My German Shepherd puppy doesn't listen, what should I do? Raising a puppy

Whether or not to punish his growing protector and guard during the process of education is not a question for a good owner - to punish! The question is different: “How to properly punish a puppy for disobedience, so as not to damage the subsequent educational process and not lose the trust of the dog baby?”

What is punishment for?

You will have to punish your shepherd if you want to raise an intelligent and socially acceptable dog. Punishment serves to associate in the dog’s mind its unwanted actions with certain unpleasant sensations. The dog must learn from infancy that it should act as its owner approves. Confirmation of the correctness of the action is praise and encouragement. Confirmation of incorrect behavior is punishment.

Very important! Any punishment makes sense only immediately after the offense!

If the punishment occurs after some time, then your pet will not understand the reason for your unkind treatment, since after 1-3 minutes the puppy has “long forgotten” his pranks. Your unjustified (in the baby’s opinion) anger will only undermine his boundless faith in you as the leader of the pack. Losing trust is much easier than regaining it later!

For each dog, it is necessary to balance the strength of punishment depending on its type, temperament, age and breed. Punishment is training in discipline, reinforcement of a conditioned reflex being developed or already developed.

For example, physical reinforcement of the team: “Ugh!” or “You can’t!” If your baby continues the unwanted action, then it is quite appropriate to jerk the leash sharply (if you are on a walk) or pinch his back leg if he is directly close to you.

Dog puppy age for training

Educational training (accustoming to a leash and collar, reacting to a nickname, weaning off grabbing arms and legs, picking up from the ground, correctly taking a treat from your hands) can be started at 3 months, but it is better to start teaching precise execution of commands no earlier than 4-5 months. months.

However, there is no point in postponing training beyond 7-8 months. Especially with male dogs, who at this age begin puberty, self-esteem and the desire to dominate grow, and it becomes quite difficult to physically cope with them. Bitches are still more flexible in this regard. With non-aggressive bitches, you can start training classes at a later age, although it is not advisable to postpone them for a long time.

Unacceptable punishment

Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd puppies weigh on average 1-1.5 kg more than a VEO or German Shepherd puppy of the same age.

The common method of punishment “lift by the scruff of the neck and shake” is unacceptable for heavy breed dogs!

You cannot punish an Alabai for disobedience in this way if he is older than one and a half to two months. This can harm the health of the puppy: after a month, the fold of skin by which the mother lifts the baby fuses with the tissues of the muscles of the withers and shoulder blades into a tight “bulletproof” corset.

Damage to the fused tissues threatens the mature dog with constant pain in the shoulder area and the appearance of voids filled with purulent exudate, which leads to the dog’s disability.

If you need to demonstrate your right to power, it’s enough to simply gather the skin into a fold and jerk your hand several times in different directions, under no circumstances lifting the puppy!

A fast-growing East European Shepherd puppy (given its long-term crossbreeding with “Asians” and Laika breeds) should also be subjected to such punishment with caution, taking into account not only the age, but also the weight of the puppy.

To hit or not to hit?

It is simply unreasonable to hit a puppy - there is no such punishment in a dog pack!

React to unwanted actions as older members of the pack would - by abruptly stopping the unwanted action. Only in this case will the baby learn that a certain situation causes unpleasant sensations and such situations must be consciously avoided.

Basic rules of training

Training is an important stage in the life of both the owner and the dog. During classes, the German Shepherd learns to hear and understand the owner. For training to be productive, you need to follow the basic rules of training:

  1. Choose the right motivation (it’s not just treats and toys).
  2. Stay calm and be patient.
  3. Do not demand more from the shepherd than she can.
  4. Do not hit the dog during training, do not take your anger out on it.
  5. Provide reinforcements in a timely manner.
  6. Give orders only once.

How to behave correctly after punishment

After the punishment has been completed, you must remain in place, the dog must leave!

This is an immutable rule for you! It is not you who leaves the battlefield, but the one who is weaker and who must obey you.

Another mistake, when a shepherd puppy was punished, nullifies the entire previous process of education - caressing the sucker. After the “thrashing” received, the puppy begins to intensively seek your attention: it squats, crawls, squeals, twirls its tail, and tries to timidly kiss your hands or feet. The melted heart just begs for the baby to be immediately pressed to the chest.

