A dog was bitten by a bee: what to do at home

With the onset of spring, bees after wintering in hives on sunny days begin to fly around the nearby area, collecting nectar from blooming flowers of plants and trees that secrete nectar.

While walking with dogs and puppies, who sniff almost every flower in the area, it often happens that they are attacked by bees and wasps. At the same time, in dogs, the paws and muzzle most often suffer from bites; a bee and a wasp in a dog can also sting its lips, tongue and even the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (if your friend tries to swallow them).

Danger of bites

A bee or wasp sting is quite dangerous if it is in the face or the pet has swallowed the insect. But if a bee/wasp gets into its paw, then usually no serious consequences occur, apart from intense painful sensations.

Remember that other insects smell the poison and fly to the aid of the attacking individual in order to defend themselves. Such a group looks extremely menacing and can inflict a large number of bites, which is life-threatening.

A bite can result in the following troubles.

Allergies - the dog experiences severe drooling, swelling and itching at the bite site, breathing problems, severe pain, discharge from the nose and eyes, digestive system disorders and even fever.

Choking - when an insect flies into the mouth, it instinctively stings the pet and can get into the tongue, palate or throat, which will lead to swelling and blocking access to air.

Anaphylactic shock is a serious consequence of an allergic reaction. The pet experiences severe swelling of the tissues, breathing is hoarse and intermittent, muscle function is impaired, involuntary urination and vomiting are possible. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

A slight swelling and occasional yelping by the dog is a normal reaction to a bite, which can be eliminated at home. For other alarming symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Treatment in case of angioedema or suffocation

If a bee has bitten a dog not for the first time, then the likelihood of an allergy increases. The severity of the situation will be indicated by the following symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • too much and rapidly increasing swelling;
  • blueness of mucous membranes;
  • foaming at the mouth or severe vomiting;
  • fainting.

In such cases, the animal requires urgent veterinary care. It is possible to cope on your own only if you have medications.

Relieving swelling

Without specific medications, relieving swelling is only possible by eliminating the allergen (stings with poison), then applying a compress and tourniquet above the affected area. It is also recommended to provide your pet with a stable supply of fresh air. After all these steps, you should wait for the doctor or go to the nearest veterinary clinic yourself.

Use of drugs

In case of an acute allergic reaction, drugs are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Glucocorticosteroids are added to antihistamines, which weaken the immune response. If you know how to give injections and know the list of drugs that are safe for your pet, then do not waste time and administer them yourself.

Visiting a veterinary clinic

If a bee has bitten a puppy or an elderly dog, it is better to go to the veterinary clinic immediately. It is recommended to do the same in case of numerous bites and at the first signs of suffocation.

In addition to the drugs listed above, doctors use adrenaline or epinephrine. They have the following properties:

  • relax the muscles of the bronchi and facilitate breathing during an attack;
  • block the release of histamine and eliminate inflammation;
  • stabilize heartbeat;
  • constrict blood vessels.

If intravenous administration is not possible, drugs are administered intratracheally, that is, between the tracheal rings. To do this, step back from the throat to the thickness of your little finger and insert a needle. The rings themselves are easily identified by palpation.

What to do on your own

Bees dig into the body of an animal or person, leaving a sting with jagged edges and a poisonous sac, and sometimes with part of the intestine, so it would be more correct to say “the dog was stung by a bee” rather than bitten. But wasps and hornets can also bite using their powerful jaws. It is necessary to determine which insect attacked the dog; competent assistance and treatment depends on this.

The bee sting remains in the wound, and the insect itself dies. Wasps can easily sting repeatedly, and sometimes they also use their jaws to bite. Their stings are more painful than those of bees.

Working bumblebees have a sting without serrations, which allows them to be used several times. Large hornets also have a smooth sting. In addition, hornets feed on sweet fruits; they gnaw holes in their shells, gradually plunging into the pulp, so a dog can accidentally swallow them together with a piece of delicacy. By the way, this situation can happen to a person.

So, if a dog is stung by a bee, the first thing you need to do is determine the location of the bite and remove the sting. It is advisable to remove it with a sliding movement using a hard object, so as not to crush the bag of poison even more.

It is advisable to rinse the affected area with either plain clean water or a soda solution, calculating one teaspoon per half liter of water. An alkaline solution will reduce the effects of poison containing acid.

If a wasp stings, on the contrary, it is worth preparing a weak solution with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, since wasp venom contains alkaline components.

So, after the bite site has been washed, you can give the dog an antihistamine (Tavigil, Cetrin, Zyrtec, Suprastin), preferably a special veterinary drug, for example, Allervet, but in an emergency situation, “human” drugs are also allowed. Call your veterinarian for dosage information, but never give your dog an adult dose. For small swellings, tablets are usually sufficient.

Wounds from which the sting has been removed must be treated with hydrogen peroxide or another antibacterial agent.

Apply a cold compress to the bite site for 10-15 minutes. To do this, you can use something frozen from the freezer, just wrap the ice in a towel first.

