Inflammation of the lining of the uterus in female dogs - pyometra

Pyometra in dogs appears when problems occur in the reproductive system. The ovaries and uterine cavity are filled with purulent contents, which can come out into the abdominal cavity. Timely detection of the disease will help avoid the death of the animal. We’ll talk about what pyometra is, the first symptoms of the disease, how to treat it.

Specifics and causes of the disease

Purulent endometritis or pyometra is a disease characterized by inflammation of the uterine mucosa in a female . Most often appears after estrus, when the level of the hormone progesterone increases and does not decrease within 80 days after estrus. During this period, the body prepares for a possible pregnancy and thickens the walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes. This creates an ideal area for bacteria to multiply. Against the background of weakened immunity and the body, bacteria and infections easily pass and multiply in the environment that arises.

The development of the disease is also facilitated by various infectious diseases of other organ systems, cysts and neoplasms . This provokes suppuration in the uterine cavity caused by hyperplasia. Scientists say that one of the factors influencing the occurrence of pyoderma is the use of drugs that reduce sexual activity during estrus. They change hormonal levels.

Thus, the uterine cavity is filled with liquid, in which bacteria multiply, causing the process of decay . The fallopian tubes, full of pus, may not withstand the tension and rupture, the contents will spill into the abdominal cavity and the pet will die. Severe intoxication can also cause death when infected intercellular fluid is absorbed into the dog’s blood.

The cause of the occurrence is a natural decrease in the protective reaction of the vagina during estrus, when the body opens the way for sperm . Microorganisms most often pass through the vagina. This happens due to lack of hygiene, irregular bathing and changing bedding, and childbirth in non-sterile conditions. Veterinarians believe that the development of pathology is also influenced by poor-quality unbalanced nutrition, obesity, lack of physical activity, and improper care.


1. Causes of pyometra in dogs 2. Main signs of pyometra in dogs 3. About surgical and non-surgical treatment 4. Diagnosis of pyometra in dogs 5. Rehabilitation after surgery 6. Prevention of pyometra in dogs

The endometrium, located in the internal genital organs of mammals of the external sex, is a mucous membrane with a heterogeneous and multilayered structure. Its surface is constantly renewed, which allows it to maintain reproductive function for a long period, as well as to produce healthy offspring. The layers are constantly replaced until adulthood and the end of estrus. During sexual intercourse or lack of normal hygiene, injuries and past illnesses, the endometrium is an ideal place for the proliferation of pathogenic anaerobic bacteria.

The disease called pyometra is nothing more than purulent endometritis. Not only dogs are susceptible to it, but also all mammals that give birth to a large number of young. Susceptibility does not depend on breed, it is only affected by age and the accumulating bacterial environment. Typically, animals aged 5 to 10 years are at risk. Further, the probability decreases significantly.


The disease is divided into 2 forms, which have characteristic similar symptoms . First of all, disturbances in the digestive system are noticeable. The dog vomits, the stool becomes frequent and liquid. Due to the poisoning of the body with pus, intoxication and dehydration begin. The animal often drinks, but at the same time refuses to eat, and body weight decreases.

The female becomes passive, apathetic, prefers to doze, lie down, does not want to walk or communicate with the owner . The body temperature rises, and due to sudden changes, convulsions may occur. Purulent substances (yellow or green, sometimes bloody) are released from the vagina; the pet licks itself and becomes restless. When you press on the belly, the dog whines, or does not allow the belly to be touched at all.

A special feature of the disease is an unpleasant odor, which may disappear after bathing, but will return within 24 hours.

Open form

Mild form, easy to diagnose. It is characterized by all of the above symptoms, including discharge and fever. This pyometra is characterized by an open cervix, which allows some pus and fluid to pass through.

The open form looks like a continuation of estrus, only the discharge acquires a characteristic yellow, green or brownish color and an unpleasant odor. The consistency and composition of the discharge depends on hormonal levels and hygiene procedures.

Closed form

A dangerous and severe type of disease in which the cervix remains closed and purulent discharge accumulates in the fallopian tubes . Up to 2 liters of fluid can accumulate per day. The form is characterized by the absence of secretions and a specific odor, but the development of pyometra of this form is rapid. The uterus can rupture under the influence of accumulating pus, leading to blood poisoning and peritonitis. In this case, it is almost impossible to save the animal.

