Breeding a Yorkshire Terrier - estrus, mating, pregnancy or how to give birth to a Yorkie

The Yorkshire Terrier is a decorative dog bred in England at the end of the 19th century.

According to the standard of the International Canine Association (FCI), the weight of a Yorkie does not exceed 3.1 kg. These are indoor dogs, convenient for keeping and breeding in a city apartment .

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the ten most popular breeds in various international and local rankings. Contrary to the division into micro, mini and standard common among Yorkshire terrier lovers, such a classification does not officially exist.

Features of estrus and mating in a bitch

A Yorkie's first heat occurs between 7 and 10 months of age. In rare cases earlier. This indicates the bitch's puberty and ability to reproduce. But a dog is not ready either mentally or physiologically to become a mother at this age. The optimal time to breed a female Yorkie is her third heat. In order not to miss it, the dog breeder should keep a diary, starting from the first estrus.

The main symptoms of heat in Yorkies:

  • changes in behavior (apathy, aggression or excessive activity);
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • frequent urination and leaving puddles in the wrong place;
  • frequent licking and swelling of the loop;
  • bloody discharge that can be found on the bedding after the dog sleeps.

Sometimes it is very difficult to notice the discharge in Yorkies due to its scarcity. In addition, the bitch can constantly and thoroughly lick herself. You can detect them by lightly pressing on the loop when examining the dog.

During walks, not only males, but also females can pay attention to a Yorkie in heat. During sexual heat, a dog's glands release a scent that attracts other dogs. Bitches jumping on each other during estrus is considered normal, and Yorkie owners do not need to interfere with such fun.

To prevent unwanted mating from occurring during a walk, special underpants are put on a Yorkie in heat and the animal is kept on a leash.

During estrus, the bitch should not be exposed to stress in the form of moving, exhibitions, training commands, etc.

Bitches weighing from 1.5 kg, if this is a mini Yorkie, and weighing from 2.5 kg, if this is a standard one, are allowed for breeding. Breeding dogs that weigh less leads to the fact that the puppy cannot give birth on her own and needs a caesarean section.

It is advisable to carry out the first mating when the girl reaches two years of age. Mating of a female under 1.5 years old causes health problems for the pregnant dog and her future offspring.

It is also advisable to carry out the first mating no later than the animal’s 4th birthday. Yorkshire Terriers over 8 years of age are not recommended for breeding.

Mating is completely contraindicated for Yorkies that have any internal pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance (diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometritis, etc.).

The right time for breeding

The moment of onset of puberty and readiness for breeding is different for females and males of the Yorkshire Terrier, therefore, having decided to start breeding dogs of this breed, you need to be able to choose the right time for mating.


A male Yorkshire Terrier becomes a sexually mature individual after reaching the age of 8 - 9 months. The development of sperm occurs simultaneously with the sexual development of the animal, therefore, as a rule, even before the onset of puberty, a certain number of them are released when the dog goes to the toilet. Before a male dog is 8 months old, it is better not to breed him, since, due to the incomplete formation of sperm, there is no guarantee of conceiving offspring.

The first mating is carried out when the male reaches 1 year of age - at this age he is ready for mating both physically and psychologically.

Having mated a pet earlier, you may encounter a number of problems: in addition to possible painful sensations during early mating, the male may become uncontrollable and completely ignore the owner, sensing the smell of a bitch in heat. Increased and even excessive excitability significantly complicates the process of training and raising a dog.

It is better to carry out the first mating with an experienced bitch - this will help the male cope with the process more easily. Mating is repeated after 4 - 5 months, then the male can be used for regular matings. To prevent the male from becoming exhausted and to reproduce healthy offspring, it is recommended to carry out no more than 1 mating per month.

Male Yorkshire Terriers remain sexually active for up to 10 years or more.


The first heat, which marks the beginning of puberty in the Yorkshire Terrier bitch, begins at the age of 8 - 9 months.
However, a dog can only be bred when it is 2 years old.

As a rule, ovulation occurs between 8 and 14 days after the start of estrus.

