Why might a dog run away from home? Dog handler answers

Husky dogs are very active and agile. They do not like to sit in one place for a long time. They have a good nervous system and respond well to training.

These pets are not aggressive and will not offend passers-by or small children. If someone wants to get a husky guard, then he should think about it, since these dogs are quite friendly and are not used in such matters.

No contact

Not gonna get us!

The most important reason. The owner can adore his dog, humanize it, treat it like a child. Through the “rose-colored glasses” of love, it is not visible that the pet does not reciprocate. For example, an owner, while walking a pet, constantly says something to it, tries to give commands, but the animal does not turn its head. Let's keep silent about the dog following commands.

If you let such a pet off the leash (or he breaks off it on his own), either scream or not - don’t call. Why should a dog return to someone with whom he is not interested, when suddenly new horizons and spaces have opened up? The dog will run off to explore the world, that’s all.

Safety in the yard

Monitor your pet's behavior. Perhaps the fence is not high enough and the dog is simply jumping over it.

Carefully inspect the area near the fence. Perhaps there are objects near the fence that help the dog overcome the height of the fence - benches, boxes, chairs and other objects. If they are absent, you will have to make the fence higher. By increasing the height, make the top edge of the fence inclined, making it difficult for the animal to overcome the obstacle.

It happens that dogs dig under the fence and crawl out. To avoid this, wire mesh is dug into the ground. Its ends are directed towards the street, then the animal will not get hurt.

An effective method of protection is a barrier made of large stones laid along the fence. This will make it difficult for your pet to dig and escape from the house.

If your yard fence is made of chain link fence, dig it as deep as possible.

Perhaps there are loopholes in the fence that are sealed to prevent the dog from escaping.

Certain breeds and predispositions

Everyone ran, and I ran.

Among the runaway dogs, the first place can be safely given to the husky. These blue-eyed, absolutely adorable dogs are made for long runs. And living in the city, most “Hasei” do not satisfy their needs for physical activity. Where can you be satisfied when they walk with you at the roulette table, at a leisurely pace...

Finding itself without a leash, the husky's instinct kicks in - to run. And with the ability to cover over 10 km a day, it is quite difficult to find such a runner.

By the way, hunting dogs also often run away from their owners. The fact is that a pet, having discovered something interesting (especially the trace of some animal), immediately joins the hunt and begins to pursue it.

Sexual needs

I'm crazy, I need her.

Oh, this reason is known to owners of males and females. The first ones, sensing a madam with interesting affairs, immediately turn on “yours, don’t understand me,” proudly ignoring the owner. It is possible, but difficult, to bring a male dog excited by the smells of the “bride” back from the clouds to the ground. This is provided that the pet is on a leash.

It’s more difficult if the dog smells the “lady” without a leash. The male takes off and runs to the call of his sexual instinct.

A bitch, being in heat, is capable of presenting a surprise to the owner. Hormones, as they say, “hit the brain” and the always obedient dog becomes a strange creature. All so sudden, with a languid look and complete immersion in her emotions. And the young lady is capable of succumbing to hormonal changes, running away from her owner during a walk.

Behavior in the house and apartment

Pets are fussy in enclosed spaces . They can get used to life in the city, but there should be plenty of indoor space. The activity of the breed can be considered a disadvantage, especially if walks are rare and short. The animal will run, chew and damage objects, and howl. This can be weaned off in childhood, although the basis of good behavior is regular physical activity.

Huskies can be annoying and demand attention. If the dog is often left alone, it will become sad, lose interest in life, or become completely uncontrollable.

Gaming excitement

It’s more interesting with a “brother” than with the owner.

A dog of any breed needs socialization and communication with its own kind. Communication means meeting, mutual sniffing and games. But many owners are sure that dogs can communicate with each other without the participation of their owners.

Maybe, but it is fraught with consequences. Especially if both pets are poorly controlled. By playing with each other in open space, animals can escape from their owners. One dog begins to run away, the second follows it. And so on until they disappear from the owner's eyes.

Low activity

Hurray, I'm walking!

