Shiba Inu puppies: development of pets by month to year and what care they need

Shiba Inu puppies are neat, friendly and very active.

In addition, they are smart, but sometimes they can be stubborn and obstinate.

From a young age, a pet is able to build relationships with all family members, and they will be different with each person.

Shiba Inu puppies are much more active than adult dogs, so they need special nutrition, exercise and discipline.

Nutritional Features

You can feed your Shiba Inu natural food or use commercial food. The main thing is to follow the rules:

Sometimes, with little physical activity, a Shiba may lose appetite and even go hungry for a couple of days. You shouldn't force her to eat. To restore the regime, you need to increase the number of walks, let him frolic in the playground or park, and conduct training classes.

The owner decides whether it is better to feed the Shiba Inu natural food or to use food. It is advisable to first consult with the breeder, find out what kind of food the dog ate before, what its parents preferred.

The main advantage of natural food over industrial food is the independent choice and purchase of products. A loving owner will not allow delays and will not purchase damaged goods. In addition, if any of the dishes did not suit you or you did not like, you can safely exclude it.

Disadvantages of natural food: it takes time to buy and prepare dishes, and considerable financial expenses.

Authorized Products

As already mentioned, Asians are prone to food allergies, so the selection is limited. Acceptable:

Eggs are allowed for Shiba Inu once a week. Preferably quail or guinea fowl; chicken is not recommended. Dried fruits, cheese, crackers are healthy treats.

Prohibited Products

Foods that are harmful to Japanese huskies include:

Under no circumstances should you give fried, spicy, smoked or salty food! It is not allowed to feed your Shiba Inu grains, as they can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

Shiba Inu: description of the breed, character, what to feed, care and maintenance, photo

A miniature commercial husky, the magnificent fox dog Shiba Inu is the direct heir to the Japanese canine patriarchs.
Archaeological historians claim: native dogs lived on Nippon Koku already in the fifth century BC. The well-born, toothy fishermen are recognizable, popular, and loved all over the world. Covered in legends and honors, the breed is declared by all canine reference booklets as difficult to maintain/care for. One of the problematic areas in the everyday life of native dogs is the nutrition of mini-samurai Shiba Inu: creating a balanced diet, implementing a daily menu.

Feeding a Shiba Inu is a complex and financially intensive undertaking that requires knowledge and skills.

Features of feeding Shiba puppies

Principles of nutrition for a Shiba puppy at 2-3 months:

increase serving size to approximately 90 grams; young animals eat three times a day; exclude whole milk; meat predominates 50%, the morning starts with sour milk 25%. In addition to rice, other cereals are added, their share is 15% and 10% of various vegetables; The food is given in the quantity indicated on the package and is not softened.

For normal growth and development of a Shiba Inu puppy, additional vitamins and minerals are required. To keep the bones and teeth strong, the coat shiny, and the pet cheerful and energetic, you need calcium, vitamin D, group B, and omega fatty acids.

Potassium, chromium, phosphorus, and magnesium help improve metabolic processes. Veterinary pharmacies sell complexes designed for puppies of different ages. Many ready-made foods are produced already enriched with essential nutrients.

Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg

Holistic class food without grains, allergic substances. Contains different types of meat, fish - 55%. It contains eggs, medicinal herbs, vegetables, fruits, fermentation products, vitamin and mineral supplements. Does not contain GMOs.


  • Suitable for any dogs;
  • It has useful composition and properties;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Rich in fiber;
  • Has good taste;
  • Has a low glycemic index;
  • Economical.
  • When eating, there are no problems with the skin, vision, joints, or gastrointestinal tract.


  • Sold in large packages;
  • Not all stores have it.
  • Contains legumes, which increases gas formation.

What to consider when preparing your diet

  • hip dysplasia, patella dislocation, pathologies of the cervical spine;
  • allergies (to food, care products);
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • eye diseases (cataracts, entropion, retinal atrophy).

When preparing a diet for a Shiba Inu, you have to take into account that the dog was bred on sea islands. Her usual food in her homeland is seafood, seaweed, fish and rice. Many types of food common to continental dogs cause allergies in Shiba Inu.

15-20 minutes after feeding, the remains of uneaten food are removed and the dishes are washed. Food is served warm or at room temperature. The water in the bowl should always be fresh and in sufficient quantity.

