Walks, walking equipment, leash training, precautions

The need for walks determines the character and temperament of the Pomeranian Spitz, because the Spitz is a very active and playful dog that loves to frolic, rush and jump, as well as explore new territories, make new acquaintances and learn as much as possible.

Careless Spitz owners believe that since the dog is a dwarf, then the space in the apartment is enough for it to satisfy its need for walks. This is wrong. No matter the size of the dog, we should not forget that it is still a dog and needs physical activity! You should also not think that the Spitz needs to be taken outside in order for it to mark its territory - the dog has a toilet for these purposes.

A walk in the fresh air for a Spitz is, first of all, pleasure and great joy, because the baby has fun with you, and this only strengthens your friendship. Among other things, walks have a beneficial effect on the blood supply and metabolism of the Spitz. Communication with other dogs promotes the harmonious development and socialization of the Spitz.

Even with naturally excellent health, a puppy without vaccinations is extremely defenseless on the street for any virus, so you need to start walking only after a two-week quarantine after the last vaccination!

Features of ammunition

Each dog has its own weight, dimensions and coat structure, for which a collar is selected. Before purchasing, you need to make sure that it fits your pet perfectly and does not cause discomfort.

Spitz behaves well on a leash

Which collar is best for a Spitz? Manufacturers offer several product options:

  • walking type is used for walking. The structural features include the reliability of fastening the connection to the leash. The reverse side is made of soft material and does not rub the dog’s neck;
  • service or training. There is a handle on the surface of the collar that helps hold the dog. Special loops on the upper section of the handle allow you to adjust the tension of the leash or pacify a disobedient pet with light strangulation;
  • guard It has a larger volume, eliminating discomfort from a long stay in the collar. If you need to secure the leash, then put a half ring on it, on which the carabiner is fixed.

Important! Dog breeders recommend wearing a Spitz collar as needed. At home, the animal should be without it.

Round Collar

Mr. Tail recommends: step-by-step instructions for making different harnesses

When it comes to purchasing a harness, the most important aspect is choosing the size. Some owners prefer to make the accessory themselves, taking into account the characteristics of the pet, its preferences, and purpose.


First you need to take measurements, especially important: chest circumference at the widest point behind the front paws; base of the neck. They play a crucial role in planting ammunition. When taking measurements, there is no need to tighten the measuring tape; it is better to leave a margin of 2-3 cm for freedom of fit.

Before sewing, the harness model is determined based on the size and activity of the dog, the material and accessories (rings, carabiners) are selected.

Material selection

For small breeds (dachshunds, spitz, chihuahuas) - a harness-vest made of fabric is suitable. Velcro is acceptable as accessories; it is better not to use metal parts. Loops and connections are made from nylon inserts.

For large dogs (Alabai, Malamute, Husky) a riding harness is optimal; it is reliable, convenient for training with loads; for such dogs it is best to buy nylon or leather. Fasteners and connecting blocks are made of metal, the best fasteners are carabiners.

It is imperative to have a light walking harness at home, which will be most in demand and should be lightweight and durable; this type is most often made from synthetics. Materials corresponding to the size of the dog are used as fastenings.


A large selection of harness cuts can be found on the Internet. The variety of types and sizes allows the owner to choose the option that is most convenient for the pet. Before starting work, it is recommended to adjust the pattern to the size of the animal; if this is not possible, choose a deliberately large model, then adjust the product by putting it on the animal.


Lining is used for riding harnesses, harnesses with weights and winter accessories. This can be any soft material that duplicates the product from the inside. Some people use old jeans or other simple, inexpensive fabrics. In order to reduce pressure and soften the harness, a thin foam insert is inserted between the main layers. On the back and chest, the belts are made wider to properly distribute the load.

