Why does a dog eat its own excrement (feces, poop), what to do and how to wean it off?

Many children eat poop, of course they do it unconsciously. As an adult, few people would think of eating poop. And actually, why do this? After all, shit is waste food and there is nothing useful in it, and it stinks. In general, there are practically no parameters that make it appetizing. With all this, the topic of our article is how to eat poop and in it you will learn how to do it correctly and whether feces actually do not contain any nutrients for our body?

Why does a dog eat feces: reasons

Why do dogs eat poop and how to stop your dog from eating poop?
Poop eating, or scientifically known as coprophagia , is a normal behavior for many animals and occurs in approximately 25% of dogs . There are many reasons why a dog might eat poop, but the main reason is that he simply likes the taste and contents.

We may be put off by the thought of poop, but for dogs, poop is full of interesting information that tells them who its creator was and what he ate.

Other reasons why a dog eats poop:

  1. The animal obtains micronutrients from undigested matter;
  2. The dog learned this behavior from its mother as a puppy;
  3. The animal is hungry and looking for something to eat;
  4. The dog is bored or stressed;
  5. The animal is sick.

Dogs love to eat poop to get nutrients

One possible reason why a dog eats poop is because it enjoys it. A dog's sense of smell and taste is very different from ours, and they can detect undigested fats, proteins, or other substances that smell good to them.

Dogs often prefer harder, fresher poop, especially if the poop is less than two days old. Humans often explore things with their hands, but dogs use their mouths to help them understand the world, whether that's by licking our face when the animal greets us, carrying things between our teeth, or playing with toys or balls.

For a dog, eating poop may just be another way for him to explore something he finds interesting. And yes, we don’t understand this.

They copy their mother

Good mothers instinctively lick their newborn puppies to help them go to the toilet and keep them clean. They also eat the feces of their puppies to keep the area clean and protect the babies from disease and parasites.

In the wild, this instinct also helps prevent attacks from predators who might smell a dog's den. Mom teaches them how to be a dog, so puppies instinctively copy their mother's behavior.

Most mothers stop cleaning up after their puppies when they transition to solid food or leave their den to live on their own. Around this time, most puppies stop being interested in poop, but some seem to remain puppies forever.

Hunger is one of the reasons why dogs eat feces.

You can read studies that have shown that dogs that are described as “gluttons” tend to be more likely to eat poop.

It could be that the dog is just very food-obsessed, but if your dog regularly eats poop, it might be a good idea to consider:

  • Perhaps she tends to eat poop when she is most hungry, perhaps she is not getting enough food?
  • Do you have a regular feeding schedule and do you stick to it?
  • Are you feeding your animal high-quality, high-calorie food that will allow him to feel full?

The effect of boredom, stress or anxiety

Eating feces can sometimes be a reaction to stress, boredom or anxiety. If your dog is alone at home for a long time, he may start eating poop out of boredom.

In these situations, the dog needs to be given more mental and physical stimulation, and you should consider how to organize a walk for the dog to provide him with company during the day while you are not at home. It might be worth asking a neighbor to walk the dog or someone else, perhaps even for a little money.

If a dog is stressed, then it can eat it, eating feces out of grief and thus calming down.

If your dog starts eating its own feces, never punish it. Punishing an already anxious dog can further increase stress levels and make the situation worse.

How to stop a dog from eating excrement (poop) outside? Causes associated with dog diseases

Possible medical causes

A common belief is that eating feces is a sign of a vitamin and calorie deficiency, but since many dogs eat feces, it is unlikely that the cause is a nutritional deficiency.

There are some medical conditions that may cause your dog to eat feces.

Here are some of them:

  • Taking steroids increases interest in feces;
  • Diseases that are characterized by increased appetite, such as diabetes, thyroid problems, taking anti-epileptic drugs or worms;
  • Digestion problems;
  • Dementia or other brain diseases;
  • Diseases that change the smell or contents of their feces, making them more attractive.

You should visit your veterinarian if your dog suddenly starts eating feces, especially if he has recently developed any other symptoms of illness.


Feces eating is a more common behavior in bitches and puppies. In females, these are more sanitary and hygienic measures than a manner of behavior. Thus, she keeps the habitat clean. In addition, a natural instinct is triggered: by eating feces, the female destroys the smell, which can attract predators.

A puppy, observing a female eating his feces or a human cleaning up his poop, may similarly eat his own feces to earn rewards. Also, in a puppy, the consumption of feces may be associated with the formation of the intestines. This behavior goes away as the puppy grows up, unless it becomes a habit.

Feces contain many unprocessed nutrients, minerals and vitamins. A lack of them in the diet can cause pets to eat poop. In this case, their diet should be reconsidered. Malnutrition and diet food can make you want to fill your stomach with something to feel full. A possible reason for eating feces may be very fatty foods: the four-legged friend’s body may not be able to process such food.

Various diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract can make animals want to eat feces. For example, malabsorption syndrome, problems with the pancreas, infectious intestinal diseases. Intestinal bacteria, worms, and other internal parasites prevent the body from absorbing nutrients, which is why dogs eat their own poop and the feces of other animals.

By consuming feces, pets sometimes want to attract the attention of their owners in this way, without receiving it in everyday life. The dog may eat the excrement of the dominant animals in the house.

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What proportion of dogs are affected by the problem?

The study found that of more than 1,500 dogs, 23% of dog owners had seen their pet eat feces at least once in their lives, with 16% of animals described as “frequent fecal eaters.”

