What is “breaking a dog”: education through pain, consequences

Hitting a dog or forcing it to obey is now considered an outdated form of discipline. Today it has gone out of fashion, and in some countries it is even punishable by law. Education through pain has been replaced by more acceptable and, most importantly, effective methods. However, hitting the nose, muzzle or butt is still practiced and causes controversy among dog owners.

Does it mean he loves? Don't think!

How to properly punish a puppy or dog using the “fu” command?

How to teach a dog the “fu” command so that it executes it with one word?
How to properly punish a dog or puppy, achieving obedience, but without harming the animal’s health? The article will help a novice dog breeder learn how to apply punishment and get what he wants from his pet. No matter what anyone says, it is simply necessary to teach a dog the “fu” command. It will be used throughout her life, although less and less as time goes on. The “fu” command will save the animal’s life more than once, so it is necessary to start training from a young age.

You can physically punish a puppy from the age of 3 months. Until this age, it is better to refrain from negative reinforcement and make do with a threatening intonation of voice. By the way, in order to succeed in executing this command and many others, you need to learn to use a stimulus. Also, you may need a strict collar for dog training - with it, the jerk of the leash will be more noticeable for the dog, but you need to use the collar wisely.

Psychological stress and training problems

If a dog regularly receives blows to the nose during its training, this will negatively affect its psyche and willingness to follow commands. The dog will be in constant anticipation of pain, which can provoke panic.

The dog will associate following the command not with a reward, but with severe pain. The result will be two types of behavior - either the animal will become too timid or aggressive. There will be no decent results from training in both cases.

How to properly punish a puppy or dog?

  1. What to punish? Do not use any object other than the palm of your hand to punish. Sometimes it is appropriate to use a dowser or a jerk with the leash, but most often a slap with the palm of the hand to the croup area is used. If you use other objects, for example, a slipper that comes to hand, then in the future the dog may begin to take revenge on everything that reminds him of the offender. As a result, all the slippers in the house will be in danger.
  2. Do not think that the dog will be angry with you and in the future will take revenge for past punishments if you punish it with your hands. The owner also feeds, strokes, gives treats and plays with his hands, so if hands are associated in the animal’s mind with something good, then it will definitely not be vindictive.

  3. When to punish? A puppy or dog will understand exactly why they were punished by their owner only if they were punished at the time the “crime” was committed. That is, it is too late to scold an animal for a puddle if it was made even 10 seconds before you saw it. Always punish when a specific action is performed, and not after the dog has already performed it.
  4. How to punish using the “fu” command? At the moment of undesirable behavior, give a strict command “fu”, and then punish physically. Remember that you cannot hit the dog on any other parts of the body except the “fifth point”.
  5. It's easier to tell with an example. For example, a puppy is chewing on shoes - then it is appropriate to sternly say “ugh”, then come up and slap your hand on the butt. Didn't pay attention and is gnawing again?

Psychological aspects

Why can't you pick up animals by the scruff of the neck?

Painful shock always entails a violation of the psycho-emotional state. The dog may lose trust in its owner. The dog will not only not be a faithful protector, but will also have difficulty making any contact with its offender.

If an animal develops excessive cowardice, it may take years of adaptation to get rid of it. A similar situation is observed with other psychological aspects of blows to the nose - isolation, loss of cheerfulness, tendency to apathy and depressive-aggressive behavior.

Is it possible to beat a puppy for educational purposes? What and how to do it

Then the punishment should be stronger.

For example, a puppy put something nasty in its mouth. Then immediately command “fu”, come up and slap him on the ass with your palm. Is he still chewing? Punish more strongly, after repeating the command. Is he chewing again? Punish even more strongly, but do not repeat the command.

For example, a puppy craps in the house. Just at that moment when he sat down - punish him by strictly saying “fu”. It is appropriate in this case to apply physical punishment of moderate force. For example, a puppy bites its owner's hands. Then at the moment when he bites them, say “ugh” and slap him on the butt with your palm.

It happens that a dog lunges at a passerby while next to its owner on a leash. Then, at the moment of the throw, you need to say “ugh” and apply a jerk with the leash towards yourself.

