Nicknames for dogs of large breeds of boys and girls: how to name a large pet, the best names for males and females

Today, popular fighting breeds are the following:
  • American pit bull;
  • amstaff;
  • English bulldog;
  • bullmastiff;
  • bull terrier;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Cane Corso;
  • mastiff;
  • mastino;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Tibetan mastiff;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Shar Pei.

Such dogs have appropriate nicknames - tough, menacing, but at the same time euphonious and memorable.

Puppy Champ:

Musical nicknames

An excellent option for menacing puppies are the names of the performers, the names of musical groups that chose “bad songs” for themselves, the “gangsta” style:

  • 2Pac - Tupac;
  • Akon;
  • Arcade - alternative rock band Arcade Fire;
  • Bruno;
  • Basta;
  • Dido;
  • Fergie, Fergie;
  • Kesha;
  • Jay-Z;
  • Linkin;
  • Pitti;
  • Tayo;
  • Twisty is a rock band called Twisted Sister.

Bruno's photo:

Nicknames for male dogs of large breeds

Cool nicknames for large male dogs are easier to find. It just so happens that they are bought more often than females. When choosing, you can base your choice both on the dog’s working purpose and on its individual characteristics of appearance and temperament.

CriterionNickname options
By coat colorLightLight, Whitney, Photius, Santa, White, Bay, Nevan, Lucius, Albane, Finley
DarkDark, Blake, Vader, Donovan, Ecbert, Krishna, Neil, Moor, Knight, Cole
BurayaBrownie, Osborne, Twix, Snickers, Hartz, Mocha, Leroy, Porter, Bjorn, Arthur
GoldenKim, Christopher, Orville, Buffy, El, Pharaoh, Sandy, Viola, Gold, Altyn, Blondie
SpottedDomino, Spotty, Marks, Spark, Ditto, Hilarion, Tate, Shener, Patch, Smuggle, Mark
The natureKind, Ivl, Cupid, Happy, Joy, Soft, Nice, Binain, Cute, Guddi
funnyCheburek, Dodger, Don-Don, Ruffnut, Prankster, Rocket, Barmaley, General, Like, Yeralash
In honor of heroesJake, Kenny, Dipper, Potter, Rick, Hagrid, Drogon, Snuffles, Morty, Weasley, Shrek
In honor of the starsCyrus, Bilan, Drake, Snoop, Bieber, Jordan, Johnny, Goofy, Pete, Basta

For guard and service breeds

What to call a large breed male or female dog if this breed was bred for security work? The question is complex, since the nickname should be both simple and reflective of the dog’s working purpose. But you can find some solutions on dog breeders forums:

  • Alastor. From English - defender.
  • Kaiser. From German - king.
  • Edward. A Norwegian name that translates to guardian of prosperity.
  • Goliath. Warrior from Hebrew.
  • Pilate. In honor of the procurator of Judea from the Bible.
  • Odysseus. In honor of the king of the island of Ithaca from Greek mythology.
  • Minos. In honor of the Cretan ruler.
  • Sigmund. From German - winner, protector.
  • Custodio. From Spanish - guardian.
  • Lex. From English - defender of humanity.

For hunting

Names for male hunting dogs are quite easy to choose. This is due to the fact that hunters usually choose males. They are believed to be more focused when hunting, rutting, or tracking a bird. Among the popular nicknames for dogs that are found on hunting forums:

  1. Fowler. From English - bird catcher.
  2. Aldan. From Tatar - firstborn.
  3. Golden eagle. In honor of the common bird of prey.
  4. Altai. In honor of the Siberian region.
  5. Bambi. In honor of the Disney fawn.
  6. Hunter. A British name that translates to hunter.
  7. Henry. From German - king.
  8. Rex. From Latin - king.
  9. Orion. From Egyptian - giant or breadwinner.
  10. Draven. From English - hunter.

For riders

The names of mounts usually indicate their endurance and ability to move incredibly quickly. But here the owners can play with associations, because most of these dogs are of northern origin. The most interesting options for boys of sled breeds include:

  • Vortex. From English - whirlwind.
  • Adam. A British name that translates to earth.
  • Feng. From Chinese - wind.
  • Wind. From English - wind.
  • Tezer. A Turkish name that translates to fast.
  • Leonard. A Brazilian name that translates to steadfast.
  • Twister. From English - tornado.
  • Altair. In honor of the brightest star in the constellation Aquila.
  • Frosty. From English - frosty.
  • Sayan. From Moldavian - snow.

