Mongrel (dog): description of mongrel terriers

Representatives of the dog variety with the humorous name “yard terrier” can be found in almost every Russian yard. These animals have no pedigrees or documents; their blood has been mixed several times. Just one street dog can contain the characteristics of up to 5 different breeds, so a mongrel is a dog whose character and appearance are diverse and unusual.

Mongrel (dog): description, care, education

Mongrels are chosen by people who are not chasing titles and purebred pets, but are looking for a loyal friend and companion in a dog. A homeless street dog, who was taken from the street to a family, fed and loved, will be many times more loyal than dozens of purebred dogs. People often treat “yard terriers” with contempt. And breeders loudly insist that you should choose only purebred dogs for your family - they are more docile and predictable. However, these stereotypes mean nothing to animal lovers, and life proves that street dogs are reliable and faithful pets.

A dog that is treated with understanding and love will obey its owner unconditionally

Key facts

There is no single description of the mongrel breed. These representatives differ greatly in size, color and type of coat, as well as body structure. Under the influence of the environment, populations of mongrels with similar physiques and character traits are formed. Sometimes such traits are used by breeders to create a new breed.

The characteristics of mongrels speak of their friendliness and good nature. However, they tend to be cautious when communicating with people. They are very loyal to their owners and do well in families with small children and other pets.

The lifespan of mongrels depends entirely on their living conditions. On average, it ranges from 8 to 12 years, but there are also centenarians who live up to 20 years.

Pros and cons of mongrels compared to purebred dogs

Those who already have mongrels note:

  • very loyal, loyal to their owner until the end of their lives;
  • unique - you won’t find a similar dog;
  • they get sick a little;
  • well trained;
  • hardy and unpretentious;
  • They can cope well with the duties of service dogs and act as watchdogs.

The following disadvantages are noted:

  • sometimes they are unpredictable;
  • It is difficult to predict the adult appearance of a puppy; he may grow up unattractive, awkward and unsightly.

The unpredictability of size is a disadvantage of mongrels. When you think that you adopted a small dog, but after a while you see that a big dog has grown up. The unpredictability of a yard pet's character can also cause a lot of anxiety.

When choosing a purebred dog, you can focus on the breed's personality traits, some breeds have a calm temperament, and some do not.

My friend picked up a mongrel puppy on the street with an obvious terrier mix. The dog was very energetic, barked incessantly during walks, which displeased those around him, and calmed down only after many hours of intense walks. On the street she attacked small dogs, at home she rummaged through the garbage, and it was not possible to wean her from these outrages. She only became a little calmer in her old age, and the dog lived for 12 years.

Origin story of the mongrel

In the modern world, the appearance of mongrels has become possible due to unscrupulous owners who throw out a boring pet dog or new puppies onto the street. Left without human control, homeless representatives began to multiply rapidly.

There are frequent cases of mongrels mating with wolves or jackals. In this case, puppies are born with an aggressive and completely unpredictable character. When gathered in flocks, such individuals become a threat to people and other animals.

Nicknames for animals

Experts say that the wrong name for a dog can negatively affect the character of the animal and bring trouble to its owner. Mongrel dogs, as a rule, are not called by their original names. It is recommended that before naming your four-legged friend, first observe how the puppy behaves . It is often possible to notice any peculiarities in the behavior of an animal, and then reflect them on its name. After all, who said that a baby must have an unoriginal, hackneyed name (Sharik, Barbos, Zhuchka).

  • If your friend is distinguished by his wayward character and pride, then it would be nice to call him Lord or Baron.
  • A dog with an explosive character will proudly bear the name Vulcan.
  • A restless and fast dog will happily respond to the nickname Comet or Rocket.

A puppy with incredibly trusting eyes has the right to a sonorous and good name. Despite the fact that the dog is not purebred, it is worth choosing a beautiful and suitable nickname. After all, a four-legged family member comes to your home for more than one year. For many years, he will sincerely rejoice at your arrival, protect your property and simply delight you with his presence.

Appearance of a mongrel

General impression

Numerous photos of mongrels show the diversity of their exteriors. Therefore, despite the lack of pedigree and any noble origin, courtyard terriers are deservedly popular among dog breeders.

You can see dogs of different sizes, differing in skull shape and body structure. The coat can be of any length and thickness. There are no standards for eye color or ear shape. However, among the mongrels there are often real handsome men.


