When can you start trimming a dachshund puppy’s nails and what is needed to carry out the procedure at home?

The dachshund is a hunting breed of dog that has gained popularity not only among hunters, but also among ordinary dog ​​breeders.

In the modern world, a dachshund is more of a decorative dog, a companion, a friend, a pet.

Its distinctive features are curiosity, energy, positivity and devotion to its owner.

Characteristic features of appearance are an elongated elongated body, short legs and a sharp muzzle.

The height at the withers of dachshunds is 20-23 cm, weight 7-15 kg, life expectancy 12-15 years.

Do I need to trim my nails?

The answer is clear - yes . And above all, this is necessary for the health of the dog. After all, too long claws can lead to serious injury.

For example, a dog can pull out a claw by accidentally getting caught on something, injure its owner or injure itself. Also, long claws interfere with walking, harden, bend, grow into soft tissues and create many other problems.

In addition, if a dachshund’s claws are never trimmed, then it may develop incorrect paw placement, which leads to dislocations and deformities..

My dog ​​broke a nail at the root, what should I do? How to stop a dog's nail from bleeding?

If a dog breaks a claw under unfavorable conditions and begins to limp, immediately check the integrity of the claws.

Follow the procedure step by step:

  • Gently hold your pet's paw. Examine it and hold the dog close to you so that it feels your support.
  • If bleeding occurs, wrap the paw with a bandage or towel to provide pressure.
  • If the bleeding does not stop for more than ten minutes, then use a special pencil.
  • Next, remove the broken claw using scissors. Cutting is painful, but will result in rapid growth of a new nail.
  • The root should be treated with an antibiotic to avoid infection and minimize bleeding.


At what age can you start?

If the breeder has never trimmed the puppy’s nails, then try to accustom the baby to cutting his nails literally from the first days of his stay in your home.

If you have acquired a 2-month-old baby, then it is quite possible to accustom him to this procedure . After all, the sooner you start, the easier it will be for you in the future, since the pet will not be afraid and nervous.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Experienced breeders try to start trimming puppies’ nails as early as possible, from about 1.5 to 2 weeks of age. This is necessary so that the baby does not scratch the mother’s mammary glands and she does not refuse to feed. Sometimes, such a haircut is a matter of survival of the whole litter. And since puppies’ nails grow quickly, they are trimmed at least once every 2 weeks. For an adult dachshund, one haircut per month will be enough.”

What to do when the animal is not given?

Pets have different temperaments. There are aggressive and nervous cats. They are unlikely to allow their nails to be trimmed in peace. Most likely, the animal will scratch, bite, and break out.

If the cat does not give in, you cannot show force: this can injure its paws. It is advisable to perform the procedure by two people: one holds, the other trims the claws. You can also swaddle your pet or wrap it in a blanket.

If he is very nervous, it is better to refuse the event and do it when the animal is more pliable and balanced.

How often should the procedure be performed?

The frequency of nail trimming depends on the conditions in which the dog lives. If your pet lives in the city and walks along the asphalt sidewalk every day, then you will trim its nails less often.

If you live outside the city, you will have to do this more often..

After all, when walking on a soft earthen surface, the claws do not wear down and can grow to serious sizes, and this is fraught with consequences.

Generally speaking, an adult dachshund's nails should be trimmed once every 3-4 weeks..

How can you tell when it's time for a haircut? By the characteristic sound of claws on the floor. As soon as you hear a clattering noise, you know it’s time to trim your nails.

Why you shouldn’t do onychotomy

Many owners, tired of problems with damaged furniture and torn walls, decide to take radical measures - onychectomy. There is definitely no need to do this!

Surgical intervention involving complete declawing is possible only for medical reasons, and not to satisfy the wishes and whims of the cat owner. “Soft paws” can solve the problem of property damage, but deprive the pet of natural protection and the necessary skills for living in a normal environment. They certainly make him flawed and cause irreparable harm to the psyche.

Even with positive results of the operation, after recovery, the pet will never be the same as before. Knowing this, it’s worth thinking: should you decide or not?

Fluffy four-legged pets decorate human life, but require care and attention. They have their own reflexes, natural instincts, which owners do not always like. When finally deciding to get a cat, it is important to remember: this is not a toy, but a living creature!

How are claws arranged?

