Why dogs love to sleep with their owner: explanations from experienced breeders

The situation when a dog sleeps in the same bed with its owner is quite common in everyday life. Surveys have shown that about 65% of dogs are not averse to snoring on a bed next to their owner.

Should you let your pets do this? Is it safe for pet owners themselves? And what is the true reason for this dog’s behavior?

Why a dog might want to sleep with its owner

Most often, this habit is developed during puppyhood. The baby has just arrived in your house; he was recently separated from his brothers and sisters. And, of course, he suffers very much from this. Wanders around the apartment at night and starts whining. And when the owner takes the puppy into his bed, he begins to feel warmth, care and calms down.

Lately, our Jack also sometimes sleeps with us. But when he was very little, we stood firm and did not allow him to climb onto our bed.

And at the age of 7 months he became very ill. I had to treat him a lot. I will never forget his sad eyes looking at me from below. I felt so sorry for him. This is where I gave up. I took him in my arms, hugged him, and we fell asleep together. Now we even worry if Jack doesn't immediately jump onto the edge of the bed.

Sleeping nearby: pros and cons

Not all owners are happy when their pet climbs into their arms. However, this situation has a number of advantages:

  • Sleeping together is really warmer.
  • The presence of a dog in bed has a calming effect not only on the dog itself, but also on the owner: it takes up a place that for some reason was vacant. People are paired animals, and sleeping next to someone is natural for them.
  • Dog handlers describe cases where a dog, sitting on its owner at night, actually helped cure even the most difficult diseases.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • Hygiene. A dog that wants to sleep on its owner will have to be washed and combed more often.
  • Parasites. In close contact, a person can become infected with the same helminths. So you will have to monitor your pet’s health more carefully.
  • Discomfort. The dog does not understand that it can be heavy and cause certain inconvenience to the owner, lounging on his stomach.
  • Difficulties in personal life. Not every partner will like the furry “third” who finds himself in bed at the most inopportune moment.

Other social reasons

Earlier, in a conversation about dogs in human life, I mentioned that the ancestors of modern dogs were wolves. In the wild, when going to bed, all members of the pack try to snuggle closer to each other. This way they warm up to each other and feel safer. Only individuals expelled from the pack are forced to sleep separately.

Every dog ​​perceives all members of the family in which it lives as a pack. And, therefore, it is very important for her to feel needed and involved in this “pack”. It is difficult for her to understand why she should not be close to her relatives.

Therefore, when a dog sleeps in the same bed with its owner, it simply perceives itself as a member of the pack. If your dog falls asleep with you, have you ever noticed what position he sleeps in? By this position you can determine how much she trusts you and how close you are to her.

If your four-legged dog sleeps with his back or butt pressed against you, then you can be sure that he trusts you 100%. The back or butt are the most vulnerable parts of the animal’s body. And in the event of a sudden attack (so the dog thinks), they will be reliably protected, since they are under the reliable protection of a relative (that is, you).

Stages of sleep

Dog sleep is similar in structure to human sleep and goes through several stages:

  1. Nap. The dog doesn't want to sleep, but he needs rest. Therefore, he lies down, closes his eyes and plunges into a state on the verge of sleep and wakefulness. He can hear everything that is happening around him, and at any moment he is ready to jump up.
  2. Shallow sleep. If the dog feels tired, it lies down and falls into a shallow sleep. The body relaxes and regains strength, but a loud sound can easily snap it out of this state.
  3. Deep dream. After some time, if not disturbed, the dog sinks deeper and enters the stage of deep, dreamless sleep. He is relaxed, his body is motionless, he sniffles or even snores.
  4. Quick sleep. After some time, deep sleep turns into rapid sleep - this is the stage of dreams when the brain is activated and processes the impressions received. The dog twitches its paws, its eyes move under its eyelids, sometimes it whines or barks, wags its tail, and changes its position. The duration of this stage is short.

How does sleeping with a four-legged animal affect human health?

Is co-sleeping with a dog safe? What problems can arise if a dog sleeps with its owner in an embrace?

Sleeping together with a four-legged animal is not so unsafe. For those who suffer from allergies, doctors strongly recommend not even allowing the animal into the room where you sleep.

About half of pet owners who sleep next to their pets admitted that their four-legged animals do not allow them to sleep peacefully. The tails sniff, snore, breathe heavily, and roll over from side to side. In the middle of the night they jump out of bed and click their claws on the floor, walking around the apartment, and then jump onto the bed again.

This, of course, prevents a person from getting a full night’s sleep. But, despite all these inconveniences, few people refuse to cuddle their pet at night.

Well, if you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of hugging a furry pet, then I advise you to consider the following recommendations.

