Choosing a name for a pug: how to find an apt and sonorous nickname

Puppy Dog Pals is a Disney series for young children that first aired in the US in the spring of 2017 and in the UK in January 2022. It follows the adventures of the main characters' characters, puppies Bingo and Rollie


And soon we will see new toys from Flair based on this cartoon! The collection officially launches overseas at the end of July and will be supported by television, YouTube Kids, children's press, an interactive campaign, social media and an influencer campaign.

Puppy Dog Pals (formerly Puppy Dog Tails) is an American computer-animated children's television series created by Harland Williams. The series debuted on Disney Junior and Disney Channel in the United States on April 14, 2022. On August 24, 2022, Disney Junior renewed the series for a second season.

  • Toy catalog

Two pug puppies are happily exploring their neighborhood when their owner Bob leaves home. They also have a cat sister named Hissy and a robot dog named Automatic Doggy Robotic Friend, or simply ARF.

Plush toys will be an integral part of the line-up with a range of stuffed animals, interactive pets and pals with sounds and phrases, and Adventure Pals.

The collection will be complemented by collectible figurines, resulting in an extensive toy line

ranging in price from pocket money to luxury set.

What's missing here!

In addition to toys, there are clothes, dishes, accessories and much more!

What are the names of all the characters from the cartoon Friendly Pugs?

As you may have guessed, the most important characters in this cartoon will be the pug Bingo and his brother Rolly.
They are still very young and every day another adventure awaits them. They have an owner, Bob. He loves his pets very much and every day he comes up with something for them: new collars, toy bones, a pool, a house, an interactive robot named GAV. The lazy cat Shipa also lives in their house. She is already accustomed to puppies, even sometimes plays with them, but as befits a cat, she is arrogant, but this is shown somehow in a kind way. There is also a small evil dog and her sycophants - Cupcake and Rufus. The remaining characters are less common. In the animated series "Friendly Pugs"

There are characters who appear once or twice throughout the entire series, the names of some residents of the city and those whom the pugs meet while performing tasks invented by them are sometimes not named.

But there are permanent characters who can be called friends or buddies of friendly pugs, and the main characters of the cartoon themselves, of course:

  • pug puppy Bingo;
  • pug puppy Rollie (brown);
  • cat Thorn;
  • cat and pug owner Bob;
  • mother of the cat and pug owner;
  • robot G.A.V. — Chief car dog trainer;
  • Hamster Bubble;
  • Jonathan seagull;
  • guard dog Bouvart;
  • dogs from the park - the mischievous little purple Cupcake and Rufus the bulldog;
  • the husky is also from Jackie Park (not sure about the breed, but she has a donut tail);
  • Eternal tourists are a married couple, a lady with glasses and a hat, Esther and her husband Frank.

One of my favorite cartoons that adults can watch for variety is the Family cartoon genre.


History of the pug breed

Although Pugs are visually somewhat reminiscent of English Bulldogs, Boxers and the now extinct Bullenbeissers from Germany, their origins are actually to be found in the East. Moreover, you will have to dig deep, because the first images of short-faced dogs that have survived to this day on ancient artifacts and mentions of them in historical documents date back to the 6th–4th centuries BC. The famous ancient Chinese philosopher and politician Confucius speaks of them as companions of the nobility traveling on chariots.

For a long time there was an opinion that another popular Chinese breed, the Pekingese, originated from pugs. However, genetic studies allow us to confidently say that family ties are built in the reverse order: long-haired dogs appeared much earlier, their direct ancestors were Lhasa Apso or Chemjo Apso, who guarded Tibetan monasteries, and pugs are either a cultivated natural mutation or the result of crossing with others short-haired breeds. Perhaps this is why Pekingese were considered exclusively imperial pets for centuries. But not everyone could afford to have pugs. This was the privilege of courtiers close to the ruler. The living conditions for the miniature dogs were truly royal, they ate much better than most ordinary subjects, often had their own chambers, servants for walking and personal security. For attempting to steal such a dog, severe punishment was imposed, including the death penalty.

Researchers suggest that the first European who had a chance to see the unusual pets of Chinese nobles was the Venetian merchant and traveler Marco Polo, who lived for seventeen years in a country exotic for a European. His “colleagues” from Holland and Portugal ended up in the Celestial Empire only two centuries later, during the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. They brought home not only silk and spices, but also the charming Lo Chiang Tse, soon renamed to the easier-to-pronounce “pug.”

Pug puppy

The sturdy fawn-colored creatures with their sweet little faces and big eyes immediately attracted the attention of the aristocrats of the Old World. However, they played a special role in the fate of the Netherlands: the vigilance of the faithful Pompey helped William the Silent avoid death at the hands of an assassin at the height of the war for independence from Spain. Subsequently, the revolutionary leader of the Low Countries became the founder of the royal Orange dynasty, and the favorite accompanied the owner even after death - a sleeping dog was masterfully carved at the feet of the marble figure of the Dutch founding father on the lid of his sarcophagus. Pugs became a symbol and living mascot for William's heirs.

Through their efforts, the dogs came to Britain, where they quickly gained popularity among the local nobility, and subsequently dispersed to the royal courts of continental Europe. Queen Victoria, who doted on her pets, did especially much to revive interest in the breed among the British in the second half of the 19th century. Back then, “British” pugs were taller, leaner, with an elongated muzzle and had an exceptionally light color. But, as a result of the plunder of the Beijing Forbidden City during the Second Opium War by officers of the English and French armies, previously unknown black individuals came to the West. The latter are still quite rare and therefore more expensive. In general, pugs are an example of a breed whose popularity is fairly stable.

Friendly pugs

The American animated series Puppy Dog Pals is an educational project for young children. The main characters of the series are two puppies who love adventure, travel and fun games.

In the original version of the cartoon, the roles were voiced by Patrick Warburton, Jessica DiCicco, Tress MacNeille and other American actors.

Contents of the animated series Friendly Pugs

Bingo and Rolly are two cheerful pug puppies. The kids live in a large and friendly family, where in addition to them there is also a cat, Spike, and a robot dog named G.A.V., as well as the owner of all these animals, the inventor Bob.

Bingo and Rolly are brothers, but they are not very similar both in appearance and in character. Restless and curious, Rollie is always ready to rush headlong into any adventure. And Bingo knows how to plan and is the more responsible of the two puppies. But despite these differences, Bingo and Rolly always remain each other's best friends. Every day they come up with many interesting games and are always ready to travel

Each episode of the animated series is an exciting adventure for two friends who love to learn new things. Bingo and Rolly go on various journeys, solve secrets and puzzles, and learn interesting facts about the world around them. And then they invariably return home - to their family.


Names that reflect character

Animal psychologists say that the nickname leaves a serious imprint on the pet’s temperament and fate.

Illustrative examples: a dog named Typhoon destroyed everything in his path, and the girl Lightning ran unusually fast, although she was not a hound breed.

The opinion was confirmed by the French dog handler K. Cuvier. He observed many dogs and came to the conclusion that with the help of phonetic combinations it is possible to develop certain character traits in animals.

Thus, the sound “e” adds energy and cheerfulness, “i” – self-esteem, “yu” – tenderness and attentiveness.

The first syllable of the nickname and the repeated letters, which are best distinguished, have the strongest influence.

Hissing sounds allow you to liberate tense and shy dogs; the sound “n” increases loyalty.

