Dog food 1st choice: composition, price and reviews from dog breeders and veterinarians

Types of 1st Choice diets for dogs

1st Choice dog food is produced by a Canadian company, as is Pronature. The high quality of the products is evidenced by international quality certificates and super premium status. A special feature of the diet is the use of products in the feed that are grown on the company’s own farms. In total, there are more than 13 types of food, including wet canned food and dry croquettes. 1st Choice dog food is designed for puppies, adult dogs (small, medium and large breeds), and there are also a couple of therapeutic, hypoallergenic diets.

The composition is based on the following components:

  • natural meat and offal;
  • rice, oatmeal and barley;
  • potato;
  • chicken fat;
  • linoleic acid;
  • flax-seed;
  • fatty acid;
  • beets and tomatoes;
  • yucca extract;
  • mineral complexes;
  • phytocomponents.

It is important that all 1st Choice food lines do not contain grains, flavors and flavor enhancers that cause allergies and stomach upset.

The manufacturer indicated on the packaging the exact amount of meat after dehydration and heat treatment, and meat by-products are not used at all.

Feeding recommendations

Fest Choice food contains natural and high-quality ingredients. An adult cat is recommended to have no more than two cans of wet food per day, and the dosage of dry food differs for different categories of pets. Feeding rates are detailed on the packaging.

You need to transition to a new food gradually. Clean water must be constantly available. It is not recommended to combine it with natural food, since the composition already contains all the necessary elements. Fest Choice belongs to the super-premium class; you don’t need to feed the cat or add vitamins.

Don't forget about clean water

Before purchasing, be sure to read the ingredients. Perhaps some ingredients are contraindicated for the cat or there is an individual intolerance. You don’t have to worry about the quality of the brand’s raw materials, but you need to check the expiration date. Perhaps the food was left in the store.

Fest Choice granules are uniform in color and suitable for the size of the cat. In addition, their shape promotes teeth cleaning.

Advantages of Fest Choice food

There are many advantages to 1st Choice dog food, but they especially stand out:

  • a large amount of meat;
  • high quality products;
  • a large amount of vitamins, minerals;
  • no chemicals;
  • high levels of probiotics, lactic acid and fatty acids;
  • variety of lines;
  • average price.

The main advantage of 1st Choice diets is a large amount of fiber, medicinal herbs and phytocomponents, which are hypoallergenic, therapeutic, and preventive products.

Positive reviews

I have two dogs - a golden and a labrador. Both I and they prefer a natural diet to dry food - cereals, meat, vegetables. But, unfortunately, because of this diet, the golden began to develop an allergy - a coating and smell appeared in the ears, hair began to fall out on the stomach and scratching began.

We tried different hypoallergenic foods, including Pro Plan recommended by the breeder. There was no improvement, and some brands of dogs refused to eat at all. And when compared with real meat, I understand them well. We found out about the Canadian food 1st choice by chance - a kitten appeared and the breeder recommended this particular food. We decided to try it for dogs too.

Let me make a reservation right away, this food is not considered hypoallergenic - it is for animals whose stomach, skin and coat are very sensitive to nutrition and react to the slightest changes: digestive problems begin, the skin becomes dry and flaky, and the coat becomes dull, becomes brittle, the process Shedding occurs excessively long and abundantly. The line includes a separate food for allergy sufferers – with potatoes and duck.

The most important thing is that both dogs really liked the food. I believe you shouldn't judge an entire brand just because your pet didn't like something. There are no guarantees; if one thing works for your neighbor, it will work for you. You should always try. If it becomes boring, we alternate it with hypoallergenic food of the same brand. I can’t say for sure whether it will suit your pet or not, but it’s definitely worth a try.

Which food option should you choose for your pet?

1st Choice dog food lines are designed based on the animal's age, breed and size, health status and individual needs. There are also several options for hypoallergenic and medicinal food.

For puppies

The Pappy Fest Choice line is suitable for dogs from the third month of life, immediately after weaning from maternal feeding. Croquettes in the diet are small and contribute to the development of the jaw apparatus. The series is especially suitable for puppies of small and medium breeds, based on chicken meat and a mineral complex. The series also has options for small breeds with allergies and digestive disorders, to improve the condition of the coat and joints.

For mature pets

The Fest Choice line is divided into two series: for small, medium breeds from eight months to eight years and for large breeds from one to six years of life. The main components in each series are meat, vegetables, phytocomponents, potatoes and beets.

There is a food option - universal, like a daily diet with meat and fish, for all breeds of adult dogs.

Therapeutic and preventive lines are hypoallergenic dry food with duck and potatoes, suitable for all breeds for the treatment of digestion. There is also food for the treatment of obesity, with low activity, which is considered high-protein and low-calorie. And a separate food - for treating dermatitis and improving the condition of the coat.

Nutrition for aging animals

The Senior Fest Choice line is designed for all breeds over the age of seven years. The diet contains a lot of dietary meat, oatmeal, fish, rice, phytocomponents, chondroitin and minerals. The line is also suitable for dogs with digestive problems, allergies, sensitive skin and obesity.

Regardless of the line and series of 1st Choice food, each option contains glucosamine, chondrotin, and mineral complexes. This improves the functioning of the nervous system, brain and musculoskeletal system.

For everyday feeding

You can feed your cat every day with any type of Fest Choice food. The brand does not have medicinal food, but only preventive and dietary food, so they can be given constantly. However, it is necessary to take into account the pet’s condition and health characteristics.

