Batman vs. Dogs Why do dog hunters poison dogs and who opposes them?

photo from the site

Several years ago, a movement appeared in Russia, associating itself with fighters for clean streets and for cities free of stray dogs. If you have not heard of them, then you will undoubtedly ask the question, what are these people called who kill dogs? Members of this movement call themselves “doghunters,” which in English means “dog hunters.”

Find out from our article: who dog hunters are, how and with what they poison dogs, what means they use and how to deal with them.

Dog hunters: who are they and why do they poison dogs?

This is an organized group of people that promotes and engages in the extermination of stray dogs. The ideology of the movement is that stray dogs are dangerous and need to be destroyed by physical methods. Activists of the movement believe that killing is the only effective way to combat stray animals that carry parasites and diseases.

Dog hunters have their own code, which states that a dog hunter is a person who defends the right of society to live in a safe environment.

The movement was first organized in 2006. Its appearance is a reaction of part of society to the unpopular and ineffective measures taken by the state to combat homeless animals. The “catch-sterilize-socialization” program, under which animals were taken to shelters, treated, sterilized, and then returned to the streets, also caused dissatisfaction.

Photo from

In general, all dog hunters can be divided into three groups of people:

  • Victims of the bite. They just hate stray dogs and want them gone. Such people choose exclusively stray dogs; they do not touch domestic cats or cats.
  • With a fear of any dogs, even domestic ones. Such citizens can poison not only a stray dog, but also one on a leash and muzzled.
  • With mental disabilities. Such people are the most dangerous because they have a craving for killing animals and receive moral satisfaction from it. People with disabilities torture not only dogs, but also cats, birds and other living creatures.

Maybe you will first agree that stray dogs need to be dealt with and they can be dangerous. But “dog hunters” have long been using methods that are impossible to justify. Not only stray dogs suffer from them, but also dogs with owners. They operate through illegal and cruel methods.

The state should deal with the problem of street animals - catch them, sterilize them, and place them in nurseries. Introduce liability measures for owners who throw their dog onto the street. European countries provide for criminal liability not only for cruelty to animals. Owners who throw their pet out onto the street are fined large sums.

Dog hunters use a variety of methods, from spreading poison in parks, yards and squares, to shooting dogs in the middle of the day. On their forum, movement participants regularly post photo reports on the work done, share statistics and coordinate their actions.

In addition to numerous poisonings and killings of dogs, there are also cases of human death. The little girl died from decomposed poison.


  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Prerequisites
  • 3 Essence
  • 4 Why they hate them
  • 5 Ideological enemies of dog hunters: classification of zoo-shits
  • 6 Relationships between dog hunters and animal rights activists and love for animals
  • 7 Insidious poisoning of children
  • 8 The fight between zooschizoids and the dog hunter site 8.1 Blabladors, “Green Leash” and “Flayers. NO"
  • 8.2 Breakthrough to power
  • 9 Legends and myths of the bestiality stage
      9.1 “All maniacs started with animals”
  • 9.2 Black Jyp
  • 9.3 Terrible poison
  • 10 Notes
  • How dog hunters poison dogs and what they use

    As we have already said, dog hunters use several methods. Knowing how they kill stray animals will help you protect your pet.

    Poisoning by poison

    Activists make special baits, so it is important to know what poison looks like for dogs.

    photo from the site

    It is masked in the following ways:

    • they make cutlets from minced meat and place poison in them;
    • soak the bread and sprinkle it with sugar;
    • put poison in sausages and frankfurters.

    Any food that dogs love is used, filled with deadly poison. They place such baits in places where animals are likely to appear - courtyards, parks and garbage dumps. Some hand-feed poisonous food to stray animals, or throw poisoned sausage to a dog as they pass by. The dogs smell the food and run up, eat it and die.

    There are several substances that can be purchased freely and they are the most popular among dog hunters.

    • Isoniazid. This is an anti-tuberculosis antibiotic. Its cost is very low, so any dog ​​hunter can afford them. The eaten antibiotic enters the bloodstream within 30 minutes, and signs of poisoning appear after 2-3 hours.
    • Rat poison. This substance destroys body cells and disrupts blood clotting. Poisoning occurs a couple of days after consuming the poison. The animal suffers and slowly dies.
    • Chemical reagent. It is used to develop photographic films, and only 5 grams of the reagent is a lethal dose for a dog.
    • Arsenic. A very toxic substance that leads to death within a couple of hours.
    • Digitalis. The animal dies slowly over 1-2 weeks.

    In order for the poison to be effective, dog hunters add an antiemetic to the bait, which leaves no chance for the animal.

    Shooting animals

    This is not a very popular measure among dog hunters. Because it is more expensive and attracts attention. Both administrative and criminal liability are provided for the use of weapons.

    Dogs are usually shot in places remote from the city and using pneumatic and firearms.

    Nerve poison in Kolomenskoye?

