Differences and similarities between the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog

Boston - Terriers are not very popular in Russia and the CIS countries, and many people have never heard of them. Therefore, a person who sees this dog for the first time can easily be mistaken for a French bulldog. But the similarity between “Boston” and “French” is not as obvious as it might actually seem. And it is not without reason that one of them is called a terrier, while the second is a typical representative of bulldogs.

Who is better to choose

Considering two popular dog breeds, such as the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog, experts note that their differences from each other are minimal. At the same time, when choosing such a pet, everyone should know them.

A difficult choice between a Frenchie and a Boston Terrier

Boston Bulldogs are more active and energetic than French Bulldogs. They require long walks. Moreover, the former get along better with children. As for French bulldogs, these dogs are more friendly and loyal to their owner. They are clumsy and snore heavily, while Bostons are agile and obedient.

Important! Representatives of both breeds do not smell and do not shed. From a long-term lack of attention, both animals begin to misbehave

Another difference between these animals is that Bostons are more trusting and friendly by nature. At the same time, they are completely devoid of the selfless courage that is inherent in French bulldogs.

There are undoubtedly differences between these two breeds. Therefore, before purchasing a pet, you need to carefully think and weigh everything in order to make the right choice. Comparison will help determine who is suitable in each individual case. Among other things, when choosing a pet you need to trust your intuition. As practice shows, only each person can independently understand which breed his soul belongs to.

External similarities between Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs

The Boston Terrier and French Bulldog are wonderful pets. Each dog is unique in its own way. But when choosing a pet, you still need to take into account the characteristics of their character and behavior. It can be very difficult to give preference to one person. After all, it is definitely impossible to say with certainty which of the two breeds is the best.

*Prices are valid for the month of November 2022.

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Pug and French bulldog: which one to choose?

The French Bulldog is whimsical when it comes to food. In addition, representatives of this breed are prone to developing allergic reactions and obesity. To prevent the development of problems, it is necessary to approach diet planning responsibly. You can feed your Frenchie both natural food and dry food.

If a dog similar to a French bulldog called a Boston Terrier lives in the house, he needs to be provided with two proper meals a day. However, you should not give your pet anything between feedings. Otherwise, feeding these two breeds is no different from each other.

Other toy terrier mixes

The Toy Terrier is a very popular breed. Every year more and more people get them. It is not surprising that breeders experiment a lot.

Not long ago, a cross between a Pekingese and a toy terrier appeared. True, it is not particularly popular - the hybrid turned out to be not the most successful. A completely different thing can be said about such a representative of the dog breed as a cross between a Spitz and a toy terrier - he turned out to be compact, cheerful and beautiful, he will make any dog ​​fan fall in love with him.

Of course, many dog ​​breeders treat mixed breeds with understandable prejudice. But if the reader does not plan to attend exhibitions or make a profit from selling puppies, then such a pet can be an excellent choice for the whole family.

Education and training

Boston Terriers are very intelligent and easy to train dogs. They are often used in circus shows and filmed in films. One look into the light, bright, inquisitive eyes of a baby is enough to understand: before us is an intellectually developed and quick-witted creature.

Raising puppies should begin at an early age. The sooner they are trained, the more docile and obedient they will be as adults. The character and training of dogs are directly related. If you do not train your Boston Terrier, you can end up with a disobedient, uncontrollable dog that does not recognize the authority of the owner in the house.

Puppies need to be trained in special areas, constantly repeating the learned commands to reinforce them. With due diligence, a puppy can turn out to be a good watchdog.

Boston Terriers are very intelligent and easy to train dogs.

History of the Boston Terrier breed

The history of the breed began at the end of the 19th century in America. In 1870, Boston resident Robert Hooper bought an unusual dog from his friend William O'Brien. According to the seller himself, the stocky, strong male was a cross between an English terrier and an English bulldog, which provoked Hooper to make a spontaneous purchase. Without hesitation for a long time, the Bostonian christened his ward Judge and took him to mating with a bitch named Jip, who belonged to Edward Burnett. After the allotted time, Jip gave birth to a cute male dog, named Wells Ef, and an elegant “girl” - Tobin Keith. When the puppies grew up, they were bred first with each other, and then with their parents, thereby laying the foundation for the gene pool of the future breed.

