Petit Brabançons are incredibly sociable and friendly animals.

The Petit Brabançon (or Smooth-haired Griffon) is a small toy breed of dog bred in the Brabant province of Belgium. Hence the telling name. They are distinguished by curiosity and developed intelligence. Pets are incredibly loyal to their owners, accompanying them always and everywhere. Their closest relatives are the Belgian and Brussels Griffons.

In order for a dog to be in good physical and mental shape, it is important to know how to properly care for it, in what conditions to keep it, what to feed, how to raise it, etc.

brief information

A few important facts about the breed:

  • Name: Petit Brabançon.
  • Homeland - Belgium.
  • Average body weight is 3-6 kg.
  • Height at the withers is 16-26 cm.
  • The fur is dense and hard.

The life expectancy of Brabançons is 12-15 years (with proper care).

Interesting Facts

Future and current owners of Petit Brabançons should know the following key facts about the dog:

  1. This breed has several names: Petit Brabançon, Petit Brabançon, Brabant Griffon, Smooth-haired Griffon.
  2. This dog is calm, it will not show aggression towards others without reason, it is not suitable for the role of guard dogs, as it is an excellent companion.
  3. They are inquisitive, love communication and fun games.
  4. Dogs form a strong bond with their owner and his family. Prolonged loneliness is dangerous for the Petit Brabançon; he can even get sick.
  5. If you leave a dog with strangers, it will behave capriciously, be stubborn, cunning, and even run away from its temporary housing to find its owner.
  6. Adult Petit Brabançons remain as playful as when they were children.
  7. The puppy's intelligence corresponds to the development level of a 3-year-old child. Therefore, he understands what his owner wants from him, learns quickly and retains this skill.
  8. Dogs intuitively sense their owner’s mood and adapt to it.
  9. Petit Brabançons love to travel; they are not afraid of different types of transport and large crowds of people. They especially like picnics.
  10. Petit Brabançons can bring into the house various objects that they find on the street. This is due to their instinct as rodent catchers.

Interesting! The name petit-Brabançon comes from the French word petit - small, brabancon - province of Brabant (Belgium). However, the representative of this breed is not the smallest among the Belgian Griffons.

Distinctive features of the breed

The smooth-haired griffon has the following characteristics:

  • Calm and balanced character. That is, the animal does not show aggression towards other dogs or people.
  • Griffons have good sociability, love to play and get along well with children.
  • They do not hold a grudge against the owner.
  • They prefer to always be the center of attention.
  • They cannot tolerate prolonged separation from their owner. Therefore, it is recommended to take pets with you on trips (if possible).
  • They get along well with cats and any other pets.
  • They have a gentle, sensitive psyche. When the owner is upset about something, the dog also becomes sad. If, on the contrary, it is cheerful and joyful, then the griffon looks happy.
  • They follow commands and orders only from their owner and other family members. They are mostly indifferent to strangers (even if they are new pet owners).

Note! In terms of intellectual level of development, the Petit Brabançon is no different from a 3-year-old child. Therefore, it lends itself well to training and retains acquired skills for life.


The first recommendations for a dog's nutrition are usually given by the breeder. As a rule, they recommend high-quality super premium dry food, with a balanced content of all the nutrients necessary for a dog’s health. Dogs of this breed are quite picky eaters, and choosing the right diet can be difficult.

It’s up to you to decide what to feed the griffon – food or natural food. You can learn more about the pros and cons of each type of food in the article “the best way to feed a dog.” By giving preference to ready-made food, you can be sure that the dog receives a sufficient amount of nutrients and nutrients and does not overeat. The manufacturer gives clear recommendations on this matter.

It is more difficult to bring a natural diet to the necessary standards, to calculate the exact amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids necessary for the proper nutrition and health of the pet. It is not always possible to correctly calculate the serving size and proportions of foods. But you always know what exactly your pet ate.

The natural menu must include the following products:

  • meat - veal, beef, rabbit, lamb;
  • poultry – chicken, turkey and eggs;
  • fish – low-fat varieties without bones;
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat;
  • fermented milk products – low-fat kefir, cottage cheese;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Starting from two months, you can give large beef cartilage or special dried treats. They perform several functions at once: they help the process of teething and then changing teeth, distract the dog from what is undesirable to chew, and replace a toy. If your dog refuses to eat any of these foods, consult your veterinarian. Vitamin and mineral supplements may need to be administered.

