How to teach a big dog to play with small dogs?

If the pet had a different owner

The success of taming a four-legged friend inherited from another owner directly depends on the reason for separation. If the events that occurred left a trauma, it will not be easy, but communication with such an animal is still much easier than with a homeless one from birth.

Gaining trust

The best way to gain trust is a combination of love and delicious food. Take care of the quality of the new diet and be sure to pamper your new pet with healthy treats.

Avoid being alone for too long, which can open up old wounds. Physical punishment should also be avoided. For relieving yourself in the wrong place and destroying shoes, simply scold your pet in a stern voice and go to another room. Ignoring is the most humane and effective way of punishment. Over time, the four-legged friend will thaw out and will rush to reconcile himself for the offense committed.

Strengthening the authority of the new owner

To strengthen authority, it is important to take care of the rules of behavior and monitor their implementation, without allowing exceptions. The absence of concessions will help the dog realize the importance of the owner.

At first, the dog will test your strength, but do not give in to provocations. Remember that authority comes not from brute force, but from caring. Noticing your efforts, your pet will be imbued with respect and love. After this, you can start training more thoroughly.

It is better to introduce pets outside the home

Meeting on neutral territory is a very good idea. True, there are some weighty “buts” here: the puppy may not be vaccinated, not socialized, and finally, the breeder objects. However, please note that most puppies are adopted by new owners at 12 weeks of age or older, so this initial introduction should not be a problem. Talk to the breeder and tell them about your plans. Show your current pet's veterinary passport. A good, responsible breeder is unlikely to dissuade; on the contrary, he can give his valuable advice.

The need for vaccination

Some owners do not realize the importance of the vaccination procedure, but it is actually necessary, because it prevents such serious diseases as rabies, distemper, hepatitis, etc. In addition, not a single qualified veterinarian will examine an unvaccinated animal; not a single dog show will allow a dog that has not been vaccinated must take part in it.

There is a statement that an animal that spends most of its time at home cannot become infected with any infectious disease. However, this opinion is erroneous, because veterinary practice can give many examples when the owner brought an infection into the house on the soles of his shoes.

How does a dog's gender affect its size?

Sexual dimorphism in dogs can be observed by comparing body size, muscle-to-bone mass ratio, and head shape of animals of different sexes. Males of most breeds are larger and more massive than females, and are also more physically resilient and aggressive. With a pronounced sexual type, the sex of the animal can be determined even from afar - by its massive skeleton or its smooth lines.

The difference in the parameters “M” and “F” can be seen in the tables that are located in the next paragraph of the article. And also - to find in them an exception to the rule: a breed in which females have more weight. Hint: This is the sacred dog of the Chinese emperors.

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced in adult dogs of large breeds, but may not be noticeable at all in puppies or small breed dogs.

Training and teaching commands for dogs

While your dog is getting used to his new home, try to create a calm environment. Do not invite guests, do not play loud music, etc. Let the dog calmly settle in, try not to leave it alone for a long time. At the same time, do not force communication on the dog and ask other family members about it. Many indoor street dogs find it very difficult to be locked up for a long time, as they are used to constantly moving. You will have to go for a long and active walk so that the dog can run around with other dogs and relieve the stress of being confined. It is on the street that you begin to give commands to train dogs. Start with basic commands, and as you master them, complicate the tasks.

Despite the fact that the dog gets used to new conditions, start training from the very first day. Under no circumstances forgive her for her mistakes and various pranks, even small ones, making allowance for the fact that the animal is stressed.

The most important thing in the process of training and teaching a dog commands is your love, affection and patience. Do not rush and do not expect that the dog will love the whole family from the very first day of his stay in the house and accept your rules entirely. Be patient - this will take some time. To raise a dog taken from the street, you will need several times more kindness. Don't be discouraged if things don't work out right away and don't give up. After all, a happy time has now come for both of you: a real, beloved, best owner has finally appeared in the dog’s life, and next to you is the most wonderful four-legged friend.

Animal vaccination passport

After choosing and purchasing a dog, it becomes necessary to vaccinate it. Usually the previous owner does the first few vaccinations for the animal himself. This is evidenced by a special vaccination passport, which any purebred dog must have.

This document indicates the age, color and name of the animal. After each vaccination, the veterinarian enters special information into this passport - the name and dose of the vaccine administered, as well as the date of the visit. This certificate is also necessary because without it the dog will not be able to cross the border.

Basic rules for vaccinations

Each vaccination must be carried out within a specially designated period. An injection can only be given to an absolutely healthy animal, free from worms, fleas and ticks. Two weeks before visiting the doctor, it is advisable to ensure that the dog has as little contact as possible with its fellow dogs and strangers.

If mating of pets is planned in the near future, then vaccination should be postponed for several months. Otherwise, there is a risk of puppies being born with genetic abnormalities.

Features of a street animal

Many people adopt dogs from the street rather than buying them from a kennel. This option, of course, does not cost money, and it will save the animal’s life. However, it requires a person to understand the characteristics of the street lifestyle.

Dogs that lived on the street were often attacked by both their fellow tribesmen and people. Therefore, they can be either too intimidated or show unmotivated aggression. This must be remembered, because in the case of an adult dog, it is impossible to predict his reaction to a particular action.

If the dog lived on the street, then before bringing it into your home, the animal should be taken to a veterinary clinic and checked for worms and infectious diseases. The fact is that such dogs lived in unsanitary conditions and can be carriers of not only parasites, but also dangerous diseases.

After the veterinarian has carried out all the necessary actions with the street animal, you can take it home and put it in order. When raising such a new pet, you should not show aggression or any negative emotions. You can achieve the desired actions from your dog only with patience, love and understanding, as well as active walks and frequent games.

If you take into account all the features of such dogs, then with proper upbringing you will get a devoted friend who will be grateful to you for your efforts and care.

Determining the level of socialization of an animal

The level of socialization is not given at birth, but is developed over the years under the influence of external factors. Attitudes towards humans and other animals, as well as behavior in different situations, directly depend on the living conditions before meeting the new owner.

From the street

A stray dog ​​that has not known human affection and care is the most difficult case. She is used to not trusting others and taking them as a potential threat. A defensive reaction is often developed during physical violence from people or fights for food with their relatives.

From the shelter

Most of the shelter's inhabitants are stray dogs, puppies, or grown-up animals abandoned by their owners. In the latter case, pets often lose a roof over their heads, remaining completely alone in their dachas. Irresponsible owners abandon them when they return to the city, and subsequently get a new pet.

The level of socialization of such dogs is similar to street dogs, but sometimes a little higher. People are usually attracted to puppies that are the result of an unwanted pregnancy. If volunteers manage to find and save them, then the kind attitude of these people becomes the basis of the dog’s worldview.

From old owners

Representatives of this group are distinguished by the maximum level of socialization, but only those who managed to avoid violence. A well-mannered and good-natured dog may end up on the street as a result of the death of its former owner. Here you will have to work with depression caused by severe stress from separation.

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