Over the next decades, Massachusetts breeders, including the same Robert Hooper, carried out targeted work to improve the exterior performance of dogs. For example, the first generations of animals were infused with the blood of the Old English White Terrier several times, which helped make their figures less brutal. Gradually, another distinctive feature of the descendants of Judge began to emerge more clearly - the rounded shape of the skull, and therefore the dogs began to be called round-headed bullies. Later the name was transformed into American Bullies, and then into American Bull Terriers - it was under this phrase that the first “Bostons” appeared at exhibitions. This did not last long, as the breeders of the then popular English bull terriers rebelled against the name. Angry owners demanded the immediate renaming of the Massachusetts Mixed Breeds to avoid confusion in defining the breeds. So Judge's descendants became Boston Terriers.

The first club of fans of the breed was formed in its homeland, Boston, in 1889. Two years later, the organization was renamed the American Boston Terrier Club, and a couple of years later it joined the AKC. As for entering animals into stud books, this was first done in 1893, after which Boston Terriers became the most sought-after pets among middle-class Americans. However, already during the Great Depression, the popularity of the breed began to decline. The situation was aggravated by the Second World War, after which dogs began to be imported to the United States from Europe. Nevertheless, the Bostons were never on the verge of extinction.

At a glance

The main differences that you will find between the two breeds at first glance are that the Boston Terrier will be taller, lighter and easier to build, with shorter ears. The French Bulldog is more muscular and square-shaped, with large, pointed ears.

A dog that is black and white is almost certainly a Boston Terrier, while a dog whose coat is all the same color is more likely to be a French Bulldog.


If it is difficult to choose between a Frenchman or an Englishman, you need to study how they differ from each other. For people who love active recreation and travel, the French bulldog is more suitable. This dog does not need additional physical activity, but walks every day are the key to health. An Englishman will be an excellent companion for calm, phlegmatic people. Calm, slow walks are ideal for this breed.

It is not advisable to have any of these dogs in a home with small children. Their ancestors are fighting breeds, and despite the muting of aggression at the genetic level, it manifests itself in certain situations.



The forehead, when viewed from the side, should also be flat; a rounded forehead is considered a very serious fault. The forehead is covered with clearly visible and deep folds. The lower jaw is wide, and the dog’s chin should stand out well.

The head of a French bulldog also resembles a square, it is large and wide. But the forehead of dogs of this breed is convex, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is very clearly visible.

READ How to care for a cat after anesthesia and surgery: pain relief, temperature

The jaws are heavy and powerful. The nasal-facial part of their skull is flattened, which gives them such a stern appearance. There are also folds, the most pronounced one separating the brow ridges, but it should not extend to the forehead.

The Pug is characterized by a short muzzle, which should be almost equal to the width of its forehead. The muzzle is all covered with folds and, like the head, should resemble a square in shape.

If a dog has a weakly defined lower jaw or it is narrow, then this is considered a fault, since the pug immediately loses the sad and tremulous “face” expression typical of this breed.

The pug's eyes are dark, round in shape, quite large in size, they give the dog a sad expression on his face. They should shine brightly; if the eyes are dull, then this indicates that the dog is sick.

A very serious drawback for this breed is bulging eyes, visible whites of the eyes, and small slanted eyes.

The bulldog has expressive eyes, also round, large and dark brown. Should be very low and wide apart, with a lively and good-natured look. For this breed, dark eyelids are a mandatory criterion.

Pug dogs have two types of ears. The first type is called “roses”; they have a hall in the middle, are laid back, with this type the auricle is visible.

But the second type of ears is preferable for dogs - “button” ears, with their shape they completely hide the auricle. Both types are small in size, fit quite tightly to the head and feel thin, soft, and velvety to the touch.

They are triangular in shape, reminiscent of bat ears. The base is quite wide, and the ears are rounded at the ends.