You cannot feed your dog “human” food, as it contains salt, vinegar, spices, and can be fatty or spicy, which will harm the animal. You should not give bread, especially white flour, baked goods, or sweets. Chocolate and all its derivatives are strictly prohibited.

Breed characteristics (on a 5-point scale)

Here are the approximate characteristics of Brabançons:

  • Aggression - average (3 points).
  • Activity - high (5 points).
  • Tolerance of loneliness is low (1 point).
  • Maintenance cost is low (2 points).
  • Intelligence - average (3 points).
  • Security qualities - low (1 point).
  • Health - average (3 points).

The dog practically does not shed, so it can be kept even in a small apartment. Allergy to wool occurs extremely rarely in people.


The griffon's molting occurs almost unnoticed by its owners, and this is very convenient. This breed very rarely causes a reaction in people who are allergic to dog hair.

  • To keep the coat looking beautiful, dead pieces of fur need regular plucking . When this procedure is carried out correctly, the dog does not suffer any pain, so the animal tolerates the procedure calmly, without showing negative emotions.
  • After this, the wool becomes much softer and more pleasant to the touch. This is a long and painstaking work, so it is best to go to a professional grooming salon, where this manipulation will take no more than an hour and a half.

  • The muzzle is trimmed to make the dog look beautiful and neat . When grooming, you should be especially careful in the eye area so as not to accidentally cause serious injury to the animal.
  • It is advisable to use a special glove for grooming; when using it, the animal sheds much less. It is necessary to regularly clean the characteristic folds on the muzzle, otherwise inflammation or dermatitis may occur under the folds.
  • The coat should be brushed regularly with a hard brush with short bristles, in the direction of its growth. You need to comb it at least twice a week.
  • After each walk, the animal's paws are washed. Pets are bathed very rarely: the less frequently, the better. They do not tolerate washing well and get cold easily, so you should only rinse the animal in the shower if it is very dirty. When washing, shampoos and anti-parasitic agents for decorative dogs are used.

Origin story

A descendant of the Petit Brabançon is considered to be a small dog with coarse hair that lived in the vicinity of Brussels. In the 19th century, scientists crossed it with the pug, toy spaniel and affenpinscher (a dwarf variety of pinschers with a height of 25-30 cm). And the result of numerous experiments was the modern Belgian Griffon.

Dogs were often used to guard royal carriages and were set against rodents - mice and rats. Soon, Brabançons spread throughout the world, becoming a popular and incredibly sought-after breed. Now they are more valued for their decorative qualities (funny face, large and expressive eyes).

Belgian griffons appeared in Russia only in the 21st century.

Attention! Petit Brabançons are also called petite Brabançons or petit Brabançons.

Appearance of Petit Brabançon

Petit Brabançons can be considered an exclusively “ladies’” breed. The reason for this is their small size, which gives the impression that the animal is fragile and weak. In fact, griffons have a strong physique, harmoniously combining a comical face and grace.

The height of adult individuals reaches a maximum of 26 cm, and the weight hardly reaches 5-6 kg (about the same as that of a cat). The breed is not divided into “standard” and “mini”. Therefore, if there are any differences in appearance between individual pets, they are associated solely with genetic characteristics.


In comparison with the miniature body, the head of griffons is quite large. The skull has a wide, rounded shape. The muzzle is short and upturned (largely due to the nose). The breed is distinguished by its emotionality and lively facial expressions (the animal may periodically frown, show surprise or joy).

Note! If the top line of the nose is located just below the eyes (almost in front of them), dog breeders consider this a visual defect.


Ideally, the teeth and tongue should not be visible (as the mouth is always closed). The color of the teeth is white, but they are hidden under thick black lips. The lower jaw is wider and protrudes slightly forward.


The first thing passers-by and potential owners of Belgian Griffons notice is their large, widely spaced brown eyes. At the edges they have a darker shade, the whites are not visible.


Petit Brabançons have small ears, located at a sufficient distance from each other. And if they are not docked in puppyhood, they will be positioned half-lying, half-standing. Whereas cropped ears have pointed tips and stand straight, without hanging forward at all.