Do not do that! According to the dog, you realized how wrong you were towards the puppy and “licked” the punishment, which means you can continue to indulge.

Moreover, the dog will clearly understand that in front of a stronger opponent, it is enough to kiss him and the enemy will “forgive” him. She will do the same thing when you are in real danger - she will rush to lick the one she will have to tear, protecting you and your family. Or he will avoid the conflict altogether. To avoid this error you must:

Don't unleash your entire vocabulary on your dog! For her, this is a Chinese letter.

The smartest of dogs, over the course of 7-10 years of life in one family, learns to understand about 50-70 human phrases, and a small dog cub generally does not grasp the meaning between his offense and your length of fiery speech, which mentions conscience, calls to reconsider one’s behavior and lamentations for about his action.

Punishment is part of coercion, which means that the command to change an action should be given abruptly, briefly, with notes of pressure or threat.

How to Punish a German Shepherd Puppy for Disobedience

In order to punish a German Shepherd in puppyhood, you should not use painful techniques; it is enough to make a low throat sound, similar to a growl. This will distract the baby from committing an unwanted act and turn his attention to you. Take advantage of the pause to offer your puppy a game and redirect his attention.

If your pet becomes interested in the sound and runs towards you, reinforce the reaction by giving him treats or scratches.

Coercion or parfors (strict collar)

Punishment-coercion is only appropriate if the dog is able to associate the punishment with its specific actions and the tone of your voice. The flow of abuse is completely inappropriate and even harmful.

If you follow the balanced “rules” of punishment, reward and coercion, you most likely will not need either a whip or parforce in the future. If the shepherd dog does not obey, it will be enough just to change the tone of voice to return the young dog “from heaven to earth,” since the conditioned reflex has already been developed.

An exception may be when the dog is growing up, when the clarity of command execution may decrease significantly and you will still need a “sterner”. It is this that will have to be used as punishment for the grown-up “naughty boy”.

The use of parfors for puppies of a younger age group is unacceptable!

But even here one should not deviate from the basic rule:

At what age should you start?

Dog training begins early: already in the first days after arriving at its new home, the shepherd dog gets used to its name, place, toilet and begins to learn the first simple commands, such as “Come to me” or “No”.

Later, the growing dog must learn other basic commands, as well as learn how to behave correctly in a given situation..

Experts recommend moving on to more serious general training courses at the age of about six months, and it is better to train a shepherd dog in a group or individually under the guidance of an experienced dog handler.

A distinctive feature of Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs (Alabaev)

In puppies of heavy breeds, the reaction to a command may be slightly inhibited - this is due to the longer definition of the puppy with the concept of leader and owner.

This does not mean that an Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd puppy is dumber than the generally accepted leaders in training (German Shepherd and VEO puppies). This means that the psyche of these dogs is at a more stable level and a little more pressure and a lot more patience are needed for the dog to “work in the desired mode.”

Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are born warriors and fighters with a high level of intelligence, quite capable of living without human intervention. They do not need an owner a priori!

Your task is to instill in the puppy the need to have a leader (in your person) and achieve strict obedience to your orders.

Little tricks

Some little tricks will help you complete dog behavior correction faster and more successfully. German Shepherds are very sensitive to human attention. Puppies, the prices of which are quite high and depend on the characteristics of the parents (average from 4 to 40 thousand rubles), are really worth the money. However, even these require quality training. To achieve maximum results, remember a few points:

reward dogs for correctly executed commands;

look for secluded places in the initial stages of training;

make sure you pronounce orders correctly;

patience and only patience. Dogs can understand human demands, but it takes time for them to do so.


Reasonableness and proportionality of punishment

The red thread in raising and training a dog of any breed should be kindness (not to be confused with promiscuity and permissiveness!), willingness to understand and regret (not lack of will of the owner!), fairness of the “leader” and skillful combination of concepts and actions (punishment, prohibition, encouragement, coercion and coercion).

This combination, with good contact with the dog, unmistakably gives excellent results and allows you not only not to lose the dog’s trust, but to significantly strengthen it!


The puppy runs away at the first opportunity

A playful little creature can run away due to simple curiosity. There are several ways to satisfy this urge to explore your surroundings without losing control. The first is to teach the puppy to unquestioningly obey the command “Come to me!”, the implementation of which was discussed above.

