What Pomeranian Spitz puppies look like: development of pets up to a year and how to properly care for them

The Pomeranian is a miniature dog, which today is one of the most popular among those who like small breeds. Therefore, any information regarding their care is very relevant for Spitz owners. Among the many issues that concern Pomeranian owners, a special place is occupied by those related to the gestation and birth of Spitz puppies.

The period of pregnancy and the birth process is a time when attention and support are very important

This is not surprising, since the period of pregnancy and the birth process for Spitz dogs is a special time when they need attention and support. After all, this breed has long ceased to be part of the wild, becoming completely domestic. Therefore, a little mother cannot cope without the help of her owner. The appearance of little Spitz dogs means not only cute photos on Instagram, but also a lot of troubles and responsibilities.

How many puppies are there in the litter?

Most girls of this breed do not have multiple births, so the average litter size for Pomeranians is 2-3 babies.

The size of the litter largely depends on the size of the bitch.

If the girl is small, weighing approximately 2-2.5 kg, then she will most likely give birth to small or medium-sized litters of puppies.

A larger dog can give birth to 4-6 puppies.

Nuances in the development of different subspecies

The maturation of different types of Spitz proceeds approximately the same. Regardless of the breed, the development from a baby to an adult dog takes three years. They reach their final size by about six months.

There are some features:

  1. One litter may produce pets of different weight, height and color.
  2. A miniature size that does not meet standards may indicate the presence of diseases. Harnesses and collars are not suitable for these puppies. They should not jump from heights to avoid damaging their joints.
  3. If your pet is larger than the accepted standards, accept it. Most often, the reason is the presence of large individuals in the pedigree. It is impossible to influence the size of a pet without harming its health.

Main features of mating Pomeranians

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The duration of puberty in Spitz dogs takes a lot of time; you should not rush into mating. First of all, you need to know exactly what you plan to do with the puppies in the future, whether sale is possible. Pregnancy and childbirth are not always favorable for the dog and can negatively affect its health, so you should seriously think about it before mating.

Before mating, you should study all the features and make an accurate decision.

It is also recommended to remember that a pregnant and lactating bitch will require additional care and quality nutrition, so if it is not possible to provide it, you should refuse mating.

The procedure is carried out on the male dog’s territory so that he feels more confident and the female dog does not show aggression. It is better to choose a place that is familiar to the dog.

It is better to put a muzzle on the lady or secure her so that she does not frighten off her partner with excessive aggression. There should be no strangers nearby during mating.

About the meaning of temperature indicators

External temperature plays a huge role for a small Spitz. Especially considering that after birth, at first, he constantly trembles and does not have well-established thermoregulation. Therefore, the baby cannot do without maternal warmth or at least an electric heating pad. As a rule, the Spitz has a temperature of about 34.4-36 degrees at this time. And it can decrease even when the mother leaves even for a short period.

There are two types of such hypothermia in Pomeranian puppies:

  • Moderate – you can recognize it by its lethargy. The puppy ceases to normally absorb the milk that enters its body and, consequently, becomes weaker and more susceptible to disease.
  • Strong – this type is the most dangerous. Due to the fact that due to such cooling, the Spitz puppy experiences difficulties with the functioning of the cardiac and respiratory systems, his health leaves much to be desired.

In connection with all of the above, I recommend purchasing a heating pad . Let it be within reach since the birth of the Pomeranian Spitz. I recommend that you immediately place it in the nest. Of course, it is important to arrange the nest in such a way that there is a lot of free space in it. And, of course, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety precautions during such care.

What do newborns look like and when do they open their eyes?

Newborn Pomeranian puppies don't look much like those fluffy babies in advertising pictures. They are born completely blind and deaf, with a body covered with rather sparse and very short hair.

Babies at this age look disproportionate and not nearly as attractive . Their head is large and slightly flattened, their body is elongated, their legs and tails are relatively short, and their bellies are voluminous.

Pomeranians begin to see the light approximately 10-15 days after they are born..

