cauldron.
  • Palau - pilaf prepared in Kazakh style - with a large inclusion of meat.
  • Salma is a meat broth soup with homemade noodles or besbarmak dough.
  • Samsa - triangular pies, traditional for nomadic peoples.
  • Kazy is a sausage made from horse meat.
  • Karta is a traditional sausage made from horse meat with a certain level of fat content.
  • Koktal is a dish of large fish that is cooked together with vegetables using the hot smoking method.
  • Kumis is fermented mare's milk.
  • Shubak - camel sour milk.
  • Ayran is one of the varieties of kefir.
  • Kaymak - Kazakh sour cream.
  • Kilegey - Kazakh cream.
  • Sary-may - butter with salt.
  • Katyk is a dairy dish reminiscent of both cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • Kurt is sour, sweetened or salted cottage cheese (or salted cheese).
  • Uyz is a sweet softened cottage cheese, essentially boiled colostrum.
  • Shalap is a milk drink diluted with water.
  • Kozhe is a milk drink with added cereals.
  • Aklak is a dish made from cow's milk, sheep's milk, and after boiling it is flavored with butter.
  • Baursak - round, square pieces of dough, deep-fried in a cauldron.
  • Tandoor - flatbread baked in a tandoor oven.
  • Shelpek - flat cakes fried in boiling oil.
  • Taba-nan is bread baked between two frying pans over coals.
  • Shertpek is a sweet made from honey and horse fat.
  • Talkan is a local snack made from toasted wheat with sugar.
  • Lagman - Central Asian noodles.
  • Toykazan is a traditional annual festival of local cuisine.

Doberman Airan:

Names for girl dogs in alphabetical order

Often, choosing a name for a dog is based on the first letter of its nickname. In this case, when searching for a suitable option, it is easiest to be guided by lists compiled in alphabetical order.

  • A - Agatha, Agness, Alexa, Aji, Avril, Alpha;
  • B - Bertha, Brenda, Berna, Blanca, Biju;
  • B - Vita, Wikki, Volna, Vistula, Wakana;
  • G - Gerda, Grace, Thunderstorm, Geisha, Goldie;
  • D - Deborah, Daisy, Julia, Divna, Jerry, Delpha;
  • F - Jasmine, Josephine, Juju, Zhanna;
  • And - Ingrid, Imako, Isako, Intella;
  • K - Cassandra, Carrie, Kenshi, Kimi, Courtney, Carol;
  • L - Linda, Lucy, Laira, Ladna, Lipsa, Lee;
  • M - Melissa, Miranda, Margot, Miley, Maxine, Marie, Mia;
  • N - Nicole, Norma, Nordica, Nega, Nana, Namiko;
  • O - Courage, Omega, Fire;
  • P - Paris, Perry, Prima, Bee, Pass;
  • R - Regina, Rosalie, Rachel, Renshi, Remy, Risako;
  • S - Sylvia, Sophie, Siren, Sleigh, Jay;
  • T - Tiffany, Trinity, Tamako, Taffy, Tasha, Tequila;
  • U - Ursula, Unka, Uma, Whitney;
  • F - Felicia, Fergie, Fumi, Flora, Fleece;
  • X - Hilary, Hannah, Hayley, Heidi, Holly;
  • C - Ciri, Tsilli, Citra, Tsvetana;
  • Ch - Chana, Chara, Cherry, Chelsea, Chizu, Chin, Chiquita;
  • Sh - Charlotte, Shelma, Cheyenne, Sherry, Shimmy, Shumka;
  • E - Evelyn, Emma, ​​Ellis, Extra, Amy, Elsa, Amy, Era, Ashley;
  • Yu - Yucca, Yuna, Yula, Yutta;
  • I am Yarka, Yaza, Yatta.

Choosing a name for a pet is an exciting and responsible activity. During the search, you can get acquainted with the mythology of different countries, pay attention to the meanings of certain words in foreign languages, or in another way show originality and find a beautiful-sounding and beautiful-in-meaning option. The main thing is that you pronounce the chosen name with love, and then your pet will definitely appreciate it and remember it.

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