The line of food for everyday feeding includes:

  • Healthy Skin - contains omega acids and fish oil, which are beneficial for the coat and skin. They also improve the functioning of the circulatory system. Animal proteins from salmon and herring provide the energy you need. Eggs, parsley, flax seeds, tomato and green tea help get rid of dermatitis. The food can be used for all cats.
  • Vitality Indoor - suitable for all adult animals, it can be used every day. Prebiotics in the composition improve digestion, help with dysbiosis, and strengthen the immune system. Yucca Schidigera extract binds ammonia, so there is no smell from the tray. Chicken meat and eggs provide the protein requirement. Vitamins and minerals are needed to keep active cats healthy. The food helps remove hairballs from the stomach. When a cat licks itself, some of the hairs end up in the stomach. There they form lumps that can block the outlet to the intestines.

For daily feeding

  • Finicky - for cats that are picky when it comes to food. The most attractive flavor formula. The basis of the diet is chicken and herring. The food is high in calories, so it is suitable for active animals. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide energy. Omega acids provide healthy skin, coat and heart.

The company produces Fest Choice cat food and canned food. They are produced in tin cans weighing 85 grams. There are also different tastes for all categories of animals.

Reviews of Fest Choice dog food

Anastasia: We really like Fest Choice, because the composition is very diverse and healthy, and the price is much lower than in similar brands. The veterinarian recommended this food to us, and I read good reviews on the website, so we definitely decided to buy it. We give it from three months, our dog is very active, healthy and savvy.

Fields: We buy a line for adult pets of medium breeds, we especially like the rich composition. The amount of meat, vegetables, cereals and vitamin complexes with supplements is enough to keep our pet active and completely healthy. Even a huge appetite suggests that 1st Choice food is very good, we will not change it under any circumstances.

Oksana: For such quality and incredibly rich, nutritious composition - an excellent, even low price. We have been giving food for two years now, we have never changed it to another and we do not intend to. I have never seen so many healthy products in one diet. We even tried a series of hypoallergenic and therapeutic foods, the problem went away after a week.

Where to buy and prices for Fest Choice cat food

A natural question arises: how to find out where to buy and prices for Fest Choice cat food? It is especially relevant for regions remote from the capital.

Currently, food from this manufacturer is rarely found in the retail chain. Deliveries are made to the MARKVET and Miska pet stores, several of whose outlets are located in Moscow. The company focuses on wholesale sales and distribution of goods via the Internet, where numerous sites offer the purchase of this food. The price range is significant:

  • pack weighing 350 g - from 204 to 259 rubles,
  • pack weighing 907 g - from 499 to 597 rubles,
  • pack weighing 2 kg 720 g - from 1227 to 1696 rubles,
  • pack weighing 5 kg 440 g - from 2150 to 2912 rubles.

It is worth noting that, like all dietary products, hypoallergenic cat food has the highest cost. When choosing the necessary product in online stores, pay attention to the availability of current promotions that will help to significantly reduce the cost of keeping a pet.

To summarize: the review of Fest Choice cat food and the collected opinions showed that this food is the main candidate for the basic proper nutrition of a pet.

Is First Choice food suitable for everyone?

Conventionally, First Choice food can be given to any healthy cats, however, due to the low proportion of animal proteins, it can provoke the development of diseases. It is advisable to prefer holistic-class products or natural nutrition.

Holistic food contains more than 50% components of animal origin, including dehydrated and fresh meat, as well as offal

If you have health problems, you should consult a veterinarian. Food may not be suitable for animals with kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract or allergies.

Negative reviews

My dog ​​(Pekingese) is currently 1.5 years old. For a long time I tried giving her Purina Pro Plan food with chicken for small breeds. We developed a wild ear allergy. They turned red and scabbed. The veterinarian said that chicken is contraindicated for us and we need to choose food with hypoallergenic ingredients, such as duck, lamb, salmon. So we lived on these feeds for some time.

And then someone told me that 1 choice food won’t give me this allergy. At first, the dog gobbled up the food on both cheeks. But after 4-5 days the excitement disappeared. I ate without pleasure. And at the end of the week she began to scratch her ears suspiciously. And long live allergies. Again redness, again scabs, the ears quickly become dirty and emit an unpleasant odor. And no matter how much the dog loves me, he won’t let me touch his ears again; it hurts. And so behavior, well-being, playfulness, stool remained at the same level.

The granules are small, neat, all of the same shape. There are no crumbs in the bag, the smell is acceptable. Just right for small jaws, but as I wrote above, the love for it went away in just a few days. I gave the rest for foster care. If your baby/little one also does not tolerate chicken well or they simply have sensitive stomachs, then I highly do not recommend this food.

Review from milo4ka_1 about 1st Choice food for miniature and small breeds with chicken

I bought the food on sale in an online store. The first thing that struck me was the smell. Compared to our food, this smell is much stronger and less pleasant. The granules are not large, just “too tough” for my minis :). As recommended, we tried to gradually switch to the desired food, adding a little granules to the usual food.

However, my beauties completely refused to eat at all. On the third day, there was no end to my anxiety, I decided not to experiment and returned them to their usual diet. No problem - the bowl was empty. I tried giving a couple of granules separately, the dogs turned their nose up. Ultimately, it was decided to “donate” a bag of food to homeless dogs.

Review from Milaya-Ya about Puppy Toy&Small Breeds food

We would be happy to receive feedback from veterinarians and customers about 1st Choice food (Fest Choice). When we receive product reviews, we will definitely post them in this section.

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