Healthy Colostrum

In order to best meet the puppies' needs for quality nutrition, the composition of the bitch's milk changes at each certain period of the puppies' life. So, for example, in the first few days the bitch produces colostrum,

which contains a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, as well as a full set of immunoglobulins (antibodies), which, when entering the body of puppies, form passive immunity to various diseases. It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of colostrum - which is why it is extremely important that puppies are under the bitch for the first 3-5 days and receive their dose of benefit and protection.

Contraindications to vaccination

Sterilization of dogs: at what age is it better to do it?

A dog is not vaccinated in several cases:

  • on the eve of visiting the veterinary clinic, the pet came into contact with an infected four-legged friend;
  • the dog has poor appetite;
  • deworming was not carried out beforehand;
  • The pet has hyperthermia.

Apathy in a puppy

How it develops from 1 to 12 months

Puppy ageDescription of the stage of growing upSizes (medium, for standard size puppies)Weight (k - dwarf, m - mini, s - standard)
1 monthFrom about the third week, small Spitz dogs begin to cut their teeth. At this time, puppies behave restlessly, often bark and try to chew everything. Closer to the second month, the main traits of character and temperament are formed. During this time, it is very important that babies interact with other dogs and people. 7-12 cmk - 210-275 g m - 325-370 g
s - 460-490 g
2 monthsThe puppy begins to acquire a characteristic appearance: its coat lengthens and becomes fluffier, however, it does not reach the same density and length as in adult dogs.up to 14 cmk - 320-460 g m - 550-620 g
s - 680-770 g
3 monthsThe puppy's fur is gradually beginning to be replaced by the adult's, however, at this age the shedding is not yet too noticeable. The babies look like those adorable fluffy puppies from advertising photos. And at this time it is already possible to determine with greater or lesser probability what color they will have. up to 16 cmk - 460-690 g m - 800-920 g
s - 1.0-1.15 kg
4 monthsLittle Pomeranians' teeth change and they begin to shed more frequently. Most puppies at this age do not look as attractive as before: almost all of their baby hair has already come out, and their adult hair has not grown back properly. up to 17 cmk - 600-880 g m - 1.0-1.175 kg
s - 1.3-1.45 kg
5 monthsPuppies continue to shed, but by this age some of them already have enough hair to look almost as attractive as when they were young.up to 18 cmk - 700-1030 g m - 1.2 - 1.35 kg
s - 1.55-1.7 kg
6-9 monthsShedding continues until about 7-9 months, but in some Spitz dogs it is more pronounced, in others less.
By 7 months, baby teeth should be replaced by permanent teeth. And at about 7-9 months the first heat occurs in girls of this breed.
18-20k - 770-1150 g m - 1.3-1.5 kg
s - 1.7-1.9 kg
12 monthsBy this age, the Pomeranian will shed again, but its coat will acquire its final appearance and texture by the age of three.18-22k - 1.0-1.4 kg m - 1.7 - 1.9 kg
s - 2.1-2.3 kg
AdultThe dog has reached its final physical development and is in the prime of life and beauty.18-22k - 1.0-1.4 kg m - 1.7 - 1.9 kg
s - 2.1-2.3 kg

Males and females

Is the maturation of males different from that of females? This is a pressing question for people choosing a furry friend for the family.

The main stages of development in Spitz males and females are absolutely the same. However, it is worth noting that by the end of the first year of life, females will have their first heat, and from this moment the dog’s sexual cycle will begin to form. Girls also shed a little longer.

Types of vaccines

To vaccinate Spitz dogs, monovalent and polyvalent preparations are used. Most veterinary clinic specialists prefer the second type, as it allows you to minimize the time of vaccination and protect the animal from infection with dangerous viruses. But some owners prefer monovalent products, arguing that complex vaccines place an excessive burden on the puppy's immune system and can provoke disease.

List of the most commonly used monovalent vaccines:

  • against canine plague - “Vakchum”, “Biovac-D”, “Multikan-1”, “Canivac C”;
  • against parvovirus enteritis - “Biovac R”, “Nobivak Parvo-C”, “Primodog”;
  • against leptospirosis - “Nobivak Lepto”, “Biovac-L”.

