Dog with long ears - list of breeds with descriptions

Long ears are a hallmark of many dog ​​breeds. The pet's face looks naive and trusting. However, in addition to beauty, they are endowed with a special function: when the dog follows the scent, the tips gently lift grass or dry leaves, which enhances the smell. Dogs of some breeds are common, while others remain known only in narrow hunting circles. Each of them has distinctive features.

German dog

The minimum height of an adult male is 82 cm, and that of a female is 72 cm. The limbs are oblong, the sternum has voluminous ribs. The tail is thick at the base and gradually decreases.

The head is large, characterized by straight parallel lines. The forehead is high and the transition to the nose is clearly defined. The muzzle is deep, impressive, the upper lip droops, and behind it lies a strong dental-jaw system.

The eyes are framed by expressive eyebrows. The look is smart and understanding. The ears are set high, hanging down and forming a neat slant in the front. If previously the cupping procedure was mandatory, it has now been cancelled.

According to generally accepted standards, several varieties of colors are allowed:

  • fawn with black mask;
  • brindle with vertical, clear, vertical stripes;
  • marble;
  • black;
  • blue.


These are luxurious, beautiful and very intelligent dogs with excellent hunting skills. A strong, dry body helps them achieve success in business. The back is straight, slightly wider than most pointers. The chest is not wide and makes it possible to make sudden sweeping movements. The limbs are straight and parallel to each other. It reaches a height of 65-70 cm. The neck is rounded and smoothly flows into the head. The occipital part is rounded with a small tubercle. The forehead is large, and when working, folds of skin appear on it. The transition line of the forehead to the nose is moderate, there is a small hump on the lobe. The jaws are well developed, with a strong grip, lips are taut.

The eyes are round and medium in size. In puppies, the iris is blue, but as they grow older it changes to amber. The ears are large, high and close to each other. They have a clear triangular shape, but are rounded at the ends.

Several types of coat are allowed for this breed:

  • short;
  • long;
  • tough.

Color - from silver-copper to gray-blue.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Incredibly sociable dogs that prefer to spend all their time with their owner, constantly receiving praise from him.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Her ancestry goes back a couple of thousand years, when she was crossed with a Tibetan Great Dane.

The dog has a strong but balanced character. She has a well-developed defensive reaction.

Cane Corso

The dog has a fairly strong and stubborn character, so the breed often shows or tries to show independence. Therefore, it is necessary to shape your pet in the right social direction as early as possible.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

This is a cheerful and quite cheerful dog, and besides this, it is a real hunter, as well as a true friend of any person, including hunters. It helps to hunt both wild boars and other animals. It is considered a very rare breed and has a unique disposition.

Miniature Pinscher

A breed of dog that is easy to raise and train. She quickly becomes an integral part of any family and has a fairly playful, lively character, although she shows distrust of strangers.

Miniature Schnauzer

Despite its small size, a dog can safely protect its owner and his family, both from strangers and dogs, despite the fact that they can be significantly larger in size.

Cairn Terrier

The dog has a stable psyche and can easily get used to the newly changed living conditions. At the same time, she leads an active lifestyle and is always cheerful and cheerful.

Kerry Blue Terrier

These are dogs that are charged with vital energy, which allows them to constantly be on the move. For those who lead an active lifestyle, this dog breed will become a true companion and friend.

Chinese Crested Dog

These dogs are distinguished by a unique, maybe even unusual appearance. In addition, they quickly and forever become attached to their owner. They constantly look into the owner’s eyes, as if trying to understand what he intends to do next.


These are affectionate creatures that always try to be close to their owner. In addition, they are intelligent and resourceful dogs that respond to environmental conditions.


The breed is quite obedient and sociable, so it easily finds a common language with people and family members. They are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, as well as true love and devotion towards their owner.


They are considered good guard dogs, as well as true companions. The dog is non-aggressive and has a calm, non-violent behavior. In addition, the dog is cheerful and smart, but is wary of strangers.


By nature, they are excellent hunters, but they always become full members of the family. They always try to please their master and are considered smart and friendly German cops.