Blind letters have virtually no effect on character, since animals distinguish them quite poorly.

Friendly pugs

The funny animated series “Friendly Pugs” is a charge of positivity and good mood! It is perfect for family viewing on a warm evening when everyone wants to relax and unwind. Funny and useful, it will appeal to adults and young viewers. The main characters are puppies Bingo and Rolly, who cannot sit still, and therefore constantly explore the world, gain new knowledge and crave adventure. Nice pugs live in the cozy home of an inventor, a responsive owner who not only allows, but also helps his pets live a fun and interesting life. It is noteworthy that Bingo and Rollie were given the characteristics of four-year-old children so that young fans of the cartoon could identify themselves with the main characters.

Pug Health and Diseases

Unfortunately, we have to admit that pugs are far from the healthiest dogs. Throughout their lives, they have to deal with both congenital and acquired diseases. The most serious of the first category are encephalitis, the cause of which has not yet been fully elucidated by veterinarians, and epilepsy.

The most vulnerable places in the body of representatives of this breed are the eyes and respiratory system. Many pets become partially or completely blind as a result of mechanical damage, infections and other diseases. Cases of seasonal or chronic allergies are common. But the most common problem of this breed is undoubtedly obesity due to excessive appetite and low physical activity. It is not fatal in itself, but it shortens life expectancy, exacerbating existing health problems.

The influence of a nickname on character

It is generally accepted that the name of a pet has a direct impact on the formation of its character, so it is very important to choose the right name for a pug. The nickname for the pug can be chosen in a thematic direction. Considering that this breed is of aristocratic origin, very often the dog of emperors is given the name of a deity, a famous ruler or a famous artist .

Pugs with the nicknames Mars, Julius and Guy, Akbar, Adam, Zeus, Ares, Vulcan, Juan, as well as Darius, Louis and Juan behave very kindly, but at the same time with great dignity. Fans of oriental exoticism try to emphasize the Chinese roots of the popular breed with their nickname, so they often give their pet such original names as Fusi, Pangu, Chan, Leigong, Cao, Kangxi, Segun, Liao, Qin, as well as Wang, Tan and Shang. As a rule, a pug with such an unusual nickname behaves with imperial calm.

This is interesting! There are well-known cases when, having chosen a nickname for their pet with a lot of growling sounds, the owner over time was faced with unmotivated aggression from a grown pug.

Care and maintenance of pugs

Maintenance does not require large investments. The pug needs to be given a cozy place with a mattress to rest, but keep in mind that the dog snores quite loudly in its sleep. You will need bowls for food and water, toys that can be chewed, tools for caring for fur and claws, a leash and collar for walking, and warm, waterproof overalls.

It is very useful to meet and communicate with the owners of this breed, who will tell the whole truth about pugs, the intricacies of keeping and care.

Teeth and coat care

The specific structure of the jaws of pugs leads to the fact that pieces of food get stuck between them. An unpleasant odor appears and the gums may become inflamed. Brush your teeth two to three times a week with a brush and chicken-flavored toothpaste.

Pugs have short fur, so they don't need to be brushed or cut often. For care, use a brush, cloth and a special glove to collect hairs. They are rarely bathed, otherwise the protective film on the skin will be damaged. You can clean the coat with dry shampoo. It is rubbed in and then combed out.


The diet of pugs should be balanced and moderate, as they are prone to gaining excess weight. Puppies are fed 4-5 times, and by eight months their food intake is reduced to twice a day.

The diet should contain:

  • lean meat (rabbit, chicken, beef);
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetables (except potatoes);
  • kefir, cottage cheese;
  • porridge;
  • greenery.

Flour and sausage products, milk, sweets, salt and pasta are contraindicated for pugs.

When choosing ready-made pet food, we focus on premium and super-premium quality. The serving size should correspond to the dog’s weight and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Walking outside

Despite the fact that the pug is called a “couch” dog, it needs walks. At 3-4 months, they walk five times for 15-20 minutes. By the age of one year, the time spent in air is increased to 30-40 minutes twice a day. A leisurely walk near the house and a short jog is enough. In winter, at temperatures below -20 ⁰C, dress the dog and walk it for no more than 15 minutes. The same duration in the heat, at +25 ⁰С and above.

Care for folds

Numerous folds on your pet's face require daily care. They are wiped with damp wipes to remove food debris, dust, and fallen hairs. Lack of hygienic care for folds leads to the development of dermatitis, skin inflammation, and in severe cases, blood poisoning.

Training and education

You need to start training from a young age, when pugs are not so stubborn. You need to let the dog know that you are not playing with it, but training it. For a positive result, you will need patience and constant practice. You can't yell at the puppy. You can achieve results only with persistence, affection and encouragement with treats.

Predisposition to disease

Those who decide to get a pug need to know about the existence of diseases characteristic of this breed:

  1. Aseptic necrosis of the hip - the joint ceases to function due to impaired blood flow.
  2. Juvenile demodicosis is a parasitic skin disease caused by mites.
  3. Obesity is excess weight gain due to overfeeding or disorders in the endocrine system.
  4. Respiratory syndrome - frequent colds that are a consequence of the structure of the muzzle.

The cardiovascular system

A pet has heart problems if it does not tolerate even minor physical exertion - it gets tired quickly and breathes frequently. Other symptoms are possible:

  1. Change in the shade of the mucous membranes to bluish.
  2. Pulse 120-140 beats per minute.
  3. Spontaneous cough.
  4. Intense thirst.

If these symptoms are detected, you need to reduce the dog’s physical activity to a minimum and contact a veterinary clinic.

Respiratory system

Snoring and breathing problems are common among all pugs. This is explained by the brachycephalic shape of the skull. Don’t be alarmed if your dog often inhales air and makes strange noises. “Reverse sneezing” occurs due to dust and pollen entering the back wall of the nasopharynx. To stop the attack, you need to pinch your nostrils or tickle your neck.

If your dog is coughing or has nasal discharge, it means he has a cold. The breed is very sensitive to cold and is prone to bronchitis.


Due to insufficient tear production, keratoconjunctivitis may develop. The eyes turn red, the eyelids become inflamed. If left untreated, the infection spreads and affects the entire eye.

Another eye disease, entropion, develops as a result of the bending of the edge of the eyelid. Eyelashes irritate the cornea and cause inflammation. At an early stage, the pathology is eliminated surgically.

Breeders' advice

A proper name or nickname is given to any dog, including a pug, in order to quickly attract the attention of a pet. The nickname must be short and sonorous. A name with a maximum of five or six letters is optimal . Quite often, in the pedigree documents of a super-titled purebred dog, a nickname that is too complex, long and almost unpronounceable is written down. In this case, it is advisable to choose some abbreviation of the name, which will be used at home.

This is interesting! According to experienced breeders, a very interesting and unusual nickname for a pug can be obtained by adding several letters from the name of each parent or using the most popular and beautiful-sounding geographical names.

How to choose a puppy

The main advice when choosing a pug is not new: contact kennels with an excellent reputation or experienced breeders, because animals purchased second-hand or through private advertisements may have not only external or disqualifying defects, but also significant health problems.

Before buying a pug, carefully study the pedigree of the parents, look at the living conditions of the animals, and get to know the puppy. A healthy baby, in addition to a correctly formed skeleton, standard color and the characteristics described in the breed standard, must have a lively, friendly disposition, not be afraid of people and not show aggression, and not be apathetic.

