Maine Coon care rules: how to properly maintain the breed at home

Maine Coons have a bright appearance. Their luxurious coat, impressive size and powerful paws cannot go unnoticed. Inexperienced owners who are just planning to get such a pet may think that coons require special, labor-intensive care, but this is not the case. The main thing is to follow simple rules and know about the characteristics of representatives of this breed.

Breed content

The Maine Coon is a big cat, hence the maintenance costs.

Maine Coon food

From an early age, a pet should not be fed only dry food - it will not grow large. The Maine Coon's diet should include:

  • premium/super-premium food;
  • quality milk;
  • low-fat beef, chicken, fish (boiled);
  • cottage cheese and quail eggs;
  • high quality canned food;
  • delicious delicacies (don’t forget to pamper your pet occasionally) – seafood;
  • plenty of fresh water.

Amazingly, every Maine Coon cat has a unique voice.

The cat's menu should not include pork or consist only of meat - the animal's fur may darken and begin to fall out. The food should be warm.

For feeding, choose ceramic or stainless steel dishes - a bowl 15-20 cm in diameter, with a wide bottom and a rubber rim. It’s better to even buy a drinking fountain - Maine Coons love to carry a bowl around the room and drown toys in it.

Maine Coon Care

Despite the luxurious coat, the Maine Coon does not require any special procedures. It is enough to comb the coat once a week with a metal comb and wash it with high-quality products when soiled. After walks, treat your pet with insect repellent.

To care for your Maine Coon's eyes and ears, purchase good caring cosmetics. Don't forget about a nail clipper with a limiter.

It is better to buy a closed toilet for a Maine Coon, like for small dogs - ordinary trays will not suit such a large cat. Use clumping litter and place a “mat” in front of the toilet.

This breed loves to carry toys in its teeth - give your pet a ball. Or better yet, a special house for the Maine Coon with a scratching post.

Before the kitten appears in the house

You should carefully prepare for the arrival of a kitten in your home. It is necessary to hide the wires, remove household chemicals, poisonous plants and small objects that the kitten may accidentally swallow. If there are small children in the family, they need to be prepared in advance for the arrival of the pet so that the kids do not accidentally harm it. You should also purchase:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • feed;
  • tray and filler;
  • combs, shampoos;
  • scratching post and nail clipper;
  • carrying - a backpack;
  • house or bed;
  • toys.

All care and maintenance products should be purchased immediately based on an adult animal - Maine Coons do not like change.

Choosing a kitten, care, education

When choosing a raccoon kitten, the main thing is to take your time. To prevent the animal from causing disappointment in the future, it is first worth visiting several exhibitions and studying the peculiarities of raising and caring for the breed.


There are 2 types of giant cats: European (extreme) and American (classic) coons. “Europeans” are big-boned, large, squat animals.

A characteristic feature of the “Americans” is large ears with long tufts.


It is worth teaching a Maine Coon to order from the moment he gets into the house. Giant cats are easy to socialize. They are not prone to stubbornness, do not have a grudge, and they do not have hysterical attacks.

A characteristic feature of “Americans” is large ears with long tufts.

It is easy to negotiate with a Maine Coon using the rules of prohibition and rewards. There is no point in physically influencing kittens. The only thing that can be used as punishment is a spray bottle of warm water.

With its help, you can easily stop a naughty pet from scratching furniture or climbing onto a cabinet or kitchen table.

Toilet training

When a small pet appears in the house, it is important to monitor its behavior. If the kitten is looking for a secluded place, shows restlessness and constantly meows, it means he wants to go to the toilet.

At this point, the pet must be placed in the prepared tray for a few minutes. In order for the animal to adapt faster, this procedure is repeated several times during the day.

At first, you should not allow the kitten to walk around the entire apartment. Its space is limited to the room where the tray is installed and another room.

If the kitten nevertheless “organized” the toilet in an unauthorized place, the puddle is blotted with a napkin, which is placed in a tray. The familiar smell will help the kitten to accurately find the toilet the next time.

Be sure to read:

Maine Coon: size and weight correspond to the age of the cat

Toilet and tray training

It is necessary to monitor the pet and its behavior.
If he moves restlessly, tries to find a secluded place, meows, then these may be signs that the cat wants to go to the toilet.

You need to carefully pick up the coon, take him to the tray and put him in it, not allowing him to leave until he goes to the toilet. You should also take your pet to the toilet after sleeping and eating. It is necessary to ensure that the tray is clean - strong unpleasant odors repel animals.

During the first month, you can limit the pet’s space, leaving him with a minimum of opportunities to relieve himself in the wrong place. If a puddle is still noticed outside the tray, you should blot it with a napkin, which should then be placed in the tray - this smell will attract the cat and indicate to him the correct place for the toilet.

You cannot scold or physically punish a cat - this will only scare it away.

How long do Maine Coon cats live?

The lifespan of a Maine Coon also depends on proper care and nutrition. A healthy lifestyle can give an animal 12-15 years, but there are also centenarians who are 20-22 years old.

Note! One of the features of the breed is that females live approximately 1-1.5 times longer than males. As you can understand from the article, the Maine Coon is a rather demanding breed of cat.

The owner will have to choose the right diet for the pet, brush its thick, long hair daily, and undergo regular checkups with a doctor. However, if a person decides to get a smart, kind, and most importantly, incredibly beautiful animal, then it is best to choose a Maine Coon

As you can understand from the article, the Maine Coon is a rather demanding breed of cat. The owner will have to choose the right diet for the pet, brush its thick, long hair daily, and undergo regular checkups with a doctor. However, if a person decides to get a smart, kind, and most importantly, incredibly beautiful animal, then it is best to choose a Maine Coon.


Many people want to buy raccoon cats. But before purchasing, future owners have many questions. The most common ones are: how long do they live, how much do they cost, and how often will the fur have to be removed?

Is it true that Maine Coons don't meow?

These animals are capable of more than just meowing. Many owners note their pets’ ability to even “talk.”

Who is better to choose - a cat or a male cat?

