Movies about dogs that will not leave you indifferent

These are the top 20 best films about dogs that are worth watching for those who have playful happiness at home, and for those who just want to get such a pet, and even for those who just like to watch family life-affirming comedies. On this list you can find both standard tear-squeezers (“Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend”) and a completely unknown auteur film about stray dogs (“White God”); both exciting adventures about returning animals home, and touching stories of friendship and healing optimism of our little brothers. In any case, you don’t have to search the Internet yourself - the most interesting movies for the whole family to watch are collected here, from the reincarnation of a person into a dog to the battles of animal owners participating in a dog show.


Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
USA, France, Ireland, UK
Charles Sturridge (“Da Vinci’s Demons”, “A Magic Story”, “Gulliver’s Travels”)
drama, comedy, adventure, family

The film is an adaptation of Erin Knight's novel Lassie Comes Home. Pre-war years, a small Yorkshire mining town. The mines close, leaving dozens of people without work, including the Carraclough family. To get money for food, the father decides to sell the Duke of Rudling his son's favorite dog Lassie - a fluffy beauty of the collie breed, which is famous for its herding skills. The Duke agrees to the deal, and Lassie, while the boy is away, is given to Rudling's callous and cruel assistant Hines. But the bond between the child and his faithful friend turns out to be stronger than one might expect. And Lassie runs away from her new family while moving to the north coast of Scotland. Ahead of her lies a swim across Loch Ness and a meeting with a wandering artist (whose role, by the way, is played by Tyrion from Game of Thrones) and his small but very brave dog Toots. This is a kind, family film with an atmosphere of the tense 40s and beautiful Scottish landscapes, talks about the boundless love of a dog, which gives strength to move forward and not give up in the face of illness, cold or hunger.




TV series about dogs

The presence of four-legged friends in TV series has long become a common occurrence. But there are also cool multi-episode shows in which dogs are key characters.

  • "Commissioner Rex" . 1994-2015 Austria and Germany. IMDB –7.2. Kinopoisk – 7.9. A fascinating series about a police dog, a German shepherd named Rex, who works in the homicide department.
  • "Dog dot com" . 2012-2015 USA. IMDB –4.9. Kinopoisk – 6.4. A light and funny series about a talking dog named Stan, who keeps an online diary of his observations of people.
  • "Four troopers and a dog" . 1966-1970 Poland. IMDB – 7.8. Kinopoisk –8.1. One of the best series about military dogs. The film tells the story of a tank crew actively participating in military operations and performing their duty with honor.

  • "Dog" . 2015 Ukraine. IMDB – 6.8. Kinopoisk – 7. A detective and exciting series about a guy with a dog. It reveals the adventures of detective Max and his faithful friend, a shepherd named Dog.

  • "House with a dog" . 2002-2003 Germany. IMDB – 7.8. A fun and exciting series about a family that inherited not only a luxurious mansion, but also a faithful four-legged friend.
  • "Little Tramp" . 1979-1985 Canada. Kinopoisk – 8.4. The adventures of an unusually intelligent German Shepherd named Tramp, who travels from city to city, helping people in trouble along the way.

  • "Karin and her dog" . 1996-1997 France. Kinopoisk – 6.7. A comedy about a student Karin with unusual abilities, who, together with her basset hound dog named Ari (Aristotle), gets a job as a nanny for the family of astronomer Antoine Richter.
  • "Like a dog" . 2022 USA. Kinopoisk – 6.2. IMDB – 7.4. The series tells about the adventures of the philosophizing dog Martin, who perceives his owner Nan as his beloved life partner.
  • "The Adventures of the Dog Tsivil" . 1971 Poland. IMDB – 7.0. The puppy, named Tsivil (“civilian”), was intended to work in the police, but due to health reasons he did not pass the selection and had to be euthanized. Tsivil's fate could have been sad, but he was taken in by police sergeant Valchek. Having given birth to a weak puppy, Valchek raised a beautiful and intelligent dog, who turned out to be very talented in training and teaching service skills. Together they became a great team and experienced many exciting adventures in the service.

  • "Hudson and Rex" . 2019-present. Canada. Kinopoisk – 6.5. IMDB – 7.1. Major Crimes Detective Charlie Hudson has adopted a service dog named Rex, whose previous partner was killed while on assignment.