A dog's claw is conventionally divided into two parts - the outer (horny) and the inner (living). In the inner part of the claw there is a pulp (a collection of blood vessels and nerve endings).

If you trim the claw incorrectly, you can hurt the pulp . If this happens, the dog will bleed and the pet will feel pain. It is for this reason that haircuts must be done very carefully.

If the dog's claws are light, then the pulp is clearly visible. In this case, you need to trim it at a distance of 1-2 mm from the living part of the claw.

If the claw is dark, then you will not see the pulp; in this case, try to trim only the very tip.

First aid

Even experienced dog owners can injure themselves when trimming their nails. The reasons may be different: sharp sounds, dull blades on tools, anxiety of the pet. It is always important to remain calm, calm your pet, and treat the wound.

Pulp cut

Trimming your dog's nails too short can significantly increase the risk of damage to the dog's pulp and blood vessels. In the event of such an injury, all measures should be taken immediately to stop the bleeding. You should also remember that you need to calm your pet, because when he feels pain, he will break free and run away.

You should try to distract your pet with a toy or treat. You should not scold the animal - this will only worsen the panic. Next, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to use alcohol-containing solutions: they will cause a burning sensation and increase pain.

In pharmacies there is a huge selection of antiseptic powders that relieve discomfort and cope well with many injuries during nail care. Experienced veterinarians advise having such a remedy in your pet’s first aid kit.

Claw detonation

Such an injury can occur in the event of incorrect and uncertain actions of the dog owner. If you squeeze the cutting tool weakly and jerk sharply at the moment of cutting, this will certainly lead to the claw being undermined. This will cause severe pain and fear in the dog, and will also be a great shock for the owner. But you should pull yourself together and not give in to panic and immediately begin providing first aid:

  • do not shout at the animal and try to keep the pet in place;
  • You should bandage the injured limb with a tourniquet or bandage and lift it up to stop the bleeding;
  • apply ice to the injured finger. Any frozen food or ice pack will do;
  • be sure to treat the wound with lidocaine or novocaine to relieve pain;
  • if the damage is too severe, you should consult a veterinarian, as the wound may need to be sutured;
  • When transporting to the clinic, you should keep the paw cold, but it is important to ensure that frostbite does not occur to the limb.

What is required for a haircut at home?

A set of necessary tools:

  1. Hemostatic agent. This could be flour, baby powder, or hydrogen peroxide in case you hit a live part of the nail and your dog bleeds.
  2. A nail file is needed to remove irregularities, sharp corners and nicks after cutting.
  3. It is better to purchase a special nail clipper at a pet store or grooming salon.
  4. Cotton pads.
  5. Pet treat. Be sure to reward him if he behaved well during the procedure.


Under no circumstances cut your dog’s nails with regular scissors, otherwise you will not only injure him, but also scare him.

Then cutting will become a real problem.

Nail fungus in dogs: treatment

  • Detection and treatment of fungus in dogs should be timely.
  • One of the popular methods of treating fungus is vaccinations.
  • But the main factor in treating fungus is the breed of the dog.
  • The use of antifungal drugs is popular.
  • To reduce the likelihood of fungus developing in your dog, you should provide it with proper care and nutrition.
  • Strictly observe the necessary hygiene rules.
  • If you still observe the first signs of fungus in your dog, immediately contact a specialist.

Basic Rules

To properly trim your dog's nails, follow these rules::

  • Even if your pet walks on asphalt every day, nail trimming is still necessary, especially if the dog has an accessory digit.
  • Don’t skimp on a nail clipper; choose not only the most expensive, but also the most convenient device. The main criterion is a comfortable handle and a sharp blade.
  • If you do not have experience, do not try to trim your dog’s nails in one go, spread out the procedure over several passes.
  • The best time to trim your dog's nails is after bathing. Warm water will relax your pet, and the claws will be easier to cut.
  • If hair interferes with trimming nails, be sure to trim it. Otherwise, you will not see what you are doing, which means there will be a risk of injury to the dog.

If you do not have experience, it is better to carry out the first procedure in a salon . An experienced specialist will not only show you how to trim your nails correctly, but will also give you the necessary recommendations.

