Parson Russell Terrier and Jack Russell Terrier: comparison

Parson Russell and Jack Russell are related breeds of dogs from the terrier group. Representatives of both species are similar in temperament. Animals are united by a common purpose - burrow hunting. However, the Parson Russell Terrier and the Jack Russell Terrier are different from each other. Representatives of the two species have different sizes. The silhouette of both animals is different. There is also a difference in price.


The appearance of unusual dogs in the 19th century is associated with the name of the priest Jack Russell. This pastor was fond of hunting. Having set the goal of breeding animals with high speed, courage, and agility, he began to crossbreed terriers.

As a result, individuals appeared with compact sizes and the ability to easily penetrate holes when hunting foxes and badgers. They gained popularity after the end of World War II. This was the reason for the recognition of the breed in 2001.

Difference in hunting qualities

Initially, both types of pets were used equally for burrow hunting. At the same time, the Parson Terrier, due to its developed legs, coped much more effectively with the corral of foxes and badgers than its younger relative. But later, thanks to its smaller body size, the later bred brother could quickly drive foxes, rats and badgers out of their holes.

Unlike the Jack Russell, the second species is hardier and faster, which allows the animal to be used more often for hunting.

The first one is mainly taken as a companion. Such animals are usually bred on farms. There they successfully cope with the task of baiting rats. This type of pet is considered the best rodent fighter. In terms of such abilities, he is noticeably inferior to his older relative.


The ICF standard No. 339, adopted in its first version at the end of the 20th century, reflects the characteristics characteristic of hunting dogs.

HeadIt is distinguished by a wedge-shaped shape with a wide skull tapering towards the eye sockets. Characterized by a shallow transition from the frontal part to the muzzle, a black nose, and cheeks that do not stand out noticeably
Jaws: Due to their pronounced muscularity and scissor bite, they provide a strong grip on preyDue to pronounced muscularity and a scissor bite, they provide a strong grip on prey
EyesPainted in dark shades
EarsThey have a triangular shape, proportional in size to the head. The edge hangs forward, reaching the outer corner of the eyes
FrameThe neck widens towards the shoulders and is muscular. The back is flexible, straight, dense with a slightly convex strong loin
TailSet on moderately high, strong. When the dog moves, it rises. It is allowed to be docked
LimbsLocated quite close to the body, muscular

Judging by the description of the breed, Parsons differ only in the structure of their coat, which can be hard or smooth. It adheres to the skin, protecting against external adverse conditions. Both species have a thick undercoat.

This is interesting: Advantages and disadvantages of smooth-haired dogs

The predominant color is white. It can be plain or have lemon, red, and black markings. They are located at the base of the tail, as well as on the head.

Possible diseases

There are a number of genetic diseases that this breed can be susceptible to, as well as some diseases that can be triggered by various injuries.

  • “Collie eyes” - the structure of the tissues in the eyes changes.
  • Hip dysplasia is a disorder of the hip joint. It is impossible to predict the manifestation of this disease; it is most often diagnosed in puppies from 10 months to a year, but the disease can manifest itself at absolutely any age.
  • Ataxia is a lack of coordination of movements. This disease can be transmitted genetically, or can be acquired due to a head injury or tumor. It is also caused by various infectious diseases and, sometimes, internal otitis media. This disease has no cure.
  • Legg-Perthes disease is a neurosis of the head of the femur that leads to complete lameness of the dog in one of the limbs and almost complete loss of muscle mass. Dogs are susceptible to this disease from approximately five years of age. If the animal begins to limp on some limb, then it should be shown to a specialist and there is no point in delaying it.
  • Glaucoma is an increase in intraocular pressure, most often affecting older dogs.
  • Deafness is another disease that affects older dogs.

Character and appearance

The Parson Russell Terrier attracts attention with its cheerfulness and willingness to make contact.

The animal's mobility is due to natural hunting skills, as well as fighting qualities. The dog will be an excellent friend for a sporty, dynamic person, since such an animal is not able to stay indoors for a long time and does not tolerate loneliness well.

Parson willingly plays with children. Gets along with other animals. The following are noted in the character of representatives of this breed:

  • courage;
  • endurance;
  • energy.

In indoor conditions, the pet is unable to realize its hunting potential, therefore, if there is a lack of movement during walks, it can act as the instigator of dog fights and will even try to attack relatives living nearby.

With proper upbringing, the dog shows kindness and sociability. The Parson Terrier is valued as a companion. He loves spending time together and strives to be close to people.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Considering that these active dogs cannot sit for a long time without playing and moving, they are not recommended for homebodies and the elderly.

