FortiFlora Fortiflora Purina feed additive for dogs

  • Posted by Olesya Vakhraneva
  • Date: November 29, 2018

In cats, even completely healthy ones, stool disorders can occur due to a violation of the ratio of the types of intestinal microflora. The same problem, only more pronounced, can occur after completing a course of antibacterial therapy or when introducing new foods into the diet. The food supplement Fortiflora will help solve the problem of “low blood loss”.

  • 2 Mechanism of action of Fortiflora
  • 3 Indications for use
  • 4 How to use Fortiflora correctly

    4.1 Features of use in kittens and pregnant cats

  • 5 Contraindications and side effects
  • 6 Interaction with other drugs
  • 7 Storage conditions and shelf life of the drug Fortiflora
  • 8 Table: comparison of Fortiflor and its analogues
  • 9 Reviews from cat owners and veterinarians
  • Purpose

    Manufacturers advise giving fortiflora to your pet in the following cases:

    • Gastroenteritis.
    • Dysbacteriosis.
    • Imbalance of intestinal microflora.
    • Stomach upsets.
    • Gastrointestinal pathologies.
    • Diarrhea.
    • Problems with stool (an actual problem for almost all kittens).
    • To recover from coronavirus.

    What is FortiFlora?

    FortiFlora from the manufacturer Purina Proplan is a probiotic supplement for pets. It contains beneficial microorganisms with properties such as:

    1. The production of antibodies to various viruses, which helps strengthen the immune system.
    2. Neutralizes toxins derived from harmful microbes that enter the digestive system.
    3. Suspension of the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, preventing attachment to the intestinal mucosa.
    4. Synthesis of B vitamins. They take part in all metabolic processes in the dog’s body.

    The probiotic can be used from birth of the puppy.
    But if he feeds on mother’s milk, then there is no point in using the product. When artificial feeding, it should be used in case of growth retardation, signs of dysbiosis, or digestive problems. The price of one package is from 50 rubles. Analogues of the product are Pro-Kalin, Kanigest, Evitalia Vet.

    How it works

    Fortiflora contains lactic acid bacteria (Enterococcus faecium SF68). Microgranules quickly enter the gastrointestinal tract along with food. And their quantity is calculated in such a way as to have a positive regulatory effect on the cat’s body. In addition, Purina ensures that the bacteria increase the body's resistance to many diseases.

    The medicinal supplement also contains vitamins and minerals. They not only improve metabolism, but also protect the cat from free radicals. Meat ingredients are also added to the powder; they give the supplement a pleasant taste, and therefore the furry ones will not refuse this medicine.

    After a month or a month and a half, all SF68 bacteria leave the cat’s body. At this time, her own lactobacilli and bifidobacteria should be activated.

    How to use Fortiflora correctly

    The product is very convenient to use - the contents of the bag are poured into the cat's food; The usual dose is 1 g (1 sachet packet) of the product once a day. Cats like the taste and smell of the drug, and they willingly eat the nutritional supplement. Can be added to both dry and wet food. The dose of the product does not change depending on the age, weight and size of the pet. The course of administration can be unlimited, usually based on the prescription of a veterinarian.

    Features of use in kittens and pregnant cats

    Due to its safe composition, Fortiflora is used both in kittens and pregnant cats. Fortiflora is especially useful for bottle-fed kittens, since they do not receive the necessary bacterial flora from the mother cat to populate the intestines and ensure their proper functioning.


    Victoria: When our beautiful Vasilina fell ill, the veterinarian prescribed a course of antibiotics. Fortunately, the cat managed to recover, but the doctor pointed out that the gastrointestinal tract was suffering greatly from antibiotics, so we were prescribed a course of fortiflora. A package of 30 sachets costs more than 1,600 rubles in our city, which is a lot of money. And we only need 14 bags, so we didn’t want to pay for a full package. But my husband was able to find this food additive on the Internet, and the very next day 14 bags of fortiflora were delivered to our home. I would like to note that after 2 weeks of use the cat’s appetite improved, so I am sure that fortiflora helps cats. No adverse reactions were observed. Using the product is extremely simple, since you just need to pour the powder into a portion of food.

    Ilya: After the operation, the doctor prescribed my cat a diet consisting only of healthy foods. Such measures had to be taken because the intestinal microflora was greatly damaged by long-term therapy with various drugs. After 3-4 days I had to go to the veterinary clinic again because Musya could not go to the toilet. The veterinarian advised to give the pet an enema, and then start giving Fortiflor powder. It was supposed to not only normalize stupas, but also restore the functioning of the digestive system. A month-long course not only helped restore the cat’s previous appetite and activity, but also had a beneficial effect on the coat. Since now it does not fall out, and has also become thicker. Well, at least it seems so to me. I can recommend Fortiflora to all cat owners, but just remember to consult a specialist before use!

    Limitations and side effects

    The nutritional supplement has no contraindications - it can be given to puppies and adult pets, as well as pregnant and lactating females. It will support the immunity of weakened animals, and the only limitation can be an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. In this case, you will have to abandon FortiFlora and choose another medicine to normalize the intestinal microflora.

    Natural ingredients do not cause side effects, overdose is impossible, since the medicine is already packaged in dosage. Therefore it is easy to use. The results will be visible already on the second or third day, and FortiFlora can be used for a long time. It doesn't cause addiction.


