TOP 12 holistic dog food: what is it, list of the best holistic-class dry food

Many owners want the best for their dog. That's why they choose Belcando dry food. Veterinarians say that Belcando food meets all quality standards. If you have doubts about the quality of this food, you can look at customer reviews, which are mostly characterized on the positive side.


Belcando dog food is part of the super-premium class food, as it consists exclusively of natural raw materials. Most dog breeders believe that they need to feed their pet this kind of food, because the health of the pet depends on quality nutrition.


Belcando dog food is produced in Germany. This company produces food in canned and dry forms. Belcando's products provide pets with microelements necessary for the pet's full functioning. Belcando food concentrates for dogs contain only environmentally friendly products.

The products used by Belcando are grown on German farms. The raw materials are processed in a gentle manner so that all the beneficial substances are preserved in the feed.

The main advantage of this company's products is the absence of GMOs in their composition. The contents of the food consist of additives that help support the pet’s immunity, as well as strengthen the skeletal system.

The products used by Belcando are grown on German farms

Belcando dog food reviews

Reviews of Belcando dog food , writes Elena. We have been eating this food for a long time, the coat is silky, digestion is fine, and the general condition is excellent. We chose Belcando because it is one of the best in terms of price-quality ratio. In general, if you are looking for a good alternative to expensive food, I recommend taking a closer look at Belcando.

Review of Belcando dog food , writes Olga from St. Petersburg. Good afternoon We have been feeding our Golden Retriever Belcando since he was a puppy, he was fine and we haven’t even tried other brands. At first we thought about feeding Dog Chow, but the breeder explained that premium food is not as good as everyone praises, and that it is important to look at the composition of the food. She fed her pupils exactly Belcando, and recommended it to us.

Arriving home with the puppy, I immediately went online and started studying ingredients and reviews, it turned out that the breeder was telling the truth. They spoke well of Belcando, so we bought it with confidence. It wasn’t available in stores at that time; we ordered it online (delivery for large packages is free). In general, the food is very good, it suited us and I hope it suits you

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