2000+ most unusual nicknames for Maltese boys and girls

The Maltese, or Maltese, has silky white fur, attentive, sparkling button eyes and a delightfully wet black nose. Add to this an easygoing character and the habit of not making a fuss over trifles - and you get the ideal companion! Lapdogs love their owners, love to play with children and are extremely distrustful of strangers.

Interesting fact : the luxurious silky coat of the Maltese has no undercoat, so even an allergy sufferer can have a dog of this breed.

Since ancient times, these dogs, cheerful, active and intelligent, were considered an expensive gift and were valued on a par with overseas fabrics, spices and jewelry, so only representatives of the upper class could have an animal. A pet with such unique external characteristics and a rich history needs a suitable sonorous nickname, with which we will help you choose!

Meet Lisa

Nicknames for Maltese

Maltese (Maltese) are charming lap dogs with a snow-white coat.
Few people know that this is one of the oldest breeds in the world - it supposedly appeared 2 thousand years ago. It is also known that Maltese dogs were favorites of European aristocrats in the 15th and 16th centuries. However, in the 17-18 centuries. The breed was on the verge of extinction due to careless breeding. But, fortunately, the threat has passed - today the Maltese has again become one of the most famous breeds. The popularity of the Maltese is easy to explain - they are affectionate and friendly dogs. For them, the whole universe revolves around their beloved owner - not surprising for a family breed. Such wonderful dogs need an appropriate name - cute, funny, unusual, with a hidden meaning.

Smart choice

So, we can tentatively say that the name for a boy’s dog should be chosen based on several logical rules:

  • relating it to the personality of the puppy;
  • hoping that the puppy will sooner or later become a mature dog;
  • it doesn't have to be a human name (at least not one that's used in your country).

However, there are other rules based on the characteristics of dog hearing and training.

Phonetics and nickname

Did you know that dogs only hear the first two sounds? In accordance with this, it becomes obvious that the dog does not need a long nickname, because anyway it will only hear the first two syllables. There are other rules that you should familiarize yourself with:

  • Sounds. Dogs respond best to names with voiced consonants “b, v, g, d, g, z, l, m, n, r, c.” Names with these letters are easy to remember, in addition, the dog will be able to quickly respond to a ringing word;
  • Minimum letters. The dog responds best to a short name - one or two syllables. So, Bax, Roy, Jaco are simply ideal names both in length and in the presence of ringing sounds.

Nickname and training

Both small and large dogs can and should be taught basic commands. This is convenient and beneficial for the pet’s character, because you don’t want to keep an ill-mannered creature? Then you need to take into account several rules:

  • Nickname length and reaction. A long name can become a stumbling block in cases where a lightning-fast reaction is needed. While you are saying “Voldemar, ugh!”, your dog may already have accomplished what he intended. The same applies to Barberry, Richmond, Brunnhilde, etc.;
  • Nickname or team? If you want to train your pet to follow commands, then make sure that the name does not resemble the main ones. For example, Cedric or Sid or good names for boys' dogs from a phonetic point of view, but they are very similar to the command “Sit”. Still, it is better to exclude names that coincide with the command, otherwise confusion will complicate training.

All that remains is to move on to the actual selection of nicknames.

English nicknames

Cute English nicknames suit Maltese babies:

Maltese dog Peggy:

How to teach a dog a name

In order for your pet to get used to its own name as quickly as possible, you should regularly call it affectionately by its nickname. When the owner feeds the puppy, he should say her name, and it should also be repeated during games, training and any communication with the puppy. If the chosen name is easy to pronounce and euphonious, then the dog will quickly get used to it and understand that this is his name.

When accustoming to a name, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Don’t lisp, don’t misrepresent the nickname. If the dog’s name is Lisa, then during the period of accustoming it to the nickname, you should not call it Lizunya, Malyshka, Lizzie and similar diminutive names.
  2. Create the right associations - the dog must understand that by calling the name the owner attracts its attention. To do this, you can use puppy toys so that the dog pays attention to the owner, and when the puppy approaches, he should be praised.
  3. Do not skimp on treats - immediately call your pet by name when you call him to a bowl of food. During games, do not forget to periodically repeat the dog’s name, and when he approaches, treat him with small pieces of treats.

Choosing a harmonious, beautiful and sonorous name for a pet is an interesting but responsible task. The pet's nickname should reflect the dog's character, match its appearance and not be excessively long or difficult to pronounce, then the pet will respond to it quickly and with pleasure.

What to name a small Maltese boy's dog

Do you want to choose a Japanese, Russian, German, French or English name for your Russian colored lapdog? See the list of the coolest, most original and unusual nicknames for the Russian colored lapdog on our website. Our list contains only the most original, popular, interesting and beautiful nicknames.

It is in this article that similar nicknames for pets are collected. The names in the list are suitable for colored lapdogs of any type and color.

Also look at our website for other lists with cool names for all kinds of animals.

