Chow chow dog breed. Description, features, types, care, maintenance and price of Chow Chow

Description of the breed

Chow Chows are medium-sized dogs with a strong build, proud posture and a mane that gives them a lion-like appearance .

They have a flat and wide skull, a large nose with a black or matching coat color, a non-pointed muzzle of medium length, strong jaws, a scissor bite, oval eyes, small thick ears with slightly rounded tips.

The back is short and straight, the chest is wide and deep . Chow chows have a relatively short stride, their movements are free and easy, and excess coat should not interfere with the activity of representatives of this breed.


In total, there are 5 breeds bred on the basis of the Pinscher, each of which should be discussed separately:

  1. The Miniature Pinscher is the smallest of all Pinschers. He has strong limbs, a powerful body with well-developed muscles. The fur is short, its color (according to the standard) can be red or black. According to the standard, these miniature dogs must have their ears and tail docked.
  2. The Doberman is a pet of medium height, its height at the withers usually does not exceed 0.5 m. This breed was developed by Friedrich Doberman (that is why this breed was named after him). These dogs are service dogs, they have a well-developed sense of smell, they are hardy, intelligent and at the same time very elegant. They are considered quite aggressive.
  3. The German Pinscher is a dog with an athletic build. His ears are high and erect, his muzzle is elongated. These dogs are smooth-haired; according to the standard, the color can be black or red.
  4. The Australian Pinscher was a herding dog in the past; Australian farmers used these Pinschers to help guard herds of sheep, as well as to catch rats and other small rodents. The fur is long and can have different colors.
  5. Affenpinscher are miniature pinschers that look like primates (hence the name of the breed). The main feature of his appearance is his fluffy beard. These pinschers have floppy ears and very expressive eyes.

Origin story

This is one of the oldest dog breeds, originally from China. Previously, representatives of this breed were used for hunting, guarding homes, as assistant reindeer herders and as sled dogs.

The purity of the breed was preserved only thanks to the monks of Buddhist monasteries, who were engaged in breeding Chow Chows and scrupulously kept the pedigree of each dog..

Since China was isolated for a long period, the first dogs of this breed appeared in England only at the beginning of the 19th century.

Since that time, European breeders began active work to improve the quality of the Chow Chow coat and adapt these dogs to new living conditions.

Chow-chow - dogs with purple tongue

Today we will talk about the favorite of thousands of families - the Chow Chow dog with a purple tongue, a perky and stubborn disposition, a lion's mane and a bear's physique.

Such unusual combinations have made the pet a decorative breed that will become a good guard, a reliable protector and a loyal friend.

This species will require a lot of dedication from you, because the breed requires careful care and a lot of effort and time to learn commands. Our article and video tutorials will help you in breeding this wonderful breed.

The Chow Chow is a large and brave dog with an unusual purple tongue, which has long served as a protector, hunter and mount, earning rave reviews. She is hardy, characterized by devotion, strong and persistent character. Although it does not differ in intellectual abilities, training a Chow Chow takes a lot of time and nerves.


This is one of the oldest breeds in the world, because images of these dogs were found in China and date back to 150 BC. e. DNA studies by scientists show that Chow Chows evolved from wolves, and the country of origin is the territory of Mongolia and China. The first breeders of the breed are considered to be the clergy of Buddhist temples, who even kept genealogies.

The breed appeared in Europe only in 1785. The navigator Marco Polo was the first to describe dogs colorfully. And since 1830, English breeders have been breeding so many beautiful and impressive breeds.

There is a belief that the Chow Chow owes its origin to the Buddha himself, so for a long time it was considered a sacred animal. The dog was also revered because of the unique color of its tongue - purple or blue-black. According to legend, the animal licked the edge of the sky with its tongue during the creation of the world and the tongue instantly changed color. Interestingly, Chow Chow puppies are not immediately born with a blue tongue; it darkens over time.

In this video you will see how playful puppies behave.

Breed standard

Exotic dogs combined the external characteristics of a bear and a lion, borrowing the size and density of the body from the former, and the thick mane (a lion's thick collar on the neck) from the latter. And the bright image is complemented by an unusual purple tongue. Let's take a closer look at the description of the standard characteristics of the Chow Chow breed - we'll also see photos.