Alternatively, you can use a long leash, and as soon as the baby is about to run away, jerk it sharply and give appropriate orders. But this should not be confused with the training method on a short leash. When tugging on the leash, call the dog to you. So she will soon get used to both the command and the fact that she simply will not be able to escape.

The German Shepherd became disobedient and aggressive

Hello Oksana! My name is Yana. We have the same problem - male BUT 8 months old. Lives in an apartment, family of five - four children and me. Everyone loves the dog too much.

Please advise how we can pet him, because he has never behaved like this before. Thank you!

Hello, Yana! I will answer your question in order.

You may consider me cruel. You may not take advantage of my advice and recommendations, but from my experience I just want to give you a clear example of a situation that happened literally a month ago.

A young woman with two children came to our city from Russia: a 3-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy. With a Cane Corso dog, male, 2 years old. In Russia she lived in a private house. The dog took an obedience course from the breeder from 6 to 9 months.

As it turned out later, the male dog had already begun to show aggression in attempts to control him, but the breeder, instead of putting the dog in its place and teaching the owner how to properly control the dog’s behavior, worked with the dog on an empty stomach, teaching him only to follow the piece. The hostess was not present at the classes. At the end, they simply showed her how to control it with treats and, without saying anything about aggression, they returned the dog.

And as long as the dog simply ran around the yard and did not require walking in a densely populated area, everything went well. They simply did not demand anything from the dog. When the family moved to live in another city, in an apartment, and they needed to walk the dog, that’s when everything started to spin. The dog dragged its owner on a leash as she wanted. I didn’t understand a single voice command. Huge adult male...

One day the dog was gnawing on a bone. The girl climbed up to her and was attacked. The child's face was stitched up in oral surgery. To prevent the dog from being euthanized, the owner paid 20 thousand rubles. extortion officials. A lot of nerves. While walking, the dog saw a cat and rushed after her, but a strict collar stopped him, and then the dog showed aggression towards his owner.

Further more. The housewife pours food - he growls until she leaves the room... The woman took the children and went to spend the night with her mother. The dog began to howl. Lots of complaints from neighbors. She was already afraid to live next to him and with the children.

Attempts to place the dog were unsuccessful - no one wants an inadequate one. They didn’t even take me to the zone. The police, sensing weakness, sucked another 30 thousand out of the hapless owner. After several days in the zoo hotel, the dog was forced to be euthanized. Soon there will be a trial of the owner... This is such a sad story. Draw your own conclusions.


Doesn't listen to commands

The German Shepherd puppy does not listen to commands because it does not see you as the owner. This is caused by an insufficiently strict tone in which orders are pronounced, or by the fact that the dog simply does not understand their meaning.

To turn your dog on the right path, you need to go through three main stages with him. The first is to learn to distinguish the meaning of commands. The second stage is to teach the dog to obey through persistence and influence by force. If the dog does not want to sit down, then press the back of the back. Then move on to the command to lie down, forcing him to obey in the same way.

The third stage concerns cases when the puppy does not obey because something is distracting him. In this case, it is necessary to urgently and strictly repeat the command several times.

To solve this problem, there are several things to consider. A shock collar is the last option on the list and most likely won't be needed.

The first two stages of training should be carried out in places where there are no distractions - other dogs, people, birds or busy traffic. Sites outside the city are ideal for this.

Puppy rummaging through the trash

The puppy's craving for trash cans, bags, and abandoned rags also causes a lot of trouble for owners. The dog tends to tear apart the treasures it finds, scatter them around the apartment or yard, and roll around in the remains of food. At the same time, the most modern toys, neighbor cats and delicious treats can peacefully lie in the corner.

It’s worth stopping at the last one. It is the lack of vitamins that nature tries to compensate for the dog’s body. Remember, many animals often eat grass, although they are born to be predators. This comes from a lack of certain elements.

Change your diet, make it rich in vitamins and minerals.

When the problems with food have been resolved, and the puppy, due to its harmfulness, continues to surf the expanses of garbage bags, then place a mousetrap on top. A few clicks on the nose will wean the pest from dirty tricks.

How to deal with a disobedient dog

Having figured out the reasons why the animal does not listen, you should move on to action. A dog that does not obey must be trained and forced to follow the owner's commands.

Here are some tips on how to do this.

