All about the Shih Tzu dog breed: a detailed guide to selection and care for novice dog breeders

You can hear about her: chrysanthemum dog, little lion, the furriest dog, the emperor's favorite. And all this is about one breed – Shih Tzu! Of course, all the names sound beautiful... But you don’t need to pay much attention to them when you choose a dog. You choose your friend, not your decoration. When planning to have a new family member, you need to find out everything about him in advance in order to avoid problems in the future. The article describes a popular and expensive breed - Shih Tzu. The history of the breed is described, what its standards are according to RKF documents. Contains sections on the care, maintenance, and nutrition of dogs. You should pay attention to the characteristics and problems of the breed, as well as comparisons with other breeds and read reviews from owners describing the shortcomings, character, pros and cons of the Shitzu breed, and how to cut them at home!

Complicated story

The origin of this breed is a truly complicated story. There is still no consensus on where the breed came from and who its closest relatives are. There are several assumptions about this.

The first version says that Shih Tzus appeared in Europe. They were used as herding, hunting and guard dogs. Around the 7th century, the breed was transported to Asia.

The second version insists that the breed was bred in Tibet. This breed attracted the Dalai Lama, who went everywhere with the dog. According to legend, this dog could turn into a lion to protect its owner. The Dalai Lama gave several Shih Tzu dogs to the Chinese Emperor. In China, only the emperor could breed and keep these dogs, so they became a symbol of power.

Read on and admire the photos of the breed and find out the price of dogs!

Learning ability

Shih Tzu dog decoration. She adorns the world with her presence. His charm and devotion are enough to already win the love of her owner. This breed is not intended for duty, following commands or performing tricks. She is aristocratic and graceful.

The Shih Tzu will be happy to walk with you and will not leave a single step. She understands you when you call her. I always don't mind chatting with you. He won't let a stranger in right away. The dog is smart, which compensates for the rating of 1 out of 5 points. It’s not so much about training her as simply establishing a good relationship with her.

Shih Tzu: description of the dog breed with photos, what kind of character, reviews

Attitude towards children

If upbringing is carried out correctly, then this dog will become a dear friend for kids too. The dog is capable of being very patient with children's carelessness. But the child should also be taught that an animal is not a teddy bear that doesn’t feel anything. You can’t stop giving your pet rest, because he has his own needs and desires. Moreover, since this is a legendary animal, one must show a certain amount of respect for its history.

In general, the dog's attitude towards children is excellent. Even during a walk, the Shih Tzu is so obedient and loyal that you can easily take him for a walk with a child. A dog, even a puppy, of this breed is not inclined to run away from its owner. You can give 5 points out of 5 for the attitude of the Shih Tzu towards children.

Description of the breed with photos

On the RKF website, this breed belongs to the group of decorative and companion breeds, as well as Tibetan breeds.


Adult dog

The choice of dog breed largely depends on size . The Shih Tzu will delight those who love small dogs. The height at the withers is no more than 27 cm. A mandatory condition in terms of proportions for a Shih Tzu: the distance between the withers and the tail is greater than the height of the dog at the withers.

How much does it weigh? To carry such a dog in your arms, no special physical training is required, because... The weight of an adult dog is from 4.5 to 7.5 kg (this is the ideal weight, large specimens reach a weight of 8 kg).

Puppy by month: to what age do they grow?

When puppies are born their weight is 150-220 g, after two weeks it already ranges from 300 to 400 g. Next by month:

    1 month – from 800 to 1200 g;

2 month – from 1800 to 2200 g;

3 month – from 2700 to 3200 g;

4-5 months – from 3600 to 4100 g;

6 month – from 4500 to 6000 gr.

5 months

Six months By one year, the Shih Tzu has fully grown and further weight largely depends on adherence to the diet.

Lifespan: how many years do they live?

For us, dogs are a part of our life, and for a dog, a person is their whole life. When you think about it, you immediately start searching and reading how long your pet will live. So how long can a dog live at home? A Shih Tzu can live up to 18-20 years. This is the longest life expectancy among breeds.

But no one guarantees you that they will live 20 years, because... it depends on many factors: living conditions, nutrition, genetic predisposition, etc.

Making up a diet

Natural food for Shih Tzu, the menu and its detailed consideration are presented in the table. The diet is designed for adult representatives of this breed.

