How long will it take for a dog to give birth after her water breaks?

The first birth of a dog is an important event both for the bitch herself and for her owner. In most cases, dog births take place with minimal human intervention, but still this matter should not be left to chance. If you study information about how childbirth occurs in dogs, you can recognize its first signs, assess the situation and understand whether the woman in labor needs to be assisted, or whether she can cope on her own. In order not to panic when the dog begins to give birth, to behave competently, you need to know how to deliver a dog at home.

Is it true that dogs always give birth without problems?

Owners should always be prepared for any unforeseen situation during childbirth. If a dog's pregnancy proceeds normally and the puppies develop correctly, then such a pregnancy is called physiological, while a pathological pregnancy indicates problems in the pregnant dog or in the developing puppies. Symptoms of a pathological pregnancy may include: fever, loss of appetite, vaginal discharge, lethargy and much more. All these symptoms are a serious reason to consult a veterinarian. Experts also identify false pregnancy, in which the dog shows all the signs of pregnancy, but there is no pregnancy itself. False pregnancy can be a consequence of disrupted hormonal levels in a dog. Usually these symptoms disappear after a couple of weeks without any treatment, but to confirm this diagnosis it is necessary to take the dog to a veterinarian.

Attention: hypocalcemia!

Another name for this pathology is eclampsia. It can occur during the process of delivery or after 2-3 weeks. Representatives of small breeds are more often susceptible to hypocalcemia. It manifests itself as a complex of alarming symptoms:

  • attacks of sudden anxiety;
  • increased heart rate;
  • shortness of breath;
  • salivation;
  • temperature rise to 40-42°C;
  • limb failure;
  • lack of self-control.

The cause of the pathology is calcium deficiency, the resources of which are rapidly spent on lactation. The doctor will prescribe treatment for eclampsia after a thorough examination of the patient. Emergency assistance is provided immediately by subcutaneously injecting the dog with calcium gluconate (0.5-1.5 ml per 1 kg of weight) and prednisolone (0.25 mg per 1 kg of weight).

Prevention of hypocalcemia:

  • optimization of the diet: inclusion of mineral supplements, vitamin D, removal of excess fats (a veterinary nutritionist will advise you on what to feed your dog after birth);
  • eliminating digestive problems;
  • getting rid of worms.

How does the difficulty of childbirth depend on the breed of dog?

The course of childbirth in dogs can be influenced by their physiological characteristics. It is quite common for dogs to give birth naturally without the help of a veterinarian. But its presence is desirable, for example, if large puppies are expected.

Indications for medical assistance may include:

  • weak contractions and efforts or their absence;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • dystocia - the inability of the fetus to pass through the female’s birth canal;
  • fetal development disorder.

Complications can occur in large breeds such as shepherd dogs, Labradors, Great Danes, St. Bernards, and bullmastiffs. They usually give birth to a small number of pups. Dogs of brachycephalic breeds are also at risk: pugs, English and French bulldogs due to the characteristics of their respiratory system. Also, one of the serious indications for a caesarean section is the discrepancy between the puppy’s large head and the birth canal of the mother dog.

Host Responsibility

Childbirth for a dog is a natural process and on a physiological level it knows what to do in this case. However, there is no absolute guarantee that the animal will perform its duties well.

The reasons for this: the dog’s inexperience, rapid or sluggish labor, and a simple lack of desire to care for puppies. In this case, responsibility for the offspring falls entirely on the owner.

Not only the fate of newborn puppies, but also the life of an adult dog will depend on the coordination of actions and the speed of decision-making.

Puppies are not only funny faces and a way to earn extra money, but also a lot of worries, problems and responsibilities that will be associated with their birth.

It is important not only to become an obstetrician, but also to carry out preparatory activities, read a lot of materials, study all the details and nuances. It is possible that you will need to take time off from work while giving birth and caring for the puppies.

Try to attend an ultrasound 10-14 days before birth to find out the number of puppies in the litter, their location and possible pathology.

What to prepare for childbirth?

A pregnant dog will need a private place in the house where she can give birth to her puppies. A large box or playpen is suitable for this, where you can put her favorite toys, clean bedding and diapers. Before birth you will need:

clean towels or sheets;

  • warmer;
  • brilliant green or iodine;
  • hand sanitizer;
  • separate box for puppies;
  • baby scales;
  • sterilized clean scissors and sterile threads

It is imperative to have the phone number of a veterinary specialist at hand in case of force majeure.

Practical advice from a professional

  1. Start preparing for your dog's birth early.
  2. Feed your dog quality foods with vitamins and calcium.
  3. Study all the nuances of childbirth, read the necessary literature.
  4. If you are giving birth for the first time, then make a short printout that will serve as a teaching aid.
  5. Do not use medications without a veterinarian's prescription.
  6. Prepare the necessary tools, materials and preparations.
  7. Ask another family member to help you, it will be more convenient.
  8. Try to ensure that no one distracts you at this time, that children do not make noise, and that other pets do not scurry around under your feet.
  9. Don’t panic, because your feelings and experiences are transmitted to the dog.

Remember that you are responsible for your dog and for it you are the closest person in the world. Only you can she trust in the intimate moment of the birth of puppies. Approach the issue of giving birth to your four-legged friend responsibly and then everyone will be healthy and happy.



How to give birth? In what cases does a person need help?

The owner should be aware of how long the dog's labor lasts. The female gives birth on average 3–12 hours. If possible, you can adopt the puppies yourself. It is necessary to free the puppy from the amniotic sac, tie the umbilical cord with a thread, cut it, treat the wound with brilliant green, carefully and carefully wipe the puppy with dry gauze or a towel, it is especially important to remove mucus from the nose and mouth, and then place the puppy next to the mother dog so that he begins eat colostrum. In most cases, dogs are quite independent and your participation will only be required in emergency situations.