Often, owners do not notice the pet’s minor offenses or ignore them. Think about what will happen if the animal does not respond to the owner’s call once? But a dog that commits minor offenses may sooner or later begin to commit more serious ones. It will be difficult to re-educate her. Therefore, unwanted behavior cannot be reinforced. And small offenses should signal the owner about an approaching problem. If the dog has ever stopped obeying, pay attention to it now, so that later it is not too late.

What treat to give and how much?

Suitable treats include low-fat varieties of hard cheese cut into small cubes, small homemade crackers, unsweetened small biscuits, as well as dry food especially loved by your pet..

A treat in itself is not a reward: the owner’s attitude towards the pet’s actions is no less important.


The shepherd dog must see that the owner is truly happy and proud of her successes, and therefore the giving of treats must be reinforced with verbal praise.

It is necessary to subtract a portion of the treat from the daily diet and give the dog a slightly reduced portion during feedings.

The dog does not recognize one of the owners

The beginning of training should be carried out by both owners in turn. Otherwise, there is a risk that the dog will not recognize and obey the second owner.

However, due to ignorance, this moment may be missed. Beginning with another owner is useless until he has gained the trust of the pet.

To begin with, the unloved owner must appease him with goodies. Whatever one may say, the dog is still a child. For example, you can buy some sausages and cut them into small pieces. It’s worth giving them when the dog is somewhere nearby, and praising them if he comes up on his own. Then, while walking, call him and give him treats when the pet responds to the call.

Also, the care and upbringing of the puppy should be partially delegated to your significant other. Brushing and bathing will also help improve relationships. Then you can move on to training.

If this doesn’t work, then it’s time to change someone: either the dog or the companion.

The puppy bites, jumps on people, licks

The puppy cuddles when it lacks your attention. But this does not mean that you should give up everything and indulge all the whims of your pet in the hope that he will immediately stop playing pranks. Training aimed at developing obedience will help you devote the necessary time and attention.

If you don't take action now, the dog will soon start showing its teeth in the literal sense of the word. Sometimes he may even grab his legs or arms. When the dog is already biting, then this is the case when you need to raise your hand and give it a light slap in the face. If you miss this moment, instead of a cute puppy you can get a huge aggressive dog, which will be dangerous not only for others, but also for the owners themselves.

Because of kindness, not everyone can hit a dog. A loud shout and tugging on the leash can subdue the aggressor. Otherwise, the puppy should be handed over to experienced dog handlers. Think for yourself, instead of you there may be a child who does not recognize the warning signal behind the growl.

Features of raising dogs with dominant behavior

Among animals there are individuals with a desire for leadership and dominant behavior. The puppy proves that he is the leader to his brothers. He will also want to dominate in the master's family. The dog does not obey, runs away or bites - all these can be signs of this nature. From an early age, from the first days a pet appears in the house, the owner must make every effort to make sure that the animal understands who is in charge. What to do if the dog doesn't listen? It is necessary to re-educate her, teach her to listen to her owner’s commands. It’s easier to teach an animal this at a young age. So, the pet should have its own place to sleep in the house, attempts to climb onto the sofa or bed should be stopped immediately. The owner must teach the puppy to carry out hygiene procedures without aggression (trimming nails, bathing, etc.). Training is required. It is necessary to teach the commands “Fu”, “No”. No exceptions should be made for representatives of decorative or small breeds. A dog that does not obey its owner causes a lot of trouble. And it doesn’t matter so much whether it’s big or small.

How to stop biting

An adult shepherd dog can be trained to stop biting, but it is a little more difficult than a puppy.

The first method: grab the puppy by the muzzle when he is about to bite. You need to act carefully, but confidently , so that the puppy does not break free and carry out his plans. Usually the leader of the pack does this, so this action has a special meaning : you appear to him as the leader.

You can lower the shepherd's muzzle to the floor. This method is less effective , since the dog will get a stop and it will be easier for him to escape.

The method of switching attention works well. The owner turns the puppy over onto his back and begins to gently stroke his tummy. The dog should not interfere.

The dog is not toilet trained

Conventionally, dog owners can be divided into two types: those who do not get a dog for a long time, because “He needs to be walked all the time!” and those who start and think that he will clean and wash the toilet after himself. But in many cases, your favorite dog has to be trained from scratch.