But this period is individual for each individual, and it must be monitored, since as a result of an incorrectly determined ovulation period, pregnancy may not occur or there will be few puppies.

During ovulation, the loop becomes soft and elastic, the discharge is almost transparent. There are also changes in the dog’s behavior: it flirts with males, barks invitingly, freezes while stroking the back, raises its tail and moves it to the side.

A dog over 4 years old should not be allowed to breed if it has never been bred before - late pregnancy has a negative impact on the health of the bitch. This is associated with decreased elasticity of the hip joints and genitals and an increased likelihood of caesarean section. In addition, there is no guarantee of the birth of healthy offspring. A bitch should be bred no more than 6 times in her entire life - this way she can restore health and strength between pregnancies.

What a dog owner needs to know

Only males with excellent conformation and pedigree are allowed for breeding.

Puberty in males occurs somewhat later than in females. A male dog shows readiness to mate by 12 months. But it is too early to untie a male at this age. It is better to breed a Yorkie with a female when she reaches the age of 1.5-2 years.

The dog is ready for mating throughout the year, but at first it is not recommended to give the boy heavy loads. The norm is to cover no more than 20 bitches per year.

The stud dog is provided with high-calorie food. The basis of the diet should be protein foods in the form of meat and offal. Long walks are no less important for maintaining the health of a male Yorkie.

It is permissible to breed males with females up to 10 years of age. But breeders do not recommend mating with dogs older than 8 years, since the quality of overly mature sires is significantly reduced.

After untying a Yorkie boy, the owner must take into account that the male will constantly demand new matings. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is worth untying the dog too early.

For the first time, it is best to pair a male dog with an experienced and calm bitch. A partner who has never been mated may show aggression towards the groom and bite him. This can discourage the boy from approaching the bitch in the future.

What to feed your Yorkie

Feeding a Biewer Yorkie puppy from two to five months is done 4 times a day. For babies, diet is very important, so feeding times must be specific. From five months to one year, dogs receive food three times a day. After twelve months they are transferred to the morning-evening regimen.

Bievers can be fed both natural food and dry food. In the first case, the diet should consist of 2/3 meat and 1/3 cereals, cottage cheese and vegetables. In addition, vitamins and supplements will be needed, the dosages of which should be calculated by a doctor. A lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to metabolic disorders and diseases.

For this reason, many dog ​​owners prefer to feed their dogs dry food. The composition of factory feeds already includes the necessary vitamins, which allows you not to worry about a lack of nutrients. In the case of a dry diet, you need to carefully monitor the constant availability of fresh water. Additionally, a diet lacking variety can lead to adverse effects.

Feeds come in different compositions, qualities and directions. Some of them are intended exclusively for neutered or adult animals, and some are for allergy sufferers and children.

Biewer Yorkies are prohibited:

  • hard bones and game bones;
  • sausages;
  • legumes;
  • cheeses with a high percentage of fat;
  • River fish;
  • potato;
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • cabbage;
  • pork and other fatty meats.

Biewer Yorkies live 12-15 years, but poor and unbalanced nutrition can shorten this period by several years.

How to determine that a bitch is ready for mating

Inexperienced dog breeders, as a rule, do not know on what day of estrus to breed a female dog with a male dog and have a vague idea of ​​the beginning of ovulation. Breeders and owners with “experience” breed Yorkies from 10 to 14 days from the start of the female’s estrus cycle. This period is considered the most favorable for fertilization.

There are several ways to determine that a Yorkie girl is ready for breeding:

  • Place your hand in the area of ​​the dog's tail. If she falls on her front paws and moves her tail to the side, the bitch can be mated.
  • Run your hand along the crotch or loop. Twitching of the loop, moving the tail to the side are signs that the Yorkie is ready for mating.
  • A Uriglyuk test strip is carefully inserted into the female's vagina and pulled out. If after 20-30 seconds the indicator turns green, the dog can be bred.

Readiness for mating is also indicated by symptoms such as a change in dark red discharge to yellow or transparent pink, a flaccid swollen loop without signs of tension.

