Who is stronger - a wolf or an alabai? Features and interesting facts

A person is afraid of meeting a wolf, and for good reason. This animal has agility and excellent intelligence, as well as the ability to attack so that the victim quickly dies. Over many years of evolution, wolves have developed their own attack system that allows them to cope with even the strongest animals. So, in different parts of the world, these predators attack and defeat various animals, even larger than themselves. Wolves often attack herds of domestic animals. To preserve the animals, various breeds of dogs were developed to protect the herding herd. Among them are Alabais, or Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Despite its impressive size, the question still remains open: who is stronger - the wolf or the alabai?

Wolf Hunt

Wolves are considered skilled hunters. They know the weak points of the victim, know how to identify them and always attack in a pack, but lone wolves are rare. An example of the ability to obtain prey by any means is moose hunting. Wolves understand that a direct attack can have a detrimental effect on their health, since moose have sharp antlers and very heavy hooves that can cause fatal injury. Instead of straightforward action, wolves starve their prey to death. The flock pursues prey, and such a drive can last for several days. As a result, weakened moose become easy prey.

If the flock has nothing to eat, then hungry animals can launch an attack without a corral. Predators attack deer in packs and easily bite their throats. The same thing happens with wild boars and other animals, including bears. What can we say about the Alabai - not a single dog can stand against a pack of wolves. After all, wolves are wild animals; they train, hunt, and know how to assess a situation all their lives.

And who is stronger - a wolf or an alabai, if there is a one-on-one fight? Wolves rarely go hunting alone, but if it happens that there is only one wolf, then it is better not to get caught. Loners are very strong, usually larger than their counterparts. Their enormous size is due to the fact that such animals consume more food, which they obtain themselves, without the help of other predators. The height of wolves can reach a meter at the withers or more, and their weight can be 80 kilograms or more. Such dimensions, combined with sharp teeth and strong paws, extensive hunting experience, make the wolf the most dangerous forest killer.

Origin, similarities and differences between species

Few people know, but dogs and wolves belong to the same family and genus – canids. But this was not always the case; initially the former were identified as a separate species.

However, science does not stand still, and when it became possible to conduct high-quality analyzes of DNA and genetic drift, scientists proved that the wolf is the direct ancestor of domestic pets.

And it’s not for nothing that some breeds are so similar to forest orderlies. These include the northern Inuit, wolfdogs, and duckfoots. When you meet them in the forest, you won’t understand that it’s someone’s pet before your eyes.

However, knowing some of the features of the designated species, you can easily determine who is in front of you:

  • The wolf does not wag its tail in greeting;
  • The ears usually stand up, only occasionally does he press them to his head;
  • Doesn't bark;
  • Has larger teeth and fangs;
  • The chest is wider than that of a dog of the same size.

Among other things, the forest dweller is especially careful. He is not used to the person and will look studyingly. If you see footprints in the forest, then take a closer look at them.

In dogs, the distance between the toes will be narrower than in a wolf. The latter has a paw that seems to be spread out, as the front toes protrude more forward.


One of the oldest dog breeds is the Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog, a Turkmen wolfhound with excellent guard and herding qualities. According to some sources, it has been bred for 4000 years.

Once upon a time, alabai were used to protect homes, accompany people on the road, and were used for hunting. They were trained to work in a pack and drive down prey. Due to their versatility, these shepherd dogs can be called universal. Nowadays dogs have not lost their functionality, although more and more often there are those that are simply kept “for beauty”.

The dog's height at the withers reaches 70 cm, and its weight is 40–60 kg. The breed is characterized by a thick skin that protects against mechanical and natural damage. The dogs look bulky and clumsy, but in fact they are quite agile and agile.

Dog breeds that can fight a wolf

Of all the dog breeds, there are six specific species, in the company of whose representatives you can not worry about your safety even when meeting a wolf.


The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai is a dog that has no equal in its ability to resist a wolf. The advantages of this animal are its fighting character, fearlessness, strength and large size. At the same time, Alabai is always calm and confident.

Reference. In ancient times, Alabai were attracted by people to hunt not only wolves, but also wild bulls and even elephants.

Alabai stands out among dogs of other breeds due to its increased sense of self-esteem. This powerful animal obeys only the owner who has managed to earn the respect of the pet.


Gampr is a wolfhound whose homeland is Armenia. This breed was bred to protect herds of livestock from predators. The dog has all the physical characteristics to fight a wolf alone.

The breed got its name due to its large height and weight. Gampr means “powerful”. Some of these dogs have a body weight of about 80 kg. Despite the fact that the Gampr looks similar to the Caucasian Shepherd, genetically it is closer to the mastiff.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherds are distinguished by their tendency to divide all people into friends and foes. They do not accept strangers, do not trust them and are capable of showing aggression towards them. This feature of the breed is used to provide personal security and protection for the owner and his family members. If the slightest danger arises, the Caucasian Shepherd can quickly attack the enemy. It often happened that dogs alone, without barking, attacked the wolf and defeated it.