What to name a boy pug

Pugs are the dogs of the emperor, so owners of a male dog of this breed, as a rule, try to choose the most non-trivial and very unusual or simply well-remembered nickname for their pet:

  • Adonis, Arnie, Azur, Achilles, Allegro, Albert, Argos, Archie, Apollo, Anatole, Ajax, Avalon, Adam, Axel and Aslan;
  • Bruce, Busker, Broderick, Brandy, Boniface, Flat, Bluegrass, Bundy, Baloo, Blaze, Balthazar, Bonza and Blackberry;
  • Viking, Walter, Valium, Vesuvius, Webster, Vityaz, Valentino, Virage, Windsor, Velvet and Washington;
  • Hermes, Harvard, Gargantua, Hephaestus, Hero, Glen, Gonzo, Gus, Galahad and Hector;
  • Douglas, Donovan, Dayrek, Descartes, Damian and Jazzman;
  • Emelyan, Yenisei, Euclid, Euphrates and Ephraim;
  • Jardon, Gerard, Joseph, Georges, Geoffrey, Jacques, Jean and Jerome;
  • Sigmund, Siegfried, Zephyr, Zaire, Zurgas, Zingaro and Zanzibar;
  • Indiana, Icarus, Irving, Job, Jonah, Infinity, Inferno and Iris;
  • Clyde, Conrad, Kane, Quentin, Kai, Cornelius, Quant, Kabuki, Capri, Cavin, Kelvin, Claude and Kern;
  • Liam, Lucas, Lexus, Leroy, Leo, Lewis, Lambert, Lucius, Leslie, Laiki, Lloyd, Luther, Ludwig and Locky;
  • Monty, Martin, Milan, Mickey, Mars, Mack, Morgan, Merlin, Mao, Mikado, Mirage, Morris, Min, Mathias and Midas;
  • Neil, Noah, Nitro, Nestor, Neuron, Neon, Neo, Noir, Nils and Nathan;
  • Opal, Orlando, Ozzy, Odin, Orpheus, Opus, Oliver, Omar, Owen, Orwell, Oswald, Oscar and Onyx;
  • Paladin, Pierrot, Pluto, Pico, Patrick, Pegasus, Pierre, Paisley, Polo, Pablo, Picasso, Peter and Poirot;
  • Rupert, Ralph, Romulus, Roxy, Roden, Rodeo, Rolex, Roy, Robin, Ryder, Roy, Robbie and Raja;
  • Simon, Sydney, Scott, Scotch, Saturn, Santa, Sahib, Stevie, Cyrano, Samson, Simon, Stephen, Sultan and Sisyphus;
  • Tori, Tommy, Titan, Tokyo, Tristan, Theodore, Tybalt and Taurus;
  • Walden, Urry, Winston, Ulysses, Waney, White, Lancer, Uranus and Wally;
  • Fax, Felix, Phoenix, Francis, Figaro, Fidel, Frank, Faust, Finny, Franklin and Faun;
  • Jerez, Hippy, Javier, Khan, Charon, Hunter, Higgins, Khalif, Holmes, Harris, Hank and Humphrey;
  • Caesar, Cyan, Cesium, Chase, Chivas and Chester;
  • Chance, Shah, Charles, Chablis, Shannon, Sheridan, Shiraz, Sean, Shelby, Shanie, Sherry, Sheikh and Sherlock;
  • Edgar, Andy, Eric, Emil, Earl, Edward, Elvis, Alfie, Air, Emir, Eliot, Ashley and Elf;
  • Jan, Eustace, Jason, Yappie, Yukon, Julius and Jurgen.

How to name a pug girl

A nickname for a girl pug can simply be beautiful and sonorous, or have some meaning . For example, a puppy born in the fall can be called Akiko or “autumn child,” and one with a very attractive exterior can be called Haruki or “shining.” Also, the owner of a pug can use nicknames popular among domestic dog breeders:

  • Agatha, Adlaya, Annalisa, Aloha, Abigail, Atalia, Andromeda, Anatta, Alicia, Aspasia, Aiveko, Aziza and Astera;
  • Brandy, Bertha, Bastet, Bagheera, Brilla, Bassie, Beatrice, Beata, Belle, Bridget, Bimbo, Bella, Blonde, Bonnie, Banisha and Brienne;
  • Vanilla, Wanda, Windy, Viola, Wendy, Vlasta, Vika, Valencia, Vlada, Vilma, Violet and Villenda;
  • Gwendolyn, Gwyneth, Griselda, Grimalkin, Gerda, Gabriella, Garbo, Gerna, Greta, Goetta and Gwenna;
  • Jess, Daphnia, Donna, Dixie, Virgo, Daisy, Guineviera, Jennifer, Giocondia, Jessica, Delilah, Dominica and Dora;
  • Geneva, Jeanette, Zlata, Zaniya, Zita, Giselle, Evika, Janelle, Jasmina, Joilly, Zarella, Zelda, Josephine and Zurna;
  • Indira, Inora, Iolanta, Iolanta, Ivetta, Isis, Ilythria, Islena, Willow, Isha, Inessa, Ida, Isolde, Indara, Iliad, Isabella and Inga;
  • Ketta, Kayla, Katley, Carrie, Carmelina, Quincy, Caprice, Corinna, Kahlua, Clementine and Cora;
  • Luna, Laurel, Liz, Lotta, Lolita, Lana, Lola, Leona, Lorna, Lila, Lucille, Lillian, Lulu, Libby, Louise, Lucia, Lottie, Laura, Lucretia, Leslie, Lily and Linda;
  • Matilda, Marie, Maila, Medea, Madeira, Monica, Marilla, Maribel, Molly, Mirka and Mini;
  • Naida, Noel, Nurita, Nora, Nixa, Nuna, Narin, Nova, Niveta, Noldi, Nabi, Nike, Nancy, Nevida, Nefertiti, Neala, Nemi and Nemda;
  • Olita, Orla, Orly, Omega, Oito, Onega, Oya, Ozola, Oprah, Oida, Ora, Oda, Olli, Orsa, Ormella, Omma, Oliva, Onika and Orta;
  • Prunella, Pani, Persia, Paisley, Psyche, Parvati, Puma, Polly, Patricia, Palermo, Panna, Pandora and Prima;
  • Roina, Rafela, Rolda, Ravenna, Roxana, Rada, Rosalia, Rona, Rosa, Ruta, Rihanna, Rory, Raquel, Rio, Rebecca and Roisie;
  • Sabina, Seraphima, Sidonia, Suzanne, Salami, Sabrina, Selena, Setanta, Sandrina and Cecilia;
  • Tilda, Tabiata, Tabitha, Tiffany, Tapionica, Tonica, Tropicana, Tiya, Tabbina, Tibbi, Tiramisu, Trinina and Teimira;
  • Helen, Phoebe, Ullanika, Unika, Umka, Florence, Ursula, Hana, Uriel, Hiiva, Happy, Haiku, Honda, Ondine, Foxy, Frida, Filla and Flaira;
  • Shella, Sherry, Shagana, Celesta, Chili, Chanita, Tsarina, Miracle, Cecilia, Chara, Chantelli, Schinelle, Sheila, Shannon, Cesara, Shiraz and Charita;
  • Eloisa, Elmira, Elisa, Ellis, Eliza, Enteri, Ernestina, Edmond, Emily, Eillad, Eilly, Esther, Evnika and Egina;
  • Yujana, Yunessa, Yuta, Yukki, Yuzara, Yarga, Yanina, Yudiata, Yunika, Yazza, Yanitta, Juno, Yanika, Yara, Yuloita, Yusta, Yasha, Yalissa, Yulonna and Yucca.