The colors of mongrels have almost no restrictions, so among outbred quadrupeds it is quite possible to find a very spectacular individual, which in appearance will not be inferior to the breed representative. However, most animals look inconspicuous. The most common colors include:

  • ginger;
  • black;
  • pale yellow;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • two- or three-color;
  • with different types of stains, specks, and scorches.

Patterns on the coat can be located on any part of the body, creating a unique pattern. Crossbreeding of yard individuals leads to the appearance of characteristic features in puppies of one area or territory. Otherwise, there is no pattern in the appearance of the mongrel.


The appearance of outbred individuals is always unique. But there is a pattern in the appearance of street dogs depending on the region and time period.

Thus, on the streets in the 50s of the last century in the Moscow region, domestic representatives predominated, in whose exterior one could discern the features of huskies and hounds. This was due to the active breeding of these breeds in nurseries in Moscow and the Moscow region.

At the end of the last century, mongrels that resembled shepherd dogs became widespread. Nowadays it is almost impossible to predict how a courtyard terrier puppy will grow up.


Mestizos are a special type of dog that cannot be classified as purebred or domestic dogs. These are animals produced from parents of different species. Crossing occurs as a result of the conscious work of breeders - or due to an oversight of the owners of the male or female.

From the appearance of a puppy born from such a union, it is difficult to understand which breed characteristics will prevail. It happens that the color or coat is characteristic of a particular individual, and sometimes a unique mixture is obtained. The following popular mestizos are found:

  • Pitsky - parents pit bull and husky;
  • Bloodsor - a cross between a Bloodhound and a Moscow Guard;
  • labrapoodle – a hybrid of a labrador and a poodle;
  • German Shar-Pei - a cross between a German Shepherd and a Shar-Pei;
  • Basset Pei - parents Basset Hound and Shar Pei;
  • Pomchi - parents of a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian.

Most mestizos do not have a name because they are found in single copies. In any case, the exterior of the pets is unique, and the owner of the mixed breed can be completely confident in the uniqueness of his pet.

Along with external features, puppies inherit the character and genetic diseases of both breeds. This can cause difficulties in their maintenance and upbringing.

Character of the mongrel

According to reviews from owners of mongrel dogs, the character of the mongrel is not at all capricious. They quickly get used to their new place of residence and new family. Pets adapt to different conditions and withstand any difficulties.

However, the death or betrayal of a beloved owner is difficult to experience. Yard Terriers become very attached to the person who feeds and pets them. Especially if this person took a stray dog ​​from the street and shows love and care towards it. Yard dogs are ready to do anything for their beloved owner and will faithfully serve him until the end of their days.

In general, the characteristic features of a mongrel are the following:

  • flexibility and devotion;
  • playfulness and sociability;
  • courage and bravery.

Experienced owners say that only East European Shepherds are more sociable than mongrels, and in playfulness, courtyard terriers are ahead of even Giant Schnauzers and Rottweilers. Outbred pets will take great pains to return a stick or ball to a person.

Mongrels get along well with other pets. Often, abandoned kittens or puppies are placed next to a nursing female, which she feeds and protects. Mutts also get along well with children: the dogs happily participate in their games and pranks.

Famous representatives

The lack of a unique breed did not prevent many mongrels from becoming real stars. Among them were the first Soviet cosmonauts Belka and Strelka , as well as many four-legged assistants who, without hesitation, threw themselves under enemy tanks with mines on their backs and transported the wounded during the Great Patriotic War.

Military dogs

Outbred but loyal pets were also mentioned in the literature. Chekhov's Kashtanka, whose fate brought millions of people around the world to tears, was also a mongrel. Eduard Asadov dedicated a very sad poem to a red mongrel dog, and Bulgakov wrote a whole story “The Heart of a Dog” about a stray dog. Obviously, the absence of titled parents does not become a serious disadvantage for a four-legged pet. These are unique animals that are distinguished by unique health, unconditional loyalty to the owner and good intelligence.

The mongrels Belka and Strelka are the first Soviet cosmonauts

Education and training

The mongrel socializes and learns quickly. But for this there must be a good example before her eyes. The owner needs to clearly demonstrate to the pet what can be done and what is strictly prohibited. The algorithm for raising and training a mongrel mongrel is similar to training purebred individuals.

Before a pet arrives in a new family, you need to prepare a place for it. There should be everything for a comfortable stay and good development of the baby. To do this, you can adapt a windproof corner with a comfortable mattress, toys and plates. If the dog is going to live in the courtyard of a private house, then it is important to prepare a warm booth, a strong chain or enclosure so that the pet does not escape.