Pugs boast a strong, fairly long neck and have a scruff that is located behind the back of the skull.


The body of pugs is quite powerful and dense, but you need to make sure that it is not fatty. The topline of dogs is level, the back is straight, and the chest is wide.

The bulldog has strong bones, the body looks compact and neat. The back of a dog of this breed is very muscular and wide.

The topline is smoothly curved, should rise gently to the loins and then decline sharply towards the tail. The abdomen and groin should be tucked in and the sides should appear rounded.


The pug's paws should have soft and thick pads, and the toes should be separated. The limbs themselves are not very short, with well-developed muscles, located strictly parallel to each other, they are straight and strong.

The bulldog's limbs, on the contrary, are short and strong. The toes are closed, and the paws themselves are small, round in shape and slightly turned outward. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs, the thighs are very muscular and strong.

The Frenchie's tail is short, wide at the base and tapering towards the end. It is located low and may be broken or knobby from birth, which is considered a sign of the breed. Sometimes it can be rolled into a ring, but not necessarily. Even when moving, the tail must be lower than the level of the base.


The pug has only a few types of colors: black, silver and yellowish-fawn.

The bulldog boasts a wide variety of colors. The breed has colors such as: brindle, white-brindle, black-brindle, white, white with spots, fawn and white-fawn. But for each color it is mandatory that the eyelashes and edging of the eyelids be black.

Weight and size

In a pug, females can reach 25-30 centimeters in height and weigh 6-8 kilograms, and males can reach 30-35 centimeters in height and weigh 6-10 kilograms.

A female French bulldog weighs 9-12 kilograms and is 28-35 centimeters tall, and a male is 30-38 centimeters tall and weighs 10-15 kilograms.

Brief description of dog parameters

Both breeds are companion animals, easy to care for and optimally adapted for life in society. They have a size convenient for keeping in an apartment.

These are brachycephalic dogs: bearers of short, fleshy and snub-nosed muzzles. This is where the obvious similarities end. Next come the differences, which begin with the overall parameters.

French Bulldog standards include height ranges of 23-32 cm for females and 26-35 cm for males. Permissible deviations are within one centimeter. Weight varies from 8 to 15 kg. If the proportions are generally preserved, an excess of 0.3-0.5 kg is allowed. The standard weight of an adult female is 8-13, a male is from 9 to a maximum of 15 kg.

The difference between the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog is the variability of weight parameters. The breed standard involves division into three groups:

  • from 4.5 to 7.0 kg;
  • from 7.0 to 9.0 kg;
  • from 9.0 to 11.5 kg.

The average height is 38-43 cm.


► French Bulldogs are stocky, with a stable, dense dog body. Very muscular. They are distinguished by a wide chest and short powerful legs. The breed standard compares it with a square: square head, square lower chest, square paws. Due to their heavy body and short legs, Frenchies do not float well in the water. They practically don't know how to swim.

The French Bulldog differs from the Boston Terrier in the presence of concentric symmetrical folds on the muzzle and back of the head. They require special care

The large erect ears resemble those of a bat: wide at the head and narrowed at the top. They always stand upright and point slightly forward. The French Bulldog's eyes are round, large, set low, and moderately convex.

The coat is short and harsh. There is no undercoat. Possible color:

  1. Fawn - from pale to dark clay, shades are lighter at the folds, valued in combination with a dark mask.
  2. Brindle - with a moderate amount of contrasting stripes, the color of brindles ranges from bright brown to black.
  3. Motley - with a significant area of ​​varying numbers of spots of white, red or dark, differing in shape and size.

The presence of gray-blue shades in the color is considered a deviation from the norm. The nose is always black with symmetrical nostrils directed obliquely upward.

► The Boston Terrier is a more elegant breed with a less snub nose. Balanced, strong and energetic dog. Harmonious and proportional. The body is compact. The topline is level. The croup is slightly sloping. The chest is deep and wide. Limbs with pronounced angles. The tail is naturally short and set low.