However, the breed standard allows both options. Therefore, if the ears were not cropped on time, it’s okay.

Lips and nose

The lips of Belgian Griffons are completely black, tightly fitting to each other. In this case, the upper one slightly covers the lower one, but does not sag. Otherwise, it will be considered a breed defect.

The nose is located approximately at the same level as the eyes. It is distinguished by its black color and wide nostrils.


The neck of the Brabançon is of medium length and is in perfect harmony with the shoulders. In this case, no defects are observed (possibly with rare exceptions).


The length and height of the dog’s body are almost identical. This gives the dog a square shape. The loin is short and slightly arched, the back is strong and straight. The chest bone is quite wide and lowered to the elbows. When viewed from the side, the chest protrudes slightly forward. The Griffon has a tucked belly and a pronounced groin line.


The Brabançon's tail is carried up, but it is usually docked. If left "original", it will "look" towards the back and be shaped like a saber.


They are located parallel to each other, but at the same time widely spaced. The small paws are round in shape, the wrists are quite strong, the thick paw pads have a rigid structure and a dark color (from dark brown to black). The claws are completely black.


The coat is short and shiny (no more than 2 cm in length). And in the area of ​​the limbs, back and muzzle it is even shorter. Griffon wool has a dense and hard structure.


Petit Brabançons are either completely black in color or have tan or reddish patches. But regardless of the color of the body and limbs, the muzzle should always be dark.

Visual defects that do not affect anything

Smooth-haired griffons may have the following appearance defects:

  • Too elongated body.
  • Prominent, small, slanted or too light eyes.
  • Tail curled into a ring.
  • The presence of white hairs in the chest or muzzle area.
  • Ears that are too large or round.
  • Underweight and, conversely, overweight.
  • Underestimated or overestimated growth parameters.

If the above defects are present, the animal is still considered healthy, but due to possible deviations from the standard, it may cost less than usual.

Disqualifying faults

Here is a list of deviations due to which an animal may be disqualified:

  • Inappropriate behavior. If a dog behaves too shyly or aggressively, attacking other animals or people, it loses status and is disqualified.
  • Pigmentation on the face or nose.
  • The tip of the tongue sticking out or the upper jaw protruding too far forward.
  • Gray or brown color with tan marks.
  • The presence of mental or physical abnormalities.

Important! If one or two of the above defects are present, the animal is disqualified.

Character of Petit Brabançon

The Petit Brabançon is an active, brave, cheerful dog breed. They become so attached to their owner and other family members that they cannot imagine their life without them. Therefore, if the animal is transferred to other owners, it may refuse to eat, behave lethargically and apathetically, or even avoid contact with people.

If the griffon feels attention and care, he will “participate” in all family affairs (not a single event will happen without him, be it repairs, buying new things or a holiday). The dog will share joy and sadness with the owner, and will become a true friend and companion.

Petit Brabançon is ideal for a large family with children, as well as single and elderly people (including those with disabilities). And if there are other animals in the house (cats, parrots, hamsters, etc.), he will not start conflicts or dominate them.

Other character traits:

  1. The smooth-haired griffon never shows malice or aggression towards children and reacts quite adequately to a new addition to the family (without visible jealousy).
  2. Puppies and adult dogs have a cheerful and playful character, so they are not averse to frolicking with children or other pets (racing, jumping, etc.).
  3. They have a good memory, so they quickly remember commands and are very trainable.

Petit Brabançons are suitable for both a small apartment and a private house (provided that they do not live in a doghouse on the street). It is recommended to walk them 1-2 times a day. This will help them stay healthy and cheerful longer.


Dogs can be bred only after full puberty. Females will begin estrus by 8-10 months , but they will be able to bear healthy puppies only for the 2nd year of life , when the 3rd estrus . The owner is obliged to monitor the pet’s cycles, marking the beginning and end. Usually, girls flow 2 times a year , the maximum gap is 8-9 months .

A few days before the start of a new cycle, the owner needs to register with a club or nursery if he needs to pick a pair. There , experts will choose a male that complements the girl according to external criteria. The owners will sign papers that will later help in processing paperwork for the puppies.