    At the beginning of November this year, among people known to the author of the article through one handshake, the dachshund Kusya died after a walk in Kolomenskoye. “They didn’t do an examination, they took the word of the ambulance doctor, she had 3-4 cases of poisoning per day. There are different poisons, one more terrible than the other. I will say one thing: no one diagnosed the poisoning, neither I nor another doctor who arrived during the day. The symptoms were completely different, if I had immediately realized that it was poison, I would have injected an antidote,” the owner of the deceased dog wrote in a discussion on Facebook.

    Kusi’s owners and their friends are sure: the dog was trained not to pick up anything during a walk, he only sniffed other people’s marks. Maria Sveshnikova, the author of an article on the website, is sure that they turned out to be a nerve poison that you just need to inhale. What kind of poison it was would hardly be worth publishing in the press, and, as has already been said, there was no examination. There was, obviously, no statement to the police.

    “Of course, there are chemical warfare agents – sarin, cyanogen chloride, etc., which many know about from basic military training lessons at school,” dog handler and journalist Elena Tipikina explained to “But they are very volatile, these are very short-acting substances, and poisoning requires a large concentration. If you pour such poison onto the lawn, after half an hour there will be no trace left of it. To poison both dogs and people, a war must begin with the use of chemical weapons: a cloud descends, it is enough to spend a few minutes in a gas mask, then you can take it off.

    It is not very clear what nerve poison can remain in a lethal concentration in the open air, waiting for the dachshund Kusi to walk in the evening. However, if he was nevertheless tempted by the poison, carefully stuffed by some abnormal person into a liverwurst and left on the lawn, this, of course, does not make it any easier for his owners.

    Rumors about formalin-based poisons are circulating on the Internet, but it is not possible to explain how they maintain a concentration sufficient to cause poisoning when inhaled. “And if this is possible, there is no need to write about it in the media, otherwise it will become as common as tuberculosis pills,” bloggers say.

    Sometimes they talk with fear about the toadstool toxin that fishermen spray onto baits from spray cans. Its effect can well be called nerve-paralytic, and after the death of a dog one can always say that it ate a mushroom in the park - without specifying how it came to that idea. The arrest of a man who sprayed this poison was reported in St. Petersburg in 2012 - with a remark that the police did not confirm the arrest of the poisoner. However, the production and storage of such poison will still be a criminal offense, and in addition, it requires a fair amount of chemical knowledge and a large laboratory. The Internet carefully reports that if the poison is isolated from the toadstool, the connection will not be stable. It’s easier to put whole mushrooms into the sausage... or, even easier, read in the media about poisoned dogs: almost every publication will contain a simple and cheap “recipe”.

    How to help your pet if he is poisoned

    And yet, if you take timely measures and provide first aid, you can save the dog. The main thing is to know what Doc Hunters poison dogs with and what the poison looks like. These tips will be useful to you in case such a disaster happens to your pet.

    Photo from the site

    Symptoms and first aid for isoniazid poisoning

    Within half an hour after the dog has eaten the isoniazid bait, the following symptoms begin to appear:

    • drowsiness;
    • loss of coordination;
    • increased salivation;
    • vomit;
    • foam from the mouth.

    If the animal is not helped, then convulsions, shortness of breath, coma and death begin.

    To save your pet you need to give him vitamin B6. The faster it gets into the blood, the greater the chance of saving the animal. The dose of vitamin is calculated in the amount of 1 gram of B6 per 1 gram of poison. In cases where it is impossible to determine the amount of antibiotic, 5 grams of the vitamin are administered immediately.

    Rat poison: symptoms and methods of neutralization

    Poisoning with rat poison is dangerous because symptoms appear only after 2 days.

    The dog has:

    • temperature 40 degrees;
    • diarrhea;
    • vomiting blood;
    • tachycardia;
    • bleeding that cannot be stopped.

    The antidote to rat poison is vitamin K1 or the drugs vikasol, conavit, conanion, unithiol.

    To relieve intoxication, additionally give activated carbon or enterosgel. They are sorbents and remove toxins well. Additionally, they give an enema with water or do a gastric lavage.

    If you notice similar symptoms in your pet, take him to the veterinary clinic immediately. All poisons have different periods of toxicity. Therefore, the faster the medications are administered, the greater the chance of saving the dog. Do not try to treat the animal yourself.

    Insidious poisoning of children

    The story of the alleged poisoning of a 12-year-old child with poison intended for stray dogs was circulated in the Russian media after it was told by phone in November 2011 by the chairman of the animal rights organization “Right to Life” Svetlana

    , by last name, you won’t believe it,
    . According to the animal rights activist, the incident happened in Nikolsky Square in St. Petersburg. However, no one saw the injured girl; according to police reports, this incident also did not happen. However, it is firmly entrenched in the mass consciousness of the average person: “little children, not without appetite, gobble up dog poison while walking.”

