How and with what to brush your dog’s teeth at home: tips, recommendations. How to care for your dog's teeth, how often should you brush your dog's teeth? How to teach an adult dog to brush its teeth?

We pull the ear up and wrap it at the base with a thin plaster (do not lubricate it with liquid, otherwise it will come off along with the skin and all the fur). In this case, it is necessary to insert a finger into the ear and wrap it with a bandage at this time. This is to prevent you from over-tightening your ear. When you wrap the plaster and remove your finger, you will see that when examined from above there is a hole left, i.e. Air will flow into the ear and it will “breathe.”

Now we do the same with the second ear.

Both ears are pulled up parallel and we wrap strips of plaster with a thin plaster at the base in a figure eight. Like this!


Cropping and staging of miniature pinscher ears

Previously, cropping the ears of a miniature pinscher was a mandatory procedure, since dogs of this breed were intended to accompany and guard horse-drawn carriages, and therefore often took part in fights with other animals.
Fights could lead to ruptured earlobes and, consequently, loss of blood. If the ears were cropped, this did not happen. Today, this procedure is carried out only for cosmetic purposes, in order to give them a unique shape, to make the dog’s appearance more elegant and aesthetically pleasing. In recent years, many miniature pinscher owners consider this unnecessary, while others, on the contrary, agree that correctly positioned ears are an indispensable indicator of the breed. According to the current standard, they should be triangular, set high, standing or hanging on cartilage. Ideally, a miniature pinscher's ears should be cropped by a qualified veterinarian specializing in this breed. The operation is carried out at an early age of the dog, when the puppy is 3-3.5 months old, since wounds in young dogs heal faster, and the procedure itself is less painful and without complications.

If the owner decides to carry out the operation on his own, he will need to study in detail the information on how to do it correctly so as not to harm the pet, but to give it a familiar appearance that meets the standard.

Step-by-step instruction

So, the dog is accustomed to oral hygiene. However, each time it is better to adhere to a certain algorithm so that the dog is calmer:

  1. Prepare all the items necessary for the procedure and let the animal sniff them. Having felt familiar smells, the dog will not worry and will allow the procedure to be carried out calmly;
  2. Hold the dog's mouth with one hand and lift the dog's lip with the other. First, run your finger over the animal's teeth and gums. This way you will prepare him for the procedure and determine his mood;
  3. Then pick up the brush. To brush your teeth, you can use a human toothbrush or buy a special one. There is not much difference between them. If the pet does not show dissatisfaction, brush each tooth sequentially from the outside, moving in one direction;
  4. Then move on to brushing your teeth from the inside. To open the mouth more, you need to press a little with your hand. If the dog is calm, carry out the procedure to the end. If it doesn’t let you finish, you don’t have to brush your teeth from the inside. They are cleaned quite well by the dog's tongue.
  5. During the procedure, you need to talk to your pet using a calm tone and laudatory intonations.

The cleaning itself should not take long, just a few minutes. Try to make gentle movements so as not to injure your gums. If the procedure is associated with pain, he will no longer allow you to perform it.

Ear cropping surgery for miniature pinscher

The operated puppy must be healthy. 10-12 hours before the procedure, the dog must be kept on a fasting diet. Do not give water 2-3 hours before surgery, this will allow the anesthesia to take effect faster. Be sure to clean your ears. For the operation, place the dog on its stomach, stretch the front and hind legs forward and firmly fix it. The jaws and body are also fixed. Remove hair from the areas where the operation will be performed and treat with an antiseptic. Be sure to give local anesthesia. After the painkiller takes effect, you can begin work. Clamp your ears with a special clip. It happens that when a dog smells metal, it wakes up. In this case, it is important for the owner to remain calm while performing all his actions, since any excitement will immediately be transferred to the dog. Upon completion of the procedure, cover the ears with adhesive tape, and make a protective bandage on the head, in which the dog will walk for a day. After this time, it must be cut and removed.

Rehabilitation period

After waking up from anesthesia, the dog may vomit, which is a normal reaction to the surgery.

The miniature pinscher will feel hungry, so he is given a small portion of food at once, and then several times throughout the day.

Painkillers are mixed into the food to help the animal not feel pain from the incisions.

The protective cap is removed within 3 to 24 hours, more precisely determined by the specialist who performed the operation.

If the protective collar was not purchased in advance, it is made of thick cardboard.

To do this, a circle is cut out so that the inner hole is slightly larger than the diameter of the neck, but the miniature pinzer would not be able to pull it over the head.

The length of the wall should reach the ears to prevent the dog from scratching and scratching at the seams.

The circle is folded into a cone around the animal’s neck, the edges are connected with a cord.

The collar will protect wounds from the dog, but will not interfere with normal activities. After removing the bandages, the sutures and edges of the wound are treated with chlorhexidine and healing ointment for 7 days.

The threads dissolve in 10–14 days, but if this does not happen completely, you can help the process by carefully cutting the threads and removing them yourself.