Veterinarian services and their costs

Each clinic has its own price and it consists of many factors:

Dimensions of the dog

If the dog is large, the work will cost more than treating the nails of a small dog. For example, in Moscow, the average cost of cutting nails for a small dog varies from 250 rubles. For dogs of large breeds you will have to double the amount.

Region of procedures

Pricing is influenced by region. In the provinces, services cost less than in the capital. But it’s unlikely that anyone will take their pet far for nail trimming, so the choice will fall to the nearest clinic. It is worth analyzing prices in several places and choosing the most suitable one.

Ancillary services

If, while trimming nails, the service of trimming the hair around the fingers is also used, the cost may increase significantly.

If the pet resists and comes to calm it without the help of the owner, the price increases by 50%

In any case, before contacting any veterinary clinic, you should carefully study customer reviews about it.

How to use a nail clipper correctly?

Stages of nail trimming:

  1. Take care of the lighting. The room where you perform the procedure should be well lit.
  2. Reassure the animal as much as possible; it should be in a calm and peaceful state.
  3. Since the dachshund is a small breed, it is better to place it on a table or sit it on your lap.
  4. If your dog is nervous, ask someone in your household to help you.
  5. Start trimming from the hind legs as they are less sensitive.
  6. When carrying out the procedure, try to hold the paw as carefully as possible and do not squeeze the dog’s fingers.
  7. Hold your pet's finger, gently press on it and begin trimming. Hold your paw firmly, but not rigidly.
  8. Grip the tip of the nail in the nail clipper and trim in one motion. Accuracy, dexterity and sharpness of the tool are important here. If the dog is calm, continue cutting; if not, try to calm the pet down, and only then return to the procedure. You may even have to put off cutting your hair for a while. Don't let this scare you, even if you cut one nail a day, nothing bad will happen. But the dog will get used to it and you will be able to do it faster over time.
  9. If you have no experience and are afraid of injuring your dog, trim the nail in sections. First, cut the very tip, then again and again, until a gray or pink “live” area appears. Do not try to cut off as much of the claw as possible right away.
  10. Another way to determine the length of the claw to be trimmed is to take a small flashlight, shine a light through the claw and you will definitely see a blood vessel.
  11. After all the nails are trimmed, take a nail file and file away all the nicks and sharp corners so that the dog does not get injured or experience discomfort.
  12. If everything went smoothly, give your pet a treat, praise it, and pay more attention. This way, the haircut procedure will be etched in her memory as a positive event and this will make your task easier in the future.

Just because your dog's nails are overgrown doesn't mean you can cut off most of them . After all, the pulp extends along with the claw. Be careful not to injure the dog!

Features of the technology

In this way, you can trim your puppy’s nails with your own hands. This procedure is technologically relatively simple. However, the animal should, of course, be prepared for such an operation. First, the puppy must be gradually accustomed to the sound of scissors. Otherwise, when cutting, he may get scared and twitch, which will lead to injury.

The character of dogs depends primarily on their breed. Some puppies are easy-going, while others are stubborn. In the latter case, before grooming, for the procedure to be successful, the puppy will most likely have to be groomed first. The best argument for the need for such an operation for a dog would be, for example, a high-quality treat after each claw removed.

Actually, the haircut itself is best done with an assistant. While the owner trims the claws, someone should hold the puppy. Of course, it is worth taking as an assistant a person whom the dog knows and trusts.

A puppy's haircut should only be associated with good emotions. Of course, you should never yell at a dog, much less hit it. When declawing your puppy, you should support him with gentle words and calm him down if he is worried.

After finishing the grooming, the puppy should be praised. This will encourage calm behavior during subsequent declawing procedures.

General information

Of course, very young puppies do not have problems with claws, but from the age of three weeks it is worth keeping an eye on their paws for thin claws that can injure the bitch herself when feeding the puppies, as well as harm the puppy and his littermates in games. .

There are a number of reasons why dogs have their nails trimmed at any age:

Claws that have not yet hardened, but are already sharp, can damage things or scratch you while playing with the puppy. Of course, there is no need to scold the puppy for this, because it is not the baby’s fault that his claws are not treated in a timely manner, because a dog is not a cat, it does not know how to extend its claws and deliberately harm things and people in this way.

All these reasons arise because puppies do not go outside for a long time due to vaccination quarantine, which means they do not have time to grind down their first grown claws.

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