Polyvalent drugs against canine distemper, hepatitis, adenovirosis, coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis and parainfluenza in various configurations:

  • "Kaniwak CH";
  • "Multikan-2"
  • "Biovac-RA";
  • "Triovak";
  • Trivirovax;
  • "Nobivak DHP";
  • "Nobivak DHPPI";
  • "Tetravac";
  • "Multikan-4";
  • "Multikan-6";
  • "Hexakanivac";
  • Biovac DPAL.

"Multikan-7" in addition to the above diseases prevents infection with ringworm, and "Multikan-8" - rabies.

How to care?

Considering that Spitz fur needs regular combing and sometimes grooming, it is advisable to start accustoming your pet to these procedures as early as possible.

The baby needs to be combed with a wide-toothed comb for 10-15 minutes a day so that he gets used to grooming..

Small puppies should not be bathed too often, and it is very important to dry the coat thoroughly with a hairdryer after washing.

Also, from the very first day, the baby begins to be accustomed to a tray or diaper. To do this, you need to take it there every time after eating or sleeping.

Puppies' nails are trimmed often, as they grow faster than in adult dogs . At the same time, it is very important to carry out this procedure without coercion and, if possible, avoiding accidental injury to the baby.


The teeth of the Pomeranian Spitz require special attention from the owner during their replacement period, since these dogs sometimes have problems due to the baby fangs not falling out in time.

If the owner of the puppy notices that one or more milk teeth have not fallen out, and permanent ones are already growing in their place, then it is necessary to take the pet to the clinic to have them removed.

Daily care should also include eye and ear examinations . This is done not only to find out whether they are dirty, but also to timely detect the first signs of inflammation.

To clean the teeth, you can let your puppy chew on toys purchased at a pet store or special treats..

If plaque forms too quickly and the puppy cannot remove it on his own, then you need to brush his teeth with a dog toothbrush and toothpaste intended for animals.

Factors influencing growth

Puppies of the same breed and even the same litter develop differently. Someone seems to repeat standard norms, someone surpasses them, and someone lags behind their peers. Some puppies grow, gain weight in leaps and bounds, while others are in “waiting mode” for a long time in order to catch up and even surpass their sisters and brothers in a matter of weeks.

There are several reasons for this uneven growth:

  • Genetic predisposition. Often, a miniature Spitz, having matured, can confidently compete in weight with a standard one. To avoid such a surprise, you should thoroughly study its pedigree before purchasing a puppy.
  • Nutrition. Puppies that have the same weight at birth can vary greatly in weight after just a couple of months. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is the diet and feeding schedule. According to the observations of breeders, puppies on natural food surpass the general indicators, and puppies on dry food develop more harmoniously, practically repeating the standard.
  • Physical activity. The more the puppy moves, the more active games in his life, the more harmonious the development. In such an animal, the skeleton is strengthened faster and muscle mass is formed faster. An active dog with normal nutrition will never suffer from obesity or dystrophy.
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements. For the harmonious development of a small Spitz, high-quality natural food or professional food is not enough. The animal is offered vitamin and mineral complexes - of the names and dosages that were prescribed by the veterinarian.


To ensure that the birth of your Spitz proceeds and ends without problems, thoroughly prepare for it, consult with a veterinarian, and watch videos. Thanks to video preparation, you can be in the right frame of mind and be prepared for what will happen and what it will look like.

Pregnancy lasts about two months. While the bitch is carrying puppies, preferably no later than a week before you plan to give birth, prepare all the necessary conditions:

  1. Choose a room where no one will disturb you.
  2. Remove all unnecessary interior items.
  3. Immediately when the first signs of impending labor appear, clean and ventilate the room and disinfect the room.
  4. Remove all strangers from the room. Besides you, only a veterinarian can be there.

Among other things, the room needs to be equipped. Install a spacious maternity box with two compartments - in one the bitch will give birth and rest there after the process, and in the second the newborn puppies will lie so as not to interfere with the ongoing birth.

