When puppies open their eyes after birth: timing and deviations

Usually a four-legged friend appears in the owner’s house with his eyes open, but there are different situations. A domestic dog produces offspring or a kitten will be picked up on the street. In this case, it is important for a person to know all the stages of development of his four-legged friend in order to monitor the correct development in the first months of life.

Why are puppies born blind?

Dogs, like other mammals, are born completely helpless. They remain completely blind for some time and navigate in space only thanks to their developed sense of smell. Babies are blind for only a short time, but during this period their eyes are protected from the adverse effects of environmental conditions. Other reasons that babies are born blind:

  1. Their gestation time is relatively short, it is 58-70 days. This time is not enough for the full formation of all organs, including the eye.
  2. A large number of gestating kittens. The female gives birth to at least 2-3 individuals, but more often 6-8 cubs are born at the same time. This number of fetuses does not allow them to fully develop in the womb.
  3. Closed eyelids promote protection. The kitten's body is very weak, therefore it is vulnerable to any infections that penetrate the mucous membrane. In addition, dirt does not penetrate through the closed organs of vision.
  4. While in the womb, the fetus does not live in completely sterile conditions. Therefore, through closed eyes, the cub does not risk becoming infected with the microbes that may be there.

All of the above reasons point to a natural mechanism for protecting the dog’s health. Babies begin to see only when their body and internal systems are fully formed to interact with the external environment. Epiphany does not come immediately, so the owner will have to be patient in order to control the process when the puppies' eyes open.

Basics of proper nutrition

Of course, a dog needs proper nutrition.

This is especially important for a growing organism. At first, you will have to devote a lot of time and effort to food and the number of meals.

However, according to professional dog breeders, this brings results.

What to feed for the first 3 months

At three months of age, the puppy's need for milk decreases significantly. The main sources of protein and other vitamins are meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Milk must be replaced with fermented milk products such as cottage cheese and kefir.

Note! It should be remembered that a growing body needs vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements for proper development

How often to feed and how much to give

Initially, the puppy is fed 5-6 times a day, gradually reducing portions. By the age of one year, the number of meals is reduced to 2. At 2-3 months, the puppy is given five meals a day. Serving quantity from 600 to 800 g.

If homemade food is prepared for your dog, it must contain a large proportion of meat products. The diet also includes porridge, fresh and boiled vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

Proper nutrition is the key to good health

Introducing complementary foods - natural or dry food

Both natural products and store-bought food can be used as complementary foods.

In the latter case, it is very important to monitor the quality of the food provided. Premium and super-premium food is best suited especially for puppies, and subsequently for large breed dogs

For your information! If the puppy is offered a homemade diet, it must include all the necessary substances and microelements. It is worth noting that this food option is not cheaper than high-quality feed.

Natural nutrition: pros and cons

Many owners sincerely believe that the most suitable diet for a German Shepherd is homemade food. Undoubtedly, it has a lot of positive aspects, but there are also significant disadvantages. The advantages of a homemade diet include:

  • the owner knows for sure that his pet receives natural, fresh and high-quality food;
  • you can independently determine the amount of meat, vegetables and vitamins your pet consumes;
  • If your pet suffers from food allergies, the diet can be easily adjusted and unnecessary foods excluded.

As for the disadvantages of home-cooked food, the following stand out:

  • the owner of the puppy must constantly prepare food on his own, this takes time;
  • it is necessary to select the right products, proportions, and take into account vitamin supplements;
  • high-quality and proper homemade food is not cheap.

Important! Most experts categorically do not recommend mixing store-bought and homemade food. Accordingly, at the time of complementary feeding, you will have to decide on the type of food that he will always give to the animal.

What not to give to a German Shepherd

Not every product is beneficial for a dog's body. The list of prohibited foods includes the following:

  • bakery and confectionery products;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • fatty meats and river fish;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • sweet fruits;
  • legumes;
  • sausages;
  • potato;
  • tubular bones.

Feeding dry food

As already mentioned, the best option for an animal is super-premium or simply premium food. Good food is not cheap, but it is necessary for the health of the animal.

For your information! Pets that eat high-quality food feel much better, get sick less and live longer.

Dry food will cost the same as natural dog food

How to feed a grown puppy correctly

Gradually, the growing puppy reduces the number of meals, increasing the diet. From approximately 6 months to 1 year, dogs are given food 3 times a day. Already from the age of one year, their meals are reduced to 2 per day.