Black and tan coonhound

The body has a square shape with well-developed muscles. The chest is voluminous, the legs are elongated, with strong bones. The front ones are straight, and the rear ones are slightly set back. The tail is moderately thick, but set rather low. Height - 63-70 cm.

The head and muzzle look very noble: dry, with a regular rounded forehead and prominent eyebrows. The stop is noticeable, but not clearly defined. On the rectangular muzzle there are drooping lips that form small folds at the corners of the mouth. The jaws are massive and have a scissor bite. The ears are located quite low and closer to the back of the head. The soft cartilage creates beautiful folds.

The coat is shiny, moderately soft and short. But special attention is paid to the noble color: pure black with barely noticeable red tan markings in the eye area, on the sides of the muzzle, on the chest and limbs.

Parents should remember that:

• Dogs are not capable of fulfilling the social orders of people, so owners should know and understand the laws of the pack by which the dog lives, and teach the child to understand these laws. The dog should firmly understand from childhood that in your family, in terms of status, it occupies a lower position.

• Young children should never be left alone with even a well-established dog.

• You should constantly monitor the process of play and communication between the child and the dog. If you see that your dog is unhappy with playing with your child and is trying to get away from him, intervene and stop him! You need to anticipate problems before they actually arise.

• When raising a puppy, you should avoid and do not allow children to play games with the puppy that have elements of confrontation (wrestling), rivalry over the possession of some object (“tug of war”), as well as “hunting” games. Having become accustomed to such games, the dog may subsequently, without wanting anything bad, behave rudely with the child or injure him in the game.

• In most cases, children should not walk their dog unless accompanied by an adult. The general rule is that if the dog's weight is more than one-fifth the child's weight, the dog is too large for the child to walk independently.

• If you have children in your family and the dog gets along well with them, still always keep your dog’s interactions with other people’s children under control. You can never be sure how a dog will react to the behavior of someone else's child. Conversely, other people's children may not know how to properly behave with a dog.

• Protect your dog and supervise children he comes into contact with. If children regularly bully your dog, it will not love them. If the child does not want to be kind to the dog, either take the dog away or remove the child.

• If your dog growls at a child, seek help from a qualified dog trainer immediately. Aggression in dogs does not go away on its own.

Afghan Hound

Despite all its elegance and grace, the Afghan Hound is distinguished by its endurance and strong physique. The height of an adult female varies from 60 to 68 cm, and males grow up to 72 cm. The main “tools for running are: straight legs and a capacious chest, which ensures the smooth functioning of the heart and voluminous lungs. The straight tail is located quite low. The elongated muzzle and wide-set eyes provide maximum visibility of the terrain when running. The ears are drooping and elongated.

The pride of the breed is the silky straight hair that covers the entire body except the head - here it is short. Any color is allowed, but white spots are unacceptable.

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Border Terrier

As its name suggests, the Border Terrier originated within the borders of England and Scotland, however it was particularly associated with border hunting in Northumberland, which is the English side of the border and can therefore be considered an English breed.

They were bred to have the stamina to hunt foxes. They will accompany hunters with fox hounds, and if a fox gets into a hole, the Border Terrier will follow it and either chase it away or bark to indicate where the fox can be dug up.

They are now popular as pets and as long as they are introduced to cats, the puppies will live alongside them. Potential owners should be aware of their terrier's stamina and temperament. They may be small, but they love a lot of exercise and may show an interest in game rats.

English Setter

Strong dogs with a proportional build. The average height is 65-69 cm, and weight does not exceed 35 kg. The sternum is moderately voluminous with elongated ribs. The line smoothly flows to the taut groin line. The limbs are straight and springy. The hip line is slightly elongated. The tail, being a continuation of the back, gradually tapers towards the end and reaches the hock joint.

The head has a pronounced stop, the frontal part is widened, the back of the head is smooth but convex. Due to the fact that the muzzle is elongated, the jaws are narrower than the skull. The bite is shaped like a scissors. All features are clearly expressed: the eyes are wide and deep, but small in size, prominent cheekbones. The upper lip is of medium size, but does not form folds. There are drooping ears at eye level, but if they reach the nose, this is considered a defect. The outside is decorated with curly wool.

