What natural foods to feed your Chihuahua: what you can and cannot give your pet

Chihuahua dogs are popular due to their small stature, cute appearance and friendly character. The size of a pet greatly simplifies caring for it, however, due to the characteristics of the body, such animals need proper and balanced nutrition. It is very important to carefully monitor that nothing unnecessary gets into your pet’s diet, because some foods can lead to serious consequences. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the dog with enough trace elements and proteins so that it can live a long and happy life.

General principles of feeding Chihuahuas

The Chihuahua is an excellent companion that makes the life of its owners more colorful and fun. The quality of life of a dwarf dog directly depends on the products included in its diet. To ensure your pet develops well and enjoys good health, follow a few rules:

  • Always have your daily meal in the same place;
  • Serve food at room temperature (not hot or frozen);
  • Do not feed your dog food intended for people;
  • remove the bowl after eating;
  • do not feed your Chihuahua after 19:00;
  • provide constant access to clean water;
  • When feeding using the traditional method, serve only freshly prepared food.

Rules for feeding puppies

It is very important for Chihuahua puppy owners to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not include prohibited foods on your dog’s menu;
  • do not mix different types of food in one bowl;
  • create a diet that includes easily digestible foods.

When a puppy is taken away from its mother and siblings, it becomes stressed. In order not to aggravate the pet’s depressive state, in the first two weeks it is necessary to feed it in the same way as the breeders did.

Store-bought or homemade?

There are no clear pros and cons here. It is impossible to find out what store-bought cottage cheese At the same time, E. coli multiplies well in it, so buying it secondhand without knowing anything about the manufacturer’s certification is dangerous.

Farm-made is not always of high quality; the cleanliness of the one who makes it, the health of the cow and what kind of food she eats are very important. The percentage of poisoning from homemade cottage cheese is higher than from store-bought cottage cheese.

Important: dogs are not given “curd product”. Also refrain from feeding your pet curd cheeses and curd mass. You cannot buy cottage cheese with raisins and other additives.

When buying it in a store, carefully read the ingredients . Sugar, vegetable fats, sweeteners, dyes, soy, starch, preservatives, palm oil - all these “healthy” ingredients indicate that you should not buy the product. Give preference to the shortest possible composition and minimum shelf life.

Advice: cottage cheese must be made according to GOST, and not according to specifications - each manufacturer has its own, and it is not a fact that it is of high quality.

Look at the price too. This product is not cheap. When purchasing a product on the market, ask for a quality certificate and a veterinary certificate - this way you will protect yourself. It's best to buy from friends.

Tip: take a little cottage cheese in your hand. If it is very dry and crumbly, the product is guaranteed to be diluted with flour to increase the quantity and give it a marketable appearance.

Feeding Chihuahua puppies by age

Representatives of the dwarf breed grow up very quickly - by 12 months they become full-fledged adults. In the first year of life, it is very important for puppies to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements for the proper formation of the skeleton and general development of the body. Within three weeks after birth, babies receive everything they need along with mother's milk, after which other foods can be gradually introduced into their diet. Let's take a closer look at what food can be added to the menu of Chihuahua puppies, depending on their age.

  • 3-4 weeks. Three weeks after birth, the dogs are not yet weaned from their mother, but they are already starting to feed them low-fat boiled meat and cottage cheese. After another week, babies are allowed to give boiled cereals such as rice, buckwheat and semolina. When puppies are one month old, light soups based on chicken or fish broth are introduced into the diet. When a little Chihuahua has been weaned from its mother, you can include goat's milk with egg yolk in its menu.
  • 2-3 months. At this age, puppies accept fermented milk products such as kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt well. The diet is supplemented with porridge dishes with meat in a 50/50 percentage of ingredients. The daily food intake at three months is 30 grams, at 4 months – 45 grams.
  • 4-5 months. At this age, the Chihuahua’s body stops absorbing fresh milk, so it is completely excluded from the menu. If you decide to continue feeding your baby natural food, the portions must be increased to 60 grams per day. You can start adding vegetables to traditional dishes. If you plan to feed your pet dry food in the future, it's time to start accustoming your dog to this diet. It is best to give your baby canned food or dry puppy food, slightly soaked in warm water.
  • 6-8 months. Over a period of six months to 8 months, the daily volume of feed is increased from 60 to 90 grams. The majority of portions (at least 50%) should be lean meat. You can add apples and bananas, crushed to a pulp, to your diet.
  • 9-12 months. At this age, young Chihuahuas can be completely switched to an adult diet, but it is important to control the amount of calories in food. Up to 10 months, puppies continue to actively grow, so their portions should contain about 100 kcal. Older dogs are no longer growing as actively, and excess calories can lead to excess weight. For this reason, the daily diet of a young dog aged 10 to 12 months should contain no more than 40 kcal.


Many owners limit their dog's diet to only cottage cheese and kefir. Meanwhile, the animal - as an alternative to cottage cheese - can be given any fermented milk product without sugars that it tolerates.