When deciding on the sex of an animal, you should consider some nuances:

  • Males are playful and sociable. They are 1.5 times larger than girls. At puberty, cats often begin to mark their territory. Sometimes the choice of a pet falls on shoes, interior items and even the owners themselves. But this problem can be easily solved with castration. After this procedure, the habit of marking disappears.
  • Females are calmer and more careful. There will be less hassle with them. But giant cats have a more capricious character and are much more cunning than boys. Cats are less prone to diseases. For example, males are more likely to suffer from urolithiasis.

Be sure to read:

What to feed a Maine Coon kitten: recommendations, diet from a month to a year, what not to give

Will there be a lot of Maine Coon hair in the house?

Giant cats have a muzzle called a box.
With proper care, hair problems can be avoided. Regular combing and timely water treatments will relieve owners from the need to clean up wool in the apartment every day.

What is a Maine Coon box?

In giant cats, the muzzle is called a box. In a purebred animal, the chin forms a right angle with the line of the lips and nose. In addition, the chin should not be sloping.

Is it true that such cats do not live long?

Maine Coons live on average 10–15 years. Proper care, a balanced diet and timely vaccination will help prolong the life of the animal.

How much does a purebred animal cost?

Maine Coons live on average 10–15 years
Maine Coons are special animals. Accordingly, their cost is high.

The price of giant cats depends on their class:

  • Show class. Cats of this group are raised exclusively for exhibitions. A show-class kitten will cost at least 100 thousand rubles.
  • Brit class. This group consists exclusively of girls. Their purpose is to produce show-class offspring. The price of such cats is 30–35 thousand rubles.
  • Pet class. These are the “cheapest” copies. They are purchased solely for their own pleasure. The cost of a pet-class kitten is 15–20 thousand rubles.

When choosing, it is important to understand for what purpose the animal is purchased: to win at exhibitions, for good offspring, or to have an affectionate friend nearby?

Health and diseases

Cats received good health from their ancestors, they are hardy and usually live for many years. But specific Maine Coon diseases may appear, such as:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy manifests itself as an age-related hereditary disease, which sometimes leads to paralysis of the limbs, mainly the hind ones.
  • They may have problems with cardiology.
  • In Maine Coons, illnesses can occur at a young age. Spinal muscular atrophy is inherited by the kitten.
  • Like many other felines, coons are susceptible to hip dysplasia.
  • Arthrosis, senile chronic joint disease.

Proper balanced nutrition, up-to-date vaccinations, and constant consultations with a veterinarian will help the owner maintain the health of the pet.

Signs of arthrosis

Arthrosis is not an inflammatory, but a chronic disease of the joints. Unfortunately, many animals in old age are susceptible to this Maine Coon disease.

Disorders in osteochondral joints can be caused by various age-related reasons, such as:

  • mineral metabolism is disrupted,
  • lack of vitamins and macroelements leads to vitamin deficiency;
  • senile bone dystrophy;
  • wear and tear, joint weakness;
  • aging of muscle and bone tissue.

The disease progresses slowly and is diagnosed by x-ray in the initial stage. Main symptoms:

  • greater swelling of the joints;
  • sharp pain during movement;
  • body temperature rises;
  • The x-ray shows deformation of the joint;
  • The animal is limping heavily.

Treatment usually includes a diet high in protein, vitamins, and a reduction in the pet's mobility.

Entropion of the eyelids

Entropion of the eyelids is one of the predispositions of Maine Coons, but it is also observed in other cat breeds. This is caused by a pathological, abnormal relationship in the size and position of the eyelids with the eyeball. The disease is found in a cat with too long eyelids and a depression in the orbit of the eyeball. When the length of the eyelid is more than 2.8 cm to 3.5 cm, an inversion of the eyelid may occur.

The owner should be alert to the following symptoms, especially in small Mui Ne kittens:

  • the pet experiences ocular discomfort and often keeps its eyes closed;
  • watery eyes with purulent discharge;
  • visually detects the presence of contact between the hair of the eyelids and the cornea;
  • on the outer side of the corner of the eyelid, the fur and skin are constantly damp.

The only way to help a cat get rid of the pathology of entropion is an operation that can be performed in a veterinary clinic using the Hotz-Zels technology to shorten the length of the eyelid to normal size.


Owners who want to have a healthy pet with an attractive appearance, especially one kept on home-cooked food, need to include complex vitamins for Maine Coons in their diet. The microelements and nutrients contained in natural food are not sufficient to keep pets in good shape with developed muscles and thick, silky hair.

An actively developing animal needs a sufficient amount of calcium and phosphorus, and it will also need zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. Taurine supplements are useful for improving vision; they help the animal's digestion and improve vision. Complexes with biotin are involved in maintaining skin and coat in excellent condition.

Only a professional veterinarian can choose the right vitamins for Maine Coons, after a thorough examination of the animal with a detailed prescription, how often, in what quantity and duration of administration.


The importance of vaccinations should not be in doubt, even among owners of Maine Coons at home. An infection dangerous for cats can enter the room from the street on pieces of clothing and shoes.

Owners should know that vaccination carried out according to a certain schedule will undoubtedly increase the life expectancy of the pet and will keep it healthy until old age.

It is advisable to administer the drug in a veterinary clinic, under the supervision of a doctor, in compliance with the conditions and storage periods of the vaccine.

The first vaccination for Maine Coons is prescribed at 2 months; it includes a complex against tracheitis, chlamydia, pylencopenia and viral infections.

The second vaccination is performed at 3 months against rabies, and then the animal is vaccinated at one year. All subsequent vaccinations are carried out annually.

Nutritional features depending on the circumstances

When preparing a diet for your pet, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • age of the animal;
  • health status;
  • history of sterilization (castration) operations;
  • for cats – bearing and feeding offspring.

Age factor

The composition and quantity of feed, diet must be adjusted in accordance with age needs. A growing organism needs “building” material, the source of which is food and vitamin and mineral supplements.