At the beginning of training, it is necessary to ensure that the puppy remembers its name and learns basic norms of behavior. These could be prohibitions on barking too loudly, on damaging property, on excessive attention to strangers on the street.

The next stage could be the commands “To your feet!”, “You can’t!”, “Sit!”, “Paw!”, “Lie down!”. Typically, street students respond well to the exercises, easily remembering and following orders.

It is important for the owner of a mongrel to remember that the use of physical punishment during training and training is unacceptable. But any successful attempts to carry out commands, on the contrary, should be rewarded with affection or a tasty morsel.

It is important to be patient and persistent in raising a pet. The dog must be accustomed to the position of a subordinate. The owner must be an indisputable leader who resolves all conflicts not with shouts and blows, but with his authority.

It is interesting that the level of intellectual development in an adult dog almost completely corresponds to the development of a child at 3 years old. The Yard Terrier is capable of understanding up to 200 human words. In other cases, he guesses their meaning by action and voice.

Looking for a pooch? Find your pet from 19 offers As a gift

Health and illness of the mongrel

Possible diseases

Outbred individuals have a good immune system and can resist many ailments. They can withstand inclement weather and sudden temperature fluctuations, especially if they have thick fur.

Purebred pets, unlike street ones, usually come from the mating of distantly related males and females, which affects their physical health. Mongrels become more resilient over time.

Good health can also be explained by the fact that each dog contains qualities that are characteristic of different breeds. In addition, in the environment where most mongrels live, there is a strict selection process. Only the strongest survive and create offspring.

Unfortunately, Yard Terriers can have a number of diseases from the breeds with which they were crossed. Take a closer look at the dog: if he clearly shows the traits of a German shepherd, then he will have a tendency to illness, like a shepherd.

The most common ailments of mongrels include:

  • diseases of the ears, eyes, throat - mainly due to injury;
  • infectious ailments - in unvaccinated individuals;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - due to indiscriminate eating and a tendency to overeat.

Typically, puppies in infancy, older individuals and dogs with weakened immune systems encounter these diseases. All diseases in homeless animals develop rapidly and, without treatment, threaten death.

The most common disease among mongrels is distemper. Almost all dogs that live in unsanitary conditions, as well as homeless individuals, are susceptible to it.

A domesticated mongrel is recommended to receive the same preventive vaccinations and treatments against skin and intestinal parasites as for purebred individuals. Annual visits to the veterinarian for examination will also be useful for them, especially in old age.

Reproductive health

Puberty of representatives of the yard breed occurs at different times and depends on the size and physical characteristics of the pet. The larger the individual, the later the process occurs.

On average, the first estrus begins between 6 months and 1 year of age. It is recommended to carry out sterilization after 1.5 years, when the female is fully ready for reproductive functions.

Myths about "yard terriers"

A certain set of stereotypes and characteristics has formed around mongrel dogs. And some of the qualities that people who do not know them attribute to a yard dog are nothing more than myths. They were listed and refuted by the writer Denis Dudinsky in his book “The Most Famous Misconceptions about Quadrupeds.”

Myth No. 1. Insufficient mind

A few dog handlers speak contemptuously of mongrels, claiming that they are completely stupid. However, this is far from the case: yard dogs can compete in intelligence with many noble dogs. Thus, 85% of the surveyed educators of mongrel dogs confirmed that their pets are ahead of their noble fellow tribesmen in terms of intelligence.

Mutts successfully perform in circus performances along with purebred dogs

Myth No. 2. Insufficient affection

It is believed that yard dogs show less sympathy for their owner than their purebred fellow dogs. In reality, this is not so: animals choose one owner for themselves and suffer greatly if the owner has to part with the pet. Their focus on people is higher than that of terriers or “Caucasians”. However, the experience of dog handlers shows that only wayward “Caucasians” are ahead of mongrels in terms of independent behavior. This independence of behavior affects the level of devotion: for example, mongrels are still not as attached to their owner as Dobermans, Rottweilers, collies, German shepherds, and boxers.