Keeping a diary by the dog breeder, starting from the first heat, will help determine the exact time for breeding a Yorkshire Terrier.

When the dog is ready

The first heat in Yorkshire Terriers occurs at approximately 8-9 months of life. But this is only approximately, each has its own “beginning”, but do not rush to breed her with a male, this is not the best time.

The Yorkshire Terrier girl already has a desire to mate, but she does not have the necessary physical training, and she has not yet gained the required weight to bear puppies. The best option is mating after 3 heats (around 2 years).

As for male boys, the situation is different here - their puberty occurs at the age of 1 year. And this readiness lasts all year round in dogs, unlike in girls. A young dog can be bred, and it is better if the bitch is experienced and this mating is not her first.

It’s good to invite a knowledgeable specialist to help at the first mating; you may have to keep the girl. Yorkie girls are not always supportive of their partners.

In a Yorkshire Terrier (girl), estrus occurs regularly at 6 months and lasts about 2-3 weeks. To find out when to breed a Yorkie bitch, you need to take a closer look at her behavior 8-9 days after the start of her heat. If she is playful, she is attracted to male dogs on the street, and when stroked, she moves her tail up and to the side, most likely this time has come.

But it’s not just behavior that needs to be monitored. It is very important to examine the dog's discharge, take a clean sheet of paper, and blot the loop every day. If the color has become transparent, then you can knit. At first the discharge is bloody, then yellow, white and finally becomes transparent. Inspect the dog's loop, if it becomes soft and swollen, it is time for a date.

Choosing a partner for a bitch

A Yorkie girl with a pedigree is selected for mating with a partner at the club. If the bitch does not have the appropriate documents, then the future groom must meet the following criteria:

  • have all breed qualities;
  • be older than 1.5 years and younger than 8 years of age;
  • have successful mating experience;
  • be mentally and physically healthy.

Ideally, the owner of the dog should have a certificate of absence of infectious diseases in the animal, which he must provide before mating.

Breed diseases

Despite the efforts of breeders aimed at improving health, Biewer Yorkies have the following breed diseases:

  1. Portocaval shunt. Congenital vascular pathology, characterized by growth arrest, vomiting and convulsions.
  2. Acute pancreatitis. It is provoked by poor nutrition and excess weight of the animal.
  3. Legg-Perthes disease. Inflammation of the head of the femur and its subsequent necrosis. Accompanied by lameness and atrophy of muscle tissue.
  4. Tracheal collapse. It is a subsidence of the trocheal rings, which leads to difficulty breathing. The disease cannot be cured completely, but its dynamics can be controlled.
  5. Inflammation of the gums.
  6. Early tooth loss.
  7. Bronchitis.
  8. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In addition, puppies may suffer from herniated discs, which cause paralysis in the hind legs. Due to their low weight, Biewer Yorkies do not tolerate anesthesia well, so any surgical intervention is fraught with death.

Most diseases are hereditary. Before buying a puppy, you need to pay special attention to the pedigree history.

The nuances of paying for mating

Owners of Yorkies agree on the cost of mating immediately. Payment is made by agreement: in money or in puppy.

Payment is made either before mating or after the birth of the offspring. The price in the first option depends on the pedigree and appearance of the partner. The cost in the second case is 20% of the amount received for the sale of puppies.

If the first mating was unsuccessful due to the fault of the male, then the second meeting, according to the rules, should be free.

Home maintenance

Biewers are fairly unpretentious dogs. For a comfortable life, they need a standard set of things: a soft bed, hygiene products, equipment for walking, a set of clothes for each season, a set of quality toys and two bowls. Of course, the needs of each animal are individual and the list will expand on its own.

After moving the puppy to a new home, you need to give the dog a name. Some people prefer to watch her for a couple of days, while others choose a nickname in advance. Sometimes a name is changed because it doesn't fit the animal's personality or is difficult to remember.

  1. Nicknames for girls are distinguished by tenderness and sophistication: Agatha, Ophelia, Holly, Toffee, Luxie and Dolly.
  2. Nicknames for boys can be discreet and mischievous: Viscount, Caesar, Harry, Chucky and Umka.