Our patients after pyometra

An 11.5-year-old Yorkshire terrier dog, Tiffany, was admitted to the Pride Veterinary Center to see a therapist in a state of depression, refusal to eat, and increased thirst.

Upon examination, purulent vaginal discharge was discovered. Ultrasound diagnostics were performed and a diagnosis of pyometra was established - purulent inflammation of the uterus, in this case with the threat of its rupture.

A decision was made to undergo surgical treatment in a short time. A pre-anesthesia examination and procedures were performed to prepare for surgery. The dog was successfully operated on by surgeon E.S. Maslova. She is currently undergoing postoperative treatment in a hospital setting.

Diagnostic methods

The initial stage of the disease can be almost invisible. Pyometra is often confused with a pregnant female. When the first symptoms appear, it is important to contact the clinic; an experienced veterinarian can determine the disease without testing. But it is important to carry out diagnostics to check the whole organism:

  1. Careful palpation (you cannot palpate on your own; you can damage the walls of the uterus and cause the contents to leak into the abdominal cavity);
  2. Vaginal smear, cytological analysis (will confirm or deny the presence of suppuration);
  3. Ultrasound examination and x-ray (it is important to do an x-ray, because an ultrasound can be interpreted as pregnancy);
  4. General blood test and ECG (to check the performance of the heart and exclude possible internal pathological processes).

Poor prognosis

The prognosis for dogs with pyometra can be good or bad. It really depends on your dog and the type of pyometra. If your dog has open cervical pyometra, and if he responds well to treatment and IV fluids, then he has a 70-90% chance of surviving and remaining fertile. However, if your dog has had closed cervical pyometra or even open cervical pyometra and is responding poorly to treatment, then he may be at risk for loss of fertility or may even have reduced survival.

Treatment at home and at the veterinarian

After a complete diagnosis and establishment of an accurate diagnosis, the veterinarian can choose one of the treatment methods: surgical or conservative (medication). Often the first option is chosen as it is more effective and simpler. But some owners are not prepared for the female to completely lose the ability to give birth.

The operation itself is not complicated; the pet fully recovers on the 2-3rd day. It takes place in several stages:

  1. Use of anesthetic;
  2. Fixing the animal on its back;
  3. Hair cutting, treatment of the incision site with an antiseptic solution;
  4. An incision in the abdominal area;
  5. In case of severe suppuration, the abdominal cavity is treated with a solution;
  6. The ovaries and uterus are cut out;
  7. Sutures are placed at the site of the internal and external incisions;
  8. Antiseptic treatment of seams, tools, workplace.

Even in the case of a surgical method of therapy, a course of healing, antibacterial antibiotics, and cell-regenerating drugs is prescribed . In addition, the dog is prescribed saline solutions. The animal can be taken from the veterinary clinic after the anesthesia wears off, but you should not neglect the veterinarian’s instructions.

Full recovery will be completed by 10-15 days after surgery. It is important to monitor your pet’s condition, and if there are any side or recurrent symptoms, contact the clinic:

  • Inflammation of the sutures (possibly due to infection during surgery);
  • Temperature increase;
  • Lost heart rhythm;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Pallor;
  • Lumps near the incision (indicating divergence of internal seams);
  • Estrus (possibly due to incomplete removal of the ovaries).

Is treatment possible without surgery?

Drug treatment is possible only if pyometra is detected in the early stages of development or in an open form. In this case, the pet is prescribed medications that stimulate contraction and dilatation of the uterus. After this, antibiotics are introduced, which disinfect the bacterial environment and fight the infection. It is worth knowing that this method of therapy only works in 15-20% of cases, and does not provide confidence that the disease will not recur.

In the case of a closed form, such treatment is contraindicated. The administration of drugs can contribute to rupture of the uterine walls.

If pus is absorbed into the blood and severe intoxication occurs, treatment is prescribed with medications that stimulate the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart. They are often administered intravenously.

If the therapy does not give the desired effect, the veterinarian changes the drug. If this step does not improve the female’s condition, then surgical intervention is used.

Postoperative care

Having learned what pyometra is, what the symptoms and treatment are, you need to understand what postoperative care the animal requires. The pet’s recovery depends on the severity of the disease, the age and state of immunity of the four-legged friend, the presence of complications and other “layered” diseases. Most often, care consists of treating sutures, administering antibiotics (preferably intramuscularly), and also diet.