Analyzing the appearance, one can note the harmonious composition. Height varies from 30 to 35 cm. A narrow body with a slightly elongated neck meets the main goals for which the breed was bred. With such parameters, the dog easily penetrates holes.

Who is better to choose?

Both species are similar in many characteristics. They are the same in behavior. It is recommended to have pets for families with children. Such dogs are not suitable companions for the elderly.

It is important to consider the following nuances when choosing:

  • dogs of both types love attention and demand it from their owners;
  • the animals are energetic and active, they are suitable only for active people;
  • pets are good watchdogs and hunters;

When choosing an animal, it is worth considering that puppies and adult Jacks are somewhat more expensive. Parson has a more pronounced hunting instinct. The dog is a little more aggressive. It also has advantages in terms of speed and life expectancy.

Both breeds are related. One is a derivative of the other, which gives them similar character traits and characteristics. At the same time, the parson differs from its related species in height, body shape, and size of the limbs. Representatives of the first breed live a little longer, but are valued lower when sold.

What is the difference between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Jack Parson Terrier?

Standards, following the recognition of the FCI, were developed for the two breeds separately. Without experience, it is difficult to distinguish them, since there are many similarities.

Until 2001, they were considered representatives of one type of dog. Now Jack Russell Terriers, the description of which corresponds to standard No. 345, are recognized as a separate breed. These are shorter animals with a height not exceeding 30 cm. This parameter is considered a priority feature that should be paid attention to. Read the article for more information about the breed.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed also differs from its related breed in that it has a more elongated body and relatively short limbs. Otherwise, no other significant individual characteristics are observed. The color is white, plain or with black and red spots. Temperament and behavior are similar.

Differences in appearance

Jack Russell and his “relative” differ in height at the withers, size of limbs and silhouette. Also, representatives of both types of pets have different nose shapes.

Criterion for distinguishing breedsParsonJack
Height35.5 cm for males, 33 for femalesFrom 25 to 30 cm in individuals of both sexes
Body ShapeThe silhouette of animals is close to a squareThe body of dogs is elongated and resembles a rectangle.
Limb sizesLegs are long and slenderLimbs are short
Nose shapeSquareMore like a triangle

Parson, unlike his brother, looks larger. The weight of individual individuals reaches 8 kg. On average, representatives of the breed weigh 6-7 kg.

Jack is smaller in size. But his body is stocky. The weight of individuals does not exceed 6 kg. Often such animals weigh 5 kg. Their head is much wider than that of its related representative.


When purchasing a parson, you should immediately decide whether the animal will be used for reproduction. If this is not planned, then it is recommended to castrate the dog and sterilize the female. Such measures will allow them to maintain a balanced character.

When deciding to start breeding on your own, take into account that reproductive maturation of Parsons occurs at 1 year. It is advisable to carry out the first mating at the age of two during the period of estrus, which lasts on average 2 weeks.

A female can bear up to 8 puppies, but the birth of 4 to 6 babies is considered normal. Pregnancy lasts 56-72 days. After a month, the belly is already enlarging, the mammary glands are noticeably swollen.

A secluded place with soft bedding is prepared for whelping. Be sure to notify the veterinarian, who can quickly provide assistance if complications arise.


Both varieties can boast of good health; they live on average about 12 years. However, their immune system has its own shortcomings, expressed in a predisposition to certain genetic diseases:

  • Cataract;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Enteritis;
  • Leptospirosis.

They appear quite rarely, but are serious diseases. Under no circumstances should you try to cure them yourself. The sooner you contact a specialist, the easier and cheaper the treatment will be. To avoid these diseases in your pet, when purchasing a puppy, be sure to read the medical record of its parents. Healthy parents are more likely to have healthy children.

Care and maintenance

The most suitable conditions for Parson can be created in a country house with a spacious enclosure fenced off for the warm season. In winter, the dog is moved indoors.

These animals cannot be chained.

They adapt well to an apartment if they are provided with daily two-hour walks with active exercises and games. And even while in the room, dogs show their curiosity, as well as their need for attention and constant movement. They are sad alone. Out of boredom, they can scatter and chew things and furniture. This should definitely be taken into account.

Taking care of pets is easy. You need to brush their teeth and comb their fur once a week. It is advisable to regularly remove dirt from the ears, wipe the eyes, and trim the nails. It is recommended to bathe your dog not often, but as needed.