For herding breeds

Good herding dogs must combine loyalty to pets and devotion to people with the ability to protect their charges and owners. This idea is often reflected in names for male herding dogs. Some good ideas for them:

  1. Frey. From Swedish - owner.
  2. Archibald. A British name that translates to courage.
  3. Bailey. In English - deputy sheriff.
  4. Howard. From English - security.
  5. Olis. From Finnish - useful.
  6. Veles. In honor of the Slavic god of cattle.
  7. Hermes. In honor of the Arcadian god of pastures.
  8. Warner. From English - army guard.
  9. Goran. A Swedish name that translates to farmer.
  10. Jorgen. A Swedish name that translates to farmer.

For companion dogs

Good companion dogs, regardless of size, get along well with people, are quickly trained and adapt to either village or city life. This is what breeders believe their pet names should indicate. Common options for male companions include:

  • Bad. From English - friend.
  • Winfried. A German name that translates to friend of peace.
  • Darwin. A British name that translates to dear friend.
  • Germain. From French - native.
  • Merion. In honor of the hero of the Battle of Troy.
  • Humbert. From English - support.
  • Lado. In honor of the Slavic god of reconciliation.
  • Pylade. In honor of the friend and companion of Orestes from Greek myths.
  • Andreas. From Greek - man-warrior.
  • Berker. From Turkish - person.

Nicknames "outlaw"

A rather bold option is to name your pet in honor of the famous criminal, conqueror, mafioso.

  • Billy - Billy the Kid.
  • Bonnie is the criminal couple Bonnie and Clyde.
  • Borden is an ax murderer.
  • Butch is a notorious bank and train robber.
  • Al Capone is the head of the Chicago mafia.
  • Genghis Khan is the bloodthirsty founder of the Tatar-Mongol Empire.
  • Jesse James is a robber and murderer.

2 month old Billy:

  • Kojak is a police lieutenant from the popular 70s television series.
  • "Baby Face" Nelson is a murderer and robber.
  • Robin Hood is a fictional criminal who robbed the rich and shared his loot with the poor.
  • Atilla was a legendary Hun who ruled vast lands of Europe and Asia in the 400s.
  • Darth Vader is a bad character from Star Wars.
  • Pancho Villa is one of the significant figures of the Mexican Revolution.
  • General Zod is a villain in the Superman comic book series.
  • Tepes was a prince of Wallachia who fought the Ottomans.

Bull Terrier named Atilla:

Nicknames for large breed female dogs

Nicknames for female dogs of large breeds must be chosen taking into account their characteristics regarding both appearance and behavior. You can go by the color of the coat, or you can choose a nickname taking into account the character. Or even your movie preferences.

CriterionNickname options
By coat colorLightWinter, Cameo, Lily, Icy, Neva, Candida, Bianca, Vinnie, Genevieve, Susanna
DarkMidnight, Panther, Layla, Eve, Ophelia, Sable, Melanie, Kara, Jetta, Yennefer
BurayaEars, Cola, Ursula, Banshee, Clyde, Bridgette, Madina, Ferdinand, Spacey, Choco
GoldenGoldie, Merigold, Sunny, Hanny, Dinara, Kim, Hema, Arta, Orabel, Zara
SpottedDottie, Lucky, Yuma, Abby, Sarah, Mina, Agatha, Bonnie, Hao, Frankl
The natureDarling, Hola, Shanta, Ning, Chilli, Happy, Merry, Fanny, Jolly, Royal
funnyBarbie, Diva, Witch, Rogue, Hedwig, Pear, Meatball, Yabeda, Halva, Chupa
In honor of heroesCersei, Hermione, Ginny, Bubblegum, Simka, Flora, Muse, Summer, Fiona, Michonne
In honor of the starsAdele, Miley, Selena, Pink, Lady Gaga, Loboda, Dua Lipa, Jolie, Beyonce, Rihanna

For guard and service breeds

Names for large female dogs, breeds of which have service and guard qualities, should indicate the power and seriousness of the animal. It is important that they simply speak out and not remind you of any commands, since you need to control a large dog quickly, and most importantly, effectively. We can recommend one of the following:

  1. Clark. From English - employee.
  2. Alpha. From Greek - first.
  3. Birt. From Danish dialects - exalted.
  4. Maureen. From Irish - big.
  5. Label. In English - responsible.
  6. Queenie. In English - queen.
  7. Patrona. From English - protector.
  8. Mighty. From English - powerful.
  9. Frigg. From Norwegian - love.

For hunting

Nicknames for male Alabai dogs, as well as other guard breeds, are easier to choose than for hunters. The fact is that a large proportion of hunting names are intended for male dogs. But for females there are several worthy foreign language options:

  • Birdie. From English - bird.
  • Kite. From English - kite.
  • Stench. From English - persistent.
  • Jane. From English - bright, smooth or light.
  • Website. From English - look.
  • Lucy. From Greek - luminous.
  • Xena. In honor of the heroine of the film "Xena: Warrior Princess".
  • Raith. From English - speed.
  • Artemis. In honor of the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt.
  • Cranberry. From English - cranberry.