Assembly instructions

Step by step:

  • Print out the pattern and adjust to the size of the dog.
  • Purchase the necessary materials and accessories based on the plan.
  • Cut out the main parts and duplicate lining parts, if necessary. Be sure to leave allowances of 1-2 cm.
  • Sew the parts on a machine using a zigzag stitch, which provides an additional margin of strength by stretching when jerking.
  • Try the harness on the animal, adjust the necessary parts to fit the size.
  • Form loops for inserting carabiners, rings or alternative types of fastenings. Sew them on a machine, drawing the shape of an envelope with a stitch. This fastening is strong and secures the fabric in the center and on the sides.
  • Insert accessories.
  • Carry out the final fitting by hooking the leash carabiner.

Regardless of the type and shape of the harness, the assembly instructions remain identical. Slight variations are possible when sewing products with lining and foam softeners.

Show ring, collar or harness for a Spitz: which is better?

Dog lovers prefer a round harness for their Spitz instead of a regular collar. The accessory has the following advantages:

  • helps keep the dog near the owner;
  • does not harm the spine during unexpected jerks;
  • When meeting aggressive four-legged dogs, it is easy to lift the dog up.

Muzzle for a pug: which harness and collar is better

The disadvantages of wearing it include the risk of hair damage. Long-term use leads to local baldness, and if you walk your pet for no more than 60 minutes, the fur will retain its original appearance.

Note! A carefully selected harness will not constrain the dog or interfere with its natural movements.

Regardless of the choice of product, it must be made of quality materials. Preference is given to items made of genuine leather; it is least harmful to the coat of the Pomeranian Spitz. The pet can show itself what it is more convenient for him to go outside. To do this, you need to alternately walk him in a harness and collar with a leash.


Show ring is an accessory used at exhibitions. In it, the leash and collar are merged into a single whole. It helps to show off your pet; unlike a collar, it is not prohibited at exhibition events. The design does not allow the dog to lower its head; its structure resembles a noose.

At what temperature should you wear it?

All dogs' metabolism may be different, and some Chihuahuas have no undercoat at all, while others have quite developed undercoat.

Taking this into account, it is impossible to say exactly at what temperature the dog must be dressed in a sweater or overalls.

You need to focus on the pet’s well-being: if he trembles, clings to the owner and asks to be held as soon as he goes outside and this behavior is not associated with stress or fear, then the dog needs to be dressed.


When the air temperature outside or even in the house drops to +15 degrees, it is already recommended to put on a light demi-season overall or blanket on the Chihuahua.

You should switch to warm winter clothes when the temperature becomes +1-2 degrees.

If you have any doubts about whether you need to dress your Chihuahua for a walk, then it is better to take the dog out without clothes, and take a jumpsuit or sweater with you and, if necessary, put it on your pet.

There is no need to dress your dog “just in case,” since overheating is no less harmful for him than hypothermia.

Is it possible to combine a regular collar and a flea collar?

Thick and long Spitz hair is contraindicated for biological and ultrasonic collars. A suitable accessory for dogs is considered to be one impregnated with special chemicals.

Collar for dogs against fleas and ticks: which one is better?

It cannot be used for a long time due to the high risk of developing an allergic reaction and focal hair loss. Anti-flea collars are contraindicated for Spitz dogs; they are replaced with anti-flea drops.

Important! The combination of a regular and a therapeutic collar is unacceptable, especially for this breed.

With your own hands

Any accessories for a pet can be sewn, and a collar is no exception. First, you need to determine the length. To do this, measure the dog's neck or old collar with a measuring tape. Add a little to install fittings (4-5 cm). Secondly, think about width. If for large breeds it is usually 2.5 cm, then for a Spitz it should be half as much. All fittings should not exceed the width of the main product. Finally, choose your material. Leather, textile webbing or nylon are suitable for this, although the latter is the least durable. In addition to fabric, you will need rings, rivets and snaps.

After purchasing everything you need, the sewing machine is used. It is set to the coarse sewing mode so that the stitch is 2 mm. Any soft fabric is attached to the main material as a lining.

Next, secure the fastener, following the algorithm:

  • insert the end into the hole;
  • extend the free part a few cm;
  • bend;
  • stitch.

