A greyhound named Eris captivates people with his nose - it's so long it could be a world record holder.

A dog's muzzle evokes affection in many people, and it doesn't matter whether it's flat or long. Breeds such as Pugs and Boxers are brachycephalic, meaning the animals have a compact nose and flattened muzzle. Of course, these pets are adorable, but, unfortunately, they often have serious health problems.

There are a large number of dogs with elongated muzzles; they are called dolichocephalic. Mostly, these are greyhounds, which have developed hunting instincts and need space to move.

If you're looking for a long-faced pet, you've got plenty to choose from!


Greyhounds, also called Russian wolfhounds, are known for their signature elongated snouts (some reach 20-23 cm in length). The smooth “gait” and hanging silky hair made these dogs excellent companions for representatives of the Russian aristocracy in their time.

Greyhounds thrive in calm environments and require gentle handling.

Maintenance and care

Boxers have short hair, so caring for the dog is not very difficult. The Boxer is very clean, for which he is often compared to a cat. In order to maintain the coat in normal condition, one weekly combing is enough. Dogs of this breed are bathed only as needed, usually once every three to four months.

Your dog's teeth require careful care. Experts say that weekly brushing of teeth will be enough to prevent the formation of tartar and gum inflammation. This procedure will also help prevent bad breath from the animal.

The ears require special attention. They should be carefully examined every week for irritation, infection or inflammation. Treat the ears with a special solution on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Nails are trimmed as needed.


Salukis are long-muzzled greyhounds that are capable of high speeds and have thick padding on their paws to absorb shock when running.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, it was the Saluki that became the fastest dog in the world; she managed to reach the maximum performance of 68.8 km/h.

Representatives of the breed give the impression of well-mannered dogs and have a gentle character.

basic information

Breed name:Boxer
Country of origin:Germany
Time of origin of the breed:1850
Weight:30 – 35 kg
Height (height at withers):55 – 63 cm
Lifespan:8 – 10 years
ICF classification:Group 2, Section 2, Number 144
Price of puppies:130 – 1070 $
The most popular nicknames:list of boxer nicknames


Beagles, which have a strong tendency to follow where their nose leads them, are often bred for their natural hunting abilities. They need a lot of exercise and if they don't get it, they start to gain weight.

Although Beagle owners may have difficulty interacting with and training their pets, these dogs try to please their owners and are loyal to their family members.

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability (a definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)
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