The head has a square skull and a well-defined transition from the forehead to a short and wide muzzle without folds or wrinkles. The ears are small and erect. They have a pointed shape. Ideally, not docked. The eyes are large, round and widely set. They are set straight and in line with the cheekbones. The coat is short without undercoat. Smooth and shiny, fine structure.

Color is the calling card of the breed. The Boston always has a smooth white mark on the forehead and symmetrical white markings. Mandatory areas for their location:

  • lining around the muzzle;
  • collar area;
  • bib;
  • front legs.

Standard types of main color:

  1. Black – may turn brown in the sun.
  2. Seal - with the presence of non-contrasting reddish-brown spots.
  3. Brindle - with distinguishable brindles of different shades.

The nose, like a Frenchman's, is always black.

Clear outlines combined with a bright color, like a festive tailcoat, and the ability to behave with ease and dignity give the breed elegance. In their homeland they are called a gentleman from Boston.


► The French Bulldog is a devoted companion that does not require much activity from the owner. Does not require loads. Suitable for busy or elderly people.

  1. They are reluctant to make friends with other animals. They are not always patient with children, unless they grow up with them from puppyhood.
  2. Very smart. They bark extremely rarely and do it only consciously: warning of danger or scaring off an enemy. They are distinguished by fearlessness, always ready to protect their owner. They bravely attack an obviously strong enemy.
  3. It is better to train a smart but wayward Frenchie from childhood. The older the dog, the more difficult and longer this process will be.

► The Boston Terrier's character is soft and balanced. No mood swings. This is an ideal companion with good enthusiasm and a stable psyche. He senses the situation very well. His character depends on the environment in which he lives, the company for communication and the temperament of the owner.

Boston loves children. You can play with them, play sports, loves Frisbee, and is successful in agility. An over-excited American never gets tired; he doesn’t know how to regulate his activity. Sometimes the dog needs to be controlled so that it does not overheat in the excitement.

The main difference in the character of the Boston Terrier is its versatility. It is suitable for active people and phlegmatic people, children and pensioners. The main thing for him is communication.


Due to their anatomy, both breeds have common problems:

  • tendency to inflammation of the sinuses - sinusitis;
  • increased risk of eye injury;
  • poor thermoregulation.

Any breathing problems should be treated with attention. During hot periods, protect from overheating. However, light snoring during sleep should not be a concern. A small degree of openness of the nostrils is due to the natural constitution. Temperature changes should be avoided: hypothermia in winter and overheating in summer.

Paying attention to the safety of your eyes, you should periodically wipe them using saline solution or clean water. When walking, it is important to avoid getting tough grass and twigs in your eyes.

French Bulldogs are generally in good health. The main disadvantage is the tendency to various types of allergies. With this in mind, you need to choose the right diet.

The Boston Terrier has a list of inherited diseases. The ancestors of the breed established permission for breeding - a DNA test for cataracts. Dogs used for breeding must pass it safely.

Who is better to choose?

The decision about which breed is better to get a puppy - a French bulldog or a Boston terrier - should not be made under the influence of emotions. Puppies of both breeds are very cute and touching, but you need to take into account that they will grow up very quickly, and the characters of adult dogs of “Frenchies” and “Bostons” are different, as well as their temperament. Some people like to lead an active lifestyle and are not averse to playing sports with their pet; they can get a Boston Terrier: after all, he is more tireless and active than a French bulldog.

If the future owner of the dog does not have time for long walks and too active games with the pet, it is better for him to buy a “Frenchie”.

And, of course, the Boston Terrier cannot be considered a good choice for an elderly person.

He simply will not be able to keep track of a hyperactive and very temperamental dog.

A bulldog that does not have the habit of jumping on people is more suitable for families with small children. After all, a “Boston”, characterized by too much jumping and energy, can knock a child down by jumping or running into him. French bulldogs treat children much more delicately and carefully.

The issue of price also matters in many cases when it comes to purchasing a dog. Bulldogs are more popular in Russia, their population is much larger, and, therefore, their cost is lower than that of Boston terriers. Finally, a good Boston puppy, given the rarity of the breed, will have to wait much longer than a small Frenchie.