Then you need to put on the half ring and move it to the base. After this the line is repeated. Next, thread the free end of the accessory into the buckle, as well as into the part of the fastener that is not sewn. All that remains is to make a loop. To do this, the free part of the accessory is again passed through the buckle, folded over, and sewn on.

Popular manufacturers of walking accessories

Dry food for Yorkies: which one is better to choose?

There are several well-known (in the pet products market) companies:

  • Collar is a Ukrainian production that offers several product lines for decorative breeds. The “Glamour” and “Diamond” models are intended for public appearances with pets. Most options are decorated with shiny stones; they are not suitable for daily wear. It is better to go for walks with your pet in a “Soft” collar - an accessory with a round cross-section that does not disturb the structure of the dog’s hair. The wool is not wiped off under the structure. Average cost 250-600 rubles;


  • ForMyDogs is the brainchild of a Russian manufacturer. Three types of products are offered for Spitz: “Rainbow” (with colored stones), “Velvet” (made of leatherette with velvet trim), “Memory” (light-colored collars that are not intended for long-term wear). The minimum price starts from 650 rubles;
  • EzyDog (Australia) is a company that produces collars for small and large breeds. The products are made from durable, water-repellent materials that are easy to clean. The cost starts from 2000 rub.*

For your information! It is not difficult to choose a round collar for a puppy; just measure the circumference of the neck and add 5 cm to the resulting figures.

For an adult dog

Breeders believe that the best collar for a Pomeranian is an accessory made of genuine leather. It should be narrow and have a round cross-section. Its diameter is no more than 3-4 mm.

To purchase a collar, it is advisable to take your pet with you to the store for fitting. You should not purchase a design that is too tight. If there is a distance of two fingers between the Spitz's neck and the accessory, this is your option. Remember that the dog should not be able to free himself.

If you are buying a product online, then find out the exact girth of the Spitz's neck. Add 5-7 cm to this number. The resulting result will be the total length suitable for your pet.

There are two types of collar designs. In the first, the ring is located near the buckle. To put on the leash, you have to turn the product every time, because it hangs with the buckle down. This design is harmful to wool and is considered obsolete. Another option is a ring for fastening in the middle. This design is called European, and when choosing a collar, preference should be given to it.

How to choose accessories for a walk

The leash for a Spitz should be thin and as light as possible. In addition to these indicators, special attention is paid to the strength of the products; they should be made of leather, canvas, or nylon. If you ignore the recommendations and buy products of dubious quality, the dog will easily chew or tear it.

The mount on which the carabiner is held should not touch the wool. Otherwise, when moving, the dog will begin to tear it. The optimal leash length is about 5 m. This size is enough for the dog to move freely and maintain control over its behavior.

Which leash is best for a Spitz? Standard or roulette type. The latter is more convenient, it is easy to twist and hold the dog close to you, to control its safety.

Roulette leash

Are Yorkies easy to train?

Absolutely any dog ​​must undergo a training course, regardless of whether the animal will participate in exhibitions or simply please its owners.

An ill-mannered pet becomes uncontrollable and only annoys its owners . This applies to even the tiniest dogs.

Yorkshire Terriers are very affectionate to their owners and happily listen to their commands, so they are quite easy to train.

When your baby Yorkie is a month old, you can train him little by little..

The first thing a dog must learn is its name. After this, you can begin to study the simplest commands, for example, “to me” and “place”.

Once your Yorkie puppy has learned these commands, you can train him further, gradually learning more complex commands.

Does a Pomeranian need a muzzle?

The breed is distinguished by its minimal muzzle size, which is not intended for a muzzle. Nylon or leather products are used:

  • when attempting to bite passers-by;
  • aggressive attitude towards stray cats and dogs;
  • ignoring the owner’s orders prohibiting picking up objects from the ground.

You can order a restraint at a workshop that sews things for four-legged animals.