If your German Shepherd puppy doesn't listen and stubbornly defecates wherever he pleases, then there are several ways to correct this character flaw in your pet. But in any case, before any training, take off. Doggies do not know a better place to relieve their natural needs than a soft carpet.

The first way: take a closer look at your pet. In the places where he most often goes, install trays or beds. Then they can be replaced with a special toilet.

Just in case, it is worth installing dog trays in popular places: near the front door, balcony, windows.

Quickly gets used to the toilet 2 months - the age at which the dog can already learn to go to certain places. But it’s too early to put away the placed diapers. Even at this age, the dog may not yet have time to run to the right place and will choose what is closer.

Of course, you shouldn’t leave the puppy alone for a long time either. It is advisable to have someone in the house who will supervise if he decides to commit mischief.

Let's move on to serious activities: training juniors

From 8-12 months, the training of “Germans” becomes more stringent. The owner must give orders in a more stern tone; notes of threat are allowed. If the puppy was forgiven for his mistakes, then the junior must follow all commands the first time and obey unquestioningly.

The intonation of encouragement also changes. From the age of one year, a German Shepherd can distinguish up to 10 tones. Therefore, she is praised with varying degrees of joy: from the calm “Well done” to the stormy “Bravo!” Good girl! This encourages the dog to work harder to hear words of delight.

Treats are gradually removed. If training puppies is unthinkable without them, then a German shepherd over 2 years old should work on vocal encouragement, and receive treats only at the end of the lesson.

Treats are replaced with praise. First, treats are given after completing 2 commands in a row, then after 3, etc., gradually increasing the number of orders.

Begin training complex skills:

  • jumping;
  • searching for objects by smell;
  • fetching at a distance;
  • take a trail;
  • commands “Guard”, “Face”, “Take”.

At the age of up to one year, a general training course (GTC) is indicated. Classes are conducted under the supervision of a professional dog handler. Only after mastering the base do they move on to training disciplines: protective guard, security, search and rescue, sports.

Typical mistakes when training

Let's consider what behavior a dog owner should avoid when training, so that there are no problems with the pet in the future.

The dog does not obey - many owners face this problem. Why and how to teach and make sure that the owner’s word is law. First of all, you need to pay attention to yourself. A dog that does not follow commands is not at fault. She was trained incorrectly. Find out the reasons why the dog does not obey, reconsider your training strategy. After this, it will be easier to draw conclusions and teach a dog that has stopped following commands to listen to its owner. Understanding the reasons is the first step to solving the problem. And remember, a dog can be taught anything. The main thing is to know how and to do it correctly.

Pet portrait without embellishment

The universal love for shepherd dogs is largely dictated by modern cinema. Daily observations of the adventures of the next Rex or Mukhtar makes you involuntarily admire the intelligence, strength and dexterity of these dogs.

Only upon closer contact are points revealed that may seem harmless only to true fans of the breed:

The tailed fidget will want to spend at least 4-5 hours a day outside. Moreover, sedate walks will not satisfy the pet: its frisky temperament can be pacified only through frequent jogging, active games with the ball, and training on the playground. Ostensible ignorance of the need for walks on the part of the dog owner will be met with hostility: after several attempts at shirking, a careless breeder may not recognize your apartment, which has turned into a gaming ground.

During games or displays of “tenderness,” the dog may accidentally step on the partner or make a too strong grab. The dog will apologize, looking at the offended person with unhappy eyes, but this is unlikely to reduce the number of bruises.

It is useless to get a shepherd dog in the hope that it will give you slippers or please you with other simple tricks - a representative of the breed will use his natural intelligence to maximum benefit for himself. In the absence of proper upbringing, the “German” will turn into a real punishment: he will skillfully evade commands, pretending to be “forgetful”, learn to bypass the master’s prohibitions, beg for delicacies, and ultimately become the main manipulator in the family.

In relations with a shepherd, severity should prevail over tenderness. If you are not ready to put up with this rule, it is better to choose a representative of a different breed.

“Germans” are sensitive to the long absence of their owners, preferring to constantly communicate with people. Frequent business trips and delays at the office are a good reason to give up the idea of ​​getting an overly sociable dog.

Do not forget about the more pressing difficulties of keeping: to maintain good physical shape, the dog needs to be fed in accordance with (give at least a kilogram of meat per day), combed regularly, and monitor the hygiene of the mouth and ears.