You shouldn’t overload your dog with food, it’s better to give him more to drink.

Additionally, gels or ointments “Fenistil”, “Lorinden” or hydrocortisone ointment 1% are applied to the affected area; such products will relieve itching and reduce swelling. It would be a good idea to ask your veterinarian in advance during your scheduled visit what items should be in your first aid kit in order to provide first aid in the event of a bite.

First aid

What to do if bitten by a wasp - provide emergency assistance.

  1. Inspect the wound for the presence of a sting. If it is present, you need to carefully remove it with tweezers. Further actions are identical for a wasp or bee sting.
  2. Rinse the wound under running water to remove any remaining poison. If this is not possible, disinfect it. Pharmacy and folk remedies can be used as an antiseptic, depending on the conditions under which the bite was discovered.
  3. Apply ice cubes and a cold compress to the sore spot. This will help relieve swelling.

Treatment of a wasp bite on a dog
Further actions depend on the complexity of the symptoms - you can wipe the wound with decoctions of medicinal herbs, fruit juice, vegetables, apply ointments, soothing, anti-inflammatory cream, anti-allergic drugs. If a wasp has bitten you in the face or the puppy has been injured, you need to give an antihistamine orally in the form of a tablet or drops. This will prevent and stop an allergic reaction.

What to do if an allergic reaction develops

An allergy almost always develops if an insect stings the nose, face, neck and mouth area. Therefore, if such a place is damaged, give the dog an antihistamine.

If your pet has a strong reaction, anaphylactic shock develops. Its symptoms include:

  • vomit;
  • labored breathing;
  • foam at mouth;
  • changes in tongue color;
  • large swelling at the site of the bite;
  • loss of consciousness, etc.

In such a situation, there is no need to panic. Calcium chloride should be introduced into the pet's body; it is better to give an injection, but you can pour the ampoule onto the tongue. A dexamethasone injection will be effective. The dosage of such a medicine is calculated by weight; to combat shock conditions, the medicine is used once in a dose of 1-1.5 ml/kg of the animal’s weight, this is usually 0.5-1 ml. Then immediately take the dog to a doctor to provide qualified assistance.

Photos of animals bitten by wasps

The body's reaction to an insect attack can manifest itself in different ways. Yard dogs can more easily tolerate poison entering the bloodstream and a painful attack; purebred dogs often require special treatment. The most pronounced reaction in all breeds is if a wasp bites your nose. It swells, turns red, swells, and changes the appearance of the pet. Below is proof of this. York was stung by a wasp.

Animals bitten by wasps

Reacts painfully to Chihuahua bites. View of a dog after an insect attack below.

The toy terrier tolerates a wasp attack more calmly; severe allergies rarely occur, but the individual characteristics of the pet must be taken into account.

No matter what breed the dog is, you need to promptly respond to the dog’s whining, blisters on the skin, and provide first aid. Insects begin to sting in the spring, so you should always have antihistamines available and carry them with you when walking in nature with your dog.

When to urgently contact a veterinarian

The pet owner should not self-medicate in the following situations:

  • If your pet is bitten by several bees or wasps at once;
  • If the animal's face is injured or the dog swallows a stinging insect;
  • The dog’s health deteriorated and signs of a serious allergy appeared;
  • The pet was not healthy even before the bite.

Remember that a harmless bite can cause many unpleasant moments for your dog.
Therefore, try to monitor him more closely after an unpleasant situation and if his condition worsens, do not be afraid to contact a veterinarian. On our website there are more than 3410 veterinary clinics in Moscow for you on our website injections for animals

Pharmacy drugs

If a wasp bites a dog on the paw, there is no particular danger. It is enough to disinfect the wound, apply an antihistamine, sedative - cream, ointment, gel. If a wasp bites you and an allergic reaction occurs, you need to use special antiallergic ointments. It is better to consult a specialist for advice.


The duration of therapy with hormonal drugs should not exceed 3 days.

They use products used to treat people in case of insect attack.

  • Fenistil. To treat the skin, a gel is used that has antihistamine, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Drops with the same name are given internally.
  • Balm Star. Safe product for puppies and dogs of all breeds. Acts on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants and oils. Processing is allowed every 2 hours.
  • Advantan. The antiallergic agent quickly eliminates the symptoms of irritation and stops the pathological process. Apply only 1 time per day.

To speed up the healing of a dog's wound, use a regular moisturizer.


We looked at the symptoms, treatment and prevention if your dog is stung by a wasp or bee. Is there any way to protect your pets from stinging insects? This cannot be done completely. But you can minimize the risks.

You should keep an eye on your pet while walking. Keep it away from flowering plants and berry bushes. This is especially true for active breeds. After all, you can often meet, for example, a curious dachshund that was stung by a bee while out for a walk. But a calmly walking French bulldog rarely becomes a victim of stinging insects.

The walking area should be checked for wasp nests. By following these rules, the number of bites will be kept to a minimum. The dog owner must have a first aid kit containing the medications necessary to provide medical care.

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