For riders

Nicknames for dogs of male sled breeds, as well as for females intended for driving sleds, are quite easy to choose. Most of them indicate either speed qualities or the endurance and perseverance of the animal. They should also be loud enough for the dog to respond even while working. Among the best options for girls:

  1. Gail. From English - storm.
  2. Arctic. From Greek - bearish.
  3. Alaska. British nickname in honor of a part of North America.
  4. Elsa. From ancient German - worshiper of God, but also the name of a Disney princess.
  5. Pace. From English - tempo.
  6. Aita. From Yakut - a bright deity.
  7. Naira. From Indian dialects - big eyes.
  8. Daenerys. In honor of .
  9. Taiga. In honor of the coniferous Eurasian forest.
  10. Swift. From English - fast.

For herding breeds

Nicknames for male dogs - large mongrels - are easier to choose than for large herding breeds that are becoming a thing of the past. On the one hand, the nickname for such a dog should reflect its glorious shepherd past. On the other hand, it should be easy to pronounce. The following ten options for female herding dogs fully meet these requirements:

  • Valorie. From English - valor.
  • Demeter. In honor of the Greek goddess of fertility.
  • Nymph. In honor of the Greek deities who embody the forces of nature and the arts.
  • Lassie. In honor of the fictional collie, the heroine of films and books.
  • Rachel. British nickname, translated as sheep.
  • Tess. A British name that translates to reaper.
  • Abella. A British name that translates to shepherdess.
  • Vesta. In honor of the Greek goddess of the family hearth.
  • Trust. From English - true.
  • Tatum. British nickname, translated as farm.

For companion dogs

How to name a large companion dog so that the nickname sticks? The name should indicate the dog's ability to make friends with humans. I'm glad you can experiment here. Unlike working dogs, female companions can be called by longer names, since reaction speed is less important for them:

  1. Karen. A British name that translates to girlfriend.
  2. Lexa. British nickname, translated as protector.
  3. Prada. In honor of the famous brand.
  4. Frida. From German - peace.
  5. Ginger. From Latin - passionate.
  6. Hebe. In honor of the Greek goddess of boyhood.
  7. Molly. British nickname, translated as beloved.
  8. Emma. From Greek - affectionate.
  9. Martha. A British name that translates to lady.
  10. Paige. A British name that translates to wanderer.

Mythological nicknames

If your puppy has a fighting breed, you can take a look at the names of mythical heroes who became famous for their omnipotence, strength and ferocity:

  • Ares is the ancient Greek god of brutal war.
  • Atlas, Atlas - an ancient deity holding the firmament on his shoulders.
  • Ajax is an ancient Greek hero who was so strong that he was able to single-handedly hold off the entire enemy army during the Trojan War.
  • Bacchus, Dionysus - the ancient god of winemaking and fun.
  • Hades is the ruler of the underworld, the ruler of the kingdom of the dead.
  • Hera is the wife of the supreme Olympian god Zeus, the mother of all ancient Greek deities.
  • Loki is a Scandinavian giant god. A werewolf known for his vengeful nature.
  • Maya is one of the daughters of the strongman Atlas, who turned into the Pleiades constellation.
  • Neptune, Poseidon - the ancient god of the water elements.
  • Samson is, according to biblical legends, a man of enormous strength.
  • Shaitan is the Arabic name for Satan.
  • Thor is the Scandinavian god of thunder.
  • Titan is a giant with superhuman strength in ancient Greek mythology.

Merry Bacchus:

How to name?

Every dog, like every person, has its own calling. Someone works as a security guard, someone as a nanny, someone as a hunter, rescuer, etc. Look at your dog carefully, observe him, evaluate his character. You need to choose a nickname based on the character of your pet.

What can you call a big boy and girl:

