Let's find out if it's possible to cut a Pomeranian haircut short

The Spitz is one of the most unique breeds among dogs. They are sweet, friendly and charming. Animals serve as home decoration and bring joy to children, as they look like soft plush toys.

To preserve all the beauty of dogs, you will have to devote a lot of time to caring for them. They require constant brushing as they have quite thick fur. Many owners, trying to ease their lot and the life of their animal in the warm season, decide to get a short haircut. And few people know what consequences this can lead to.

What is a "Boo" hairstyle?

The fashion for this haircut was given by the owner of a Pomeranian named Boo. This dog has become the idol of most social network users. This haircut makes the animal unrecognizable.

What kind of haircut is this? After it, the dog becomes like a teddy bear. Professionals carefully shape the dog's head. It turns out to be a round ball with small protruding ears. The hair on the body and legs is cut as short as possible.

Attention! This haircut gives the animal a cute look, but it is worth remembering that short hairstyles are very dangerous for them. The dog owner takes on great responsibility when choosing this type of haircut.


Pomeranian Spitz puppies have short, smooth hair at birth. After two to three weeks, fluff will form, after eight weeks the undercoat will appear, and the collar will begin to peck. The puppy will become a fluffy ball at two to four months of age. During this period, the first, most thorough, molt begins. The fluff is replaced by short undercoat and guard hairs.

The first molt lasts about six months. Further, the volume of wool constantly increases, and this continues until the age of two or three years. Shedding is no longer so strong, it occurs twice a year, with a gradual replacement of fur. By the age of three, the coat is fully formed. From the age of three, Pomeranians do not shed too noticeably, with girls twice a year and boys once.

Why not?

If you, despite the advice of experts, still decide to cut your pet’s hair short, then you may encounter many problems. It’s not for nothing that your pets are naturally given such rich fur.

What will happen?

Here are some of the most common problems that may arise after cutting your pet's hair short.

A dense coat helps a dog regulate body heat. Protects her from hypothermia and heat. By losing it, your pet becomes defenseless against heat, moisture and cold.

When a dog undergoes short haircuts, he loses guard hairs . All that remains is the undercoat, which will very often and quickly fall into one lump, which will give the Spitz a not very well-groomed appearance. Such wool will get dirty quickly and constantly, so it has lost its protection. Be prepared to constantly bathe your dog.

The Pomeranian's exposed skin will be exposed to ultraviolet rays. Even heat stroke, burns, etc. . And this will take a very long time to treat and will be expensive.

Heat stroke will have the following effects on your dog: lethargy, possibly seizures and fainting. Take precautions by allowing your dog to be in the shade to avoid the negative effects of the sun.

You will have to thoroughly comb your pet .

The floor of an apartment, house, or any home will be strewn with small hairs .

If you decide to give up short hair and decide to regrow your dog's hair, it will take a long time. In most cases, you have to wait out several molting cycles . This takes about two years. But there is also a danger that the wool will not return to its original appearance.

Short-haired Spitz dogs become a delicacy for mosquitoes, midges and other blood-sucking creatures . Their bites can cause allergic reactions in dogs.

The worst outcome of constant short haircuts is mechanical alopecia . It will take a long period of time to recover from baldness.

Before subjecting animals to such a test. Weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps a couple of months of beauty will cost you years of treatment and recovery.

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Safe short haircuts

Let's figure out why you need to cut your Spitz haircut. A haircut is necessary to give them a neat look. To do this, it is enough to give the ears a shape, remove excess hair on the paws, sticking out hair on the withers or in another place can be carefully plucked.

Do not cut your dog's head under any circumstances if you suddenly decide that it will be hot in the summer due to such an abundance of hair.

It is not recommended to cut Spitz dogs short, even for exhibitions. But if for some justified reasons you still need a haircut, try to do everything according to the advice of experts:

  • Hair should be done only after shedding has finished. Carefully comb out any remaining fur.
  • Cut with scissors and leave a length of at least 1.5 cm.
  • To restore hair follicles, you need to carry out various procedures: make therapeutic masks, body wraps.
  • After bathing, dry your dog with cool air. Treat wool with antistatic agent.