The hair is wavy with extensions on the keel, groin, tail and ears. The color is predominantly white with spots of black, brown or reddish tint.

Breeds of long-eared dogs

When choosing a dog breed with long ears, you must first familiarize yourself with the pet’s character traits, conditions of keeping and care. You can’t get a dog if you don’t have enough free time, as he needs long daily walks in the fresh air.

English cocker spaniel

One of the most common breeds, a related species of which is the springer spaniel. This curly-haired hunting dog with long floppy ears has a pleasant appearance and a playful disposition. The official Cocker Spaniel standard was recognized in 1974.

This dog is an excellent companion, he loves to be the center of attention and requires constant physical activity. At the same time, his long ears do not interfere with his active lifestyle. They are thin, shaped like blades. The base of the ears is located no lower than the top line of the eyes. At the withers, the height of the pet is 35.5-38 cm, weight is not regulated. The coat is silky and wavy.

The Cocker Spaniel gets along well with children and other pets.


Badger dog, as this breed is called in its homeland in Germany. Gradually, the dachshund ceased to be a purely hunting dog and settled into a human home. According to the type of coat, it can be smooth-haired, long-haired, or wire-haired. Classic colors: black and tan, harlequin, fawn, brown and tan.

The dachshund's body is quite large and elongated, but its legs are short. The muzzle is elongated, the sense of smell is excellent. The ears are long, round in shape, mobile, set high, without folds. These qualities made it possible to use dogs for hunting badgers and rabbits.

The dachshund is prone to running away and digging

The dog belongs to the category of energetic, active, but balanced dogs. The dachshund gets along well with children and other animals living in the house. She loves to play and eat.

Important! The Dachshund breed standard was adopted in 1870.

Basset Hound

One of the oldest English breeds, which was bred specifically for hunting foxes, badgers, and rabbits on foot. The dog looks sad, phlegmatic, and does not seem to be efficient. But this is a wrong opinion, since the Basset Hound is a very positive and cheerful pet.

This floppy-eared dog produces a loud, harsh bark that resembles a roar. Its height at the withers reaches 33-38 cm, and its body weight varies between 18-29 kg. The breed standard was adopted in 1880. This dog's ears can reach a length of 30 cm, so sometimes it steps on them. In basset dogs, they are narrow, turned inward, and when pulled out extend beyond the tip of the nose.

There are 3 main colors of the breed: white, black, brown. But sometimes there is a red-and-white one, and very rarely - a pure red one with a light tip of the tail.

Important! Thanks to its natural abilities, the Basset Hound can follow the scent of prey for hours.

This dog belongs to the category of short-haired, which makes caring for the pet much easier. This dog has soulful eyes, a wrinkled face, which causes tenderness when looking at him. She gets along well with other dogs and even cats.

The Basset Hound is easy to train


This breed is friendly, inquisitive, energetic and stubborn. It was bred in Britain in the 19th century specifically to chase hares and foxes. Nowadays, this dog can more often be found at exhibitions, as well as as a pet.

The height of the beagle at the withers reaches 33-40 cm, weight is in the range of 9-14 kg. The body is muscular, the head is large, the limbs are short, the coat is short. This dog's ears are round in shape and fit tightly to the cheekbones. Their length reaches the tip of the nose.

Important! The main feature of beagles is their deep voice, which is incommensurate with their small stature.

Dogs of this breed are particularly resilient; they are able to run for hours without getting tired. This dog should not be left off-leash in an unfenced area, as they are always controlled by their nose. This dog needs to be trained in a timely manner, otherwise he will subsequently ignore the owner’s commands.

The tip of the beagle's tail is white and always raised up.

Russian toy terrier

Representatives of this breed have an elegant build, small eyes, a body weight of up to 3 kg and a height of no more than 20-28 cm. At the same time, they are characterized by irrepressible energy, love to move and play. A toy terrier dog with erect ears shows affection not only to the owner, but also to all family members. Despite its miniature size, this dog is fearless. Therefore, in any dangerous situation it will desperately protect its owner.