For girls (female nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Alicia Anata Asha Amala Abu Asta Adolfa (noble wolf) Anais Azuma (oriental) Asha Adetta Aratama (jewel) Anfiska Angelina Argentina Aphra Akilli ("smart in Turkish) Argenta (silver) Agrona (fighting, fighting) Amazon Augusta (majestic) Azalia Agna (chaste, holy) Agusha Annette Aurora (affectionate, favorite) Alicia Aurora (affectionate, favorite) Amalia Aymara Apsara (angelic) Alpa of Avalon (apple island) Anti Aborigine Akiro Aviva Asura Amelia Alrika

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Bozheva Barsia Benedicta (blessed) Bereginya Bagirka Baksa Bellatrix Bernadette Bun Blaine (yellow-skinned) Goddess Belissa Bina Bunya Bonanza Basilica Banana Brigitte Bella Gray Bakara Buklya Bagirka Barbarella Blue Sky Blackie Bozhena Blonka Beata Bonduka (victory, winner) Bellona Red Mullet Bokkhe Businka Beckham Bayra Bina Bat girl (superheroine bat) Crimson Bazooka Barbariska

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Varya Violetta Vasilina Vorozheya Venus Vladlena Valge Virianna Whitey Venya Vasyutka Valencia Volfa Vredina Vaska Veda Vella Wolframia Vlasta Venta Vlasa Vasyona Valeria Vanga Volya Voronika Varka Wendy Vassa Valeri Vikusha Vyushka Valesta Varyusha Verena Valeria Verbina Virginia Myav Villona

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Blueberry Gyurza Glada Dove Glam Grimhilda (the evil queen from the film "Snow White") Grisa (in Basque) Gaffi Gzhelka Gerberga Greif Godzilla Gemera Gertrud Grenka Gel Grona Goetta Groznoslava Gzhel Gerda Gertrud Grustinka Gardenia Greata Gulnara Gyuzel Gitta Gabrita Glada Gemera Grenka Hestia Guitar Glam Guitar Gulchatay Grushka Godzilla Gella

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Dayti (intellectual) Dominica Jisa Dayti (intellectual) Jaffa Judy Dasha Julie Divna (Diva) Dumka Dinya Dinya Daphne Precious Donya Danuta Dunya Devona Daring Jatta (***yka) Georgia Dira Daghira Daira Dema June Dona Dogma Josette Jerome Georgina Delfina Dudyuka Daffy Duck Jacka Docha Julia Dayu (black jade) Dziuba Denzel

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Eniya Evelisa Raccoon Egina Ermiya Elya Egorka Elizaveta Yemil Enil Elizabet Yegera Elya Efima Emochka Edviga Ema Elochka Edviga Eroshka Eurasia Evra Yegera Elna Europe Elva Egina Eurosha Yena Elna Yena Enila Raccoon Efrosinya Elika Evra Yomma Erika Ersel Evangelina

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Gerona Jaconya Geneva Gilles Jesy Zhenka Zheka Julianna Zhuzha Zheka Chewing gum Zhuzhuka Jeanette Zhemchuzhina Zhesika Chewing Zhuzhanna Zhmurka Zheka Zheikhe Zhulia Zhesy Zhenka Zheka Zhelka Zhelka Zhelka Zhuzhelitsa Juliet Zhaconya Giselle Josette Zhuly Zhulya Honeysuckle Zhesika Jeanette Geneva Zhes Ika Ground Beetle

Nicknames for the letter 3

Zippy Zeynep Goldilocks Zoya's Fun Zvezdochka Zuleika Zapka Znayka Zilarra (in Albanian) Zamba Zobar Zoranta Zara Zorka Zina Zinaida Zense Zorka Zaznoba Zephyr's idea Zeggy Zuleika Zloba Zapka Zorka Zamba Zita Zinaida Zvezda Zalia Zoya Ziga Zinka Zlatka Zurine Zora Ziga Za gara

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Iveta Alien Isabel Isabel Idilia Ivashka Ilona Isolda Igrunya Iriska Yolanda Inessa Ilyusha Irisa Empire Iolanta Illiana Isidora Imogen Yolanda Irlotta Alien Isolde Irma Iveya Idilia Ilma Indiko Izida Irena (peace) Indiko Igrulya Ilina Iolanta Irisia Yin-Yang Isabel Isra (free) a) Iffi Inna

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Caligula Pile of Code Crispy Quinta Cola Columbine Caligula Princess Camila (guardian) Kayla the Queen Catzilla Carnelia Caligula Cuttlefish Kate Cote Creole Clarice (light, bright) Kitty-Purry Cosette Cannika (blooming) Karelia Connor Strawberry Caramel Kastoria Clarissa Christine Candy Kosya Queen Rat Kirsa Krishna ( black) Cinnamon Cleopatra Katie Puri Dried apricots

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Lilac Mila Lady Gray Lanera Noodles Lire Louise Luna Lapa Lipa Leda Lyalya Lindsay Letitia Lizaveta Louise Liana Lisetta (vows given to God) Lapsya Liem Lemurka Lacoste Lila Lila Loya Linea Lukoshka Ribbon Leonora Lilya Livia Lepa Leysan Lila Lucia Ribbon Laguna Lima Liana Lexa Lvena

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Mate Marlies Merula Mada Mozzarella Musume Fashionista Masa (truth) Mia McKenna McKenna Blizzard Meggie Murzilka Melli Malta Beaker Manka Monica Madea Mafia Miyu (gentle beauty) Menno Muse Malinka Miroslava Motya Mulya Madeleine Mint Methodia Minerva Matyusha Matyusha Margarita Matte Muroslava Muna (Moon) Mirabella Maggie

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Natalie Navarra Naya Nancy Found Nancy Fog Nutella Nyukta New Nana Netta Nezha Netta Nana Nuxi Norma Nella Nara Found Nyukta Thread Nyxa Nesmeyana Narine Niveta Nereid (sea) Night fairy Noyabrina Nicolet (glorious winner) Nerpa Nirvana Nola Nicoletta ***a Novella Nasta Nevada Naomi *__**ia Nolly

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Oxy Orlette Odalisque Olery Ophelia Olsi Obi (snow white) Omari (noble blood) Onega Otava Mistletoe Oliva Osaka Odzora (celestial oceans) Octavia Otrada Hollypaw Orlana Onega Ockerville Octaviana Onafiel (moon angel) Onafiel (moon angel) Onika Olesya Olympia Oka Olvia Mistletoe Orihime Orihime Ocher Oprah Whisker Orel Alcide Otelia Osa Oda Omari (noble blood) Ozola

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Polly Poopy Papaya Foam Polyandra Ponku Dumpling Patsy Pauletta Patricia Pani Pepsi Dumpling Blizzard Peacock Peacock Panther Luna Peuperi Persephone Dumpling Paloma ("dove in Spanish) Patty Patsy Fifteen Perry Prelude Penelope Pompeya Panther Leopardovna Patricia Heel Perseus Princess Caroline Petrovna Kidney Persephone Punce Ettiya Panda Panya Praskovya