The Kangal or Anatolian Shepherd is distinguished by its subtle intelligence, calm attitude towards people and high trainability. The dog treats the things of its owners with care and will not allow strangers to touch them. The Kangal is friendly towards children and is often used as a nanny. At the same time, the dog is distinguished by its strength and decisive character, which allows it to cope even with a wolf.

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is a true giant among dogs. It can reach 80 cm at the withers, and when standing on its hind legs, the animal is much taller than its owner.

This breed is considered a symbol of Ireland, and in Britain it is recognized as the mascot of the Royal Irish Regiment.

At home, the Irish Wolfhound is distinguished by its intelligence, affectionate and patient character, but in a fight with the enemy it is very aggressive. Dogs of this breed do not let go of the enemy until they destroy him.

It is known that in ancient times Irish wolfhounds defeated a bear more than once and could even knock over a rider along with a horse, so their irreconcilable attitude towards predators, including wolves, is stored at the genetic level.

Russian greyhound

The Russian Greyhound is distinguished by its grace and elegance. It has an elongated body and does not look like an animal that is capable of fighting a wolf. However, dogs of this breed have an important advantage - high speed, which reaches 60 km per hour, and in a jerk - up to 100 km per hour.

Other strengths of the Russian Borzoi are its intelligence, courage and flexibility. This dog is capable of exhausting and driving a wolf, and in a group it can defeat the predator in contact combat.

Wolf Power

When wondering who is stronger - a wolf or an Alabai, few people specify which type of predator the breed should be compared with.

There are a lot of wolves. There are those that reach a maximum weight of 10 kilograms. Alabai will definitely defeat such small animals. But they will not be able to defeat the polar subspecies of wolves. These are very large and strong animals. And maybe nature did the right thing by keeping them away from people: the range of polar wolves is the Arctic, tundra, except for areas covered with ice. Wolves live in vast polar regions and adapt to any kind of food. These animals are capable of not seeing sunlight for months and can withstand severe frosts. Polar representatives are up to 93 cm high at the withers, weighing up to 85 kg. To survive in such conditions, the predator needs a lot of large prey, which is why they hunt reindeer and musk oxen. In search of food, animals can walk up to 2 thousand square meters. km.

Irish Wolfhound

Country of origin:



from 76 to 86 cm at the withers


from 50 to 72 cm


10-11 years

Calm, loyal and devoted dogs, wolfhounds have become a true symbol of Ireland over the years. Their history begins in the 3rd century BC. - at that time, Celtic tribes used animals for protection and hunting large predators, which is where the name “wolfhound” came from. Nowadays, experts do not recommend that owners teach these giants security or defensive skills - despite their impressive size and military history, Irish wolfhounds are one of the most good-natured and loving pets in the world.

Impact force

So who is stronger - a wolf or an alabai, what is the impact force of these animals?

The success of a wolf in hunting is not only the ability to hunt, assess the situation, dexterity, but also the power of its jaws. During the strike, the predator cuts the victim with its teeth, and does not tear or bite through it, like dogs. Because of this, you should not underestimate the predator. After all, the injuries he inflicts bleed profusely, weakening the enemy. And if we ask who is stronger - a wolf or a dog, then it is worth remembering how a predator kills its prey. Often it only needs to bite the victim once for death to occur. No animal bites in this manner, not even closely related dogs. When Alabai bites, they pull at the withers, trying to squeeze the victim with their jaws. And if there is a fight between a wolf and an alabai, then at the first opportunity the predator will bite and move aside, waiting for the dog to weaken. If necessary, he will attack again, although usually wolves cut vital vessels the first time, causing severe bleeding.

Why don't wolves perform in the circus?

Yes, the presence of a wolf act in the circus repertoire is exotic, but such performances do exist. Man has learned to train more dangerous animals. Of course, the forest robber is poorly trained and there are several reasons for this:

  • They live poorly in captivity, become depressed, begin to get sick and die quickly;
  • They cannot resist their instincts. Even if they get used to a person, they quickly forget him and can bite him to death;
  • They cannot stand noise, bright light and fuss around, as they are cowardly by nature. They are easily frightened and then irreparable things can happen.

There is one well-known experience in Russia when a trainer managed to create a real performance with these predators. In 1995, Ekaterina Korenkova took in several still blind puppies. By feeding them from a nipple and being constantly nearby, she was able to raise a group of four-legged artists. But, according to her, it was not easy. even becoming their “mother”.

Considering the listed difficulties, it is more convenient and safer to train dogs that are already accustomed to obeying people.

Jaw strength

Wolves have a strong jaw, sharp teeth, which are built in a special way. When attacked, the wolf's bite force reaches 450 kg/sq. cm. For comparison: the bite force of a white shark is 600 kg/sq. cm. In dogs, this figure is no more than 130 kg/sq. cm. Even bears have a lower bite force than wolves - 200–250 kg/sq. see. Based only on these indicators, it is clear who is stronger - a wolf or a dog.