It is important that your pet does not overeat. Excess weight leads to diseases of the spine and thyroid gland. Completely eaten food indicates that the portion size is correct. The volume of the daily diet varies depending on the physiological state of the dog, time of year, and physical activity:

Properly feeding an exotic breed dog is not an easy task. Taking into account food preferences in their native country, the Sib Inu menu includes:

Chicken eggs are replaced with quail eggs. As treats, sometimes the dog is given prunes, crackers, and pieces of low-fat cheese.

  • fresh baked goods, pasta;
  • River fish;
  • pork;
  • canned, smoked, salted, spicy foods;
  • barley, pearl barley, rolled oats;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets, chocolate.

Origin story

Shiba Inu are indigenous Japanese hunting dogs. The history of the breed goes back centuries. Animals have existed side by side with people for many centuries and helped them hunt a wide variety of wild animals, from birds to wild boars.

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At the turn of the 20th century, the Shiba Inu was on the verge of extinction due to excess blood from English hunting dogs. But thanks to the work of local enthusiasts, the breed was preserved. As a result of the work of Japanese breeders, the first official standard was approved in the 1930s. Three years later, the Shiba Inu was recognized as a national treasure.

The literal translation of “Shiba Inu” is “little dog.” In their homeland, animals are usually called sibaken.

For puppies from 2 months to six months

At the age of 2-3 months, a Shiba Inu puppy is fed 4-5 times a day. The basis of the correct menu for a little Japanese is low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, boiled fish, rice and vegetables. Approximate daily diet for this age:

A puppy at the age of two months should receive about 35-50% meat, 40-50% dairy products and about 15-25% cereals and vegetables per day.

After 3 months, whole milk is removed from the puppy menu. Food portions are gradually increased, the diet of vegetables, cereals, fish and meat is expanded. At 4-5 months, the serving size is 1/3 cup. The number of feedings is reduced to three:

At this age, the puppy already receives 50-70% meat, from 25-50% fermented milk products, up to 20% vegetables and 10-15% various cereals.

  • morning - porridge with meat or fermented milk products;
  • evening – meat with vegetables and vegetable oil.

Your pet's diet must include salmon oil, krill oil or fish oil. Together with them, the dog receives vitamins and nutrients contained in its usual rice and fish diet.

How it develops day by day in the first month

Age (days)Baby development
1-5At this age, the puppy is completely dependent on its mother. All he can do is suck, squeak and crawl around. A newborn puppy lacks vision, hearing and thermoregulation.
6-8During this period, the pet is actively gaining weight. By the end of the first week, the dog weighs approximately 2 times more.
9-10In the second week of life, the baby not only increases in weight, but also in strength. Now you can easily identify stronger and weaker individuals.
15Starting from this period, the puppy's eyes gradually open. He reacts to light, but does not yet know how to navigate in space. The baby begins to develop its own thermoregulation, vision and hearing. Dependence on the mother becomes less.
16-18The puppy already sees and hears well.
19-22The first teeth are erupting.
23-24Interest in solid food appears, the puppy learns to bite and chew. During this period, he begins the first stage of socialization.
25-30The puppy is much less dependent on its mother, eats solid food, shows interest in its surroundings, and actively plays with its brothers and sisters.

Feeding with industrial feed

There is no specialized food for Shiba Inu; they usually use premium and super-premium food for medium or small dogs of the brands “Pro Plan”, “Royal Canin”, “Akana”, etc. The daily food intake depending on the weight of the animal is indicated on the packaging. Choose food containing 30% protein and 15-18% fat.

  • feeds high in soy are not suitable for Asian breeds;
  • wheat and corn negatively affect the digestive tract of a dog that is not accustomed to these grains;
  • Dry food that contains fish, rice, bone meal and meat is suitable for Shiba Inu;
  • This breed benefits from seaweed as a food supplement.

You can feed your Shiba Inu both natural products and commercial food. The best mixed feeding scheme for this breed is: 80% dry food, 20% natural feeding. The main condition is not to mix types of feeding at one time. A dog may develop indigestion if the time interval between meals of different types of food is less than 6-10 hours. In case of flatulence, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting, the pet is transferred to a rice diet.

The transfer of a dog from eating natural products to industrial food is carried out according to the same principle for all breeds: fractional and gradual. Over the course of 7-10 days, the proportion of natural food is gradually reduced and the portions of dry food are increased. First, the granules are soaked in warm water and provide the animal with a sufficient amount of drink.