    A significant disadvantage of using Fortiflora for cats is its rather high price. The cost of a cardboard package with 30 sachets ranges from 1200 to 1400 rubles. For comparison, purchasing similar domestic probiotics will cost only a couple of hundred rubles. You can purchase a feed additive at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy, including those operating online, and the easiest way is to order the drug through an online store

    You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

    Side effects

    Accordingly, side effects in the case of this drug can be attributed to an unrealistic scenario. They can develop only if there is an individual intolerance to the drug and may include the following symptoms:

    • Vomit.
    • Diarrhea or unstable stool with a predominance of liquid and semi-liquid feces.

    If it is suspected that a dog's digestive problems are related to the use of this dietary supplement, it should be discontinued immediately.

    All of the above symptoms should go away within a few days (about three days) without medical intervention.

    Application diagram

    Regardless of age and body weight, the daily dosage for cats is the contents of 1 sachet.

    The powder can be mixed with any type of food. It is acceptable to mix with dairy and fermented milk products.

    The duration of the course depends on the indications. For medicinal purposes and after antibacterial therapy, Fortiflora is given to cats for a month.

    In stressful situations, the drug is started to be given 3 days before the expected event and the same period after it.


    As such, there are no contraindications. The only real contraindication is individual intolerance to some components of the product, but in practice this happens extremely rarely. If the dog has a history of hypersensitivity and a tendency to develop allergic reactions, he should be closely monitored after administering the medication.

    In cases where Fortiflora causes an allergy in a particular animal, the supply of the drug should be stopped immediately, and manifestations of an allergic reaction should be stopped with the help of antihistamines. But let us emphasize once again that in practice this is vanishingly rare.

    The supplement is completely safe for the health of dogs, and therefore it can be given in cases of any digestive disorders.

    Experienced breeders, in particular, recommend giving the dog probiotics before going on vacation, before vaccinations and other actions that are perceived by the dog’s body as severe stress. The additive can be combined with any medications; no cumulative effect, antagonism or other negative effects have been observed during the entire period of practical use.

    Moreover, the product is allowed to be given to puppies (starting from the time of cessation of breastfeeding), to bitches during pregnancy and milk feeding. It is also indicated for weakened animals: regular supply of the drug helps to quickly normalize their condition and restore normal physical shape.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

    The probiotic "FortiFlora" has the following advantages:

    • Availability of administration and dose calculation. There is no need to calculate the amount of product by weight and age category. The dosage is the same for adults and puppies - one package. No complicated steps are required to use.
    • There are a lot of live lactobacilli in the composition. Probiotics are contained in special granules, with their help they easily penetrate the intestines.
    • Wide spectrum of action. The product is involved in the restoration of intestinal microflora and gastrointestinal tract functioning, strengthens the immune system, and has a positive effect on appetite and physiological processes.
    • Pleasant taste. Pets eat the supplement with joy.
    • Convenient pack. One package is for one appointment.
    • Efficiency. The result of taking it is noticeable within 2-3 days.
    • No addiction. It is allowed to apply for a long period.
    • Safety. There are no side effects or other negative manifestations.
    • No contraindications. Used for the prevention and treatment of adults and puppies.

    The disadvantage of the FortiFlora supplement is its high cost. For the entire pack of 30 bags you will need to pay 1200-1400 rubles. If you purchase domestic analogues, the price will be approximately 200 rubles.

    The probiotic must be stored in places inaccessible to direct ultraviolet rays. You need to choose a room that is thoroughly ventilated and ensure a minimum level of air humidity. Do not store near feed or food. The required temperature is 5-25 degrees.

    Video: FortiFlora for dogs: instructions for use and reviews

    How probiotics work

    Probiotics are nothing more than a collection of certain microorganisms. Modern probiotic products include up to 15 types of microflora. All microorganisms are grown on nutrient media, dried and “packed” in concentrated form into a certain volume. They are in a “dormant” state until they enter an environment suitable for them (the cat’s intestines).

    Once in the “right place,” they become active, begin to multiply and displace pathogenic microflora.

    All types act differently:

    changes the acid-base balance and thereby restores conditions for the work of other microorganisms; stimulate the fermentation of carbohydrates (which is very important for cats fed dry food); fight pathogenic intestinal bacteria; produce natural antimicrobial substances; produce enzymes that break down sugars; stimulate the production of enzymes that absorb minerals and proteins.

    Recent developments by microbiologists indicate that it is already possible to use microorganisms for probiotics that will produce bacteriocins and selectively act on certain types of pathogenic microflora. The components of probiotics are already “taught” to produce enzymes that inactivate pathogenic bacteria that produce enterotoxins.

    The microorganisms found in probiotics coexist completely peacefully with the beneficial intestinal microflora. This becomes possible due to the fact that the latter do not release enterotoxins and cannot be affected by enzymes. The antagonistic activity of probiotics against clostridia, E. coli, salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, and Shigella makes us increasingly turn to these drugs.

    The immunomodulatory effect is also already well known to microbiologists. Beneficial microorganisms stimulate the production of immunoglobulins, interferon, antibodies, and this is the basis of immunity. By producing the most important enzymes (lipase, amylase, pectinase, xylanase), they increase the digestibility of feed components.

    Microorganisms act on mycotoxins, which makes them indispensable as antitoxic components in the treatment of poisoning. All this leads to normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole.

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