Up to 4 months, a Maine Coon kitten should be fed small portions 5-6 times a day. Gradually, the number of feedings decreases and by 12 months the growing baby switches to 2 meals a day.

By this time, the composition of the feed should also change. A mature body does not experience the same needs as during the period of growth.

Therefore, you should not offer a mature cat food intended for kittens, and babies should not be fed “adult” food.

Nutrition during illness

Despite the fact that representatives of the breed are distinguished by their strong physique and endurance, they may experience health problems due to unfortunate heredity.

The table shows diseases characteristic of the Maine Coon breed:

Disease Recommendations for treatment and prevention
Urolithiasis diseaseTo prevent the disease, it is necessary to exclude fish and economy-class food from the diet, and ensure an optimal drinking regime. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, veterinary foods from the Urinary series (Royal Canin Urinary S/O, Purina Pro Plan Urinary, Eukanuba Veterinary Diets Urinary Oxalate) should be used.
Joint pathologyFor the purpose of prevention, preference should be given to high-quality feed, which includes the medicinal substances chondroitin and glucosamine. To treat the disease, in case of obesity with increased stress on the joints, the pet should be switched to veterinary feed products (Eukanuba Veterinary Diets Urinary Struvite for Cats Dry, Hill's Feline j/d.)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathyThe animal must be under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt in the diet.

Feeding castrated (sterilized) animals

The composition of the feed and diet for castrated (sterilized) individuals should be selected in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of obesity. To prevent urolithiasis, it is necessary to choose feed with a reduced content of phosphorus and magnesium.

The volume of liquid drunk should be 3 times the amount of dry food eaten. In case of insufficient consumption, the following methods can be taken:

  • offer food soaked in water;
  • switch partially or completely to wet food;
  • switch your pet to home-cooked meals.

Nutrition for pregnant and lactating cats

If the expectant mother is accustomed to eating ready-made food, she should not be switched to natural food. In this case it is necessary:

  • switch to special super-premium food for pregnant and lactating cats;
  • introduce kitten food (dry and wet) into the diet.

If your cat ate natural foods before pregnancy, you need to adjust its menu. The following products should be excluded:

  • fish (increases the load on the kidneys);
  • vegetables that can cause intestinal disorders (cabbage, beets);
  • products containing spices.

Milk must be included in the diet.

In the first trimester, the cat should be fed 2 times a day. In the middle of pregnancy - 3 times, increasing the daily norm by 50%. On the eve of birth, feeding should be frequent (5-6 times a day) using small portions.

With a natural diet, pregnant and lactating cats need special vitamin and mineral supplements. Any drug must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

A nursing cat is also given fractional meals, thanks to which it is possible to avoid additional stress on the body. During lactation, the animal must consume large amounts of fluid. In addition to water, you can offer your cat milk and low-fat broth.

How to choose a kitten

Before choosing a kitten, take a look at its parents. This will give an approximate idea of ​​the weight and size of the animal as an adult.

When choosing, it is also important to understand whether you are going to breed or not. In any breed there are three classes of kittens:

  • for home;
  • for breeding;
  • for exhibitions.

There are quite a few breed standards that are used in various felinological systems, the largest of which are TICA, WCF and CFA. As a result, the classification of a kitten depends on which felinological club the breeder belongs to and is determined through certification - establishing compliance with breed qualities. The cost of kittens directly depends on the class.

Maine Coon kitten for breeding, female, blue cream ticked

The main attention is paid to the strength of the kitten's build, the size of its paws, the density and length of the tail - it should reach the shoulder blade. Also, kittens should have high, vertical ears and a regular head with characteristic features - a “square” muzzle and a small crease on the bridge of the nose

But “branded” tassels are an optional element, although desirable.

There are two main types of Maine Coons: European and American. The former have a longer tail and body, an elongated muzzle, and large tufts on the ears. The latter are larger, squat and stockier.

Male Maine Coons are larger than females by an average of 2–3 kg; they have a more straightforward and independent character. If you are interested in affection and the ability to comfortably hold a cat on your lap, take a female, they rarely weigh more than 6 kg and are much more affectionate.

The optimal age for purchasing a kitten is 3 months. By this age, he had already completely switched to solid food and was litter box trained. He received his primary vaccination and was probably already introduced to brushing, bathing and nail trimming. At the same time, at 3 months behavioral reactions are still being formed, so the animal lends itself well to training.

Like other cats, Maine Coons love to get a good night's sleep.

Where is the best place to buy a kitten and how much can it cost?

Advertisements for the sale of kittens can be found on the Internet and in pet stores. But you need to buy a kitten only from professional breeders if you have all the necessary documents: passport, pedigree, medical certificates of the parents. The seriousness of the approach will also be indicated by the agreement on the transfer of the animal, which the breeder will give you to sign - this is a mandatory condition of all felinological clubs.

To find breeders, visit cat shows or search the Internet for contacts of local felinological clubs.

The price of a kitten “for home” starts from $300, “for breeding” - from $1000. Prices vary greatly depending on the breeder.

Maine Coon kitten, one and a half months old, looking out of a box

Different requirements by month of life

Caring for and feeding a baby in general is significantly different from caring for an adult pet. This should be taken into account when choosing a diet. You should also monitor the baby’s weight throughout the entire period in order to predict its further development and identify possible shortcomings.

2 months

At this age, babies are already starting to eat on their own and can be taken away from their mother cat. It is worth giving them warm milk and milk porridge. Babies are fed at least 5-6 times a day in small portions, gradually accustoming them to special foods.

By the end of the second month, the kitten will weigh about 1.3-1.5 kg, depending on gender. They already have fairly formed teeth. You can purchase special sticks or toys that your baby will happily chew on.

3 months

By three months, the baby's weight almost doubles. Some boys reach 3 kg. The body stretches out, thick fur grows more and more. It is worth devoting more time to outdoor and active games.

Feeding periods are also maintained up to 5-6 times a day. Gradually the kitten is transferred to special food. You can periodically add dry.

4 months

By this age, babies already eat any food and are accustomed to the tray. However, they remain just as active and playful. At this stage, you can add boiled or scalded meat as complementary food.