Video about the process of giving birth to a puppy

Young mothers who have decided to give birth to their first baby, closer to the end of pregnancy, are concerned with the question: “How do pregnant women’s waters break?”

Before the baby is born, protective and nutritional functions are performed by amniotic fluid, which is closed inside the uterus by a bladder.

As the baby approaches the due date , the volume of the liquid medium increases to 1-1.5 liters, where a constant temperature of 37°C is maintained.

Deviation of the volume of water in pregnant women to a greater (polyhydramnios) or less (oligohydramnios) direction negatively affects the baby’s condition and requires consultation with a doctor.

Sometimes the membrane surrounding the amniotic environment is broken prematurely, and the woman feels the loss of fluid.

When the expectant mother is 38 weeks pregnant, it is difficult to miss the leakage of water due to the simultaneous leakage of up to 500 ml. Then the contractions intensify.

Note ! Women in early labor may not notice the water leaving (in the case of small leaks), provided that there are no contractions.

In pregnant women, even before the required period, this amniotic fluid begins to leak (the feeling that the woman in labor has peed, incontinence occurs). Some people tend to think that the bladder fails during urination.

If a woman wants to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking, she needs to know the signs of leakage, have the desire to perform the necessary actions and know what this substance looks like:

Even with a small amount of amniotic fluid , the baby can get infected, so a scheduled visit to the doctor is recommended, who will take a smear from the cervix.

To eliminate the influence of external factors, the uterus of a pregnant woman is closed with a special mucous substance that comes out of the cervix a few days before childbirth.

An experienced woman will be able to determine what the discharge from the mucous membrane looks like, recognize it and not confuse it with amniotic fluid.

The volume of the leaking mucus plug is small (several grams) . It has a brownish tint and flows from the cervix. Its quantity is gradually decreasing.

Postpartum period

Immediately after giving birth, the dog produces milk, or rather, colostrum. You need to make sure that the puppies actively suckle their mother. Dogs during lactation (when they feed puppies with milk) require more energy, calcium and other nutrients - it is best to choose a balanced, high-quality diet for your pet during this period. The most important thing a new dog family needs is warmth and silence. In the first two to three weeks, the mother will devote almost all her time and attention to the babies, licking each of them, cleaning their fur, and feeding them.


Preparation for a future birth for any purebred animal begins from the moment of mating, when the owner starts a special diary in which the dates and external changes of the pet will be noted.

Thanks to these records, it is easy to set the estimated date of birth, determine whether everything is happening on time or the animal is nursing, track features that may be useful to the veterinarian in this or subsequent pregnancies and will allow you to decide whether additional help is needed.

In addition, a responsible owner will need:

  • A box and a fenced enclosure in a warm room with the possibility of limiting lighting. This is the so-called family nest. It will be useful both for obstetrics and for the subsequent feeding and raising of puppies. The dog will persistently search and try to create it about a week before the start of contractions. It is very important at this moment to show her and make this place as comfortable and attractive as possible for the animal. Representatives of small breeds often drag toys and rags there. Do not disturb the pet, but do not forget to remove everything before the birth of the animals.
  • Disinfect regularly . The immunity of the laboring mother and newborn fetuses is very weak. Any dirt will lead to instant infection. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, stock up on disposable diapers and old, clean sheets to change them during the birth of the puppies.

Devices and medicines

In addition to a clean place, a fenced-off arena and special knowledge, you will need:

  • Clothes that you wouldn’t mind throwing away, since the physiological process of giving birth to a new life is very dirty.
  • Hand sanitizer and short-cut nails.
  • Clean sheets and disposable diapers.
  • Box for newborn puppies.
  • Basin for used diapers.
  • A heating pad, preferably electric.
  • Tray for small items.
  • Pipettes, scissors, tweezers. All devices must be thoroughly sterilized by boiling. Moreover, the devices are in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.
  • Cotton wool. If the dog is small, then cotton pads will do.
  • Sterile wipes.
  • Silk threads for tying the umbilical cord if necessary. They must also undergo a sterilization procedure, but in their case, the ideal choice would be alcohol or another strong alcoholic drink.
  • Multi-colored wool threads to mark births.
  • A notebook and pens to write down all the necessary information.
  • Special scales.
  • A watch to track the duration of contractions, the birth of puppies and other processes.

In addition, you will have to stock up on a set of medications to help your pet:

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Alcohol.
  • Glucose in ampoules.
  • Sintomitsinova, 10%.
  • Traumeel.

Also, stock up in advance on a set of medications needed for early birth. Your veterinarian will provide you with a list and instructions for use upon request.

If my water breaks, how long before I give birth?

When your water breaks, it is recommended to go to the maternity hospital. If the fluid leaks with blood clots, you should call an ambulance to take the pregnant woman to the hospital.

It is under the supervision of specialists during transportation. A pregnant woman is worried about the question: how long will it take to give birth?

The timing of the birth of the child after the loss of amniotic fluid depends on the following factors:

  • In a normal pregnancy , the mother's water breaks at 9 months, with or without contractions.
    There are very frequent cases when primiparous women experience everything together with severe abdominal pain.
  • When pregnancy proceeds with pathologies , the amniotic substance may depart at an earlier date.
    Doctors can offer different ways to prolong pregnancy (support with an obstetric pessary and other methods; the doctor will determine the time of birth of the baby)
  • .

During a normal pregnancy , contractions begin before birth, stimulating the rupture of the amniotic sac. At this stage, the cervix dilates several centimeters.

The water may leave immediately in large quantities or a little more slowly, it all depends on the location of the rupture of the bubble.

In a certain percentage of women, the bladder that holds the water is very strong and obstetricians are forced to make a puncture to remove amniotic fluid.

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