How to build an enclosure or a doghouse for a husky with your own hands: drawings and dimensions

The article will discuss what an enclosure for a husky should be like, where it is best to put it, what materials to use to make it, and how to train a dog to live inside a new home. The photo will clearly demonstrate the variety of ready-made solutions, the video will tell you about the stages of making housing for a husky.

Husky is the kindest dog Source

Is it possible to keep huskies outside?

Keeping a husky outdoors is the most suitable option for representatives of this breed. The two-layer wool cover can withstand temperatures down to - 30 ° C. Therefore, your pet will be able to stay outside all year round.

Husky is an active and agile breed that requires special attention in development.

What are the functions of an enclosure and a kennel for a husky?

In a private home, a dog can be kept either on a chain in a kennel or in an enclosure. But there are many opponents of the first method. Huskies do not tolerate restrictions in space. If, after all, the dog is placed in a kennel, the chain should be as long as possible. The pet must be allowed to run regularly.

The best way is to keep them in an enclosure. The dog will be able to spend his energy, he will have the opportunity to play at any time of the day.

For your information! Huskies kept on the street have a stronger immune system than representatives of this breed living in an apartment. They have thick and shiny fur. The owner needs less time to walk the pet.

But this method of keeping also has its downside - the dog may experience a lack of communication.

An enclosure for a husky eliminates the problem of a splash of energy

How to choose the right place

The dog should not be disturbed by loud noise, so the place for the enclosure should be away from the road. It should be smooth and dry so that moisture does not accumulate there in rainy weather. It is recommended that part of the enclosure be in the shade. This is necessary so that the dog can cool down in the summer.

Characteristics and behavior of the breed

Husky is a very good-natured dog, she always enjoys life and is never aggressive. Such dogs very quickly find a common language with people. It is difficult to find an animal that could compete with them in devotion to its owner. This captivates many people.

The described breed was originally bred as a sled dog. Movement comes first for her. Both puppies and old animals have liveliness and curiosity. In order for a dog to be able to waste its energy, it vitally needs long walks and a large area to live. Therefore, in city apartments, the dog must be given a separate room; on a private plot, you can build a spacious enclosure.

The second option allows you to ensure the safety of the dog itself. The fact is that the lack of an active lifestyle stimulates interest in studying the world around us. The animal tries to taste everything. Having a husky in an apartment is dangerous because the dog begins to chew everything. At such a moment, she can easily injure herself and even get an electric shock. Therefore, it is still advisable to have such a breed when it is possible to organize a spacious place for the animal to live on private territory.

Spacious housing for huskies Source

But even here there are limitations: under no circumstances should a sled dog be put on a chain; it can easily strangle itself. You can’t confine it to tight walls, so a regular booth won’t save the situation. A spacious enclosure for a husky dog ​​is the only right solution. It is important not just to put up a shed, as for an ordinary shepherd, it is necessary to create an area where there will be housing, a separate feeding area and an area for active games.

A creature that loves to communicate with people cannot be left alone. Even in a spacious enclosure, the dog will feel uncomfortable in such a situation. Owners must constantly let the dog know that the family needs it, that it is a full member of it. A dog left to its own devices will quickly get sick and die.

Husky needs communication Source

Dimensions and height

If the enclosure for the husky is completely closed, then it is not recommended to build it very spacious. During the cold season, an empty space will keep the cold. The size of the enclosure should be designed in such a way that after placing the booth in it, the dog will have room to roam freely.

General requirements and standards

DIY dog enclosure: drawings and dimensions

When preparing drawings for the size of a husky kennel, you need to take into account the height of the dog. At the withers they do not exceed 50 cm. The height should be such that the pet can easily stand fully on its paws.

Calculation of the area of ​​the enclosure

The total area of ​​the enclosure is calculated so that there is at least 8 m² per dog. If the owner has a bitch, the room should be one and a half times larger.

Note! For two dogs, an enclosure must be built at least 12 m².

Aviary parameters

Construction of an enclosure: selection of materials

Since the enclosure will be used outdoors all year round, it is especially important to choose a material that will last as long as possible.

It is better to make the foundation from cement mortar reinforced with reinforcement.

It is recommended to cover the floor with wood. A sanded board is suitable for this. Such structures usually have at least one blank wall.