  • Effective punishment. For punishment to be effective and not ignored by the dog, it must be strong enough. That is, it should not harm the animal, but we punish for a reason, and therefore the force of punishment should be moderate: not strong, but not weak. Punish each time more severely until you find an effective punishment.
  • Should you always punish physically? At first, you should always punish your puppy or dog physically. But then you will see that as soon as the dog hears “ugh,” the dog stops the unwanted behavior. Then there is no point in punishing. You just need to say “ugh” and not use negative reinforcement.
  • Voice intonation. The command “fu” should sound stern and threatening. Give the team a piercing look in the eyes. Feel like an angry, dissatisfied, but loving daddy who punishes in order to educate. Of course, any physical punishment is unacceptable in raising children, but with our four-legged pets things are different.
  • That's all. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in learning, and now you know how to punish a dog or puppy without consequences for the animal itself. Remember to give your pet lots of positive attention. There should be 100 times more punishment than punishment. Walking together, playing games, praise for good behavior or following a command is what a pet needs to build trust in its owner.

    Below, watch a short video of an owner scolding his dog. True, he does it with love, in a friendly way.

    Interesting articles.

    How to train a puppy to toilet so that he goes exclusively to the place where the owner wants? A little patience and your dog or small puppy will understand you.

    Where does dog training begin? At first you will start with the simplest commands, and soon you will complicate the training by introducing new ones.

    And the matter could easily have ended with this plaintive cry: she no longer made contact. Animal activists contacted law enforcement agencies, but they were unable to take the dog away from its aggressive owners. After the end of the trial, that same evening, the animal was hit in the face with a fist right in the yard during a walk. Another witness spoke about this, writes Perspective.

    Dog life

    Everyone in the yard knows: Ralph is not the Divackis’ first dog. First, the head of the family brought a small puppy from SAKh, where he works. The dog lived with the family until he tore the upholstery on the sofa. After this, the owner decided to get rid of the little dirty trickster, who was again sent to the SAH. There he died from the fact that he could not eat: his four-legged friend was so exhausted that he only drank water.

    Divatsky did not languish alone for a long time. Moreover, he was deprived of parental rights. It was not interesting to communicate with either my wife or my mother-in-law. By the way, the elderly woman hated dogs. There was a cat in her room. So sometimes Ralph was kept on a short leash.

    The owners of the apartment admitted that the dog was put on a leash every time guests appeared in the apartment. They tied it to the leg of a cabinet in the hallway: 20 centimeters of string limited the dog’s movement so much that it could only lie for hours. Naturally, no one thought about feeding and drinking Ralph.

    “I live in the same building with them,” says one of the Divatskys’ neighbors.

    Anatomical features of the nose

    A dog's perfect sense of smell is ensured by the special structure of their nose. Its entire surface is covered with nerve endings, receptors and capillaries. Any physical impact on the surface of the nose leads to serious complications that can cause partial or complete loss of smell or psychological trauma, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of.

    The consequences of a blow to the nose can be:

    A dog trainer teaches how to hit a puppy if it disobeys.

    – I can say that their dogs change periodically. It is always a small black puppy, plump, active and cheerful.

    According to the pattern, after some time the dog gradually becomes weaker. Although Ralph is a Labrador mix who is over a year old, veterinarians say he is missing a third of his body weight. He has sparse, dull fur, bony protrusions, and a poor diet. At the veterinary clinic, where the dog was brought for examination, they tried to convince the dog’s owner: pea soup and millet are not absorbed by the animal’s body, it needs a complete diet. For the owner, this was outrageous. He claimed that he would never feed a dog “rolltons” (as he called dry food for four-legged animals). Ralph ate only what the owners themselves ate.

    Responsibility scares me

    The woman who wrote a post about help on the VKontakte social network has disappeared. Although, passing on what she saw to the chairman of the Grodno public association for the protection of animals “Trace of Life” Daria Reshetnikova, she promised to speak in court. The witness wrote that the dog was constantly beaten and starved.

    “The neighbors wanted to help, but didn’t know how,” says Daria Reshetnikova. – Our organization filed an application with law enforcement agencies. An investigation was carried out into it, during which the fact of cruel treatment of animals was established. The case was sent to the Leninsky District Court.

    All the witnesses claimed that the owners were beating the dog. The house on Brikel is a panel house, you can hear everything perfectly. Including the blows themselves, not to mention the constant whining and plaintive squeal of the animal.

