Caring for a French bulldog - how to care for and maintain a bulldog, features of keeping it in an apartment and in a private house

Many Russians who dream of having a dog consider a breed such as the French bulldog as an option for their future pet, the photo of which cannot leave anyone indifferent. The fact is that this dog, despite its small size and decorative purpose, has a firm and strong character, is brave, loyal and loves children very much, which makes this breed an ideal companion in urban environments. In addition, he is an excellent guard, so his working qualities are fine.

What do you need to buy for a French bulldog?

Bulldogs are carefully prepared for their arrival in the house:

  • close all openings that are dangerous for the puppy, where he can get injured or get stuck;
  • remove all wires and small objects from the floor;
  • make the balcony safe for the French;
  • move household chemicals, cosmetics, and trash cans out of reach;
  • They think about where to put shoes and other items that the dog could ruin.

At 2 months the puppy cannot reach the windowsill. Over time, he will be able to do this, so they put bars on the windows that reliably protect him from falling.

To make the Frenchie’s life more comfortable, they purchase in advance everything necessary for care: a tray, bedding, diapers, bowls for water and food, a leash and collar, a carrier, combs and brushes, hygiene products, toys and food.


To feed your French Bulldog you will need separate bowls for food and water. When combining wet and dry food in the diet, separate dishes are prepared for each. It should be stable, wide enough, but with small sides, since it is difficult for a bulldog to eat from a deep position due to the brachycephalic structure of the skull. You should not buy bowls “for growth”. As dogs grow older, they are replaced with new, larger ones.

The optimal cookware material is ceramic or metal. They are hygienic, do not retain odor, and wash well. The bowls are placed on an adjustable stand or on a rubberized mat. The place for the “dining room” is located in a secluded corner so that the dog is not disturbed.

The dishes are carefully looked after, washed after each meal, and the water bowl is never left empty - the French Bulldog should be able to quench his thirst at any time.

Tray or diaper

Your French Bulldog will need a toilet at home. He is trained to go in a litter box or in diapers, since puppies up to 3 months are quarantined and are not taken outside. Each option has its own advantages. Absorbent diapers are convenient to use, they are easy to carry, the smell does not spread throughout the apartment, and the floor covering is protected from scratches.

The trays look aesthetically pleasing; you can choose the option with a post for boys, with an imitation of a lawn. The containers are easy to clean - easy to clean and last a long time. What to choose - diapers or a tray - is decided depending on the preferences of the Frenchman.


A bulldog needs toys not only for entertainment, but also for dental care. When the baby and permanent teeth erupt, the dog “scratches” his gums against them. The manufacturing material must be hypoallergenic, the device must not contain small parts. French bulldogs are bought not hollow plastic toys, but molded rubber toys, which are difficult to chew and impossible to choke on small fragments. At the pet store they buy ropes with knots, latex trinkets, and bones made from pressed sinews.

Place for a dog

The puppy should have a cozy and spacious place. It is positioned so that it is convenient for the French bulldog to rest and watch what is happening in the apartment, and for the owner to take care of it and keep the place clean. You should not set up a bed near heating devices so that the animal does not overheat and the skin does not dry out. Drafts, close proximity to windows, balconies, fans and air conditioners should be avoided.

The bed should not be the most expensive, but the most comfortable and cozy. A soft mattress with a removable cover is placed on a small sofa, flooring or in a house. Caring for them involves regular cleaning, wet cleaning and changing the cover.

Care items

In order for your bulldog to grow healthy, you need care products and special tools:

  1. A nail clipper suitable for the size of a puppy and then an adult dog.
  2. Wipes, cotton pads, lotions - for eye and ear care.
  3. Special soap or shampoo for wool.
  4. Furminator, comb with fine and rare teeth, brush with natural bristles.
  5. Terry towels for bathing.
  6. Brushes and toothpaste for dental care.

It is worth stocking up on a first aid kit for your French bulldog so that you can quickly help him at a crucial moment.

The list of necessary medications includes:

  • adhesive plaster;
  • cotton buds;
  • bandages;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • medicine for diarrhea in children;
  • antiseptic (Miramistin);
  • enema, pipette, tweezers;
  • syringes;
  • Activated carbon;
  • chamomile;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • tourniquet;
  • anthelmintic drug;
  • oilcloth.