Important! The Russian Toy Terrier does not require special care; it can be kept even in a small apartment.

The dog can have short or long hair. The latter have fringe on their paws and ears. The color can vary, but the most common are brown, red, and black and tan. The dog's ears are large, erect, triangular in shape, and set high.

The Russian Toy Terrier has a keen sense of smell and smell.

Chinese Crested

The history of the origin of this dog with pointed ears is not fully understood. Its height at the withers is 23-33 cm, and its body weight does not exceed 6 kg.

This breed comes in two varieties: downy and hairless. In the first case, the pet's entire body and paws are covered with hair. And in the second, there is hair only on the face, tail, and tips of the paws.

The Chinese Crested has a small, graceful head. The ears are erect and low set. But in the downy variety they can hang. Representatives of this breed are obedient and friendly.

Important! The life expectancy of the Chinese Crested is 12 years.

Such a dog is distinguished by courage, a certain stubbornness, devotion and intelligence. But at the same time, she does not show aggression and loves to attract attention.

The downy Chinese shaggy looks like a teddy bear


This breed is one of the varieties of the Continental Toy Spaniel. Translated, its name means “butterfly”. The dog is elegant with a height of about 28 cm and a weight of 1.5-5 kg. But at the same time, the ears are large, erect, and round at the ends. Plant them above eye level. They can be erect or droop along the head.

The Papillon is a fairly balanced dog, very attached to its owner and all family members. His coat is long, silky to the touch, fluffy, and does not cause allergies. The color of representatives of this breed is white with spots of different sizes and shades, except blue. Three colors are also possible. These dogs are playful and active, but they are more inclined towards adults than children.

Important! Papillons are easy to train and have developed intelligence, making them excellent pets.

The Papillon's ears are decorated with tassels


This companion dog is another variety of the Toy Spaniel. According to its characteristics, it is in many ways similar to the Papillon. Puppies initially have small ears, pressed to the head, but as they grow older they become larger and droop along the head. They are set below the eye line.

Phalen is a balanced dog that is good at capturing the mood of its owner and does not accept cruel treatment. The ears of representatives of this breed can be bare or covered with hair. Height at the withers reaches 28 cm, body weight - 5 kg.

Important! Phalenas do not require intense physical activity, so they are ideal for home keeping.

The dog's coat is long, silky to the touch, creating a very shaggy effect. The main color is white with different variants of dark spots of any size.

Falen is good with children

German dog

This breed can be classified as a canine aristocracy. Its representatives are distinguished by their lean body, slender long legs and thin tail. The distinctive qualities of the Great Dane are loyalty, adoration for its owner, and the ability to guard. Such a dog will jealously protect all family members and the territory near the house.

But in order for the dog to obediently follow commands, it must be sent to special training courses. When a stranger appears in the yard, a Great Dane can knock down a potential enemy and hold it until the owner appears.

The color of the Great Dane can be merle, blue, fawn, black. Its height at the withers reaches 72 cm, and its body weight varies from 45 to 90 kg. Large ears hang along the head, but only touch the cheeks with the front tip. The coat is short and shiny.

Important! Among Great Danes there are real lazy people who need to be constantly bothered and forced to play.

Representatives of this breed live on average about 13 years.

Great Danes are characterized by a phlegmatic character

English Setter

This curly-haired dog is distinguished by increased endurance and hunting instinct. The English Setter is distinguished by its friendliness, curiosity, and high intelligence. Dogs love to swim because they are not afraid of water treatments.

The coat lengthens noticeably at the age of 2.5 years, after which it is not cut. The height of such a pet is 61-69 cm, and its weight is 20-36 kg.

Important! At the age of 4 months. puppies of this breed stand up when they see a bird, which happens unconsciously.

The English Setter is not suitable as a guard dog; it rarely barks and does not fight for territory. This dog shows his displeasure by grumbling. He chooses one owner for life.