Prepare the place

In about 10 days, or better yet two weeks, transfer the pregnant Spitz to the maternity room and teach it to boxing. This way you can prepare the bitch, and during childbirth she will lie quietly in the equipped place.

Mandatory set of equipment and first aid kit

In addition to boxing, you need to prepare the following things:

  • disposable diapers;
  • rags for wiping puppies;
  • thermometer;
  • sterile gauze wipes for wiping the puppy’s mouth;
  • office and scales to record the parameters of each cub;
  • sterile scissors for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • an antiseptic drug for sterilizing navels, for example, Xidikol;
  • silk threads for ligating the navel;
  • emulsion of 10% synthomycin to avoid the inflammatory process;
  • a clock to record the time between contractions and the birth of each baby.

In addition to the items listed, before giving birth you need to collect a first aid kit so that, if necessary, you can take resuscitation actions to save the litter:

  • oxygen balloon;
  • warmer;
  • a heart stimulant, for example, Cordiamine;
  • enema to remove mucus from the mouth of babies;
  • No-shpa ampoules;
  • 5% glucose solution;
  • calcium gluconate.

24 hours before the planned birth, prepare the dog for the procedure:

  • Wash your stomach and genitals with soapy water;
  • trim hair around the nipples, vagina and anus.

Trim the hair around the nipples. Immediately before the process, prepare yourself - trim your nails, disinfect your hands, prepare medical gloves.

Signs of impending labor: temperature and behavior

A week before giving birth, the expectant mother’s tummy begins to sag, the vagina becomes soft and increases in size. After a few more days, the uterus drops and the back sags. Immediately a day before labor, the Spitz’s body temperature drops to 37 degrees.

Find out which dogs are most similar to Spitz.

The bitch's behavior changes and signs of nervousness appear. She begins to rush around, whine and look for a place. Toxicosis and apathy towards food may appear.

At this point, the delivery room should be completely ready to “receive patients.”

The main sign of approaching labor will be the way the bitch begins to breathe - heavy, rapid breathing appears. The dog will follow the owner's heels, give it maximum time and reassure the expectant mother.

Sometimes Spitz dogs show practically no signs of approaching labor. So that this day does not come as a surprise to you, starting from the 56th day of pregnancy, take your temperature twice a day. Do this when the dog is calm - early in the morning or late in the evening.

Attention ! Do not induce labor artificially. This can lead to uterine rupture and other injuries. Only a veterinarian can give a stimulant.

If you decide to walk your dog before giving birth, make sure that it does not start giving birth on the street. If this happens, do not miss the puppy's exit, pinch the umbilical cord with your fingers and tear it off, cover the baby and immediately go home.

If labor begins 70 days after mating, contact your veterinarian. The reason may be health or a frozen pregnancy.

A clear sign of impending labor is the appearance of chills, as well as whining of the bitch. Spitzes often arch their backs or lie on their sides before contractions.

Spitz contractions

A few hours before giving birth, the bitch may have a light brown discharge. This means that the process of rejection of the mucus plug has begun.

Table of height and weight of Pomeranian puppies by month

Weight of puppies at birth (in grams)

MonthA week70 – 8090 – 100110 – 120125 – 140145 – 170
12145 – 160180 – 200210 – 250280 – 350370 – 410
4200 – 230250 – 310330 – 370450 – 550560 – 650
26250 – 320330 – 420430 – 470550 – 670670 – 850
8310 – 370430 – 550550 – 600650 – 820860 – 1050
310370 – 450540 – 630650 – 700790 – 9601050 – 1200
13460 – 580670 – 800800 – 9001000 – 13001400 – 1550
415550 – 650750 – 900900 – 10501100 – 14501450 – 1700
17600 – 750850 – 10001000 – 11701300 – 16001700 – 1900
519650 – 820960 – 11001100 – 13001400 – 17501900 – 2100
21700 – 8001000 – 12501250 – 14001500 – 18502000 – 2200
623750 – 9501000 – 13001300 – 15001600 – 20002200 – 2400
26750 – 9801100 – 13001300 – 16001700 – 21002200 – 2500
1.5 years1000 – 13001400 — 17001700 — 20002100 — 25002700 – 3000

The data given in the table is approximate, so you should focus on the puppy’s appetite and general well-being.