A devoted “yard terrier” hugging his owner

Myth No. 3. Street dogs have better training abilities

Mongrels train well and quickly remember commands, but still do not have the best training abilities among other dog breeds. Denis Dudinsky, already mentioned above, compiled a rating of the 10 most trainable dogs, which looks like this:

Table 2. Top 10 most trainable dogs

1 East European Shepherd
2 Collie
3 Doberman
4 Cur
5 Giant Schnauzer
6 Rottweiler
7 German Shepherd
8 Caucasian Shepherd Dog
9 Russian Terrier
10 Boxer

Thus, yard dogs occupy only 4th place in the ranking. They can be considered capable of training, but it cannot be said that they are the best at this.

Myth No. 4. The mongrel is the kindest creature in the world

Many people associate a mongrel with the kindest dog who looks at a person with deep eyes full of devotion and would never attack his own kind. And, it’s true, most mongrels do not show strong aggression towards other animals without a breed. However, when compared with the characteristics of other breeds, it turned out that “yard terriers” behave more angrily towards other animals than East European shepherds, boxers, giant schnauzers and collies. A rating was also compiled based on the level of aggressiveness towards children. Mongrels were in 5th place, behind Caucasian and German shepherds, black terriers and Rottweilers.

Mongrels are generally peaceful towards children.

Myth No. 5. Yard dogs are bad guards

Many argue that mongrel dogs cannot be relied upon to protect your home from enemies. Experience shows that in mongrels the ability to immediately bark at an unfamiliar citizen is not well developed, as is the reaction to fussing outside the doors. The qualities necessary for a defender are less developed in the mongrel than in representatives of service breeds. Despite this, the qualities of guarding the territory and their owner are better developed in mongrels than in boxers, Dobermans and “Scots”. According to testing of yard dog owners, 23% of “yard terriers” have excellent bodyguard skills, and 47% are excellent guards of dachas, apartments or houses.

The mongrel protects his owner's property well

Features of feeding and diet

Outbred pets do not have sensitive stomachs, and therefore do not require a special menu, unlike purebred representatives. Mutts can eat different types of food: industrial and natural.

Despite this, it is necessary to ensure that the dog’s diet is balanced, especially if it sits on a natural diet. To do this, the diet must include:

  • porridge from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal;
  • lean meat and offal;
  • cottage cheese and fermented milk products;
  • raw and cooked vegetables.

The mongrel dog also eats industrial dry and wet food with pleasure. When choosing purchased products, you should give preference to super-premium and holistic foods. This will make your pet's diet completely balanced.

It is imperative to wean your pet from constantly begging for food from the owner’s table. Food from a human plate will not benefit the animal's body because it contains flavorings, salt, spices, sugar or preservatives.

Sweets and chocolate are strictly prohibited for dogs. Their consumption destroys teeth and provokes diabetes. You cannot offer dogs tubular bones, river fish, berries and fruits. Baking is also strictly contraindicated.

"Yard Terrier": benefits for humans

Dog service specialists claim that mongrels are inferior to their noble brothers in discipline and keenness of smell. Despite this, “yard terriers” can be of great benefit to humans. For example:

  • they show themselves well as search dogs for searching for drugs, missing things or a person;

Mongrel - search dog

  • are excellent dedicated guards, ready to protect their person in any situation;
  • As guards, many breeds of service dogs are passed ahead, but boxers and “Scots” are ahead of them.

Owners who expect their pet to perform narrowly focused tasks are still advised to give preference to purebred service dogs. However, outbred specimens show themselves no less successfully in the service of humans.

Mongrel bitches that have whelped are often used as nurses for orphaned babies of other animals.

Care and maintenance

Keeping and caring for a mongrel is not difficult. But a pet picked up on the street definitely needs to be examined by a veterinarian. After examination by a doctor, the animal is vaccinated, its fur and skin are treated against fleas and ticks, and it is thoroughly washed.

For a pet in an apartment or private house, determine a place that is located away from the radiator and window. Your pet should have toys, dishes for water and food, and equipment for walking and grooming.

For mongrels, procedures standard for all dogs are carried out. Short hair is brushed weekly with a special brush with metal teeth. For soft, medium to long coats, use a long-tooth comb. If your pet's hair is coarse, then it still needs to be cut or trimmed.

Teeth are brushed once a week using a special toothpaste. It will help prevent the appearance of yellow plaque, which causes tooth decay and gum problems.

The ears are cleaned at least once a week by wiping them with a cotton pad. It is moistened with ordinary warm water or Vaseline oil. If your ears are very dirty, you can use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide.

The eyes should be examined every day and wiped with a damp cloth or cotton pad. If the claws do not have time to grind down, then they are trimmed with special nail clippers.