  • The dog has an oval skull, a rectangular elongated muzzle, a muscular body, long legs, and an elongated tail sticking up.
  • The ears are set low and hang down along the head in folds.
  • The fur is long in the area of ​​the belly, tail, and front legs.
  • Color can be black, beige, red, brown with specks

The English Setter is favorable towards cats

Italian bracque

These are strong animals with an athletic build. Height at the withers is 65-68 cm. The muscular back flows into the same strong, moderately wide neck. The head is narrow, elongated with a smooth stop line, which smoothly turns into a nose with a voluminous hump. The skull is convex in shape with a pronounced occipital protuberance and brow ridges. The upper lip is drooping. The ears are set low on soft cartilage. They descend below the zygomatic arch.

The coat is short and hard. With proper care it shines. The color is white with amber, fawn or chestnut spots on the head, ears, along the back and at the base of the tail. The mask on the face is predominantly symmetrical. Black color is not acceptable.


These melancholic at first glance, but very active dogs, have a strong, colorful body. The chest is voluminous with a prominent keel. The paws are massive and set straight. The tail is thick, shaped like a saber. Height - 58-68 cm.

The head is specific: large, rectangular in profile. The stop is moderate, transitioning quite smoothly into the nose with a hump. The lips are dense, but soft. In this case, the upper one completely covers the lower one and hangs down a little. The jaws are massive. The eyes are positioned normally, but the lower eyelid may droop. The bite is predominantly scissor, but a straight bite is allowed. The ears are set on soft cartilage, thin and velvety to the touch, hanging down to the base of the neck.

The soft skin, forming many folds, is covered with coarse wool, colored black-red or completely red.


Medium size hunting breed: 62-68 cm, weight - up to 35 kg. A well-developed muscular skeleton and elongated limbs ensure ease and speed of movement. The chest is roomy, deep, oval in shape and flows into a neck of medium length. The skull is round, wedge-shaped, and small bulges are visible on the sides. The transition line from the forehead to the nose is pronounced. The lips are thick and dense, and when the jaws are closed, they form a small tab.

The eyes are medium-sized, set in the sockets, above which there are pronounced eyebrows. The triangular ears are set high and have a rounded tip. In a calm state, they fall slightly below the zygomatic arch.

The coat is hard, wire-like and lies tightly to the body. On eyebrows, mustaches and beards it is slightly longer and protects against possible injuries when passing through thickets. The color is dark coffee-colored, but specks of steel-gray color are allowed. Solid black ones are very rare.

Features of dogs with long ears

Initially, only hunting breeds had this feature, which helped them in their search for prey. After all, long ears help improve a dog’s sense of smell. While running, their lobes sweep away microparticles from the ground, thereby enhancing the smell.

But later decorative breeds were obtained that also have this feature. When keeping these pets, it is necessary to provide regular walks and active games in the fresh air. Otherwise, a lack of movement can lead to obesity and the development of sluggishness, which will negatively affect the health of the pet.


Beautiful Norwegian hounds are distinguished by their strength and strong bones. The body is rectangular, moderately wide, muscular. The chest is deep, flowing smoothly into a taut stomach and groin. The tail is of medium thickness. Height - 50-60 cm.

The head of the breed is of medium size, proportional to the body. The stop is strongly pronounced and extends onto the straight bridge of the nose. The ears are medium in size; when working, the cartilage turns them slightly forward. The tips are soft triangular in shape.

Read TOP hairless and hairless dogs - 9 breeds with names

The coat is thick, slightly rough to the touch, and of medium length. Standard colors:

  • ginger;
  • yellow-red;
  • black and tan;
  • black and tan with white;
  • white with fawn or yellow spots.

Royal Poodle

These incredibly smart and beautiful creatures. The body is elegant, but at the same time with developed and elastic muscles. Height varies from 45 to 60 cm. The sternum is voluminous, regular oval in shape. The tail is straight and thin.

The head is in harmony with the whole body. The stop line is clearly defined, the nose is straight, tapering to the tip. The lips are dense and do not form careless folds.

The rounded ears hang just below the lip line, but due to the voluminous fur they appear much longer.