It can be made from:

  • linings;
  • boards;
  • sandwich panels.

The side walls can be made of metal profiles or mesh. It is recommended to cover the roof with soft roofing material so that it does not create noise during rain and hail.

To keep a large aggressive dog, it is better not to use welded grilles to make walls. When a pet throws itself onto the net, it can deform the fence.

Preparation of tools and materials

In order to build an enclosure with your own hands, you should not only look at the photo and draw up a drawing, but also prepare all the necessary tools and materials.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • boards;
  • corner;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • roofing material;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • metal profile;
  • channel;
  • profile pipe.

The structure will be stationary with its own foundation.

Foundation preparation

Construction errors can be eliminated if you study the question of how to stage-by-stage create a place for keeping and resting a husky dog.

Strip foundation

The simplest foundation option would be a strip foundation for which a trench is prepared.

Aviary on a concrete foundation

But first, the construction area should be cleared, the top fertile layer of soil should be removed, and markings should be made using pegs and rope based on the drawings.

Next, you can do the excavation work by digging out the ground along the base strip. You can deepen the trench under the foundation by 50 cm.

Before pouring concrete, formwork should be installed, but first gravel is laid at the bottom of the trench.

You can mix the solution from cement and sand, adding enough water to achieve the plasticity of the mixture. Such a base can also be strengthened with reinforcing mesh.

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Read on our website: how to pour a foundation without formwork.

After this, you should fill the solution and level its surface. After it has dried, two layers of roofing material should be laid on top to separate the structure from the base.

Columnar base

A columnar foundation is also suitable for the base of an enclosure. 6 pillars will be enough. The foundation must be leveled.

Ready base for the frame of the enclosure

Frame assembly

After pouring the foundation, the lower frame is assembled (if the enclosure is wooden) or the finished structure is welded from 40x40 metal profiles.

Bottom frame made of timber 200x200

The base of the enclosure can be made of either wood or metal. For a wooden frame, a square beam of 200x200 is suitable.

For metal, a channel is used, from which a frame should be welded and laid on the base. The top of the structure is covered with boards.

Aviary flooring

Walls and roof

The most acceptable option would be a profile pipe that is welded to the channel. This will create a supporting structure.

Using the same principle, the frame is filled with metal rods, the pitch between which can be approximately 5 cm.

Finished frame of the enclosure, covered with boards

We should not forget about the presence of a doorway, which is left in the frame. The inside walls are covered with boards.

To arrange the roof, you need to fix a profile pipe on top. You can increase the rigidity of the roof by installing a channel in the central part of the sides.

This will provide a frame to which a 5cm board is attached. The top of the roof is covered with a profile sheet or slate.

Video: step-by-step instructions for building an enclosure

Find out from the video:

  • How to make a foundation.
  • How to assemble a frame.
  • How to sheathe a frame.
  • How to make a roof.

Types of enclosures and how to choose the right one

Types of enclosures are divided depending on materials and type of construction. They can be made from wood, metal or using combinations of materials.

DIY enclosure for alabai: dimensions

Depending on the design, there are three types of enclosures:

  • open - the walls are made of lattice; a roof is not provided for in this design;
  • semi-open - two walls are made of lattice, the rest are solid;
  • closed - constructed entirely of dense material. They will be built for a while.

Important! The choice of design should depend on climate conditions. If it rains often, it is better to opt for combined structures.

Types of booth

Huskies do not have to live in an apartment; a warm kennel and a spacious enclosure will suit her perfectly. The booths for them are insulated, cold, with a vestibule. They vary in size, design, and roof shape. Combined options allow for a vestibule and an enclosure at the same time. Husky is an active dog, always on the move, it needs an enclosure of at least 8 square meters. m, and it is better to build a kennel for rest and sleep strictly according to size.

Today there are several types of booths.