Marley and me

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
David Frankel (“Phantom Beauty”, “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Sex and the City”)
drama, comedy, family

The plot of the film centers on newlywed journalists, the Grogans, who move from cold Michigan to sunny Florida and get a job at local newspapers - she as an economic columnist, he as a reporter. Jennifer (Aniston) wants children. John (Owen Wilson) fights off this proposal with all his might, but feels that he is losing ground. Then his friend offers to give his wife a dog in order to redirect her attention and redirect her maternal instinct to a creature that, even in adulthood, is similar in intelligence to a two-year-old child. So a Labrador named Marley (in honor of that very god of reggae) appears in their house. And Jennifer actually calms down for a while. But, apparently, he calms down too much, since the kindest and most loving puppy without proper upbringing turns into an absolutely uncontrollable dog. Marley does not know who to obey, since he was not taught this, and therefore he calmly shits on the carpet, chews his favorite bra, damages the furniture and tries to jump out of the car while it is moving. John, meanwhile, has his own problems - his friend, who makes sensational reports, is hired by the New York Times. And then the main character decides to take a new turn in his career - he begins to write his own column about Marley’s dirty tricks. And since the film is autobiographical and it was written not only from the book, but also from numerous newspaper articles, it seems that he did a good job.

It is also worth noting an interesting feature of this picture - nature here reflects the stages of a dog’s life, in the spring denoting the birth, and in the fall, the decline of Marley’s life. With this in mind, dog lovers should save a pack of tissues for the last 20 minutes of this touching story about complex family relationships (this problem reaches its apogee when Jennifer, with her second child in her arms, exclaims why they don’t teach anywhere how to raise children and live in marriage ) and about how not to raise a dog.




Film selections by dog ​​breeds

When liking their four-legged friends, many people single out representatives of the same breed. They may be more pleasant to a person in appearance, similar in character, or interesting in connection with life experience. This makes good movies about certain dog breeds more interesting than others.

Movies about husky dogs

Huskies are amazing. They are affectionate and loyal, friendly and extremely hardy. This breed quickly won the sympathy of many people, and therefore soon pictures appeared with dogs in the leading role representing this particular breed.

  • "Snow Dogs" . 2002 Canada and USA. IMDB – 5.2. Kinopoisk – 7.1. The comedy tells about a dentist and dogs in Alaska, which he inherited from his mother.

  • "Togo" . 2022 USA. IMDB – 8. Kinopoisk – 8. A story about dogs in the north, namely about the brave Togo, who helps deliver anti-diphtheria serum to the city of Nome to prevent an epidemic.

  • "The Last Trapper" . 2004 France, Switzerland, Canada, Germany and Italy. IMDB – 7.1. Kinopoisk – 7.8. A documentary-fiction film about a fur-bearing animal hunter, his Indian wife and family pet, where they all strive to maintain harmony with nature.

Films about German Shepherds

German Shepherds are a unique breed known for their intelligence coupled with their aesthetic appearance. They often appear as the main characters in war films and films about service dogs. But there are several other pictures about German shepherds that should be highlighted:

  • "The Adventures of a Dog" . 2007 Bulgaria and the USA. IMDB – 5.1. A fascinating film about the German shepherd Rin Tin Tin, who became the most famous four-legged hero of Hollywood cinema.
  • "Max" . 2015 America. IMDB – 6.7. Kinopoisk – 6.8. The story is about the dog Max, a Belgian shepherd who once helped soldiers in Afghanistan. He is taken in by the family of the soldier who was responsible for her and here a new chapter of his life begins.

Films about huskies

Although huskies are a fairly popular breed, it is almost impossible to find them in films. Most often, they play cameo roles or are completely replaced by similar-looking huskies.

Films about Labradors

Despite their visual attractiveness, friendliness and excellent intelligence, there are not many films about Labradors and they are often confused with golden retrievers. The picture with the Labrador is essentially the same – “Marley and Me” . 2008 USA. IMDB – 7.1. Kinopoisk – 7.8. The story is about a married couple who move to a new city and make a furry friend who will be an interesting challenge for them.

Films about Great Danes

Great Danes are large and elegant dogs, real aristocrats, despite their size. These are excellent guards, with a calm disposition and absolute devotion to people. And several times these beauties became heroes of cinema.

  • "Marmaduke" . 2010 USA. IMDB – 4.3. Kinopoisk – 5.7. A funny and light comedy about talking dogs. It tells the story of a dog named Marmaduke, who can wreak havoc anywhere and be the center of attention in any situation.

  • A series of comedy cartoons and feature films about the adventures of Scooby-Doo . America. Ratings for this series often range from 6 to 8 points according to Kinopoisk and IMDB ratings.