Coat types: curly or corded. Solid color: white, gray, apricot, brown or black.

Beautiful and strong Caucasian Shepherd

One of the large breeds bred in the Caucasus has existed for more than two thousand years. Caucasians protected their sheep flocks from attacks by wolves, but they are ready to protect their owner from danger. Pets clearly divide everyone into “friends” and “strangers,” so it is imperative to guide their behavior and reactions. Features of the breed's appearance include:

  • rough build;
  • volumetric muscles;
  • weight from 55 to 86 kg with height from 65 cm;
  • voluminous, blunt muzzle;
  • muscular neck;
  • coarse coat with white, brindle, gray or red color.

Hardy and strong, unpretentious and sensitive, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an excellent watchman and security guard. She is able to adapt to any living and feeding conditions. Hidden behind great height and indifference is a loving heart and a kind soul.

Self-sufficient and independent large dogs need a strong owner who should become their leader. Their upbringing and training must be approached with all responsibility. Only in this case will the pet obey and become an excellent protector and loyal friend.

Bruno de jure

This breed is also known as the Jurassic Hound. The physique is familiar to many hounds - a roomy chest, well-developed back muscles. A fairly strong body goes into a thin tail. Sizes can vary greatly depending on gender: males grow up to 60 cm, while females only grow 50 cm.

The head is massive, elongated with strong jaws. Stop moderate. Low-set, elongated auricles are located on soft cartilage. They reach the base of the neck. The coat is dense, each hair fits tightly to the body. The color can be black with reddish or brick-colored tan, as well as red with a black saddle.

Description of the nature of the breed

As befits real hunters, English Foxhounds are hardy, intelligent, sensitive and attentive. Thanks to their friendliness and cheerfulness, they can rightfully be classified as family dogs. They get along well with children and enjoy supporting them in games. And according to some owners, they can even be a nanny for a child.

Since foxcats have lived in packs for several centuries, they get along well with other domestic animals. These dogs are loyal and obedient. They treat strangers with distrust and wariness. The arrival of an uninvited guest will always be announced with a loud bark.

This breed is inquisitive. Dogs are always sniffing out something and trying to find someone's trace. They are active and energetic. Unpretentious in food and maintenance. Foxhounds can easily become not only a loyal friend for the owner, but also an excellent companion.


Externally, the dog is dry and bony. The body itself is rather narrow, elongated and squat, but the overall appearance is harmonious. The neck is oblong, convex and extends into a shallow chest. Paws with strong bones, hare-shaped, due to which Ariegeois can quickly develop speed. The saber tail starts high. Height 55-58 cm, without clear sexual differentiation.

Head with a convex cranial vault. The bridge of the nose is straight, but a slight hump is acceptable. The lips fit tightly and do not form pronounced jowls. The ears are hanging type with an oval end, elongated to the base of the neck. Located on soft cartilage, set low.

The hairline is soft and short, close-fitting. The color is white with black speckles, there is a symmetrical mask on the muzzle, affecting the eyes and ears.

Ear care tips

It is necessary to clean the animal’s ears 1-2 times a week, otherwise diseases may develop and ear mites may develop. Treatment of ear inflammation and infections is a fairly lengthy, costly and painful process for dogs.

Dog with short legs and big ears: list of breeds

To care for your ears, you should always have ear sticks and special cleansing lotions for dogs in your house. However, you can do it the traditional way, which is recommended by veterinarians. Cotton swabs moistened in a glass of steeply brewed green tea are used to cleanse dirt from the ears. You need to carefully move them from the inside to the outside, and not vice versa.

Owners of small dogs should not touch the ear canal, they just need to clean the ear canal. If you touch the shell, it is quite possible that this will cause discomfort and even pain to the animal.

After the procedure, it is better to cajole the dog and give him a treat so that he does not associate the ear cleansing procedure with inconvenience.

Important! Do not insert cotton swabs too deeply when cleaning the animal's ears, otherwise you may cause mechanical injury.

When purchasing a pet, the owner receives great responsibility. The animal needs to be fed on time, cared for, and given attention. The large ears of the animal must be cleaned regularly, carrying out the procedure carefully and correctly.