The daily food intake for a one-year-old dog should consist of:

  • 50% percent protein. For this purpose, the animal is given meat, offal, cottage cheese and eggs;
  • 30% of carbohydrates are cereals, vegetables and fruits in which they are contained;
  • 20% animal fats.

Developmental factors influencing the timing of eye opening

Various factors influence when babies begin to see the world around them. For example, in strong individuals with good physical characteristics, the process of insight occurs a little faster. In addition, females are characterized by early development compared to males. Therefore, their visual organs also develop faster.

Another reason influencing the formation of cubs is their living conditions. Here we are talking about the illumination of the nest, the physical condition of the mother dog, and sanitary and hygienic standards of maintenance. If a newborn is born and spends the first weeks of life in poor conditions, then its further development will be slowed down.

The period of gestation also has a direct impact on the opening of the eyelids. If the birth occurred earlier than the time prescribed by nature, then the formation of the visual organs will be delayed. And, conversely, in a post-term baby, development will occur a little earlier.

Lacrimal organs

The lacrimal glands produce tears. The lacrimal gland is a paired organ that is located in a special depression in the frontal bone under the upper eyelid of each eye. The released tear falls under the lower eyelid, and when blinking it is distributed throughout the eye. Tears are released even when we sleep. Normally, up to 1 ml of tear fluid is produced per day. With profuse lacrimation (when tears, as they say, “flow in a stream”), up to 10 ml of tear fluid (2 teaspoons) can be secreted.

Tears flow into the lacrimal duct and along it into the lacrimal lake (at the inner corner of the eye), from where they enter the lacrimal canaliculi, through them into the lacrimal sac and are discharged along the nasolacrimal duct into the nasal concha, where they ultimately moisturize the mucous membrane and evaporate. This system is called the lacrimal duct.

When and on what day do puppies' eyes open?

Newborn pets begin to see when their eyelids are fully formed. On average, this takes 10-14 days after the baby is born. However, there are factors that speed up or slow down the process of insight.

Process Features

The opening of the eyes in tetrapods occurs slowly and begins from the inner corner, gradually moving to the outer. A thin gap appears on one eyelid, which after a while opens completely. Usually the process occurs first with one eye, then with the second. But there are cases of simultaneous opening.

Immediately after epiphany, the kittens see the world around them blurred, distinguishing only light and shadow. Gradually, vision becomes clearer. After 3-4 days, babies begin to see well.

The owner of newborns should not be frightened by the veil and the dull blue color of the iris. The film will disappear once the puppies are able to fully focus their gaze on surrounding objects, and the color changes to a permanent color by three months of age.

Differences by breed

The rate of formation of the organs of vision and hearing differs among different representatives of breeds. It is important to take this into account when observing the growing process of a newborn baby. Knowing when puppies of different breeds open their eyes, the owner will be able to recognize problems in time and contact a veterinarian. The periods of insight are as follows:

  1. In Chihuahua babies, their eyes appear at 12-13 days. In the case of these babies, the gestation period that is longer than in other individuals plays an important role.
  2. Newborn spaniels develop at an average rate. Their eyelids open in the second week of life.
  3. German Shepherd cubs begin to see the outside world at 14-15 days.
  4. Toy terrier babies begin to see sight on the 14-15th day, but there are frequent cases of eyelids opening on the 20th day of life.
  5. Spitz babies develop a little slower. Their vision appears only on the 16th-17th day.

The indicated periods are fairly average. For each specific case, which depends on various factors, the situation develops differently. It has also been noticed that an ordinary yard dog opens its eyelids earlier than a purebred dog cub.

Possible problems

A number of breeds, such as dachshunds and toy terriers, are initially predisposed to pathological problems with eyelid development. If the veterinarian makes a diagnosis of entropion, then in order to preserve the young dog’s vision, he will have to undergo surgery.

For conjunctivitis, even if the puppy’s eyes have not yet opened, they should be treated with furatsilin solution, and in addition use eye drops with an antibiotic. It is necessary to instill and rinse the baby’s eyes daily no more than 6 times a day. This therapy almost always gives a positive result after just a few days, and the young pet’s eyes open without unnecessary difficulties.

There is no need to deal with fused eyelids on your own - it is better to immediately consult a doctor; sometimes surgery is necessary. When no pus is released, you can treat your eyes daily with warm water.

Owners can help a puppy open its eyes if it is unable or afraid to do this on its own, but not earlier than the 18th day of the baby’s life. To carry out the procedure, you will need cooled boiled water and a sterile swab - a separate one for each eye. Wash your hands first with antibacterial soap.