  • A lightweight structure made to the thickness of one board. This is most likely a summer option; even a frost-resistant husky cannot be left in it in cold winters. But for the southern regions, this type of dog housing may have a right to exist.
  • Insulated products are made in the form of a sandwich. Foam or mineral wool is laid between the outer board and the inner plywood.
  • Dogs love kennels with a straight roof. For them, it is an observation deck where it is convenient to lie down and watch the outside world. Such a roof can decorate a kennel in an enclosure under a canopy; precipitation does not accumulate on it, and the slope does not make sense. The straight roof is easy to open to remove from your pet.
  • Shed roofs are purchased in regions where there is no frequent rain or snowfall. They are made at an angle of no more than 15 degrees. This allows the husky to lie freely on the roof surface without rolling down.
  • Gable roofs on booths are installed in regions with high amounts of precipitation, preventing them from lingering on the roof.
  • A kennel with a vestibule is arranged in open enclosures, where the wind blows freely and the sun scorches. The vestibule for the booth in winter is an additional insulating element, and in summer it protects the animal from wind, rain and heat. Feeders and drinking bowls are placed in the vestibule; the dog can eat even in bad weather.

We recommend reading: DIY dog house, design of a beautiful large dog house with a veranda, kennel in the apartment

A booth in an open enclosure without a vestibule can only be located in dense shade from a tree or building, as well as in regions where the minimum temperature does not fall below +5 degrees. You can purchase a ready-made kennel for an enclosure.

When choosing products, first of all you should take into account the size, your climatic conditions, the safety of the material, and only then the aesthetic component.

What material is best to make it from?

You can build a husky enclosure with your own hands from wood, weld it from metal, or combine both. The metal building will play the role of a supporting structure, this will allow it to last for a long time.

DIY dog house: drawings and dimensions

Wooden structures look aesthetically pleasing; they are a cheap option, but they will not last for a long time. If the dog is very active, it may chew it. Metal enclosures are more expensive, but durable. They can be either collapsible or permanent.

Important! Regardless of what material the enclosure will be built from, the floor and walls in the booth should be made of wood.

Wooden pet enclosure

Making a booth with your own hands

Having determined the dimensions of the doghouse for a husky dog, you can draw up a drawing and begin manufacturing the structure.

The first step is to create the bottom frame. For this purpose bars are used. They will form the basis of a rectangle, and in the corners they will be attached to each other with self-tapping screws.

Assembling the bottom frame

Since an adult pet will have quite an impressive weight, the frame is additionally strengthened with the help of jumpers. At the next stage, planking should be done on one side.

The bottom is additionally thermally insulated. First, glassine is covered, which is covered with polystyrene foam. It is placed between the frame elements.

The insulation is once again covered with glassine so that the craftsman has the opportunity to begin working on the finished floor.

Warming the bottom of the booth

Next comes a square beam with a side of 100 mm. Four blanks should be made, two of which should have a length equal to the height of the booth. The other two elements should be 70 mm longer.

The bars are installed in the corners and aligned vertically.

Finished booth frame

Longer elements will be located in the front. They are secured with self-tapping screws or nails. This will allow you to get a pitched roof.

The frame will consist of the same bars that are fixed in the center. The frame is complemented by a couple more bars. Steel plates are used to strengthen the frame.

The lining can act as external cladding. But the inside of the booth will also need to be insulated.

To do this, the walls are covered with glassine, which is secured with staples. Foam plastic should be laid between the frame elements, but mineral wool should be discarded, since it cakes and loses its properties when exposed to moisture.

External frame cladding

The insulation is again covered with glassine and a layer of plywood. It can be replaced with any other similar sheet material. The sheathing is secured with zinc nails. Their caps need to be sunk a little into the material.

Work on the roof

The roof structure is created from square bars with a side of 40 mm. OSB sheet is used as a covering material.

First you need to create a frame that is covered with oriented strand board of the appropriate size.

You can replace OSB with 25 mm boards.

The frame is complemented by thermal insulation, which must be protected with a water barrier. From above, everything is covered with another piece of plywood, with dimensions larger than the frame of the house.

This will protect the structure from precipitation. The top of the roof is covered with soft tiles.

If after the construction of the house there is a soft roofing covering left, you can use it for the enclosure. To do this, OSB sheets are laid on the sheathing, which are covered with soft tiles. Then the design of the booth will be combined with the appearance of the house.

An alternative roof solution is an awning. To do this, you need to build a metal frame over which the fabric roof is stretched. Such a roof will reliably protect your pet from rain and provide good shade on a sunny day.