The tailed fidget will want to spend at least 4-5 hours a day outside

Advantages of the breed

The amazing qualities of German Shepherds are not exaggerated at all. Thanks to proper upbringing, these dogs will fully demonstrate their multifaceted nature, becoming beautiful:

A hardy shepherd dog will happily follow your bicycle, share all the difficulties of traveling on foot in an unfamiliar area, or simply rush across the lawn near the house, chasing a ball.

The clever four-legged creatures have in their blood the ability to easily recognize the intentions of strangers and protect their entrusted territory from attack. After completing the pet training course, you can be sure that not a single intruder will dare to break into your house or apartment.

Heavy weight, muscular constitution, considerable strength and power - all these qualities speak in favor of the representatives of the breed. Shepherd dogs are also famous for their selfless devotion and fearlessness: in a mortal fight, these dogs sacrifice themselves without hesitation, protecting the owner and members of his family.

After a short period of adaptation, having become confident in the firmness of the rules in the house, the “German” will learn to understand commands perfectly, moreover, he will constantly demonstrate his attitude to what is said, maintaining a dialogue.

There is no and cannot be an unambiguous decision regarding the German dog breed. Representatives of the family have strengths and weaknesses, so you can only think about buying a small shepherd dog in one case - if you are ready to give her all your free time and sincere love!

The main reason for failure in raising a German Shepherd puppy is making mistakes during training. Many dog ​​owners are characterized by haste and too deep immersion in the process: they are so carried away by upbringing and training that they completely forget about the age of their pet and its puppyish temperament. As a result, an adult dog gets used to following commands “every once in a while,” which is unacceptable for a service dog with a developed protective instinct. As far as dog shows are concerned, the German Shepherd should not be aggressive or fearful. Therefore, it is so important to teach her unquestioning submission.

What to do if the problem is not solved?

Even though you have a coward, try not to compare your pet with more prosperous ones. Treat him condescendingly, lovingly. Let him feel that he is still the most beloved for you.

Socialize him gradually.

Take a walk in the park, where people and owners with pets occasionally pass by. Teach him fun games: fetch a stick, a rubber ball, a ring and other objects. Let him feel brave and dexterous.

There are very purposeful owners who hire an instructor and work with the dog on their own, learning commands. If time passes and he is still a coward, there is nothing you can do, such a character. You are his only friend, so play together so that he lives next to you as a happy dog. There is no need to constantly train him. It won't help.

Try to avoid irritants in your daily life that cause stress in your pet.

For example, he is afraid of the noise of a working vacuum cleaner; when you are cleaning, lock it in the back room. Not all dogs are so timid that this cannot be corrected by training with a dog handler, self-training and gradual socialization. Yes, sometimes it takes a year or more, but there are positive results.

You are human and it is in your power to be happy in your life together with your pet, forgiving its shortcomings.

A dog is always a responsibility.

Usually, the owners relax where they can take their pet with them. For example, at a camp site in their city in a forested area near a lake, and some go wild on weekends to fish and sunbathe on the beach. Don't forget a big umbrella. It will create shade for your pet and protect it from heat stroke.

Why does a dog bite

Dogs do not have tenacious hands, so they mainly act with their mouths: they kill the victim with their teeth and gently carry the offspring with their teeth. As the puppy grows up and becomes more active, he begins to bite his brothers and sisters in play. Like a child, a puppy cannot always calculate the force of its bites. By playing with other puppies, his mother and his owners, he learns to control his body. Almost all animals react to pain; if you bite too hard in a game, a relative will squeal and stop communicating, or bite back. And the mother in this case will finish the game and leave, or begin to calm down the angry cub.

Sometimes breeders give away puppies too early, and then the owners are faced with the fact that the pet has not learned to regulate the force of its bite. But this is not the only reason why a dog can grab your arm or leg - he can bite out of overexcitement, in order to get some benefit, or showing aggression.


What can be taught?

The German Shepherd is considered a universal working breed.

If desired, this dog can be trained in almost any special training course. For example, the search service or the guard service.

Shepherd dogs are used in a wide variety of jobs in the military, law enforcement, and also serve as rescue dogs or guide dogs..

Also, they can engage in almost any sports discipline, for example, triathlon or agility.

Any special training should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced trainer..

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