From all of the above, it follows that the Pomeranian Spitz, although it requires constant care, is no more than other small breeds. The main thing is to feed your dog foods that are healthy for development and growth, follow the correct feeding regimen, walk a lot and devote as much time as possible to your furry pet.

What to feed for the first 3 months?

From about the third week, puppies can already begin to be fed solid food . It is most convenient to start complementary feeding with a scraper.

To do this, take a piece of muscle meat and run the edge of a spoon along its side several times. Small balls, slightly larger than a pea, are made from the scraped meat, and one piece is fed to each of the babies.

Some breeders replace scraped meat with minced meat, but this is incorrect, since minced meat is less easily absorbed by the puppy’s body..

Later, babies begin to be introduced to other foods: cottage cheese mixed with kefir or natural yogurt, as well as porridge added to meat and vegetables.

In addition to beef, small Pomeranians can also be fed rabbit meat, turkey or lamb . But it’s too early to give offal at this age.

Then, it will be possible to add boiled sea fish without bones to the diet, and give boiled chicken yolk twice a week.


If you decide to feed the puppies with ready-made food, then this should be done from the very beginning, after the kids try scraped meat for the first time.

In this case, their diet will consist of branded food no lower than super-premium class, which should be soaked in warm water in the first three months of the puppy’s life.

You can also feed puppies wet commercial food that is suitable for their size and age..

Caring for Pomeranian puppies

Caring for a Spitz puppy should begin from the first days of its arrival in the house. It is necessary to make it a rule to monitor the health and appearance of the baby. Be sure to examine your eyes so that they do not fester or leak. It is advisable to check your ears once a week and, if earwax collects there, clean them. You only need to clean the outer ear, without getting into the ear canal.

When changing primary teeth, the healthy growth of molars should also be checked. Often, small dogs are left with lost primary canines and make it difficult for the primary ones to grow properly. Such procedures will help not to miss the abnormal development of the dog’s bite, and will teach her to allow her teeth to be examined without resistance if necessary, for example, by a doctor or at an exhibition.

A place to sleep must be chosen in advance. It will be necessary to gradually accustom your puppy to his new home, since, for sure, the baby will not immediately sleep in the place designated for him. The little family member will initially prefer to choose his own favorite places to sleep, based on his habits and smells. But the sleeping place is determined by the owner. And it should not be in the hallway or kitchen.

Do not place the puppy in drafts or near a radiator. Make sure that the place is not cold and uncomfortable. Your pet needs a place where he can sleep peacefully at any time of the day or night.

The best thing is the bedroom or near it, because Spitz are very attached to their owners and, if they are separated from them even by rooms, they are very worried about this and feel lonely, especially at night.

For sleeping, you need to purchase a basket for dogs , a mattress, replaceable pillowcases and diapers. Slowly accustom your baby to your house. From time to time, put “sweets” or favorite toys there, so the dog will associate the “official” place with pleasant impressions.

How to bathe a Spitz puppy

Before swimming, make sure there are no drafts throughout the house. Close the windows, vents and doors! Just like small children, small puppies are sensitive to drafts and can get sick.

Let your pet's first bath be a pleasant experience. Spend it in comfortable conditions. Place a cloth, diaper or rubber mat in the bathtub. Protect your pet's ears from getting water by carefully inserting cotton homemade earplugs into them.

Many dogs love to wash themselves and are happy to let them undergo water procedures, understanding that this is how the owner shows his love and care for them.

Pomeranians should only be washed with special shampoos for dogs, not for people. This is strict! Shampoos for dogs contain a certain pH, which cleanses the coat (lint and undercoat) well without irritating the dog’s skin.

Dilute the shampoo in a ladle with warm water and carefully pour this solution over the entire surface of the animal’s fur; you can also apply the shampoo with a sponge. Avoid getting water and shampoo into your eyes! Gently massage the animal's lathered fur, then rinse thoroughly with clean water and repeat once more.