Finding accessories for walking a dog is not difficult, especially if the animal has a harmful character. It is enough to buy a ready-made product from a well-known company, and in difficult cases, purchase a muzzle for a collar with a leash or harness.

*Prices are as of November 2022.


Alina, St. Petersburg

“This year we took Foresto from Bayer for the first time. We also bought the fact that it combines imidacloprid and flumethrin for its long duration of action. The package comes with three reflectors. But we didn't use them. What's amazing is that it doesn't smell at all. So far, not a single tick has been found on Fanny. But I took it off myself. So it really works. The only negative is the price. But it’s safe and definitely worth it.”

Artem, Kostroma

“Everything was decided simply for us. We tried on the harness right in the store. Ricky was nervous and fidgeted, trying to reach and pull it off. I had to stop at the collar. He doesn’t like him very much either, but safety comes first.”

We are trying to study popular types of shoes for small breeds

In addition to clothing, in winter small breed dogs also need shoes to protect their paws from glass shards, debris and chemicals that are sprinkled on city streets. Shoes, like clothes, can easily be made from old things, such as a woolen jacket. The sole is usually made from genuine leather, suede or other waterproof materials. Winter shoes are usually lined with fur, padding polyester, fleece or other insulating materials. In order for the boots to stay securely on the paws, Velcro, buckles, and elastic bands are used.

As an example, I suggest looking at a few photos with shoe options for your pets, which you can make yourself:

  • When sewing shoes, the main thing is not to allow the elastic bands to put too much pressure on the limbs, otherwise blood circulation will be disrupted and the paws will quickly freeze. To create a shoe pattern, you need to put the dog on a sheet of paper, outline the paws (note that the front and rear limbs are different in size) and add 10 - 12mm for a loose fit.
  • Today on the Internet there are a large number of sites offering free downloads of clothing and shoe patterns for dogs of various breeds. On the one hand, this is very convenient - you don’t need to bother with drawings. It is enough to print out the pattern and start sewing, but such ready-made drawings, as a rule, do not take into account the characteristics of an individual dog and it may happen that the downloaded pattern will not suit your pet.
  • In any case, regardless of whether you download a ready-made pattern or draw it yourself, making clothes for your dog with your own hands will allow you not only to dress your pet in comfortable clothes, but also to create his individual wardrobe, which will not be similar to any other dogs.

As an example, I offer several photographs with original clothes for dogs.

An owner who takes care of his pet pays attention not only to the dog’s nutrition, exercise and health, but also strives to protect it from cold and rain, and also to dress it in accordance with fashion trends for pets. A brightly and tastefully dressed dog lifts the mood of both its owners and the people around them.

And if the owner also masters the art of sewing, then the task becomes much easier. All you need to do is purchase the necessary fabric and find suitable clothing patterns for dogs - you can create your entire wardrobe with your own hands, from raincoats to festive dresses.

When choosing clothing patterns for dogs, you need to pay attention first of all to:

Different dog breeds have different body proportions. For example, a Stafford and a poodle may be approximately the same size, but clothes sewn according to a pattern for a poodle will be too small in the chest for a Stafford. Therefore, clothes for pets are often made to order according to individual measurements. Do not forget that clothes for a dog should first of all be comfortable.

Therefore, pay attention not only to the beauty of the clothing, because manufacturers primarily sew clothes, oddly enough, for the owners, in accordance with the fashion of the dog world.

You can also sew shoes for a dog, but it is worth noting that not all dogs immediately accept shoes on their paws. This may take time.

Recommendations for selection

When choosing a collar, harness or leash, you should pay attention to such parameters as:

  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • comfort.

The most suitable is a round leather collar, which does not interfere with the pet and does not damage its fur. You can use nylon collars, especially for exhibitions, but they should only be with a round cross-section so as not to spoil the fluffy coat of the Spitz.

At home, your pet should walk around without a collar at all.

As for leashes, for walks you should choose those that meet the following requirements:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • the presence of a tension carabiner.