Unexpected ending

The denouement came suddenly.

There were no winners. The two animals, grasping each other in a death grip, were dying, bleeding.

Sasha’s best fighter, who had repeatedly emerged victorious and was in his best athletic shape, died before his eyes from the teeth of a young wolf, traumatized by a trap, exhausted from malnutrition and the stress of captivity.

The disappointed crowd dispersed and no one cared about Sasha’s grief, who had lost his best producer and breadwinner.

Alabai and the wolf

Knowing all the characteristics of animals, you can think: if an Alabai and a wolf meet in battle, who will win? Victory will depend on many factors.

  1. Where is Alabai from and how was he raised? If a dog is a “couch”, then it will not be able to cope with a wolf, or even a mongrel. But if the dog was raised for fighting or trained to hunt, and even more so to work in a pack, then there is a chance of victory.
  2. Which wolf will the fight be with? Will a dog win in a fight against a wolf born and raised in captivity? Probably yes. Typically, such wolves do not have the skills of hunters, although their instincts are preserved and can awaken at any moment. Another important indicator will be the type of wolf. If an Alabai meets an Arabian wolf, whose weight is only about ten kilograms, then there is nothing to even talk about - the dog will win. But against an ordinary gray predator, a shepherd may not be able to survive. A meeting with a polar representative will be fatal for the dog.
  3. Where will the meeting be? Meeting a wolf on its territory is death for any dog. These animals know their area very well and all its features. In such a place, they are the kings of the hunt and can easily kill anyone who sets foot in their territory. A dog has a higher chance of winning a fight in a populated area. This is primarily due to the fact that hungry and weakened animals most often approach human habitation in search of food. Well-fed, strong predators rarely go far from their lair.

Physical and behavioral differences in dogs

Despite the great similarity between wolves and dogs, they can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. Size and weight. If the parameters of a wolf in most cases are close to average (with rare exceptions), then the size of dogs depends on their breed and can vary significantly. For example, the weight of a Chihuahua does not even reach 2 kg, and the body weight of a mastiff often exceeds 70 kg.
  2. Muzzle. In wolves it has an elongated shape, and in dogs it is short.
  3. Ears. In dogs, they can be different: downy, hanging or straight. Wolves' ears always take a vertical position.
  4. Fur. Dogs have fur that comes in different lengths and colors. Wolves always have short fur, and the range of its colors is not so wide.
  5. Tail. In a wolf it is always lowered down, but in a dog it can take any position.

Behavioral differences:

  1. Habitat and reproduction. Wolves live in the wild and, guided by instinct, do not have offspring during periods of famine. Dogs live close to humans and depend on them for food.
  2. Socialization. Wolves, like many other predatory animals, are tied to a certain territory and lead a more secluded lifestyle. Dogs are more sociable and more willing to make contact.
  3. Family. Both wolves and dogs live in groups. But the former create a reproductive couple, which breaks up only if one of its members dies.
  4. Sounds. Dogs bark and wolves howl and growl.

Shepherds versus predator: reality

Many people ask, if Alabai fights against a wolf, who will be stronger? Here it is worth listening to stories from life. In many villages, residents have repeatedly seen wolves attack dogs, including tearing apart Alabais. Hunters have more than once opened up dead wolves and discovered bear fur inside.

Shepherds say that Alabai can protect the herd, but only if the wolf sees a person or is not very hungry. In other situations, predators tear apart dogs and take grazing animals.

At different times, wolves attacked people. Most often they kill children and women. Rarely does any beast attack men, perhaps because it understands who is defenseless and weak, and who can fight back or cause serious injury.

Do wolves attack people?

There are different opinions on this matter. But with the exception of a few of them, it all boils down to the fact that forest predators are dangerous. There are statistics that say that on average in the European part of Russia in 1870 - 1897, about 1,500 people were eaten. Now nothing has changed and this figure has remained approximately the same - about 200 dead and injured per year.

People are not the main food of the beast. And as Russian zoologist M.P. Pavlov explains in his teachings, attacks occur only in extreme cases. Most of the animals that were caught after the killing turned out to have rabies.

This is often due to the area being extremely poor in natural production. When an animal begins to starve, it goes to a person.

On the other hand, American scientists are trying to refute the generally accepted opinion. They claim that the North American representatives living in their country do not rush at people, even if they climb into their lair.

One way or another, cases of attack are known and there are many of them. Almost every one of them ended fatally. Therefore, you should not treat a wolf like a dog, despite their similarities.

Human factor

Above we looked at how to distinguish a wolf from a dog, and now let's find out why these animals have so many differences. There is a natural factor here: dogs and people live together for a long time, which made it possible to tame the animal and make it your friend. Also important is the moment of selection, as a result of which the animals changed in external parameters. Physiological maturation of wolves occurs only by two years, while dogs reach sexual maturity by 7-8 months. However, both animals are very sociable in their environment: wolves communicate by howling, and dogs bark more often.

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