  • "Ugly dachshund." 1966 USA. IMDB – 6.7. Kinopoisk - 7. Brutus, a Great Dane puppy abandoned by his mother, was taken in by the owners of a newly hatched dachshund. He grew up exclusively surrounded by a family of dachshunds, and therefore is sure that he himself has their habits and considers himself to be part of this breed. And his owner Jim is ready to do anything to prove to his wife that the large pet is something more than a “nasty dachshund.”
  • "Once upon a time there was a dog . 2004 USA and Germany. IMDB – 5.7. Kinopoisk – 6.7. A charming and heartfelt story about how two newly adopted girls diligently hide their chosen puppy from their adoptive parents.

Movies about pugs

Pugs are cool decorative dogs that appear in many films, and in several they act as a key character.

  • "Patrick" . 2022 England and Belgium. IMDB – 5.9. Kinopoisk – 6.5. In the life of the main character Sarah, everything is not going well, and the turning point is the appearance of the wayward and spoiled pug Patrick.

  • "The Adventures of Milo and Otis" . 1986 Japan. IMDB – 7. Kinopoisk – 7.5. Otis is a cheerful and sincere pug, Milo is his best friend, a ginger kitten. These two have a dangerous but exciting adventure ahead that will help them learn a lot about each other and the value of true friendship.

Movies about pit bulls

Pitbulls are beautiful, strong and sincere. It is difficult to find another such concentration of strength, combined with goofiness and devotion, as in representatives of this breed. And therefore it is not surprising that some representatives of the breed have become movie stars.

  • "Otto the River Dog" . 1999 Germany. IMDB – 7.5. The film tells about the fate of the dog Otto, who was born a pit bull, which everyone mistakenly considers dangerous. And the flayer Ringo is completely convinced that he is a murderer and therefore he wants Otto to participate in dog fights. Fortunately, Alex and Matthias appear in Otto’s destiny, young men with kind hearts who want to help the affectionate and sincere dog. This is one of the fighting dog films that shows their true nature.
  • "The Dog and the Beggar" . 2000 USA. IMDB – 3.7. Kinopoisk – 6. The Prince is the president’s pet, accustomed to luxury, The Beggar is a yard dog who has been fighting for survival all his life. One day their paths cross and the surprisingly similar animals decide to switch places.

Films about Chihuahuas

Chihuahua is a miniature decorative breed that is loved by many people. Their funny character, pride, combined with devotion, make you touch and admire. And several times representatives of this breed became the main characters of films.

  • "Beverly Hills Babe 1, 2, 3" . A series of films from 2008-2010-2012. USA and Mexico. Average ratings on IMDB – 4, on Kinopoisk – 5.5. The first movie focuses on the adventures of a little Chihuahua, accustomed to luxury and fulfillment of her every whim, but suddenly lost in a noisy and alien Mexico City. The next two films tell about the adventures of the family of that same Chihuahua.

  • “Come to me, Ping!” . 2000 USA. IMDB – 4.4. Kinopoisk – 6. The film tells about the incredible adventures of Ping, a homeless Chihuahua. He wandered on the street for a long time, but at one point a rich old woman decides to shelter him and this moment becomes the starting point in the adventures of the pet.

Movies about Dobermans

The Doberman is a walking aesthetic. This is an amazing breed, combining strength with grace, high intelligence with goofiness, and also possessing fearlessness and unwavering loyalty. Some of them became movie stars, winning the attention and sympathy of viewers by appearing in interesting films about dogs.

  • "Gang of Dobermans" . 1972 USA. IMDB – 6. Kinopoisk – 6.6. A conman and his partner, along with several friends, strive to pull off a successful heist. And so that everything goes well, they prepare several Dobermans for the mission, in whose clutches the future success of the thieves ends up.

  • "Brave Dobermans" . 1973 USA. IMDB – 5.8. Five Dobermans successfully rob a bank and make away with a large sum, but the rangers and police are unable to find the four-legged robbers. But three friends decide that they can catch the furry thieves and begin the search.
  • "Angel Eyes" . 1991 USA. IMDB –5.3. Kinopoisk – 6.7. For a number of reasons, Bobby and his daughter are forced to flee and hide from the brother of his late wife, who is a mafioso. But a Doberman, thrown out after a lost dog fight, which Bobbie’s daughter once found and cured, suddenly comes to their aid. An amazing picture belonging to the drama genre.