How to care for a French bulldog?

Caring for a French Bulldog is not difficult. He has short hair, so brushing does not take much time. The peculiarity of the breed is numerous skin folds and bulging eyes. They are the ones who require maximum attention. It should be taken into account that the dog must live in the house; outside it overheats in the summer and freezes in the winter. At home, they provide care, hygiene procedures, comfortable maintenance, a balanced diet, regular walks, timely vaccinations and complete health care.

Care for eyes, ears, claws

The Frenchman's eyes are lively and expressive. And although they are not distinguished by their vigilance, proper care can delay the onset of myopia, which is characteristic of this breed.

During walks, dust and dirt often get into the eyes of bulldogs, purulent discharge accumulates in the corners, and increased lacrimation is possible. They are wiped daily with a napkin soaked in lotion, chamomile or calendula decoction.

Once a week, they take care of the ears - inspect their inner surface, wipe with Chlorhexidine solution, and clean out accumulated wax and dirt with cotton swabs.

If the claws do not grind down naturally on a hard surface during walks, they are shortened using a nail cutter, cutting off only the light top, without touching the dark part where the blood vessels pass.


If the French bulldog is healthy, caring for its coat is not burdensome for the owner - it is brushed twice a week using a brush for short-haired dogs. During the molting period, the procedure is carried out daily to collect all dead hairs. Caring for a Frenchie with skin diseases and allergies is more difficult - it is necessary not only to comb the fur, but also to stop the development of pathology.

Care for skin folds

One of the key points in caring for a French Bulldog is treating its many folds of skin on the face, groin and under the arms. They become clogged with dust, particles of wool, and dirt. If you do not promptly wipe with a cloth soaked in warm water, the skin will become dry and inflamed. When redness has already appeared, Chlorhexidine is used, after treatment with which talc or baby cream is applied to the folds. Care is carried out regularly - at least three times a week, and after detection of inflammation - daily.

Nose and teeth care

Due to constant drying out, the French Bulldog's nose can become crusty, which causes discomfort to the animal. Care consists of regularly lubricating the nose with olive or coconut oil mixed with vitamin E in liquid form. They begin to teach the procedure from puppyhood so that the pet gets used to it and tolerates it calmly.

To care for your teeth, you will need a special paste and a brush or a silicone finger tip. Brushing is done once a week, and chewing bones, raw hard vegetables and fruits are given to the French Bulldog every day to remove plaque that forms on the teeth.

Keeping a French bulldog in an apartment

The size of the French bulldog is small, and its character is so friendly and docile that it is possible to keep and care for a dog even in a small apartment. The bulldog prefers to spend time with its owner, so it constantly follows him. But even in this case, the pet is given a personal space - a bed, a tray, a “dining room”. This will help him quickly adapt to new living conditions, especially if the owner buys a lot of toys, a soft mattress, high-quality food and devotes the maximum amount of time to communicate with the pet.


French bulldogs, like other breeds, can be fed “natural” or dry commercial kibble or canned food.

The French are prone to allergies and obesity; this feature dictates certain rules for the formation of their diet:

  • 70% should be lean meat (veal, rabbit, beef);
  • meat products can be replaced with liver, kidneys, heart, lungs;
  • 1-2 times a week the menu should include sea fish;
  • 30% of the diet is allocated to cereals (barley, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) and vegetables (except potatoes);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese) are given separately from meat;
  • Raw or boiled eggs are fed 1-2 times a week.

After a French bulldog puppy switches from breastfeeding to regular food, he is fed 6 times a day, from two months - 5, from three to six - 4, up to a year - 3, and then transferred to adult food twice a day.

Washing in the bathroom

Caring for a French Bulldog does not involve frequent water procedures. Until nine months, the puppy is not bathed, but only wiped with a damp towel if necessary. Then three to four times a year is enough to maintain the dog’s hygiene. More frequent washing dries out the skin, promotes irritation, peeling and inflammation. To care for a French bulldog, hypoallergenic shampoos for short-haired dogs are selected. Bathe in warm water, wash the coat well, dry with a towel, and comb.