This product can be kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, Varenets, the drink “bifidok”, “acidophilus”, homemade or purchased yogurt without additives and sugar, whey, skim cow's milk - skim milk, koumiss, diluted goat's milk. It is useful to give whey from homemade cottage cheese.

Daily diet for puppies

Dishes for a young Chihuahua should contain the following elements: proteins of plant or animal origin, carbohydrates and fats. If the owners have chosen a traditional diet as a permanent feeding method, the dog must be given additional vitamins. Supplements are introduced into the menu only in strict dosages, because their excess can lead to a deterioration in the pet’s condition. Be sure to discuss the need for vitamin supplements with your veterinarian.

The number of meals per day depends on your Chihuahua puppy's activity, weight, and metabolism. The standard diet according to the pet’s age is as follows:

  • up to 3 weeks – newborns are fed by the mother;
  • from 3 weeks to 2 months – puppies are still fed by their mother, but they should have additional food available 24/7;
  • from 2 to 3 months – meals 5-6 times a day;
  • from 3 to 6 months – feeding 3-4 times a day;
  • from six months to 12 months – meals 2-3 times a day.

As soon as the pet turns one year old, it needs to be fed no more than twice a day. In this case, between the first and second meals, the dog can be treated with a small amount of treats.

Diet for an adult dog

The diet of an adult dog can be of two types: dry and traditional. The first method is to feed the pet dry food and canned food - such a diet already includes all trace elements and vitamins, and also does not take much time from the owner to prepare. The second method involves preparing natural dishes for the animal, takes more time and requires supplementing the menu with vitamins. The advantage of a traditional diet is that your pet will definitely not get tired of the same type of food, like dry food.

The following natural products can be given to an adult Chihuahua dog:

  • raw chicken, beef and other types of lean meat;
  • offal (liver, kidneys, heart);
  • lean fish;
  • boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat, semolina);
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • vegetable oil (as part of dishes).

Why is chicken harmful to your pet?

The harm lies in individual intolerance to the product; low-quality or expired products also cause damage to health. It is advisable to use poultry raised in natural village conditions or buy chicken from sellers who are responsible for the quality of their product. Some producers on poultry farms add hormonal substances and antibiotics to feed; eating chickens filled with such drugs will harm the development of puppies and the health of adult dogs. “Hormonal” food provokes early puberty and improper skeletal formation in dogs, causing digestive disorders and allergic irritation.

Fatty chicken broth is harmful to the pancreas, liver and gastrointestinal tract of the animal.

Boiled and tubular chicken bones are dangerous; when they crumble into fragments, they damage the esophagus, leading to serious complications, including death.

What can you give besides dry food?

During adolescence, when the Chihuahua's baby teeth fall out, bone-strengthening supplements can be included in the diet - fish oil, brewer's yeast and bone meal. There are also special dietary recommendations for male and female Chihuahuas.

For males. Male Chihuahuas need a lot of protein in order to be able to reproduce. To do this, the menu for male pets must include chicken eggs, fish, vegetable oil and vitamin A. Lack of calcium and lack of mineral trace elements in food can lead to the animal developing paralysis.

For bitches. The menu for girls of the dwarf dog breed must be adjusted during pregnancy and feeding of the puppies. To be able to bear full-fledged offspring, the animal needs additional calories and vitamins. Bitches often turn their noses up when they get bored of a certain food. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of portions, reduce the number of treats and walk the dog in the fresh air more often.

Does cottage cheese cause gas, diarrhea or constipation in a dog?

Can cottage cheese cause diarrhea, constipation and gas in a dog?
Any sudden changes in diet may cause diarrhea or gas, if your dog is trying this for the first time, his intestines may be sensitive to this product. If you notice that your dog has diarrhea for more than 2 days, you should remove cottage cheese from the diet, and if this does not help, then consult a veterinarian.

It is unlikely that cottage cheese will cause constipation in your dog. Therefore, if you notice that your dog has not had a bowel movement for more than 48 hours, you should talk to your doctor to figure out what to do next.

Traditional dishes for adults

A natural diet is definitely a great way to keep your pet healthy and happy. It is important to remember that the traditional menu must include vitamins and mineral supplements.

Example menu for one day:

  • first meal – boiled cereal with vegetables and lean fish;
  • second meal - boiled vegetables and raw meat.

Example of a weekly diet for a Chihuahua:

  • Monday – raw rabbit meat, boiled rice, fermented baked milk and boiled cauliflower;
  • Tuesday – boiled hake, boiled egg, millet porridge and apple puree;
  • Wednesday – boiled buckwheat and pollock, yogurt, chopped raw carrots;
  • Thursday - beef, semolina porridge, banana puree and boiled pumpkin;
  • Friday – chopped offal, stewed carrots and applesauce;
  • Saturday – chopped kidneys, fermented baked milk, boiled rice, vegetable oil and boiled zucchini;
  • Sunday – raw chicken, oatmeal, cottage cheese and peach puree.