Artois hound

Representatives of this breed have a heavy, massive skull. The stop is clearly defined and goes into an extended and not very long bridge of the nose. The jaws are strong with a scissor bite. The eyes are set wide apart, at their level there are large, rather thick ears that hang down to the neck line. The latter, in turn, like the head, is strong. The body is muscular with a wide and deep chest, descending between the front legs. The limbs are strong and bony. Height at the withers is 52-58 cm. The coat is thick, colored tricolor - black and white with red spots.

Russian toy

Dogs of this breed have a small body, a small muzzle with large erect ears and long legs. The height of such a pet does not exceed 26 cm, weight – up to 3 kg. The lifespan of such a pet is 14-16 years. The Russian Toy can be smooth-haired or long-haired. The coat color can be black, brown, fawn, red.


This small dog with large ears belongs to the decorative breed, its main purpose is to be a good companion. Also, these small dogs have good guard qualities.


Dogs of this breed have a complex character, they are stubborn, but love games and fun. The owner can teach the dog various commands and tricks in a playful way. They are good with children and other animals, but are suspicious of strangers and fearless in protecting their owner and home.

Care and maintenance

It is better to keep such a pet in an apartment. He needs warmth and comfort. But in a private home, the pet will also feel good under normal conditions. Caring for the Russian toy is as follows:

  • walking for at least an hour a day;
  • the need to wear warm overalls in cold weather;
  • examination and cleaning of ears, eyes, teeth;
  • bathing once every 4 months with a special shampoo;
  • cutting nails every 30 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Russian Toy dog ​​has many advantages:

  • devotion;
  • friendliness;
  • high intelligence;
  • good security qualities.

But breeders also highlight disadvantages:

  • difficulty in education;
  • excessive activity;
  • attack on large dogs.

Dear readers, which dogs with long ears do you like best? Or maybe you are the owner of such a pet? Tell us about his qualities, character, pros and cons of the breed.


These are animals with an elegant, proportional physique and strong muscles. The neck is of moderate length and width, strong and extends into a pronounced scruff and powerful shoulder girdle. The limbs are straight, and in combination with a deep chest, they allow one to achieve high speed when running. The tail is thick, whip-shaped.

The height at the withers reaches 52-56 cm in females and 55-58 in males, weighing 25-30 kg. The skull is wide, strong with a pronounced occipital protuberance. The stop is smoothed, turning into an elongated straight nose. A hump at the tip is acceptable. The jaws are powerful and strong with a scissor bite. The eyes are large and round, the iris is brown. The ears are located on a thin and rather flexible cartilage with a slight point at the tip and are located low.

The coat is white with red spots all over the body, as well as on the long, hanging ears. The hairs are short, smooth and tightly adjacent to each other.

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English cocker spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel is a true hunting dog with an excellent sense of smell and eyesight. It is difficult to get through dense thickets with his hair and especially his ears, but this born hunter is an excellent swimmer. The feet are large and even slightly webbed, ideal for paddling in water or wading through rickety swamps. The English Spaniel dog breed was bred specifically for hunting in the early 19th century. It is excellent at handing waterfowl after a shot. He runs quickly and tirelessly accompanies a person on hikes over rough terrain. Developed muscles require serious exercise. Therefore, it is worth getting a puppy if the owner really hunts or regularly runs in the mornings and evenings.

English cocker spaniel

Previously, there were strict standards for appearance. Recently, the requirements have changed; it has become easier to get a show dog from a litter of several puppies from standard parents.

Characteristic exterior features:

  • height of adults is about 40 cm;
  • weight 13-15 kg with the right physique;
  • Common colors are red, black, black and blue or tan;
  • slightly curly, soft and silky coat;
  • low set ears with long hair.

By nature, the English Cocker Spaniel dog breed is active, devoted to its owner, but distrustful of strangers.

Caution: Many spaniels have hysteria, with a hereditary tendency to this disease. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the behavior of the ancestors, if such information is available. It is advisable to have a pet with a good pedigree, which also helps to obtain high-quality offspring based on external characteristics.