Day of the weekMorningEvening
MondayRice cereal - 100 grams, boiled beef meat - 250 gramsVegetable stew: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, seasoned with 0.5 teaspoon of vegetable oil - 250 grams
TuesdayA pack of cottage cheese up to 5% fat (200 grams), whipped with kefirBuckwheat - 50 grams, boiled carrots - 20 grams, turkey meat or veal - 250 grams.
WednesdayBoiled by-products (liver, heart, kidneys) - 250 gramsRice cereal - 50 grams, zucchini - 50 grams, potatoes - 100 grams in the form of stew
ThursdayBuckwheat porridge - 100 grams, kefir - 200 gramsA pack of cottage cheese - 200 grams, kefir - 100 grams
FridayBoiled fish - 200 gramsRice cereal - 200 grams, boiled fish - 50 grams
SaturdayVegetable stew with veal or rabbit - 250 gramsBuckwheat - 250 grams, vegetable oil - 0.5 teaspoon (add to the finished porridge)
SundayChicken, turkey and veal meat - 250 gramsRice cereal - 50 grams, zucchini - 50 grams, potatoes - 50 grams in the form of a stew, seasoned with egg (2 pcs.)


When purchasing a Shih Tzu puppy, be prepared to face some problems that are caused by the structure of the body.


The eyes are large, so you should pay special attention to caring for them at home. Dust and hair get into the eyes, which causes increased tear production, the so-called. "eyes are running." If your pet's eyes are watery, you need to wipe them with cotton swabs. Sometimes a special lotion is used for wiping.

Owners tie and decorate the fur on the top of the head not only for beauty, but also to prevent it from getting into the eyes and causing irritation.

Eye loss

You may also experience proptosis , i.e. eye loss. This dangerous condition, when the eyes seem to fall out of their sockets, can even lead to blindness. Let's look at this disease in more detail.

Why does this breed have eyes that fall out?

  • This can happen due to a traumatic brain injury or severe bruise.
  • From birth, a puppy may have underdeveloped eye orbits, which increases the risk of developing proptosis.
  • Worsening of the swelling of the eyes after allergies, dirt or dust, or being outside for a long time in hot weather.

big> Signs

  • the eyeball begins to crawl out of the orbit;
  • redness of the white;
  • The dog often scratches its eye.

Look at the photo of what it looks like when a dog’s eye falls out:

If the disease does occur

It happens that an allergic reaction manifests itself over time. The pet has already been living in the house for a couple of months, and family members have just started showing allergy symptoms.

In this case, there are two options for solving the problem: look for a new home for the pet or use medications to eliminate allergic manifestations. And if in the first option everything is clear, then in the second case there may be difficulties.

An allergy to a dog can be either mild or severe. If the reaction to animals is pronounced, continued presence in the same room with a dog can be dangerous for humans and lead to the development of chronic diseases.

How to treat an allergy to a Shih Tzu if you still develop it? Doctors prescribe allergy sufferers to take a course of medications, which include Claritin, Benadryl, Cirtek and others. The course must be repeated every couple of months. Without the use of medications, allergy sufferers will not be able to live normally in the same house with a dog.

Interesting! Animals can also be allergic to their owner. Approximately 5% of pet dogs developed a rash caused by a reaction to human contact.

Traditional medicine offers other treatments for allergies, including to Shih Tzu.

  • Freshly squeezed celery root juice. You need to take it a few teaspoons half an hour before meals, before each meal. This will help minimize the manifestation of allergies.
  • A mixture of juices will also work. You need to mix the juice of carrots, apples, parsley and cauliflower inflorescences in equal proportions. It should be drunk three times a day 25 minutes before meals.
  • Dill compress for itching. Dill juice should be mixed with water in equal proportions and applied to the area where redness occurs for 10 minutes. After a couple of hours, the compress can be repeated.
  • Shilajit treatment course. One gram of mumiyo is dissolved in a liter of boiled water at room temperature and drunk in the morning. Children under 7 years old should be given 50 ml per day. The course of treatment must last at least 20 days.

