My dog ​​is licking his private area: all possible reasons

your bitch lick her private area all the time ? If so, you can find out whether this behavior is normal or not. In this article we explain all the possible reasons why a bitch might lick her genital area. We will also tell you what to do in each case...

There are several reasons that can lead to a dog licking its vulva, some of which are a normal and natural part of dog behavior. Others, however, may indicate the presence of a problem or disease. In the latter case, the dog usually shows additional signs that you should pay attention to. If other symptoms appear, we recommend that you consult a specialist as soon as possible. Keep reading to find out why your dog keeps licking his private area and what to do about it.

Bitch licks genitals constantly - pleasure

A dog usually reaches sexual maturity between six months and one year of age. Puberty comes with the arrival of your first race . From this point on, you may start to notice new behaviors in your dog, such as stuffed animals, blankets, or other dogs, and licking their private parts a lot. This behavior is normal and part of canine nature, but why? The answer is simple: masturbate and have fun. Bitches also lick their private parts whenever they're hot, as we'll explain later.

Like women, bitches have a clitoris inside their vulva, an organ whose sole function is to provide pleasure. We rarely see it while inside the vagina, but in some dogs it is visible as a round, reddish protuberance. If you see this, you shouldn't worry. You should only be alarmed if virtually the entire clitoris protrudes through the vulva or if you notice an unusual lump in your dog's vulva. Additionally, if your dog's vagina is swollen , irritated, or abnormal, we recommend consulting with a professional as soon as possible.

Therefore, once a dog has experienced the pleasure of licking its vagina, which can be at any point in its life, it is completely normal to see it licking it often. This licking may last for several seconds or minutes with intensity, and your dog may also make a type of moaning sound. However, if this action becomes habitual or mandatory, we recommend consulting with a professional...

Why do dogs do this? Cages on humans, and how to deal with them.

In the article:

  • About sexual behavior in dogs
  • About cages per person
  • How to deal with them
  • How to distinguish a dominant cage from a sexual cage
  • About the influence of castration of a male dog at a given age on his behavior in the future
  • 60% of dogs do “this.” Some owners are amused and encourage their pet, others are embarrassed and blush, and others severely punish. And dogs are not shy about landing on pillows and toys, as well as on the feet of their beloved owners and their guests. Usually, owners cope with “indecent behavior” quite easily and only occasionally does it become a serious problem. Why do dogs choose humans as objects of desire? And what to do with it? This is what our article is about.

    Love or enmity?

    Evolutionary psychologists, whose research we often talk about in the “Ethology” section, are also interested in why sexual behavior is perceived as obscene in human society. The intended humiliation of the person at whom sexual behavior is directed is reflected in obscene curses in various languages ​​of the world. Maybe this is why people are so willing to support the myth that dogs mount their relatives and people in order to gain a dominant rank. In reality, cages in which a male dog demonstrates dominance or challenges an opponent are very different from cages of sexual behavior. A male claiming a dominant position rests his chin on the withers of another male, then puts his paws on his back, mounts him on the opponent’s shoulder and makes movements with his pelvis, reminiscent of friction during a sexual mount. With such a display of dominance, there is no erection, which is usual for sexual mounting.

    But if a dog mounts another dog not for the purpose of humiliating his opponent, then why does he do it? Scientists know of only a few cases of persistent homosexual preference in male dogs [2]; in the vast majority of cases, same-sex matings occur due to the inexperience of both partners and in the absence of relatives of the opposite sex. The fact is that mating, as an element of an innate behavior program, is triggered by certain stimuli: the smell of a bitch ready for mating, her appearance and behavior. While the male dog has no sexual experience, a whole range of different stimuli can lead to sexual arousal, almost any new unusual smell or something in shape suitable for grasping with the front paws.