Another problem may be that the eyes erupt too early, when tears are not yet produced in sufficient quantities, as a result of which the puppy experiences an unpleasant sensation, otherwise called “dry eye.” This issue also cannot be run. To solve it, treatment with special ointments and antibiotics is required.

Do babies need special care these days?

The formation of visual organs is a complex process that takes some time. Epiphany does not always go smoothly, so the main thing for a loving owner is the desire to help his little friend.

But human participation is not always necessary. The main thing at this time is to provide full care for small dogs and simply monitor on what day the puppies will open their eyes. It is also worth taking care of the mother bitch.

At first, it is advisable to protect newborns from bright lighting by placing them with their mother in a dim, well-heated room. You should not open your eyelids yourself. If a purulent crust appears on the eyes, you can wipe them with an antiseptic solution. They do this until the kitten opens its eyelids.

If the eyes become very festered, swollen or do not open completely, you need to call a veterinarian at home. Self-medication or delay can result in dogs becoming blind for the rest of their lives.

How to choose a pair for mating?

In order not to make a mistake with a child support puppy, the owner of the cable should carefully choose a mate for the dog. The bitch must be in excellent health, fairly mature and of ideal pedigree. Among other things, the dog breeder must know for sure whether he will be able to place the puppy later or whether it is better to take it with money

Particular attention should be paid to what kind of care the dog’s owners can provide her during pregnancy and after. Puppies can be born healthy, but due to poor care, by the time the alimony puppy is selected, become ill and grow up weak

Previously, mating of dogs was prohibited according to the rules and for good reason. The dog’s body is not fully formed, and accordingly, the animal cannot produce healthy offspring. Childbirth has a special psychological impact on a dog, so young dogs often become mentally unstable. The ideal time for mating is the third heat.

To learn what the concept of “alimony puppy” means, watch the video below.

Alimony puppy: what does it mean, should you buy it? Breeding purebred dogs is a troublesome and expensive task. Participation usually requires two parties: owners of different sexes of purebred breeds. It is rare to find a private owner of a pair of animals. Only specialized nurseries contain several individuals.

Sometimes the cost of keeping pets exceeds the cost of the resulting offspring. In the classic version, the owners of bitches and dogs agree on mating among themselves.

Shifting deadlines and other dangers

The main task on the part of the owner is to monitor all stages of the process. Sometimes there are deviations that require contacting a veterinarian.

Early opening

Epiphany earlier than 10-14 days after birth is influenced by various reasons. Most often this is a feature of the breed or a long gestation period.

If the owner sees open eyelids on a newborn, this is not a reason to panic. You just need to reduce the lighting in the room where the offspring is kept. This will protect your visual organs from excessive exposure to light. In addition, it is necessary to protect the nest with newborns so that the babies do not crawl out, harm themselves or injure the mucous membrane.

Late opening

One of the factors influencing the slowdown of the process is the health status of the baby. If a kitten was born weakened and was then exposed to infectious or viral diseases, then it begins to see a little later.

The living conditions of newborns and mother dogs also affect the condition of the baby. Excessive lighting, low room temperature and unsanitary conditions have the most unfavorable effect on the development of a dog.

Possible diseases

If after two weeks the newborn has not begun to see clearly, then you should take a close look at the four-legged pet. In some cases, signs of inflammation, souring of the eyelids or other problems are noticeable. Then you can’t hesitate to visit a veterinary clinic for an examination and diagnosis. Here is a list of possible pathologies:

  • tissue fusion;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blindness;
  • injuries.

Before visiting the veterinarian, wipe the baby's face with a soft cloth moistened with chamomile decoction, a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate. Only a veterinarian can prescribe further treatment and medications.

Why do the eyes not open immediately after birth?

The eyelids finally develop in the following weeks after the puppy is born. Lack of vision after 20 days already indicates the presence of any problems or even congenital defects. Also, the eyes may not open due to the development of conjunctivitis, due to accumulated dirt on the eyelashes, or due to the fact that microbes are trapped between the eyelids.

Sometimes, even when vision appears, puppy eyes stick together quite tightly, and attempts to open them can be very painful for the baby. There is also discharge of pus from the eyes. You can prevent problems from arising by treating them with strong tea leaves, chamomile decoction, antibiotic drops or furatsilin.

To make a chamomile decoction, you need to brew the prepared packet with boiling water for 30 minutes. Or pour a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth should be cooled to approximately a temperature that is a couple of degrees higher than body temperature.