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Rosalina (Franklin) Ryusha Redhead Rose Barks Raffaella Rodana Rusalka Roxolana Daisy Rose Riana Rinya Rina Radish Roma Rysenka Tails Raina Rosamurka Ryzhuha Runa Romuald Rufina Rufina Shell Regina Rainbow Redhead Radmila Rafina Rosanna Rauza Rinya Reda Reda Rian Rubena (named after the ruby) Rosette Ratan ( my treasure) Rolda

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Stimpy Sati Sloan (little raider) Soraha Sammy Sylvia Sidra (daughter of the stars) Senta Styopka Sashulya Setta Sahara Snezhanna Solka Solka Snezhka Sandy Slivka Steffi (crown) Spoofi Severina Sakura Syoma Sashulya Scythia Dragonfly Simha (Hebrew “happiness”) Siamese Samuel Smurfeta Santaria Sunti (Universe , world) Santa Meaus Salvador Saomi Sibyl Cyril (ruler, landowner) Siena Celeste Siena

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Tesla Tinga Tulya Theodora Tissa Timka Tefalka Talia Tinka Tida (daughter) Taman Tensi Tia Taika Cod Tinga Tima Tavern Tensi Taya Tikki Tora-tigress Twilla (twilight) Titania Tera Tagri Temira Tuchka Tabata Tobina Tapa (Slipper) Tasha Tuma Tola (bringing success) Tosya Taira Tamika (friendly) Tricia Tiggy Tamara

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Uma Uzya Urchunya Unikol Smile Usya Snail Welsey Usel Ulfa Success Ura Ustina Uska Welsey Ufa Ubar Ustinya Umbrella Usandi Whitey Usel Usel Uraganka Urgos Umnyashka Ursa Ustina Ushka Ulyana Uraganka Ustinya Ulitka Ulfa Una Wes Waite Ursana Umida Whitney

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Freya Feva Frida Foggy Fenka Freya Phryne Francisca (free) Philadelphia Foxy Frida Feta Fat Kat Fleya Ferrero Flash drive Falina Ferrero Foggy Fancy-Fancy Fiesta Fantasy Freesia Fufyrka Fade Flash drive Firte Feofaniya Futya Fabula Filicia Fairy Fendi Furia Fusya Fantasy Flute Foggy Fata Fergie

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Chiron **__** Helma Heather Helga Helma Hasta Hanga Hime (kind) Hooligan Junta Khavronya Christina Chrysanthemum Hime (kind) Hiro, Hiroshi (non-greedy, generous) Christiana Huffi (peaceful giant) Juana Haruto (sun in the sky) Haruna (spring) Firecracker Henna Happy Chiron Charitona Holly-Dolly Heda Hamurra Holly Harissa Henessey Hime (princess) Ponytail Honey Heather Hamurra Predator Henessey Predator

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Citadel of Caesarius Tsarina Cinna Tsvetai Caesar Tsesso Ceya Cyclona Quote Tsillya Celeste Cephea Celsius Tsenta Tsenta Tsenta Tsarapa Putyatishna Tsarina Tsarapunya Tsvetai Tsoira Tsypka Cecilia Tsena Tsillya Ceres Tsilli Cesa Citra Tsigan Tsilya Tsventa Gypsy Sera Quote Tsesya Tsintiya Celsius Tsilya

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Changa Chantira (moon) Chara Chudetta Chicholina Cheka Devil Chacha Chicha Chicholina Cheshirka **__** Chica Chicoletta Chessy Chunya Chinzana Chupa Charlita Nonsense Chuya Chana Chikki Chaco Teal Chincana Chelsea Chaya Chunya Cheshirka Chinita Chinzana Chatri (brave warrior) Nonsense Chita Chicha Celesta Chucha Chudetta Chessie

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Chanel Steffi Steffi Shunty Shelda Shaggy Shana Shock's Coat Shusha Shasta Shabby Charlotte Bobbin Shay Schnaps Show Checker Washer Shamba Shinta Shaina's Fur Shinta Shtral (beam) Charlie Chanel Minx Overcoat Shayne Shizuka (quiet) Shaitanka Sheetsy Sheda Shaggy Sheila Scheherazade Shaggy Sheikha Chardonnay

Nicknames starting with the letter Ш

Tickle Bristle Tickle Bristle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Bristle Chirp Chirp Tickle Bristle Chirp Tickle Tickle Tickle Chirp Chirp Tickle Tickle Chirp Tickle

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Amber Esterina Esta Ellis Esther Eleanor Etzel Ann (sweet and graceful) Elfa Epiona Evelia/Evie (living) Alison Alice Elina Elsinore Evans Enzyme Era Edina Eurydice Edita Eme Eyva Erin Eliza Enala Angel Esther Eira Etoile Emmy Eureka Amy Edra Elizabeth Alice Elletra (diamond) Evolution Energy Ero (happy, joyful)

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Nimble Yuna Yuzhanka Yusichka Yusichka Yusichka Yulya Yurata Yulianna Yusi Yulota Yuliana Yunota Judit Yurga Yunon Yuni Yuzhka Yurga Yurate Yusya Yusya Yulia Yuzhanka Yumi Yuni Yunon Yurga Yusina Yunia Yurata Yurka Yuvetta Yusta Yutitsiya Yuzhka Yure Yubilyara Judith

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yasmina Yaffy Java Yanya Yaris Yaga Berry Yaska Yanita Yasmina Yagusha Yaris Yantarinka Yarolika Yaska Yanessa Yagula Yaris Yaza Yanushka Yara Yamaha Berry Yaska Yanya Yamaha Yashka Yanina Fury Yanetta Yassa Yantarinka Yasna Yanga Yantarka Yantarina Yasya Bright Yamaha Yanula

The coolest and the best

Joanna Kep Zoppo Joanna Jake Jules Demi Meaur Wester Copesque Boo Hector Jake Harlequin Bat Baton Amon-Ra Hermione Africa Zerona Baguette Gorse Aiko (beloved child) Donella Zulfia Colt Egor Anchovy Ami (friend) Gizmo Ariel Aladdin Zulfia Willy Bizet Digne Debra Paw Dzedo (paradise tabernacles) Aya Bes

Simple and easy

Athol Blanco End Lis Shafi Fuchs Rock Aubin (snow-white) Rina Ocher Sol (sun god in Ancient Rome) Iago Ted Lady King Milo Laric Oke Usa Spear Plush Ding Pysh Eza Rami Kit Pepe Amira Kat Friend Leva Asya Taffy Brave Merce Louvre Sword Aisik Larsi Mriya


Kyra Martian Doula Marcelos Daffy Duck Acacia Cola Gilles Laric Grace Amelia Ivona Zakary Lars Logan Blue Camellia Ivanhoe Kevin Antay (confident, stable) Adelaide (noble birth) Darjeeling Gwydion Aelita Europa Gwydion Zarya Grendel (monster from Beowulf) Alistair Indigo Baltus Brunnhilde Kevin Empire Wolframia Adagio Cognac Crone Dinya Lore Erhan

Cool and funny

Queen Juzia Bonus Gollum Bomb Vitas Bagel Queen Belusik Kipish Danke Honduras Declan Jushiro Domesticat Gangster Asterix His Vasyatka Zero Sandwich Davi (the most favorite) Boomer Dumpling Hansik Peanut Ashot Jesy Crookshank Gromozeka Blackberry Darg Gollum Antony Vasek Armature Jushiro Abrasha Big Agar- Agar