When choosing a date for mating, you need to pay attention to the days of ovulation. 13-15 days are considered favorable . You can understand that the female is ready by several signs: light discharge, playful behavior, loose soft loop.

On the appointed day, the dogs are brought together and given time to get to know each other. You can seek the help of a professional who will help your pets understand the process. When the male dog mounts, the owners will have to help their pets stand. It is important to keep the animals in the castle for 5-10 minutes .

Repeat mating after 48 hours . You can track the progress of pregnancy at a veterinary clinic, but you can check the presence of embryos only after 2-3 weeks using an ultrasound. Tests do not always work, and probing in the early stages does not give results.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Training and education

Smooth-haired griffons are very intelligent and therefore easy to train. And it doesn’t matter whether the owner has experience in this matter or not. Petit Brabançons have an excellent memory, which allows them to quickly learn both the simplest and more complex commands. But you need to approach the training process gently, instilling trust and positive emotions in your pet (for example, after training, treat the puppy to a meat delicacy).

The following recommendations will contribute to the good upbringing of a Brabançon from an early age:

  • Teach the griffon two types of commands - clear ones that require unquestioning execution (for example, “Come to me”), and those that allow the puppy to take the initiative (the “Walk” command, etc.). The first will allow you to protect the animal from danger at the right moment, for example, from a car rushing at breakneck speed. Commands of the second type will help the dog develop mental abilities (since a little initiative in actions is allowed).
  • For each command performed, the Brabançon should receive praise or goodies (preferably both). But physical punishment (slaps, slaps, etc.) and verbal abuse are extremely inappropriate.
  • Nip in the bud all manifestations of aggression (attempting to bite someone, bark, etc.), but do it as gently and delicately as possible.

Note! If the owner behaves rudely and aggressively, the dog may begin to ignore voice commands, which will reduce all training to zero.


The Griffon, like other small dogs, does not need much physical activity.

  1. This is very convenient for older breeders or for those who, due to their busy schedule, cannot walk their pet every day.
  2. If you train a dog to use a litter box, it can do without walking, but in this case you should definitely play outdoor games with the animal in the apartment to prevent obesity.
  3. Griffons that are walked daily look better, grow and develop faster, and have a higher intellectual level.
  4. The duration of the walk should not exceed an hour to an hour and a half. Active physical activity (running, jumping) should be avoided, as the animal gets tired quickly.

You should also not walk in crowded areas or take your dog on public transport, as griffins are very shy. It is better to walk in a specially designated area. If your dog becomes stubborn during a walk, you need to carefully switch its attention to something new. The dog is easily distracted and obeys the owner's orders.

Care and maintenance

Petit Brabançons are exclusively domestic dogs, so keeping them in a kennel is contraindicated (the animal will simply freeze and get sick, and this is the best case scenario). A pet will feel best in a cozy city apartment (even with the smallest area), but a private house is also suitable. The main thing is that the griffon is warm and comfortable.

If desired, the Petit Brabançon can be trained to go to the toilet in a litter tray, like a cat. But this does not cancel daily walks in the fresh air - at least once a day. After all, to maintain normal physical and mental health, a pet must run, frolic and communicate with other dogs as often as possible.

The breed does not require special care, but some rules should still be followed:

  • Brush daily with a short-toothed brush.
  • Bath procedures as paws and fur get dirty. And to prevent the Brabançon from freezing, after bathing you need to dry the wool with a hairdryer or let it dry on its own (if the house is warm and there are no drafts).
  • Ear cleaning once a week. Take a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, moisten a cotton swab in it and treat the ears (closer to the edge of the surface), without penetrating too deeply. If there is an unpleasant odor coming from the ears or there are dark crusts, you should immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

The diet should contain the following products:

  • Lean boiled meat (turkey, veal).
  • Eggs.
  • Porridge on water with butter or meat ingredients (buckwheat, rice, rolled oats).
  • Fish fillet (boneless).
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Fermented milk products of low or medium fat content (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt).

In addition to the main menu, it is recommended to use special vitamin and mineral complexes.

If the owner prefers to feed the griffon with dry food, it is necessary to choose super-premium and holistic products. Such foods have a balanced composition and therefore do not require the purchase of additional dietary supplements and vitamins.