We put on the miniature pinscher's ears after docking

After docking and removal of stitches, the owner can think about how to install the miniature pinscher’s ears. One of the simplest methods is described below.

So, we put on the ears of the miniature pinscher using adhesive tape, lighter fluid and cotton swabs. You need to cut off a small piece the size of a cotton swab from the adhesive plaster, degrease it with liquid and place the stick on top. After this, cover with a second similar piece of plaster so that the sticky side is at the top. To ensure that the patch stays in place, treat the inside of the ear with lighter fluid. Fix the resulting structure in the ear, trim off the excess. Pull the ear up and wrap a bandage around its base. Do the same procedure with the second ear. Then wrap both ears at the base with a figure eight. Keep the structure for 3 days, then remove it, give the dog a rest and repeat the work again. Usually, installation of the Miniature Pinchar's ears takes 1 – 2 weeks, less often several months. See the cropped miniature pinscher ears in the photo below:

How to put ears on a miniature pinscher puppy

Placement of docked ears (one of the options):

So. We will need:

cotton-based plaster 2-2.5 cm wide; patch 0.5-1 cm wide; liquid for refilling lighters (hereinafter simply Liquid); ear cleaning sticks; cotton swabs for cleaning the face.

1. Take a wide patch, cut off a strip the length of an ear stick, and place it with the sticky side up. We wet the swab with lighter fluid and treat the sticky surface of the patch. Place an ear cleaning stick on top so that its ends do not extend beyond the patch.

2. Cut off the same piece of plaster and place it on top of the first piece with the stick sticky side up

We treat the sticky top patch with a swab containing liquid. 3. We treat the inner surface of the dog’s ear with a swab with liquid to degrease the skin (then the patch will last longer).

4. Glue our structure into the ear. It is necessary that the lower end of the stick rests somewhere inside the bend of the base of the ear. When you glue the structure, you insert the tip inside the ear, fix it with your fingers, then press this structure down, and pull the ear up strongly and then glue it. Those. the ear should be extended on a stick.

Now if the patch with the stick protrudes upward above the ear (most likely this will happen), then cut off the excess with scissors (be careful. Do not cut off the ear.), and bend the ends of the patch to the other side of the ear.

5. Pull the ear up and wrap it at the base with a thin plaster (do not lubricate it with liquid, otherwise it will come off along with the skin and all the fur). In this case, it is necessary to insert a finger into the ear and wrap it with a bandage at this time. This is to prevent you from over-tightening your ear. When you wrap the plaster and remove your finger, you will see that when examined from above there is a hole left, i.e. Air will flow into the ear and it will “breathe.”

What are reusable dog diapers made from?

First you need to decide on the number of layers. The simplest version of a reusable diaper is sewn in four layers. For the first top covering, you can take any soft, durable and non-staining fabric, for example, calico, linen, polyester or cotton. The second layer is padding polyester, the third is viscose fabric, and the fourth is medical lining oilcloth, which can be selected at a pharmacy or ordered online. It is possible to replace the oilcloth with 100% polyester knitwear, and the padding polyester layer with a breathable waterproof polyurethane membrane. It is worth considering that synthetic winterizer is cheaper and easier to find, but the membrane will last longer.

Ear cropping for a miniature pinscher - at what age

The Miniature Pinscher is a dog breed that previously had its tails and ears docked in accordance with international standards. Later, this standard was changed, since docking was banned in many European countries. There is no official ban in Russia yet, but more and more opponents of the operation are emerging, since it causes pain to the animal.

In Russia, cases of docking miniature pinschers for decorative purposes persist

What is needed for the procedure

For cleaning you will need paste and a brush. The paste must be special for dogs. They contain various extracts (calendula, sage), silver ions, propolis, etc. The products have a natural composition and are safe to swallow. They destroy pathogens, remove plaque, strengthen gums, and saturate the enamel with minerals.

Paste for dogs can have different flavors: broth, meat, chicken. Children's toothpastes are also suitable, but only those up to 3 years old. And most importantly, you should not use mint-flavored paste. It has a strong aroma and taste, and can harm your pet's sense of smell.

The following options can be used as brushes:

  • Regular double-sided dog brush. It has a long handle, both ends of which end in brushes: one standard, the other smaller.
  • A rubber brush that needs to be put on your finger.
  • Electric. The brush generates ultrasonic waves that effectively remove plaque.

Why dock ears and tail?

The Miniature Pinscher breed was bred to protect houses and stables. To give the dog a frightening appearance, docking was carried out. Her ears were cropped to give them an aggressive, pointed shape. In a natural position, the ears will be pressed tightly to the temples.

Thanks to cropping, it is easier to care for the ears and reduces the risk of increased injuries during fights with other dogs. The tail was docked for the same purpose, to protect the dog. The tail of this breed is long; during a fight, the enemy could cause significant harm.

This procedure is reserved only for service and guard dogs; for others it is considered cruel and unnecessary. Russia has not yet joined this ban.