After this, wring out the fur, let the dog shake itself, pat it dry with a towel and dry it with a hairdryer, using a gentle setting so as not to burn the baby’s delicate skin. It's better to use a hairdryer. If desired, you can purchase a special hair dryer.

How to feed correctly and how often

You need to feed the puppy from a bowl specially designed for this, at a certain time and in the same place.

The pre-measured daily portion should be divided into approximately equal parts according to the number of feedings.

In this case, it is best if the baby eats cottage cheese with kefir or yogurt in the morning, and at all other feedings - meat or fish with porridge and vegetables.

When feeding dry food, it is necessary to measure the portion very carefully, given that Pomeranians eat very little at a time, it is best to use an electronic scale.

The number of feedings depending on the age of the puppy should be as follows:

  • 2 months - 5 times a day
  • 3-4 months - 4 times a day
  • 4-6 months - 3-4 times a day, depending on individual needs
  • 6 months - 2-3 times a day.
  • 8 months and older - 2 times a day

Dry food should not be mixed with natural products, as this can lead to serious health problems for the dog..

Diseases of puppies

In the first days of life, puppies can be attacked by various infections, the gateway to which is the inflamed navel. If the mother dog has dental problems (tartar, gum disease), then when licking the puppies she can get an infection. If you notice that yellow spots of diarrhea are visible on the bedding, as well as around the anus of the babies, and a sour smell has appeared in the nest, this means that there is an intestinal infection

. If very weak puppies are exposed to this infection, there is a high probability that they will die within the first 24 hours. If you notice even a slight deviation in the health of your babies, contact your veterinarian for help!

To prevent such troubles, you need to treat the stump and umbilical ring with a solution of brilliant green (green paint) twice a day.

However, it is worth considering that diarrhea in puppies can be a consequence of improper feeding of the bitch, as well as excessive feeding of bottle-fed puppies.

Start of the process

When labor begins, you should be there so that the dog feels your support.

When there are several hours left before birth, the fetuses stop moving, and the vagina greatly increases in size. Sticky, colorless or gray-green odorless discharge appears. This is the mucus plug coming off. The pet begins to feel chills, this is noticeable by trembling and rapid breathing. The body of the Pomeranian Spitz is preparing - the cervix is ​​dilating.

Just before the birth of the offspring, the bitch's water breaks. But you may not even notice this discolored spot, since the dog can lick it off.

When the birth canal is completely open, intense, prolonged contractions begin - contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which alternate with pushing - contractions of the abdominal muscles. At this moment, the bitch tries to find a comfortable position: she either lies on her side or stands with her back hunched.

The duration of contractions varies from ten minutes to two and a half hours. If this time has passed and there is still no fetus, then it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. Most likely, the dog cannot cope on its own and needs a cesarean section. You cannot hesitate to call - this can lead to death of the Pomeranian or litter.

Each puppy comes out completely with a few pushes, either head first or feet first. Both options are considered normal. It is possible that when the first puppy is born, the pet will moan in pain, but other babies should not cause her such inconvenience.

During the process, you cannot feed or water the Pomeranian. Also, you should not disturb the bitch with unnecessary actions. It is better to just quietly and calmly observe the birth until your help is really needed.

After the birth of each fetus, an afterbirth is released, which the bitch usually eats. Do not forbid her to do this - the afterbirth contains substances useful to the dog’s body. But you shouldn’t let him eat more than two afterbirths, otherwise the Pomeranian will start to have diarrhea.

Try to change the diaper after the birth of each baby - keep the maternity ward clean.

If the birth goes as expected and the dog is able to cope with the process, then she herself accepts each puppy in turn, gnawing off the umbilical cord and licking it thoroughly, thereby freeing the baby from mucus and stimulating blood circulation.

If the bitch is tired and could not break the natural bladder in which the fetus is located, do it yourself - carefully tear the membrane near the baby’s head. After this, clear the puppy's airways of mucus.

If the baby breathes calmly and turns around in his arms, then everything is fine with him. If the puppy is lethargic, then you need to massage his chest, thereby stimulating his vital activity. If the newborn is not breathing or there is no membrane around him, you should immediately use an enema to suck out any fluid that has entered his mouth.