If there are no “contraindications” in the family in the form of elderly relatives or very young children, and the price does not matter, then you should take a representative of the breed that you like best.


  1. Origin. French bulldogs appeared in England, from where they came to France, and there the final formation of this breed took place. Boston Terriers are native to the United States, where they were bred in Massachusetts.
  2. Original purpose. “Frenchies” are descended from baiting dogs used in bullfighting, and “Bostons” are descendants of burrowing hunting dogs, which were originally bull terriers.
  3. Body type. The Boston Terrier is quite light-boned, slimmer and taller-legged than the squat, stocky French Bulldog. These dogs have a chest of different volume and shape: the “French” has a deep, barrel-shaped chest, while the “Boston” is lighter and not so rounded.
  4. Folding. French bulldogs have fairly deep wrinkles on their heads and faces. In the Boston Terrier, folds form only near the base of the muzzle and when the dog, alert, slightly wrinkles its forehead.
  5. Ear shape. The terrier has ears that are more pointed at the ends than those of the bulldog, and in general their set is wider than that of the “French”.
  6. Bostons have larger and rounder eyes than Bulldogs.
  7. Color. For French bulldogs, white, fawn and white-fawn colors are considered acceptable, but for Boston terriers it will be considered a breeding marriage. On the other hand, the black and white color found in terriers is completely unacceptable for the “French”. Their darkest coat color is black brindle, in which there are always reddish stripes on a black background.
  8. Location of marks. For French Bulldogs, large white markings in the form of a wide blaze on the forehead, a white muzzle, a full white “collar”, “shirt front” and “sock socks” are considered unacceptable.
  9. Temperament. The Boston Terrier is more active and mobile than the French Bulldog, and many of the representatives of this breed are generally hyperactive. The “French” is reasonable, calm and not fussy, unlike the temperamental and energetic “Boston”, like all terriers.
  10. Attitude towards other pets. Without early socialization, bulldogs can become aggressive towards other animals and start fights with other people's dogs. Boston - Terriers get along well with other pets in the house and are even able to be friends with them.
  11. Boston Terriers are distinguished by their good-natured, slightly frivolous and overly trusting character. This does not mean that they are less attached to their owners than the “Frenchies”. It's just that Bostons are more likely to trust outsiders than Bulldogs.
  12. Tendency to sabotage. French bulldogs almost never tend to spoil things when left alone, while a Boston terrier may start gnawing furniture out of boredom or peeling off the wallpaper in an apartment.
  13. Physical exercise and activity. Although French bulldogs love to run outside, they do not need long walks. Boston Terriers, on the other hand, require significant exercise.
  14. Price . Boston Terriers are considered a rarer and significantly more expensive breed.
  15. Predisposition to disease. Boston - Terriers are less susceptible to hereditary diseases than French bulldogs.

However, they may have a predisposition to cataracts, congenital subluxations of the joints of the limbs, congenital deafness, narrowing of the pylorus of the stomach and malignant neoplasms of the skin.

A “Frenchman” may try to dominate the family while growing up, while a Boston Terrier may not naturally have the desire for leadership.

Appearance: size, height, weight, structure of the muzzle, ears

Since childhood, a miniature puppy has a harmonious physique - this is something many dwarf breeds lack. The average height is 23-25 ​​cm, although in some cases there are giants of 30 cm.

It is very important to feed your pet correctly - the norm is a weight of 3 kg - a significant excess can be regarded as obesity. On a note! On cold winter days, it is better to let your pet “do all the work” on a specially placed diaper, rather than take him outside

On a note! On cold winter days, it is better to let your pet “do all the work” on a specially placed diaper, rather than take him outside.

The structure of the body and face may vary - after all, this is a mestizo, and not an independent breed. Therefore, in one litter, genes from different ancestors may dominate in different individuals.