Walking is extremely important for beavers. Despite their small size, they need to relieve tension and provide an outlet for energy. While being outside, dogs learn to communicate with their relatives and have the opportunity to sharpen their claws.

Allergenic or not

It is a mistake to think that dogs without undercoat are suitable for allergy sufferers. It's not the fur that causes the reaction, but a protein or protein found in dogs' saliva and feces. These substances reach the surface of human skin and cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, an allergy to a Biewer Yorkie is a completely common and very unpredictable thing.

Bievers have no undercoat, therefore they do not shed and have no dog odor.

Preparation of partners and location

Before breeding, both male and female Yorkies must have all the required age-appropriate vaccinations. Before mating, partners must also be dewormed and treated for fleas and ticks. All preparatory activities are carried out at least 2 weeks before the planned meeting of the boy and girl.

4 hours before the start of the “process”, Yorkies are fed high-calorie food, but in small quantities. Under no circumstances should you overload your partners’ stomachs before mating. Also, before the meeting, dogs must be walked to satisfy their natural needs.

It is correct to breed Yorkies for the first time in the dog’s territory. This way the partner is less nervous and the likelihood of a successful mating increases in one attempt.

You cannot bring a bitch and a dog together on the street, due to the high probability of distracting maneuvers.

The room where the mating will take place should not be cramped. During the process, partners' paws may slide on the floor. To prevent this from happening, be sure to lay a rug.

Experienced breeders recommend putting a muzzle on the bitch before mating, since in an unfamiliar environment she may become aggressive and bite her partner. If there is no device, the girl’s muzzle is wrapped in a bandage and the ends are tied around her neck.

It is not recommended to breed dogs in hot weather, as this reduces the likelihood of a successful mating.

Unwanted dog breeding

The biggest problem that can arise when a Yorkie is in heat is an unwanted pregnancy. To maintain the breed standard, it is important to protect the Yorkie girl from possible contacts on the street.

Many owners wear pants for their dog when going outside at this time. If fertilization fails, veterinarians do not recommend abortion, especially if pregnancy occurs for the first time.

The first mating of Yorkies raises questions for many inexperienced owners. This article provides answers to most of them. By following the tips and recommendations, pet owners can easily organize mating and get high-quality offspring.

How to breed a male and female

There is an opinion that before mating, Yorkies need to be introduced and left alone for a while. This should not be done, as the bitch may become aggressive towards the male.

The owner of the Yorkie girl sits down next to her and holds her by the collar. If the bitch behaves restlessly before mating and does not want to stand in one place, it may be necessary to fix the head between the knees.

During the process, you need to support the girl under her stomach with your left hand. The dog's loop is fixed between the index and middle fingers.

A Yorkie male should be able to approach the female from all sides. Before the act itself, the male usually makes trial mountings.

How does mating occur in Yorkies:

  • The male, jumping on the girl from behind, clasps her with his front paws. An inexperienced male dog needs to be helped by pointing his penis into the partner’s loop.
  • When the penis is inserted, the boy seems to dance on his hind legs. During this, you need to make sure that the girl does not twist or fall on her butt.
  • If the penis successfully penetrates the loop during sexual intercourse, gluing occurs, which lasts on average from 5 to 10 minutes. At this moment, a so-called lock is formed, due to which the dogs cannot separate.
  • The dog gradually begins to turn around and moves his paws from the bitch’s back to the side. Sometimes an inexperienced male dog needs to be helped to turn around by moving his hind leg over the female’s croup.
  • The partners find themselves with their tails facing each other. Dogs can remain in this position for up to 10 minutes. In some cases, the process lasts up to 1 hour.

You should not try to separate the dogs yourself or allow them to sit or lie down. This can lead to injury for both partners. Therefore, the hind legs of the dog and the bitch are clasped, fixed in one position.

Sometimes a castle does not work out between Yorkie partners. In this case, the boy must be held on the bitch for at least 5 minutes for successful ejaculation. If everything was done correctly, fertilization occurs the first time.