    Odd love

    But the aggressive owner, no matter how he was, defended his dog in court. He was not going to give up Ralph, because then she would have been handed over to the SAH and killed. And I wouldn’t vaccinate my dog ​​if I didn’t really love it.

    After the re-hearing, to which the main witness again failed to appear, the accused admitted that he had not been very attentive to his four-legged friend. Now Divatsky had brochures on the proper care of dogs at home. And since the beginning of the trial - this is about three weeks - the dog has gained almost a kilo. They take him for walks all the time and no longer put him on a leash.

    The owner, Ralph, was fined 12 basic units (276 rubles). For animal rights activists, this was a defeat, because they considered the main goal to be the removal of the dog. They even found a foster home for Ralph. But the dog's happy life disappeared into fog at dawn. Only the owner continues to beat his pet.

    To the point

    Statistics show that there are enough facts of cruelty to animals in our country. However, not many of them go to trial. The legislation of the Republic of Belarus is governed by Article 15.45 of the Code of Administrative Offences. It provides for punishment in the form of a fine from 10 to 30 basic units or administrative arrest.

    PS For ethical reasons, the owner Ralph's last name has been changed.

    What not to do - the main mistakes of novice breeders

    Owners make common mistakes completely unintentionally, but suffer the consequences for many years. It is also sad that the owner puts up with the dog’s disobedience, considering its defiant behavior to be a character trait.

    What not to do - the main mistakes of novice breeders:

    • Yield - if you give the dog a command, you need to ensure execution. Naturally, you cannot use rudeness towards a dog, but it must understand that your word is law.
    • Repeat the requirements many times - the command is repeated a maximum of two times, after which the owner must ensure its execution.
    • Working with a dog is not a constant thing – if you decide to raise a dog today and forget about it tomorrow, don’t expect much success. Quadrupeds learn successfully only with regular reinforcement of skills. Giving your pet unnecessary powers - thousands of owners have suffered from allowing puppies to commit seemingly cute acts. When your puppy climbs up on the couch and growls at you, he is showing dominance. When you can't touch the food bowl without risking being bitten, your dog is exhibiting food aggression. All such acts of dominance must be stopped during puppyhood.
    • Do not clearly formulate the requirements during training - the dog should only hear the command and tone of voice; accompanying phrases like: “who did I tell”, “how many times can I repeat” are absolutely meaningless and only confuse the dog.

    If you got your first dog and feel like you can’t cope, it’s better to seek help without delay.

    Beaten dog

    Sergey Gusev 27

    She walked with her tail between her legs. And she didn’t even pay attention to the nasty cats that ran past from time to time. The cats, however, did not understand that there was no time for them now, and, with their tails raised like a pipe, they quickly climbed up the tree when she appeared. This dog was well known in the area, and usually she did not miss a single such raised tail with her attention. But not now... Now she was walking with her head hanging low... The dog was beaten. Moreover, it wasn’t like they gave her the usual routine kick, which she had long been accustomed to, but they beat her severely, so now she wanted only one thing - to go somewhere far away and lie for a long time, not thinking about anything, until the wounds healed. “Life is a strange thing,” the dog thought. - After all, in this same yard, but only on a chain, lives almost the same dog, and no one thinks of hitting him. Although he is a complete fool and does nothing but ramble all day long. So, when they were beating me, I kept breaking free from the chain, and barked desperately, with sincere indignation...” Her sides hurt, and with difficulty she made her way to the small forest on the edge of the city to hide in the shade of the trees and sleep peacefully... “It’s all on me.” it will heal, not for the first time, it’s a common thing, she thought, closing her eyes. “And I’ll go back to chasing cats, looking for bones in garbage dumps, or seeing where I can steal a tastier piece.” Well, like today. Although today we just didn’t succeed, for which we had to pay with our own sides...” And the piece... What kind of piece was it... A huge piece of fresh meat, with a sugar bone sticking out in the middle, with a post-nin, carelessly left right in the middle of the yard. If he had been smaller, the dog would have had time to run away with him, but he turned out to be so huge that he could barely fit in his mouth, she became completely clumsy with this piece, and they managed to catch up with her... The dog swallowed saliva. After all, she still managed to nibble off a little sugar bone, and even a little of the lean meat was also missing. Oh, with what envy the dog on the chain looked at her. This is probably why he barked so desperately, that he also wanted to at least touch this miracle, which happens only once in a dog’s fate... “I wonder what they feed him? - thought the dog. “In the yard, where huge pieces of meat can easily lie unattended, the guarded dog is probably being pampered with some delicacy.” Why was he so offended by her then? After all, I was ready to tear it into pieces, and would have torn it apart, if the strong chain hadn’t interfered...” The sides hurt... Oh, how the sides hurt... The dog tried to move... No, it seems the bones are intact... Then take it easy. Then it will be possible to lie down and make the first foray around the area tomorrow... Otherwise, the local cats will really lose all fear... She suddenly remembered how, while she was walking, a meowing tribe scattered in fear. But she didn’t react to them in any way... The dog tried to roll over to the other side, but immediately abandoned this intention... It still hurts... It hurts a lot... “Tomorrow, no, the day after tomorrow, when everything has healed, I’ll have to visit that yard again . What if the piece of meat is still lying around... The dog on the chain won’t get to it, and the owners there, apparently, are rotten..." She winced again, but quickly fell asleep. And very soon she had a sweet dream about how she returned to that same yard, the gate was hospitably open, and next to a huge piece of meat, it had even doubled in size during this time, sat a chained dog and waved its tail welcomingly. He had a large scarlet silk bow tied around his neck.