Maina Uganda Firefly Usamo Tsap Scratch Alfie Aniko Tsefat Tamerlan Keenan (detached) Hruma Akella Tarhun Tinka Rogue Sarbona Raisin Starlight Goliath Hamlet Nehru (born of the day) Leoncia Skipper Oksana Styopa Tomik Zlatka Uchar Chokolat Styopka Obivan Ultramarine Darkness Firecracker Shannon Tonny Roosevelt Gorgon Elna Radar

Unusual, interesting and original

Benson Basileus Barracuda Boxing Bershka Aine Aitvaras Arturo Beilis Alita Algir Aitvaras Beckham Aztec Blizzard Wilson Azamat Van Gogh Vinsic Benefit Bugzy Wilda Bilbo Anel Amiur Agron Barbaros Blizzard Afanas ("immortal") Vagay Barracuda Ardek Amanita Beilis Akbar Baikal Vaitik Aratama (jewel) Belyan Amato


Jay Valik Zorka Benya Pearl Gorisvet Petka Jay Bronya Voskhod Guslyar Danis Sparrow Jabo Zerman Zyuzya Gennady (Gena, Genasha, Genusya, Genya, Gesha) Volday Dobryak Bolt Dream Balkhash


Polo German Wenzel Abnar Butter Astin Dorotheus Belini Bayard Dussi Herbert Ice-Cream Balder (Prince) James Bond Allan Alton Buffalo Jade Addy (also noble, generous) William Zorik Henry


Zelot Wagner Grend Bismarck Dea (goddess) Bismarck Julie Gerda Gretel Grend Zelot Hubert Joseph Vesya Berk Zima Virfold Joysick Smokey Gothic


Gayem Delphine Jacques-Claude Leventina Cappuccino Bastian Lourdes Idol Katida (cute kitten) Katie-Purry Antoine Cartoon Nael Jade Cappuccino Cornelius Beaumond Mackintosh Gregor Kendrick Nani Carbone Bless Beaumonde


Zemych Baise (Japanese) Bonsai Highlander Zender Hedgehog Gil Bushido (ancient military code of honor) Akita Rogue Veron Jose Atsuko (warm, cozy) Denzel Ayame (iris) Julien Sigmund Bansei (eternal) Iolanta Asami (beauty of the morning) Shaiko Jet Jeanne Bansei ( eternal) Degris

For furry

Dark Devi West Gaylord (dandy) Everywhere Velvet Adanami (the sound of waves) Daria Jamie Dantes Velvet Dark Adanami (the sound of waves) June Gaylord (dandy) Vasyutka Devlin Jermaine Jagger Jagger Hobbes Dantes Gaylord (dandy) Joker Devlin Jacka Wind (wind) Velvet Valerie Velvet Denis Dark Jason Denis Valerie Deimos Jayln (quiet voice, stopping) Dara the Everlasting, Tao (asterisk) Gerald

For black

Asia (dark) Diamond Daria Darst Dartie (dark as darkness itself) Dustin Vithelotte Noir ("living black") Griffon Bagirka Dara Dartie (dark as darkness itself) Verdi Dedrick (people's ruler) Venya Gina Voronica Danko Darst Daria Adrianna (dark) Dwan, Dwayne, Duane (dark) Dark Vermouth Gehenna (Hell in the New Testament) Diamond Danko Bagheera Darklight Dedrick (people's ruler) Dusk Jimmy Choo Bagheera Jungles Darklight Gina Dallas Dusk Granita Vermouth Dzedama (pretty, beautiful)

For white

Daria Veronica Velor Jemima Gabby Beluga (a variety of lentils whose grains resemble black caviar) Beluga (a variety of lentils whose grains resemble black caviar) Albern (white) Whitetail Jemima Blonde White White Fang Vatan Dater**__** Eternity Deffer Demmy Black Berry Josh Daring Arctic Veles Weiss Black Velvet Albino Dandy Belek Whitetail Darklin Black Top Belomor Belomor Jemima Whitey Albern (white) Dandy Albino White Black Berry

For the redhead

Vellas Versailles Vera Akadama (amber-colored) Jannet (God's grace) Adamina (red-haired) Aka (red, red-haired) Aka (red, red-haired) Delma Darty (dark as darkness itself) Delko Vera Rubin Akadama (amber-colored) Daitan (brave and bold) Ardon (bronze) Crimson Jiterry Delma Scarlet Debian Vellas Gregg (vigilant and cautious) Vern Jibo Gregg (vigilant and cautious) Vera Rubin Versailles Delma Akadama (amber-colored) Danuta Jannet (the grace of God) Gypsy Gilly Jaity Darina Jiterry Jaffa Versailles Delma Akadama (amber color)

For gray

Dior Giro (second child) Gray Dacy Weyhouse Gippy Verunchik Gray Vizier Gray Argentum Joe Deshawn Dodger Grayson Groucho Dory (right, correct) Dennis Jacob Gippy Darsick Dodger Dolan Dior Gavin Gently Gavin Azelstan (noble stone, so you can call a gray cat) Dessert Argyris (silver) Danger Gavin Weyhouse Didier Dodger Didier Grace George Giuddy Argenta (silver)

Nickname by color

Beautiful, very sonorous and quite rare names for a breed such as a pug can reflect not only behavioral characteristics, but also the main color of the pet.

Important! Remember that in a kennel club and kennel, the nicknames of all puppies of the same litter always begin with the same letter with the addition of a registered factory prefix, so choosing a name for such a pug is much more difficult.

Nicknames for black pugs

Black pugs are very popular both in our country and among foreign breeders . It is not difficult to choose a suitable nickname for a dog with this color: Angus, Coal, Besik, Blackwell, Little Imp, Blakey, Voronok, Gypsy, Zorro, Chernysh, Onyx, Pirate and Black, as well as Blackberry, Midnight, Nochka, Chiba, Whitney, Panther, Coffee, Miyako, Bagheera, Shadow, Amayo, Noira, Blakey, Mocha and Arabica.

Nicknames for silver dogs

Pugs with a silver color have the most calm and almost completely calm character, and are also most often used as nanny dogs for small children. The following nicknames are perfect for such a pet: Bell, White, Blankus, Weiss, Coconut, Nord, Frost, Aliot, Light, Alcor, Castor, Pollux and Casper, as well as Perseya, Bella, Biolica, Milka, Vega, Lyra, Hotaru, Electra , Norsi, Nillasa, Aisa, Asa, Zephyria, Hikari, Yuki, Baltia, Snezha and Vesta.

Name for a beige pug

Pugs of this color have a denser and rather thick coat, which is due to the presence of a shading polygene.

As practice shows, beige and apricot pugs are most often avid melancholics, and the most popular nicknames include: Emelya, Korzhi, Beige or Beja, Almond, Neon, Buttercup, Peach, Persian, Velvet, Truffle, Feodor, Mason, Cinnamon, Sandy , Chelsea, Sunny, Chiquita, Hayley, Stella, Maige, Cassady, Daisy, Dixie, Holly, Bertha, Chasey, Shinju and Trixie.