    In February 2012, Zooshiza officially repeated this story, reporting news from Sevastopol - a girl died there, who allegedly ate dog poison after eating it on a walk. The child's name was Rita Yashchenko, she was two years old. Her mother also adhered to the version of animal protection. However, the local prosecutor’s office reported that everything was different: the Yashchenko family’s apartment was a mess. Mom, a slob, didn’t keep order; pills were scattered on the floor. Result: death from household poisoning with No-Spa.

    In October 2012, the same Svetlana Los, who has 10 dogs and 30 cats living in her apartment, apparently was not aware of the results of the investigation in Sevastopol and continued to stick to her line: “the girl was playing in the sandbox, just licked her fist and died from poison." Imagine the concentration of BWA required for such an effect (lick not your hand, but perhaps the potassium cyanide tablet itself) and you can easily understand the concentration of headless (aka uneducated) assholes among animal rights activists.

    How to keep your pet safe

    Among dog hunters there are also those who kill not only stray animals, but also their owner’s dogs. Such people have mental disorders; they may come up to you and offer your dog a poisoned treat or throw it when your pet is walking without a leash.

    Photo from the site

    Compliance with the rules of raising and walking an animal will ensure its safety and minimize the likelihood of poisoning.

    To protect the life and health of your pet, follow our advice.

    • Wear a muzzle. This useful accessory will prevent your dog from picking up food on the street and prevent a lot of trouble. For example, if your dog is a large breed, then it can be dangerous to others. To feel confident and not create inconvenience for others, not cause their discontent and aggression, put a muzzle on your pet.
    • Choose places to walk. Exclude areas behind garages, near landfills, and places where stray dogs gather.
    • Keep an eye on your pet. Don't let him out of your sight, always be there. If he gets bait with poison, you can quickly pick it up.
    • Train it. A trained and disciplined animal has a much better chance of survival. Teach your child basic commands.
    • Don't let strangers feed your pet. Do not allow food from the ground or from other people's hands.

    First aid

    Basic pet first aid skills:

    • give injections intramuscularly;
    • flush the stomach.

    If you notice that your dog has eaten a suspicious object from the ground, it is recommended to quickly return home and follow these steps:

    • on the way home, call the veterinarian and explain the situation;
    • perform a gastric lavage procedure with plenty of water;
    • give sorbents that are safe for the dog (activated carbon, Enterosgel);
    • go to the vet.

    Instructions for gastric lavage


    • Janet syringe (a regular syringe or bulb will do);
    • large volume of liquid (water/manganese/saline);
    • hard rubber tube.

    To carry out effective gastric lavage, use the instructions.

    1. Secure the animal carefully.
    2. Insert a rubber tube into the throat.
    3. Connect the tube to the Janet syringe.
    4. Pour in 20-50 ml of liquid, depending on the dog’s weight.
    5. If vomiting does not occur within a short time, repeat the procedure.

    Your main task is to induce vomiting in your pet at least three times and give him sorbents. After this, immediately show the animal to a veterinarian.

    Diet after poisoning

    Eating food is not recommended on the first day after poisoning. The duration of fasting is controlled by a doctor.

    Read on our website: Petit Brabançon, Brabant Griffon or Petit Brabançon, interesting facts about the breed

    After stopping the fast, it is important to continue to monitor your dog's diet. Goal of the diet:

    • restoration of the mucous membrane;
    • maintaining damaged kidneys and stomach;
    • restoration of the amount of lost fluid.

    Diet menu after fasting:

    • low-fat chicken broth without meat;
    • liquid porridge with a small amount of minced meat.

    List of recommended products if the animal’s condition improves:

    • lean fish;
    • chicken eggs;
    • beef liver;
    • skim cheese.

    If you think your dog has fully recovered, consult your veterinarian and return to his normal diet.

    How to deal with dog hunters

    It is quite difficult to resist the participants in this movement. Russian legislation is not yet strict enough in terms of punishing such people. Therefore, the main measures of struggle are informing the population about the activists of the movement, publishing their names and addresses.

    photo from the site

    The fight against dog hunters should be as follows:

    • Vigilance. Pay attention to strangers and suspicious people in your yard or place of celebration. If you see people scattering bait, then call the police.
    • Compliance with the rules of walking the animal. This will reduce the likelihood of poisoning to zero.
    • Creating a community of dog lovers, for example, together with neighbors. Exchange of information about participants in the “dog hunters” movement and their actions.

    It is impossible to cope with dog hunters alone, so animal activists and animal lovers unite and hold joint rallies and pickets, send out information about the addresses of movement participants, and contact the media and the police.

    In counterbalance to the flayers, the “anti-dog hunters” movement has emerged, which uses its own methods. People of various professions joined the movement - athletes, former law enforcement officers and simply caring people.

    Find out if there are animal defenders in your city. The more knowledge and information you have about dog hunters in your area or city, the more ways you can combat them.

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