Despite the fact that the French bulldog likes to lie on the sofa, make do with the toilet in the apartment and does not rush to go outside, it is necessary to walk with him. Fresh air and dosed physical activity have a positive effect on the health of bulldogs. During a walk, they splash out their energy, and at home they relax and behave calmly. They are accustomed to the collar, leash and clothes in advance - they put them on and try to walk around at home.

After quarantine, walk the puppy for no more than 10 minutes. Gradually the time is increased to one or two hours. You should refrain from walking in extreme heat in summer and winter when the air temperature is below -18 ⁰C. Even in the heat, you should not take a French bulldog into an open body of water - it does not swim due to its large head. The dog requires especially careful care in the heat - it is difficult for him to breathe, his heart is under strain. To keep your dog cool, always take a water bottle with you.

Education and training

Already at four weeks of age, puppies begin to explore their surroundings. During this period, they are accustomed to a nickname, a place, and to wear a diaper. From one to three months they teach the commands “Fu!”, “No!”, “Come to me!”, “Place!”.

It is very important to socialize your pet. Up to two months old, the little French bulldog is sociable, trusting not only with those closest to him and those who care for him, but also with strangers. At two months his fears awaken - the dog hides and avoids guests. During this period, he should not be allowed to retire; the puppy should be taken with him and introduced to new people and other animals.

Vaccinations against diseases

Despite their strong immunity and good health, French bulldogs need vaccination against severe infectious diseases. Vaccinated against leptospirosis, distemper, parainfluenza, enteritis, hepatitis and rabies. An individual schedule is drawn up by a veterinarian. The first vaccine is administered at six weeks. Before the procedure, the dog is dewormed. Caring for your pet must be very careful, since only a healthy animal can be vaccinated.

History of the dog breed

The history of this breed is the subject of fierce debate between dog breeders in France and England. The fact is that the British claim that the honor of its creation belongs to them. At the same time, they trace the pedigree of French bulldogs, that is, from those that are a mini version of the classic English bulldogs.

The French respond to this that their national breed has no admixtures of English blood and was bred exclusively in their homeland from local breeds by mixing the blood of Spanish bulldogs, which have disappeared today. They explain the existing crosses of the English and French breeds by natural crossing that occurred on the territory of France.

Historically, these miniature dogs lived in the cities of France on the outskirts. At the same time, they were popular among marginalized sections of the population, including prostitutes. It was they who became the popularizers of these animals among bohemians: artists, actors, and bankrupt nobles. Through them, French bulldogs found their way into high society and became an indispensable companion for the nobility and French nobility.

In this regard, this type of bulldog was considered for a long time an elite breed in England and the USA. This affected the cost of puppies, which were sold at a price comparable to the price of a good car. Later, the breed gradually began to be acquired by representatives of the middle class, who currently are mainly its owners.

As for Russia, French bulldogs arrived in our country at the beginning of the twentieth century. As in France, they were started by representatives of the aristocracy and creative intelligentsia. Nowadays, almost anyone can buy a puppy of this wonderful dog. For example, there is a French bulldog nursery in Moscow, where any Muscovite and guest of the capital can choose their future pet.

In addition, there are also lovers of these dogs in the province, who unite in the corresponding kennel clubs. Their popularity, in addition to their excellent working qualities and good-natured character, is facilitated by their popularity with show business stars, who often appear in photographs with their beloved French bulldogs. As a result, the number of purebred dogs in the world is improving, which has a beneficial effect on the gene pool of this breed.

Features of keeping a bulldog in a private house

The French Bulldog is not capable of living outside all year round. It does not tolerate heat and cold well. In a private house, a dog can be placed in an open enclosure only for the summer. He cannot be in the room 24 hours a day; the door is closed when the owner is absent. The dog feels good only around people.

Caring for a dog that spends most of its time outdoors needs to be strengthened - treat folds more often, examine paws, ears and eyes. In hot weather, your French Bulldog should not be left alone outdoors.


Now you are familiar with the main features of the positive and negative qualities of the French Bulldog breed. If you have the strength, patience and desire, then feel free to purchase such a pet.

Remember - any minus of a dog can easily turn into a plus with proper care, education and endless love on your part.

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