If you are going to visit friends who have a pet, the allergy sufferer needs to start preparing for the meeting with their four-legged friend a week in advance. In this case, you need to take antihistamines. They will negate the possibility of allergies.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Shih Tzu
Activityin the house2.8
on the street2.9
Dominationin family2.3
over dogs2.4
Defending your territoryfrom people2.4
from dogs2.8
Sociabilityin family4.5
with strangers3.9
with dogs3.1
Concentrationin family1.8
in front of strangers1.9
with dogs2.3
Aggressivenessin family1.4
to strangers1.9
to the dogs2.2
to cats1.7
Family behaviorcalmness3.8
demand for affection4.2
excessive barking2.2
behavioral breakdowns1.3
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.6
over 4 years old3.9
Institutional usewatchman3.6

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese (Maltese Bichon), Pomeranian, Bichon Frize, Pekingese.

The photo shows what a Shih Tzu looks like:

For an aging pet

After the Shih Tzu reaches 7-8 years of age, further feeding is replaced with low-fat food to avoid obesity. Associated with a decrease in physical activity and a decrease in calorie needs.

If there are no problems with dry food, then natural feeding is chosen without fatty foods and anything that leads to problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A single meal becomes smaller in volume, and the amount of protein food is slightly increased.

To correctly create a diet, contact a veterinarian and select vitamin supplements and diet.

Prices: how much does it cost

Why do people buy purebred puppies? The price and cost of puppies depends on the purpose of acquisition and the purity of the dog’s breed. There are three groups of owners and it will depend on them how much a puppy of this dog breed costs:

  1. take a dog for themselves or family, because... they liked the appearance or character of the breed. For such people, documents are not important and there is no need for a stigma. The prices for such puppies are lower, but there is no guarantee that you will get a healthy puppy that matches the breed. The price varies from 8 to 10 thousand rubles.
  2. they take a dog for themselves or their family, but want to be sure that the puppy is healthy and has a pedigree. The price is already higher. A puppy with documents costs up to 15 thousand rubles.
  3. taken from professional interests for breeding and exhibitions. Here the price range is from 30 to 200 thousand rubles.

Dry food

We've sorted out the menu for the Shih Tzu dog breed. The owner read, thought and decided that he did not want to waste time preparing the dog’s diet. Using dry food is much easier. Moreover, now there are a huge number of types, ranging from economy class to holistic.

What to choose for your pet? We reject economy class feed immediately. They consist of bone meal, dyes and flavor enhancers. On some of them, manufacturers honestly write: meat - at least 4%. And it immediately becomes clear what quality the products are offered.

Premium class. This is better than the economy described above. This food contains 25–30% meat. Precisely meat, not ground bones. The rest of the contents is most often rice. This diet is suitable for adult dogs; it is not recommended to feed it to puppies. What foods belong to this class? Well-known Hill's and Royal Canin, ProPlan, Purina, Brit - premium.

Super-premium class of feed - how does it differ from premium? Composition first of all. The manufacturer clearly indicates on the packaging what is included in the product they produce. These foods contain at least 40% meat. If by-products are present, then it is written on the package: poultry, beef or veal by-products. And it is listed what type and in what quantity. This food can be fed to both a puppy and an adult. The most popular foods in the Russian Federation related to this species are Gina and Eukanuba.

Finally, the best Shih Tzu food is holistic. These are complete foods with a high content of meat, vegetables and fruits. Their prices are high, but the quality is amazing. Foods that can be purchased in pet stores in Russia: Acana, Orijen, Grandorf. These are the most famous and trusted brands.

Nicknames for Shih Tzu

When choosing a nickname for a pet, you can take into account its noble origin (after all, the ancestors of the mini Shih Tzu lived in imperial palaces and delighted the eyes of the top officials of the Celestial Empire). Or you can focus on the baby’s cute appearance and positive character.

Therefore, names for Shih Tzu boys can be proud, for example, Archibald, Dominic, Caruso, Truffle, Churchill. Or infinitely cute: Bonnie, Georges, Leaf, Mickey, Sunny, Tim. If you want to name your pet in the Russian style, the names Venya, Raisin, Krosha, Kuzya, Styopa, Tema, Funtik, Yasha are suitable.

Names for Shih Tzu girls can also be stylish: Vanessa, Gabby, Bianca, Juliet, Jasmine, Lady, Matilda, Olivia - the names of both fairy-tale princesses and popular actresses are suitable for them. By the way, there will also be touching nicknames: Didi, Klepa, Lyalya, Mika, Simka, Fairy. And among the Russian “names” the nicknames Asya, Businka, Vanilka, Zhuzha, Munya, Sonya, Tykovka, Yusechka go well with the breed.