These dogs are most likely to be:

  • Greedy for food, “gluttons”;
  • Live with other dogs;
  • Terrier or hound (the most common were Scottish Shepherds, also known as collies, and most rarely, poodles)

It is important to know! No associations could be found between fecal intake and the dog's age and diet.

Food is served - poop to the table

The prepared shit can be served either hot or chilled. You can make a cold appetizer out of the shit or serve it as a main course. To serve this dish cold, it must be placed while still hot in a container, sprinkled with mint and put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

You can eat poop with a spoon or fork, whichever is more convenient for you. Place the stool sausages on a plate. You can serve either whole sausages or pre-cut into slices.

Is it dangerous for a dog to eat feces?

Eating feces is normal behavior for dogs. In most cases, this is absolutely safe for the animal, but there are exceptions.

Even if the dog likes the net of feces, then in any case it should be stopped, since there is always a risk of becoming infected with parasites (worms and helminths), viruses and bacteria. Additionally, some feces may contain medications from other animals that will be toxic to your dog. For example, anti-worm medications contained in horse manure.

If you can't stop your dog from eating feces, you should give him something to eat or drink to rinse his mouth.

Don't let the animal lick you. Wash your hands thoroughly if they come into contact with your dog's mouth or saliva.

The dangers of eating poop for your pet

Coprophagia is not a disease, but only a bad habit that is unpleasant for owners of four-legged pets. The main danger of this behavior is the risk of becoming infected with internal parasites. Infection occurs when dogs eat the feces of infected dogs or wild animals. If your pet is regularly dewormed, he will not become infected with internal parasites from eating feces. But it’s better not to take risks and protect him from the possibility of eating the droppings.

Organisms such as Toxoplasma may be present in cat poop. In dogs, these organisms can cause a variety of problems, affecting the central nervous system and muscle tissue. If feces have been lying in the ground for a long time, fly larvae can be deposited in them, and infection with pathogenic bacteria and fungi is possible. It is better to avoid such sources of infection. If possible, feces should be removed from the yard as quickly as possible.

Diseases such as hepatitis and parvovirus infection can be transmitted through feces. Vaccinated animals have a much lower risk of disease.

Answers to frequently asked questions on this topic

Can my dog ​​get worms and parasites from eating feces?

The answer is YES. Some parasites or their eggs can be found in animal droppings and can be passed on to your dog by eating them. Dogs can become infected with hookworm, roundworms, and whipworms.

How to stop a dog from eating from the cat litter?

Many dogs enjoy eating cat poop, so for some dogs, a cat litter tray is like a buffet that's hard to resist.

We have a separate article that we recommend reading: How to stop a dog from eating cat poop.

How to clean my dog's mouth?

The worst thing is to see your dog eating poop, it means that later he will try to lick you or he will have disgusting smelling breath, how do you clean his mouth after that?

Here are some simple tips:

  • Give food and water to drink as this will help freshen the mouth;
  • Wipe your mouth with a damp cloth;
  • Brush the teeth and mouth with a toothbrush, but do not use human toothpaste, as toothpaste may be harmful to your pet.

Why does my dog ​​eat poop in winter?

Dogs rarely eat soft poop or diarrhea, often preferring to eat harder stool. The harder it is, the better it seems. Some dogs especially like to eat frozen poop, apparently they like the crunchiness of it. The problem is that in winter, on snow, poop is more noticeable compared to white snow.

Ways to correct unwanted behavior in dogs

First of all, if you discover that your pet has a habit of eating poop, you need to contact a veterinary clinic to find out why he is eating poop. To do this, you need to undergo an examination for the presence of internal parasites or any diseases.

In addition, the veterinarian will be able to correctly adjust your pet’s diet, find out what is missing, and create a new diet so that it contains all the necessary nutrients and minerals. If the cause of coprophagia is a disease, then you must first cure the animal and then wean it off the bad habit that has appeared.

Various behavioral strategies can be used to stop your pet from eating feces, even if the reason is health-related.

The most effective ways can be identified:

  1. Eliminate the opportunity for the dog to eat feces. If there are other animals, then clean the yard from feces before walking the pet, and take it out for a walk only on a leash. A muzzle can be used for these purposes.
  2. If the owner sees that the pet is about to eat its feces, you need to switch its attention, for example, to a toy, give it a treat, or involve it in some kind of game. The same strategy should be followed if the reason for eating feces is to attract the attention of the owner. You need to try to pay more attention to your furry pet, not only on walks, but also at home.
  3. From an early age, a puppy needs to be taught obedience, taught to understand prohibitive commands: “fu”, “no”, “leave it”. In this case, you need to walk with him on a short leash. If you see that the puppy is about to eat feces, you should sharply pull the leash and say a prohibiting command. As soon as he moves away from the group that interested him, the pet should be rewarded with a treat or praised. Such exercises should be done as often as possible so that the puppy learns the lesson. But in the future you need to pay attention and keep an eye on the dog during walks.
  4. You can treat the feces with pepper, mustard, horseradish, or any drugs that will make the feces less attractive to your pet and discourage the desire to eat it.

When weaning your pet from a bad habit, you need to show patience and love; you cannot punish him, shout at him, or poke his muzzle in the feces. This will only complicate the relationship with him; the owner may lose mutual understanding with his furry friend. The next time, having found its own feces, the dog can, on the contrary, eat it as quickly as possible so that the owner does not notice and scold him.

To prevent coprophagia, you need to make sure that the dog eats properly, remove worms on time, pay as much attention to the pet as possible, and monitor its health.

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