Important! Puppies up to six months are fed 4-5 times a day (preferably at the same time), and in adolescence and adulthood - no more than 2 times. The main thing is not to overfeed your pet.

Possible diseases

The Petit Brabançon breed is a strong dog, and in order for the pet to feel good, it is enough to feed it properly, take good care of it and take it for walks on time. It is very important to vaccinate your pet on time. In addition, the animal needs to be vaccinated against rabies and dewormed.

Until the dog has had all its vaccinations, it is better to protect it from communication with other dogs, as they can be carriers of infections. Make sure your dog doesn't pick up trash on the street.

At the first sign of discomfort, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. The most common problem in dogs of this breed is the eyes, so the owner should pay special attention to their health.

Health and disease of Petit Brabançons

Petit Brabançons are distinguished by excellent health and long life expectancy. But in case of improper care or feeding, as well as contact with infected animals, the griffon can get sick and live less than expected.

Belgian Griffons often have congenital pathologies of teeth and eyes (due to the structural features of the skull). Here are some of them:

  • Retinal atrophy (causes blurred vision and partial blindness). The disease occurs in both latent and acute forms and usually affects both eyes. May occur as a result of injury.
  • Proptosis. The disease involves protrusion or displacement of the eyeball outside the orbit.
  • Turn of the century. With this pathology, the edge of the eyelid turns inward, rubbing and irritating the cornea of ​​the eye. As a result, the dog may whine and act restless.
  • Loss of baby teeth. The animal will feel discomfort when eating and not only. Therefore, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian.
  • Cleft palate (there is a tear or hole in the middle part of the roof of the mouth). The disease occurs during embryonic development and cannot be treated; only surgical intervention is possible.

In addition, griffons are prone to viral and fungal diseases, and they often suffer from a dislocated kneecap, obesity, and difficult childbirth.

Attention! To avoid many health problems, it is recommended to vaccinate puppies starting at 2 months of age. But before this, the dog must be dewormed. And after 2-3 weeks a second injection is necessary (the veterinarian will tell you in more detail when and what kind of vaccination to give). At the age of 6 months, Brabançons are vaccinated against rabies.

Key points in training

Even decorative dogs need to be trained. You need to start from birth. The puppy must understand who is boss in the house, what can and cannot be done. There are several rules to establish a hierarchy:

  1. Ban on playing on human furniture;
  2. Begging is prohibited; feeding takes place only after the family gets up from the table;
  3. A person enters the house first;
  4. Barking without reason is punished;
  5. The owner is always the authority.

A spoiled puppy will be difficult to re-educate at an older age. From 3 months, babies are trained in a targeted manner. They start with simple commands, remembering the name, daily routine. Kennel clubs recommend completing the “Dog in the City” program. It turns on all the necessary signals, they will help the pet navigate the city space and make walks safe.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

By six months the dog should know its name and basic commands:

  • "sit";
  • "place";
  • "near";
  • "it is forbidden";
  • "voice".

Pettit needs mental training. Therefore, after learning all the necessary words, they switch to visual signals or a whistle.

It is forbidden to use brute force in education. The best method is still considered motivational - stimulation with goodies and toys.

How to choose a puppy?

You need to approach the selection and purchase of a puppy with all responsibility. The following recommendations will help you choose a healthy pet that fully matches the characteristics of this breed:

  1. The Griffon should be active, playful, and inquisitive. If the animal looks lethargic and has a sickly appearance, you should refuse the purchase.
  2. The puppy should not have any discharge from the eyes or nose.
  3. A healthy Brabançon has a clean, shiny coat that lies neatly (without scratching on the belly or paws - this indicates the presence of parasites).
  4. The baby's coat color should be bright black, or with small reddish splashes.
  5. There are no jaw defects, the teeth are white (no plaque).

It is recommended to buy a puppy at the age of 2.5-3 months.

How much does a smooth coated griffon cost?

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors (degree of thoroughbred, presence or absence of documents, prospects for further use at exhibitions, etc.). The average price of a Belgian Griffon ranges from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles. The cost of show-class Brabançons is 50,000 - 100,000 rubles (i.e., elite class, for participation in major exhibitions).

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