In the second and third cases, you should contact nurseries that specialize in breeding Shih Tzu. For example,

  1. TI AI SHI or Moscow
  2. LegendaPleskova or St. Petersburg
  3. advertisements for the sale of puppies from nurseries can be found in the group
  4. Pay attention to the website, where there are many addresses of nurseries throughout Russia.

How to choose a puppy?

The breed has been very popular in recent years, so many people who are ignorant in this matter are breeding it and claim that they “know everything about Shih Tzu.” As a result, the market is filled with unbalanced individuals who are difficult to train, grow up aggressive, and have low intelligence. You won’t be able to buy purebred Shih Tzu at a cheap price from unknown “breeders.”

Signs that indicate an unscrupulous approach by breeders to breeding dogs:

  • the sullen, unfriendly appearance of the puppy;
  • disproportionately large belly;
  • tail between legs;
  • untidy appearance of the baby and his mother.

If they offer dwarf Shih Tzus, it means that the seller simply has a failed specimen in his hands. To understand what to expect from a puppy, you need to visit the kennel and look at its parents. In dirty kennels, dogs are not taught hygiene procedures from childhood. It will be very difficult to do this later. Buying such an animal will bring problems.

The best age to purchase a pet is 2.5 months. There must be a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations given. If you plan to take them to exhibitions (show class), you need to pay attention to six-month-old individuals. At this age, all the show potential is revealed: fur, teeth, body structure and other anatomical features.

A purebred Shih Tzu puppy must have a strong build, a straight, elastic back, thick and at the same time pliable hair, the brand must match the entry in the metric.

Currently, dogs of this breed are bred in more than 80 nurseries in the country.


Anatoly, Lipetsk

“Nowhere does it say that this breed also suffers from coprography. They eat their own and other people's feces. They say that in order to wean them from this bad habit, they need vitamins. We gave it to ours as a preventive measure, although we haven’t noticed this in her since childhood. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she is completely on dry food and feces after this type of feeding do not attract her. )) I had indigestion a couple of times - we decided to introduce a different brand of food. But we realized that it was better to stay with Royal Canina.”

Elena, Zelenograd

"Hello. Our baby only eats rice from cereals. That is, we usually give her rice + beef or rice + chicken legs. I also add carrots or chopped green apple. We don’t like cottage cheese, but once a week I mix a teaspoon into the milk.”

Characteristics: pros and cons

Let's discuss the pros and cons in a detailed description of the breed:

  1. Due to the high carriage of the head and tail, the dogs look proud and mannered. Shitzus are proud not only on the outside, but also on the inside! Remember the narcissistic character inherited from your ancestors, after all, the imperial dog! Loves attention and respect.
  2. This baby will not tolerate neglect, so it is not recommended to adopt this breed if there are small children at home . They treat older children well, because... The dogs are very active and love to play.
  3. According to RKF standards, dogs are attentive, intelligent, friendly, and active. But despite all this, they are independent . Cowardly and aggressive dogs are disqualified.
  4. In the family they do not choose a favorite. A big plus of the Shih Tzu is that they treat and become attached to all family members equally.
  5. If you do not have time to communicate with your pet, then it is better not to adopt a Shih Tzu. They love communication, attention , and if they are left alone at home, they are very bored.
  6. Cats in the house are treated neutrally , and they do not show aggression towards any other pets.
  7. These dogs are well suited for older people, it is not for nothing that they were classified by the RKF in the group of companion dogs . They will always be nearby, carefully observing the mood of the owner. If they notice that the owner is sad, they will try to cheer him up. Many dogs can walk on their hind legs.
  8. In general , dogs are people-oriented; people are more interesting to them than other dogs.
  9. They react to human speech and are smart. Well trained , because... have a good memory.
  10. Of course, the defenders of these small creatures, due to their size, are so-so; many specimens rarely even bark. However, there are also loudly barking puppies that will signal any attack on your home. If the genetic memory of a shepherd dog has awakened, then they can start barking and biting their household members on the legs. All this can be easily fixed if you not only take care of the puppy, but also educate him.


