Russian piebald hound is a first-class hunting dog

Choosing a hound puppy A. Marin

It’s rare that someone buys an already trained adult dog for hunting; Usually a hunter gets a puppy with the dream of raising him to be a good assistant for hunting animals.

Based on many years of experience, I want to tell a young hunter what he should be guided by when choosing a hound in puppyhood, in order to subsequently get not only a good field worker, but also a dog devoid of conformation defects (exterior), meeting the standard and other characteristics of its breed.

For a hunter purchasing a puppy from other people's hounds, this choice is not easy. A novice racer who does not have sufficient experience most often has to rely on the conscience of the owner of the bitch.

Choosing a puppy begins with the hunter becoming familiar with the pedigree of the stud dogs. It is necessary to take into account the exhibition and field assessments of not only the father and mother of the puppies, but also their more distant ancestors, to find out whether there were dogs of a different breed among them, otherwise some puppies may “throw out” into such an undesirable ancestor. It is important to know whether there are any such vices in the blood of ancestors as bestialism (when hounds rush at cattle, especially sheep, strangle and tear them), whether there were silent people among them (chasing the beast silently, without a voice). In no case should you take puppies from cattlemen and silent people, no matter how good they may seem: bestialism and silent rutting are long and stubbornly passed on by inheritance.

If a breeder (owner of a hound), wanting to select one or two puppies from the litter for his hunt, leaves two or four under the hound, feeds them until 5-6 months of age and then sells them, then the choice of a hound will be much easier. Knowing the hounds included in the pedigree of the litter by their field qualities and distinctive external characteristics (especially color), the breeder can choose a puppy at a very early age that resembles one or another outstanding ancestor. In the practice of many years of factory activity, I noticed that the inheritance of the color of an ancestor is often accompanied by the inheritance of his character and working qualities. However, knowledge of ancestors and color for choosing a puppy is still insufficient.

Anger towards the beast is considered a positive quality in a hound. However, some hounds have anger towards people and domestic animals - a vice that is often inherited. An angry dog ​​is also intolerable in a home environment. Therefore, when choosing a puppy, you also need to consider the character of its parents. When choosing a one-month-old puppy, you need to pay attention to the bite and do not take a puppy with a clearly defined underbite (when the upper jaw is longer than the lower) or bulldog (when the lower jaw is longer than the upper): a vicious bite does not change with age and is inherited.

A rut that is stubbornly passed on to its side is also undesirable. This deficiency is noticeable in a puppy at a very early age. It’s best when the puppy is in rut

(ends above the hock): according to old hound owners, this is a sign of the strength of the back and, therefore, the resistance of the hound.

Pay attention to eye color. The darker the puppy's eyes, the better. One-month-old puppies have bluish eyes, but as they age they darken and become a normal hazel color. Light greenish eyes will remain light yellow or greenish throughout life.

Such eyes are ugly and are considered a defect according to the standard.

Different eye colors are also unacceptable (as was once the case with Harlequin hounds).

Evidence of the presence of foreign blood can be marbling of the nose or a solid light pink color of the nose. Small puppies with a pink scent or large spots on it should be culled.

In piebald hounds, the small pink spots on the scent darken and disappear with age.

Having culled puppies with obvious defects, from the remaining ones they choose those that are larger, more powerful, bony with short ruts and thick legs: from such puppies (with proper upbringing) they grow up to be hounds that meet the standard and are resilient. —To complete the pack, puppies of the same color are carefully selected. It must be remembered that with age, as a rule, the color lightens and that only by four months the puppy changes its “puppy coat”.

The head is the touchstone and the first sign of breed.

Therefore, puppies with any deficiencies in the structure of the head should not be left for the breed. Sometimes at an early age the puppy’s head seems short-muzzled, broad-browed, rough, and heavy, but with age a lot can change; no features of a young (up to one and a half years old) hound change as much as the head.

At 5-6 months of age, the puppy already clearly shows its character (type of behavior); this is very important, since the character to a large extent determines the working qualities (“field leisure”) of the dog and is passed on to its offspring.

Newly born blind puppies do not hear well: their hearing develops by the time they gain sight. But puppies use their sense of smell from the very first day of their birth:

Deaf and blind, just born, they, using their sense of smell (and the craving for warmth - touch), find their mother's nipples. Two- to three-day-old puppies react instinctively to the appearance of their mother: if we humans approach the sleeping babies, the puppies will lie calmly, completely unresponsive to our approach; but you just have to lead to them

feeding dog and place it close so that it does not touch them as blind puppies begin to reach for its nipples.

