Tibetan mastiff

There are many hairstyles for poodles. Some of them are intended for home use, others are only for exhibitions. Therefore, when choosing a model, the owner must decide whether he is going to make a champion out of the poodle or not.

The choice of haircut also affects where the pet will be cut: at home by the owner or in a salon by a professional. You can do simple haircuts yourself, but complex haircuts are best done by a professional.

History of the breed

It is quite difficult to say exactly when this breed appeared, but it has been established that its ancestors are wolves.
It is known that the Tibetan mastiff was one of the domestic animals even before the advent of writing. Through genetic research, scientists determined the approximate age of the pet. They examined the DNA of a dog and a wolf and came to the conclusion that the first differences between them began to appear in the time range of 58-42 thousand years ago. Thus, dogs of this species are among the oldest. Interesting fact : geological excavations and discovered remains show that Tibetan mastiffs lived alongside people back in the Stone Age.
From the name it is easy to guess that the breed first appeared in Tibet. There is a 12th-century written source that tells how the local emperor was delighted to receive a gift of large dogs with huge manes. This description is quite consistent with mastiffs.

Appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff

Appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff

Appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff

Appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff

Appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff

At that time, this breed attracted people with its aggressiveness. In villages, many individuals were kept in cages during the day and released into the wild at night to protect territories. In monasteries they were used together with spaniels. The latter raised a loud howl when they noticed strangers and predatory animals. Mastiffs reacted to barking and fearlessly attacked intruders.

For a long time this breed lived only in Tibet. Only individual individuals were exported to other countries as gifts. The most famous in this regard is the dog Siring, who was presented to Queen Victoria in 1847. The pet is considered the first mastiff to live in Europe. And a couple of decades later, two more representatives of this breed appeared at the London dog show.

Between the 1870s and 1940s, dogs were regularly introduced into England. There were many British people who wanted to purchase a pet of this breed. This led to the creation in 1931 of an organization dedicated to developing standards for Tibetan Mastiffs.

During World War II, the spread of the breed around the world ceased, but in the 1950s several individuals appeared in the United States. For a long time they were not popular, but in 1969 new dogs were brought to the United States, for which there was suddenly a demand among local residents.

Now mastiffs are pets in many European countries, the USA and Russia.

Why do they bark?

Some individuals, as soon as they hear the doorbell, burst into piercing barks.

They can do the same when they are alone.

There are several reasons for excessive barking:

  • Lack of communication, boredom.
  • Unbalanced, too emotional character.

Both reasons have the same source - self-doubt or “falling in love.”

If they “babble” with the animal and treat it with a treat from the table, then there may be two options for the further turn of events.

First, the pet will feel like the “leader of the pack.”

He will believe that he is allowed to do whatever he wants.

The dog will dictate his terms and express them with his voice when he sees fit. The owner has no orders for him.

The second option is the opposite.

The dog will not be able to determine its place in the “family hierarchy”.

As a result, the pet will become unbalanced. He will be easily excited, barking with or without reason.

He will demonstrate his insecurity by barking hysterically.

This happens especially often with representatives of small breeds. After all, they are the ones who are pampered more often than others.

From puppyhood, your four-legged friend is taught the command “Quiet!”

This helps avoid unwanted barking in the future.

Description and appearance of the Tibetan mastiff

Tibetan Mastiffs are large in size and larger than many other dogs. They boast powerful muscles and a large mane on their heads. The average height of males of this breed is 65 cm, and females - 60 cm.

Interesting fact : the body weight of a Tibetan mastiff can reach up to 80 kg. Usually it is 65 kg.


Head of the Tibetan Mastiff
Mastiffs have a large head, but it is proportional to the body, and there is a noticeable thickening on the top of the head. The skull is rounded, supported by powerful vertebrae and muscles.