Many people are chasing fashion and take their pet to the hairdresser to have it cut as short as possible.
Avoid this in favor of your Pomeranian's health. If you think that he will be hot in the summer, then here are some tips on how to alleviate your pet’s condition:

  • If you live outside the city, your dog can hide from the heat in the shade of trees. They also like to sleep on tiles, or you can purchase a cooling mat.
  • Provide your dog with clean, cool water.
  • Brush and comb your pet regularly. This will ensure better air circulation.
  • Let your dog rest in the heat. Move all physical activity and walks to the morning or evening.
  • If there is a body of water nearby, you can take walks to it so that the dog can swim.
  • You can treat your Spitz to cold or frozen treats and toys.

Caring procedures

Grooming involves such caring procedures as combing, cleaning ears and teeth, bathing, trimming nails, and preventive hairstyles. They can be carried out both at home and in specialized salons.

You don’t need to brush your pet too often; a few times a week will be enough. Frequent brushing causes loss of the undercoat, and with it the fluffiness may also disappear. It is best to comb your hair with a soft brush that does not tear the hairs, but gently massages the skin without causing scratches. Combing can go in any direction, the main thing is that the comb moves against the fur. This method helps to straighten the guard hair. Particular attention is paid to the ears, armpits and groin. There the wool is especially soft and therefore gets matted. You can also get rid of them using small scissors.


In the photo below you can see a relatively safe hairstyle for a Pomeranian. But let us remind you that it is better to consult with a specialist before making a decision.

Grooming loans

Grooming involves such caring procedures as combing, cleaning ears and teeth, bathing, trimming nails, and preventive hairstyles. They can be carried out both at home and in specialized salons.

You don’t need to brush your pet too often; a few times a week will be enough. Frequent brushing causes loss of the undercoat, and with it the fluffiness may also disappear. It is best to comb your hair with a soft brush that does not tear the hairs, but gently massages the skin without causing scratches. Combing can go in any direction, the main thing is that the comb moves against the fur.

With a machine or just with scissors?

To create a hairstyle, professionals mainly use scissors; a machine is only needed for minor adjustments in some places. But, if there are no other options, and you only have a machine at hand, then use only the largest nozzle.

Keep in mind that a regular human clipper is not suitable for grooming a dog, as the animal's hair is coarser. You need a special dog clipper.

Attention! You should not cut your dog's hair shorter than 1.5 cm.

Spitz coat care

With proper care, the dog always looks combed. What rules should be followed when leaving? The coat of this breed forms very few tangles - mainly behind the ears and, much less often, between the toes. This does not mean at all that you should let everything take its course and not care for her. You should comb it carefully, about once or twice a week, not only along the coat, but much more often against its growth, that is, in the direction from the tail to the head. To do this, use a brush and an iron comb with rare teeth.

The undercoat should be combed only during the molting period, otherwise the guard hairs will lose stability and support. It is not recommended to wash your dog frequently. They bathe when they are very dirty or before shows, in other cases they simply wipe their paws after a walk and brush against the growth of the fur.

During the molting period, you should not bathe your Spitz - its fur may become matted and difficult to comb. Before washing, you need to comb the wool well, and after washing, wring it out. Then let the dog shake himself off, dry him with a towel and start drying with a hairdryer.

Treatment of consequences

Why doesn't wool grow?

Many owners of this beautiful decorative dog breed notice that over time, after constant short haircuts, spots appear on its skin, as if it is going bald. And such doubts are indeed justified. Alopecia or baldness can be caused by several factors:

  • allergy;
  • effects of toxic or irritating substances;
  • parasites or fleas;
  • hormonal imbalance.

It is very easy to see the manifestations of this disease; the animal’s hair begins to fall out. This may happen suddenly or gradually. Baldness can be accompanied by unpleasant itching.

Reference! Alopecia in dogs is not an independent disease; there is always a reason for its appearance.

How to recover?

If you are sure that the dog does not suffer from any diseases that could cause hair loss, then this is mechanical alopecia. Baldness is always treated based on the reasons that cause it.

The veterinarian selects a course of medications. In the case of mechanical alopecia, the owner of the affected dog will only have to wait:

  • give up short haircuts;
  • give the dog time.

She will need six months at best. If the case is extremely severe, it will take up to two years to grow new hair.

Features of grooming

Up to 3 months inclusive, the coat of Spitz puppies is not completely formed. Until this age, dogs are only taught to handle hands by gently combing their fur, cleaning their ears and trimming their nails. At the age of 3.5 months, the first molt occurs. From this moment, it is already possible to give a rounded “cat” shape to the hair on the paws and trim the hairs on the ears.

At 11 - 12 months, the dog's body and coat are finally formed. During the same period of time there is a second moult, after which you can do any model haircuts.