When a pet is taken out for a walk twice a day, for ten minutes, it accumulates a huge amount of energy. Some dogs, trying to throw it out, begin to destroy the house. Others become extremely hysterical, and still others, seizing the moment while walking, run away from their owners.

Some dogs may not wait until they are let off the leash, but simply break it off and go explore the world around them. This is usually done by very large dogs, whose owner is not always able to physically hold the pet due to his size.

The dog runs away from the yard

A dog runs away from the yard of a private house. We tried all kinds of collars, kept him on a leash - it was no use, he managed to escape from the harness. Medium-sized dog, yard dog, beloved, smart. What to do?

The dog’s desire to escape from the yard and frolic to its heart’s content is easily explained. If the shoots are infrequent and short, there is no need to worry. Often dogs want to go for a walk; if there is an excessive desire to escape, the owners find out the reasons and take appropriate measures. Otherwise, the animal is in danger and can endanger the people around him - passers-by or neighbors.

To stop your pet's escape, you will need to find out the causes of the phenomenon. Perhaps the animal is afraid, or it’s time to find a partner. Often, eliminating the cause helps stop escapes without resorting to additional measures.

What to do?

Motivation on the owner is the key to success.

To prevent your pet from escaping while walking, it is recommended:

  • Motivate the dog to take care of yourself so that it doesn’t even have the thought of running away. As for males and females who want to satisfy their sexual instincts, it is necessary to teach them to hear the owner even in such a situation. Motivation to help;
  • Let the dog off the leash only if the “come” command is executed perfectly. And if there is contact between the pet and the owner;
  • Do not let a cowardly dog ​​off the leash when walking in the city. And in general, it is not recommended to walk pets without a leash in the city. The exception is fenced dog areas;
  • If the dog starts to run away, but stops and looks back at the owner, do not rush after it. It is better to run in the opposite direction so that the pet rushes after the owner;
  • when a pet runs away, “turning off its head” and not reacting to the owner, on the contrary, you should rush after him. This way there is a greater chance of finding the dog later;
  • Be sure to attach a tag with the owner's phone number to the collar. If the runner is caught by good people, they will be able to return the pet to its owner.

In general, a dog is only allowed off the leash if it perfectly follows the “come to me” command and is on the same wavelength as the owner.


In order for a dog to respond well to training and education, it is necessary to begin these trainings from childhood. Also, suppress all bad habits in young puppies so that they do not develop into big problems in the future. All achievements should be praised, and misdeeds should be punished. The most important thing is to give your pet as much time and attention as possible.

How to stop howling?

This is a fairly common occurrence among dogs. This is especially common among husky dogs. You won't be able to completely wean your pet off of this. In order for the dog to not howl so often, it needs to be exhausted with walks.

REFERENCE! You can try to scold the dog and say that this is impossible. Unfortunately, howling is one of the characteristics of this breed.

Make you howl

Huskies do not need to be forced to howl or forced to do this in any way. Since this is one of the characteristics of the dog, it will begin to howl on its own. She can howl when she is having fun, so you can play with her and, perhaps, in the very process of playing you can hear her howl.

How to calm down?

In order for your pet to calm down, you need to figure it out and understand what he wants. If he pulls and whines towards the door, then most likely he wants to take a walk or relieve himself. If the dog brings the owner a toy and runs around, then you need to play with him. You need to learn to understand your animal.

Stop biting

The two main reasons for this problem are:

  1. At two months, babies begin to cut their teeth.
  2. The ancestors are wolves.

The owner’s games can also lead to this, when he waves his legs and thereby allows himself to be bitten. In the future, the dog will consider them toys. To wean your pet from this, you need to purchase special toys so that he chews them.

Stop chewing on everything

To wean your pets from such a bad habit, which spoils not only furniture, but also things, you need to give your puppy toys that he can gnaw and bite. Then the puppy will be able to massage his gums, as small children do. Such a toy, for example, could be a rubber ball with pimples .

Make friends with huskies

The Husky breed is very friendly, but it may happen that the pet that appears first will not accept the new one and will snap or, even worse, bite.

Advice! If you bring a new dog into a house where a husky already lives, keep an eye on them for the first few days. Send them to sleep in different rooms, locking the dogs out. While walking, try to make them friends through common games and affectionate words.