Mutts do not need to be bathed often. 3-4 procedures per year will be enough for them. For washing, use warm water and special shampoos for dogs. After bathing, the pet must be dried and thoroughly combed.

Mongrels can be kept in an apartment or in a country house. This completely depends on their size and coat type. Some dogs can live outside in equipped enclosures.

Mongrels are energetic and active individuals, so they need walks. Especially for dogs living in an apartment. You should walk with the animal at least 2 times a day. Walking should combine jogging and games so that the pet can throw out pent-up energy.

For walks you will need a leash, and large mongrels will need a muzzle. After walking, it is important to accustom the dog to wiping with a damp cloth or washing its paws.

How to raise a mongrel dog

The nuances of education depend on the age of the dog. It is almost impossible to retrain an adult animal, so you will have to come to terms with most of its habits and shortcomings. A puppy is a blank slate. You can raise him to be anything: a guard, a family companion, a hunter, etc.

Toilet training

Puppies are first forced to relieve themselves in the same place. This is done using diapers or newspapers. The animal's territory is limited. First, cover the entire floor, then, as training progresses, reduce the number of newspapers or diapers. With the help of positive reinforcement, praise and treats, the owner encourages the puppy to relieve himself in the right place.

If the dog is stubborn, you need to walk him until he is forced to relieve himself outside, and then praise him

They try to take adolescent and adult dogs outside every 2-3 hours. You can be severely reprimanded for making puddles and heaps at home if you are caught in the act. For relieving yourself outdoors, you need to praise and give your companion treats. Over time, the pet will get used to this state of affairs.


Mongrels are trained in the same way as any other dogs: they are gently forced to perform the desired action, then a command is given and the animal is praised. If your companion doesn't like being forced, you may have to wait for the right moment. For example, when he lies down himself.

Suppression of aggression

To prevent the animal from behaving aggressively, you need to properly organize its place. Buy him a mattress, a bed or an enclosed house. This will make him feel safe. The dog should always have a personal refuge - an area where it cannot be touched. This helps relieve stress and prevent attacks of aggression.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Mutt puppies are usually purchased at poultry markets or selected online. Sometimes they are brought from the street or taken from friends. In order for the arrival of a new pet in the family to become a happy event, when choosing it, it is better to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Inspect the place where the dog lives. If the place is dirty and unsanitary, your pet may have serious health problems.
  2. Assess the puppy's external characteristics. The baby's eyes should be clean, without purulent discharge, his nose should be moist, and his stomach should have no signs of bloating. There should be no traces of fleas or lice on the coat.
  3. Monitor the dog's behavior. If a puppy shakes at the sight of a person and hides in a corner or runs away, then there will most likely be problems with his socialization.

Mongrel dogs that attack any stranger and try to grab his clothes are unlikely to be re-educated. You need to choose a dog as a family friend who greets a person in a friendly, albeit cautious, manner.

After just a couple of minutes of communication, such a puppy will approach a person and allow himself to be petted. He will wag his tail and lick his hands. Such an individual has an adequate psyche and will become an excellent friend.

How much do mongrels cost?

A mongrel can be picked up from the street or from its owners completely free of charge - or the price of a mongrel can be symbolic. This positive aspect for many dog ​​lovers is the main one when choosing a pet.

Often, owners of yard terriers are willing to pay the future owner to adopt a puppy. They often give away his things along with the dog: toys, leash, collar. Therefore, a person always has the opportunity to make a mongrel animal happy by giving him a home and a loving family.

But you need to take into account that you will still need money for the dog. Vaccinations, personal items (toys, bedding, leash and collar), food - all this will be necessary. Moreover, the larger the dog, the more expenses it costs. Therefore, it cannot be said that the mongrel is an absolutely free animal.

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Creative names

It seems that a nickname can be come up with a simple letter search. Sometimes completely unexpected words come to mind. But if such a name sounds harmonious, then it will be quite suitable for your pet.

  • Hera;
  • Alpina;
  • Manny;
  • Cookies;
  • Kodiak;
  • Izzy;
  • Malibu;
  • Spirit;
  • Muffy;
  • Quinn;
  • Meiko;
  • Angus;
  • Sky;
  • Frost;
  • Darwin;
  • Amigo;
  • Scout;
  • Gamma;
  • Yeti;
  • Lupine;
  • Sherry;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Stark;
  • Albus;
  • Xenon;
  • Zarra.

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Zigzag is a very smiling dog

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