Pomeranians have very sensitive skin. Therefore, you should not shave your dog's head - this can cause baldness.

Spitz grooming: guarantees for a successful procedure, why you should contact us

We allow only qualified employees to work with dogs who sincerely love animals and do not show any aggression towards them.

Thanks to this, the dogs behave well and, moreover, enjoy the process of making themselves beautiful.
Also, all of our professional technicians have the talent necessary to work with animals, which allows them to find contact with even the most vicious dog. Have you decided to get a haircut after or before visiting the veterinarian? No problem! Now you don’t have to go to a specialist in advance or go to another place. All your worries can be easily eliminated in one place, as if by magic. Remember that a groomer's haircut for a Spitz is not a whim, but a necessity that will allow your friend to look beautiful and well-groomed. Moreover, even the most unfriendly dogs become much kinder and more affectionate after such services. We are sure that even the most economical owners, having turned to hairdressers for help at least once, will no longer want to cut their dog’s hair on their own, because this is not a simple process, it requires complete patience and deep love for the pet. It is recommended to groom your pet at least once every 3 months. This will prevent his fur from matting and falling into disrepair. Ideally, a Spitz should be as fluffy as a cloud .
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Choosing a Groomer

Not only the quality of the haircut, but also the pet’s well-being after the procedure depends on the professionalism of the groomer. A master of his craft, he knows how to connect with animals and understands cosmetics and care products. He is also always ready to give advice on choosing good food and vitamin complexes to keep your pet's coat healthy and shiny. The following 5 parameters will help you distinguish a professional from an amateur.

  1. Be sure to read customer reviews of the grooming salon before bringing your dog there. The best solution would be to find other Pomeranian owners on the forums and ask who they prefer to groom their pet.
  2. Knowledge of the breed and its characteristics. A good groomer knows how to cut dogs of a wide variety of breeds, but most specialists have a rather narrow specialization, aimed at the bulk of clients. For example, for grooming Yorkshire terriers. Ask the master if he has experience working with a Pomeranian Spitz - a professional will not take on a dog whose breed characteristics are unfamiliar to him.
  3. Tools . A good groomer's workplace always looks neat, and his tools are high-quality and durable . Even if the master works at home or at a veterinary clinic, his equipment must be in good working order and kept clean. Rusty scissors or a wobbly cutting table are a good reason to find another specialist.
  4. Contact with animals. For most dogs, getting a haircut is very stressful, especially if the procedure is unusual and the salon is unfamiliar. Whether your pet will feel comfortable in his hands or not depends on how well the groomer knows how to connect with animals. Do not leave your dog alone during the procedure immediately. Attend the process of introducing a specialist to your pet - everything will become clear to you right away. Rough handling of the animal - grabbing the scruff or paws is unacceptable! If you witness such behavior from staff, immediately remove the animal from the salon and notify the management of the establishment.
  5. Professional growth. A professional groomer must have diplomas and certificates confirming his attendance at courses and master classes. If the chosen groomer is constantly improving his skills and testing new products in his field, you have made a good choice.

And finally, selection of photos by topic.

Some useful tips

  1. If you are preparing your pet for an exhibition, it is better to contact a groomer - this is the name of an animal hairdresser.
  2. For haircuts at home, you need two types of scissors: thinning scissors for cutting hair that is too long and scissors with blunt ends, designed to remove excess hair on the ears, paws, and near the anus. This haircut should be done regularly, then the pet will always have a neat appearance.
  3. You will need two types of metal combs - with frequent and rare teeth, as well as a massage brush with long metal teeth.
  4. During the hot summer, some owners cut their pets' hair too short. One of the popular haircuts is considered to be the “puppy” version - the pet is cut evenly, with a fur length of one and a half to two centimeters. But professionals do not advise cutting your hair so short.
  5. It should be borne in mind that wool protects the dog not only from cold, but also from overheating. After a haircut, it takes a long time to grow back, and the dog’s color may change.
  6. Recently, the Boo haircut has been popular, after which the Spitz resembles a teddy bear, but for dogs it is not useful, but harmful. The guard hairs that hold the undercoat are trimmed. After growth, the fur will have tangles. A sharp shortening of the coat leads to a loss of thermal insulation, making the Spitz defenseless against cold, heat and moisture. Dirt sticks to the undercoat. It takes a long time to restore the fur, sometimes up to two years.