The main purpose of the breed is pursuit and search, but in the pursuit they often lose. That is why the body is strong, but squat. The height at the withers for females is 49-51 cm, and for males - 50-58. The muzzle is long with a pronounced stop. The eyes are set deep, the gaze is expressive. The ears are located slightly above eye level. They are moderately long and sedentary.

The hair is hard and dense. The breed standard allows several colors:

  • black;
  • blue;
  • marble.

Bavarian mountain hound

This is a bold, energetic dog with well-developed muscles. The chest, back and croup are strong and long, the stomach and groin area are tucked. The paws are straight, like most hounds. The tail is of medium length, saber-shaped, set high. The neck flows into a dome-shaped head. The transition line from the forehead to the nose is pronounced. The skull sharpens closer to the nose, the jaws are powerful with a scissor bite. The ears are set high and rounded at the tips, hanging down without folds. The coat is smooth, short, reddish-brown, sometimes with black tiger stripes or white spots on the chest. Height - 48-52 cm.

Care, maintenance

The disadvantage of dogs with long ears is that their hearing organs are poorly ventilated, which increases the likelihood of developing an infection. Therefore, such dogs are very susceptible to otitis media and ticks.

Each owner of such a pet should regularly examine the dog’s ears (once every 3-5 days). You should also wipe them inside weekly with chamomile baby wipes, carefully removing dirt and dust. It is also possible to use ear sticks, previously soaked in boiled warm water.

The owner of such a dog must promptly respond to warning signs, which may include itching, an unpleasant odor, and discharge. The disease can also be identified by the dog’s behavior. When her ears become inflamed, she tends to constantly lower her head down and scratch it on the floor. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian and carry out the prescribed course of treatment.

Dogs with long ears are everyone's favorite as they attract the attention of any person with their funny appearance. But when purchasing such a dog, you need to understand that they not only need love and care, but also require full care.

Field Spaniel

These dogs have an elegant, harmoniously built body. The build is dry with a proud bearing. Height - 45-50 cm.

The skull is domed with a pronounced occiput and an almost invisible stop. The muzzle is elongated; jowls form in the corners of the mouth when the lips close. The eyes are set deep, and at their level the drooping ears begin, which visually appear larger due to the wavy, flowing coat.

The coat is thick and wavy, colored black, brown, golden brown or bicolor.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are giants with a big heart, whose ancestors are ancient mastiffs. The breed was bred in the 17th century in the Swiss Alps by the monks of the monastery of St. Bernard. St. Bernards were originally used as pack animals and rescue dogs. Thanks to their amazing sense of smell, these dogs helped find people caught in an avalanche. In addition, St. Bernards anticipated the onset of an avalanche and warned the person. The character of the dog is more like a bear, kind, patient and affectionate, there is absolutely no aggression towards humans. Saint Bernards are easy to train and are excellent patient nannies even for small children. They do not get along well with small dogs, but if they grow up together from puppyhood, then there is no aggressive behavior. (see full description of the St. Bernard breed)

Basset Hound

Clumsy at first glance and melancholic, the dog only evokes pity and tenderness among passers-by, but in reality it is a fierce hunter, even despite its small height (35-38 cm). Their small body is of outstanding size: strong, bony, and strong muscles are hidden under the elastic skin with many folds.

The skull is rounded, and it is the abundance of skin on the muzzle that gives it a suffering appearance. The lower eyelid sags slightly under the overall weight of the skin. The ears are unusually long, reaching to the ground.

The most common color is tricolor, but you can find two-tone (white with fawn spots) or solid red.


Beagles are incredibly active, compact dogs. Their height at the withers does not exceed 33-40 cm, but despite this, their physique is strong and proportional. The tail is saber-shaped. The long muzzle has a clearly defined stop, the bridge of the nose is straight and wide. Scissor bite. The eyes are round and dark brown. The ears are long, drooping, and their tips are rounded.

The coat is short and thick. The color is predominantly tricolor, but there are also white and red representatives. Solid black or white coat color is considered a rarity today.

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