Features of keeping both breeds

The care requirements for these species are the same. Animals are unpretentious. They do not need regular brushing. Russell Terriers should be fed twice a day.

Animals love attention equally. They need frequent walks in the fresh air. Parson, unlike the Jack Russell, is more mobile. If the animal is not allowed to splash out its energy, it may break or chew something in the apartment. The younger brother is a little more balanced in this regard.


Parson, accustomed to ready-made food, receives the necessary elements in full. This diet is convenient for owners.

Giving preference to the natural variety, it is advisable to create a menu for the whole week. This will allow your pet to receive the nutrients it needs for its body.

The diet is based on lean meat, which should be at least 40%. Porridges include rice and buckwheat. Fish is offered once a week, with preference given to fillets of marine varieties. By-products are also beneficial.

The dog is also fed boiled and raw vegetables:

  • pumpkin, zucchini, beets, carrots;
  • chopped herbs (excluding sorrel, berries, fruits).

Every three days the menu is diversified with fermented milk foods and eggs. Vitamin supplements are prescribed by a veterinarian.

List of suitable nicknames

When choosing names for dogs that are dexterous, smart and have an attractive appearance, owners are guided by different motives. The impetus can be the behavior of the animal, its playful nature, or even the owner’s commitment to a certain literary genre.

In any case, the nickname should not be long. Preference is given to easily pronounced sonorous words.

Options for boys:

  • Arnie, Barney, Bruno, Jack, Willie, Vinci;
  • Gail, Devin, Jacqui, Cliff, Leon, Marty, Miguel;
  • Neil, Nick, Olive, Austin, Rex, Rich, Ronnie;
  • Toby, Fidel, Charlie, Edwin, Ernie, Standard.

Examples for girls:

  • Aidi, Alma, Bessie, Dana, Daisy, Jessie, Jeta;
  • Jasmine, Julia, Cameo, Casey, Katie;
  • Lara, Lisa, Lolita, Lulu, Malva, Molly, Mary;
  • Notka, Nicole, Olivia, Sally, Selena, Snezhka, Sofia;
  • Flo, Fortuna, Eureka, Justi.

Rules for choosing puppies

The decision to purchase a Parson should be balanced and thoughtful. You need to take into account the mobility of this amazing dog, with whom you will need to walk a lot, play, and perform various exercises with it.

It is advisable to contact a specialized nursery or an experienced, reputable breeder. Be sure to check documents reflecting pedigree and vaccination. They independently inspect the offered puppies. They should not be younger than two months.

You also need to pay attention to the mobility and activity of the kids. The mucous membranes should be clean, the eyes should be clear, the nose should be cool, and the coat should be shiny.

Raising a puppy: where to start

First of all, the puppy is taught a name so that the pet responds to its nickname. Then he will master all the other commands. During play and training, you need to use dog toys: balls, sticks, rings, etc.

Important! It is necessary to treat the dog immediately for a correctly executed command, so that it understands that this is a reward for work. Don't let your puppy suddenly grab the treat.

How to get used to a diaper

A small puppy is accustomed to a diaper. Very often, puppies relieve themselves on carpets and soft surfaces, so it is advisable to remove these objects. Then you need to choose a place for the tray and lay the diaper there. Diapers for dogs are disposable and reusable. The latter must be washed by hand with soap after each use.

When the puppy remembers this place and goes there, after a while you can put a tray there and lay a diaper in it. The owner must take the dog to the litter box immediately after it wakes up or eats. After the pet has gone to the toilet in the right place, the owner must praise him and treat him with a treat.

If the puppy relieves itself in the wrong place, then the puddle needs to be blotted with a diaper and the floor washed with a special agent that neutralizes the odor. Under no circumstances should a dog be hit or poke its nose into a puddle. It is necessary to clean up after the puppy immediately so that the tray always remains clean. But you shouldn’t wash it with strong detergents, otherwise the smell will disappear. Simply rinse the tray with water.

For your information! If the puppy begins to whine and fuss, then you need to take him to the litter box.

The dog should have his own toys

Tray training

Some owners strive to train their Jack Russell Terrier to use a litter tray or toilet. It is advisable to line the tray with a diaper, but many dog ​​breeders use cat litter. An annoying embarrassment can happen anywhere, especially if the puppy has not yet reached the age of 12 months. It is advisable not to change the location for the tray.

A small puppy may pee with joy when its owner returns home. Meetings should be less emotional. When entering an apartment, do not immediately pet the dog

On the contrary, you can turn your back to her, take off your outer clothing, wash your hands, and then turn your attention to the puppy

First, you can train your pet to wear a diaper.