    Prohibited Methods

    Every person raising their dog should know several important rules that must be constantly followed:

    1. You can't raise your voice at a dog. Small individuals can become very frightened and become cowardly, and large ones can bite.
    2. Locking a dog in a room without food and water is unacceptable.
    3. If an animal bows its head in front of its owner and presses its tail, it means that it has realized its mistake and sincerely repents. You must immediately stop scolding the dog and let it go about its business.
    4. If you beat a dog with a chain or leash, then soon it will begin to be afraid of these accessories. Putting a muzzle and collar on her will no longer work.

    You should always punish your pet for any offense. If this is not done, then he will feel like a leader or head of the family.

    Is it possible to hit a dog for educational purposes?

    However, in life there was no longer any meat in the yard. The dog ran along the fence several times to make sure of this and, dejectedly with his tail between his legs, was about to get away... - Why are you running around here, giving you no peace? – suddenly an unfriendly growl was heard from behind the fence. - A-a-a-a... It's you... Well, is the chain pressing me to break me into pieces? All that remains is to growl... - You should understand - the dog was still as unfriendly. “If I don’t growl at you all, they’ll just stop feeding me...” “Well, for such meat, I’d probably growl at everyone,” the dog said, dreamily closing his eyes. -What other meat? Ah-ah-ah... The one for which you received a couple of kicks... - It’s good for you to say - a couple of kicks... She was barely alive... - Don’t steal, - the dog answered more peacefully. - You make a mistake, you make a mistake, but you still end up in the same place. There is no peace for yourself or people... - Well, at least tell me, was the meat tasty? - Maybe. I haven't tried it. The owners eat everything themselves. - And you? - And I’ll have some gruel. Sometimes with bones, and sometimes even like that... - Why do you serve them? -Where am I going to go? Off the chain... - Well, I don’t know, many manage to escape... - What’s the point? Walk around, wait until they hit you, how did you feel just now? - What word do you know - just now... So what? I rested and started running again. But not on a chain. - By the garbage dumps... - Not only by the garbage dumps... Actually, we have a wonderful forest on the edge of the city. And in the summer there are a lot of hedgehogs. They are, of course, prickly, but it’s so cool to run after them and watch them curl up into a ball when you appear... “Yes, I once saw a hedgehog,” the dog said thoughtfully. - I also wanted to run up to him, but it didn’t work out, the chain got in the way... - You see... - But you don’t see anything yourself... Happiness doesn’t lie in hedgehogs... - But in what? Of course, not hedgehogs. And in freedom, free air, the opportunity to control your own destiny and not depend on anyone... “I’m already free in my own way,” the dog remarked philosophically. “If I want, I bark, but if I want, I can remain silent... Anything is better than freezing under a bush in the snow and rain.” I always have a warm booth. And every day they bring me straight to the booth to praise me. Maybe not fresh meat with a sugar bone, but still... - Is this freedom? - What do you think? The freedom to steal a bone is just the freedom to be beaten. And return to your heated bed under the tree. The dog, not paying attention to his words, casually sat down near the fence and scratched his right ear with his left paw... - It hurts, or what? – the dog asked sympathetically. - No... It just itch... - These are fleas... You mongrels always have only fleas... If only you could get away from here... - Yes, I’ll go now, don’t worry... But tell me, since we’re already talking, what’s the matter? yours, dog happiness? - Well, you asked... To fit in well, of course. That's how I am. – Do you think I can’t be happy? – Chasing hedgehogs? And how many of them did you catch? - So what if I didn’t catch a single one? I chase hedgehogs in the wild. And you are on a chain... “For hedgehogs and fleas,” the dog laughed. “You know, you should still go in a good time.” Otherwise, look, my owners are out, now you’ll get hit again... - No worries for me... - the dog wanted to say, but the words got stuck in his throat... - Do they work at your meat plant? – she asked with a breath. Right in the middle of the yard there now stood a whole basin of aromatic fresh meat, as if in a fairy tale. “You... This... Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf...” the dog warned. - I’ll have to bark... - Do you feel sorry for the meat? Which you won't even try? - I won’t try, but I don’t want to envy you either... - So you envied my piece of meat? What about the hedgehogs you can't chase? - Deal with the hedgehogs yourself, but don’t touch the owner’s meat! I’m telling you straight - don’t touch it! - What are you going to do with me? – the dog prepared to jump. – The chain is too short to stop... She did not repeat past mistakes, and did not run to the exit with the bone. She tried to have time to eat the first piece before the vigilant owners, warned by frantic barking, began to beat her. But how they beat her... However, the deed had already been done. One rather weighty piece, a real dog's happiness, was already lying and being digested in the belly, and the inevitable troubles could be endured. She barely reached a familiar place in the forest, leaving drops of blood behind her. Seeing that she was very bad, even the cats did not run away, but, on the contrary, tried to hiss something nasty after her. The dog finally fell under a tree, closed his eyes and thought: “Even if I die, my life will still not be lived in vain. I know the taste of real dog happiness...” It was unbearably painful, and she whined pitifully... It seemed that there was no place on her now that would not hurt... And at night the dog had a dream, how she was running with a joyful bark through the sunny morning forest after hedgehogs... Or was this no longer a dream?

    © Copyright: Sergey Gusev 27, 2011 Certificate of publication No. 211091700369

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    Other works by the author Sergey Gusev 27


    Write a review

    I liked the reasoning about who needs what in life, everyone has their own concepts and principles. (And I feel sorry for the dog...) Thank you, Sergey, for the story. All the best!

    Galina Shakhmaeva 09.25.2015 20:22 • Report violation

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    Dogs are tenacious, just like people. Thanks for your response!

    Sergey Gusev 27 09.25.2015 22:12 Report violation

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    Fist in the dog's forehead!


    08-02-2003 09:03

    Here is such a case described in the latest “Evening” (EXCERPT): “... the aggressive attitude of the dog (Caucasian Shepherd (!)) was obvious. Almost silently she stepped on people. Everyone was confused, except for one of the “dog walkers.” He stepped towards the dog, who instantly chose him as the target of attack. The man took a step to the side, as if giving way to the dog. then he crouched down a little and hit. The fist clearly and neatly slammed into the forehead of the dog, who did not expect such a reaction. She stopped as if she had run into a wall. staggered and plopped down on its hind legs, shaking its head from side to side... A guy of about 25 who appeared as if out of the ground, immediately took the dog on a leash and disappeared before anyone could tell him what they thought about what happened.” This guy has never practiced any martial arts and has an average build. The Caucasian Shepherd is a fairly large dog, it even seems to cope with a wolf.


    08-02-2003 11:57

    So what the heck, we ask. The dog is neither hot nor cold. Such a blow can only puzzle and intimidate her. Here's to the owner's forehead - it would be necessary. And the dog either breaks his nose, or breaks his spine, or loses his breath in a jump.


    09-02-2003 12:12

    My friend is Caucasian, Bimochka, so at least hit him in the forehead with a shovel, who cares. I wonder if the guy broke his own arm?