Having observed the puppies in this way, already in the very first days it is possible to select from the litter those whose sense of smell is better developed.

Last question: from which litter is it preferable to make a squeeze? The best puppies usually come from the first three or four litters; but if a female dog is bred early before one and a half years, then the puppies from her first litter may be underdeveloped and grow up boneless, no matter how good they look at 1-2 months of age. You should also not take puppies from hatchlings older than 8-9 autumns: their offspring, as a rule, are rickets, most of the hounds raised from their litters are very tired and susceptible to various diseases. The age of the hatchling has less influence on the offspring, but it is still not recommended to breed hatchlings with overly mature hatchlings and take puppies from them.

"Hunting and game management"

No. 4, 1968

Features and advantages of the breed

Sensitive noses, speed and clear voices of hounds are the factors that distinguish this breed from many others. These hunting dogs have good health, are not afraid of heat or frost, they have well-developed bones, and they move very quickly. The voices of hounds are loud, so when they drive an animal, they can be heard at a great distance.

Males are primarily used in hunting large predators, while females and young puppies are more often used to hunt foxes and hares. In any case, hounds are hunting dogs with an excellent sense of smell; they are able to find prey even in difficult places.

Conditions for keeping

The common recommendation for all hound dogs is to keep them in an enclosure. Animals live well and get along well if there are several pets only if there is a spacious enclosure in which they can move freely. If the Russian hound lives in an apartment, then the owner will need to devote maximum effort to training, otherwise the animal will cause a lot of inconvenience, in light of its activity, curiosity and barking.

Walking with a dog should only be done on a leash, and the dog should be led by an adult, since dogs of this breed are prone to sudden impulses, when the pet suddenly breaks into a run. It is best to walk a Russian hound away from strangers. After walks, the animal’s limbs are subject to thorough examination.

Purchasing a pet

The cost of an Estonian hound puppy is determined by a number of parameters.

First of all, you should decide on the purpose for which you are getting the animal.

If the owner is determined to seriously train the dog, followed by hunting, then it is important to take a responsible approach to the event of choosing a puppy.

The best option would be to purchase from a specialized nursery, from a trusted breeder. There is also the option of purchasing a puppy from a hunter who bred his own dog.

In this case, there is a chance to get a puppy from a “working” dog with good scent and tracking skills.

A puppy from famous parents with good characteristics will cost up to 30 thousand rubles.

If the animal is purchased as a pet, then you can contact private individuals, but you should not visit the bird market for this.

Before buying a puppy, you need to at least look at the mother and make sure of her external characteristics. But you should understand that in this case there is a high probability of buying a “non-working” dog that cannot be used in the forest.

However, she will make a wonderful pet and outdoor exercise partner.

In this situation, it is important to raise the dog correctly and devote a lot of time to it in order to avoid destruction in the apartment and willfulness on the part of the pet.

The price in this case will be significantly lower: there are offers from private individuals starting from 3 thousand rubles for one puppy.

An important point when buying an animal “from hand” is its vaccination. While nurseries provide all the necessary vaccinations, private individuals do not always comply with this condition.

Therefore, for your own peace of mind, you should visit a veterinarian and carry out all the necessary manipulations.

There are often cases of advertisements where a bred Estonian hound is given into good hands. Most often, this happens because the owners were hasty in their choice and did not take into account the dog’s character.

Her active temperament does not tolerate loneliness and neglect, so before purchasing it is important to weigh the pros and cons, and only then purchase an animal.

Russian piebald hound is an ideal companion for driving small and medium-sized game +Video

The history of the Russian piebald hound breed is closely intertwined with the history of Russia. Initially, all landowners were involved in breeding hounds for their hunting needs, without adhering to any standards. As a result, the breed of Russian hounds had abstract boundaries of the exterior, and the hunting characteristics were very conditional and met the requirements of a specific landowner, the owner of the pack.

The leaders among the producers of the breed were considered to be the kennels of S.M. Glebov, P.A. Bereznikov and I.L. Kramarenko.

External characteristics of an adult

It is almost impossible to confuse the Russian hound with its “offspring” - the piebald huntress, except in rare cases. The new species differs from the “parent” in color, coat structure, and type of ear tissue.