Remember that after removal of the uterus, your pet is considered sterilized. This means that she should eat accordingly, as befits sterilized animals. To prevent the female from tearing the stitches, take care of a postoperative blanket or a special collar that will not allow her to reach the wound.

If you notice ichor or pus flowing from the wound, severely swollen and hardened edges, or pain, you should immediately contact a veterinarian to avoid postoperative complications.

List of drugs against the disease

Drug namePriceMode of application
Antibiotics Gentamicin 4% 135 rubles (100 ml bottle) One dose is 0.6 ml per 10 kg of pet’s weight, the injection is administered intramuscularly 2 times a day
Enroflox 5%490 rubles (100 ml bottle) Subcutaneous injection is administered once a day for 3-5 days at a dose of 0.1 ml per 1 kg
Amoxiclav390 rubles (14 tablets) Tablets are mixed into the food once a day (every 12 hours) for 5 days, dose – ¼ pill per 5 kg
Prostaglandins (stimulate uterine contractions)Enzaprost F5000 rubles (5 ampoules of 1 ml each) Intravenously or intramuscularly 0.04 ml per 1 kg, timing and exact methods of application are individual
Dinoprost783 rubles per ampoule Injected into the uterus through a catheter at a dose of 0.0005
Oxytocin57 rubles (20 ml bottle) Administered intravenously or intramuscularly at a dose of 5-10 international units per dog
Estrofan865 rubles (1 ampoule 10 ml) The dosage is verified only based on a specific individual, a one-time intramuscular injection
Dinolytic850 rubles (1 ampoule 10 ml) The drug is similar to Estrofan, the dosage is determined specifically for the specific dog
Antiprogestins (open the cervix, help restore the balance of white blood cells that will fight infection) Alizin3200 rubles (1 bottle 10 ml) Injected subcutaneously 2 times with an interval of 24 hours at a dose of 10 mg per 1 kg

It is worth remembering that there is a risk group, which includes females from 4 to 8 years old. The disease is dangerous for sedentary animals with a thick fat layer and unsterilized females. In addition, females who were regularly supplied with contraceptives or drugs that reduce the activity of hormones can also be included in this category.

Prevention of the disease

Basic methods of prevention:

  • Regular examinations at a veterinary clinic are especially important for pets at risk;
  • High-quality nutrition containing vitamins, minerals, balanced fats, carbohydrates and proteins;
  • Hygiene, pyometra develops due to the influence of bacteria, so it is important to bathe your pet in a timely manner, trim hair from the genitals and anus, and use hypoallergenic, non-aggressive products;
  • During and after childbirth, the female must be provided with sterile diapers, instruments must be disinfected, pregnancy records must be kept together with a veterinarian;
  • Limiting the animal's contact with stray and unfamiliar dogs, especially during the estrus period, when the canal expands;
  • Refusal of all kinds of hormonal drugs; it is unacceptable to use drugs without a veterinarian’s prescription;
  • Refusal of medications that block estrus or sexual desire;
  • Early sterilization.


Before surgery, a dog with pyometra must undergo an examination - blood tests (general clinical - to assess the severity of the inflammatory process) and biochemical (to assess the function of internal organs).

Very often dogs with pyometra are geriatric (elderly), so if time permits, it is recommended that a cardiac examination also be performed before anesthesia is administered. Screening before surgery is also recommended for dogs of any age and breeds at risk - Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Irish Wolfhounds, German Shepherds, Great Danes and other large breed dogs.

The operation consists of removing the pathological inflamed uterus, if the dog’s condition is severe, there is intoxication of the body - in addition to the operation, intravenous drips and constant monitoring in the hospital until stabilization are also required.

Can a person become infected?

Pyometra is not an infectious disease . It is caused by disturbances in the course of physiological processes in a woman or female. For the disease to begin to develop, the cervix must become clogged, after which bacteria begin to multiply due to stagnation of secretions. Therefore, pyometra, as a separate pathology, is not transmitted to humans from dogs . Although the disease also exists in human gynecology.

However, you should follow the rules of hygiene and sanitary regulations and limit contact with a sick animal. After all, secondary subsequent viral or bacterial diseases can be transmitted to people, causing other problems.

Pyometra is an insidious disease that can be fatal. Any problems with the dog’s reproductive system threaten that the animal will not be able to bear and give birth to offspring. In most cases, such a pathology 100% deprives the female of the opportunity to have children. Therefore, it is important to take precautions and preventive measures.

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