    02/09/2003 12:46quote:Originally posted by Vitiaz:
    Well, what the hell, we ask.
    The dog is neither hot nor cold. Such a blow can only puzzle and intimidate her. Here's to the owner's forehead - it would be necessary. And the dog either breaks his nose, or breaks his spine, or loses his breath in a jump. The backbone of a Caucasian, well, I don’t know, I don’t know... I know the technique (only in theory, in practice, thank God, I didn’t have the chance) of how to knock down a dog in a jump, but a Caucasian is 90 kg. weight IMHO is very problematic.

    This reminds me of a joke. What's a grizzly bear? Uh, why did they gnaw, they strangled me like that.


    09-02-2003 03:19

    I have a Caucasian friend who is a kind-hearted dog. And he loves to play... Well, we started to tinker with it somehow, and at some stage I stopped coping, took a hatchet and smacked it with the axe). That's just how he fought back. And he doesn’t care about toys for his powerful skull and tanned six...


    09-02-2003 09:04

    The guy didn't break his arm. The following is a commentary from a lieutenant colonel of the dog training service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she claims that, generally speaking, if you don’t get lost, then in principle you can cope with a dog, the main thing is confidence and all that. He also says that a blow has the same effect on a dog as on a person. Although, in my opinion, the pain threshold of an animal is lower than that of a person, I personally killed only hares (wounded animals) with my fist; I only killed dogs with a firearm.


    09-02-2003 10:06

    Taras writes that a blow to the NOSE (not to the forehead) can kill a dog, and not only an Italian greyhound, but also a real dog.


    10-02-2003 03:24

    A good straight shot to the nose can kill any dog. A blow to the “cross” (anchor) with a stab helps a lot - dog breeders will understand what I mean. But stopping a Caucasian with a blow to the forehead if you are not Mike Tyson... this is already in the realm of fantasy


    10-02-2003 09:26

    Cough, my uncle in Russia had three “Caucasians” in a private house. During one of the attempts to break into his home, one of the thieves tried to defend himself with a shovel...

    He still managed to escape; a week later the dog no longer remembered the incident, but the shovel had to be placed on a new handle.

    And I think this freak is lucky.


    10-02-2003 11:02

    Most likely, the dog did not intend to attack seriously and such a blow “puzzled” it somewhat. It’s generally difficult to hit a large adult dog, especially a “Caucasian” with his thick fur on the arms, which hurts the dog (not for the one striking - you’ll knock off the whole hand if you don’t know where to hit), not to mention stunning the dog with such a slap on the skull . My Dobermashka once ran headfirst into a metal pipe (they dug an 80 mm pipe fence in the yard to prevent cars from being parked on the lawn - the dog wanted to jump over on the run, but slipped) - and nothing, not even running slowed down. On the head from the blow, the skin burst to the skull to a length of about 5 cm (I had to stitch it up) - but from the blow the dog did not even lose orientation in space for a second.


    10-02-2003 12:20

    From my own experience: confident behavior works. The case is fundamentally quite possible. Of course, there was no talk of any stunning. In this case, a slap on the forehead is simply equivalent to a stern shout. The dog didn't push at all. Game: scare, assert oneself. The person simply showed that he is “more important,” “has the right,” “senior,” and can punish if necessary. This is exactly where the dog hangs up. It looks like the dog is stupid (not trained at all, perhaps a weak owner). Otherwise the incident would not have happened.


    10-02-2003 02:43

    A hit to the nose is terrible for any dog. He can glue his fins together, but he will definitely give up aggressive intentions.

    We reveal the secrets of successfully raising a dog

    I witnessed such a case. The man kicked the rushing dog in the nose, she screamed so hard that her ears were blocked, and she walked away, staggering like a drunk. Another case was with a friend of mine - a dog rushed at him, so he jumped and landed right on her back. She crawled away on her front legs.


    10-02-2003 03:18

    I agree with Already and other skeptics. A knockout of the “human” type with a blow to the head of a dog can hardly be caused. The brain is small - the inertia of the brain is also small, then correspondingly. The bow or “anchor” is a different matter, though. Very difficult to hit, especially on the nose. It’s almost equally difficult with both the hand and the foot. Personally, I didn’t succeed, although there weren’t many such cases. But several times it was possible to deliver demoralizing blows to the dog with the toe from the bottom up under the lower jaw. It works well - it turns a large dog ~ 40 kg upside down.

