Which food is best for German Shepherd puppies - rating of the best dry food, how to feed a puppy correctly


German Shepherds are strong and hardy dogs that need proper nutrition. Let's figure out which dry food is best for a German shepherd, and which manufacturers make diets specifically for this breed.

  1. Features of dry food for German Shepherds
  2. What food should I choose for my German Shepherd?
  3. Choosing a manufacturer
  4. The best dry food for a German Shepherd
  5. Useful tips for feeding dry food

What you need to know about dry puppy food?

All dry food intended for German Shepherd puppies and other dog breeds are divided into four categories - economy class, premium and super-premium class, holistic. What are their differences and features inherent in each line, further in the article.

Economy class is an inexpensive option. Economy granules are produced by grinding bones, cartilage and various vegetables. There is no meat in their composition. Of course, this option of feeding a German Shepherd is categorically not recommended.

Premium class is the next “step”, which is also not recommended for puppies. There is very little meat (or rather meat by-products) in the composition - no more than 20%. The main component is rice. Additionally added cereals and vegetables. Almost always there are dyes in the composition.

Super-premium class is one of the best options for a German Shepherd puppy. Only holistic ones are better. Super premium contains real meat and nutritious by-products. They have an ideal balance of vitamins and minerals, and are free of chemical flavors and additives to enhance taste. Only natural substances are used in the composition.

Holistics win in all respects. Such dry food contains meat, vegetables, berries, offal, as well as cereals - wheat, barley, etc. This is the best type of feeding for German Shepherd puppies.

Acana Puppy Large Breed, 11.4 kg

Acana Puppy appeals to every furry friend and turns into a favorite bowl. Transforms the animal's fur into smooth and silky, bones will be stronger, and more energy will appear. Thanks to these crackers, your beloved friend is provided with a balanced diet. Many breeders of our smaller four-legged brothers recommend them to everyone else. This is a holistic class.


  • Natural.
  • Without smell.
  • Large packaging.


  • High price.
  • There is a fishy smell.

How to feed German Shepherd puppies dry food?

Features of feeding dry food to small German Shepherds:

  1. The first rule is that you can’t skimp on a dog.
  2. It is necessary to buy a product designed specifically for puppies.
  3. You cannot overestimate or underestimate the serving size of dry food indicated on the package.

How much dry food does it cost to feed a German Shepherd puppy? It depends on the age of the baby:

  1. At two and three months of age, the baby is given an average of 240 grams of dry granules, divided into six doses. It is permissible to soak them in low-fat kefir before serving.
  2. At four months, a baby German Shepherd already needs 300 grams of granules, divided into five meals a day.
  3. At six months the baby is given 350 grams of food. It is necessary to divide them into four steps.
  4. At eight months - 420 grams on average, for three to four doses.
  5. At ten months - 430 grams per day, three times a day. At 12 months the pet is considered an adult.

More accurate indicators are indicated on the packaging of dry food purchased by the owner for the German. The serving volume rate is calculated based on the puppy’s weight and age.


So that the puppy gets used to eating properly and does not beg from the table, teach him to eat at the same time. After your pet has finished eating, remove and wash the bowls. Clean drinking water should always be available.

Veterinarians recommend the following feeding regimen:

  • from one month to two months – 5 times a day;
  • from 2 to 4 months – 4 times a day;
  • from 4 months to one year – 3 feedings per day;
  • after one year – 2 feedings per day.

Rating of the best dry food for a German puppy

There is a huge selection of dry food for small German Shepherds on the market. But it is necessary to find a high-quality product that will not harm the baby’s health or disrupt its development. An honest rating will help you find out what is the best food to give your tiny German.

Premium class

As it turned out earlier, the premium class does not contain the best ingredients; real meat is replaced by offal. The main nutritional value of such dry food comes from cereals and vegetables. In addition, premium granules contain artificial colors and unnatural flavors.