6 months

At this stage of life, growth gradually slows down. The animal enters the teenage phase. If the owner does not plan further breeding of offspring, it is recommended to castrate or sterilize the pet at this age.

7 months

The kitten is still growing and by the end of the seventh month gains weight, about 1-1.5 kg. At this stage, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, and lean meat are added to the diet.

Note! By seven months, the pet's teeth are already fully formed, and he can easily cope with tough food.

Adult cat size and weight

The Maine Coon becomes fully mature and mature by the age of one year. The maximum weight that an adult male can reach is 8-9 kg. In height, as a rule, it does not exceed 25-41 cm from the withers. At the same time, the total length of the body including the tail is up to 100-120 cm. The maximum length of the tail of representatives of this breed reaches 35-37 cm.

Education and training

You cannot abuse an animal, this will only spoil its character.
For example, to stop an animal from jumping on a table or scratching upholstered furniture, it is enough to use a water spray. Due to their developed intelligence, this breed is highly trainable and can be taught to follow simple commands. Such skills appear during the game.

Each cat has its own inclinations and tastes, the owner’s task is to understand them and, based on this, tame the animal. All cats have the same problems:

  • Walks past the litter box - you need to put the kitten next to the puddle, strictly say “no” and move it to the litter box.
  • He jumps on the table and sprinkles water. The animal will perceive this as a stop signal.
  • Playing with curtains - a spray bottle will also come to the rescue.
  • Wires are chewing - lubricate with juice or essential oils of citrus fruits.

Adaptation to a new home

Upon arrival home, you need to let the kitten look around. You should not try to play with him and feed him right away. After the kitten has sniffed the surrounding area, you need to show where its litter box is located. It is better to use a filler that he is already accustomed to in the nursery. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage to go to the toilet in the right place the first time, try again. In the first days, you need to pet the kitten more often, spend a lot of time with it, and play with it often. These measures will help him adapt faster to the new place.

Young red Maine Coon.

Active lifestyle

Despite their enormous size, raising Maine Coons is possible. They are very active animals and will not spend time lying on the couch. They are constantly on the move, love active games, and are very sociable.

If you constantly work with them and educate them from an early age, you can achieve good results. Training a Maine Coon is quite possible. They learn some dog commands:

  • respond to the call and always come running when you hear the nickname;
  • can execute the “fetch” command and give a toy;
  • master the “sit” command.

But when the mane is not busy with games and communication, he can act up, break a vase, drop an indoor flower from the windowsill and do a lot of mischief.

Accessories for Maine Coon

The peculiarities are that Maine Coons have retained their hunting instincts, they are constantly on the move, love to play, and cannot lie still for a long time. For them you need to immediately select a set of accessories. Otherwise, he will turn any thing he likes into a toy. The industry has developed a lot of useful things and toys for the cat fraternity, such as:

  • Scratching posts of different shapes and types;
  • Play complexes with several houses and multi-level playgrounds;
  • Separate houses, hanging hammocks and soft beds;
  • A variety of soft, winding toys, balls and intricate tunnels.

Reproduction and its prevention

Let's look at the peculiarities of pregnancy in Maine Coon cats. As well as methods for preventing it if the owner does not plan to engage in breeding.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy is an important stage in a cat's life.

A cat's pregnancy can be detected 20 days after mating. Her nipples become enlarged and turn a bright pink color. Habits often change. Hormonal changes can provoke toxicosis. Pregnancy lasts 65–67 days. But deviations are also possible. If babies are born before 60 days, they appear weak and often not viable. During this period, contact with other animals is undesirable for the cat. They can be carriers of infections.

Two weeks before the due date, arrange a place for the cat and lay out a clean diaper. From day 62, monitor her constantly.

  • The first sign of labor is the passage of the plug. It resembles mucus. After this, the kitten may appear in a few hours or days.
  • Before contractions, the cat's body temperature drops to 37°C.
  • If she begins to show anxiety or hides in a corner, then this indicates the beginning of the process. Place the cat in the prepared area. The newborn kitten will be in a bubble. The placenta will come out next. If this does not happen, you need to pull it out by the umbilical cord.
  • A large kitten may get stuck. You need to take a clean rag, grab it and pull it lightly. But you should not grab the paws or tail, so as not to injure the baby.
  • When the kitten comes out, tear the film near the mouth. The bubble will be removed from his head. We cut the umbilical cord at a distance of 2 cm from the tummy. It cannot be tied. Give the baby to the cat. If the kitten doesn't lick it right away, wipe its mouth with a napkin and make sure it can breathe.

Castration and sterilization

Cats are capable of producing offspring at the age of 8–10 months. Therefore, if you are purchasing an animal not for breeding, you need to take appropriate measures. Cats undergo castration - removal of the testes. Females are sterilized. This operation is carried out in several ways. A cat may have her ovaries, her uterus and ovaries removed, or just her uterus. The duration of the procedure is 5–7 minutes for males and 10–20 minutes for females. After 10–12 days, the stitches are removed. They do not overlap males at all.

The need for such manipulations is due to the presence of a reproductive instinct in cats. Failure to satisfy this need causes animal suffering, restless behavior and illness. The cat will roll on the floor and scream both day and night. To withstand such a test, strong nerves are required. The cat will begin to mark its territory.

Vaccination, vaccinations

It is imperative to vaccinate Maine Coon kittens - this is the most important element of animal care and the key to your pet’s health . An illusion may arise that if a cat does not leave the house, then no diseases threaten it. This is a common misconception, for example, if you have a dog and it regularly goes outside, this can be a source of infection. And what she can bring on her paws is unknown.

But even if you don’t have a dog, you yourself are outdoors and dirt and infections can be carried in with your shoes. Your interaction with other cats on the street or at a party will also be a source of danger for an unvaccinated kitten. Therefore, you should not neglect the safety of your domestic cat, but rather get vaccinated regularly.

Important! Before vaccinating your kitten, it must be treated for fleas and worms two weeks before vaccination.