Exterior finishing and installation

The outside of the finished structure must be coated with an antiseptic, which should be allowed to dry. The bottom can be further modernized by laying it with roofing felt, slightly extending it onto the walls. Antiseptic-treated bars are placed on top.

You can frame the opening in the booth with wooden frames. Once the kennel is ready, it should be installed.

Try to choose a place where the house is protected from wind and precipitation.

Video: how to build a husky doghouse with an opening roof

Find out from the video:

  1. Frame assembly;
  2. Insulation;
  3. Wall cladding;
  4. Roof installation and waterproofing.

How to build: step by step instructions

Before starting construction, it is recommended to make a drawing in order to correctly calculate the dimensions and amount of material.


A prerequisite for the construction of an enclosure is the construction of a foundation. Due to it, the building will not deteriorate and sag. The foundation diagram should look like this:

  • depth of at least 1 m;
  • an area of ​​at least 8 m² for one adult dog.

A layer of stones is placed at the bottom of the pit and secured with concrete. The cement mortar must dry for at least three days. If the ground crumbles, the edges of the pit are reinforced with boards. After the cushion has been created, the foundation is poured to a height of 10 cm from the ground level.

For your information! To protect the foundation from moisture, waterproofing is done with roofing felt.

Base for the aviary

Once the foundation is completely ready, you can begin the foundation for the enclosure. For its construction you will need:

  • cement mortar;
  • boards, roofing felt;
  • gravel, channels.

It is not recommended to make an earthen floor in the building, since the dog can escape by digging under it. First of all, you need to make a concrete base on which the floor will be placed. To do this, a rectangle of four channels is welded around the perimeter of the foundation. A board treated with an antiseptic is placed on them. For insulation, the boards are covered with roofing felt, which is sprinkled with gravel on top. Then cement pouring is done. As soon as the solution is fixed, wooden beams are laid on it across the structure at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Boards are placed on top and treated with an antiseptic.

Wall installation

The enclosure should be closed with walls on two or three sides to protect the dog from the wind. For their construction, you can take brick, wood, slate, corrugated board. For the latter, you need to erect pillars with transverse slats.

Note! Experts recommend using a metal frame for wall installation and covering it with wood.

Installation of structural walls

Where should the aviary be placed?

So, having become acquainted with the character of the breed being described, it is not difficult to understand what the size of an enclosure for a husky should be. Only comfortable, safe and large housing will suit her. Finding a place for such a building is not easy. And all because there are a number of requirements that must be adhered to.

  1. Firstly, the dog, while inside its home, should not be exposed to natural or man-made factors. You cannot place an enclosure where there is constant street noise
    , where meltwater collects in the spring and
    floods the land
    , where

    technical equipment
    working .
  2. Secondly, there should be no objects nearby that constantly irritate
    the animal’s sense of smell (cesspools, petroleum product storage, corrals for cows or goats).
    next to the enclosure that bloom profusely
    warm period
  3. Thirdly, in the area allocated for the enclosure there must be light and water
    . If they are not there, you need to take care of the installation of utilities.

Place for a husky enclosure Source
See also: Catalog of popular sites in the Moscow region for building a country house

Any animal does not tolerate the sun well. Due to the fact that the husky has a thick undercoat, it does not do well in the heat. Therefore, shady areas are best suited for the dog’s habitat. The ideal location for the enclosure is an area where the structure can stand facing south. In regions located at low latitudes, experts recommend leaving the eastern side open. In this situation, the dog will always be protected from the sun. In warmer regions of the country, you need to abandon the booth in favor of shelves similar to bunks. They are installed in an area protected from the wind. The animal will sleep on them.

Insulation of buildings

To make the animal feel comfortable, the enclosure needs to be insulated for the winter. To do this you need to do the following:

  • cover the walls with foam plastic or mineral wool;
  • lay straw or sawdust on the floor;
  • The space between the walls must be filled with sawdust.

Important! Insulation for walls must be chosen without odor, otherwise the dog will refuse to enter it. Felt is considered the safest. This is a natural material with high thermal insulation.