Proseries Holistic with lamb and rice 12.9 kg

Holistic class food. It has a composition suitable for feeding dogs of all ages and breeds. It does not contain ingredients that help cause allergies: soy, corn, wheat, chicken. Instead of meat, they included fish, animals, and vegetable fats, which are well absorbed by the pet’s body.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Balanced composition of natural ingredients;
  • Strengthens the immune system, supports the animal’s musculoskeletal system;
  • Improves blood circulation and appearance of the pet;
  • Serves as a source of protein for dogs suffering from an allergic reaction to meat products;
  • It passed all tests in America and Canada and, according to their results, it was recognized as a complete, balanced product to ensure the health of dogs at any age;
  • The composition of the product is selected to pay maximum attention to the health of the dog.


  • Difficult to find in pet stores;
  • Strong fishy odor;
  • Contains grains.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Babies up to six months need vitamin and mineral complexes for growth and development. They contain calcium to strengthen bones and joints, zinc for a fluffy and shiny coat, B vitamins for the formation of the nervous system, as well as vitamin D and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are especially relevant for this breed.

Shiba Inus grow quickly. At the age of 7-8 months, the diet changes to food for adult dogs. Now dogs need complexes with vitamins A to strengthen vision, C to improve immunity, E, which are responsible for reproductive function, and K, which promote the absorption of calcium.

When choosing a vitamin and mineral complex for your pet, follow the veterinarian’s recommendations.

Orijen Adult Dog Freeze-dried food 0.45 kg

Belongs to the super premium class. Freeze-dried food, it can be given to dogs of all ages and breeds. Contains 80% meat and fish. The remaining percentages: eggs, legumes, liver, fruits, vegetables, herbs, microelements, lactobacilli. Does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors, GMOs. Produced fresh, without freezing ingredients.


  • Balanced and natural composition;
  • Does not contain grains;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Contains fiber;
  • Improves appetite, digestion;
  • It is used economically.
  • They are produced using a technology where, due to exposure to low temperatures, only moisture is removed from the ingredients of the composition. All nutrients and beneficial substances are preserved.
  • When consumed as food, the appearance and health of pets improves.


  • Increases feces and their output;
  • Increases gas production in dogs;
  • Not available in all stores;
  • Sometimes rancid and burnt pellets with a bad odor are encountered.


“Before coming to my house, Shiba was on dry food “4 paws” for puppies, which the breeder soaked in broth. I immediately switched my girl to Royal Canin. I cook meat broths and add food to them. In addition, in the morning the dog receives kefir and cottage cheese. I give meat for dinner. Is it right to soak granules in broth? It’s probably better to separate dry food and natural products over time. The dog is cheerful and active, but what happens next? »

“When we adopted the Shiba Inu puppy, he was 1.5 months old. They fed him 5-6 times a day with homemade products. The serving size is like a tea bowl without a slide. They gave us rice, buckwheat, meat and cottage cheese. Later they added apple, pomegranate, and pear. I ate everything with pleasure. Next to the bowl of water there was always a second one with dry food. But the puppy doesn't like him. If there are natural products, the food will never be eaten. We noticed that if he hasn’t eaten enough, he will gnaw on the dry food later. Then at the next feeding we increased the portion.”

Alexander, Perm

Characteristics of the breed

The sizes of adults are:


  • height - 38.5-41.5 cm,
  • weight - 9-14 kg.


  • height - 35.5-38.5 cm,
  • weight - 8-13 kg.

How much does a puppy cost:

  1. Show class: from $2000,
  2. Breeding class: from $700-1000,
  3. Pet class: $300-500,
  4. Without class: up to $300.

How long they live: 12-15 years.

Who is the Shiba Inu suitable for?People who have a strong-willed, decisive character and lead an active lifestyle. For those who have experience interacting with dogs.
Where is it better to keep: in an apartment or in an enclosure?A pet can feel great in any living conditions if you give it enough attention.
A dog raised in an apartment is more attached to its owner. Animals kept in an enclosure have stronger immunity. With any method of keeping, long active walks are necessary. Shibas do not like restrictions; a chain is not for them.
Do they shed a lot?Molting occurs twice a year, the process is quite intense. Both the guard coat and the undercoat change. To prevent fur from flying all over the house, comb your Shiba 1-2 times a day. in a day.
Is it true that it is difficult to train a Shiba Inu puppy to use a collar and leash?Yes it is. Sibs are freedom-loving and have a hard time getting used to equipment. You need to get used to it gradually, it will require patience and delicacy.
How difficult is it to train?Despite the fact that Sibs are smart and quick-witted, training requires significant effort and perseverance. It should be borne in mind that these dogs do not like to be required to be perfectly obedient.
Where are dogs of this breed used?Previously, they were used for hunting wild boar, deer, and small game. Now Sibs are companion dogs.
Why is the Shiba Inu called the “clown dog”?Due to behavioral characteristics. They are cunning, and if they are guilty, they try to avoid punishment. To do this, they do everything so that the owner stops being angry: they roll on their backs, make cute faces, make funny sounds, etc.
What are the differences between Shiba Inu and Akita Inu?They differ in appearance and character.
Akita Inus are larger, more massive, their character is more restrained and obedient. Shiba Inu are smaller, more willful, and more aggressive. There are no differences in coat type. The main coat colors are the same: red, black and white.