    —————— Winner's wounds heal faster


    02/10/2003 03:38quote:Originally posted by Stripes?:
    The nose or “anchor” is another matter, but.
    Very difficult to hit, especially on the nose. Absolutely right. But if hit not tangently (with an accurate hit), the mortality rate is 99%. In general, dogs are very tenacious.

    —————— Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war.


    10-02-2003 03:54

    I witnessed such a case (please do not experiment on your dogs, I bear no responsibility). One acquaintance, by the way very experienced in prison life, demonstrated the following while drunk on a dare. He took a simple chair by the back and pointed his legs at the dog (it was in the country and the dog was very stern). I just went at him, trying to drive him into the corner of the room. When the dog felt the wall with his back, there was no place to retreat - he simply wet himself. The dog was broken and completely demoralized. I don’t know how true this is, but this pretzel claimed that dogs’ vision is designed in such a way that it cannot control 4 legs of a chair at the same time (moose antlers, for example), which breaks it.


    10-02-2003 08:41

    As a half-educated dog handler, I’ll probably comment. It’s better not to try and kick an attacking dog in the nose (unless you’re a karateka). If you didn’t manage to hit with a flying strike, then you should give the dog your hand and, at the moment the jaws grab the hand, sharply pull the hand towards you and charge the other one into the nose with all your might. * You must deliberately present your hand to the dog (only smoothly - otherwise he will perceive it as a blow and turn his face away, which equals failure) * You must clearly feel the moment when you need to pull the hand towards you (AFTER it grabs well and BEFORE it starts to tear. So as if a dog doesn’t grab onto it well, it will simply vomit out a fair amount of meat, and if it starts to vomit... it’s better not to think about it) I used the above method in training 1 time, when the “sleeve” turned out to be leaky, but it didn’t hit the nose on the spot, of course

    If a small-sized dog that is not a fighting dog attacks, you can give him your hand and, sharply raising it up (along with the dog), grab it and brutally tear the balls (sorry).

    Yes, in essence there are many strategies, but damn it, I’m still inclined to stand at attention if four-legged “friends” attack me, this is the method that provides the greatest safety.

    2AE: Yes, a common myth. My “colleague” at the canine school tried to explain to his shepherd in this way that he was more important. It ended in tears, stitches, injections, bandages and all sorts of other delights. And the dog had to be put to sleep... These are the pies.


    10-02-2003 08:56

    I wonder how strong dogs are to a wound? If, for example, you give away the driven hand, and hit the leading hand with a knife in the stomach or side. What is the possible reaction of a dog, especially fighting breeds? I just heard that such animals, even with their guts out, are still combat-ready. Or not?


    10-02-2003 09:32

    As far as I know from the experience of “communication” with Caucasian Shepherds:

    1. they can be called kind with huge reservations 2. A “Caucasian” “keeps” the zone in a square, if in the process of upbringing this zone is not defined for him (mainly by a fence), then he will define it himself, it can be a whole yard 3. an aggressive Caucasian silently and suddenly rushes at the enemy, without warning, growling and barking


    10-02-2003 09:53

    Dogs are very tough when wounded. Even if you rip open a fighting dog’s stomach (which is sooooo difficult), before it dies, it will at least cripple you. The pain threshold (in a calm state) is on average 10 times less than that of a person. At the moment of an attack, fighting dogs are completely blown away (and the pain threshold at these moments is MUCH lower), pulling it away will be extremely problematic. In addition, do not forget - the more you resist, the stronger the dog attacks. And if in the case of an ordinary dog, after unsuccessful self-defense, you can fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes, completely relax and stop any resistance (the dog will stop biting you and will simply stand next to you with a menacing look). Then the fighting dog will tear for a long time and with taste, no matter where you stand or fall, there are often cases when they bite off limbs. And finally, the vast majority of ordinary dogs tend to bite the hand, less often the leg, and even less often the groin. A fighting dog often starts from the hand and quickly rises to the throat. Let's draw conclusions...

    I personally saw how an Amstaff’s thigh was stitched up after a fight... the needle was huge by human standards, an ordinary tailor’s thread... I began to persuade the owner to use painkillers and put a muzzle on the dog, I was afraid that the owner’s dog would eat... I was stupid - the Amstaff didn’t even whine and tried to bite the hand stitching him up, he didn’t even blink... It was at my house and after 8 stitches the dog snorted adorably and went to explore my apartment, damn, this beast didn’t even lose his appetite.