Purpose of the operation

Today, dogs of this breed are no longer used as guards, therefore, docking is no longer done for practical purposes. The operation is performed only for aesthetic reasons. Thanks to it you can give the dog elegance.

The Russian breed standard continues to support both docking and natural appearance. Without surgery, the dog's ears will be turned towards the temples, the inner edges will fit tightly to the cheekbones. They can be erect or hanging on cartilage. After cropping, the ears will definitely be erect.

Miniature Pinscher without cropped ears

The benefits and harms of the operation

For practical purposes, it is not necessary to crop a Miniature Pinscher's ears. Many animal rights activists oppose this operation, considering it abuse of the dog. There are a number of positive and negative aspects of the procedure.

The benefits of cupping include the following:

  • A miniature pinscher with undocked ears requires special care. He often develops inflammation, and the shells are difficult to care for.
  • A docked tail is difficult to break or damage during games and fights with other dogs.

Opponents of the procedure highlight several negative nuances:

  • The docked miniature pinscher is unemotional and has poor contact with other animals.
  • Tail trimming leads to impaired motor skills.

Detection of the consequences of tartar and preventive measures

It often happens that when removing tartar, more serious “dental” problems emerge (for example, deep caries). It leads to the destruction of tooth enamel and demineralization of hard tissues of fangs and molars, and also affects the root and causes pulpitis. If the pet has impressive dimensions, then the dentist has the opportunity to fill the tooth. However, if the dog is small, this cannot be done.

Periodontitis in pets is an even more complex disease than caries. It is an irreversible inflammatory process that develops in the connective tissues connecting the tooth root with the alveoli. The insidiousness of periodontitis is that modern medicine has not found a method that could completely neutralize the pathological process. Therefore, preventive measures are of great importance, which include the following:

Mandatory teeth cleaning for dogs. It is important to brush your pet's teeth regularly using toothpaste, a toothbrush and a special brush to massage the gums. Before purchasing all this, you should consult with your dentist: he will help you make the best choice for your dog. If the pet is healthy, then the teeth cleaning procedure should be carried out once a week, if there are problems with the teeth - more often, as recommended by the doctor.

Balanced diet. All veterinarians in the world insist on the importance of proper nutrition for dogs: healthy food contributes to the health of the whole body. It is important to carefully consider the dog menu, completely eliminating flour and sweets. There is a myth that a dog needs to constantly chew on something, such as bones. In fact, this is a serious burden not only for teeth, but also for gums. You should not subject your oral apparatus to such a test, because there is a possibility of injuring tooth enamel. If you frequently give your dog bones, by the age of six he may lose almost all his teeth.

How many months do miniature pinscher ears crop?

Circumcision is performed at different ages. This should happen as early as possible, because small puppies tolerate surgery more easily. The tail is trimmed from the fourth to tenth day after birth. Ears can be cropped starting from the second month and ending with the third.

Adult canines have a hard time with such operations, or rather react poorly to anesthesia. The recovery period is more difficult for them. If surgery is performed on a large dog, complications may arise: a scar will appear, and the pet will develop mental illness due to the stress it has experienced.

The operation should be performed as early as possible

How to brush a dog's teeth with a bandage or tomato paste?

Tomato paste is another affordable mouth hygiene product. Many people praise this “old-fashioned” method, noting a reduction in plaque.

Apply natural tomato paste to your finger wrapped in a bandage or gauze. Then brush your pet's teeth. By doing this regularly, you will see results. Plaque will be significantly reduced. Some people give the dog a whole tomato to chew on.

As you can see, the problems of dogs are similar to those of humans. In the bustle of days, do not forget about caring for your pet. Then he will delight you with vigor and health for many years. As you know, diseases are easier to prevent than to treat.

Post-operative care

A miniature pinscher with cropped ears and tail will need careful care after surgery.

The docked tail should be carefully examined morning and evening, every day, so as not to miss the onset of the inflammatory process. Be sure to treat it with an antiseptic.

Cropped ears will have to be cleaned every day with hydrogen peroxide to remove dried crusts; after softening, they are carefully removed with a cotton swab. The procedure is very important, as scars may form at the site of damage. The edges of the ears are smeared with brilliant green.

Putting your ears in the correct position

The placement takes place four days after the sutures are removed. There are several ways to place your ears.

The simplest of them is the use of a structure made of cotton swabs and adhesive tape. The sticks need to be treated with alcohol or any other antiseptic, the ears and the inside of the shells should be lubricated with brilliant green.

A cotton swab is glued onto a seven-centimeter piece of adhesive plaster, and the same piece of plaster is placed on top. The adhesive layer must remain on the outside. The entire structure is attached to the inside. The base of the ears must be separately covered with adhesive tape, and the tape must be connected in the shape of a figure eight. In this case, the dog’s ears are wrapped one at a time to form a stable bridge. The dressing should be changed every four days. The ears will begin to stand up between four and twelve months. The process occurs most quickly in puppies up to three months.

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