The dogs are compactly built, large, growing up to 32 kg for males and up to 27 kg for females. At the withers, the height of the animals is up to 56 and 51 cm, respectively. Coat color – red, cream, black, bluish, white, however, without spots. Based on the length of their coat, they are distinguished between short-haired and long-haired. The former have short, erect, non-fitting fur, while the latter have straight, thick coat with a soft undercoat.

In this video you will learn everything about the breed: origin, description, features of care, feeding and mating.

The muzzle is of medium length, wide. The nose is most often black, with the exception of light-colored dogs whose nose matches the color of their coat. The ears are small, rounded, located far apart from each other and tilted forward. Because of which, as can be seen in the video and photo, the impression of a sad animal is created. The eyes are small, black (with the exception of dogs of light shades), almond-shaped.

The mouth is large with strong jaws, strong teeth and a scissor bite. The tongue and palate are purple or blue-black, and the lips and gums are black. The neck is powerful, short, slightly curved. The body is muscular with a broad chest and strong but short legs. The tail is bushy, carried high and curled over the back.


All representatives of the breed have a confident character, freedom-loving, but very stubborn. The owner must teach the pet to obey him from infancy. A well-developed sense of ownership: the dog will not share its territory with others and is very jealous of its owner. Although at heart they are very kind and loyal.

This species does not really like communication, which is why they may seem gloomy and solitary in nature. They are wary of strangers.

They are ignorant of fear and panic, which is why representatives of the breed become excellent guards. You need to build a trusting relationship with the Chow Chow and respect him.

Only then will the dog be able to show his love for you, become a true friend and faithful life partner.

In some periods, for example, before and during heat, the character of the bitches changes greatly: they become nervous and even aggressive.


Any dog ​​handler will answer the question of how long beautiful dogs live. On average, 9-12 years, this is the usual life expectancy for these animals. According to breeders, sometimes individuals live up to 15 years.

Features of care and maintenance

How long your dog will live depends directly on how you care for it. Caring for a Chow Chow requires a lot of time and attention, because your chosen one has a thick mane.

Therefore, it needs to be combed regularly 2 times a week with a special comb (during the molting period, somewhat more often - 3-4 times). Bathe your dog no more than once a month (in summer no more than 2 times) using special products; ideally, you can purchase dry shampoo.

Do not overuse haircuts, the reviews of which are deplorable, because the animal’s skin is very sensitive and susceptible to sunburn.

Representatives of the species are very clean in nature. For example, they are afraid to run through dew while walking or get dirty after rain. Dogs take great care of their personal hygiene, so you need to regularly monitor the cleanliness of their home, bowls and other accessories. Don't forget to clean your eyes daily with cotton pads soaked in water. Cleaning your ears and cutting your nails once a month is enough.

Since the dog has a well-developed guard instinct, they should be placed close to the front door. How much space they need for a comfortable life is an individual question.

Animals live well in the yard in enclosures, in large houses, but an apartment is also suitable in worst case scenario.

You need to walk your dog as often as possible and for as long as possible (according to reviews from owners, the best option is 2 hours every day).

Pet food

Everyone chooses what to feed their dog for themselves: it is either natural products or dry special food. It is forbidden to feed by mixing natural food and dry food, as a mixed diet is fraught with danger to the dog’s health. If you decide to feed dry food, it is better to purchase premium food (for example, Akana dry food), since cheap dry food does not contain a single gram of natural product.

If you have enough free time, feed your dog natural food. The main thing is not to allow an excess of proteins and fats in this type of feeding. Natural food can be raw lean meat and sea fish, greens and cereals. It is forbidden to feed pork and potatoes. A healthy natural product is a daily 200-gram portion of cottage cheese diluted with kefir.


Absolutely healthy females over one and a half years old should be allowed to breed. Mating should be carried out on days 8-18 of estrus.

A veterinarian will help you determine the most suitable day for mating by examining a vaginal smear of the bitch. As a rule, the meeting of dogs for mating takes place on the territory of the dog.

Mating is best done in the morning, before feeding the pets. If this is your dog's first breeding, it is best to enlist the help of an expert.

Features of training

Training a Chow Chow may seem like an impossible mission for you, because the dog is very stubborn, has its own opinion about everything and is in no hurry to do everything that is wanted of it.

Dogs with the most unusual tongue color are difficult to train, because they do not shine with intelligence.

As testimonials from owners indicate, a pet can be taught basic commands, however, this must be done regularly from childhood and for a considerable period of time.

"Chow Chow and Man"

In the next video you will learn all about the character traits of this breed and how to treat a dog to achieve friendly relations.