If the bitch was unable to bite off the umbilical cord, then you should do it. Quickly trim it with sterile scissors, leaving two centimeters. After this, treat the navel with an antiseptic. Don't even think about tying the umbilical cord in a knot.

Typically, a Pomeranian will give birth to one to three puppies. In case of multiple births, puppies are born at intervals of fifteen to thirty minutes. In between contractions and pushing, you can give your dog water or tea with honey.

All puppies must be placed in a prepared box so that during the continuation of labor the bitch does not crush her babies. If there are no lumps when you feel the uterus and abdomen, then labor is over. After the end of labor, you need to place the newborns at the mother's nipples, and leave the new family to rest and enjoy life.

How was your dog's birth?

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Names given to German Spitz puppies

The other day we were informed from the kennel club that the names of puppies should begin with the letter “M”. And we hastened to choose names that, in our opinion, correspond to the characters of our puppies.

  • The girl was named Mollivia (Molly). A week ago, the beauty had difficulty turning over if she ended up on her back. Now her muscles are stronger and allow her to control her movements. A week ago Molly weighed 194 grams, today 347. She gained 153 grams in a week.
  • The dark, strong man was named Mail. This Spitz is developing well. Enjoy it! The previous weight control showed 195 grams, and now 352. His achievement is 157 grams.
  • The serious, brutal and taciturn puppy is now called Marcel. He eats well, sleeps soundly and doesn't cause any problems. A week ago I weighed 221 grams, and today 342. The gain was 121 grams.
  • And now we call this saffron milk cap Marquis. He is the smallest of the litter. Marquis weighed 182 grams, and now 295. He fell a little short of the third hundred. His progress at the end of the week is 113 grams. This is the lowest result to date. At the same time, the puppy eats well, does not cry from hunger, and its average daily weight gain is on average 16 grams.

First vaccinations

The first vaccinations are given at approximately 2 months. By this time, the immunity received by the puppy from its mother’s milk is already beginning to weaken, and therefore, if the babies are not vaccinated in time, they will catch literally every infection.

As a rule, puppies, and even adult dogs, are given complex vaccines that protect them from several diseases at once..

Such diseases include leptospirosis, hepatitis, distemper, parainfluenza and enteritis - that is, the most dangerous infections for animals, which, even with early treatment, often end in the death of the pet.


They are especially dangerous for puppies, and therefore it is very important to strictly follow the vaccination schedule suggested by your veterinarian.

Usually, the first vaccine is given at 8-9 weeks . Two weeks after it comes revaccination, which should not be skipped under any circumstances. After this, the dog is vaccinated at 6 and 12 months.

Starting at 12 weeks, the puppy will also need to be vaccinated against rabies..

Why are puppies born blind?

Dogs, like other mammals, are born completely helpless. They remain completely blind for some time and navigate in space only thanks to their developed sense of smell. Babies are blind for only a short time, but during this period their eyes are protected from the adverse effects of environmental conditions. Other reasons that babies are born blind:

  1. Their gestation time is relatively short, it is 58-70 days. This time is not enough for the full formation of all organs, including the eye.
  2. A large number of gestating kittens. The female gives birth to at least 2-3 individuals, but more often 6-8 cubs are born at the same time. This number of fetuses does not allow them to fully develop in the womb.
  3. Closed eyelids promote protection. The kitten's body is very weak, therefore it is vulnerable to any infections that penetrate the mucous membrane. In addition, dirt does not penetrate through the closed organs of vision.
  4. While in the womb, the fetus does not live in completely sterile conditions. Therefore, through closed eyes, the cub does not risk becoming infected with the microbes that may be there.

All of the above reasons point to a natural mechanism for protecting the dog’s health. Babies begin to see only when their body and internal systems are fully formed to interact with the external environment. Epiphany does not come immediately, so the owner will have to be patient in order to control the process when the puppies' eyes open.

Possible complications

Your dog may experience the following reactions, which are considered normal after receiving the vaccine:

  • lump at the injection site;
  • apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • hyperthermia.