  • For dogs that work as guards , the following nicknames (boys, girls) are suitable:
    Agat, Bes, Baduk, Valdai, Guy, Dar, Dep, Jaeger, Zagrai, Ibis, Kadak, Fang, Moor, Rambo, Tagore, Ural, Fest , Hassan, Dremora, Azura, Betty, Vaira, Vecta, Gyurza, Zeta, Inda, Ilta, Zarina, Tsera, Shara, Yugra, Zara.
  • For dogs whose role is to take care of someone (boys, girls):
    Attil, Barry, Wolf, Thrall, Darcy, Zoaf, Icarus, Claude, Labrie, Mukhtar, Phil, Chase, Sheldon, Cort, Brego, Eric, Yarvi, Yaro, Abby, Elka, Zorya, Gerda, Virta, Inda, Ena, Nicole, Zinta, Buffy, Berta, Taiga, Uslada, Likta, Menga.
  • For dogs who love hunting (boys, girls) :
    Apache, Bekir, Virage, Guntai, Grad, Jet, Eron, Jacquard, Fuse, Irai, Norton, Otto, Obber, Perun, Skif, Meteor, Sarmat, Bjor, Blax, Cyclone, Whistle, Yagel, Aisha, Vista, Dune, Karma, Lita, Niso, Ridi, Rida, Skadi, Tinga, Sheldi, Yusta, Yalma, Comet.
  • For lovers of the hearth , very simple and well-known nicknames are suitable:
    Baby, Sharik, Boar, Zhora, Watermelon, Bugai, Balu, Grin, Leshy, Neo, Palych, Frant, Sheikh, Jupiter, Yagel, Bourgeois, Gray, Baikal, Volga, Jasmine , Inga, Laguna, Luna, Riva, Sabrina, Ultra, Leta, Ursula, Bagheera.

Nicknames of prisons

A rather unusual option is to name your dog after famous prisons in the world:

  • Chino is a men's prison in California.
  • Parchman is the oldest maximum-security penitentiary in Mississippi.
  • Folsom is a state prison near Sacramento in California.
  • Lompoc is a federal men's prison in California.
  • Hatfield is a prison in Yorkshire (UK) where young criminals are kept.
  • Yodok is a political prison camp in North Korea, known for its brutal practices.
  • Raiford is a state prison in Florida, USA.
  • Sing Sing is a maximum security prison in New York.

Dear Chino:

What's the best name for a big dog?

  • Nicknames for male dogs of large breeds - and this also applies to girls - should not include sounds reminiscent of a command. This can be confusing for your pet. He may show aggression because he simply will not understand what is required of him.
  • Nicknames should include no more than three syllables, so the animal should not be called Maximilian. But you can choose a long name and use its abbreviation in everyday life. Then the pet will probably get used to it in a matter of days.
  • The name should not be reminiscent of human names used in your region. This can provoke confusion and even misunderstanding on the part of others. If you really like some domestic name, replace it with a similar foreign one.

Nicknames with meanings

You can look at these names, suitable for both males and dogs, with strong and tough meanings:

  • Emir is strong and powerful.
  • Axel is the father of the whole world.
  • Brendan is a brave man.
  • Alex is a defender of the people, the people.
  • Carlo is strong, powerful.
  • Griffin is strong in his faith.
  • Garvan is rude.
  • Steel – literally “made of steel.”
  • Porter - gatekeeper.
  • Ozzy is indestructible.

Griffin checks the surroundings:

Popular and beautiful nicknames

Top euphonious names for large dogs:

  • Achilles;
  • Ace;
  • Keno;
  • Leo;
  • Kane;
  • Mars;
  • Lazarus;
  • Nanook;
  • Adonis;
  • Admiral;
  • Balto;
  • Baron;
  • Hercules;
  • Jericho;
  • Fang;
  • Oberon;
  • Ninja;
  • Ozzy;
  • Goliath;
  • Killer;
  • Bir;
  • Congo;
  • Kollos;
  • Rimbaud;
  • Mammoth;
  • Whale;
  • Wolf;
  • Shamu;
  • Giant;
  • Rex;
  • Beethoven;
  • Texas;
  • Sergeant;
  • Community;
  • Muscle;
  • Sumo;
  • Shrek;
  • Everest;
  • Giant;
  • Giant;
  • Bull;
  • Zeus;
  • Rocky;
  • Ranger;
  • Odysseus;
  • Simpson;
  • Winston;
  • Theodore;
  • Barnabas;
  • Dakota;
  • Gandalf;
  • Hannibal;
  • Wolverine;
  • Xerxes;
  • Woodrow;
  • Yeti;
  • Warrior;
  • Yukon;
  • Zach.

Boy Yukon:

Now - famous beautiful names for big dogs for girls:

  • Akiva;
  • Basha;
  • Acadia;
  • Amaris;
  • Calista;
  • Bess;
  • Alexa;
  • Cairo;
  • Cercea;
  • Daisy;
  • Electra;
  • Delia;
  • Fergie;
  • Gala;
  • Elsa;
  • Indigo;
  • Harley;
  • Kaya;
  • Lakota;
  • Kamala;
  • Malibu;
  • Medea;
  • Nakita;
  • Maryam;
  • Neila;
  • Mackenzie;
  • Olympia;
  • Panda;
  • Octavia;
  • Phoebe;
  • Persephone;
  • Quinn;
  • Rhine;
  • Savannah;
  • Shiva;
  • Taka;
  • Sheba;
  • Tess;
  • Venus;
  • Tarja.

Girl Quinn:

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