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The Chow Chow is a very popular dog breed in Europe and the CIS countries, whose history dates back thousands of years.

Despite the fact that initially it was used mainly for hunting, it has perfectly adapted to modern times and has become an excellent decorative dog.

Origin story

The Chow Chow is considered one of the oldest breeds, the first mentions of which came to us from ancient times.

Repeated studies of the DNA of these dogs indicate that they descended from real wolves . And their homeland is considered to be the arid plains of Mongolia and China. The Chinese most often used these dogs for hunting and protecting livestock from predatory animals.

You can also find stories that in some Chinese regions this breed was raised for food. Chow chow meat dishes were even served in some Chinese restaurants in the late 19th century.

Also, references to this breed can be found in the ancient records of Buddhist monks who were breeding them and kept special journals in which all pedigrees were recorded.

But in the Old World, chow chows appeared only at the end of the 18th century thanks to sailors and traders. This late appearance is due to the closed policy of China in those distant times. The first descriptions of this fabulous breed were brought to Europeans by none other than Mark Polo .

As soon as chow chows were imported into Europe, English breeders and breeders immediately became interested in them. It is to them that the current representatives of this breed owe their appearance. The British adapted the Chow Chow to life in a secular society, but did not deprive these dogs of their working qualities.

Description of the breed

The Chow Chow has a very powerful body with well-developed bones and muscles. All this is hidden under long hair, which most often has a red, black, cream or white color.

Rare representatives of this breed have relatively short hair; they are usually called “smooths” (from the English word smooth). Basically, the coat of this breed is very dense and thick, with a characteristic mane on the chest.

These four-legged friends of humans grow up to 55 cm in height and weigh about 20 - 30 kg. The body has a strengthened lower back and a powerful chest, on which the ribs are well defined.

The back is short and straight, which is why the dog has a squat appearance. The front and hind legs are straight and well developed.

Because the hock joints of the hind legs point toward the ground, the dog has a distinctive stilted gait .

The head is wide and rectangular. The muzzle is short and wrinkled, which often gives the impression that the dog is grinning. The ears are small, slightly pointed forward and rounded at the tips. The jaws are very powerful, and the teeth are large and erect. This ensures that this breed's bites are as painful as possible.

However, the most characteristic feature of the Chow Chow is its tongue. It has a unique black-blue color that shimmers in various shades in the sun. According to legend, the dog got it by licking the edge of the sky, while God was creating the world.

It is also interesting that the tongue of newborn puppies has a standard pink color, which changes with age.

In general, this dog has a very pleasant appearance, which is especially popular with children because of its fluffiness. But under the cute shell of wool hides a powerful body that has not lost strength and endurance even after centuries.

Dog character

For many people who are not personally familiar with this breed, the character of the Chow Chow comes as an unpleasant surprise. These dogs are very stubborn, difficult to train and have a very strong sense of ownership. Toys, home, owner - they consider all this to be theirs and, if they are not properly educated, they can come into conflict with those who dare to challenge this.

In addition, they are extremely independent and do not like excessive affection . They behave very reservedly towards people and allow themselves to be petted only if they want it. Their relationship with children is even worse. Children's screams and unpredictable movements can be regarded as a threat, and noisy games can simply cause irritation.

However, this only applies to those cases when a dog meets a human child in adulthood. If the puppy grew up with the child from the very beginning, then, on the contrary, he will protect your child from any danger and happily participate in games.

From all that has been said, one may get the impression that this breed is unfriendly and even aggressive. But this is not true, it’s just that Chow Chows are very reserved and independent. They are well suited for people who work a lot and are often away from home. And despite the fact that they do not always follow commands, they are extremely loyal to their owner.

Education and care

If you don't want to send your tailed friend to a specialist for training, then get ready for the fact that training a Chow Chow can be quite difficult .

Many people mistakenly believe that these dogs are poor at learning and following commands due to their weak intelligence, but this is not true. Although they cannot be called the smartest breed, they are not distinguished by great stupidity either.

The reason for poor learning ability lies in the same stubbornness: chow chows often refuse to follow a command simply because they don’t want to. But if you start training early and give commands as a fun game, it can make your pet unusually obedient.

The same goes for his aloofness. If you introduce him to other animals and people from childhood, then in adulthood the dog will not show unreasonable aggression towards strangers and other people's dogs.