If the boarding was unsuccessful, the dog is overtired or is very excited, he needs to be taken out for a walk. Re-mating on the same day is not recommended. The male needs to regain his strength; he is ready for mating again no earlier than after 12 hours.

It is best to carry out control mating every 1 day. In rare cases, a third mating is required. It is recommended to do it if the girl remained empty after previous matings. A third mating is also recommended if the timing of estrus is unclear.

Even after successful mating, it is not recommended to leave the bitch unattended for the entire period of sexual heat. She can breed on her own during a walk and bring both purebred and backyard puppies in the litter.

The quality of mating does not affect how many babies a dog will whelp. Usually their number is 2, less often 4-5 puppies.

Pet care

Caring for the Biewer Yorkie's coat is a must for keeping the animal. This breed does not have an undercoat, which greatly facilitates the process. You should always remember that human shampoos and conditioners are not suitable for sensitive skin of dogs. Their use may cause itching, severe irritation and dandruff. This is explained by the difference in acid-base balance.

Bievers require weekly bathing. However, you don't have to wait until the weekend to wash your dirty pet. Dirt after a walk can be easily cleaned with a damp towel. The abdominal area is especially noticeable. For washing, select a line of specialized products for dogs (shampoos, lotions and conditioners). After bathing, the Biewer is thoroughly rinsed and dried with a dry towel. A mixture of conditioner and water is then sprayed onto the coat to prepare it for brushing.

Yorkies should not be brushed if their coat is completely dry. The procedure is carried out daily using a comb with long, fine teeth. Biewer can be dried with a hairdryer by selecting the least hot setting.

A haircut

Grooming is one of the most effective methods of grooming. It is not only decorative, but also hygienic. Nowadays, there are many beaver hairstyles that combine both functions.

The puppy cut is one of the most popular fashion haircuts. The hair on the Biewer's head is cut in such a way as to give it a spherical shape. If desired, the bangs can be left untouched to be pulled back into a traditional ponytail. In addition, the master can make the wool look like a skirt or pants.

Boys' haircuts are not inferior in effectiveness to girls' hairstyles. They come in both super functional and intricate designs. It all depends on the needs of a particular dog and the owner’s imagination. Thus, a cropped Yorkie not only does not lose its attractiveness, but demonstrates a harmonious build.

Ear care is equally important. They need to be inspected daily and dirt removed with a cotton pad. In addition, owners should regularly trim the hair in the upper corners of the ears and on their tips. The same applies to the paw pads: every 2 months it is necessary to thin out the hair between the toes. This will make it easier to trim your nails and prevent fungus from occurring.

If it is difficult for owners to carry out nail trimming, eye and ear treatment at home, grooming will help them. The masters of this business know how to minimize the level of stress without losing the quality of processing.

Another important point is oral care. Beavers have their teeth brushed once a month. This helps prevent tartar formation and gum inflammation.

During the change of baby teeth, Biewer Yorkies sometimes do not lose their fangs. If the fangs are not renewed by seven months, they will have to be removed by a doctor.

Biewer or York: which is better?

The choice of a particular breed is based solely on personal preferences. Some people think that the Yorkshire Terrier is more beautiful and balanced than the Biewer, while others think it’s the opposite. The Biewer is distinguished by its extravagant color and stronger skeleton. These dogs are aimed at participating in competitions and exhibitions, so their pedigree must be impeccable. At the same time, exhibition does not negate the intelligence and activity of beavers, as well as love and devotion to the owner.

Yorkshire terriers are most often adopted by ordinary families who dream of a kind and affectionate friend, so blood purity is almost unimportant. The cost of Yorkie puppies is much lower than that of Biewer puppies. This is explained by the wide distribution of the breed and the high percentage of mestizos. In any case, before choosing a new family member, you need to find out everything about the breed and prospects, because a hasty decision will affect the life and health of the animal.

If courage, cheerfulness and impressive appearance are important to a potential owner, you should pay attention to the Biewer Yorkie. This dog has a strong, independent character with a cute face and modest size.

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