Insulation of the structure

What pallets to use

To build a booth, it is best to use fresh pallets or at least not older than two years of use. There should be no traces of technical fluids, paint or fuels and lubricants on the pallets. You cannot use pallets that were used to transport modern chemicals; the smell is so ingrained in the wood that it often causes severe irritation of the eyes of dogs.

You can try very old pallets, but only after firing with a gas torch and mechanical treatment with a brush with bronze bristles. As a rule, after stripping, high-quality wood changes color from gray to dark coffee, overall a good option for a dog house.

How to set up an outdoor home for a husky

It is important not only to build the structure correctly, but also to accustom your pet to it. The premises must be fully equipped. A husky booth is installed in the enclosure for sleeping space. The pet should fit there completely with its paws outstretched.

Feeder in the enclosure

The kennel should be equipped with bowls for food and water. It is important to change them daily to prevent your pet from getting sick. Feeders can be attached to the frame at a height of 20 cm to prevent the dog from turning them over.

Toilet in the enclosure

The toilet is installed in the open part. To do this, a metal shield with filler is installed.

Important! If a toilet is not provided in the enclosure, the dog must be walked at least twice a day.

Husky feeders

Features of dog habits

When creating a booth for your friend, you should take into account not only the individual character of your friend, but also the characteristics of the breed.

Huskies don't sweat much, but they tend to bask near fires . Remember not to overheat your dog, as his only way to cool down is by panting and sticking out his tongue.

They sleep in a ball . This is due to the fact that the breed was originally bred in the harshest regions of Siberia and the dog was instinctively accustomed to warming itself from the heat of its own body;

The dog does not have the instincts of a watchdog or guard . Huskies are a breed of pack animals that hunt for their own food.

Leader behavior . The breed of animal was originally bred for transporting heavy prey after hunting, and later the dogs were used in sleds for driving in deep snow.

In this regard, they are characterized by the manifestation of two habits: both a leader and an organized and pliable dog.

Endurance . This is due to the severity of the climate where it was bred and the characteristics of the peoples of the Far North.

Huskies quickly get used to eating according to a schedule and constantly need access to water.

If you take into account all these features, then your pet’s booth will become a favorite place to live.

It is important to remember that Huskies are a friendly breed that needs closeness to their owner. You should not place the booth far from your home.

How to accustom a husky to an enclosure and kennel

The pet should be comfortable in its new home, so it needs to be trained carefully and gradually. There are two ways to bring him into the enclosure for the first time:

  • put on a leash, give the command “to place” and take the dog to the enclosure. At the same time, it is not recommended to push it; the pet must go on its own;
  • put the treat in the bowl and say “put it in place.” As soon as the husky enters the enclosure, praise him and give him a treat.

You need to repeat the exercises several times a day, gradually reducing the number of treats.

Selecting a location

Some people think that by evicting a pet from their home, they will offend it. Huskies are active, inquisitive animals, happy to settle in their own territory. They will readily exchange a small, cramped corner in a room for a spacious enclosure. In order for your pet to live comfortably on the street, you need to think through all stages of construction in advance. When choosing a site, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • it is desirable that it be on a hill and not flooded during the rainy season;
  • there should be no structures nearby that interfere with breathing - stables, pigsties, garbage dumps, roads;
  • there should be a distance to the habitat of other domestic animals;
  • In order for a pet to perform security duties, the entrance to the house, the door, and the largest possible part of the yard must be in its field of vision.

It is advisable to build an aviary under a large tree. In the hot season, it will create shade, making life easier for the dog. The tree will provide protection from dust; it is better to choose non-fruit ones. When ripe berries fall onto your pet's territory, it creates problems.

How to care for a booth and enclosure

The premises where animals will be kept must be cleaned daily. It is important that the water is always clean and the toilet filler is replaced. It is recommended to place a separate box for dog toys and accessories.

Once a week you need to clean the structure and check for mold. In the spring, tick repellent is sprayed into the enclosure.

Important! When cleaning, you should always check the screws. If they get out, the dog may cut his paws.

Requirements and conditions

To maintain the health of your husky, you must follow several rules.:

  • clean the enclosure of excrement, dust and food debris daily;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the premises and equipment once a week;
  • carry out disinfection monthly;
  • place the feeder at a height of 30 cm from the floor;
  • In winter, insulate the enclosure.