Also, during training, you should not use painful punishments, as this will only worsen the animal’s character. It’s better to delicately show the puppy who’s boss from the very beginning.

And in case of disobedience, lift him by the scruff of the neck and scold him out loud.

As for care, special attention should be paid to the Chow Chow's coat and adhere to some basic points:

  • Chow Chows love to sleep at home, but exercise is a must for this breed. So try to run and play with your pet more outside;
  • You need to wash your dog no more than once a month and use dry shampoo for this;
  • It is better to comb the coat every day or at least twice a week. This way it will remain beautiful and not hang in clumps. In addition, twice a year there is a period of molting, at which time the coat may need special attention;
  • The chow chow's claws are soft and therefore grind well on the ground and asphalt. But if you do not have the opportunity to walk with your pet for a long time, then they may grow excessively. In this case, they should be trimmed about once a month;
  • Clean your dog's eyes with a wet tissue every day. Her ears can be gently cleaned with a hygiene stick no more than once a week.

As for nutrition, this Chinese breed is suitable for both dry food and food made from natural products. The advantage of the food is that it already contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins. If you prepare food for your dog yourself, then be prepared for the fact that he may need mineral supplements .

How long does he live?

The average life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 12 – 15 years. Which is quite a lot for an animal of this size.

The main health problems in this dog are associated with heat and certain hereditary diseases, including entropion, myopathy and hip dysplasia. The latter disease is typical not only for Chow Chows, but also for many other dogs of a similar build.

Entropion, as the name suggests, results in an unnatural position of the eyelid. This contributes to pain and increased tear production. It can be corrected with simple (but expensive) surgery.

Myopathy is a set of diseases that interfere with the normal contraction of muscle fibers. Symptoms increase as a result of heavy physical exertion or prolonged exposure to the cold. Treatment is quite problematic and requires the use of special medications, as well as keeping the dog warm.

If you live in an area with hot summers, then during this period it is better to keep your dog at home under air conditioning more often. Long hair often plays a cruel joke on Chow Chows: in hot weather they quickly develop shortness of breath and breathing problems .

Owner reviews

The most popular comment about this breed on the Internet is the word “stubbornness.”

However, in addition to this, people also note the extraordinary devotion of these dogs. Despite the fact that they do not always follow the owner’s commands, they will always come to the rescue and protect them from the offender.

In addition, there are several cases where a chow chow literally saved its owner from death.

So, in one of the Russian villages, a dog called for help to a passing woman so that she could save her owner from death, who was crushed by a cart as a result of an accident.

How much does a puppy cost?

An ordinary Chow Chow puppy without documents and vaccinations will cost only 3,000 – 5,000 rubles.

A copy with vaccinations and documents will cost more – about $600.

If you want to raise your dog to be a winner of exhibitions and competitions, then the price for a puppy with a rich pedigree can be more than $1,000.


Interesting Facts

Interesting facts about chow chow:

  • Chow chow puppies are born with a pink tongue, which acquires a characteristic blue-black hue as the dog matures.
  • Chow Chows do not like water and may refuse to walk in the rain.
  • Z. Freud believed that representatives of this breed make a person’s life more harmonious.
  • According to Chinese legend, the color of the Chow Chow's tongue is a reminder of their courage and determination, which appeared after one of the representatives of this breed licked a piece of the sky that had fallen to the ground.


In general, the vaccination schedule is similar to that applicable to other breeds:

  1. For rabies, the first injection is given at 12 weeks, then repeated a year, carried out annually.
  2. They are vaccinated against plague at 8 weeks, revaccinated every year, and repeated every year.
  3. For parainfluenza, an injection is given at 8 weeks, then repeated a year, like every subsequent year of the dog.
  4. Protect against enteritis at 10 weeks, re-introduce a year, repeat annually.
  5. Protect against leptospirosis at 10 weeks, repeat at 12 months, then annually.
  6. The microsporia vaccination is given at 28 weeks, then repeated annually and annually.
  7. The vaccine against trichophytosis is given at 28 weeks, a year and annually.

Character traits

Although outwardly seemingly calm and even submissive, Chow Chows actually have a rather complex character. These dogs are self-confident and independent, they are characterized by stubbornness and selfishness.

Freedom-loving animals with a strong-willed character and the habit of making their own decisions always act in their own interests.

Chow chows, both girls and boys, are self-sufficient and do not wait for approval for their actions. They do not demand attention and do not impose their society. They always choose only one person as their owner and remain devoted to him throughout their lives.