For boys (male nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Ardon (bronze) Amore (beloved) Ivor Ice Cream Aramis Anfisury Aryk Aquamarine Ashot Avdey Aries Asher/Vin (happy) Ai Aland Amur Aleit Abadon Artil Isaac Amar Akbash Aivar Ami (friend) Anhur (god of hunting and war) Asian Admin Amias Ice- Cream Amadeo Agar Aji Aristarchus Abunay (dangerous) Ava (cheerful) Aji Argoz Aydyr Argentum Anchovy Aori (wind)

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Barracuda Belle Bonbon Borzik Banana Pinocchio Boy Bekir Brom Diamond Bryony Bann Bandi Balkhan Bams Bek Bekir Branson Boss Gray Bambi Balfour Boston Minion Babasik Bill Barzik Bernand Balder (Prince) Bagor Batman Bullet Brigitte Brak Barin Bright Box Brogan Belysh Blackberry Bakul

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Valdis William Vicar Waltz Valens Venus de Milo Vincent William Vicar Viol Vey Westleigh Wolf Vilyan Vi***et Warrior Windsor Wizzy Basilisk Vansai Vazil (Bulgarian) Raven Vuk Veva Vel Wolf Vax Voivode Leader Verdi Jack Whiskey Vermouth Screw Werther Werther Vince Vlas Wilhelm Watashi (I'm sure)

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Gimbert Gilbert Griffon Ginger Grif Gable Groom Hephaestus Gonzales Henry Gavin Gaspar Gandolf Count Great Hamlet The Terrible Garrett Gur Grail Grian Galkin Gricho Gecko Gavrosh Glorious Granny Gober (brilliant) Helmut Hudson Garm Gatcher Hardy Gisin (fear) Gylfer Gorisvet Greg/Gregory (cautious, vigilant) Gulden Gerrik (Old German) Grend

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Daikon Domino Joni Julus Joystick Jed Doodle Dzeo (empress or queen) Dustin Dilda Donkor (shy, modest) Dawlat Darren Dashil Dakki Dzedzi (girl) Doug Derok (stubborn, arrogant) Jake Jano Darrin Ding Desmond Dorn Dandy Degris Jeffrey Ding Dud Dejan Daniel / Daniel Dernis Durst Jamsher Jerry Dake Davlat Diaz Janko Dasik

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Yesen Egon Yesenin Emelyan Enar Euclid Eremey Yeger Enson Ezhen Eroh Egypt Esaul Erofey Egypt Emmy Evgesha Hedgehog Eroh Esmon Emmy Raccoon Hedgehog Esmon Elezar Erang Evlampius Euphrates Hedgehog Eko (light of the sun) Yesen Eney Emelyan Elai Eku (winged) Egaru (joy) Eroh Eliphan Yerim Estus

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Zhuchi Jean Luc Pikay Zheik Jean Georges Gigalo Joshua Jacomot Jean-Paul Jasper Junien (Roman family name) Jeannot Gilles Julbars Jean-Luc Rogue Crookshanks Jardine, Jerome Germont Gesvit Jaurès Juan Zalgiris Jacomo Jacques-Claude Jockey Janon Zhora Giraffe Zhek Zhurzhik Jacques Georges Jardon Janin Jourdain Gerard Pearl Janon Joshua

Nicknames for the letter 3

Zerok Zabiyaka Zephyr Ziger Ziellah Zillah Zmeeghor Zmeyegor Zaika Zonberg Zenberg Zefirchik Zukko Zenzi Star Light Zeik Zephyrchik Zombi Znimbi Zinnur Zord Zekko Zerou Zerou Zakikas Zako Zet Zeta Zyuma Zet Zorni

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Imher (archer) Ingar Irsen Egen (my honor, dignity) Irens Ikarus Ishel Ginger Ilves Illariy Illius Egen (my honor, dignity) Helot Irus Easton Imar Imanuel Ingus Igrun Iraq Emperor Islav Intey Irdi Immanuel Ginger Jordan Ishtar Inoti (embodiment of life) Irnat Ibis Ippolit Matveevich Imbo Iyan Isamu (vigorous, healthy) Ibis Ibrahim Jezebel Irbis Irutus

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yori Yorick Yog Johan Yorick Jakka Ian Yoschka Josef Jakka Yakot

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Cameron Pencil Catswill Casimir Cappuccino Coton (cotton) Kittycat Cyrus Kantor Karabas Kadosay (moving and active) Coll Clemens Chancellor Kazik Cognac Castor Kian Constantine Cognac Kazi Bobtail Keikei (magnificent, brilliant) Klavier Clouds (eng. Clouds) Catherine Zeta-Bones Colin Corentyne ( hurricane, storm) Cat Stevens Cadmus Kenzo

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Laurel Lexus Lynch Leopold Lizok Lapiskat (lapjeskat) Lettise (happiness) Lyle Lavan (“magnificent, unsurpassed) Lemon Leo Little Lecturer Leonor (foreign, other) Lama Lo-Yo Lingo Lasko Lewis Ladis Lavender August Laid Lucifur Lanark Lenox Luke, Lucius, Lucius (light) Pilot Lelouch Lotus Lusik Lucian Lefort Lama Leopard Liv (life) Lek Lukyan Lucius Lucas Lannister

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Mityai Michelin Mavrik Small Marble Makar Masumi (irrefutable truth) Lighthouse Miyako (child of the night) Manchester Malsik Mot Mouse Menor Mizu (blue, Japanese) Copper Murchaslav March Young Mab Minaku (beautiful) Morsic Maximus Merlot Mail MacLeod Madoc Maru (round) Mitsuo ( hero) Mor Miyako (child of the night) Morkovin Mulatto Muriel Masaki (huge tree) Myafchik Murat Morpheus Malfik Mick

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Neil Nathan Narcissus Nonsense Nui

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Olf Orbit Island Olf Oli Oberon Auguste (majestic) Auguste (majestic) October Ozone Osbor Octavian Otto Osirius Oloron Ontario Osiris (he who will do) Ostan Onis Obormot Olympus Olex Orroen Opus Osman Olfi Om Orsa Oltan Osiris (he who will do) Obsidian Olle Ogonyok Ortiz Octavius ​​Organ Glutton Odric (ruler of nations) Octave Omar

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Plushik Dumpling Patriot Plump Crazy Shroud Crawler Progress Surf Preston Pegasus Patrol Puzzle Pons (sailor) Pamir Slick Bobblehead Platosha Paris Pork Pilot Dodger Popandopalas Picont Potap Primen Pat Pedro Poohan Pupsik Proyda Parkun Prygoriy Plus Ptah (symbol of truth and art) Phet (diamond) Pecatus Donut Playboy Positive

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Ricardo Rife Ratigan Ray Ramzik ​​Raven (raven in English) Red Romid Royston Ramirez Rengar Robinson Rusik Ramzik ​​Ralph Reynold Rififi (poor) Ren Rebus Rylan Ryke Ramses Red Rocko Refined Ramzas Rommie Radon Rolex Rustam Rudny Robbie Radar Rokot Raye Robber Raymond Rasputin Royce Knight

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Sunray (mountain peak) Spike Scotch Spice Silver Leopard Gray Surprise Sid Sensei Smegle Scat Cat Spot Safars Semur Simeon Elephant Saryk Snowball Siji Streamer Stan Saturn Sinbad Svetozar Sachan Scott Spear Sugar Sivka Sinbad Carnelian Sorbon Silvano Suleiman Spike Solomon Sugar Surprise Strike Spinmoor

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Tatin Tank Tobby Triumph Trash Thor Tambi (delightful) Tonoz Tigran Truffle Trudy (spear) Trevor Tanit Tashkent Titian Theobald Tibet Tephy Terry Trixie Tay Torrence Tyson Terek Tihan Tigrasik Theodore Toru (sea) Tishmir Thorne Trent (intruder) Truffle Tosik Tin-tin Til Travis Toru (sea) Talion Typhoon,**__** Tremble