The first vaccination is carried out at 9 weeks of life, it is carried out without a rabies vaccine. At 12-14 weeks, a second comprehensive vaccination is carried out with the rabies vaccine. The third complex vaccination is done per year. After that, vaccinations are given annually.

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Character, intelligence, habits and habits of Maine Coons

It's "mainstream" to praise the impressive size of Maine coon cats, but the real beauty of this breed lies in their amazing intelligence and character.


In terms of intelligence, Maine Coons are not like most other breeds - they understand commands very well, are able to remember many words, and are sensitive to the intonations and emotional state of their owners; They take completely conscious actions and adapt to the rhythm of life, habits and daily routine of their owners.

They can perceive and interpret even human body language - gestures, looks and sounds. Their body language is also developed. Thus, a slight blow to the head means a particularly reverent attitude. Moreover, they communicate with humans, literally. In the communication arsenal of coons there is not only the usual meow, but also a wide range of other sounds that are completely atypical for cats - a kind of chirping, various squeaks, trills and many variations of purring.

The behavior of Maine cats directly depends on the quality of their upbringing.


The key character traits of Maine Coons are neatness, peacefulness and calmness. They are not at all prone to mischief, knocking over things, or doing something out of spite. Thanks to their developed intellect, they are well aware of the boundaries of what is permitted and do not cross them.

It is generally accepted that cats view everything around them as their property. But in this sense, the Coons are an enviable exception - they divide all objects into theirs and those of others, treating the latter very carefully.

Maine cats generally behave very carefully. They do not like to climb cabinets or mezzanines, preferring to lie on the sofa or carpet. They prefer open spaces; like all predators, they instinctively strive to occupy some elevation in order to observe what is happening around them.

Maine Coons behave in many ways like dogs.


These animals are very fond of water procedures in any of their manifestations. Bathing for a Maine Coon is a real holiday. This is worth remembering if you have an aquarium or other open containers of water.

Maine Coons are natural hunters, so all foreign animals within their reach will be caught, strangled and, most likely, eaten. At the same time, they are smart enough to realize the presence of other pets and not offend them, even birds and fish.

Cats of this breed are very playful, but they need a partner to play. If you have one cat, you should regularly play with him or at least allow him to spend time with you. They do not tolerate loneliness well, so it is worth making sure that the animal has something to occupy itself with, fortunately, many different toys are sold today.

A lively mind provokes a very developed curiosity in Maine Coons. If you live in a private house and let your cat out for walks, keep in mind that excessive curiosity can lead to dire consequences. And I can simply steal such a noticeable animal - you shouldn’t forget about that either.

With their love of water, Maine Coons are radically different from all other cats.


Cats get used to their owner very quickly. They carefully study their person, adapt to the characteristics of his behavior, and learn to understand him. They single out one “main” person, but easily accept other family members and pets.

Maine Coons have a clear “friend or foe” division - they ignore and even avoid strangers who come into the house. However, after several meetings, “acquaintance” does occur, especially if the new person does not try to touch the cat. Representatives of this breed generally do not like to be picked up or placed on laps. Although these behavioral reactions may be different if the coon is accustomed to being on your hands or knees as a child. And sometimes animals themselves feel a desire to get closer to a loved one, but this still does not apply to unfamiliar people.

Maine Coons love children, take care of them and even tolerate children's pranks. It is still better to explain to the child that the kitty is alive, it may be unpleasant for her, she may defend herself. But often such problems do not arise - developed intelligence allows the kun to “forgive” a child much of what would be unforgivable for an adult.

By the way, Maine Coon males are excellent dads. They take a direct part in raising the offspring - they are not separated even from newborn kittens. Perhaps this is why they are lenient towards human cubs.

Maine Coons are highly social animals.

A haircut

Not many people know whether it’s possible to cut a Maine Coon’s hair or don’t understand why. Show class cats are intended not only for raising in the family, they are prepared for display at exhibitions. A Maine Coon haircut is required for particularly unique specimens. They must look great and occupy prestigious first and honorable places, they are photographed and proud of them. Coons with lion haircut look beautiful. Such animals require meticulous care and maintenance, visits to salons and care from groomers.

Grooming will also be useful for pet class main dogs, which are of no show value, but are dearly loved by their owners. Many people want to trim their Coon hair so that the pet is not only beautiful, but also well-groomed and comfortable. Haircut helps with this;

  1. In the summer, the shorn Maine tolerates the heat more easily and feels better.
  2. During the molting period, it is easier to comb out loose hair and get rid of tangles on a Maine Coon.
  3. The animal will have less licked hair in its stomach, which leads to vomiting and constipation.

Each owner has developed his own opinion about the beauty and appearance of the Maine Coon. The natural beauty of uncut raccoon cats, similar to a predatory lynx, is no less attractive.

Grooming Maine Coon

To prepare a coon for an exhibition, it is better to seek help from specialists at a grooming salon. An experienced hairdresser will not only select a haircut model, but will also tidy up the ears and claws.

Maine Coon grooming is often suggested to be done under anesthesia, but such a procedure is harmful for the feline. If your pet can easily tolerate hairdressing services, then it is better to carry out the haircut naturally.

Grooming specialists in the salon, at the request of the owner, perform the following services:

  1. On a special grooming table, equipped with holders, there are similar rings for dogs; they will reliably fix the Maine cat.
  2. After the inspection, the master will determine the scope of work, offer a haircut option or agree with the owner’s choice.
  3. Having finished the haircut, he will completely wash the coat with professional cosmetic shampoo and balm, dry it well and comb it.
  4. All that remains is to trim the claws and treat the eyes and ears.

A Maine Coon, after being groomed by a groom, looks natural, with shiny, fluffy fur and a gorgeous, well-combed tail. At the same time, the average cost of the service in Moscow will be from 2200 to 2800 rubles and depends on the condition of the coon’s coat, its weight, and the volume of services performed. A hairdresser visiting your home for a haircut in Moscow costs 200 rubles, outside the Moscow Ring Road – from 350 rubles.