Excursion into history

The Boston Terrier, whose history goes back just over a hundred years, owes its appearance to the activities of American breeders. The birthplace of the breed is the American city of Boston, Massachusetts. It was here in 1870 that an ordinary Boston resident, Robert Hooper, purchased from the sailor Edward Barnett a handsome brindle-colored dog with white opalines, later named Judge. Judge Hooper, who arrived by ship from the shores of distant Great Britain, had English terriers and bulldogs among his ancestors. It is this dog that is recognized as the founder of the new breed.

The repeated crossings that followed the acquisition of the Judge with females of other breeds ultimately led to the formation of a certain exterior, which was fixed and has remained virtually unchanged since then. Thus, through crossbreeding (interbreeding), a completely new dog was obtained. Initially, the descendants of the Judge were called Boston mixed breeds, round-headed bulldogs, and also American bull terriers. But already in 1878, representatives of the new breed appeared at a dog show in the United States under the laconic sign of the Boston Terrier.

The Boston Terrier was created by crossing an English Bulldog with a White English Terrier.

Interesting to know! A significant number of different dog breeds took part in the creation of the Bostonians. Modern "American gentlemen" are related to Old English terriers, English and French bulldogs, boxers and pit bulls.

After their first appearance in front of the public, the unusual dogs began to be of great interest to dog lovers, first in their home state, and then throughout North America. The year 1890 was marked by the emergence of a club for lovers of the new breed. The initiator of the creation of the club was Charles Leland. In 1893, Bostonians received official recognition from the AKC (American Kennel Club). In 1901, representatives of the attractive breed came to Europe, where, although they did not become as popular as the French bulldog, they still acquired their own army of admirers.

A new breed of dogs has become a real asset and pride of American Boston. In 1979, the cute babies even became a symbol of Massachusetts. Until now, in their native country they are included in the list of the most popular representatives of four-legged animals.

In 1979, Boston Terriers became the symbol of Massachusetts.

Historical reference

Bulldog is translated from English as “bull dog”. This name is an echo of the past occupation of bulldogs. This is a breed of large dogs. They were used to bait cattle, large cats, bears, etc. The dog’s task was to capture prey and hold it for a long time without opening its jaws.

What is a bulldog

Such entertainment was banned and, from the 19th century. dogs were no longer allowed into the arena for fighting. Therefore, breeders were faced with the task of eliminating aggression and malice in the dog’s character.

All representatives of the bulldog group are united by:

  • a tightly built, squat body with a wide chest;
  • powerful head with a flat muzzle;
  • folded skin.

What is the difference between a French bulldog and a pug?

French bulldogs and pugs are excellent pet breeds. Both dogs get along well in small apartments and do not have special care requirements. At the same time, the breeds have a lot of differences - each pet not only has its own anatomical features and character, but even the history of its origin.

French bulldog and pug have differences

History of breeds

Pugs come from China; the first mention of them dates back to the 5th century BC. e. These dogs in the 1500s. were brought to Europe, where they became widespread. Only the nobility could afford such pets.

French bulldogs, despite their name, originate from England. They were started by dressmakers, whose dogs helped catch rodents. After the emigration of some needlewomen to England, the breed became widespread in the United Kingdom.

Pugs come from China

Exterior and anatomy - table

OptionsFrench BulldogPug
Heightup to 35 cmup to 32 cm
Weight8–15 kgup to 8.1 kg
Earslarge and erectthin, fit tightly to the skull
Body typemuscular and strongmuscular and short
  • black and white;
  • brindle;
  • reddish;
  • pale yellow;
  • mousey
  • yellowish-fawn;
  • black;
  • silver
Neckshort and muscularslightly curved and thick
Headmassive, squarelarge and round
Tailshort, twisted

Character and behavior of breeds

Pugs are friendly companions. In their youth they are active, but in moderation. Upon reaching adulthood, they become sedentary and prefer the company of their owner and lying on the sofa. These dogs get along well with children and the elderly. Balanced character. Such dogs bite only in extreme cases.

French bulldogs, unlike pugs, are more stubborn and harder to train. They love to play and frolic in the fresh air. However, their character is calm and friendly. These pets are great for large families, but they should not be left without attention. Dogs of this breed are touchy and love to be played with.