The length of the leash should correspond to the function - if the dog walks without a leash, then you can get by with a small product that will allow you to bring the pet to the place of walking. If the Spitz will walk next to the owner, then the leash should be about 5 meters so that the dog has the opportunity to run and frolic in the street. The material for the leash can be anything, the main thing is that it is comfortable for the dog and the owner to use it.

A very convenient option is a tape measure, the leash in which can be in the form of a cable or tape. Tape is safer for the owner’s hands, but the choice can be made in any direction.

To protect your dog while walking, it is best to use a harness, as it is tightly fixed to the animal’s body and does not allow him to wriggle out and get into an unpleasant situation. It is not advisable to use this option too often, since the wool in the places where the belts are located will be strongly rubbed off. When choosing a harness, you should pay attention to its quality; preferably, it should be leather. Its width is also important - the thinner it is, the safer it is for your pet’s fluffy coat.

Metal collars and leashes are a completely unsuitable option, as they negatively affect the hair, tear out the dog’s fur, causing pain to the dog and spoiling its appearance. And also, you should not choose items with decorative ornaments for daily wear: various rhinestones, rivets and other accessories also contribute to the deterioration of the Spitz’s fur coat.

Fabric and nylon products are also undesirable, as they quickly wear out and deteriorate.

For adult dogs

A collar made of leather is suitable for an adult Spitz. It is important that this accessory is thin and round in cross-section. When choosing a collar, it is better to immediately try it on your pet. The width between the product and the neck should be no more than two fingers; an option that is too tight will interfere with the dog, and one that is too loose can fly off the dog. When choosing a design, you can choose between two options.

  1. With a ring near the buckle - in this case it will be necessary to turn the collar each time you put on the leash.
  2. With a ring in the middle - in this case there is no need to move the product, thereby injuring the hair, and putting on the leash becomes quick and convenient. This option is also called European.

Adults can also wear a harness, which is useful for short walks or in cold and rainy weather, when the walk will be done in overalls.

A leash for an adult Spitz should be light, but at the same time durable, so that the dog does not tear it during games. It is worth paying attention to the carabiner; it should not pull out the pet’s fur.

An adult dog needs to be given room to walk, so the length of the leash should not be less than 5 meters.

For puppies

Spitz puppies need an even lighter and softer collar or harness. The width of such a product is even smaller than that of an adult dog, which makes it easy to accustom your pet to a new accessory, since it will be almost invisible. It is very important to pay attention to the inside of the product - it should be soft. It is best if there is a lining made of fiber or soft cloth.

Initially, it is worth introducing the puppy to the collar, since it is less noticeable, and then you can try wearing a harness. A leash for a small pet should be about 3 meters long in order to control the dog, but at the same time give it a chance to run and frolic to its heart's content. Good quality, convenience for the owner and pet - these are the main criteria for choosing a product for a puppy.

For small pets, wearing a harness is not recommended, but in some cases it can be used. The main concerns are related to the negative impact on the structure of the skeleton of a young animal, which has not yet fully formed, and with the use of a harness, it can become completely deformed. The second nuance is training; when using a collar, the dog quickly learns to walk alongside and follow basic commands, but in a harness this happens much more slowly.

It is recommended to use a harness at a young age only if there is a certain disease - narrowing of the tracheal lumen.

Spitz diseases

Despite the fact that the dog is classified as a dwarf breed, it has good health. But still, like all decorative dogs, it has some problems, in particular with joints, eyes, teeth and a special type of cough.