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Keeping your pet's house clean will help prevent the development of infectious diseases in your dog..

How much does a finished structure cost?

You can either build an enclosure for a husky dog ​​yourself or purchase one ready-made according to the required dimensions. The latter can be purchased depending on the size from 75 thousand rubles.* Manufacturers offer designs both rectangular and in the form of houses. Self-construction will be cheaper, but it requires certain skills, ability and time.

Finished design

Foundation for an aviary

Whether or not to lay the foundation for such a building is your choice. Since a large structure is being erected using concrete, metal elements and wood, significant reinforcement of the base is required. It is necessary that the enclosure is not located on the ground, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate and sag under the influence of groundwater and seasonal soil fluctuations.

It is better to lay a unified foundation for a husky enclosure. Its basis is made up of two concrete pillars, which are located parallel to each other. You can use a strip foundation, the filling of which is also not particularly difficult. There is no point in constructing deep trenches, costly dredging and bandaging. You can pour the base onto a gravel cushion and raise it 15 cm above ground level. We advise you to carry out waterproofing work so that the metal parts of the enclosure do not rust and the wooden elements do not rot.

Pros and cons of an enclosure and kennel for a husky

An enclosure with a booth has its pros and cons. The positive aspects include:

  • the dog is kept in its natural environment, thanks to this the immunity improves, the pet can realize its activity, its fur becomes thicker;
  • the owner needs less time to walk the animal.

But while in an enclosure, the dog often experiences a lack of communication. Therefore, you need to try to devote as much time as possible to your pet.

Keeping a husky in an enclosure is the best option for owners of this breed. Drawing up a competent project will allow the owner to save money and build the structure himself, taking into account his wishes.

*Prices are as of November 2022.

Additional features in the booth

In addition to the provided feeding area and additional room, the kennel can be equipped with a hook or ring.

Such an item will be indispensable, if necessary, to keep the dog away from strangers, without tying the animal.

You can install a special wool grater on one of the outer surfaces of the home, on which the dog can scratch its sides and face.

Its dimensions should be no more than 30-40 cm in length and width. You should not sheathe the booth with metal - this can cause injuries .

It is better if the roof does not have a strong slope, and you provide an additional fenced area for the dog there.

When taking care of your pet, it is better to give preference to fences in the area where there will be a booth for the animal.

This will protect others and allow you to play active games with your faithful friend without creating discomfort for your neighbors.

Tools and materials

Penoplex is used to insulate the kennel.
Before making a kennel for a dog, in addition to 5-6 pallets, you also need construction tools. The indicated number of pallets is suitable for the construction of a kennel for a medium or large individual.

Equipment for making an aviary:

  • electric jigsaw with an attachment for cutting wood;
  • circular;
  • a grinder with a set of sandpapers of different grain sizes;
  • electric drill with brush attachment;
  • screwdriver and set of screwdrivers;
  • carpenter's square, tape measure;
  • clamps, clamps and self-tapping screws.

Foam plastic, expanded polystyrene and film vapor barrier are suitable for insulation. The roof can be made single or gable. As a covering, use corrugated sheets or bitumen shingles.

How to choose pallets

It is better to purchase new pallets.
The main condition for making a booth from pallets with your own hands is to take material that has not been used or has minor damage. It is recommended to choose products with a service life of less than 2 years. Give preference to clean wood without traces of paintwork, grease or putty. Before use, burn the pallets and sand them with coarse sandpaper.

Do not use pallets that have transported fertilizers, poisons or chemicals. Such products can provoke an allergic reaction in the dog. It is better to purchase materials from food products.

Selection of insulation

Expanded polystyrene for insulation is safe from the point of view of animal health. It is not recommended to use mineral wool, as there is a risk of damage to the walls and particles getting inside the enclosure. This can cause allergic rashes on the animal's skin. Nevertheless, mineral wool has undeniable advantages - high-quality thermal insulation and a high level of air exchange.

If electric heating is installed in the kennel, the animal, upon leaving it, will be subject to a sharp change in temperature. This causes frequent colds, unseasonal shedding and hair loss due to dry air.

When using mineral wool as insulation, carefully seal the walls in the structure.