French bulldogs love to play

Conditions of detention and nuances of care

Pugs are simpler in terms of nutrition - they do not require special privileges, it is enough to feed them 2-3 times a day. Your pet's diet should include:

  • lean meat;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • offal;
  • dry food;
  • cereals and vegetables.

Pugs need to be fed 2-3 times a day

Unlike pugs, French bulldogs are prone to food allergies, so you need to choose the best quality food. This breed can be fed:

  • meat;
  • cereals;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • specialized food.

Bulldogs can be fed no more than 2 times a day.

Food for French bulldogs should be selected carefully, as they are prone to allergies.

There are also differences in bathing breeds. Pugs can be bathed once every 6 months, provided that the dog is not often outside. If your pet regularly walks, then hygiene procedures should be carried out once a quarter. Such animals will have to be combed at least 2 times a week, as they shed quite a lot. You need to walk pets of this breed at least 3 times a week.

Bulldogs are easier to care for. They should be brushed no more than once every 7 days, as they do not shed as much as pugs. You can bathe bulldogs once every 2 months using a special shampoo. Dogs of this breed need to be walked daily. In cold weather, you will have to get warm clothes for your pet, since bulldogs do not tolerate frost well.

Cost of puppies and adult dogs

Price of puppies:

  • French bulldog - from 35 thousand rubles;
  • pug - from 30 thousand rubles.

Cost of adult dogs:

  • French bulldog - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • pug - from 15 thousand rubles.

French bulldog puppies can't be cheap

Possible diseases

Pugs do not get sick often, but they are prone to such pathologies as:

  • demodicosis;
  • otitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eyes and joints;
  • urolithiasis disease.

The lifespan of such dogs varies from 12 to 13–14 years.

French bulldogs are more prone to inflammatory diseases of the skin, eyes and joints. The life expectancy of such pets is slightly shorter and is 10–12 years.

A little about pugs

The pug is a breed with a rich history. These affectionate companions were bred back in Ancient China. Dog experts believe that pugs had similar ancestors to modern Pekingese. Pugs were brought to Europe during the Middle Ages. Small dogs quickly fell in love with the German nobility and became widespread in modern times.


The dimensions of pugs are as follows: dogs grow to weigh 6-8 kg and up to 25-28 cm at the withers. The body structure is square, stocky, the head is round. The area of ​​the mouth and eyes is black, the forehead is folded, the eyes are protruding. According to the breed standard, the ears can be in 2 positions: “button” and “rose”. Ponytail a la “curl”. The coat is short, but prone to heavy shedding.


Perky, active, friendly and gets along well with children: that's all about the pug. The pug will always tolerate being squeezed by your children and will not show any aggression. The other side of friendliness lies in the excessive gullibility of pugs. It won't be difficult for a stranger to take your pet away on the street.

And pugs are real piglets. Every now and then the dog will try to eat something on the street while you are not looking. One of the most common problems with Pugs is obesity. If you don't watch your pug's diet and don't give him enough daily activity, he'll soon become overweight. For some, long walks are a significant disadvantage, but for others they will be a plus.


There is a very unpleasant myth that pugs are a little stupid. In fact, this is not true, pugs are smart and understand everything perfectly. They feel when you are sad and will try in every possible way to console and cheer you up. This myth has spread due to difficulties in training. It is really difficult to teach a Pug commands, but this is not because of stupidity, but because of its stubborn nature.


Your Pug may experience the following problems:

  1. Keratitis, conjunctivitis.
  2. Obesity, as a result, heart defects.
  3. Skin diseases.
  4. Breathing problems, brachycephalic syndrome.


  • friendly, affectionate friend;
  • suitable for living in an apartment;
  • You can take a pug with you on a trip; dogs can easily endure the road, but have difficulty adapting to sudden changes in temperature.


  • expensive care, frequent allergies;
  • tendency to eye diseases, obesity;
  • molt.