If a mother diligently cares for her newborn babies, then the owner, in fact, will not need to provide additional care. Since a caring mother licks her babies, removing excess secretions and thereby helping the natural opening of the organs of vision.

Restoring Google Chrome after uninstallation

Before you panic, you need to figure out the cause of the problem. Removing Chrome is impossible without outside or personal intervention. Moreover, the reason will not be related to a virus attack. To determine whether an application is on your computer, you need to launch Control Panel.

  1. Go to "Settings" in the menu.
  2. Select "Applications".
  3. There should be Google Chrome in the Apps & Features submenu.
  4. If it is missing, you will need to install the program.

  1. Go to the program provider's website.
  2. Download the app.
  3. Install it using the installer's instructions.

This type of recovery has some disadvantages:

  • The settings will be set to default.
  • All additional extensions will be missing, as well as cookies that make working with websites much easier.
  • Bookmarks and history will be missing.

Almost all of the above can be restored if your Google Chrome was previously synchronized with the cloud. Synchronization will allow you to save all the settings and not suffer from the problem of how to restore the Google Chrome browser. You can synchronize your browser in Settings.


An allergic reaction is also a fairly common cause, which is manifested by the symptom of stinging eyes. Moreover, due to allergies, the same conjunctivitis often occurs. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to distinguish temporary eye irritation from permanent allergies. If the eyes sting when any irritant appears and tears flow from certain substances nearby, then these symptoms will not disappear until their cause - the allergen - is eliminated.

Allergy treatment should also be comprehensive. Here it is necessary to use eye drops to eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane and additionally take antihistamines that suppress the reaction to the allergen. It is also very important to watch your diet.

First aid

If the owner has not previously helped the pet in this process, then he may consider a completely alive and simply inactive baby to be dead.

Often a provocateur for the fact that small kittens have died is the fact of inexperience or illiteracy of the owner of the giving birth pet. Sometimes a person is not able to distinguish between the presence and absence of signs of life in a baby. Newborn kittens may not move or meow, causing the owner to decide that the baby is dead

To prevent a cat from giving birth to stillborn kittens, it is important to ensure safe gestation conditions, contact a veterinarian for assistance during childbirth, and also be able to provide first aid to newborn babies.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Remove the baby from the hymen, allowing it to breathe.
  2. You can pinch the umbilical cord with your fingers, at a distance of 2 cm from the tummy, and cut it off with sterile scissors.
  3. Wash the wound with an antiseptic.
  4. Free the mouth and nose from mucus using a small syringe, and then turn the head down.
  5. Help the kitten breathe by breathing “mouth to mouth” according to the rules:
      take a straw;
  6. insert into baby's mouth;
  7. blow in a little air every 3-5 seconds.

To cut the umbilical cord, you must use a sterile instrument.

Usually, the mother cat frees the hymen by licking the lumps that appear. But, if this is not possible (the pet has abandoned the baby or is busy giving birth to other kittens), you can imitate the mother’s movements. To do this, wrap your finger in a napkin and do a light massage: from the forehead to the back, from the tail to the neck and along the area from the throat to the tail on the stomach. Some breeders use ammonia to revive it by placing a piece of cotton wool soaked in a small amount of solution to the spout. Trying to bring a baby back to life if it smells bad initially is not advisable, since the newborn kitten died in the womb.

In this situation, baby massage can be effective.


An unusual breed of cat with big eyes. The peculiarity of the animals is that they have short paws, the length of which is almost three times less than that of other cats. It is for this reason that they are called dachshund cats. This feature is the result of a genetic mutation.

Breed Features:

  • representatives of the Munchkin breed have a cheerful, friendly and cheerful disposition;
  • they have a remarkable habit - when they want to look at something, they sit on their hips in a comfortable position, while they use their tail to maintain balance;
  • the body has a flexible spine, and the length of the paws does not affect the mobility and activity of representatives of the cat family.

Factors that may interfere with the process

The puppy's full vision may slow down or not start at all if the following factors are present:

  • an infection got into the palpebral fissure that began to open and caused an inflammatory process;
  • due to the purulent discharge that accompanies conjunctivitis, the eyelids stick together, and it is painful for the baby to open them;
  • Specks and dirt often accumulate on puppies' eyelashes, weighing down their eyelids.

There are also congenital reasons that prevent the baby from seeing the light.
These include inversion of the eyelid or complete fusion of the upper and lower valves. If a month after birth the puppy is still blind, you need to contact a veterinarian. In such cases, the problem is solved radically - surgical intervention.

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