Husky puppy care

A husky puppy is like a small child, so you need to remove glass objects, equipment, fragile dishes, and detergents from their reach. Isolate your dog from sharp objects and noise. It is recommended to remove lint, carpets (dogs love to scratch them) and wires (a desirable treat for any pet, not just huskies).

The puppy requires regular exercise and walks. Comfortable conditions for a dog are from +20 to – 20 degrees. However, the most important thing in caring for husky puppies is games, especially educational ones, so that the pet gets used to the dominance of the owner. In winter, after reaching 9 months, you can arrange trips in a harness or in a sleigh (this is, after all, a sled dog), and in the summer any games with a ball. Also, caring for a puppy involves a special distribution of diet. You can use dry food with a high meat content (from 60%). Natural feeding is not prohibited:

  • meat;
  • buckwheat or rice;
  • cottage cheese;
  • quail eggs;
  • kefir.

Features of building a booth with a gable roof

Shepherd doghouse dimensions: how to build, drawings

To solve a decorative issue or build a small booth, a gable roof is quite suitable. Making such a doghouse with your own hands is similar to the previous option. However, when making a frame, connect two bars (4x4) at an angle to each other. This is the rafters. It needs to be secured to the main frame of the kennel. At the other end, fix the second rafter leg.

Place two timbers on the lower points of the rafters. To insulate the roof, make a sheathing under the rafters, lay insulation and polyethylene inside for insulation. Screw the sheathing under the outer roof of the roof.

The need for an aviary

Before building an enclosure, you should decide why the dog needs it. Many owners want to always keep their pet close, monitor it and care for it. However, there are a number of reasons why creating an enclosure for a husky is a necessary condition:

  • If the dog is small, keeping it at home will not bring much trouble. However, when a pet grows to 60 cm at the withers, it becomes difficult to care for it.
  • The pet feels discomfort in the apartment. Another disadvantage of keeping huskies this way is that they quickly damage pieces of furniture. Not every owner can monitor this around the clock.
  • Sometimes it becomes necessary to isolate the Husky for a while. Usually this is the arrival of guests or renovation activities.
  • In the spacious building there is no need to put the dog on a chain, so he feels complete freedom of action.

The construction of an enclosure for a husky will have a positive effect on the dog’s condition. There are two options for arranging such a structure in your yard. The first option involves purchasing a ready-made enclosure from a specialized company. This solution is the simplest and most affordable. Another option is to create an enclosure with a booth placed in it yourself. In this case, you will have to read the detailed instructions.

Pallet enclosure project

To create a project for a booth made from pallets, you can use one of two drawing options. In the first case, you will need to disassemble the structure into slats and beams. The frame of the enclosure is constructed from the obtained elements. Then the walls are sheathed with plywood or boards.

In the second case, the pallets are used in their entire condition. This product turns out to be warm and good quality. The pallets are covered with foam plastic and sewn with OSB. To build walls, you can take the entire pallet or just the frames.

The approximate cost of materials for building a booth is 1200-1700 rubles.

How to calculate materials

When building an enclosure from pallets according to a panel scheme, one piece and five meters of timber with a cross-section of 4x4 cm are enough for the frame. 2 sheets of plywood or OSB 2 m long are selected as cladding.

Frame construction of a kennel requires the following amount of materials:

  • pallets – 3-4 pcs.;
  • timber with a section of 40x40 mm - 2.5 m;
  • PVC film – 5 m2;
  • rail with a cross section of 20x30 mm - 7 m.

The last point is necessary for sealing gaps and fixing thermal insulation. Additionally, you will need to select a roofing covering, natural insulation, corrugated sheeting (1 sheet) and carpentry equipment. The tools you will need are 25-75 mm wood screws and a hacksaw.


Is it possible to wash a Husky? Of course you can. But it is recommended to do this only in cases of extreme necessity.

Attention! The natural protective cover of the animal's fur is able to cope with all contaminants on its own. Therefore, you should not frequently engage your pet in bath procedures.

In total, you should bathe your husky no more than twice a year. And the rest of the time, limit yourself to just wiping your paws.

The procedure of bathing a dog may not seem easy to you. Since this breed has a fairly thick and substantial undercoat, the first problem you will encounter is getting it thoroughly wet. And since the dog is active, do not expect it to stand calmly in the bathtub - you will need the help of a second person to soap it from withers to tail, and then also thoroughly rinse the hair from shampoo . Therefore, if you decide to bathe your dog, be patient and enlist the help of another family member.