    Starting from 6-8 months and up to 12 months, the level of testosterone in the blood of a male dog increases, then the concentration of this hormone begins to decrease, but the persistent preference of the female in the “hunt” over the one that is not ready for mating continues to form for another six months [4 ]. Only after several matings does the stimulus generalize, i.e. For the rest of his life, a male dog remembers the “signs” of a sexual object, as well as everything that surrounded him at that moment: whether it was a room or a street, etc. That is why breeders prefer that a bitch in a state of “hunting” be brought to the house where the male lives. In this case, the male dog will be less likely to try to run away and join the yard “dog wedding,” although this does not always work. At the same time, an experienced stud dog usually calmly treats females in heat outside the “hunting” period, follows them, but does not try to mate until she is ready for mating.

    Puppy romp

    When playing with their relatives, puppies begin to make movements similar to mating - mounting - at the age of 3 to 6 weeks after birth [5].

    It is clear that sexual behavior is very important for a dog, because its main goals, like those of any animal, are to survive and leave offspring. In the game, puppies rehearse all the situations that may happen in their future lives. They learn to court or accept advances from members of the opposite sex. Dogs that were not allowed to play as children often experience difficulties when mating: they can be overly aggressive towards their partner, some bitches will fall on their backs squealing as soon as the male puts his paw on their back. An inexperienced male sometimes plays with a bitch without showing any sexual desire at all. Sometimes he makes characteristic movements with his pelvis, standing next to the bitch, or mounts her, but from the side or in front [3]. Puppies of any sex do cages, but males do cages more often and prefer to play with bitches this way rather than with males [1].

    Sexual behavior in dogs is not limited to cages. A dog, caring for a bitch, licks her lips, eyes and ears, falls on her front paws, as if inviting her to play, touches her shoulder with his nose, licks the “noose” or urinary mark left by the bitch. At the same time, his lower jaw trembles a little, and his gaze seems frozen. At this moment, the male applies his tongue with urine applied to it to the holes in the palate leading to the vomeronasal (Jacobson) organ. With the help of the vomeronasal organ, the male detects pheromones and determines the female’s readiness for mating [5]. The vomeronasal organ plays a major role in the formation of attachment, not only between dogs and dogs, but also between dogs and people. This explains the craving of domestic dogs to lick the owner’s skin - this is how they remember our individual smell and establish a lasting attachment to us. Behavioral reasons for deviations

    At the age of six months, male dogs often try to “crush” soft toys, the sides of their beds, or steal the owner’s pillows. At the same time, they begin to mount the owner’s arms or legs during play. In my opinion, dogs are able to direct sexual behavior towards a person because they imprint the owner at an early age along with other living beings from their environment: dogs, cats, etc. They seem to perceive a person as a little dog or themselves as a little human. When choosing an object of attraction, a male prefers his relatives, but in the absence of them nearby, he mounts “strange two-legged half-dogs.” In some cases, however, this behavior in dogs is provoked by the preservative methylparaben, which is part of some products and cosmetics [7]. For us, its smell, mixed with other odors, is imperceptible, but for a dog’s nose, which is able to identify the components of the odor mixture, methylparaben is close to the smell of a female dog in heat and evokes corresponding associations.

    Physiological reasons

    Traumatologist at the veterinary clinic Alexander Zotov names 3 main physiological reasons for increased sexual desire in dogs: lack of exercise, overpopulation of dogs in the city and hormonal disorders . A young dog needs at least 3 hours of walks a day, but not all owners find the time for this. The dog gets bored at home, languishes from an excess of unspent energy, and since the owner does not try to keep the pet busy, the dog finds something to do on his own. He can howl, chew furniture, tear apart carpets by thread, and can make cages, receiving not only physical pleasure, but also the attention of the owner, even if in most cases it is negative. If the dog is not well-mannered and the owners cannot control him, he reacts aggressively to any prohibition, as a result the owners are afraid to push the “lustful monster”, because he will begin to growl and bite. And yet this is precisely sexual behavior, and not an attempt at dominance, since the male usually begins by licking his hands, grabbing them in his mouth, biting them lightly, then his movements become more active and purposeful, and he makes a mounting. Often he gets an erection before mounting or even without mounting at all.