However, among all the brands on the market, you can find several optimal ones. There are five relatively good premium brands of dry food for German Shepherd puppies:

  1. Royal Canin. The main components are rice, poultry (protein) and flour. The manufacturer produces different product lines adapted to the specific needs of the German Shepherd. For example, dry food to maintain the health of German joints and bones.
  2. "Eukanuba". The composition of products from “Eukanuba” includes poultry meat, grains and rice, yeast, and mineral additives. Often such granules are prescribed to children with allergies, dental diseases or digestive problems.
  3. ProPlan. ProPlan contains corn, so some children may have allergies. The mixture also includes chicken meat, rice, mineral and vitamin supplements, antioxidants and preservatives. The brand is quite popular in Russia.
  4. "Pro Pac" One of the most inexpensive brands. It contains natural chicken (offal), rice, vegetables and fruits. In addition, fish has been added to the Pro Pack.
  5. Hill's. The composition of "Hills" is relatively good - chicken and turkey, cereals (oats, barley, flax), rice, vegetables (carrots, peas). But the downside is that all the ingredients are flour. Not every German puppy can digest meat and vegetable meal.

Super premium class

The best representatives of the super-premium class line include products from the following brands:

  1. Brit Care. The composition is good: meat, minerals, essential amino acids, vitamin E. In addition, the granules contain calcium and phosphorus. This brand is often recommended by veterinarians. You can choose a mixture for pets with different health conditions.
  2. Duke's Farm. German dry food contains chicken and chicken meal, fish (namely salmon and trout), algae, rice and grains. There are no by-products, only meat. The included seaweed makes the kibble valuable for German puppies.
  3. "Bosch". Rare but high quality product. Its peculiarity is its high content of omega-3.
  4. "Arden Grange". Hypoallergenic food consisting of chicken flour and chicken, rice, yeast, vitamins and various microelements.
  5. "Nero Gold" Consists of lamb meat, rice and barley. In addition, dry food contains fish meal and chicken liver.


The best dry food for dogs in the holistic class are:

  1. "Acana". Suitable for selective and capricious German children. Akana granules are not boiled, but steamed. This allows you to retain much more nutrients. It contains chicken, turkey meat, as well as chicken by-products (namely liver, hearts and kidneys). The granules contain herring, beans, flounder and seaweed.
  2. "Grandorf". This product is suitable for German puppies who lead a very active and intense lifestyle and exercise regularly. “Grandorf” is quite high in calories, so it is not suitable for sedentary dogs. Contains 60 percent lamb, turkey or fish.
  3. "Now." The peculiarity of this brand is the absence of barley, oats and beef. These ingredients often cause allergies in puppies. “Now” contains turkey, duck and salmon fillets, various vegetables (for example, carrots, pumpkin, beans, etc.), fruits (including bananas, pineapple), berries (for example, blackberries and blueberries). The food also contains cottage cheese.
  4. "Go!" The food is easily digestible by Germans, even those with sensitive digestion. During production, the granules are not subjected to strong heat treatment.
  5. "Orien". This product contains almost 85 percent meat. There are no by-products. An excellent food option for the development of sculpted muscles in German Shepherd puppies.

ALL DOGS (13 kg) Dry complete

ALL DOGS, according to many dog ​​breeders, is considered a complete diet for our smaller four-legged brothers of any breed, size, age and activity level. Each owner adjusts its portions according to the needs of their pet. Together with it, the pet receives a complex of essential nutrients for life. The food is produced in Denmark, based on the latest research on pet nutrition and international standards, which indicate recommended levels of nutritional content. It belongs to the economy class.


  • Suitable for almost all breeds.
  • Quite popular due to its excellent composition.
  • Induces pleasure while eating.
  • Excellent oral hygiene and plaque removal.
  • Does not contain GMOs, excess or artificial additives.


  • Not suitable for everyone.
  • Insufficient amount of protein.
  • You need to add vitamins and natural meat.
  • Poor assortment from the manufacturer.

Most of the listed types of dry food, we recommend paying attention to Belcando Junior Maxi and Royal Canin Maxi Adult in the ranking of the best.

This food is based on natural ingredients. Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy body and excellent physical condition of any animal.