Shih Tzus are smart and calm. They are human-like, so obedient that they seem to simply understand human speech. In order for a puppy of this breed to learn to understand you better, you should talk to him from his early days. Shih Tzus quickly learn to understand their owner, they respond to the subtleties of intonation. But they react very painfully to screams and scandal.

Don't try to punish the offending puppy by yelling at him. He will understand everything if you just speak strictly and restrainedly.

Shih Tzus will not rush and bark at cars or strangers passing by. But they love to walk. Therefore, even if your Shih Tzu is trained to go to the litter box, walks will give him incredible pleasure. They do not tolerate loneliness well. They should not be left alone for long. The dog can be very sad.


Summarizing the difficulties of raising a Shih Tzu, it can be noted that:

  1. The dog needs the constant company of its owner
  2. Wool is a difficult point in caring for a dog, as it requires very careful attention.
  3. Ears and eyes, which constantly strive to become overgrown with hair, need to be washed and freed
  4. The dog loves to eat and may gain weight
  5. Supervise when Shih Tzus drink water, the position of their nose risks water getting into their nose

Every dog ​​is special. The description of the breed does not always correspond to the general image. Love your dog with all his personalities and learn to understand him.

Prohibited Products

Dogs' bodies are different from humans', and what is good for humans cannot always be given to dogs. The owner of this amazing dog should definitely get acquainted with the list of foods that are strictly prohibited for feeding:

  1. Bones – representatives of this breed do not have a very strong dental system, so gnawing bones will be an unnecessarily strong load for it. In addition, bones from fish or chicken can damage the organs of the digestive tract - scratching or piercing the walls.
  2. Raw fish is often a source of parasites, and therefore requires mandatory heat treatment, but feeding your dog river fish in any form is not recommended, since it is excessively bony.
  3. Milk is an ideal food for puppies, but the body of an adult animal practically does not digest lactose, so it is advisable to replace this drink with fermented milk products.
  4. Sausages, smoked meats - even their benefits for humans can be doubted, but they are definitely harmful to dogs, as they contain artificial additives that harm the dog’s liver and disrupt the digestive processes.
  5. Confectionery products – chocolates, sweets and other foods containing sugar have a negative impact on your pet’s vision, weight and metabolic processes. No matter how much your pet begs for sweets, you cannot give him such foods.
  6. Salt – the use of this seasoning provokes an imbalance of water and electrolytes in the animal’s body, which can cause seizures and even heart failure.
  7. Coffee – pets’ bodies are more sensitive to caffeine, so it can cause arrhythmia, hypertension, seizures, and vomiting.
  8. Alcohol - consumption of even a small amount causes poisoning with all the accompanying manifestations of serious intoxication.
  9. Macadamia nut – contains substances that are strong toxins for the body of animals. After eating a piece, the dog will experience symptoms of intoxication after a while.
  10. Grapes – contain substances that negatively affect the functioning of the dog’s kidneys. This berry can cause fermentation in the intestines.

It is advisable for the owner to protect the dog from eating junk food, which will save the pet from negative consequences.

Conditions of detention

Shih Tzus are small but very active creatures. Despite this, they are ideal for city residents, because... do not require long walks. In general, they can even be trained to use a tray or a sanitary diaper. These dogs are also good for apartments because they are very clean and odorless.

Be sure to organize a place for your pet. Nowadays there is a large selection of pillows and houses in stores. The rule for all households should be the following: if the dog has gone to its place, then it must not be touched!

Many are also concerned about the issue of shedding when kept in city apartments.

Proper care and maintenance is the key to the beauty and health of your Shih Tzu.

Wool: does it shed or not?

Long-haired dogs have more problems with grooming, so keep this in mind when getting a Shih Tzu. They believe that these dogs do not shed - but this is not true! It is necessary to comb the coat every day, observing the following rules:

  • combing time is at least half an hour;
  • Dry hair should not be combed. It is pre-sprayed with water or conditioner;
  • for combing, you need two combs: with wide teeth (use this tool first) and a massage comb (completes the procedure);
  • if there are tangles on the wool, they are cut off;
  • Before the exhibition, the coat is trimmed by professional groomers.

All these rules must be followed by breeders if they exhibit dogs at shows. If this is your pet and you don’t have half an hour every day, then you can get a haircut.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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