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Urban Ugolyok Ugolyok Wynton Uruguay Utan Ugor Uriy Ufo Unurkis Uncas Wells Urman Umberto Eco-Tutius Oops Umsel Unicum Watkin Uliy Gloomy Umberto Eco-Tutius Ular Urchun Ugolek Uaf Ungas Urgant Uttis Gloomy William / William Upsi Wil Mustache Ushastik Ur sus Ulzhor Umi (life force) Rock Uryuk Ulv

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Foxel Thaddeus Felton Fenimore Phillips Friend Freedom Fatiz Fast and Furious Fighter Fennel Frazer Phoebus Fast Frantic Flick Focus Falk Fernando Photon Fot Fredge Flirt Fatyan Furrball Forrest Freak Feldo Fot Fenriz Fog Fitz (from the surname Fitzgerald) Bassoon Fielder Fox Fatyan Finley Date Fuzzinator Fin

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Sherry Kherson Khomich Happy Hort Hatcliff Khier Brave Khadjit Piggy Heathcliff Hottabych Hayden Hancock Hamptons Henderson Haya Humbert Hitch Honda Hay (he who is crowned) Kholmogor Haseru Crystal Chilon Hadwin Hatcliff Hepsy Hollis Hamil Hadtar Helius Hetzlig (warm) The Hobbit Hubert Hachiko Hahel Hoku Harik Ha kim ( "wise)

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Gypsy Tsunade Tsukat Tsai Lun Flower Cerri Circus Kissing Gypsy Flower Qing Caesarion Zurich Zeiss Tsvetko Cyclone Caesar Tsikun Kissing Tsukiko (moon child) Centrik Ceron Tsukiko (moon child) Citron Tsetser Tsukito (lunar child) Ceton Cestin Cernunnos Ceylon Tsucatik Tsunade Cernunnos Cesis Cesey Ts ingun Cesis Tsarevich Tsefat Zirconium

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Chitan Chaplin Chizar Chuk Chibris Chapai Chipp Damn Chayzer Chapa Chernomor Chain Damn Chuck Norris Chaplin Chief Chelisi Chiravan (eternal beauty) Chayton Chenz Chase Chevengur Chikosha Charles Lykkens Chelbi Cheburek Cheeseburger Chukki Chelines Chinny Cherkiz Chokula Chamlin Chibis Shepherd Chan Fi Chibo Chichikov Cheslav Chistyulya

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Shegoday Chocolate Shokko Shukher Shimmy Shien Shagrat Silk Shaman Rogue Shawn Bumblebee Shom Shotik Sherdan Shaman Shket Sharmen Shnyrik Schultz Shustrik Shrek Sherwood Shrek Shandi Chatelon (castle guest) Shannon Sharon Shamus Shikamaru Shandi Shuttle Shoko Shader Shredder Lace Shakspurr Schweppes Schweppes Showman

Nicknames starting with the letter Ш

Sherbet Shchegol Shchors Lye Shchors Goldfinch Lye Shchez Lye Shaffron Sorrel Nutcracker Shchez Shchedry Shchors Sherbet Sorrel Lye Goldfinch Goldfinch Puppy Nutcracker Shchors Sherbet Puppy Shchafran Sherbet Shchup Shchenya Shchedr y Shchup Generous Sorrel Shchors Shaffran Nutcracker Shchors Goldfinch Nutcracker Goldfinch

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Eli Ebril Airis Ashford Emmerson Edwin Action End Evzon Effect Ergeben Estelle Earley Edgard Eugene (noble, nobility) Evilin (evil in English means “evil”) Ernesto Emeray Erak Elfie Etsuko (joyful) Edmundo Elfie Eward Anthony Edd Emeray Egon Emmerson Empurress Elmer (noble ) Elite Eclipse Alvin Edgel (mobile) Elton Eurus Erax Aegean El

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yudon (child) Yudon (child) Yulik Yun Yusik Yuray Yubek Yulian Yurkas Yunner Yuzik Yurasik Yuzvery Yuvel Yungar Yunik Yujin Yuber Yu Phin (beautiful) Yusir (black coral) Yudai Yungir Yuko (good child) Yura Yu Phin (beautiful) Yuriko Unitus Yuran Yulik Juventus Juncolas Juncolas Yudzhent Yunik Yuchor Yuri Yudzhent Yukun Yuan Yunesk

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yadwig Jacobin Janis Yaroslav Yan-chi Yarikut Janusik Yakiko Yarik Yasha Janinsberg Yaron Yason Yasson Yamaguchi Yaros Yarmak Yambik Janusik Young Jason Jaguar Yarham Yanir Yange Janson Hawk Yanis Yabeda Yapik Yanchik Yaksi Janissary Yanle Bright Young Janos Yamir Yazon Jansh

What not to call a dog

It is strictly not recommended to give a pug a nickname that is in tune with the main commands. For example, the commands “Fu” and the name Funtik are very consonant, as well as “Sit” and Sydney or Sidi. Any animal is susceptible to sound vibrations, so a nickname is not just a set of some sounds, but always a euphonious and well-remembered name for a pet.

It is very undesirable to call a four-legged pet a common Russian human name or give dissonant or strange, “demonic” nicknames, for example Demon, Devil, Witch, Demon or War . Among other things, it is very difficult for a pet to get used to and accept names that are too long, with a lot of consonants, so you should not be surprised at all if the pug does not respond to a nickname consisting of ten or more letters.


This breed is kind and sociable. It is worth noting that both boys and girls, pug breeds are not very active. They love to cuddle and sleep. Sometimes they have bursts of activity. As a rule, at a younger age. The pug runs around the house and makes a mess, but this phenomenon is rare and short-lived.

Pugs girls are very gentle and loving. They require more attention than boys. Pug boys are not too demanding.

For them, periodic attention from the owner and a delicious lunch are enough.

If a person does not have enough time, but really wants to get this breed, then it is better to choose a male. They are more patient and more self-sufficient. A girl in the place of a dog can feel sad and even get sick without the attention of the owner.

Pugs are very smart dogs and training them is a very simple task. It is enough to find an approach, and even the most stubborn dog will be trainable.

If you decide to relax and lie down on the sofa, then your loneliness will be diluted by a cheerful pug girl. The boy will simply calmly watch your vacation.

Both male and female get along well with the whole family. They get along well with children and tolerate all their antics.

These dogs love to be petted and hugged. Pugs girls are more vulnerable; they can become jealous if the owner pays a lot of attention to someone else.

A wonderful feature of this breed is that they show their joy at being greeted by dancing, yelping and climbing to be picked up. This makes all owners of this breed incredibly happy.

The peculiarity of a pug girl is that with the onset of motherhood, she becomes even more affectionate and gentle towards her loved ones. She is very attentive and can recognize her owner’s mood. If she notices that the owner is in no mood or sick, she will lie nearby and sigh periodically. Thus, the dog empathizes with its owner.

The boy is immediately visible from afar. A male pug is very proud when he walks next to his owner. It may give the impression that this is a big, proud dog. His majestic gaze into the distance and proud posture shows how proud he is to be walking with his owner. Unlike a girl pug, he will not run around the street. Maybe he'll indulge a little.

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