Belle and Sebastian

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Nicolas Vanier (“How to Profitably Skip School,” “The Last Trapper”)
drama, adventure, family

The film tells the story of a seven-year-old boy, Sebastian, who lives with his adoptive grandfather Cesar and his niece Angelina in the village of Saint-Martin. The picture opens with a scene of the rescue of a kid, immediately demonstrating the courage and responsiveness of Sebastian and his grandfather, who, being a hunter, teaches his grandson that “you can’t kill females at the height of the season” (this will come back to haunt him later) because they are raising kids. It's 1943, the Germans have occupied France and are demanding 10 kilograms of bread every week, but the residents have other problems - there is a sheep-eating beast in the mountains. Grandfather and grandson decide to track him down. Everything turns out to be much simpler - the animal itself finds the boy. But instead of a terrible beast, the main character discovers a Pyrenean mountain dog, whose snow-white fur is hidden under a gray-brown layer of mud. Sebastian does not show aggression towards her, but, on the contrary, tries to calm her down and assure her that now they will be best friends. Meanwhile, Angelique plans to cross the mountains for the Jews in an attempt to reach the safety of Switzerland.

This bright story about sudden and true friendship, the strength of character of a little boy, his ability to see a beautiful creature in an “evil monster” and show it to others, unfolds to the French gentle songs of Zaz and magnificent views of the snowy Alps.




Wendy and Lucy

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Kelly Reichardt (“Old Joy”, “A Few Women”)

Almost an arthouse movie with a melancholic mood and contemplative tempo about a girl Wendy from that American outback, unfamiliar to Russian viewers, where it is impossible to find a job, since all the places are already taken. One day, the main character decides to change her dull and unemployed life and goes on a long journey by car - to get a job at a fish canning plant and enjoy the picturesque pristine nature of Alaska. She takes her only friend with her - her dog Lucy. Two hundred in your pocket is quickly spent. And so in some town in Oregon, under the gloomy gaze of a cloudy sky, Wendy, waiting with a broken car for the auto repair shop to open, steals food for her four-legged companion. And when the police take her away, the girl loses sight of Lucy. Now her goals are expanding: to find something to pay the fine (and her sister screams into the phone: “I don’t have money for you”), to fix the car and find a friend. The film, which began as a road movie, suddenly switches from geographical movement to intrapersonal movement: when despair reigns around, the heroine gathers all her will into a fist and uses her stress and fear in order to quickly find a way out of a hopeless situation.




Children's films about dogs

It's hard to find a child who wouldn't be interested in watching a movie about an adorable pet. Children of all ages are attracted to funny films with cute, awkward and furry main characters.

  • "Napoleon" . 1995 Australia and Japan. IMDB – 6.1. Kinopoisk – 7.6. A kind and sincere story for the whole family about the travels of a fearless puppy named Napoleon across Australia.

  • "A Dog's Best Friend" . 1997 USA and Canada. IMDB – 5.4. Kinopoisk – 6.4. A humorous and unpredictable film about a teenager Wiley and his pet Skippy moving to his grandparents' farm. But the place turns out to be unusual, because here all the animals begin to talk. This is not just a movie about talking dogs, but a movie with many sociable animals.
  • . " 2022 France and Belgium. IMDB – 6.2. Kinopoisk – 6.7. A funny film about a writer who has lost inspiration, and about a big dog - an arrogant stray dog ​​of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed.

Thanks to Winn-Dixie

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Wayne Wang (“Last Holiday”, “The Snow Flower and the Treasured Fan”)
drama, comedy, family

10-year-old Opal moves to a city full of sullen people with her preacher father. She lost her mother, he lost his beloved wife. They both withdraw into themselves and gradually move away from each other. Opal, of course, is not alone, but at the same time she is incredibly lonely - without the attention of her father and the support of friends who remain in another city. But one day, at a local supermarket, a girl stands up for a stray dog ​​who has caused chaos, and names him after the place they met - Winn-Dixie. The dog triggers a series of wonderful events in the life of the girl and the entire city, turning a gloomy librarian into a woman who tells funny stories, a fearful witch neighbor Gloria into a sympathetic old woman, helps Opal find friends and improve relations with her father, and also calms a noisy grumpy neighbor with his sad eyes and a sweet smile (!). This positive film with “sadness” shows that miracles happen if you continue to believe in them and do good for free, and it also says that “when you have a friend, then you don’t care about all the hardships and failures, because you know that everything will be fine." The film is also worth watching for fans of actress AnnaSophia Robb, for whom this work was her debut in “big cinema.”