    The ancestors of dogs, like other domestic animals, reproduced in a certain season, the most favorable for raising offspring in given climatic conditions. In most breeds of domestic dogs, seasonality has disappeared; bitches can come into heat at any time of the year. It turns out that the male constantly, throughout the year, finds the scent of one or another bitch in the “hunt”. The male becomes overexcited, often refuses to eat, tries to run away while walking, and sleeps poorly. But all this happens not once a year (which would be natural for his species), but almost every month. Obesity due to lack of physical activity and “bursts” of sexual activity lead to hormonal disorders, and these, in turn, lead to an obsessive desire to get pregnant for something.

    Bitches also do cages. They may even spend considerable time doing this activity and urinate from excitement. Often, older females begin to chase other females in heat, as well as males, and mount them. The interest of bitches in the smell of their companions in the “hunt” is normal behavior, while the obsessive desire for cages at an older age in bitches is often a consequence of hormonal disorders, which simultaneously lead to other diseases, such as false pregnancy, neoplasms on mammary glands or in the uterus.

    Effect of castration

    If a dog's obsessive attempts to mount all people within reach become a problem, dog owners are often advised to neuter their pet. In a series of studies, scientists compared the behavior of non-operated male dogs with the behavior of male dogs castrated at a given age [1,4,5,6,8].:

    How should an owner react to cages?

    If the owner stubbornly, every time the dog sits on him, forbids it to continue, gradually the dog stops doing them altogether. For example, even castrated males can carry out cages if the owner smells of new perfume or behaves unusually for a dog, for example, dancing. When dealing with a dog that is not too heavy, it is enough to simply raise the leg or arm higher that the dog is trying to sit on so that it loses its balance and stops trying. The owner can also send the dog to its place or command “Lie down!” every time her behavior goes beyond the “bounds of decency.” It is better to remove or throw away objects on which the dog sits, otherwise over time the pet may begin to protect them, just like tasty bones or favorite toys. In addition, they preserve the dog’s habit of having fun in this way.

    You should not encourage your dog or laugh at his attempts, as he will perceive this as reinforcement. It also makes no sense to push it away too harshly or harshly punish it; do not forget that mounting usually begins with the dog licking the owner’s hands, and this contributes to its attachment to you. All the owner needs to do is show the dog the boundaries from which he should not go.

    Although correcting deviant behavior is relatively simple, the problem should not be ignored. Frequent sitting on people or objects is an alarming “bell” indicating that your dog is not well. She lacks attention, physical and mental stress. The life of a pet dog revolves around its owner; it has no “business of its own” that it could do while people are not interested in it, except, of course, for those bad habits that ultimately make coexistence with it unpleasant.

    Case from practice

    A strange problem has appeared in the behavior of a young male wheaten terrier. Returning from an evening walk with his owner, after washing his paws and feeding, he became extremely excited and began to attack his owner, who at that time was usually relaxing in front of the TV. The dog continuously sat on his arms or legs. The dog was extremely persistent, did not react to prohibitions and spankings with a newspaper - he jumped back, returned and resumed his old ways. Only after an hour did he calm down, stop trying and fall asleep. On walks, he tried to mount all the dogs, but not so persistently. The walks themselves were quite long, but not particularly active: due to their age, the owners could not provide the terrier with high physical activity. To get rid of problem behavior that had become a bad habit for the dog, we used tethering punishment. After a walk, the dog’s collar was not removed, and as soon as the dog tried to mount the owner, he was taken on a leash and tied short to the leg of the sofa. The length of the leash allowed the dog to stand, but did not allow him to jump onto the sofa and continue to pester the owner. For some time the dog whined, tried to escape, and chewed the leash. Then he sat down. At this moment he was untied, calmly praised and released.

