Training a husky at home without the intervention of a dog handler

Close relatives of huskies are wolves, so the breed is very different in temperament from other dogs: they are stubborn and willful and are in no hurry to listen to people.

Huskies are not suitable for weak-willed and lazy people; a dog should be raised and trained by a person with high leadership qualities.

Only a person with a tough and confident hand can tame their temper and wean them from bad habits.

But well-mannered huskies are friendly and affectionate pets that will not cause trouble to the owner and members of his family.

Is a Husky trainable?

Dogs of this breed can be trained, but they will only obey one family member, the one whom the husky has chosen as its owner. From the first day a puppy appears in the house, its upbringing begins.

The kid will immediately begin to test people’s strength of character. If he finds weaknesses, he will put pressure on them, and it will be difficult to train the dog. And no education will work anymore.

The puppy must see the leader in the person, then he will obey unquestioningly, training will become not a problem, but a pleasure.

How to feed a husky

Decide on your pet's diet right away. The simplest option is ready-made complete food, presented in the lines of well-known manufacturers. It is better to give preference to high-quality products that contain all the beneficial substances and nutrients that animals need. You can choose either a universal or a special diet for dogs with various diseases, including food allergies.

Another option is natural food that you prepare for your pet yourself. The basis of such a diet should be meat: beef, veal, rabbit, poultry. Offal, fish, vegetables, and cereals in small quantities are also possible.

It is better not to offer the leftovers of your lunch or dinner to your animal. Spicy, salty, sweet, smoked and spicy foods are harmful to him.

When buying a puppy, be sure to find out what it was fed. At first, give him only his usual food, otherwise he may have difficulties with digestion or he will simply refuse food. Over time, the diet can be changed, but this must be done gradually so that problems do not arise.

Make sure that your husky always has a bowl of clean drinking water.

Learn about your pet

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