Hachiko: The most loyal friend

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Lasse Hallström (“A Dog’s Life”, “Safe Haven”, “Chocolate”, “Casanova”)
drama, family

The film, based on real events, tells the story of an Akitu Ina dog that waited for its owner for 9 years, but never received it. In 1934, a bronze monument was erected to the real Hachiko at the Japanese Shibuya station (that is, actually in the center of Tokyo), which to this day serves as a symbol of faith, love and great dog devotion. The film moves to modern-day Rhode Island, where American professor Parker Wilson (played by a grizzled Richard Gere) finds a lost puppy at a train station. The wife initially opposes having a dog in the house, as she considers it an additional hassle. But then she notices the tenderness and happiness in her eyes when her husband plays with the dog, and when she calls about selling the animal, she responds with a decisive refusal. Hachiko accompanies the professor to the station every morning, and in the afternoon meets him at the same place. But one day Parker does not return (he dies of a heart attack at the institute). The dog does not understand this and comes to meet his loved one the next day, then again, and again.

They try to give her to her relatives and not let her into the station, but in the end they resign themselves and get used to the sight of Hachiko, quietly sitting on the cold asphalt in meaningless anticipation. Those who are concerned feed him, the station manager figures out how to make money from it, and a reporter passing by writes a touching story about loyalty and hope, which then spreads throughout the world and finds a response in the hearts of many people.




The way home

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
China, USA
Charles Martin Smith (“Dolphin Tale”, “King of the Air”)
melodrama, family

The film, created more for a children's audience (you can't confuse evil and good with each other here, the actions of the characters do not always lend themselves to logic, but the dog is incredibly touching), talks about a guy who is an animal rights activist, who one day picks up a puppy on the street, calls her Bella and gives her a life full of love and care. But the dog turns out to be restless and runs away not once, but twice as an adult. And if in the first one she is found by people from the shelter, then in the second she runs away very far and gets lost for a long time, however, travelers passing by take her even further. Now Bella must find her way home, and along the way have incredible adventures: befriend a puma, save a skier caught in an avalanche, and learn to survive on her own in the wild. Thus, accompanied by indie and pop rock songs, the viewer is told a naive and kind story about an invisible but strong connection between a person and his pet.






  • USA, 1992.
  • Family adventure comedy.
  • Duration: 87 minutes.
  • IMDb: 5.6.

Having arrived in the Newton house as a puppy, the St. Bernard named Beethoven quickly became friends with the children and mother, and only the head of the family, George, was not delighted with the pet that had fallen out of the blue. The hero will have to accept and fall in love with a good-natured dog, and at the same time teach the evil Doctor Varnik, pretending to be a veterinarian, a lesson.

The nostalgic film directed by Bryant Levant (who later directed the film adaptation of the popular animated series “The Flintstones”) became a box office hit and gave rise to the film franchise of the same name. And although one can argue about the quality of the film, it is difficult to deny its cult status and popularity among viewers who dote on dogs.

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Call of the Ancestors

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
USA, Canada
Chris Sanders (“How to Train Your Dragon,” “Lilo & Stitch,” “The Croods”)
drama, adventure, family

The film, based on the story of the same name by Jack London, tells the story of a cross between a St. Bernard and a Scottish collie named Beck. In the 1980s, during the gold rush in the United States, Beck is kidnapped from a rich estate in sunny California and sent to Alaska, where he has to earn the respect of his relatives in the postal team, see snow for the first time and, as it is not strange to say this about an animal, find his place in the world. life. From a disobedient pet, he gradually turns into a strong leader, capable of fairly managing the canine team entrusted to him and realizing that the key to success is unity. But the more Beck works, the more he notices how cruel people can be and how greed destroys their hearts. And soon he begins to perceive the team as hard labor, tearing his skin until he bleeds. That is why the “call of the ancestors” appears to him - a majestic black wolf, which reminds Beck of his roots and inclines him to a free life in the forests. In contrast to this is an old man who has lost his son and saves a dog from the hands of an ambitious but stupid gold digger. For all its philosophy of existential crisis, the film is not without a variety of action - a fight with a bear, an exciting duel between a St. Bernard and a husky, running in a sled during an avalanche and a dangerous river rafting will not let those who are not delighted by the starry polar sky and the story of a dog get bored trying to understand her inner essence.




White God

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Hungary, Germany, Sweden
Kornel Mundruczo (“Jupiter’s Satellite”)
horror, fantasy, thriller, drama

The mother of 13-year-old Lily flies to Australia for three months and leaves her daughter with her ex-husband. He is already not happy with a rebellious teenager in his house, so the girl also brings with her a mongrel dog named Haigen. And such animals in Hungary are subject to a significant tax. The father is not going to pay anything and throws the pet out into the street, despite the tearful protests of his daughter. Haigen ends up in a dog fight. Lily leaves the school orchestra (although excerpts from Hungarian Rhapsody performed by children will continue to accompany the plot twists and turns) and goes to get drunk at a club with a high school student. By the end, the dark drama about “loners” will turn into a real zombie apocalypse with stray dogs in the lead roles (by the way, 274 dogs from the shelter were involved in the filming of this film). Abandoned animals will unleash their rage on the streets of Budopest, punishing those who were so cruel to them. Meanwhile, the girl will continue to search for her beloved pet. But who she will find at the end of the road (considering the kind of abuse the dog was subjected to) is another question.