Head of the Tibetan Mastiff
The dog has a wide head with a square shape. The border between the forehead and the lush mane is clearly visible. The mastiff's nose is large, with round nostrils. In most cases it is black, regardless of the color of the individual. On the sides of the nose are fleshy long lips that fit closely to the lower jaw.


The ears are located above eye level and have a triangular shape. In a calm state, they hang, touching the temples. But if the dog is in a state of anxiety or interested in something, they are able to rise up.

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The dog has deep-set eyes, located at a great distance from each other, they are brown in color. The eyelids fit tightly to them, which is why there are no bags.

Jaws and teeth

Teeth of a Tibetan Mastiff on the lower jaw.
The dog's teeth are quite long and set vertically. Moreover, the upper incisors are larger than the lower ones, which is why they completely overlap when the mouth is closed. The mastiff has strong jaws that allow it to chew hard food.


The neck is thick and equipped with strong muscles. On its surface there is a fluffy mane, which is much larger in males.


The dog has a massive body, which seems even larger due to the wide ribs and chest. There are muscles on the back that smoothly flow into the sides. The lower body of a dog in most cases is located below the elbows.


Mastiff with tail pulled back
The tail is of medium length relative to the dog's body. The mastiff lifts it up during movement and uses it to coordinate movements. If desired, the dog can place it on its back while it lies down. The surface of the tail is covered with thick hair.

Front legs

The front legs of the Tibetan Mastiff
The dog's limbs are equipped with large and pumped up muscles. The shoulders above the front legs boast massiveness. The elbows are parallel to the body. At the bottom of the limbs there are large paws with long fingers.

Hind legs

The mastiff has powerful hind legs.
There are muscles on the hips of the hind legs that are clearly visible even from a distance. The knees are pronounced, since the paws are often slightly bent.

Movement style

When the mastiff is not bothered by anything, he walks at a calm pace, and there is a sense of slowness and grace in his movements. During an accelerated step, the dog quickly moves its limbs, shifting their direction towards the center of the body. When running, the dog pushes off strongly with its hind limbs, pulling its forelimbs towards them.

Coat and color

Thick mane of the Tibetan Mastiff
The dog's coat is long, thick and coarse. In most cases it has a brown color of different shades. Underneath it is an undercoat that sheds heavily in the summer. White or light brown spots may be present on the paws, head and chest.

Division into classes according to difficulty

Getting admission to international championships is very difficult. It is provided only to those who pass the exercises with excellent marks. Tasks for four-legged pets vary depending on the difficulty class:

  1. Obidience 1, or entry level. Includes the simplest exercises. The lower age limit for participants is 10 months, and in Russia it is 8 months.
  2. Obidience 2, or intermediate level. In addition to the age limit of 10 months, successful completion of the entry level is taken into account. The difficulty of the exercises increases.
  3. Obidience 3, or maximum level. Dogs must be at least 15 months old. The tasks at this level are the most difficult to complete, since four-legged animals that have successfully completed the 2 previous stages are allowed to participate in it. Competitions according to this standard are held between countries.

It was already mentioned above that it takes about 3 years to successfully complete obedience 1 and other classes. For this reason, only adult animals compete for the title of “world champion”.


By their temperament, Tibetan mastiffs are confident and calm dogs that can easily do without human warmth and affection. The dog perceives its owner not as a master, but as an equal creature with whom he lives and does a common business. Mastiffs are balanced and never show aggression without reason. Dogs of this breed are natural guardians. They are capable of patrolling territories for hours and are always ready to fight any enemy.

Interesting fact : Tibetan mastiffs can be considered nocturnal animals. During the day they sleep and gain strength so that they can guard their territories all night.

The dog always tries to protect its owners and never shows aggression towards them. During patrol, he pays attention to any dangers, but never rushes into battle first. But if the conflict does begin, the dog will fight to the last.

The mastiff is unkind to strangers. If the owners regularly have guests in the house, the dog may react negatively to any loud screams, as it will see them as a danger.