But in order for a dog to recognize a person as a leader, that person must have leadership qualities and a strong character.

Relationships with children for these dogs are quite difficult . Chow Chows are more likely to remain neutral and try to stay away from children unless they are bothered by them. Therefore, it is better not to get such a dog for families with children under 14 years old.

Representatives of this breed get along with other pets only if they grew up together.

In other cases, dogs perceive them as an object of hunting.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

In order for a Chow Chow to grow up to be a sociable, non-aggressive and affectionate dog, it is necessary to properly raise and socialize it from an early age. Puppies are more pliable and easier to teach the rules of behavior; adults with already formed character and habits are extremely difficult to re-educate. In addition, it is important to remember that representatives of this breed are characterized by dominant behavior and rancor, so it is necessary from the first days to let the pet know who is in charge in the house, but never use physical punishment or rudeness for this.

Who should start

Many people are interested in who could be the owner of such a dog and who it would be most suitable for. In fact, the Chow Chow is a universal dog that suits everyone.

This dog can be an excellent companion for lonely elderly people. It is also suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and like to spend a lot of time outdoors.

Additional Information! This breed should not be owned by owners of private houses who intend to keep the dog on the street. These dogs are not adapted to street life.

Advantages and disadvantages

Speaking about the advantages of chow chow, it should be noted that they:

  • have a bright, attractive appearance;
  • have good security and guard qualities;
  • Suitable for keeping in apartments and enclosures;
  • do not need long active walks;
  • are friendly towards family members;
  • loyal;
  • hardy;
  • clean;
  • not prone to frequent barking;
  • calm and balanced.

In addition, these dogs do not have a specific odor, and their coat does not provoke allergies.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • stubbornness;
  • dominant behavior;
  • possible aggression towards other dogs;
  • independence;
  • the need for proper education and socialization.

Also considered a disadvantage of the breed is the rather heavy seasonal shedding.


Bitches are mated after the third heat, at the age of 1.5 years. Estrus in females lasts 21-25 days. Mating is carried out on the 10-12th day. During this period, the Chow becomes docile, allows the male dog to approach her, and moves her tail to the side. The fact that the mating was successful is indicated by a change in the dog’s behavior. There is also a decrease in appetite, which is a sign of toxicosis.

Pregnant dogs are fed a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet to prevent obesity.

Types of dogs

There are 2 types of chow chow:

  • shorthair (smooth);
  • long-haired.

The first type is characterized by a rather short guard hair, but a fairly dense undercoat; the second type is characterized by both a thick, soft and fluffy undercoat, and an abundant, rather long and dense outer coat.

Shorthaired Chow Chows are more sensitive to lower air temperatures and have a harder time withstanding cold, but feel better in hot weather..

In addition, there are mini Chow Chows, which differ from standard representatives of the breed in being smaller in size.

Nutrition and diet

what to feed the chow chow independently .

These can be natural products or industrial feeds, the main thing is not to mix both types of nutrition and monitor the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The natural menu should include:

  • dietary meat;
  • offal;
  • buckwheat, rice, wheat and barley groats;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish.

Cannot be given to dogs:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • tubular bones;
  • sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products;
  • pickles, canned food, marinades;
  • legumes

Also, many adult Chow Chows are lactose intolerant, so milk should be excluded from their diet or at least minimize its consumption.

When feeding dry food, it is important to choose only high-quality products, the composition of which is properly balanced and enriched with vitamins and minerals.

The most suitable food for representatives of this breed is Brit, Now, Belcando.

Factors influencing lifespan

The life expectancy of dogs is influenced by factors:

  • Physical development;
  • Does the animal perform loads appropriate for its age and breed;
  • Complete rest;
  • A balanced diet enriched with nutrients;
  • Sufficient communication and attention.

All these quality indicators of life depend 100% on the owner. The way he takes care of his pet shapes the animal’s resistance to stress and various diseases.

A balanced diet from birth lays the foundation for the pet’s physical health for the rest of its life and even into old age. An older dog should be fed soft food to avoid problems with teeth and swallowing.

In old age, animals can suffer from various diseases, most often deteriorating hearing, vision, and disruptions in the urinary system.

Another problem that can significantly reduce the age of any animal is excess weight. Its excess has a bad effect on the pet’s health, affecting the cardiovascular system and bone structure. It is necessary to control the weight of the animal, especially in old age.