Cannes Film Festival (2014) Cannes Film Festival Special Look Palme d'Or Award for Dogs

Iron will

Iron Will

  • USA, 1993.
  • Adventure melodrama.
  • Duration: 108 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.6.

17-year-old Will's beloved father dies, who shortly before his death was planning to take part in a dog sled race. The young man decides to do this instead of his dad, which ultimately results in a real test of endurance and fortitude.

This beautiful and intense picture is capable of capturing any viewer with its dynamism. Film fans will be pleased to see Kevin Spacey, who made his mark in the small role of journalist Harry Kingsley, who covers Will's fate in racing.

Ginger dog

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Australia, USA
Kriv Stenders (“A Place Called Home”)
drama, melodrama, comedy, family

Based on a true story, the film follows a dog who hitchhikes across Australia and then becomes the symbol of the town of Dampier. This city is inhabited by miners who, after a hard day's work, all gather together for a drink in a pub. One day, truck driver Thomas visits the same place and witnesses how the residents are going to kill a sick red dog in order to alleviate his suffering. But none of them raise their hand. Thomas asks why, and it turns out that every person in town has an incredible story connected to this dog. He saved someone from loneliness, taught another to laugh, helped a third find the love of his life, and saved a fourth from death. He belonged to everyone and no one until he chose his owner. This red dog has become a real part of Australian folklore, maybe that’s why the picture came out so atmospheric and warm: red and rocky landscapes, endless sands and a dog who “doesn’t throw himself in front of the car”, but “stops it”, and who, no matter where he goes, then he returns home anyway.




Show Winners

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Christopher Guest (“Almost Heroes,” “Family Tree”)

The film's plot centers on the training of experienced dog breeders for the annual Mayflower Exhibition held in Philadelphia. Thousands of animals and, of course, their owners arrive there. Five couples stand out among them: the Swans with their nervous Weimaraner, Stefan and Scott with their Shih Tzu, Harlan and Pepper with their Bloodhound, Jerry and Cookie with their terrier, and Sherri-Anne and her friend with their poodle. But behind these sophisticated names of breeds hide ordinary, bullied dogs, which for some reason are taken to a psychoanalyst, diagnosed with depression or neurosis, exhausted with training and paid too much attention, not allowing them to take a step without an order. Naturally, all owners want to win the show and prove that their dog is the best. After all, for them this is not just a competition, but a business or even their whole life. Slightly distraught in the race for the prize, people do not understand that they do not devote any time to their significant other and have long ago abandoned themselves.




New Year's films about dogs

New Year is a sincere holiday, filled with warmth and fun. Therefore, films about dogs and Christmas are perfect for leisure time on New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve:

  • "In Search of Santa Lapus" . 2010 Canada. IMDB – 5.4. Kinopoisk – 6.8. A light musical comedy about a toy puppy that comes to life as he goes in search of Santa and strives to save Christmas.
  • "Beethoven's Christmas Adventure" . 2011 USA and Canada. IMDB – 4.4. Kinopoisk – 3.7. An exciting film about Beethoven's St. Bernard dog, who must save Christmas by returning a bag of gifts and Santa's sleigh.

  • "A Dog Named Christmas" . 2009 USA. IMDB –7.4. The charming story of how a young man with an intellectual disability persuades his family and community to take part in an animal shelter program and adopt a pet for Christmas.

  • "Shaggy Christmas trees" . 2014 Russia. IMDB – 4.5. Kinopoisk – 5.1. The pirate and Yoko are left alone in the animal hotel, who escape home and find themselves in a truly exciting and funny situation with the hapless thieves.
  • "On Christmas Eve" . 2014 USA. IMDB – 6.1. Kinopoisk – 6. A sincere and kind story about how a puppy left in a gift box near a shopping center can affect the fate of a number of people.