Fashion for dog names

If you're wondering what it was common to name dogs in the past, different trends have prevailed at different times. In the 18th and 19th centuries there was a boom in hunting with dogs and names that reflected the characteristics of the dog were in fashion, such as Kusai, Robbery, Pugai, etc. But in the 20th century, the trend came to call dogs after the names of the Greek pantheon, for example, Hermes, Zeus, Antaeus and others.

Wartime displaced the fashion for mythological names, replacing them with more realistic ones: Faithful, Friend, Hero, Brave, as well as names given in honor of geographical objects, for example, Baikal, Amur and others. Belki and Strelki, as well as various Knops and Ryzhiks, became popular after the famous space flights with dogs.

Perestroika brought many foreign words into the Russian language, including dog names. Dogs began to be called Black, Boy, Smile, Schwartz and similar foreign words.

Speaking about modern trends in dog names, we can cite several names of dogs of famous people:

  • York Merai Carey – Ginger;
  • Will Smith's dog is Ludo;
  • Daria Dontsova’s dogs – Iriska, Kapa, ​​Mulya;
  • Madonna's Chihuahua - Chiquita.

As you can see, there is no one fashion trend, as they say “who knows what”.

Beautiful names

The miniature snow-white lapdog is considered an ancient royal breed. Such dogs were not used for hunting, but they, like greyhounds, confirmed the status of their owner. Noble ladies dressed the Maltese in dresses, decorated them with diamonds and sat them on velvet pillows. The cute creatures were given majestic nicknames to match their wealthy owners.

Queen Victoria of England adored her dog Chico (short for Chicoletta):

Take a look at the list of beautiful names for Maltese boys and girls. For convenience, we divided them into two halves and put the noble cavaliers first.

Here are cool names for lap dogs for boys:

Brother and sister - Albus and Angela:

Below are the names for girls' lapdogs:

After Bangley and Beatrice's haircut:

When is the best time to change your name?

Typically, small breed dogs are purchased from specialized nurseries.
They already have a name. It is better to change it in the very first days after purchase. In the first week after the move, the little dog will get used to the new owner and the new sound of his name. You can change it a little later, for example, a month after purchase. The dog has already become accustomed to its new home; it will be easier to choose a nickname by associating it with the pet’s character. It is possible that the one given to the dog in the nursery is not suitable for him at all. Try giving him a different name that best reflects his character traits and uniqueness.

The connection between the nickname of a small dog and its character is theoretically unfounded, but many examples taken from life confirm the opposite. The little dog, named Black Devil, puts all his little strength into “tearing down” the apartment. While his “brother,” named Lapushok, calmly caresses his owners.

We advise you to choose nicknames for boys' dogs that do not have any negativity in them. There is a greater chance that your puppy will be an obedient and good-natured dog.

Popular names for dogs of the smallest breeds from other countries:

  • Alan – handsome, attractive;
  • Alec is a protector;
  • Alex – protective;
  • Alen – wonderful;
  • Bud – friendly;
  • Balder – prince;
  • Barney - brave;
  • Benji – warm;
  • Bertie – light, bright;
  • Bill is a warrior;
  • Blake – black, dark;
  • Blank – soul;
  • Bob – famous;
  • Wei - big or strength;
  • Don - east or winter;
  • Chen – perfect;
  • Yun - brave;
  • San is the third child in the family;
  • Ward - security guard, watchman;
  • Woody - living next to the forest;
  • Guy - forest;
  • Gray - gray;
  • Grady - noble;
  • Graham - home gravel;
  • Duffy - Black World;
  • Dan - God is my judge;
  • Jai - jay;
  • Jerry is the ruler of the spear;
  • Dew - follower of Dionysus;
  • George is a peasant;
  • Juan is a good god;
  • Rui - famous power;
  • Blaise - speaking in a whisper;
  • Jacques is a displacer;
  • Jean is a good god;
  • Louis is a famous warrior;
  • Marin - from the sea;
  • Mark - militant;
  • Nicholas - victory of the people;
  • Neil is a champion;
  • Yudo is a child;
  • Archie is true bravery.

If you like the chosen name, your pet will quickly get used to it, just like you. Naming a dog is a hundred times more pleasant when the name is chosen carefully and with love. If our options do not suit you for some reason, wait a couple of days and come back for ideas with renewed vigor.

Nicknames for small dogs for boys 5 (100%) 6 votes Valeria Hello, I constantly have a problem - animal hair all over my apartment. I'm already tired. Are there any shampoos to prevent hair from coming out?

  • Ira Try just using shampoo and conditioner for dogs.
  • Alexandra (Veterinarian) Hello. Irina, when hair comes out it’s natural and shampoo won’t help! Valeria, a special machine for combing wool has long been invented. By caring for your pet, you will rid yourself of fur in your apartment. The dog will be grateful to you.

Nicknames for small dogs for boys

Representatives of miniature, indoor, “pocket” breeds are wonderful companions, good-natured and funny pets. Choosing a suitable nickname for such a cute dog is not an easy task. Here ready-made selections of names will help you decide - popular, funny, foreign, by color or breed, with a certain meaning.