The Tibetan Mastiff is friendly towards other animals if it has grown up with them since childhood. In this case, he can get along with both other dogs and cats. However, if the dog is already an adult, and at a certain moment a new animal appears in the house, then it will definitely compete with it for attention and try to dominate.

Tibetan Mastiff puppies are very active and can play for a long time. With age, they become calmer and simply prefer to spend time with their owner. They also need to be walked regularly and buy a lot of rubber toys, because... they love to chew on something in their free time.

Haircut price in Moscow

The cost of the master’s work depends on the type of hairstyle desired and the size of the poodle.

Poodle typeHygienicScandinavian lionModernAnglo-SaxonKorean

If you trim your pet incorrectly, you can ruin the hair structure. This can cause skin diseases, as the poodle will become more susceptible to the fluid and bacteria in it.

Therefore, if the owner is not sure that he will do everything correctly, it is better to seek help from a professional or take a course for groomers.

Types of Tibetan Mastiff

Initially, mastiffs were raised only in Tibet and were representatives of a single species. However, their gradual spread around the world and breeding in different conditions has led to the fact that in the modern world there are several varieties of this breed.

Tsang Hee

Tsang Hi
is the largest representative of this breed. This species is also considered the only purebred mastiff. Males grow up to 75 cm in height, and females - up to 70 cm. In most cases, the color is black with brown spots on the paws, head and tail. The dog's head is large, attached to the body with a thick neck. Large muscles are easily visible on the shoulders. The body is covered with a thick layer of long hair. The barking of dogs is low and can scare away any unwanted guest. Due to its size and nocturnal lifestyle, Tsing Hi is an excellent watchdog.

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Dro Hi

The Dro Hi
Vid is smaller in size and has less thick fur than the Tsang Hi. Dogs are used for herding. They can drive and guide herds of livestock and travel long distances with them. Males grow no more than 72 cm in height, and in females this parameter does not exceed 65 cm. The dog’s color combines black with light brown spots. There is also often a white spot under the neck. Dro Hi's head is stretched forward. The coat is thicker and longer than that of most other dog breeds, but is inferior in lushness to the Tsing Hee.

Tibetan Mastiff lion type

Lion-type Tibetan Mastiff
This type of Tibetan Mastiff is common in China. The maximum height of males is around 70 cm, and females usually grow up to 65 cm. The “Lion” dog was nicknamed for the presence of a large fluffy mane located above its head. Long hair grows around the head, which sticks out in different directions, which is why the visual size of the mastiff increases significantly. The color of most individuals is black with gray and bright brown spots on the paws and head. Representatives of this breed are excellent watchdogs. The Tibetan lion-type mastiff treats its owners very well and tries to protect them in every possible way. But if strangers enter his territory, he immediately becomes nervous and will show in every possible way that it is better for the uninvited guests to leave as soon as possible.

Interesting fact : in Tibet and China, all mastiffs are considered representatives of the same species. But in countries where the International Canine Federation operates, there is a clear division into types based on external characteristics.

Education and training

The Tibetan Mastiff must be trained from childhood.
It is quite difficult to train the Tibetan Mastiff due to its stubborn and self-confident nature. Teaching a dog to perform planned tricks requires a lot of effort and real endurance. The training process lasts about two years, and under no circumstances should a person raise his voice at a puppy or show negativity towards him, because this will only discourage your pet from learning something new.

If the dog owner is not ready to spend a lot of time every day training it, it is better to contact a specialist. A course of imprinting exercises greatly simplifies the training process. It is aimed at ensuring that the puppy learns to trust its owner and obey unquestioningly. It is also important to continually show concern for your pet. If a person strokes and plays with it regularly, progress will go much faster.

Interesting fact : if a mastiff periodically chews on the owner’s clothes, this is a good sign, since this is how he shows his affection for the person.