  1. Tracheal collapse. Frequent coughing in this breed is very noticeable when the pet runs for a long time without stopping. This is caused by the unusual structure of the larynx. If a cough occurs, the animal must be calmed and the stressful situation eliminated. If you have a cough with intense wheezing, you will need to contact your veterinarian.
  2. Problems with the musculoskeletal system. They appear especially often in overweight dogs. Brittle bones and weak joints cannot withstand the load. When running, an animal can get a paw injury, a dislocation or a fracture. Even slight lameness indicates a problem. It is recommended to reduce the risk of joint deformation through proper nutrition, as well as mineral supplements and vitamins for strong bones.
  3. Eye problems. The German Spitz often suffers from watery eyes and clouding. This is due to the anatomical location of the eye. Convex eyes are highly susceptible to external irritants. They require regular examination and wiping with special eye products.
  4. Dental problems. The pet owner should have a special attitude towards teeth. When changing teeth, problems often arise with the loss of baby teeth, since they have a long root. Sometimes they cannot fall out on their own and have to be removed by a veterinarian. An unpleasant odor from the mouth is also not uncommon. Tartar and problems with the gastrointestinal tract are the reasons for this. The owner needs to take care of the animal’s oral cavity, brush its teeth, and treat it with special treats for cleaning teeth.
  5. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If fed incorrectly, the dog can get gastritis or ulcers. The dog should be fed at the same time. The volume of portions corresponds to the norm based on the weight of the animal. You cannot add an uneaten portion to a new one. Prohibited foods cannot be given. Water must be available throughout the day.
  6. Genetic predisposition to luxating the kneecap. At the initial stage of development of this disease, the Pomeranian Spitz often bends its paw, but still stands on it. If such a symptom occurs, it is better to immediately contact a veterinary clinic.
  7. Alopecia. Excessive hair loss. In the area where the hair has fallen out, the skin turns black. After some time, the hair grows back.

Consultation with a specialist

Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to do without it. Walking in a harness forms the puppy's bones and muscles in a special way, so before purchasing, be sure to consult the club or the breeder. In most cases, it cannot be used until the age of 1 year.

As already mentioned, it is quite difficult to say which is better, a harness or a collar. Some breeds need the first one for proper muscle development, while others do not recommend it. A harness is a must-have item for sled dogs. If you want to use an adult dog for sledding with children, then no collars.

What do you need to buy to bring a puppy into your home?

And in order to make it easier for you to choose the necessary things, we have compiled a list of what you need to buy for a puppy, a “starter package”, so to speak.

  • Dog bowls…
  • Puppy food...
  • Sleeping place for a puppy...
  • Puppy diapers...
  • Ammunition for dogs...
  • Puppy toys...
  • Dog carrier…
  • Pet care items

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The Pomeranian breed and other types of Spitz are famous for their thick coat and dense undercoat. These dogs are not afraid of cold conditions, but they still need clothing to avoid unnecessary brushing and small debris getting into their fur.


A chic fur coat does not always save your pet from the cold during long walks, and hypothermia can lead to serious illness for your pet. It is in frosty weather, especially when there is heavy rainfall, that you wear overalls on your Pomeranian. They come in varying degrees of insulation. For frosts from 20 degrees, blowers with or without hoods are perfect. Their prices vary greatly from 800 to 8,000 rubles.

In overalls


If your pet likes to walk on rainy days, get him a lightweight raincoat. A high-quality outfit will protect your Spitz's fur from wind, rain and dirt. This piece of dog clothing is made waterproof and windproof. It fastens easily, making it easy to put on and take off. Choose a raincoat that fits tightly to the dog's body, but does not restrict its movements. The cost ranges from 800 to 4,000 rubles.

In the rain

Jackets and suits

You can also buy jackets and suits separately for bad weather. They are great for wet weather and will make your pet's walk as comfortable as possible.

When choosing this clothing, please note:

  • the fabric should not be rustling;
  • clothing should fit close to the body, but not restrict movement;
  • choose a pleasant lining so that it does not electrify the fur;
  • check the fasteners for strength.

It is necessary to accustom your dog to clothes before the onset of cold weather, so that the animal gets used to it. Prices for jackets and suits - from 700 to 6,000 rubles.

In a jacket

You can also dress your pet in warm weather for beauty. Today there are many different blouses, T-shirts, sweaters, dresses and panties on the dog clothing market.

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