The incredible world through the eyes of Enzo

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Simon Curtis (“Goodbye Christopher Robin”, “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn”)
drama, melodrama, comedy, sports

The film tells the story of one family's life from the point of view of their pet, the golden retriever Enzo. And although the dog looks at the world with childish spontaneity, he still manages to pronounce phrases full of philosophy. The retriever's owner, mechanic and racing driver Danny, names the pet in honor of the Italian designer and founder of the automobile company Enzo Ferrari. He falls in love with this puppy at first sight and recognizes in him a faithful and devoted friend for life - the dog turns out to be an equally ardent fan of speed and wind. Then a girl appears and a heartbreaking scene occurs with a dog presenting rings to the altar, then children and several funny episodes with them, as well as a couple of tragic twists of fate - that’s the whole plot. This is not a children's film, as one might think, in addition to the touching Enzo, there is also a strong drama of the main character Danny, who by the end of the film must understand that the race “is not won from the first turn” and how important it is, even after a slippery road of failures , return back to the track.




Man and his dog

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
France, Italy
Francis Yuster

This is the story of an “inconvenient” old man, Charles (played by Jean-Paul Belmondo) and his dog, which he simply calls “My Dog”. One day, his ex-lover throws him, a 74-year-old pensioner, out the door. Pride does not allow him to beg for alms from passers-by. The old friend turns away. A new friend steals the last of his money. The only one who stays with him is his faithful dog. But Charles understands that he won’t last long, so he decides to quickly place the dog in good hands. But the dog, unlike the owner, is not going to give up so quickly - he shows the owner that it is necessary to fight for his life, even when there is only melancholy and doom around him.




Films about service dogs

Service dogs attract the attention of many viewers with their disposition, appearance and intelligence. At the same time, they can appear in films both as strict and serious dogs and as funny furry agents.

  • "Turner and Hooch" . 1989 USA. IMDB – 6.2. Kinopoisk – 7.6. An exciting comedy about professional detective Scott Turner (Tom Hanks) and the completely unpredictable service dog Hooch.

  • "Agent Nicknamed Spot" . 2001 USA and Australia. IMDB – 5.4. Kinopoisk – 6.8. A comedy film about a dog super-spy who creates a fun life not only for the postman Gordon and the boy James, who remained under his supervision, but also for the mafia.

  • “K-9. Dog's work . 1989 USA. IMDB – 6. Kinopoisk – 7.7. A fascinating film about a policeman and a dog that he gets to catch a drug dealer.

White captivity

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Frank Marshall (“Back to the Future”, “Survive”)
drama, adventure, family

The film is based on a true story that happened in 1958 with a Japanese expedition to Antarctica. Then 15 dogs remained in harness at the station, which people were forced to leave due to worsening weather conditions. It is clear that not everyone survived, but some, after 11 months, still returned safe and sound to the station. The American version reduced the dogs to 8, and the number of months to 6, saved a little more animals than in reality (although you still have to stock up on tissues), and otherwise depicted everything that was required of it - the cold of the Antarctic winter, the cruelty of wild animals and mutual assistance pack mates who will warn you in time, and share food, and will not abandon you in trouble, and touchingly cuddle with each other to keep warm.

And although in the film there is an “owner” of the dogs who tries to return to them and save them, the animals still play the main roles here. Moreover, each of them has their own bright personality: the team includes the sensible leader Maya, the pensioner Jack, the dull, cheerful Buck, the brawling twins Truman and Dewey, the serious guy Shadow, the noble, good-natured Shorty and the completely inexperienced and naive Max. It is they (thanks to trainers and dog handlers, of course) who perfectly keep the viewer in suspense for a good 2 hours, and then, with immeasurable love and devotion, rejoice at the one who left them to their fate, once again proving to everyone that a dog is still much better than a person.




Dog life

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
USA, India
Lasse Hallström (“Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend”, “Chocolate”, “Casanova”)
fantasy, drama, comedy, adventure

Everyone knows that cats have 9 lives. How long does a dog have then? In this film, the four-legged bully is reincarnated as many as five times - into a mongrel who is caught almost immediately after birth, into a golden retriever who loves to play ball with his little owner Ethan, into a shepherd who guards the law, into a Pembroke corgi whose owner is... the student feeds her first ice cream, then French fries, and finally to the St. Bernard, who has broken loose and gone in search of the aging Ethan. As a mongrel, the dog does not understand why he was born into the world, because his life is quickly cut short. But now as a retriever, he slowly begins to explore the world around him and find his happiness in serving people. And with each new reincarnation, the dog comes closer to defining the meaning of his life: “Eat bacon. Bark at cats. Love your owners." But, in general, despite the unusual idea of ​​​​making a philosopher out of a dog, the film turned out to be a set of funny sketches, sad moments of death and a gallery of touching faces: here the dog helps to meet a beautiful girl, in the next frame she punishes hooligans, and then also saves drowning from the river on his last legs. So, if you like stories about heroic dogs and funny videos from YouTube, this movie will definitely not disappoint.