You can start training your puppy from the seventh week. But first you need to recreate a favorable atmosphere around him. Contact not only with the owners, but also with other people and animals is also important. Otherwise, the dog will grow up narcissistic. But if there are regularly strangers in the house, and on the streets he has to periodically play with other animals, he will gradually understand that he is not the most important thing.

When walking, you should not take the same route. If a dog learns the surroundings around the house by heart, he will quickly become bored. Moreover, traveling along new roads will make you understand that the world is much larger than it seems.

At what age can a Yorkie be cut?

A Yorkie's first grooming usually occurs at three months of age. However, there is one caveat. You can take your dog to a specialist only after 10 days have passed since the basic vaccinations. You can't cut your puppy's hair with a clipper for the first time. The baby may be frightened by unusual sounds and unusual surroundings.

In addition, his fur has not yet formed, like that of an adult dog. Therefore, the master does only hygienic treatment with scissors. Further, Yorkies can be cut at any age at the owner's request.

For your information. A hygienic puppy grooming is necessary. If this is not done, the hair in the groin and ear area may grow, which will cause discomfort to the pet.

Care and maintenance

Since the Tibetan Mastiff has impressive dimensions, it requires a lot of space. If the owner lives in a small apartment, then the dog will feel cramped in it. Because of this, it is necessary to walk the dog regularly. It is best suited to a dry, temperate climate. The dog feels uncomfortable in warm and humid conditions.

Puppies require more care than adult dogs

If the owner lives in a private house, then it is advisable to equip the yard so that the mastiff feels comfortable in it. It is required to install a booth with soft bedding. You need to place a canopy in a separate place where the dog will rest and hide from the sun and bad weather.

You need to install a special hole at the front door through which the dog can enter the house at any time. He should also have free access to toys that he can play with.

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If the puppy lives in an apartment, then you need to walk him twice. Your pet needs careful care: it needs to comb its fur, brush its teeth, periodically wash its eyes with chamomile decoction and trim its nails as necessary.

Tibetan Mastiffs eat large amounts of food every day. Their diet must contain meat and any fermented milk, except milk. It is advisable to feed them vegetables, eggs and fish.

Health and illness

The Tibetan Mastiff should be examined by a doctor every few months.
Since the homeland of mastiffs is snow-covered Tibet, they have good health and thrive in cold climates. However, if not properly cared for, your pet may develop the following problems:

  • thyroid disease;
  • the appearance of joint pain, problems with movement;
  • neuropathy;
  • bone inflammation;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • various ear diseases.

Your pet should be taken to the veterinarian regularly for examination. If any health problems are identified, immediate action must be taken. Special attention should be paid to the dog's ears, because... they are the main source of trouble. However, if the owner carefully monitors the dog, it will grow up with excellent immunity.

How to choose a puppy

If a person decides to have a Tibetan mastiff in his home, then first of all he needs to contact special nurseries that breed this breed. You can also ask the breeder for the dog's pedigree. There you can also choose which pair you want the puppy from. Once he is born, his owner will be able to pick him up after four weeks.

Tibetan mastiff puppy

Your pet should be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible. The doctor should definitely examine his eyes, nose and ears. If a puppy has problems with the mucous membranes, treatment should be started immediately. Health problems like these are common in this breed and can be easily corrected with proper care. Already at this age, the dog should have large dimensions and thick hair.

A young mastiff should be kept in a large and clean room. It is necessary to keep in mind that puppies of this breed are very active, and any object can become their toy. Therefore, it is better not to leave valuables alone with them, otherwise the pet can literally turn everything upside down in just a couple of minutes.