Regular medical examinations, vaccinations, timely contacting a veterinary clinic in case of problems - this is what will keep your pet in the right shape. Constantly caring for your pet throughout its life can significantly increase its cycle.

Health and major diseases, life expectancy

The average lifespan of a Chow Chow is 9-15 years .

These dogs have fairly good health, but there are some diseases that are most often diagnosed with them.

Such pathologies include:

  • obesity;
  • inversion and inversion of the eyelid;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • volvulus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes;
  • tumors;
  • allergy;
  • myopathy;
  • dermatitis.

It is necessary to carefully choose a puppy, since many diseases are hereditary.

Age compared to human years

Chow Chow agePerson's age
1 year15 years
2 years24 years
3 years28 years
4 years32 years
5 years35 years
6 years45 years
7 years50 years
8 years55 years
9 years61 years old
10 years66 years old
11 years72 years old
12 years77 years old
13 years82 years old
14 years88 years old
15 years93 years old

Education and training

Chow chows are quite intelligent and attentive, they have a good memory and the ability to adapt to changing external conditions. However, they are difficult to train due to their innate stubbornness.

Dogs remember commands well and understand what exactly their owner wants from them, but they only do what they themselves deem necessary.

To cope with your pet's stubbornness, you need to educate him from an early age, showing patience, perseverance and making fairly strict demands regarding discipline..

First of all, you need to accustom your pet to its nickname, calling it by name as often as possible. After this, you need to master the basic “come to me” command, calling the dog and giving it a treat every time it comes.

Also, the chow chow should know the command “fu” and “no” - this will help stop unwanted actions on the part of the pet..


More complex commands are necessary for representatives of the breed participating in exhibitions, but can also be useful for pets.

If the dog is too stubborn and you are not sure that you will be able to train it on your own, you should contact a professional dog trainer and sign up for OKD.


The Chow Chow is distinguished by a characteristic stilted gait, when the movement of the hind leg is carried out from the hip, and short steps. The stilted gait is best seen when viewed from the side. The dog moves with a fast and short step without a wide extension of the hind limbs, while the croup does not sway much either vertically or horizontally. The hind limbs move like a pendulum, lightly touching the ground with their paw pads. A powerful push of the hind limbs is observed. The limbs are not close together. When viewed from the front, the forelimbs should not describe a semicircle during movement and the axis of the shoulder should move strictly forward. When moving, the front and rear legs are parallel to each other. As the speed of movement increases, the limbs shift slightly towards the center of gravity. Waddle movements are not allowed.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a Chow Chow involves regularly carrying out a set of hygiene procedures that help maintain the health and attractiveness of the pet.

Wool and bathing

After each walk, you need to wash your pet’s paws, bathe him completely, using shampoo appropriate for his coat type, no more than once a quarter.

You need to comb your Chow Chow with a metal brush or a wide-toothed comb 2 times a week - this will help avoid matting of the coat and get rid of dead hairs..

During shedding, your pet should be brushed daily.

Tooth and claw

To prevent plaque and tartar, you need to brush your dog’s teeth twice a week using a special brush and toothpaste.

With regular walks, the claws grind down to the desired length on their own . If this does not happen, they should be shortened monthly with a nail clipper so as not to touch the blood vessels.

Eyes and ears

Wipe your eyes daily with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water, removing secretions that have accumulated overnight, and clean your ears once a month.

In case of suppuration of the eyes, increased watery eyes or an unpleasant odor from the ears, you must immediately take your pet to a veterinarian.

Also, caring for your dog involves timely vaccination and regular treatment against internal and external parasites.

Historical reference

The Chow Chow dog received its name long before the birth of cynology. If we translate the name literally, the breed can be called the Shaggy Lion or the Dog of the Tang Dynasty. Both names are quite honorable, especially considering that during the Tang Dynasty, China was at the peak of its development and power.

Little is known about the genealogical origin of the breed. Two main versions say that the Chow Chow dog breed belongs to the group of aboriginal Spitz dogs or comes from the Molosser family, more precisely, from the Tibetan Mastiff. The relationship with Spitz dogs is seriously questioned, since the difference in the structure of the dogs is visible to the naked eye. Much more interesting are the legends about the origin of shaggy lions. Since dogs have a black and blue tongue, the semantic load is tied specifically to this feature.