If the dogs categorically do not want to become friends, then contact a professional dog handler who, in a few sessions, will pacify both dogs and accustom them to each other’s company.

Stop pulling on the leash

Weaning your pet from pulling on a leash is quite a difficult task. To do this, you need to take your dog to a behavior specialist. Most often this happens due to the fact that the pet wants to go to a completely different place than its owner; in addition, strong pressure on the pet’s neck can affect it, and it may simply be painful. In any case, if the dog does not listen to you, go to professional training lessons.

Train to walk without a leash

Since the Husky is easy to learn and amenable to training, solving this problem will be easy. To do this you should say: “Nearby!” - and the dog must stand next to the owner. This task is considered one of the most difficult for a dog. Practice with a leash first, otherwise the dog may run away.

Learn to ride in a harness

By their origin, these animals are considered mounts, so this will not be so difficult. To do this, even an untrained dog needs to fasten a leash to the collar and stand on small, light skis or a sled. The animal begins to pull the sled or skis instinctively.

How to teach singing?

At first it may seem unrealistic and fantastic, but it is quite real. To make your pet sing, you need to turn on the music and start howling a little. Or use collective singing; in such a situation, the pet may also begin to sing along.

Teach to talk

The most common words a husky can say to a patient owner are “yum-yum” and “mama.” If a dog whines when music is playing, it means it can repeat the words.

How can you tell if your dog is tired?

Fatigue is determined by its behavior - it tries to lie down not just on its chest, but on its side; at such moments the dog’s tongue hangs out of its mouth, breathing is heavy and deep.

Is it possible to punish and how?

It is necessary to punish a guilty dog, but you must understand that you cannot beat it . If you do this with your hand, then the person will simply knock off the hand, but if you do it with a stick, then you can break the dog’s bones. The hitting should not hurt, but hurt:

  • twig;
  • fly swatter;
  • with a towel.

The main thing is to speak to the dog in a stern voice, repeat the commands “no”, “fu”, etc. Important
! Huskies are dogs that understand very well when they are being punished and when they are being played with.

Leisure facilities

It happens that a smart animal is simply bored of being in a confined space for days on end. So the dog runs away from the house into the street in the hope of discovering something new and interesting. A yard, preferably attractive from a dog's point of view, will help to interest the animal and keep it. Then you won't want to leave.

  1. Place more dog toys in the yard - favorite pastimes. Replace those that are boring. After a while, the old toys, brought to light, will again seem new to the animal.
  2. Play with your pet in the yard more often to develop a positive conditioned reflex. The yard will become associated with something fun and exciting. For an animal that moves little and leads a measured lifestyle, games will allow them to lose excess energy potential.
  3. For a dog that spends most of its time in the yard, leave drinks and favorite treats outside. This will serve to develop a positive conditioned reflex.

Bad habits

Bad habits of huskies include:

  1. They do not like to be separated from people, as they are very friendly dogs.
  2. Chasing cats and cats.
  3. They chew everything they come across (most often happens to puppies when they are teething).
  4. It's a mess all around. This happens because they need to throw out energy somewhere.
  5. Jumping on owners and other people - this happens due to its friendly nature.

Why does he run away from his owners?

The reason for this phenomenon lies in the very origin and homeland of these dogs. Huskies are northern sled dogs. That's why they are constantly running somewhere. In addition, they may simply be afraid of their owner if he treats them too harshly. There is a third explanation for such actions - disobedience. Therefore, the owner needs to work with his pet.

The dogs destroyed the apartment

This happens due to insufficient physical activity. For a husky, you need to spend two hours walking every day. You should play active games with your dog outside so that the animal can splash out all its energy, while at home it can rest.

Growls at the owner

A dog, as a rule, is a pack animal, and therefore is very hierarchical. If a dog growls at its owner, then this is a fairly big problem, and the whole issue lies in the dog’s upbringing itself. This means that the dog considers himself to be in charge, and this should not be allowed. To prevent him from growling, you should take a noose and a muzzle: as soon as he growls at the owner, he needs to be lifted and shaken - this way several times.