An adult pet is fed twice a day, so the daily food intake is divided into two meals. The break between the first and second feeding should be about 12 hours. Dinner should be served no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Recipes with cottage cheese for animals

The main rule is not to mix cottage cheese with meat, but you can mix it with cereals (rice or buckwheat) and vegetables. Try these recipes:

  1. 250 g of cottage cheese, a small carrot and half an apple, a spoon of sour cream. Boil and grate the carrots, cut the apple, mix with cottage cheese and pour over sour cream.
  2. Beat the cottage cheese in a blender with pre-diluted gelatin. You can add a little natural yogurt. This is a very healthy dessert for bones and joints.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with buckwheat, beat in an egg (yolk only), and grate the carrots if desired. Nutritious, tasty and suitable for frequent feeding!

  4. Cottage cheese for puppies: 100 g of cottage cheese, 1 tsp. butter, 1 yolk, 100 g ground oatmeal. Grind the cottage cheese with the yolk and butter, mix with oatmeal. Keep the stirred mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes. You can make balls out of it and give it to the animal as a reward.

Helpful tips for creating a traditional menu for an adult dog

When choosing a traditional feeding method, adhere to the following rules:

  • do not make minced meat products - it is better to serve meat and offal chopped into pieces;
  • Grind hard vegetables on a coarse grater;
  • do not serve boiled bones – raw ones are better accepted by the dog’s body;
  • include some fermented milk products in your menu every day;
  • Boil porridge in meat or vegetable broth;
  • Cook semolina porridge in low-fat milk.

Foods that can be given to toy dogs:

  • cereals - oatmeal, rice and buckwheat, cooked in broth in a ratio of 1:3, as well as semolina porridge in milk or water;
  • fish – capelin, hake, cod and boiled sea bass;
  • vegetables - zucchini, carrots and pumpkin, boiled or stewed with the addition of vegetable oil.

Prohibited Products

Every owner needs to learn one simple truth: not everything that seems healthy or tasty to a person is so to a dog. Many people make the mistake of giving their pets seemingly harmless foods that later cause serious illness in the animals.

To avoid such dangerous consequences, we provide a list of foods that pose a threat to Chihuahuas:

  • sweets: sweets are contraindicated for all dogs, since these animals absorb sugar much worse than humans. A dog that often eats sweets may have diabetes, obesity, or problems with the pancreas;

    Any sweets are a blow to the Chihuahua's body

  • salted, smoked food: the further the food goes from its natural raw state, the more harmful it is for the dog. Pickling and smoking negatively affect digestion and lead to the appearance of gastritis, and subsequently ulcers in the pet;
  • nuts: due to their saturation with phosphorus, nuts contribute to the formation of stones in the bladder, as well as thinning bones and leading to problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • legumes: all legumes lead to an excess of gases in the intestines and flatulence, therefore they are not recommended even as cereals for porridges;

    Soy is especially dangerous for Chihuahuas.

  • hot pepper: causes irritation of the stomach walls and contributes to the development of gastritis;
  • onions: This type of onion causes anemia in most breeds. Only hunting dogs can fully digest it without consequences;
  • Citrus fruits: This group of fruits has ambiguous effects on the dog’s body. Some animals consider such fruits a delicacy; in other animals, citrus causes sharp rejection.

Chihuahua's favorite food

Despite the fact that representatives of the dwarf breed are ready at any moment to eat everything that falls from the table to the floor, they have their own favorite treats. Such treats include meat, cheese, dried fruits and rye cookies. Many pets also enjoy eating bones and lean fish. Daily food intake for an adult dog

The daily standard for Chihuahuas aged 1-7 years is from 35 to 45 kcal per kilogram of weight, depending on the animal's lifestyle and metabolism. For dogs over eight years old, the daily food intake is about 30 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Animals over 10 years old are already considered elderly - their metabolic process slows down, so they are fed only once a day.

During the day, you can periodically treat your pet with treats, for example, give a piece of apple, a bone or rye cookies.

Diet menu

Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, which leads to poor health and decreased activity of their four-legged friend. If you become overweight, be sure to contact your veterinarian to create a diet menu. A diet for a plump dog looks something like this:

  • the total amount of daily food is reduced by 15-20%;
  • treats are replaced with vegetables;
  • reduce the calorie content of dishes;
  • cereals are cooked only in vegetable broth;
  • change the usual dry food to low-calorie varieties.

Diet for pets prone to allergies

Common allergens include chicken, eggs, seafood and red vegetables. The cause of problems is not only traditional dishes, but also dry food that contains the listed components. If signs of an allergic reaction appear in pets eating according to the traditional method, they are transferred to a diet consisting of turkey and rabbit meat, rice, zucchini and cabbage. If your four-legged friend is allergic to dry food, you need to replace it with a hypoallergenic variety.

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