  1. They have a charming appearance.
  2. Smart, quick-witted.
  3. Faithful.
  4. Brave.
  5. They love children.
  6. Clean.
  7. Do not require careful care.
  8. They bark a little.
  9. They have excellent instincts.
  10. Great watchmen.


  1. Stubborn, self-willed.
  2. They are cunning and can manipulate their owners.
  3. A serious approach to training and education is required.
  4. Frequent and long walks and physical activity are required.
  5. They may be aggressive.
  6. Prone to destructive behavior (can chew things).
  7. They are aggressive towards relatives and other pets.
  8. They do not like hygiene procedures (washing, trimming claws, etc.), expressing dissatisfaction with heart-rending screams.

What to consider when preparing your diet

  • hip dysplasia, patella dislocation, pathologies of the cervical spine;
  • allergies (to food, care products);
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • eye diseases (cataracts, entropion, retinal atrophy).

When preparing a diet for a Shiba Inu, you have to take into account that the dog was bred on sea islands. Her usual food in her homeland is seafood, seaweed, fish and rice. Many types of food common to continental dogs cause allergies in Shiba Inu.

15-20 minutes after feeding, the remains of uneaten food are removed and the dishes are washed. Food is served warm or at room temperature. The water in the bowl should always be fresh and in sufficient quantity.

It is important that your pet does not overeat. Excess weight leads to diseases of the spine and thyroid gland. Completely eaten food indicates that the portion size is correct. The volume of the daily diet varies depending on the physiological state of the dog, time of year, and physical activity:

Properly feeding an exotic breed dog is not an easy task. Taking into account food preferences in their native country, the Sib Inu menu includes:

Chicken eggs are replaced with quail eggs. As treats, sometimes the dog is given prunes, crackers, and pieces of low-fat cheese.

  • fresh baked goods, pasta;
  • River fish;
  • pork;
  • canned, smoked, salted, spicy foods;
  • barley, pearl barley, rolled oats;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets, chocolate.


The Shiba Inu has a cheerful, lively, friendly, but at the same time cunning and slightly rebellious character. For a pet to reveal its positive qualities, it needs a competent leader with a firm hand.

Representatives of the breed are very active, they need constant movement and entertainment. The Shiba Inu cannot play the role of a sofa pet - he must realize the potential inherent in nature. Also, physical activity should alternate with intellectual activity.

The Shiba dog is smart, but problems often arise during training - a special approach to the animal is required. Representatives of the breed are very independent. Most often, teenage animals show disobedience. During puberty, they often test their owners' strength. If you give it a break, the Mini Akita Inu will take the position of leader and begin to rule over all family members.

To achieve obedience, the owner must build a partnership with the pet. The Mini Akita does not think that it owes humans anything.

Until the dog wants it, nothing will force him to perform the necessary action. Therefore, it is necessary to show the animal that its interests are also taken into account and its opinions are listened to.

For puppies from 2 months to six months

At the age of 2-3 months, a Shiba Inu puppy is fed 4-5 times a day. The basis of the correct menu for a little Japanese is low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, boiled fish, rice and vegetables. Approximate daily diet for this age:

A puppy at the age of two months should receive about 35-50% meat, 40-50% dairy products and about 15-25% cereals and vegetables per day.

After 3 months, whole milk is removed from the puppy menu. Food portions are gradually increased, the diet of vegetables, cereals, fish and meat is expanded. At 4-5 months, the serving size is 1/3 cup. The number of feedings is reduced to three:

At this age, the puppy already receives 50-70% meat, from 25-50% fermented milk products, up to 20% vegetables and 10-15% various cereals.

  • morning - porridge with meat or fermented milk products;
  • evening – meat with vegetables and vegetable oil.

Your pet's diet must include salmon oil, krill oil or fish oil. Together with them, the dog receives vitamins and nutrients contained in its usual rice and fish diet.


The Japanese breed of Shiba Inu dogs is rare in Russia, so finding a suitable partner for mating is quite difficult. Only 1.5-year-old sexually mature and fully formed animals are capable of reproduction.