Documentary films about dogs

Dogs can be amazing and interesting not only on screen, but also in real life. Thanks to this, documentaries about them are able to hold the attention of viewers from the first to the last second. Interesting representatives of this category:

  • "BBC: Dogs" . 2002 England. The film reveals a look at how dogs were able to find themselves in such a close relationship with humans, what dogs think about and what are the reasons for the devotion of furry friends.
  • "Superdogs" . 2022 England. IMDB – 7.3. Kinopoisk –7.9. A fascinating film about a rescue dog. Moreover, the film is not limited to one four-legged hero, but shows several animals helping people in rescue and search operations.

The Road Home: An Incredible Journey

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Duane Dunham (“Twin Peaks”, “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”)
drama, comedy, adventure, family

This film talks about how difficult it can be for owners to go on vacation and how smart and purposeful their pets can be. A young family leaves two dogs and a cat at a friends ranch and goes on vacation. But the animals begin to feel sad and worried - it seems to them that too much time has passed since leaving. Without thinking twice, one of them says: “The owners are in trouble, we need to help them out.” So the trio sets out on a dangerous journey of many miles to “help” their family. The expedition is led by the oldest in the company - the loyal, caring and smart golden retriever Shadow. The restless, frivolous American bulldog Chance, who was adopted from a shelter, is responsible for the humor. And the capricious, sophisticated and narcissistic Himalayan cat Sessie, although she snaps at her comrades, will never abandon them in trouble. The main characters will have to walk through forests and mountains, meet a cougar, a family of bears and a skunk, lose and find each other, escape from the shelter, and all this in order to bark, lick and purr their loved ones, who, most likely, will never live again. They won't leave their crazy pets alone.




My dog ​​Skip

Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Jay Russell (“Immortals”, “My Pet Dinosaur”)
drama, comedy, family, sports

Autobiographical film by screenwriter Willie Morris. In it, a man talks about his childhood and the friend who helped him grow up, taught him how to respond to bullies, and showed him how to meet girls. Nine-year-old Will lives in a provincial American town in 1942. His best and only friend, a baseball star and everyone's favorite, is drafted into the army. The boy is left alone with his terrible shyness. Then the mother decides to buy her son a dog for his birthday in order to get him out of this withdrawn state. The plan works. A Jack Russell Terrier named Skip becomes Will's new best friend. The boy is happy to teach his pet new tricks, and the dog, in turn, helps the owner become braver and more courageous. This film is filled with the atmosphere of that irrevocable childhood and the first pet that you could show off to your peers, intimidate school bullies, attract the most enviable 8-year-old and to whom you could express all the pain and resentment of an unfair world.




Films about sled dogs

There are many films about sled dogs, most of which feature representatives of the husky breed. But we can highlight the film “The Great Race in Alaska” . 2019 USA. IMDB – 5.4. The movie tells the story of the dog racing champion Leonard, who goes with his faithful pets to find a cure for diphtheria, which has affected many children in the city of Nome.


Kinopoisk rating:

IMDb rating:
Carlo Carlei ("Romeo and Juliet", "Père Pio")
fantasy, drama, family

The plot of the film centers on a young, successful businessman who gets into a car accident and is subsequently reborn in the body of a puppy. The dog does not remember its human past well, memories return to it in fragments, and the faces of its loved ones are shrouded in fog. After a puppy escapes from an animal shelter, he tries to find his old home, but instead ends up with a poor old lady who names him Fluke (from English for "luck"), and then with an old dog who teaches him how to live when you have four paws, not two legs. In the first half of the film, you shouldn’t worry too much about him, because he can’t die so easily: first he needs to rethink his life, understand what he did wrong, find the culprit of the accident and say goodbye to his family, albeit in the form of a dog. And only by fulfilling all these points will he be able to find peace of mind and stop the wheel of samsara.





Saturn (1996) Best Fantasy Film Best Young Actor/Actress (Max Pomerantz)

Come to me, Mukhtar!

  • USSR, 1964.
  • Crime drama.
  • Duration: 78 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.7.

An ordinary shepherd dog, abandoned at a train station by a reckless owner, ends up in the capable hands of Lieutenant Glazychev. Now Mukhtar has to show what he is capable of.

The film became incredibly popular in the USSR and even contributed to the spread of the nickname Mukhtar. And 40 years later, the series “The Return of Mukhtar” was released, dedicated to the service of Moscow police officers.

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