Such an important factor as the life expectancy of a Boston Terrier should be discussed separately. With proper care and proper feeding, a dog can live 14-15 years

In general, the animal is quite well developed physically, but individual problems such as eye or ear diseases are still present.

Due to the fact that a dog’s eyes are positioned “out of the box”, problems with them are not uncommon. Trouble occurs when small debris or dust gets into them, after which inflammation occurs.

It often happens that during the period of active maturation, puppies develop juvenile cataracts. The disease can be recognized by the dog's lost look and slightly clouded lens. In such cases, the animal urgently needs professional veterinary care.

Colds are a common problem in Boston Terriers. These are mainly ENT diseases, for example, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis and so on.

It is also important to carefully monitor your pet in sunny weather - the dog is highly susceptible to sunstroke. In addition, due to the large head of the dog at the time of birth, it is best to perform a cesarean section in order to avoid complications and deaths.

In addition, due to the large head of the dog at the time of birth, it is best to perform a cesarean section in order to avoid complications and deaths.

How to maintain?

Caring for hybrid dogs of different breeds comes down to performing mandatory activities related to maintaining a four-legged friend’s home. If the pet has inherited long hair, the animal will need to be brushed regularly; brushing the dog 2-3 times a week is considered optimal. Since every mestizo will inherit from the dachshund a tendency to dig, hybrids will have to be bathed more often, and you can also visit grooming salons with your pet.

Mandatory hygiene measures include cleaning the ears and eyes. This is best done with damp cotton pads. In some breeds, the organs of vision are a vulnerable part of the body and therefore require regular care. The dog's nails need to be trimmed as they grow back.

Every week, your pet needs to brush its teeth using a brush and toothpaste designed for dogs. Some hybrids will not be able to live on the street or in an enclosure, so before choosing, it is worth studying the features of keeping each breed. Pets will need two daily walks in the fresh air.

Dachshunds are prone to gaining excess weight, despite their activity, so the breeder needs to strictly control the diet of the mixed breed. For feeding, you can use industrial feed or natural food.

It is important to provide the dog with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. A couple of times a month you can give your dog fasting days.

The mestizo menu should consist of lean meat, dairy products, vegetables and boiled cereals. Industrial feed must be premium. Hybrids will need vitamin complexes regularly.

Hygiene procedures

This set of measures for caring for a French bulldog in an apartment includes both preventive and cosmetic aspects.


Despite the fact that “Frenchies” have short hair, they shed quite profusely, and therefore you should not count on the absence of hair on the upholstery of upholstered furniture. Hair loss is especially severe during seasonal molting and during allergic reactions.

The problem can be minimized by regular brushing of the dog, which is recommended up to three times a week using a special brush.


Water treatments for dogs of this breed can be limited to three baths per year, since water dries the animal’s skin, which can cause irritation and peeling of the skin.

Bathing babies under nine months is strictly not recommended. In this case, you can clean up a dirty puppy using wet wipes, and its paws can be rinsed in warm water.

Care for folds

The French Bulldog's face has folds that require special care, especially in the case of puppies. The same applies to the folds in the groin and under the arms. They should be regularly wiped with a soft cloth soaked in boiled water, after which talc or baby cream should be applied to the treated areas. Such activities should be performed at least twice a week, and if inflammation occurs, daily.

Ears, nose, teeth and eyes

Keeping a French bulldog in an apartment requires regular monitoring of the pet's health. The problem area for Frenchies is their open and large ears, which need to be cleaned weekly.

Caring for your French Bulldog's eyes ideally involves wiping them off the nitrous every morning. To do this, you can use a decoction of chamomile or calendula, as well as regular boiled water.

Lubricating it with coconut or olive oil, which is recommended to do once a week, saves bulldogs from drying out their nose. Teeth are cleaned at similar intervals using specialized pastes and brushes.

With an active lifestyle and constant walks, the Frenchman’s claws wear down on their own. For sedentary individuals, they are trimmed with a claw cutter, removing only the light top, so as not to damage the blood vessels. The dog must be taught to all these sanitary and hygienic measures from a very early age, which will avoid problems with an adult dog.

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