To summarize, I would like to say: you need to trim your Pomeranian Spitz, but do not overdo it. It is enough to remove all excess and unnecessary hair that interferes with the functioning of the dog and makes its silhouette unaesthetic.

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What is the danger?

The problems of Pomeranian owners begin with the desire to shave their pet like an adorable bear. These problems can harm the baby and haunt him throughout his life.

The first haircut can ruin your fur for life.

Many novice dog lovers want to cut their pet this way because Boo is a modern trend, not realizing that just one haircut is not enough. In 99% of cases, it will be impossible to restore your pet’s fur, even if it was shaved once. As a result, the baby will have to walk like this for the rest of his life.

The final stage is hygienic

Dog hygiene includes keeping the ears and fur around them, paws and claws in excellent condition, as well as the areas around the anus and genitals. This is the final stage of any Pomeranian haircut or a necessity before the exhibition. And also in any other case when the dog needs to look attractive. In addition, trimming the hair between the paws creates a correct arch, which is beneficial for health, as is plucking the hair inside the ears.

If you rarely go to the salon, then keep an eye on this at home, not forgetting to carefully edge important areas of the skin. For the procedure, be sure to have scissors with blunt ends. It is important to take a few steps and your beauty will look luxurious:

  • Use hairdressing scissors to carefully trim the hair between the dog's toe pads - this is necessary to form and maintain proper walking and remove microbes that often gather there. It is advisable to cut off a lot of wool.
  • Stray hair on the ears is neatly trimmed. The process gives it a slightly rounded shape. The hairs inside are plucked out - this also prevents germs and gives your dog a beautiful appearance.
  • Trim the fur around the anus as carefully as possible, moving the scissors from the center in different directions. In this case, special attention should be paid to the area under the tail. Trim it so that the tail lies beautifully on the back - this is what people pay attention to at shows, and in everyday life there is no need for excess hair either.

About the shorn Pomeranian Spitz. Types of haircuts at home and in the salon

If you are the owner of an adorable Pomeranian, your goal is to keep your dog's coat in excellent condition. To do this, you need to feed the dog properly and care for its coat thoroughly. A cut Pomeranian can look different, depending on what it is done for.

It is better to entrust an exhibition haircut to a dog hairdresser - groomer. And other types of haircuts can be done at home. Today we will look at the features of wool, haircuts, and their varieties. You will learn when it is better to cut your hair, what tools are useful for cutting and combing, and what subtleties professionals adhere to in their work.

Grooming a Spitz like a bear, how to prepare a dog for a haircut at the groomer

It's no secret that grooming in an unfamiliar place is always stressful for an animal.

and therefore it must be prepared in advance for this event.
If you have a hair clipper at home, buzz it in the air and show your pet that it’s not scary at all. Talk to your client calmly and kindly. Show your dog that you are there at such an exciting and scary moment for your pet. Find out in advance how much it costs to groom Spitz dogs in your city. I would like to say right away that the dog hairdresser at our clinic “YA-VET” has the most attractive prices and without sacrificing quality. You can find out how much it costs to groom a Spitz by calling the number provided on the website. You also need to make an appointment in advance so that the Spitz groomer is available and you don’t have to take your dog home. After finishing grooming your Spitz, it is recommended to give your pet a treat, because he deserves it. Just don't give us unhealthy sweets, fried meat or other foods, please. Specialized dog treats for sale. Otherwise, you will have to spend a long time treating your dog for indigestion.

Why is cutting a Spitz haircut at a hairdresser's in a veterinary grooming center of particular interest?

Currently, a real cult is being made of dog beauty, as a result of which, like mushrooms after rain, all sorts of establishments appear where they will put your friend in order. Often there are outright charlatans there who only want to line their pockets. However, the grooming center at the veterinary employs real professionals who are ready to help any furry baby look well-groomed. Polite, attentive staff who really love animals will please not only the owner, but also the dog, because they feel and understand everything. And if the animal gains confidence in the master, then it is quite possible that you will become our regular client. Grooming a Pomeranian doesn't cost as much as you might think, but the results will be fantastic.


Spitz cut Pomeranian Spitz will give the Spitz the skin of the Spitz will be short Spitz become cut Spitz. short Spitz even about dogs wash the dog feed the dog among dogs. her dog becomes the head of the dog. The owner of the dog takes the dog to help regulate When the dog is subjected to bathing the dog. Breeds Primitive breeds Decorative breeds unique breeds among decorative dog breeds decorative breed created Dog breeds Cat breeds


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