Cost and where to buy

A Maine Coon kitten is not cheap at the nursery. The price depends on color, gender, age, natural qualities, and purpose of purchase. For representatives of the breed that are unsuitable for breeding and participation in exhibitions, with deviations from the standard, the cost starts from 25 thousand rubles. The price of kittens that fully comply with the standard starts from 50-65 thousand rubles (data as of January 2022).

On free classified ad sites you can see lower price tags - from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, but for that price you cannot buy a purebred representative of the breed. You need to buy a kitten from a nursery with a good reputation:

  • Wild Beauty nursery in Moscow -;
  • nursery "Volzhsky Pride" in Saratov -;
  • nursery “Country of Gullivers” in Ivanovo -;
  • nursery Chelgan in Chelyabinsk -;
  • AlmazCoon nursery in Yekaterinburg -

Given the Maine Coon’s docile, calm nature, the breed can be adopted by families with small children. But you need to evaluate the amount of free time to care for the cat, the financial capabilities to provide decent living conditions and good nutrition.

Video on the topic

Maine Coon - features of maintenance and care

Breeding Features

Maine Coons are used for breeding when they are fully developed (at about 4-5 years old). The onset of physiological maturity is individual and depends on many factors (heredity, climate zone, conditions of detention). According to American standards, semi-wild native cats of similar phenotype can be used for breeding.

Pregnancy is possible no more than 1 day. per year, its duration is 68 days. (average). There are up to 6 kittens in a litter, which are born large and strong.


  • From 28 days – up to 1 month: breast milk + complementary foods (liquid porridge with milk).
  • First month – up to 28 days:
      only mother cat's milk.
  • 1 - 2 months:
      mother's milk + complementary foods (given 6 rubles/day, daily amount 120-150 g),
  • porridge with milk,
  • scraped meat, scalded with boiling water.
  • 2 - 3 months:
  • liquid porridge with milk,
  • scraped meat (scalded).
  • How many times to feed: 4 rubles/day.

    Daily amount of feed: 190-250 g.

    Water treatments for Maine Coon

    Before you give your coon a bath, you need to know a few basic recommendations from veterinarians and breeders. First you need to prepare the animal. To do this, you need to calm him down so that the kun does not experience stress and fear.

    It is better to bathe in a warm room where there is no noise. It is better to bring the water to room temperature. A separate issue is the choice of shampoo for the animal. Liquid ones that do not contain aggressive components that can sting the eyes or burn delicate mucous membranes are well suited.

    Particular attention should be paid to fur. Therefore, it is worth purchasing special formulations for long hair.

    Regular soaps or shampoos should not be used on people. You shouldn’t bathe coons often; optimally, once every two months. The frequency may vary depending on the degree of contamination. If your cat walks outside, you need to wash it much more often - once a week.


    They are determined by the felinological system adopted in the country. Popular: WCF, TICA, FIFe. In the Russian Federation, WCF is more often used.

    • large long body
    • wide chest
    large long body, rectangular in shape
    • the body is large, rectangular in shape,
    • wide chest.
    paws of medium length
    • medium sized paws
    • rounded feet
    • paws of medium length, form a rectangle with the body,
    • feet large, rounded
    the tail has long hair, its length reaches the shouldertail well furredtail with flowing hair, long
    Headmassive skullthe forehead is rounded quite stronglythe forehead is softly rounded
    high cheekbonesprominent cheekbones
    massive box, square shapebox - squaremuzzle - square
    massive chinstraight chinstrong chin
    the neck is of medium lengthmuscular neckneck is strong
    • large, set high,
    • pubescence extends beyond the outer edges,
    • It is desirable to have brushes
    • large, tall, slightly pointed,
    • located from each other at a distance not exceeding the width of the ear at the base,
    • brushes are arranged vertically
    • large, slightly pointed,
    • are located high
    • deviate slightly outward
    • have yellowish tassels
    • oval, large, slightly slanted,
    • color harmonizes with coat color
    • slightly oval,
    • wide apart, slightly oblique,
    • color - any shades of gold, green, for white individuals - blue, odd-eyed
    • widely spaced
    • large, slightly oval,
    • color – any, pure
    • shorter on the shoulders,
    • It is desirable to have a mane around the neck,
    • on the “pants”, belly – soft undercoat
    • all-weather coat,
    • the length is shorter on the shoulders, longer on the stomach, “pants”,
    • mane around the neck,
    • light undercoat
    • thick, all-weather,
    • shorter on the head, paws, shoulders, lengthens towards the lower back, sides,
    • a collar may be present
    • fluffy belly, shaggy “pants”,
    • silky coat,
    • soft undercoat
    • chocolate, cinnamon, clarified variations,
    • their combinations are prohibited (bicolor, tricolor, point colors),
    • other colors are allowed
    any colors
    • any shades,
    • excluded:
    • chocolate,
    • faun,
    • pointed,
    • cinnamon,
    • lilac
    Defectscoat of one length
    • coat of the same length throughout the body,
    • short body
    • too pronounced transitions between the cheeks and muzzle,
    • straight profile,
    • strongly pronounced chin,
    • spots, “medallions”,
    • wide set ears
    • almond-shaped slanted eyes,
    • short tail,
    • too sparse fur, undercoat; small size of the animal,
    • wrong proportions,
    • long paws,
    • round head,
    • convex or straight profile,
    • pronounced whiskers,
    • the muzzle is round or pointed,
    • large distance between the ears,
    • eyes that are almond-shaped, slanted,
    • little hair on the belly,
    • little undercoat
    • the coat has the same length throughout the body

    Video: what a future Maine Coon owner needs to know

    The kind, sympathetic and devoted animal waiting for you from work is not a dog at all, but a Maine Coon cat. His deep, kind eyes and developed intelligence easily conquer those around him. The animal simply does not have any negative character traits - it does not require much attention and will not take revenge if you decide to scold it a little. In general, the animal easily gets along with other four-legged friends of the family, with the exception of rodents, and also makes contact with children without any problems. By buying a pet for them as a gift, you will not regret your choice, which, however, always remains yours.