    If the terrier attempted to mount again, he was again tied briefly and kept on the leash until he sat or lay down. The first days the terrier calmed down within 2-3 minutes and needed to be tied up 3-4 times per evening. After a week, a single tie-down for a couple of minutes was enough. After two weeks, it was often enough just to get the leash, and the dog obediently lay down on the sofa, without resuming attempts to mount the owner. After 2 years, the owner tells the following about the dog: “If tutors come to my granddaughter and the dog is in the way, I put “that” red leash on him and his behavior changes dramatically. He immediately lies down next to my chair and does not pay attention to the guests. He doesn’t pester or jump on people, neither his own nor strangers. Maybe this only happened to him a couple of times a year. But he still haunts one favorite pillow that we usually try to hide. On walks, he no longer pesters everyone, but only bitches in heat, he figured it out, you can see what’s what. Of course, compared to the previous dog, you still have to watch him more carefully, otherwise he tries to run away. We bred the old one, but he still wasn’t particularly interested in bitches. We still love the current terrier very much, we think we just came across such a specimen!”

    1. Overol K. Clinical methods for correcting the behavior of dogs and cats. M.: Sofion, 2005.

    2. Barton A. Sexual inversion and homosexuality in dogs and cats // Vet. Med. 1959. Vol.54, P. 155

    3. Beach FA Coital behavior in dogs. III. Effects of early isolation on mating in males // Behavior. 1968. Vol.30, N 2. P.218-238

    4. Beach FA, Buehler MG, Dunbar IF Development of attraction to estrous females in male dogs // Physiology & Behavior. 1983. Vol. 31, pp. 293-297.

    5. Beaver BV Canine Behavior: Insights and Answers (SECOND EDITION). Elsevier. 2009

    6. Hart BL Behavioral effects of castration // Canine Practice. 1976. Vol.3. N.3. P. 10-21.

    7. Mertens PA Reproductive and sexual behavioral problems in dogs // Theriogenology. 2006 Vol. 66. P. 606–609

    8. Olson PN, Pouliot M. Guide dog schools: A model for interdisciplinary studies on canine behavior // Proc Third International Congress Vet Behav Med. 2001. P. 69.

The dog continues to lick the vagina - stress and hormones

Related to the previous point, if we observe a bitch licking her genitals and doing it obsessively, this could be an indicator of stress. When a dog is stressed, it will try to relieve the tension through behavior, which in many cases may be misdiagnosed. In the case of female dogs, one way to relieve tension, stress or anxiety is to lick the vagina. Therefore, it is important to determine the cause of your dog's stress in order to avoid and resolve the problem. If not enough attention is given and the dog's stress is not treated, the habit can become stereotyping —a persistent abnormal behavior that makes treatment difficult.

Another reason that may explain why your dog is licking her vagina with great intensity is a hormonal imbalance . Hormonal imbalances in dogs can also cause stress to develop, leading to the above-mentioned consequences. This occurs in female dogs that have not yet been spayed. Therefore, if you suspect that your dog may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, you will have to go to the vet to evaluate the possibility of surgery.

What are anal glands?

Small sacs located at the exit of the anus and filled with a special thick brown or gray secretion are called anal glands or sacs.

The function of the glands is to mark their territory; the secret is squeezed out by animals specifically to leave information about themselves and their right to hunting grounds.

If the dog is healthy, then the glands are cleaned naturally with each bowel movement and do not create unpleasant situations.

When meeting each other, dogs sniff out the smell of the secret, while receiving complete reliable information about their brother.

My dog ​​licks her vagina and pus appears - infection

If your dog licks your private area a lot and also has whitish or slightly yellowish discharge, you may be suffering from a serious health problem . In such cases, you should consult your veterinarian immediately. The most common diseases and conditions that cause excessive vaginal licking along with abnormal secretions are:

  • Pyometra (uterine infection)
  • Matrix infection
  • Ovarian infection
  • Bacterial infection
  • Fungal infection
  • Wounds in the vagina and/or cervix.

However, these are not the only diseases that can cause pus to discharge from the vulva. In fact, almost any infection in the lower reproductive system can cause this symptom. The exact type of infection must be diagnosed and treated by a professional, so it is best to contact a veterinarian immediately...

According to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a dog licking in a dream means making an important decision, feeling an unprecedented surge of strength, standing on the threshold of important changes. Dogs in dreams generally reflect readiness to make a decision, but are not limited to this. This is a sign of imminent success, goal achievement and some kind of personal breakthrough. Don't give up - and this will help you achieve what you want.