After 3-4 days, such complications should disappear. Otherwise, you will need to call your veterinarian.

Important! If an animal begins to have convulsions or vomiting a day after vaccination, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

How to choose?

When purchasing a pet, you need to treat it as responsibly as possible: study the basic requirements of the standard, conditions of keeping and feeding.

Also, even before purchasing a puppy, you need to purchase what you will need to care for it: toys, shampoos, a bed, a bowl, a tray, etc..

In order to avoid unpleasant surprises associated with purchasing a mongrel puppy instead of a Pomeranian or problems with the pet’s health, it is recommended to contact a club or kennel.

At the same time, you need to formulate your wishes regarding the puppy as precisely as possible: you need a show dog or a dog for breeding, or maybe just a pet.

Based on this, the breeder will be able to select the most suitable puppy for the buyer..

Before buying a baby, the future owner needs to check whether its exterior meets the breed standard, and also make sure that the puppy is healthy.

A small Pomeranian should have a compact, almost square body, strong, thick paws, a muzzle that is not too long, but not too short, and a fairly convex skull..

His back is not sagging, and his stomach is only moderately retracted. In this case, the puppy should look quite dense and well-fed, with clean eyes, ears and skin.

The color of the baby may differ from the color of the coat that he will have after growing up.

For example, red dogs are born brown and only gradually acquire an orange tint to their coat.

However, black , white and brown Pomeranians should look as uniform in color as possible, since even the slightest extraneous tint is not allowed in these colors .

Do babies need special care these days?

The formation of visual organs is a complex process that takes some time. Epiphany does not always go smoothly, so the main thing for a loving owner is the desire to help his little friend.

But human participation is not always necessary. The main thing at this time is to provide full care for small dogs and simply monitor on what day the puppies will open their eyes. It is also worth taking care of the mother bitch.

At first, it is advisable to protect newborns from bright lighting by placing them with their mother in a dim, well-heated room. You should not open your eyelids yourself. If a purulent crust appears on the eyes, you can wipe them with an antiseptic solution. They do this until the kitten opens its eyelids.

If the eyes become very festered, swollen or do not open completely, you need to call a veterinarian at home. Self-medication or delay can result in dogs becoming blind for the rest of their lives.

What to do after childbirth ends

After the process is completed, the bitch is very exhausted and may not ask for food. Give your mother a drink using water sweetened with honey or weak tea. Do not use sugar so that fermentation does not begin in the Spitz's stomach. If the bitch asks to eat, give a small portion of fermented milk products.

Prepare a litter box so your dog can do his business. If she asks to go outside, carry her in your arms and limit her movement.

After giving birth, pay attention to hygiene. Wash the area near the vagina, stomach and area near the anus with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

Watch your pet very carefully. If you notice the appearance of discharge that has an unpleasant odor, immediately contact your veterinarian - this may be a sign of the onset of an inflammatory process.

About the right weight

In order to keep your finger on the pulse of your puppy's health, it is important to know what weight he should be from birth. It makes up about 4-8% of the mother's weight. In other words, it is approximately 55-125 g .

Of course, this is quite a bit, and a newborn puppy is quite weak. Therefore, he is obliged to gain weight in the shortest possible time. I advise owners to carefully monitor this process. For example, constant weight monitoring can help.

If a growing orange gains at least a gram every day, then everything is fine. The normal increase is up to 10 g.

I note that after birth, this trend of weight gain is observed literally on the second day. If this does not happen, I recommend doing supplementary feeding - special dog milk substitutes are perfect. They contain those essential minerals and acids that help you gain weight during feeding.

You can also, to ensure that feeding is the same for all Spitz puppies, lightly push them towards their mother. I advise you to gently massage your dog’s nipples, stimulating the production of colostrum. A particularly weak puppy should be fed expressed colostrum . It should be syringed approximately every two hours. For one feeding it will be enough to measure 1 ml. colostrum. However, I allow a slightly smaller portion. I would like to note that for harmonious development, a Spitz must eat colostrum in the first days after birth; this stage cannot be skipped!

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