How to trim your pet's nails?

This procedure is unpleasant for both the dog and the owner. The main thing is to accustom the dog to this as early as possible, because he will have to lie still and endure. Carefully expose the keratinized part of the claw to the light and carefully trim it with special scissors. Try to be extremely careful not to damage the living part of the claw or the vessel.

Should you groom your husky?

Definitely no! After cutting, you can disrupt the process of thermoregulation, since the dog has a double undercoat. And the wool itself will subsequently become stiff and begin to form tangles. It is especially forbidden to shave your Husky's head; you can seriously damage his skin. Dogs that are too fluffy just need to be combed thoroughly, and the problem of excessive fur will go away on its own.
Huskies shed only twice a year; they shed profusely. Typically, these dogs change their coat when the season changes - from warm to cold and vice versa. Therefore, if your dog begins to shed in winter, do not be alarmed, she is preparing for the arrival of spring and summer, help her shed excess hair and comb it every day.

Combing is the main care of the coat. This breed is unpretentious, and during the non-shedding period, it is enough to brush it once every three to four days. For this procedure, it is best to use wooden brushes with metal teeth, since plastic simply will not take such wool.

Warm for the winter

You understand that if a dog’s house is located on the street, it needs to be made warm! How to insulate a booth? To build a winter insulated kennel, in addition to other materials, you need to prepare insulation. The cheapest is polystyrene foam.

How to make a warm kennel (with drawings):

  1. Kennel base. Cut the 5x5 cm bars into 2 pieces of 700 mm and two of 900, resulting in a booth 900x700 mm.
  2. Niche for heat insulator. You will need 4 bars - 2 x 900 mm and 2 x 600 mm using self-tapping screws to secure them to the base.
  3. Insulation. Cut the insulation to size and place it between the blocks.
  4. Floor arrangements. Cut boards 900 mm long and place them on the frame from the outside of the kennel.

Frame for floor with insulation

Floor insulation
Side walls. We arrange the side walls. To do this, take boards 650 mm long and bars 400 mm long, assemble a frame to which you can screw the boards. Install the walls and screw them to the floor at the corners.

Front and back walls. We construct a hole in the front wall using bars and screw it to the frame. We install the back wall last. Fasten the walls with self-tapping screws. Install insulation, cut to the size of the walls. We cover the insulated walls with boards or plywood.

Insulation of walls with polystyrene foam. Roofing of the booth. Screw plywood to the walls and sew bars on it. Lay insulation. Sew up the roof insulation with boards. Lay roofing material.

The construction is complete, all that remains is to install the insulated structure in place.

Photo of a booth insulated according to all the rules:

Health and treatment

Huskies are prone to the following diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • spastic colitis;
  • glaucoma, cataracts, retinal atrophy;
  • mouth granuloma.

If a baby is born from healthy parents and receives good care and balanced feeding, the likelihood of problems occurring is extremely low.

When a dog becomes less active, sleeps poorly, loses appetite, whines for no reason, and rushes around the apartment, it is immediately sent to the veterinarian.

Without special knowledge, the owner will not be able to provide the pet with full medical care - only a doctor should be involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

If you provide optimal care and maintenance, your husky will live a long and happy life. In an apartment, daily active walking is especially important for your pet.

Construction of walls

For the summer option, a design based on a frame made of metal and mesh is considered optimal. Since the enclosure is being built for a large dog, it must be really strong, and the use of mesh will not work in this case.

First of all, the main perimeter is installed, consisting of a profile pipe. It is located in the corners of the structure. It is attached to the channel by welding or bolts. Then, along the angular load-bearing sides, the skeleton is stretched - a metal frame under the structure. Don't forget that the enclosure should have doors, a large window and an open part for the summer period. Therefore, when planning your structure, carefully consider all these elements.

A metal rod is stretched along the entire perimeter with a horizontal step of 10 cm. For example, reinforcement is used. It will serve as a reinforcement of the structure, allow partial removal of the skin during hot periods, and will not allow the dog to go beyond its boundaries.

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