The price of these feeds is high, but it is worth it. Moreover, they contain all the useful components, including vitamins, and your beloved pet receives adequate nutrition.

Types of feed

For bones and joints

In order for the German Shepherd's musculoskeletal system to develop correctly, the puppy is often given dry food to help strengthen it.

An excellent option is a product from Royal Canin, designed specifically to strengthen the bones and joints of a baby German Shepherd. It contains rice, which also makes it hypoallergenic.

To improve digestion

A line of products to improve and stimulate digestion is produced by many, “Purina Pro Plan”, “1st Choice”, “Brit Care”, “Nutra”, etc.

For German Shepherd puppies, they try to select dry food that will be similar to the composition of their mother’s food. The only thing is that the granules themselves must be very small. This will help the baby quickly get used to this diet, make chewing easier and improve his digestion.

For healthy skin and coat

Nutrition directly affects the condition of the skin and coat of a German Shepherd puppy. Often, due to a lack of certain nutrients, the dog’s coat begins to thin out, loses its shine and stiffness. The skin begins to peel and itch. Therefore, there are dry foods that support the health of your pet’s coat and prevent the occurrence of skin diseases. A striking example will be the product “Purina Pro Plan Optiderma”, which contains specially selected components.

Hypoallergenic food

Allergies are common among German Shepherd puppies. To feed such a baby, you will need a hypoallergenic product. Such dry food is produced on the principle of completely eliminating the allergen from the feed mixture. For example, if a puppy is allergic to chicken, it is replaced with turkey or lamb. If you are allergic to soy or corn, add rice instead.

Excellent hypoallergenic foods suitable for German Shepherd puppies are produced by Brit, Eukanuba.

Raw food diet

In the past, dogs' diets consisted of raw food, so dogs' digestion and teeth are adapted to this diet. Most breeders adhere to this statement.

This diet is called BARF (“Biologically Appropriate Raw Food”), it includes exclusively raw foods:

  • Meat and bones;
  • Bird carcasses;
  • Fish;
  • Entrails of both birds and cattle;
  • Vegetables, fruits and grass.

Owners of shepherd dogs claim that after switching to the BARF diet, their pets feel better, their digestive system functions better, and their bones and teeth become stronger.

We must not forget that eating raw food can contribute to the development of parasites.

Can German puppies be fed wet food?

Most manufacturers additionally produce a line of wet food. This category includes various pates, canned food and meat stews. The method of their production is actually similar to the production of dry food. All raw materials are crushed, ground and mixed thoroughly. After heat treatment, pieces are formed from the resulting mass.

Wet food contains a lot of water and additional additives that are responsible for its moisture. This explains the name of the product. After production, the pieces are not dried, but left moist.

Wet food is also divided into premium, super-premium and economy. However, regardless of which category it belongs to, you cannot feed your baby German Shepherd wet food on an ongoing basis. The point is that it is not balanced. Rather, it is a small treat that is given to your pet no more than once a week.

Questions and answers

Which dry food should I choose for my German Shepherd puppy?
Industrial dry food is ideal for German Shepherd babies because it contains the right balance of substances, amino acids and vitamins. The main thing is that the product chosen by the dog owner does not belong to economy class. The best is super-premium or holistic.

How much dry food should you give your German Shepherd?

The volume of the daily portion depends on the body weight of the German Shepherd puppy. Calculation instructions are located on the packaging of the dry food purchased for the dog.

What vitamins are needed when feeding large breed dogs?

Vitamin complexes are an essential element of the diet of dogs fed boiled meat, offal and vegetables. But when feeding dry food, you may need to take additional vitamins. So that the supplement contains:

  • Vitamin C is needed for the functioning of the immune system and ensures the full development of the muscular system, bones, joints, and teeth.
  • Vitamin D - used for the formation of the skeleton, especially needed by puppies during the first year of their life.
  • Calcium is absorbed along with vitamin D, used to form teeth, skeletal bones, and makes the coat beautiful and shiny.

For large dogs, vitamin complexes are suitable - Beaphar Top 10 Chondro Treat, Unitabs Immuno Complex and others.

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