    Physical development

    Until the age of one year, the Maine Coon's body develops rapidly.

    Kittens of this breed mature and develop very quickly. For example, a newborn kitten can have a body weight of about 100-170 grams. However, literally in a month this value increases four to five times. Already at four months, Maine Coons are the size of an ordinary domestic cat.

    After a year of life, the pace of development stops, however, it does not end. At a much slower rate, but the cat’s body develops for another two to three years.

    Rules of care

    During the first two weeks after the cat comes to your home, experts do not recommend performing any procedures other than basic ones, as this can bring additional stress to the animal. The exception is brushing and, if necessary, bathing.

    Necessary items and accessories

    You can quench your cats' thirst for games with any toy. It doesn't matter what exactly it will be. You can, for example, use a regular rubber ball. Maine Coons love to play with him, chasing him around the house for elusive fun.

    Important! It is necessary for cats to have their own scratching post in the house. When choosing a scratching post, you need to ensure that cats should stretch to their full height while they sharpen their claws

    In addition to being long, these devices must also be durable to withstand heavy weight.

    As a standard, the cat must have its own bowls (for water and food) and a tray. It's better if it's closed. Bowls must be durable, since it is likely that a strong animal will start playing with it, rolling around on the floor

    When choosing a scratching post, you need to ensure that cats should stretch to their full height while they sharpen their claws. In addition to being long, these devices must also be durable to withstand heavy weight.

    As a standard, the cat must have its own bowls (for water and food) and a tray. It's better if it's closed. Bowls must be durable, since it is likely that a strong animal will start playing with it, rolling it around on the floor.

    Bathing, brushing and other procedures

    About caring for the Mei-Coon breed (another version of their name, although not entirely correct), we can say that it is not so complicated. The wool is silk, so it hardly tangles and does not require frequent combing. Once a week is quite enough.

    Close attention to combing should be paid during a certain period in spring and autumn, when the period of active molting begins. Did you know? Maine Coons began to lose their great popularity with the arrival of Persian cats in 1900.

    Did you know? Maine Coons began to lose their great popularity with the arrival of Persian cats in 1900.

    An important procedure for caring for an animal is bathing. First of all, the signal that it’s time to bathe the cat will be the detection of stains and any dirt on the cat’s fur.

    Bathing should be done with a special shampoo. It is better if you purchase it from a veterinary clinic.

    In addition, it is necessary to carry out water procedures when fleas are found on the animal’s body. For this you should also purchase specialized medications. In other cases, Maine Coon should not be bathed. He can easily monitor his cleanliness by licking his fur.

    Exceptions are cases when (if) you are preparing your pet for an exhibition and want to give its coat a certain style.

    Important! If there is no special need (the fur is not dirty), then you need to bathe the Maine Coon no more than once every 3 months.

    It is highly not recommended to bathe cats before and after vaccination, after suffering from any disease, and immediately after moving. The fact is that during bathing the animal experiences discomfort, which can lead to stress. In addition to the above factors, the Maine Coon can experience very strong stress, and this in turn will lead to a decrease in immunity.


    Maine Coons have semi-long coats; maintaining a healthy shine and silkiness requires some effort.
    Coat care should begin with examining your pet for any tangles that have formed.

    If there are tangles, they must be carefully untangled or cut off. To prevent matting of the coat in the future, the Coons should be combed at least 2 times a week, first with a wide-tooth comb, then with a fine-tooth comb, and then comb the coat with a massage brush with natural bristles - this helps get rid of the maximum amount of lost hair.

    First of all, you should comb the tail, then the back, chest and sides, and at the very end - the “pants” and belly. Representatives of this breed shed twice a year. At this time, you need to comb your pet more often, preferably daily. You can additionally use a powder brush.

    All combs should be metal so that the pet’s fur does not become electrified, and have rounded teeth so as not to scratch the cat’s skin.

    Rules for walking a pet

    Maine Coons love to walk outside and such walks are important for their health, but they can only be walked with a harness.
    The harness is a figure-of-eight harness; it is convenient because, unlike a collar, it does not choke the pet and does not allow him to jump out of it.

    It is necessary to choose a light, non-metal harness, which at first the pet should wear in the house and without a leash in order to get used to it.

    After a few days, you need to attach a leash with a maximum length of 4 m to the harness and allow the cat to get used to it while walking the pet around the apartment. For walks on the street, you should choose a quiet place away from the roadway. You should not scold your coon if he refuses to go forward; walking on a leash should only be encouraged.


    All toys for Maine Coons can be divided into several categories:

    • balls, mice and other toys that the cat rolls on the floor - it is important that they do not contain small parts;
    • so-called teasers - the cat can play with them only in the presence of the owner, since they have feathers or small balls that the coon can tear off and swallow;
    • Interactive is the best option for Coons, promoting their development and helping them tolerate loneliness more easily.

    It is important to choose high-quality toys that do not contain toxic substances.

    Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

    Due to their large size, Maine Coon cats are more difficult to care for than other cat breeds.

    It is necessary to pay increased attention to the condition of the coat, create a complete balanced diet

    Features of care

    Care includes regular combing of the coat, examination of the eyes and ears, and trimming of the nails. Some owners prefer to do professional grooming - a haircut that emphasizes the natural grace of the animal. Care consists of the following parameters.

    • Eyes. Periodically wipe the corners of the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or weak tea.
    • Ears. The ears are regularly examined and, if necessary, cleaned with damp cotton wool. When sulfur accumulates, special means are used. It is not recommended to use ear sticks.
    • Oral cavity. Teeth are brushed from time to time with a special toothpaste. They monitor the process of changing teeth - sometimes you have to resort to removal.
    • Wool. Comb the coat daily with a blunt-tooth comb. If necessary, bathe your pet using special shampoos.
    • Claws. Nails need to be trimmed as they grow. Cut off the very tip, trying not to affect the living area where the capillaries pass.

