warm nose due to climate in dog
Colds in dogs: rapid breathing, the dog often breathes with his mouth open and shakes, runny nose, snot
Dog owners know very well that if their pet is feeling well, his nose should
Flexi products
How to accustom your dog to a collar and leash from puppyhood
06/19/2018 Getting used to a leash is one of the most important steps in raising a dog, because
The neighbors' dog constantly howls and barks: what to do according to the law in an apartment and in a private house
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Shedding in dogs
Why does a dog shed a lot, what to do about it, when does shedding happen, how many times a year?
Animal fur does not grow forever, and sooner or later it falls out. This process starts again
How to wash a puppy if there is no special shampoo for the animal
Clean breeds are few in number, so after a walk in the slush, the appearance of most pets looks completely different.
warm blanket for dog walking
Bandage for dogs after sterilization: choose a ready-made one or make it yourself
A blanket for a dog is considered not only a means of protecting wounds in the postoperative period, but
childbirth in dogs
How to give birth to a dog at home without complications - advice from a veterinarian
Pregnancy in a dog lasts 60-62 days. However, viable offspring can be born at 58
When can you bathe a puppy for the first time?
When can you bathe a puppy: at what age can you wash it, rules and step-by-step instructions
How to care for a dog, what conditions will be optimal and how to ensure them -
Dream book for a dog: the meaning of poses and reflection of the emotional state of the animal - Review + Video
Each of us, during hours of aimless wandering through the Internet, comes across a large number of
dog sterilization
Castration and sterilization of dogs: pros and cons, features of the procedure and recommended age
Sterilization of dogs is a manifestation of the responsibility of the owner. As puppies grow older, their sexual instincts may
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