So, the Chinese believe that Chow Chow had the honor of licking the sky at the time of the birth of existence. It is difficult to create a world, and the one who was doing this was carried away by the beauty of the stars, a piece of the sky fell to the ends of the earth, the dog arrived in time, licked the sky and its tongue turned blue.

Koreans claim that dogs are descended from bears. One day, the gourmet bear got so carried away by eating strawberries that he was reborn into a Chow Chow. A blueberry-colored tongue is strong evidence. Additional arguments are the “clubfooted” gait and independent disposition.

Even the official history of the breed considers the possibility that the blue tongue is a legacy from already extinct wolves that lived in the Arctic. We will no longer know whether this is true or not, but the relationship with wolves is not zealously disputed (but whether they were polar is unknown).

Restoring the life path of Chow Chow is impossible, since one of the Chinese rulers managed to destroy almost all the chronicles and literature of his country. It is known that the Chinese kept stud books on dog breeding... but by the will of the ruler they set everything on fire. Archaeologists managed to discover a figurine (220 BC), which, without a doubt, captured the face of Chow Chow. Historians also confirm the existence of records of Tibetan and Mongolian hunters, which described powerful hunting dogs with black tongues. By the way, the origin of these four-legged animals was associated with China and Tibet.

The reign of the Tang Dynasty marked a new stage in the history of the breed. Knowing that Chow Chows were successfully used to hunt birds, deer, bears and even tigers, the rulers issued a decree establishing an imperial nursery. By the way, historical writings say that Chow Chow attacked large predators without fear and held them until the hunter arrived. Facts of dogs working in sleds to transport goods are also mentioned.

The characteristics of the breed have been instilled in Chow Chows for centuries. It is interesting that after receiving the status of an imperial dog, monasteries began breeding four-legged dogs. All matings and litters were recorded in journals, essentially stud books. To eliminate risks, the monks exchanged producers and added fresh blood to their nurseries.

It is interesting that 50–60 absolutely identical dogs (in structure and coat color) could live on the territory of the monastery. A significant role was also played in the upbringing of the tailed animals; they were all obedient, but not limited in making their own decisions. How the monks achieved discipline remains a mystery, because living adult, mature male dogs in the same territory is quite a risky undertaking.

Chow chows received a ticket to the big world after meeting the British, or rather, one of the English. Taking advantage of his official position, Abshtein K.G. came to the territory of the monastery “in peace” and was shocked by the number and perfect similarity of dogs in the monasteries. After they learned about the incredible tailed creatures in England, little remained to be done. The first Chow Chows that came to Great Britain were a deep blue color.

Today, the Chow Chow is recognized by the FCI (International Canine Organization) with breed standard No. 205. In addition to the classic, fluffy type, the description of the breed includes a short-haired variety - Smooth. To the delight of city residents, a dwarf Chow Chow was also bred. The breed is not yet recognized and is in its infancy, and breeders emphasize that their ultimate goal is to soften the character and reduce the dogs to the size of Pomeranians.

Types of crossbreeds

Mixed breeds are dogs born as a result of crossing representatives of two different breeds. Such matings may be unplanned or carried out specifically to produce a new breed with improved conformation and character.


Husky and Chow Chow mixes usually have a red and white coat color, blue eyes, and an elongated muzzle.

Chaskies are taller than Chow Chows, they have a soft, pleasant character, they are friendly, affectionate and loyal to their owner..

Chow chow + shar pei

Puppies born as a result of such mating have an independent character, good security and watchdog instincts.

Visually, they look like sharpeis overgrown with fur; their maximum height is 53 cm and their weight is 20 kg..

With a shepherd

These mestizos grow up to be good watchmen, security guards and hunters . They are friendly, intelligent, curious, vigilant and always on the alert. They have an elongated, thick, fluffy coat, inherited from the Chow Chow, most often of a black-and-white color.

How to choose?

To eliminate or minimize the likelihood of purchasing a non-purebred or sick representative of the breed, you should purchase a puppy from a specialized nursery. They employ professional breeders who value their reputation and care about the purity of the breed.

A healthy puppy that meets breed standards should not have dandruff, rashes, irritation, inflammation, discharge from the eyes and nose, increased lacrimation, unpleasant odor from the ears, a bloated abdomen, or signs of parasites..

He should have a beautiful shiny coat, clean skin, and a scissor bite.

In addition, the puppy must be developed according to its age, be quite active and inquisitive, displays of cowardice or aggression are unacceptable.

You can determine the future coat color by the color of the fur on the paws and under the eyes.

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