The first appearance standard for piebald hounds was adopted in 1925. According to him, an adult must have the following characteristics:

Maximum height

The maximum for males is 68 cm, the minimum is 58. For females, the maximum height should not be more than 64 cm and not less than 58 cm.

The body weight of a hunting dog of this breed should not exceed 35 kg and be at least 25 kg.

Features of color

Most often, the piebald hound can be found in black and piebald color, diluted with tan. Black spots can be of any size and even turn into saddlecloth. Tan can be located on the head, shoulders and near the tail. The paws and belly should be completely white.


The fur coat of a breed bred in Russia simply cannot lack undercoat. The coat itself can be double length with the shortest hairs on the ears, head and paws. The longest spines are on the neck and hips (their outer side).

Ears, tail

Dogs' ears are set high and always hang down. The canvas itself is slightly rounded. The tail is thick at the base and tapers towards the tip of the tail. The standard length is the length to the hock joint.


A hound on the hunt and at home are, as it were, two different dogs. Energetic, active, unpredictable, unfriendly to strangers - in pursuit of a wild animal, and calm and balanced - at home. This is how the owner knows the dog.

This dog is very funny. With proper training of the ligaments, the owner is quite capable of achieving from her the ringing bark that her ancestors were once famous for.

As much as a dog is embittered towards an animal while hunting, he is so peaceful and devoted to man. And since hunting has long been a hobby for humans, and not a means of survival, hounds are increasingly becoming domestic dogs. But even then, the owner will have to compensate for the animal’s need to hunt with increased exercise during a walk.

This dog is loyal not only to its owner, but also to all members of his family. Of course, he will not serve as a security guard, but, if necessary, without hesitation, he will rush to protect the owner.

The Russian hound can get along with cats, but small pets can be perceived by it as an object of hunting. And only excellent dog training will protect your rats and hamsters from the fate of game.


For a dog, the process of digesting food takes approximately 8 hours, and if it is given food only once a day, the animal will be hungry most of the time.

That is why the prescribed amount of food should be divided into 2-4 doses. Focus on your pet's preferences: some people like to eat a heartier meal after a night's sleep, while others, on the contrary, prefer to have a hearty dinner. The volume of each portion depends on this.

Now about the diet. Since the breed is a hunting breed, fresh meat comes first and, as a special delicacy, a juicy beef bone.

Eliminate small and hollow bones, such as chicken bones, from the dog’s menu completely. Milk porridge and vegetables are also important. Sometimes include dry food, but without fanaticism.


  • sweets and smoked foods,
  • fatty pork meat,
  • spices,
  • salt,
  • vinegar.

Let's learn about the pedigree

Estonian hound puppies are selected according to the same principles as other hound breeds.

Having decided to get yourself a hunting assistant, you need to start by selecting the litter.

To do this, they study breeders offering puppies for sale, collect reviews and recommendations about them, because most of the choice will come down to their honesty.

It is necessary to find out not only the parents of the litter, but also their pedigrees: if a dog of a different breed has been introduced into the line, then there is a risk that the acquired puppy will inherit its traits.

The puppy selection process will be made easier if the owner of the bitch is interested in keeping one puppy for himself.

In this case, they will remain near their mother until 5–6 months, when their breed characteristics develop.

But in most cases, this situation is impossible, and puppies are sold at the age of 1–2 months, when the risk of buying a dog that does not meet the hunter’s requirements is especially great.

In this case, the pedigree of the puppies comes to the rescue. Knowing the special, outstanding qualities of the “ancestors” and their distinctive features, you can try to find the puppy that best matches them.

Practical observations have shown that having inherited the color of an ancestor, the puppy inherits its qualities and character. But beyond the historical similarities, it is important to pay close attention to the physical condition of the puppies.

How to choose a nickname?

Representatives of hound dog breeds are characterized by tirelessness, swiftness, vocality, loyalty, sensitivity and responsibility. The animal's nickname should be unusual, sonorous, and most importantly, the dog should respond to it. When choosing a name, you should take into account the characteristic features of the dog, for example, Thunder can be called a hound with a loud voice, but Wind is one that is difficult to keep up with.

It is strictly not recommended to give the names of dead animals, as this may affect the fate of the dog. If the hound already had a name, then you should not give it a new name. If a dog responds to its name, then it should be rewarded. A representative of this breed can be called Agat, Aira, Astik, Bayra, Burya, Vast, Glan, Gella, Drag, Dune.

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