The best mating days for dogs are between 10 and 15 after the start of their heat. The animals are first taken for a walk, then the bitch is taken to the dog.

Dogs are often bred for free - in rare cases, human intervention is required. After 24-48 hours, a control mating is carried out to increase the likelihood of conception. Shiba Inu pregnancy lasts 58-66 days. 4-6 puppies are born in a litter.

Feeding with industrial feed

There is no specialized food for Shiba Inu; they usually use premium and super-premium food for medium or small dogs of the brands “Pro Plan”, “Royal Canin”, “Akana”, etc. The daily food intake depending on the weight of the animal is indicated on the packaging. Choose food containing 30% protein and 15-18% fat.

  • feeds high in soy are not suitable for Asian breeds;
  • wheat and corn negatively affect the digestive tract of a dog that is not accustomed to these grains;
  • Dry food that contains fish, rice, bone meal and meat is suitable for Shiba Inu;
  • This breed benefits from seaweed as a food supplement.

You can feed your Shiba Inu both natural products and commercial food. The best mixed feeding scheme for this breed is: 80% dry food, 20% natural feeding. The main condition is not to mix types of feeding at one time. A dog may develop indigestion if the time interval between meals of different types of food is less than 6-10 hours. In case of flatulence, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting, the pet is transferred to a rice diet.

The transfer of a dog from eating natural products to industrial food is carried out according to the same principle for all breeds: fractional and gradual. Over the course of 7-10 days, the proportion of natural food is gradually reduced and the portions of dry food are increased. First, the granules are soaked in warm water and provide the animal with a sufficient amount of drink.

Age aspects

After ten years of life, a pet significantly “slows down”: metabolism slows down, drive, excitement, and temper decrease. Energy consumption is minimized, the dog requires fewer calories. To harmonize the food formula, maintain vitality and localize the problems of excess weight (a fat Shiba Inu is simply terrible), a caring owner should transfer the pet to a low-calorie diet.

The daily portion, as well as the proportion of fat, decreases; older Shiba Inu are returned to three feedings a day.

As island huskies get old, their teeth wear off (fall out), so older pets are “put on” soft-moist food.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Babies up to six months need vitamin and mineral complexes for growth and development. They contain calcium to strengthen bones and joints, zinc for a fluffy and shiny coat, B vitamins for the formation of the nervous system, as well as vitamin D and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are especially relevant for this breed.

Shiba Inus grow quickly. At the age of 7-8 months, the diet changes to food for adult dogs. Now dogs need complexes with vitamins A to strengthen vision, C to improve immunity, E, which are responsible for reproductive function, and K, which promote the absorption of calcium.

When choosing a vitamin and mineral complex for your pet, follow the veterinarian’s recommendations.


“Before coming to my house, Shiba was on dry food “4 paws” for puppies, which the breeder soaked in broth. I immediately switched my girl to Royal Canin. I cook meat broths and add food to them. In addition, in the morning the dog receives kefir and cottage cheese. I give meat for dinner. Is it right to soak granules in broth? It’s probably better to separate dry food and natural products over time. The dog is cheerful and active, but what happens next? »

“When we adopted the Shiba Inu puppy, he was 1.5 months old. They fed him 5-6 times a day with homemade products. The serving size is like a tea bowl without a slide. They gave us rice, buckwheat, meat and cottage cheese. Later they added apple, pomegranate, and pear. I ate everything with pleasure. Next to the bowl of water there was always a second one with dry food. But the puppy doesn't like him. If there are natural products, the food will never be eaten. We noticed that if he hasn’t eaten enough, he will gnaw on the dry food later. Then at the next feeding we increased the portion.”

Alexander, Perm

Coat and color

The Shiba is characterized by a double coat with elastic and hard guard hairs. The dense undercoat remains soft and has a felt-like character. The guard hair shafts are uniform throughout the body. In short, they are only about 5 cm on the muzzle and on the paws. More dense pubescence is characteristic of the tail, which is due to the raised location of the spine. There are different coat colors of the Shiba Inu:

  1. Ginger. The color is bright and rich.
  2. Bleached red. It ranges from a softened white color to light sand. Such shades are not desirable, but acceptable.
  3. Sesame (zone), or sesame. Involves dyeing the ends of the fur black, which should not account for more than half of the hairs. The rest is white.
  4. Red sesame (red sesame). With this color, the guard hair is red and the tips are black.
  5. Black sesame (black-sesame). In one area there is a mixture of white and black wool, but the latter predominates.
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