Beautiful and popular nicknames

The most euphonious and famous names for miniature breed puppies:

Funny and cool nicknames

You can play up the size of your little puppy by choosing a funny, ironic “heroic” nickname for him:

Nicknames with meaning

You can find a name for a miniature puppy with a meaning – translation of “small”, “tiny”, “miniature” into all sorts of languages ​​of the world. Eg:

Foreign nicknames

This selection includes cute foreign names for small pets:

Nicknames by color

And the last selection of names for representatives of a small breed – based on fur color:

Nicknames for various breeds

For Yorkshire Terriers

Beautiful and short nicknames suit baby Yorkies:

For chihuahua

For smart, loyal, energetic male Chihuahuas, the appropriate nicknames are:

For Spitz

The following names may suit beautiful Spitz dogs:

For toy terriers

A funny and even cool option is to give your baby toy terrier a “big” nickname:

Puppy named Benny:

Funny and funny nicknames

When a ball of white fur is running around the house, full of love and unspent energy, it’s hard not to smile. That is why funny and funny nicknames are in such demand.

For boys:

  • Andryukha;
  • Apolloshka;
  • Assassin;
  • Bandyushka;
  • Old Man;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Squealer;
  • Woodpecker;
  • Raccoon;
  • Miser;
  • Bully;
  • Idol;
  • Cook;
  • Nightmare;
  • Cool;
  • Hook;
  • Kus;
  • Cap;
  • Elk;
  • Lam;
  • Makhno;
  • Minotaur;
  • Mossad;
  • Darkness;
  • German;
  • Osya;
  • Wig;
  • Pasyuk;
  • Squash;
  • Porthos;
  • Styopka;
  • Tobacco;
  • Trussel;
  • Cleaning;
  • Uskakallo;
  • Funtik;
  • Ham;
  • Junta;
  • Red Guard;
  • Grunt;
  • Slap;
  • Awl;
  • Naughty;
  • Chaliapin;
  • The punks.

Who did Parichok run away from?
For girls:

  • Allochka;
  • Vassa;
  • Gazelle;
  • Glucose;
  • Grunka;
  • Lady;
  • Nap;
  • Dudochka;
  • Dunka;
  • Yawn;
  • Shrew;
  • Zyuzya;
  • Cap;
  • Sprat;
  • Klava;
  • Klepa;
  • Comedy;
  • Contra;
  • Doll;
  • Bulb;
  • Lokhma;
  • Mata Hari;
  • Mother;
  • Cutie;
  • Mine;
  • Coin;
  • Mulya;
  • Mryaka;
  • Mymrochka;
  • Mouse;
  • Mint;
  • Plop;
  • Salt;
  • Fanya;
  • Fiona;
  • Fifochka;
  • Khokhloma;
  • Piggy;
  • Chumichka;
  • Little thing;
  • Hat.

Coin is surprised

For boys (male nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Albery Avril Arno Armstrong Atom Angel Diamond Amestite Askey Andi Amen Artemis Alistair Apogee Amadeus Angel Ailen Amster Asmodeus (evil demon) Andrea Atol Afir Anre Alberto Akron Amon (Egyptian god, creator of all things) Aldan Asmodeus (evil demon) Artist Asher/Vin (happy ) Andron Ansul Arlian Alaman Ay Anthracite Asante Achilles Anoush Anubis

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Bullet Bombay Bosphorus Botox Squirrel Brian (Danish) Barten Baritone Belusik Bekir Black Velvet Bayard Butler Bob Myaurly Batman Burton Besh (defender) Basil (royal blood) Beata Bast Balto Barca Belize Womanizer Boss Bon-Bon (sweetness, candy) Bless Blanche Brahms Bubster Buff Biff Bayard Barberry Beyonce Beads Barrat Bilbury Brandon Bardet Fighting

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Weekend Volnus Violet Viper Voxin Valdai Whirlwind Voucher Vasyun Vatan Vlas Wager Vikent Veles Vicar Warwick Viber Whisper Vermouth Wolfgang Vkuseslav Vikort Vector Wicca Warface Basilisk Vel Vasek East Vansai Westley Vashek Valsar Warrior Vigdis (goddess of war) Van Gogh Vuk Sparrow Virage Nobleman

Popular this week

Small breed dogs have many advantages: they are usually harmless, cheerful until old age, do not take up much space, and are much easier to care for than large dogs. In addition, with small dogs the issue of walking is not so pressing: if necessary, they can go to the litter box, but a giant St. Bernard or Rottweiler will have to be taken outside in any weather. And if we are talking about a miniature female animal, then affection can be added to all the advantages, since usually the character of females, in comparison with males, is calmer, more accommodating and kinder towards people and other pets living in the house. If you have definitely decided to buy a small girl dog, then the most pressing question is probably what to name this little one. Let's try to think of a name together.

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