Husky problem

Husky may not always be an obedient dog. It happens that a Husky dog ​​can begin to chew furniture, bite, disobey, and howl at night. In addition, if she accidentally falls off the leash, she will return only after walking. If an intruder gets into the house, the husky may be friendly. Does not tolerate medications and anesthesia well.

Advice! Huskies need to be constantly played and walked for 2-3 hours a day.

Howl at night

Not only dogs of this breed can howl, but also others. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the northern origin of the husky. Since these are sled dogs, and it was difficult for them to drag the load, and barking wasted even more energy, the four-legged friends communicated by howling between themselves and the owner. In modern homes, this howl means attracting attention to yourself. It happens that an animal howls because it is simply having fun.


This is a fairly common problem. This behavior is acceptable only for small puppies up to two months old due to the fact that they do not know how to play differently. In order for your pet to stop biting arms and legs, you just need to stop reacting to this action, the dog will no longer be attracted to it, and it will stop doing it.

REFERENCE! It is better not to delay with such a problem because of difficulties in the future.

Chews furniture

Most often this is due to the fact that when puppies begin to cut their first teeth, their gums itch very much and they need to chew something right away. Therefore, animals begin to chew on their favorite furniture, as well as shoes.

Advice! At this point, it is necessary to remove all wires from electrical appliances and bottles of chemicals. To prevent this from happening, it will be enough to provide your pet with toys that he can chew.

Doesn't want to go home from a walk

This phenomenon may occur due to lack of walking. Since this animal is very active, it must spend a lot of energy. So you can’t scold him for this, but it’s better to play and walk longer.


The most important problem is the inaction of the owner. If a dog or a small puppy does not obey, then it should be raised and trained. The dog must know that the owner is in charge and he sets the rules. To help your husky obey better, you can send him to special dog training schools, where they teach him discipline.

Is it possible to punish and how?

An animal can be punished, but only for some very serious offenses or for disobedience. Punishments should under no circumstances be cruel.

Advice! One of the ways of punishment could be that the owner temporarily takes away an important and necessary thing for the pet. In addition, food delivery can be delayed.

Who is the breed not suitable for?

  • These pets are characterized by increased activity . They need to train a lot, walk, play. Therefore, Husky is not suitable for homebodies, sedentary people and elderly people.
  • In addition, dogs are strong and fast. In case of escape, an unhealthy person will not be able to catch up with an animal that has not been trained in commands.
  • Also, puppies need to be trained for a long time and persistently, accustoming them to the rules of behavior, walking and feeding regime . If the family is not prepared for the fact that at first the dog will not be obedient, neat and restrained, then getting a Husky is not recommended.

Even a teenager can work with representatives of the breed, because they learn quickly and easily. But the dog is best suited to an avid dog breeder who has already kept northern Laikas or similar pets. Although a beginner can practice his training skills with these doggies.


One of the features is their high self-sufficiency. Also, this breed is not demanding in grooming. You can and should bathe no more than twice a year. The dog sheds once every six months.

Raising this breed has its own characteristics:

  • Parenting in an apartment . Raising a Husky in an apartment is practically no different from raising a Husky in general. The only thing you should remember is that when living in an apartment, you need to walk the dog twice a day for an hour or an hour and a half and play with it so that there is no pogrom at home.
  • On the street . On the street, the dog needs to be entertained, played and walked as often as possible. Outside the home, your pet can be sent to a special school for training.
  • Adult dog . Raising an adult will be a little more difficult than training a puppy from birth.

ATTENTION! It is unlikely that you can achieve any great success at home, so experts will help here.

  • Puppy . In early childhood, the puppy needs to be trained. He must know who his master is, and must obey him, know where his toilet is. The puppy will quickly learn the routine of walking and eating - it is important to do this at the same time.

Husky is an animal that is easy to care for. It is quite easy to maintain, but difficult to cope with temperament and excessive activity. This is a very active and friendly dog ​​that can become a true friend to its owner. Even though these dogs won't take much effort, they will take up a lot of their owners' time (walking). It is worth remembering that problems can also arise with them if the puppies are not raised immediately when they get to their new home.

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