    Maine Coons' fur sometimes gets matted. They form in the abdomen, behind the ears, and on the hind legs. You can’t get the tangles wet - they will thicken. Loose clumps are divided into several parts and carefully combed, dense clumps are cut off.

    Feeding rules

    Dry food for Maine Coon is chosen to be of the highest quality and nutritious. Super-premium and holistic foods are suitable. Cheap feeds do not satisfy the needs of animals for proteins and vitamins, and have a negative impact on the health and condition of the coat.

    Many breeders prefer to feed the Maine Coon natural food. Select a balanced diet with the optimal amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber. Additionally, the pet is given vitamin supplements. Recommendations for Maine Coon nutrition are given in the table.

    Table - Recommendations for natural feeding

    Product typeRecommendedProhibited
    Meat— Raw and boiled beef; - boiled chicken; - boiled rabbit meat; - boiled turkey meat - Pork; - duck; - goose; - sausages and smoked meats
    Eggs- Boiled yolk; - quail eggs Chicken egg white
    Dairy- Kefir; — cream up to 10% fat; - cottage cheese; - sour cream Milk
    Cereals- Rice; - buckwheat — Barley; - millet
    FatsButterVegetable oil
    FishBoiled low-fat sea fish— River; - fat; - canned food
    GrassSprouted cerealsCoarse weeds

    Feeding natural and prepared food is not combined - this leads to digestive problems and obesity. Your pet should always have a bowl of clean spring, bottled or filtered water.

    Rules of courtship

    Maine Coon care is a set of hygiene procedures aimed at maintaining not only a beautiful appearance, but also good health of the pet.


    Ear care involves cleaning the ears from accumulated wax using cotton swabs. The use of water or any preparations to clean the ears is prohibited without consulting a veterinarian. It is allowed to treat the inner surface of the ear with antiseptic powder in order to prevent ear mites.


    A healthy pet should not have mucous accumulation in the corners of the eyes. If they appear, you need to remove them by wiping the Maine Coon's eyes with a cotton pad soaked in tea, chamomile infusion or boric acid solution. Wiping must be repeated daily until the discharge stops accumulating.

    If after several days the situation does not change, you should show the animal to a doctor.


    The Maine Coon's face does not require special care, but the appearance can be spoiled by crusts that sometimes form in the corners of the nostrils, but they can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Also, exhibition grooming involves cutting the so-called smile, i.e. thinning the hair around the mouth.

    Teeth and gums

    Coons are prone to the formation of tartar, so it is necessary to monitor and care for the condition of the cat's oral cavity. If the cat’s diet is based on dry food, which helps clean the teeth and form a correct bite, you should brush your pet’s teeth yourself once every 2 months; if feeding natural products, monthly. For cleaning, use a children's toothbrush and special toothpaste.


    Most often, tangles form on the paws. This occurs due to particles of filler, feces and urine getting into the wool. That is why the limbs of coons require the most careful care and regular combing.

    Nail care technique

    As a rule, Maine Coons grind their claws down on their own using a scratching post; if this does not happen, they need to be shortened with a nail clipper 1-2 times a month. It's important to do it right:

    • take the paw pad from below with your index finger, and with your thumb grab the skin above the claw, lightly pull it and squeeze your fingers - this way the claw will come out;
    • examine the claw through the light to see where the vessel passes;
    • carefully cut the claw across the plate, because increases when trimmed lengthwise
    • risk of damaging blood vessels;
    • if the claw is pigmented and the vessels cannot be seen, when trimming it is necessary
    • leave a reserve;
    • File the sharp edge with a nail file.

    If blood vessels were damaged during the procedure, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic. If there is severe bleeding, apply a tight bandage to your pet's paw and contact a veterinarian.

    Issues of raising and training Maine Coon cats

    Observing daily behavior helps a person better understand the animal. This method is used in training - the easiest way is to teach a cat to do exactly what is inherent in its nature.

    The habits of the Maine Coon cannot be called exclusively cat-like. Generations of wild ancestors and natural selection have led to the breed being credited with canine “manners.” For example, sometimes Maine Coons are ready to bring slippers or a newspaper to a person, unlike ordinary cats.

    In the process of raising a pet, you cannot use force - it will become stubborn and will not obey its owner. And given the height and weight of a big cat, its pranks can be destructive for others.

    Natural nutrition

    Animals eat meat products, so meat ingredients make up about 51% of cat nutrition. A well-chosen diet should include natural foods and have such products.

    • Chicken meat must be pitted and boiled or raw (thawed).
    • Poultry offal consists of stomachs, heart and liver.
    • Fat-free beef and beef offal that includes rumen liver, lungs and heart.
    • Cottage cheese should not have fat and not be sour.
    • Products containing sour milk - yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk.
    • The cheese must be good, hard and natural.
    • Porridge should be buckwheat or multigrain. It should be cooked in water with a grain content of no more than 11-16%.
    • Products consisting of fresh, boiled, chopped vegetables - carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin and cucumber.
    • You can give special cat grass, sprouted grain crops.

    Additives such as brewer's yeast and meat and bone meal can be added to natural food. In order for natural food to be correct, you need to add complex vitamin supplements and special pastes.

    Diseases and breed defects

    Due to the natural origin of the breed, Maine Coons have good immunity and fairly good health. Along with such native breeds as the Kuril Bobtail and Russian Blue, Maine Coons rarely get sick.

    However, they have a predisposition to a small number of genetic diseases, represented by:

    • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a heart disease that manifests itself in older animals and causes pulmonary edema, tissue, paralysis of the hind limbs and death;
    • spinal muscular atrophy - extensive damage to neurons in the spinal cord, most often manifested at the age of four to five months, and accompanied by a characteristic swaying in the back of the body when walking, as well as difficulty in jumping;
    • renal polycystic disease - a slowly progressive disease that causes severe disruptions in the functioning of the kidneys;
    • hip dysplasia, which manifests itself in animals in adulthood and causes lameness.

    Compliance with the rules of care and maintenance of Maine Coons, including periodic preventive examinations for the purpose of early detection of genetic diseases, allows you to make the life of your pet as full and as long as possible.

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