Grooming a Poodle: General Rules

The general list of recommendations is as follows:

  1. Before you start cutting your hair, you should choose a hairstyle and read about it in detail. The haircut will be better if you know the sequence.
  2. The dog needs to be bathed and dried before grooming.
  3. If the poodle bites and does not allow the procedure to be carried out, it is better to postpone it until later.
  4. The dog is groomed while standing. They always start cutting from the back and move downwards. The muzzle, anus and fingers are sensitive places, so you need to handle them very carefully.
  5. Movements with tools should follow the shape of the poodle's body. The pet will look more natural and the haircut will be neater.
  6. The cover is trimmed in the direction of growth. Exception: forelimbs.
  7. When cutting a short haircut, do not remove all the hair at once, but do it layer by layer.
  8. The tummy and paws must be trimmed - this is important from a hygiene point of view.
  9. Trim the hair between the fingers.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Mastiff treats its owners well.
Tibetan Mastiffs have a large number of features not only in terms of appearance, but also in habits. And among them there are both pros and cons.


Among the main advantages of Tibetan mastiffs are the following advantages:

  • the dog has excellent guard skills, which manifest themselves in childhood;
  • the pet loves its owners very much and shows them love and care, so it is ready to protect them from any opponents;
  • although the dog requires a lot of space, it is unpretentious to the conditions of detention;
  • Mastiffs have a rich diet, so they can be fed a variety of foods;
  • the dog can boast of independence;
  • The dog feels great in cold climates.

These advantages make the Tibetan Mastiff an excellent pet.


In addition to the impressive list of advantages, this breed also has disadvantages:

  • It is advisable to keep the dog in a large apartment or private house;
  • the dog is very stubborn and unfriendly towards strangers;
  • the beast has a loud bark;
  • the coat sheds profusely, the mastiff needs to be brushed regularly;
  • A large amount of saliva may be released from the mouth.

When buying a mastiff, you need to take these disadvantages into account.

Pet food

The Irish Wolfhound has its own characteristics in the composition of its diet. It is necessary to select and balance the food so that the pet receives the full amount of nutrients and substances. Also don’t forget about the mineral complex.

The food for the Irish Wolfhound is divided into:

  • Dry food
  • Natural food prepared by you.

It’s much easier with dry food, since you need to completely tailor it to your pet’s individual characteristics. The food must be appropriate for the pet’s age, and the amount of protein must also correspond to the norm.

Remember! Dry food is selected individually for the dog. Diseases, activity, age, allergies and much more must be taken into account.

With food that you yourself will select and prepare, it is a little more difficult, but the main thing is to know the basic rules. It is especially important not to forget to add a vitamin complex to your diet, because there are few of them in natural products.

List of products that should be included in a dog’s diet:

  • Lean meats (rabbit, beef, chicken).
  • Low fat cottage cheese.
  • Sea fish without bones.
  • Greens and vegetables
  • There must be porridges, such as: buckwheat, rice.

How much does a Tibetan Mastiff cost?

You can get a Tibetan Mastiff puppy from a special nursery.
Since the Tibetan Mastiff is highly valued by humanity, it is impossible to get a puppy anywhere for free. All representatives of this breed are sold for money; moreover, there are special nurseries where they are bred on an ongoing basis.

In the last few years, the price for a Tibetan mastiff puppy in Russia has been in the range of 45-55 thousand rubles. If they ask for less for a dog, it means that there may be problems with it in the future, for example, chronic diseases.

Interesting fact : under the guise of Tibetan mastiffs, scammers can sell puppies of other, less valuable breeds. It is better to go for a pet with a person who understands dogs.

Pedigree puppies with a pedigree and all the necessary documents can cost around 150 thousand rubles. But for this price, the client will receive a purebred dog, whose ancestors come from Tibet. He will have the appearance features of the Tibetan Mastiff and the corresponding character.

Causes of dog barking

Barking is a means of communication. But no longer with his fellow tribesmen, but with a person. Breeds that are closer to their wild ancestors (husky, basenji, ridgeback, malamute) produce sounds more like the howl of a wolf.

They use barking on rare occasions to warn their owner of danger.

Russian toy terrier, spitz, miniature schnauzer, on the contrary, are excessively “talkative”. They are ready to bark at people passing along the landing, their toys, passersby, and animals running past.

They can bark to beg for a tidbit.

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