Getting used to walking

The Jack Russell Terrier needs walks, so diaper or litter box training is a temporary measure. When the pet learns to beg, it needs to be taken outside. You will need 6–8 short walks. The puppy is taken outside to the toilet for 5-10 minutes. The baby is taken out into the yard in the morning after waking up, and also after each feeding. As the pet grows, the number of walks is reduced to 2-3, and their duration is increased to 1 hour.

If an adult dog, accustomed to walking, begins to relieve itself at home, this indicates a possible illness. You cannot scold or punish your pet for this. It is necessary to visit a veterinarian.

Important! You can walk your puppy only after deworming and vaccination.

Leash and collar training

To walk your dog outside, you need to accustom it to a collar and leash as early as possible. They accustom themselves to a collar in several stages:

Sit next to the puppy and show him the collar so that he understands that this item is not dangerous. After the baby sniffs the collar and takes a closer look at it, you need to treat your pet with a treat. Then calmly put the collar on the puppy and immediately give the treat again. If the pet is afraid, he is again shown the ammunition so that he loses interest in it and begins to treat it more calmly. You can pet him with your hand and hold the collar in the other. The collar is easily removed. The puppy is treated again. Gradually, the puppy should remain in the collar for as long as possible

When he stops paying attention to the equipment and forgets that he is wearing anything, you can take your pet for a walk. During a walk, the owner will have to hold the puppy by the collar. To prevent the dog from getting scared, you need to touch the equipment you are wearing every time and immediately give the dog a treat. It is advisable to walk your Jack Russell Terrier on a long tape measure.

She will not interfere with his running and will not hurt the owner’s hands

It is advisable to walk your Jack Russell Terrier on a long tape measure. She will not interfere with his running and will not hurt the owner’s hands.

Note! A small puppy should not be let off the leash while walking. This can only be done after he learns the “come to me” command. But it’s best not to let even an adult dog off the leash.

But it is best not to let even an adult dog off the leash.

Jack Russell Terrier needs long walks


The opinion of the owners of such dogs is of interest.

Oleg, Vladimir: “A year ago I adopted a wire-haired Parson Russell. I'm just delighted with it. We run with him in the mornings and also walk in the evenings. I noticed that my shortness of breath disappeared and my muscles became stronger.”

Anna, Gryazovets: “The children were the initiators of purchasing the puppy. It took us a long time to choose a breed. We settled on parson and did not regret it. This dog is a great friend and ally. Plays with children, accompanies adults. At home requires attention. Capable of making a mess alone.”

Oksana, Astrakhan: “My pet recently turned 5 months old. I can say that with his appearance we became noisy and incredibly fun. Our little parson takes part in all children's activities and loves to run, so walks are dynamic. He is raised by his husband. We have already mastered the basic commands, since the pet is smart, although it can be cunning if it is too lazy to repeat the exercises.”

Command training

To teach your puppy the command “Place!”, take him to his bed with this word. If he tries to leave without permission, restrain him by repeating the command. Team "Ugh!" – with this word, stop unacceptable behavior, for example, take something from the mouth. Use a tug on the leash while walking.

"To me!" – entice your pet with a treat. This command is also repeated before feeding. "Sit!" – say the command, raising the treat above the dog’s head so that it can only see it while sitting. "Lie!" – the treat is lowered down in front of the sitting dog. "Near!" – use a leash to hold the dog next to you. At first he should simply stand on the left hand of the owner, then he is taught to walk without running ahead or falling behind.

Related article: How to choose and name an Akita Inu puppy

Photo and video review

A variety of video materials allow you to clearly analyze the basic techniques used in training the Parson Russell Terrier. The external attractiveness is demonstrated by the photos presented in the review.

Interest in compact hunting dogs is manifested not only because of its natural skills, but also because of its convenient keeping. More and more often they are acquired as a friend, ally, or companion. The friendly Parson fully meets these requirements.


Russells are trained depending on the purpose for which they purchased the dog. A hunting dog is raised by one set of rules, a companion by another. Hunting skills are best developed by specialists in canine organizations. This is a rather difficult process that develops in the dog courage, perseverance, and the ability to make decisions. A domestic Russell is a completely different matter. They are quite obedient, but it is forbidden to tease the dog, and you cannot use methods such as beating and screaming in training. It is best to use the incentive method.

For more information about the characteristics of this breed, see the following video.

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