    10-02-2003 10:17

    I also heard that the dog will just grab it with its teeth if you pull your hand towards you, but if you step on it, then it will not be able to act like that. At this moment, even use a knife! I don’t think that a dozen blows at a fast pace in the belly will be completely indifferent to the dog! Having read such horrors, I remembered that someone here recommended attaching a metal corner to your hand to protect the goons, but no one liked this idea. Or maybe I should stick something like that on my left hand, a luminium corner, to make it easier. And then it will be easier to fight with dogs!


    11-02-2003 12:50

    Just now I wrote such a big and terrible speech, but then I realized that it was in vain and I erased it. It’s difficult to kill a dog right away, you need serious preparation. I trained in the service dog breeding club for 1.5 years, but I’m not sure I can do it. You need to subtly sense the dog’s nature, habits, understand what he will do in the next second, be sure to work long and hard at least with the sleeve and the roll.

    Half a year after I started my classes, during training I was knocked down by a Great Dane (poems). While I was getting up, I saw the evil muzzle of the dog’s face, I managed to put out my hand... the dog, as expected, grabbed it and pulled a little, he didn’t have time to really jerk his hand - I screamed in a frantic voice, “IMPOSSIBLE *UKAAAA!!” and the slightly stunned dog let me go. Result: Pants full of adrenaline, a terrible-looking scar on my arm (the doctor had to make 3 stitches to tighten the edges of the wound at least a little), and of course, experience And the experience gained in similar situations (and there were 3 of them) led me to this conclusion - dear , there is no need to fight with dogs, it is very painful and fraught. A dog is not a bully...it’s almost always possible to avoid conflict very easily.


    11-02-2003 06:04

    I don’t know about you, but for some reason dogs don’t attack me. And to be honest, I don’t believe that a dog will just attack. I don't know if I could use a weapon against a dog, most likely not. I feel sorry for them. They are weaker than us anyway.


    11-02-2003 10:38

    If you have a stick in your hand and a dog attacks you, it is best to throw this stick to the side shouting “fetch!” dogs are distracted immediately.

    San Sanych

    11-02-2003 11:23

    To be honest, no one attacks me either; they probably feel that I love them. The dachshund grabbed him several times, but it’s hard to call it an attack. In general, even the most vicious dog doesn’t just rush at you, we had a completely crazy reckless Rottweiler, but if he saw that people sympathized with him, he even began to twirl the stump of his tail... However, this manifestation of sympathy did not at all mean permission to stroke himself. If you tried to touch it, you would have to collect pieces of human meat ipec:


    11-02-2003 12:24

    2San-Sanych Petting unfamiliar dogs.. Nude... After the film “Beethoven” it was very difficult to walk with my 60-kilogram girl. Phlegmatic, like the rest of the breed, the girl still has a fucking monster instead of a mouth and a sense of her own territory, which is inherent in everyone else. You’re driving short, and some crazy guy is pulling a rake and stroking it, they say. Now imagine the following. You are walking down the street, thinking about life, not bothering anyone. Suddenly, some unfamiliar and foul-smelling subject with the sentence “you are so good” pats you on the cheek. With dirty fingers. I don’t know who it is, but I’m afraid it’s a rake in physics. The dog has no fists. There are teeth.


    02/11/2003 04:34quote:Originally posted by Sanych:
    I don’t know about you, but for some reason dogs don’t attack me.
    Every person has a smell. Mine. Different from other people's smells. The dog may or may not like the smell.


    Dimon Trigger


    11-02-2003 11:57

    Something about a fist to the forehead is hard to believe. I played with an adult bullmastiff. He’ll have a booth bigger than mine, so they started playing and I punched him in the forehead as hard as I could. The dog didn’t even notice at first. And when I realized that I had no time for toys, I was very surprised and spent a long time sniffing my hand for damage. And I got a pretty bad bruise. And a Caucasian will be larger than a bullmastiff. And the bread slicer is larger.


    12-02-2003 12:20

    everything is relative. I once walked a small Stafford, kicked him, he didn’t even take offense. Guard and fighting dogs are still different...


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