What the researchers say

How to wean your pet from his master's bed

Scientists have repeatedly wondered how having a dog in the same room as a sleeping person affects his sleep quality. A 2015 survey shows that most pet owners don't mind sleeping in their presence, and half of them feel comfortable letting their pet in the bed. At the same time, they noted good health, a feeling of safety and warmth.

They tried to find out whether it is possible to sleep with a dog in the same bed several years later. A study in which 40 pet owners had their sleep activity monitored using devices found that people who slept without their pets got better sleep. Their sleep efficiency was on average 3% higher than those who let their dog in their bed.

For some owners, having a dog by their side means maximum comfort, while others suffer from decreased quality of sleep.

Precautionary measures

If your dog sleeps with you, there are some precautions you need to take:

  • Your pet must be vaccinated and treated against parasites.
  • After each walk (especially in the evening), thoroughly (with tar soap) wash your pet’s paws, belly, and butt. It is not necessary to wash the body with soap every time; simply wipe it with a damp palm.
  • From time to time, check your pet for fleas and skin infections that can be dangerous to humans (lichen, fungus). If something is wrong, you will immediately notice changes in the skin and coat (redness, hair coming out, etc.).
  • Be sure to maintain hygiene. Clean your animal's teeth, ears, and trim its nails.
  • Do wet cleaning of the room where you sleep more often.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

Well, if you still can’t get enough sleep when your dog sleeps with you, then you need to come to some kind of compromise.

Choosing a bed

First of all, it is necessary to properly equip a special place where the pet will sleep in the future. In order to choose and equip a place correctly, it is necessary to observe exactly how the dog behaves during sleep, what comfortable position it takes.

The selection of a bed directly depends on how the animal sleeps. Perhaps your pet likes to sleep stretched out to its full length. For such cases, it is necessary to choose a mattress that has a rectangular shape. For those animals that like to sleep curled up in a ball, the best sleeping place would be a round or oval-shaped lounger.

Note! It is more comfortable and healthy for older animals, as well as dogs with joint problems, to sleep on mattresses made of foam materials that adapt to the anatomical deflections of the body. When choosing a bed for your pet, you need to pay attention to quality

Inexpensive dog beds of dubious quality will not last long. There are several types of dog beds:

When choosing a bed for your pet, you need to pay attention to quality. Inexpensive dog beds of dubious quality will not last long. There are several types of dog beds:

Orthopedic – allowing to support the animal’s spine during rest and sleep. They are suitable for older animals and dogs with musculoskeletal problems.

Round loungers and pillows are a basket with small sides. This type of bed is suitable for those pets who prefer to sleep curled up in a ball.

Heated sleeping area - suitable for those animals that live in cold climates, as well as older dogs and small breed dogs (which find it difficult to warm up on their own).

Once the lounger has been selected, it must be placed in the correct location. Place the mattress or basket in a draft-free room. It is advisable that it be a darkened and quiet place. You can put your pet's favorite toys next to the bed. This will make the sleeping area more attractive to the dog.

Compromise solution

If you want your four-legged dog not to suffer because of the ban on sleeping with you, but at the same time you want him not to interfere with your rest, then try to place the dog’s bed as close to your bed as possible.

Read the rules for keeping dogs in an apartment, where the issue of properly equipping a sleeping place for a pet is considered. Place one of your clothes in his bed so that he can smell you and not feel lonely.

What to do if the dog lies on the bed in the absence of its owners?

The pet of working owners spends a long time alone, and the smell of the owner helps him calm down in their absence. Therefore, when you come home from work, you may find wool, toys and saliva stains on your pillow. Try putting things on your pet's bed that smell like the owner: a worn T-shirt or gloves, for example. It is quite possible that the smell of the owner will be quite enough to brighten up your pet’s long hours of loneliness. When you get home, don't ignore your dog, spend some time with it.

There are several tricks that will help you secure your bed:

  • Dogs do not like to lie on slippery or hard surfaces. A sheet of plexiglass or construction film placed on the bed will reduce comfort to zero, and the pet will not lie there for long. You can also put squeaky toys, wooden blocks under the bedspread, or spray the bed with cologne with a strong smell.
  • If you want to prevent your dog from lying on the bed in the absence of its owners, try fencing it. High enclosure sections (at least 1 meter) or barricades of chairs and boxes can, if not make it impossible, then make it so difficult for the dog to get to the bed that your pet will decide that it is easier to lie down on his bed than to overcome so many obstacles. Especially if the bed is comfortable, soft and smells like the owner.

Is it time to say goodbye to your sleep partner?

Although the diseases listed above, such as bubonic plague, are quite rare, they are still worth thinking about. There is a much higher chance that you will become infected with something if you allow your pet to lick your face and your mouth, but co-sleeping also puts your health at risk. As for infants, small children, as well as people with impaired immune systems, they are strictly prohibited from sleeping in the same bed or even in the same room with animals, as this is too dangerous.

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