Is it possible to make a dream with dogs come true faster? There are certain recommendations from Vanga that help achieve this. First, remember the details of the dream well after waking up. Next, you will need any candle, which you should light and walk around the house with it.

My dog ​​keeps licking his private parts - vaginitis

If you notice that your dog's vulva is swollen (vaginx), this usually indicates that it is going through the heating season . From the first stage of his period, the dog's vulva increases in size and you will see initial bleeding, which causes him to constantly lick the genital area. If you notice this behavior when your dog is in a heatwave, you can be sure that this is the cause of both the licking and the inflammation coming from her vagina.

However, if your dog does not have typical heat symptoms but has vaginitis and is constantly licking the vagina, be aware of the following symptoms:

  • Increased urination
  • Difficulty urinating
  • In tears
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings

These symptoms indicate that she may be suffering from a urinary tract infection ( orcanine cystitis), such diseases, together with vaginal tumors, ovarian cysts or other pathologies, can only be diagnosed by a specialist. So if you suspect that any of these reasons may be the reason your dog is licking his genital area, don't hesitate to visit your veterinarian as soon as possible.

The most common reasons why a dog licks under its tail

Aside from grooming, there are several other reasons why your dog may be suffering from it, such as anal gland problems, skin infections, parasites, and allergies.

If your dog has problems with his anal glands, such as a blockage or infection due to an inability to expel the contents of the sacs properly, he may begin to lick the anal area more and more frequently. Another common sign that she has anal gland problems is her rear end sliding across the floor. Many animals do this to relieve pain and itching.

It is also possible that your dog has a skin infection. According to Russell Creek Pet Clinic & Hospital, a dog can develop a fungal or bacterial skin infection around the anal area, especially if it is broken. If there is an infection, contacting the irritated area with urine or feces will only increase the discomfort or pain.

Also, the area of ​​the animal's anus can be irritated by parasites. Whipworms, tapeworms or roundworms all live in a dog's intestines if they are infected and can be passed into their anus or feces.

External parasites, such as fleas and ticks, also often choose to live in the tail or anus area of ​​​​the pet. Sometimes a dog constantly licks under its tail due to the discomfort caused by these parasites.

What should I do if my dog ​​keeps licking his private area?

Depending on what causes your dog to lick your private area, the treatment will be different. If this is masturbation, there is no need for treatment, as this is an instinctive action for bitches. However, if you notice that this licking behavior is becoming obsessive, contact a professional.

If the reason your dog is licking its vagina is due to stress or anxiety, you must find out the cause of your stress in order to eradicate it. If you can do this successfully, the licking behavior should decrease slowly. If not, consult your veterinarian about how to proceed.

If you think your dog is licking your private area due to a hormonal imbalance or health issue, we recommend contacting your veterinarian immediately . A veterinarian will be able to diagnose the exact cause of your dog's behavior and prescribe the best treatment for the problem...

This article is purely informational. does not have the right to prescribe veterinary treatment or diagnose. We invite you to take your pet to the vet if you are suffering from any illness or pain.

How to help a dog

If your dog keeps licking under his tail, the first thing to do is call your veterinarian and make an appointment. Until then, it is recommended that you do not let your pet lick the back of its body too actively, as this can only make the problem worse.

Like scratching an insect bite or picking at a scab, excessive licking or scratching of the affected area, which may provide short-term relief, can worsen the situation and delay recovery. In such situations, you need to distract the dog with toys or your warmth and attention.

Tsvetkov's edition - expanded version

To see a dog licking in a dream, according to Tsvetkov, means celebrating a wedding, a big celebration, making plans for the future. A special and rare symbol, a harbinger of both personal and family happiness. It foretells the newlyweds a very long and happy family life. Also, the ceremony itself may not go entirely smoothly, but this will not have a negative impact on the future.

Is there a need to do something to make the dogs from the dream come true positively? Tsvetkov recommended staying focused on thoughts about what you want. This allows you to constantly and unconsciously search for a way to achieve them. And if necessary, you will make the right choice, make the right decision.

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